单词 | hospitable |
释义 |
hospitable 显示所有例句 例句释义: 好客的,热情友好的,殷勤的,适宜的,热情好客的,宜人的,不好客的 1. It would be nice to realign society to be a more hospitable environment, but meanwhile, you can start today to claim your autonomy. 重构一个更加友好的社会是件很美好的事情,但是与此同时,你可以从今天开始宣告“自治”。 page.renren.com 2. Ian: Probably something with a focus on hospitality management. You seem like a. . . hospitable person. What was your GMAT score? 伊恩:大概是着重在接待管理的课程吧。你似乎是个……挺好客的人。你的GMAT考几分呢? www.zjycpx.com 3. Iranian people are hospitable to the core. When in a tea shop or taxi, we ask how much we have to pay. 伊朗人好客真是到了家,在茶馆里或乘的士,每当我们问价钱的时候,回答总是“不必了”,让我们摸不着头脑。 www.bing.com 4. Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages). 俄罗斯人热情好客,所以如果你来做客,准备好饮用红茶,吃肥腻的食物(比如腊肠)吧。 www.bing.com 5. Secretary of State Dean Acheson told him to take his Quaker views to a more hospitable setting than he could possibly find in Washington. 国务卿艾奇逊曾告诉凯南把他自己那套贵格会的观点收起来,去华府里没准可以找到的一个更为宽容的环境中去工作。 kk.dongxi.net 6. At the dinner party, the hospitable hostess walked around and asked each of her guests if he was eating and drinking to his heart's content. 在晚宴上,好客的女主人走到客人中间询问每一位客人是否吃得尽兴,喝得尽致。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Mr and Mrs Musgrove were a very good sort of people; friendly and hospitable, not much educated, and not at all elegant. 默斯格罗夫夫妇是一对大好人,殷勤好客,没受过多少教育,丝毫也不高雅。 novel.tingroom.com 8. He took a taxi to his hotel, where he was greeted by his hospitable Indian host. 他抵达迪尔黑机场,就搭出租车到宾馆。好客的印度主人在那里迎接他。 www.kekenet.com 9. "Beautiful! " "Enthusiastic! " "Hospitable! " the children strived to answer. “很好客!”孩子们争先恐后地回答道。 blog.163.com 10. The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. 第二天晚上,他俩来到一家非常穷的人家休息,但是这个农民和他的妻子都很好客。 www.bing.com 1. However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. 然而,幸福也可以是一个和谐平静的家庭,或是一个体贴热情的朋友,或者只是一个微笑、一个手势、一个暗示。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It turns out that the creatures of prehistory, like the tourists of today, found certain parts of Thailand very hospitable. 事实上,这种史前生物,和现在的旅游者一样,发现泰国某些地方非常宜人。 dongxi.net 3. The gentleman who said these words in a clear , bright , hospitable voice, had one of his arms round Ada's waist, and the other round mine . 那位绅士说这些话的时候,声调清晰,爽朗而热情,他一只胳膊勾着婀达的腰,另一只勾着我的腰。 www.bing.com 4. One of these super-Earths orbits inside the habitable zone - the region around a star where conditions could be hospitable to life. 这些超级地球之一在可居住区内的轨道上运行,可居住区是指一个星体周围有利于生命生存的区域。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Governor Rick Scott has been a supporter of business relations with China, but other local politicians have not been as hospitable. 瑞克.斯科特州长一直是与中国加强贸易往来支持者。可其他的当地政客就不那么友善了。 www.bing.com 6. Despite this, I've heard quite a few foreigners remark at the optimistic, hospitable, friendly disposition of the Taiwan people. 虽然如此,我还是听到许多外国人提到台湾人的乐天、好客与善良。 www.showxiu.com 7. Hospitable Shandong welcomes you and hospitable Weifang waits for you! Welcome to Weifang for tourism sightseeing. 好客山东欢迎您,好客潍坊等待您!热忱欢迎来潍坊旅游观光。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. His Very clothes seem to partake of his hospitable nature. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。 dict.ebigear.com 9. HE WAS the Jay Gatsby of Bangkok: rich, charming, glamorous and endlessly hospitable , but with something mysterious in his background. 他曾是曼谷的杰伊?盖茨比:腰缠万贯、魅力四射、热情无限,但身世总有一些神秘。 www.kekenet.com 10. Their bright smiles and hospitable services are the best name card for a real China. 他们的灿烂笑容和热情服务,成为解读中国的真正名牌。 www.hxen.com 1. Apollo, god of the sun and the idea of the light, send your rays and light this holy torch for the hospitable city of Beijing. 阿波罗,太阳之王、光之化身,让你的万丈光芒点燃这神圣的火炬,为了盛情的北京之城。 eblog.cersp.com 2. Active and hospitable, she worked in the U. S. A. and now acts as park manager and planner in her country. 热情活泼,曾在美国工作,现在担任公园管理和策划等工作。 www.zftrans.com 3. Never the most hospitable of places, Karakalpakstan was then turned into a vast arena of destruction by the Aral Sea disaster. 卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦从来不是一个宜居的地方,由于咸海的生态灾难,这里变成了一个遭受到毁灭性破坏的辽阔区域。 www.bing.com 4. The ferries dock is near the TV station. Some hospitable fish jumped up out of the water to greet us~~haha~ oh ha yo! ! ! 电视台的附近是渡船码头。一些好客的鱼儿们跃出水面向我们打招呼~~哈哈~你好!!! