单词 | got worse |
释义 | 例句释义: 转坏 1. He said that if the floods got worse they would have to leave the house. 他说如果洪水涨得更高,他们就得离开那所房子。 fy558.51.net 2. The matter got worse as the Perak Ruler worked in cohorts with Najib and the ruling National Front Coalition government. 更糟糕的是,霹雳州统治者与纳吉和国阵政府站在同一阵线。 votecharles.wordpress.com 3. He called me the next day and I told him that I did not sleep well and my sickness got worse. He responded that I needed to rest some more. 他第二天打电话给我,我告诉他我没睡好,而且病情愈来愈严重,他回答说我需要多休息。 udn.com 4. Each time got worse for me especially after I had to do it a couple of times. 我所面临的情况每次都会变得很糟的,特别是当我被迫干了多次以后。 www.bing.com 5. The stigma against loneliness has got worse, precisely because we're more vulnerable to it than we used to be. 这种朝向孤独的抵触更强烈了,恰恰是因为我们自身比过去更易受伤害,更恐惧变得孤独。 dongxi.net 6. The day I recognized that this was evil interference to damage the FA the illness got worse. 当我意识到这是邪恶干扰的那一天,情况变