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Carl, people are supposed to be friendly and hospitable at Christmas, even if they hate each other for the rest of the year. 卡尔,人们在圣诞节的时候应该对人友好、好客,即使在平时怨恨对方。 dict.ebigear.com 6. And the newfound world is among the few known that might be hospitable to life. 这个新发现的行星,是几个已知、可能有生命存的行星之一。 www.bing.com 7. One possible scenario is a hospitable planet that receives light from both a red dwarf and a more distant Sun-like star. 另一可能的假设是如果一个星球上的光主要来自于一颗红矮星和一个类似太阳星球的组合。 www.gelievable.com 8. From the description of these peasants, it may be seen that they are hospitable, cultivated and generous. 从这些描述中可以看出,这些农民都很好客、有修养,而且还很慷慨。 www.hotdic.com 9. First and citizenship, I am for them a hospitable - a stranger - to see - trust the Chinese and German constitution is possible. 第一,公民,我为他们是一个热情好客的-一个陌生人-看-信任中国和德国的宪法是可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Hospitable, thoughtful, convenient, fase" are the service purposes of the hotel welcome your presence wholeheartedly! 饭店以“热情、周到、方便、快捷”为服务宗旨,竭诚欢迎您的光临! user.99114.com 1. The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital. 戴帽的无能男子走进热忱好客的首都病院。 acutenightlife.com 2. Britons think France is the least hospitable country in which to go on holiday, according to a new online survey of 1, 412 Britons. 一项共有1412名英国人参与的在线调查显示,在英国人看来,法国是最不好客的度假目的地。 www.bing.com 3. The husband was not hospitable to the visitor, nor did his wife say a word of welcome. 丈夫对访客不是很友好,而他妻子也没说句欢迎的话。 wljy.axhu.cn 4. Like literature , art, like the cartoon , caricature , like the honest and hospitable person too. 喜欢文学、艺术,喜欢卡通、漫画,也喜欢诚实热情的人。 chinesefriendfinders.com 5. The resources here are very fortunate to be here to optimize the investment environment, hospitable people here. 这里的资源得天独厚,这里的投资环境不断优化,这里的人民热情好客。 www.elycn.com 6. Some places, such as Spain, that looked quite uninviting to such investors just a few years ago are now rather hospitable. 仅仅在几年前,诸如西班牙的一些地方对这些投资者还颇为抵触,而现如今却表现的相当热情。 www.ecocn.org 7. Access to the park by tourists improved in the early years of the park, and conditions in the Valley were made more hospitable. 在公园初期游客进入公园增加了,山谷的环境变得更加友好。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. And yet they are the happiest and most hospitable people I've ever known. 然而,他们是我所见到的最幸福、最好客的人。 bbs.qiuyang.com 9. It does not take much to be a hospitable host. 做一个好客的主人不需要很高的条件。 www.tingroom.com 10. He had been coasting along all too hospitable shores for five years when he turned up as James Gatz's destiny at Little Girls Point. 他沿着有着过分殷勤好客的居民的海岸航行了五年之后,就在这天驶人小姑娘湾,成为杰姆斯-盖兹命运的主宰。 www.jukuu.com 1. During forum, hospitable host is the scholar that comes from Japan and us the speaker of these home arranged Shanghai elite to swim. 论坛期间,好客的主人为来自日本的学者以及我们这些国内的讲演者安排了一次上海精华游。一路下来,来自日本的客人有些目瞪口呆。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. lady clavering likes to be asked for lunch , and is uncommonly kind , and monstrous hospitable. 克拉弗林夫人欢迎人家要她招待午餐,而且她非常和气,也十分好客。 www.ichacha.net 3. By late June she was making 200 yards daily, still along the fence line, amid a hospitable jumble of rocks, weeds, and rodent burrows. 6月末,她每天滑动200码(约183米),仍然沿着这条警戒线,在混杂着岩石、野草和鼠洞的友好环境中游动。 xianguo.com 4. The villages believe in, and observe religious practices, and are very hospitable by nature. 村民们信仰和遵守宗教惯例,天性非常好客。 www.bing.com 5. Our presence here disturbed the peace of the place; but the hospitable ladies, seeing our camera, invited us to visit one of the residents. 我们的到来搅乱了此地的宁静,热情的大妈们看到我们的摄像机后,带我去拜访一位居民。 www.oldkids.cn 6. The chief was so hospitable that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors. 酋长十分殷勤,甚至请他的客人跟他一起到祖先的灵堂里去。 7. The Gallery Inn just happens to be its hospitable pearl, a hotel that is as much a destination as the historic city around it. 而画廊酒店就像是颗好客的珍珠,一个来圣胡安不得不住的旅店。 www.bing.com 8. pleased by the light, convivial and non-political tone of meetings and grateful for the fascinating and hospitable friends they make. 但高兴于明亮、欢乐和非政治性的论调的例会,访客也感谢他们交到迷人、好客的朋友。 toastmasters.org.tw 9. Is always hospitable to his guests. 汤姆对客人总是很殷勤。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. During the hosting of the Expo, the city has gone to great lengths to be more hospitable to foreign visitors. 在举办世博会的期间,这座城市竭尽全力想要表现得对外国游客热情好客。 www.bing.com 1. But our Universities have to be more hospitable to creativity and genius, and less captive to bureaucracy and procedure. 对待创新和才智,我们大学还应多一些欢迎的态度,少一些官僚作风和繁文缛节; www.bing.com 2. Scientists said a warmer New England would be less hospitable to maple sugar farms, apple orchards and cranberry bogs. 科学家说新英格兰州变暖,对枫糖农场、苹果园和越橘地都不好。 www.bing.com 3. The human soul is hospitable, and will entertain conflicting sentiments and contradictory opinions with much impartiality . 人类的灵魂是能够容纳一切的,它毫不偏袒地接受互相对立的感情和互相矛盾的意见。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. hospitable . The visiting delegation was overwhelmed by the hospitality extended by the local governmental officials . 来访的代表团受到当地政府官员热情的款待。 www.bing.com 5. We are a nation of strong and remarkable people. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued. 我们的国家拥有坚强,卓越的人民,是一个美丽好客,价值非凡的国家。 www.bing.com 6. The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. FIFA世界杯足球赛给了德国一次绝佳的机会,展示她的热情、快乐、现代化和充满丰富的想象。 www.hjenglish.com 7. He was a man whom all his friends rated as kind and hospitable. 所有他的朋友都认为他是一个仁慈而好客的人。 www.jukuu.com 8. The colonists found Bermuda to be a hospitable place with sufficient food. 殖民者发现,百慕大群岛物产丰富,是个热情好客的地方。 www.bing.com 9. Chinese people meet, their business partner visit is very hospitable, like the inquisition. 中国人遇到商业伙伴拜访时,他们非常热情好客,喜欢问长问短。 www.verywind.com 10. Airports, now the travel centres of the USA, are comfortable, hospitable places, with coffer shops, bars and spotlessly clean restrooms. 机场作为美国旅行的中枢,配备了购物,酒巴和无污染休息室,即舒适又周到。 dict.bioon.com 1. If you love subtle opulance and a place that appreciates being a hidden gem, then you're in a hospitable utopia. 如果你喜欢小面额的普拉(博茨瓦纳货币)和一个欣赏隐藏的美丽的地方,那么你已经来到你心中最美的乌托邦了。 weike.taskcn.com 2. Here, the hospitable augur brothers and sisters will offer the beautiful songs full of ethic characteristics to you. 这里还有热情好客的裕固族儿女为您带来富有民族特色的优美歌声。 www.gatefanyi.com 3. Whether you are sightseeing tourism, or investment survey, the hospitable guangzhou people will extend a warm welcome to you! ! ! ! ! 无论您是观光旅游,还是投资考察,热情好客的广州人民都会向您表示热烈的欢迎! wenwen.soso.com 4. And any country that had trouble financing itself within the euro would surely find life outside even less hospitable. 如果任何一个国家在欧元区都难以为继,那么在欧元区外的日子会更为艰难。 www.ecocn.org 5. Huaxiang hospitable people welcome people with lofty ideals, sincere cooperation, friendship with the cast to create the great cause. 热情好客的华翔人欢迎国内外有志之士,精诚合作,同铸友情,共创大业。 www.tjtychina.cn 6. Dai Jia also hospitable welcome you to sit on the floor, Dai-off, you Sincerely, the fragrant rice specific tea Daijia. 还有好客的傣家会欢迎您上傣楼坐客,给您敬上香喷喷的傣家特有的糯米香茶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I'm not going to endure the persecutions of your hospitable ancestors again. 我不预备再受你那些好客的祖先们的迫害了。 www.hotdic.com 8. Chinese are very hospitable. Now I've seen it with my own eyes. 谢谢你的盛情邀请。我一直听人说中国人非常好客。这回我算是亲眼看到。 www.pmedu.net 9. Foreign tourists enjoy hospitable reception from local, which enhances friendship between different peoples. 外国游客享受当地人的热情款待,促进了不同民族间的友谊。 www.cy52.com 10. In the past quarter-century it has accepted a grand total of 412 refugees, making it one of the world's least hospitable countries. 过去25年间,日本共接受了412名难民,这一数字令该国成为全球最不好客的国家之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. That is to say, less and less of the sea will remain hospitable for calcifying organisms. 换句话说,适合钙化生物居住的海洋,会越来越少。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Similarly, only a small fraction of the stable vacua are hospitable to life. 同样地,只有稳定真空的一小部份才适合生命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Certain localities are known for offering particularly hospitable conditions for private businesses. 一些地区为民营企业提供特别有利的条件,并因此而知名。 www.america.gov 4. He passed for an Englishman, was agreeable, handsome, ill-tempered, hospitable and witty. 他被认为是个英国人,彬彬有礼,仪表堂堂,脾气很坏,但却诙谐好客。 www.kekenet.com 5. Holly Steeden Everybody has been very friendly and hospitable and made us feel very welcome . 每个人一直都非常友好和热情好客,让我们感到自己很受欢迎。 www.bing.com 6. The otherwise amiable goblins are not very hospitable in this region and maintain guards to ensure no one steals their claim. 另外,亲切的地精们在这个区域并不十分好客,他们设置了守卫确保没人窃取他们的权益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. We were often invited to attend the gatherings by the hospitable local inhabitants. 我们经常受邀参加当地热情好客的居民举行的聚会。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. First of all, I really like the staff who are very responsible and hospitable. 首先,旅馆的员工很好,负责任又好客 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And finally, we have an incredibly hospitable staff willing to help as much as possible. 最后,我们有一个非常热情好客的工作人员愿意尽可能帮助。 group.mtime.com 10. Plants on distant hospitable planets could have developed black foliage and flowers to survive, according to a new study. 根据最近的研究发现生长于其他遥远星球上的植物可能长黑色的叶子和花朵。 www.gelievable.com 1. Many local people are very friendly and hospitable, which promote the cultural communications. 很多当地人因此表现得非常好客和友好,这有助于文化的交流 wenku.baidu.com 2. I know it is. You are such a friendly person. You are the most hospitable person I know. 我知道你是。你是个很友善的人。你是我所认识的人当中,最好客的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Other asset classes are more hospitable nowadays than relatively low-paying Treasurys. 如今其他资产类别比收益率相对较低的国债更好。 www.bing.com 4. People have always told me the chinese are very hospitable. Now, I've seen it with my own eyes. 人们常说中国人非常热情好客,现在我亲眼见到了。 club.chplife.com 5. For years the hospitable Blackwell prison had been his winter refuge. 几年来,好客的布莱克韦尔监狱是他的冬季的避难所。 crystallain.bokee.com 6. They stick to the foot of an animal and travel to a hospitable place. 他们会粘到动物的脚上到达适宜生长的地方。 www.bing.com 7. The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass . 大地借助于绿草,显出她自己的殷勤好客。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. Opened in a residential area, this coffee shop offers a hospitable atmosphere for friends to hang out. 开在居民区的一间咖啡店,犹如友人家的客厅,是好友相聚闲聊的好去处。 2007.famousnudelady.com 9. Hospitals are more frequently not hospitable but rather hostile to waiting patients. 医院对于等待的病人通常不是招待周到,而是不友善。 qing.weibo.com 10. The incapable man in cap go into the hospitable capital hospital. 戴帽的无能男子走进热情好客的北京首都诊所。 www.emioo.com 1. While Native Americans adapted to the desert environment, more recent arrivals found the area less hospitable. 虽然土著美国人适应沙漠环境,最近来港定居人士认为该地区较少好客。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Do you think Taiwanese hospitable? Is Paraguay a hospitable country? 你觉得国内人热情吗?巴拉圭是个热情的国家吗?。 www.adminvc.com 3. What about hospitality? Do you think Americans are quite hospitable? 待客的情况怎么样呢?你认为美国家庭做很多款待客人的事吗? www.hopecup.net 4. For any foreigner holidaying in Nanjing, hospitable and helpful stuff will matter more than a fancy building or room does. 对于在南京度假的外国人,酒店里好客又乐于助人的员工比漂亮的建筑和房间更重要。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. City detailed understanding of Australia, vital and highly developed and hospitable each capital city. 城市详细了解澳大利亚生机勃勃、高度发达而且好客的各个首府城市。 en.cnxianzai.com 6. If you want to be hospitable, you should make sure your guests are always comfortable. 如果你想表现得好客的话,你需要保证客人们重视感觉很舒适。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. As are result, animals and plants are migrating toward poles or higher elevations in search of more hospitable habitats. 这一切进程都导致动植物向两极或是更高海拔处迁移,寻找更适宜居住的栖所。 www.bing.com 8. Satisfy the masses of customers' request with the hospitable service and sincere management. 以热情的服务和诚信的经营来满足广大顾客的要求。 www.qqcg.com 9. The hospitable people of Tongyi sincerely welcome friends from home and abroad to the Old Hat Mountain. 好客的同益人民真诚欢迎海内外朋友来老帽山旅游观光。 en.v.wenguo.com 10. Because Mars is smaller than Earth, it cooled faster, and it probably would have been hospitable for life earlier. 由于火星比地球小,它冷却的更快,并且它可能在早期适合生物生存。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You have such a full family. Everybody looks healthy, kind and hospitable . 你的家庭很美满。每个人看起来都健康、友善、好客。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Was it just tougher skin, or did they find useful coping strategies and lines of business that were more hospitable to women? 是因为她们脸皮厚,还是因为她们找到了有效的应对策略和对女性更为宽容的行业? www.ftchinese.com 3. The current climate, however, is not very hospitable to this idea. 然而,目前的潮流却不太接受这个想法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. There is no hospitable place to hide amongst all the debris and devastation. 在这一片残骸和废墟中,没有好客的地方可以躲藏。 www.zuowenw.com 5. Chinese people , as a rule , are very hospitable. 通常来说,中国人是满殷勤好客的。 dict.bioon.com 6. You have such a family. Everybody looks healthy, kind and hospitable. 你的家庭很美满。人人看上去健康,友善,好客。 itb.bjpost.com.cn 7. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued. 一个充满美和爱的国度,热情好客、备受尊重的国度。 chinese.wsj.com 8. china's unique culinary art holds itself to the country's long history, vast territory and hospitable tradition. 中国悠久的历史,广袤的疆土,好客的习俗,这些都孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。 www.ebigear.com 9. The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of grass. 大地有了绿草的帮助,而显得自己殷勤好客。 ltlt198018.blog.163.com 10. China's unique culinary art owes itself to the country's long history, vast territory and hospitable tradition. 中国优久的历史,广阔的疆土,好客的习俗都孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Andersons are very hospitable, but an evening spent with them is as dull as ditch-water. 安德逊一家十分好客,但是和他们待一个晚上却是十分乏味。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 2. These savages were usually friendly, courteous, and hospitable. 这些野蛮人通常是友善,谦恭和好客的。 www.bing.com 3. Hospitable We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. 人们总是以为偏僻地方的村民们热情好客。 www.xycai.com 4. This is not a threat but simply the SWFs following their own self-interest in search of the most hospitable investment environment. 这并不是一种威胁,而只是主权财富基金服从自身利益,以寻求最为友好的投资环境。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Our business motto is "cater to the people; embrace the people" . Our operation philosophy is "healthy and hospitable; to share happiness" . 公司以“面向大众、拥抱大众”为经营口号,以“健康亲情、欢乐共享”作为经营理念。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Hospitable diligent Luoyang people will be welcome to your visit with open hands! 勤奋好客的洛阳群众将张开双臂迎接您的到来! www.2nana.net 7. That could reduce by half the amount of land historically hospitable for wine grapes. 这将使得适宜酿酒葡萄生长的地区历史性地少掉一半。 www.bing.com 8. All of us gained pleasant memories of China and its hospitable and friendly people. 中国和这里好客友善的中国人民给所有人留下了美好的记忆。 www.common-talk.com 9. Dalian people have high qualities and are very hospitable to people. 大连人的素质很高,待人也相当的热情。 gatefanyi.com 10. Together, these changes have created a community not very hospitable to newcomers. 这些变化,都让新用户感觉到一种并不友好的氛围。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Barlow pokes his nose in everywhere, and almost without exception people are kind and hospitable. 巴罗四处寻访,捕捉到了这些。毫无例外的是,在当地人民的善良好客上也不吝笔墨。 www.ecocn.org 2. Wu thanked for Lupu's hospitable invitation and thoughtful arrangements. 吴邦国对卢普议长的盛情邀请和周到安排表示感谢。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-d. 我们的国傢是一个美丽好客,价值非凡的国傢。 forum.keihing.hk 4. The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest. 好客的主人很快为尊贵的客人腾空了闲置着的房间。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Resplendent and awe-inspiring lobby is the first impression, attentive, hospitable Front Desk staff the second. What's next? 刚踏进酒店的大堂,就被它那金碧辉煌的气势所震慑住,随即又被前台接待员的热情服务所打动。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A cordial greeting or hospitable reception given to an arriving person. 欢迎,款待:对刚刚到达的人的衷心问候或热情的接待。 www.4ewriting.com 7. But fortunately, the neighbors here were so friendly and hospitable that they helped them patiently. 不过,幸运的是,这里的人民都很友好和热情,他们耐心的帮助金先生一家。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Be hospitable . Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends. 好客。有时几杯茶甚至几片面包可以为你交友开个好头。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Being friendly and hospitable is the traditional Chinese virtue. 亲邻、重友、好客,是中华民族的传统美德。 www.yulepop.com 10. Sadly, times have not been hospitable to Armstrong's vision. 可悲的是,时代并未眷顾阿姆斯特朗的美好愿景。 www.fortunechina.com 1. The native people were very na? ve. They were hospitable by nature. 本地的人民非常天真.他们天生好客。 www.ebigear.com 2. Its Potala Palace is world famous. Its people are hospitable and entertaining. 拉萨的布达拉宫举世闻名、拉萨的人民热情好客。 bbs.qiuyang.com 3. MELISSA: That's a very hospitable offer. I'm tempted to take you up on it. 茉莉莎:那真是好客的提议,我忍不住诱惑要你这么做了。 www.ebigear.com 4. I hope some day I will have the opportunity to be as hospitable to you. 我希望有一天我也能这样周到得接待你。 www.bing.com 5. I put this as a German citizen and hospitable also advance. 我把德国作为一个公民,也是推进这一好客。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Be hospitable to both guests and co-workers and follow hotel and company policies. 对客人和同事一样友好,遵从酒店和公司政策。 job.veryeast.cn 7. So we're not in a uniquely hospitable place. 因此我们并不是唯一热情好客的地方。 www.ted.com 8. Responsible for hiring, training and development of all concierge-related associates, so they are hospitable, outgoing and guest oriented. 负责所有宾客关系员工的雇用,培训和发展事宜,使他们成为热情的,友好的和以客人为宗旨的员工。 www.61hr.com 9. The Dai ethnic minority is a hospitable people good at singing and dancing. 傣族是一个能歌善舞而又热情好客的民族。 www.3us.com 10. Thanks to greenhouse gases, the earth's average temperature is a more hospitable 60. 由于温室气体,地球的平均温度是一更款待周到的60。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Would he have survived? Were conditions on Venus hospitable? 当时金星的状态可以让人居住吗? www.douban.com 2. Responsible for receiving guests in the most hospitable manner. 以最礼貌的方式进行客人接待服务。 jobs.zhaopin.com 3. Chinese people have the reputation of being very hospitable. 中国人享有殷勤好客的美称。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 4. My hometown is a beautiful place, folks are warm and hospitable, I love it here. 我的家乡是个环境优美的地方,乡亲们热情好客,我非常喜欢这里。 wenwen.soso.com 5. By working on and using GNU rather than proprietary programs, we can be hospitable to everyone and obey the law. 通过编写和使用GNU而不是专有的程序,我们可以友善地对待每一个人且遵守法律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Use camellia entertains, is a hospitable dong people's habits. 用油茶待客,是侗族人民的一种好客习惯。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. They are very willing and hospitable and are so helpful in every way. 他们非常主动,热情好客,在各方面都帮了很多忙。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Broadening your horizons hinges on whether you are humble and hospitable. 能否扩大你的眼界,取决于你是否谦卑,是否热情好客。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Be hospitable to guests. Behave civilly and properly. 待客人,要热情,举止文明应得体; wenwen.soso.com 10. Chongqing lies in the southwest of China, which is famous for its beautiful mountains, clear rivers and hospitable people. 重庆在中国的西南方,这里有很多山,有河,还有热情的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. and the Chinese are one of the world's most enthusiastic and hospitable people. 中国人是全世界最热情、最好客的人类之一。 am774.rbc.cn 2. Hilton cares about "people" not only by providing hospitable service to clients but also by rendering considerate care to its employees. 而希尔顿注重的“人”不光在于对顾客的热情服务,对于员工也是给予了贴心的关怀。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 3. Some are already looking for new, more hospitable lands. 有些开始寻找新的,更适宜居住的土地 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Yet Tsagaan Khass claims it welcomes law-abiding visitors of all races, and Big Brother can certainly be hospitable. 然而TK会声称他们欢迎所有种族的守法游客,“老大哥”肯定热情招待。 www.bing.com 5. French are generally more hospitable in the provinces than in Paris. 法国各郡的居民总的来说要比巴黎人好客。 dict.bioon.com 6. will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals offhandedly. 会觉得中国人非常好客,在事先毫无准备的情况下会请人吃饭。 www.7781.org 7. Where good people honest, warm and hospitable. 那里的人淳朴善良,热情好客。 hi.baidu.com 8. You are sincerely welcomed to visit me and I will play a hospitable host here in the San Francisco Bay Area. 诚心欢迎你的到来,我会尽到旧金山海湾地区的地主之谊的。 www.jukuu.com 9. Perhaps it is no surprise that gays find a hip city like New York hospitable. 同性恋者觉得纽约这样的时髦都市态度友好,这或许并不惊奇。 www.ecocn.org 10. In addition, they are hospitable people cherishing friendship and yearning for cooperation. 中国人热情好客,珍重友情,渴望合作。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. There is a free wi-fi in the lobby and the service in the hotel is warm and hospitable. 大厅里有免费上网,酒店里的服务即让人感到温暖,又热情好客。 www.taskcn.com 2. They are very hospitable to foreigners. 我觉得中国人对外国人很热情。 english.cri.cn 3. No, My parents will welcome anyone who comes to spend Christmas with them. They are hospitable. 不会的,我父母会很欢迎和他们一起过圣诞的人的,他们是很好客的。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Materials which are porous and moisture retentive, such as brick, wood, and certain coarse concrete mixtures are hospitable to moss. 透气及保湿的物质如砖块、木头及某些适合苔藓生长的粗糙水泥。 instapedia.com 5. And the people are hospitable; the guests from faraway will receive warm welcome when entering their homes. 当地人很是热情好客,每当人们走进他们的家里时,这些远道而来的客人们总会受到热烈的欢迎。 www.bing.com 6. Tianjin hospitable greetings to the world! 好客的天津人向世界问候! dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Haven't you heard that Chinese people are hospitable? 你没听说过中国人是很热情的吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Tony Jiang: Sanya is a hospitable leisure city; I am fond of it, and this fondness is growing day by day. 蒋乐俊:三亚是个休闲又有人情味的地方,我对她的感情与日俱增。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Good families are hospitable. 优秀的家庭是好客的。 www.bing.com 10. In addition, Chongqing also has the very many scenery scenic spot, people also all warm hospitable. 此外,重庆还有很多的风景名胜,人们也都热情好客。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. They are a most hospitable people and it is impossible to walk more than ten meters without being offered a lift. 这里有最好客的人民,在路上走十公尺都没搭上便车是不可能的事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Closely associated with this is the notion of hospitality, and the desire to create a world that is genuinely hospitable. 与此密切相关的是“好客”的观念,以及创造一个真诚友善的世界的愿望。 dongxi.net 3. since people here are so hospitable. 既然这儿的人很好客。 www.cctv.com 4. No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable. Now, I have seen it with my own eyes. 难怪人们都说中国人非常好客。现在我算亲眼看到了。 www.kekenet.com 5. Regulation is mainly deft but not lax, and the taxman takes a hospitable view of foreigners' personal earnings. 伦敦的规则大都很灵活但不松弛,而且征税人对外国人的个人所得的态度也很友好。 www.ecocn.org 6. No wonder the Chinese are said to be hospitable. 怪不得人们说中国人很好客。 www.hotdic.com 7. All the people who love peace and Olympics are welcome to Beijing. We will be a hospitable host. 我们欢迎全世界热爱和平和热爱奥林匹克运动的人们来中国参加奥运会,我们一定会尽主办国的义务接待好他们。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. In the past, nations migratedacross huge swathes of the earth in search of food, adventure, and more hospitable environments. 过去,国家为探险、寻找食物或更适宜的环境,会举国穿越广袤的土地。 www.wenxiba.com 9. The Chinese people are hospitable people, many of the songs contain the sentence "Bejing welcomes you" . 中国人民是好客的,许多歌曲中都写进了“北京欢迎你”。 www.ryedu.net 10. I have calm and steady personality, treat people hospitable, sincere. 本人性格稳重,待人热情,真诚。 study-abroad-web.com 1. The audience after the people are industrious and kind-hearted and hospitable. 观众过后人是勤劳善良以及好客的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The Bishop's face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is peculiar to hospitable natures. 主教的脸上忽然起了好客的人所特有的那种愉快神情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He is hospitable and friendly to everyone. 他对每个人都殷勤友好。 www.163en.com 4. The appointment enthusiasm of my hometown is hospitable and like to drink tea very much, it is very complex to drink the step of tea! 我的家乡的任命热情好客,而且都很喜欢喝工夫茶,喝工夫茶的步骤很复杂! wenwen.soso.com 5. The people here are hospitable and enthusiastic. 这里的人们都很热情,也很好客。 www.chinese.cn 6. Our hospitable waiters of Zhuang nationality will make you smile happily with their good service. 我们殷情好客的壮乡服务员,会以优质的服务换来你会心的微笑。 guangxihotel.com 7. What made me feel most interested in the city is that people there are extremely friendly and hospitable . 是什么让我感到最有兴趣的是,那里的人非常友好和好客。 wenwen.soso.com 8. We greeted Mrs. Smiths, his sister and his two sons Mike and Mathew! They are hospitable ! We talked a lot about all kinds of topics! 到家后,我们问候了史密斯夫人,史密斯的妹妹以及他的两个儿子!他们很热情!跟我们聊各种各样的话题! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Create an environment that is hospitable to spirituality and prayer. 建立一个对精神诉求及祈祷友好的环境。 news.dxy.cn 10. The Chinese are very hospitable. 中国人十分好客。 hjianhao.bokee.com 1. I lively, cheerful, treat people hospitable, also like my father has the compassion, likes to help others. 我活泼开朗、待人热情,也像爸爸一样有爱心,喜欢帮助别人。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And I think the people in Taiwan are really hospitable. 而且我觉得台湾人真的很好客。 www.bing.com 3. Zibo people are hospitable, where tens of thousands each year but also the reception of foreign tourists. 淄博人是热情好客的,在这里每年又要接待上万的外国游客。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b, like every planet we've discovered to date, probably wouldn't be hospitable to humans. OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb和目前为止我们发现的所有行星一样,大概没法住人。 www.bing.com 5. The people there are especially kind, friendly and hospitable. 那里的人们特别善良、友好而好客。 e.3edu.net 6. The hostess is very hospitable. 女主人非常好客。 www.kekenet.com 7. I am a girl from the South of China, gentle and beautiful, treat people hospitable and natural, love the family, love life. 我是来自中国南方的女孩,温柔美丽,待人热情大方,热爱家庭,热爱生活。 chinesefriendfinders.com 8. Make yourself at home. My friend is quite hospitable. 别拘束,我的朋友很好客。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 9. I've enjoyed my time in Croatia. The people here are so open-hearted and hospitable. 我在克罗地亚过得很愉快,这儿的人外向而热情好客。 www.bing.com 10. No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable. 难怪人们都说中国人很好客。 www.bing.com 1. The man with whom I work is very hospitable and sincere. 与我共事的那个人非常好客真诚。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. Taiwanese people couldn't be more hospitable. 台湾人民太热情了。 my.putclub.com 3. That habitat is becoming a less hospitable place every day, according to a recent international State of the Oceans report. 根据一份最近国际海洋状态报告,海洋这个动物栖息地每天正在变得越来越不好客了。 www.bing.com 4. But first of all I love the Chinese people - they have been so hospitable, so kind, so charmful. 但是更重要的是,我热爱中国人民-他们是如此热情好客,如此善良,如此有魅力。 english.hanban.edu.cn 5. Our people there are very hospitable, very warm, and this is where I grew up. 我们那里的人都很好客,也很热情,这就是我从小生活的地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. i asked , hospitable still , but not exactly effusive. 我依然殷勤地问道,但已不是那么曲意逢迎了。 www.ichacha.net 7. The village is very friendly and hospitable and they offer free accommodation to tourists. 这的村民很友好、好客,他们为游客提供免费住宿。 www.kekenet.com 8. His family is more generous than hospitable. 他家说不上好客,倒是很大方。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In china, being hospitable means that a host must do everything for guest. 在中国,好客就以为主人必须为客人做任何事。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. I know that he is friendly and hospitable. 我知道他友好而且好客。 beike.dangzhi.com 1. He is my minimal younger brother. His fervency same as his elder sister be hospitable and very kindhearted! 他是我最小的弟弟。他和他姐姐一样热情好客而且非常善良! learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. I like that. I've heard Chinese people friendly and hospitable. You're very considerable, Miss Dai. I'll soon be spoiled, I'm afraid. 太好了。中国人有善好客,我早有所闻。戴小姐考虑得很周到,过不了几天我便会被宠坏了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Together, China and Canada can make the world a better, safer and more hospitable place. 中加两国可以使地球变为一个更好,更安全,更友善的地方。 kouyi.5d6d.com 4. Business visitors to the capital found it chic, feudal and hospitable, like an Arab emirate; 商务旅客觉得这个首都时髦、封建、好客,就像一个阿拉伯酋长国一样; club.topsage.com 5. The thing I like about them is the way they are so hospitable to strangers. 我欣赏他们热情招待陌生人的做法。 www.hxen.com 6. Shanghai has always been hospitable to the tourists and businessmen from the world. Hospitable Hospitality Hospice 上海历来盛情款招待来自全世界的游客和客商。 wenku.baidu.com 7. 2 The overseer then must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, of a sober mind, orderly, hospitable, apt to teach; 提前三2所以作监督的必须无可指责,只作一个妻子的丈夫,节制适度,清明自守,端正规矩,乐意待客,善于教导; edu.china.com 8. She was very hospitable, gave me a dinner of ox-cheek with great good will, accepting only a pot of ale in return; 她很殷勤地招待我,她非常善意地请我吃了一顿牛腮肉饭,只肯接受一壶啤酒作为代价。 www.putclub.com 9. What do you think is the most attractive in Xitang? A beautiful environment B hospitable service C distinctive local color 您认为西塘吸引你的是什么?A优美的环境B热情的服务C独特的风格 bulo.hjenglish.com 10. Good at mandarin, with warm sweet voice, be generous and hospitable. Good communication skills and customer service sense; 普通话标准,声音亲切甜美、待人热情大方,具备良好的客户服务意识及沟通技巧; www.yibaifen.com 1. A Shared or Multicultural Future? Community Cohesion and the (Im)possibilities of Hospitable Social Capital Wun Fung Chan 共享的或多元文化的未来?社区凝聚力与热情友好的社会资本的(不)可能性 www.bing.com 2. 9 Be hospitable to one another without murmuring, 彼前四9你们要互相款待,不发怨言; edu.china.com 3. Singapore is a beautiful country, friendly and hospitable people; 新加坡是个美丽的国家,人们友善而好客; www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. Inviting us to stay the night was a friendly and hospitable gesture 留我们住一夜是友好和好客的表示 blog.hjenglish.com 5. hospitable host entertains guests with grapes 好客的主人用葡萄来款待客人 www.ichacha.net 6. Hospitable people of Shanghai to the foreign guests smile 好客的上海人笑迎外国来宾 zhidao.baidu.com 7. How hospitable -- then -- the face 那一刻—这张面容—如此友善 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Residents leisurely pace of life and hospitable, good neighbor 居民生活节奏悠闲,热情好客,敦亲睦邻 wenku.baidu.com 9. warming waters will be more hospitable to germs like those that cause cholera; 水温升高,有利于像霍乱菌等病菌的繁殖。 www.rrting.com 10. She is hospitable, can always give me one kind of home away from home the feeling 她非常好客,总能给我一种宾至如归的感觉 wenwen.soso.com 1. The chief was so hospitable 酋长十分殷勤好客, www.hxen.com |
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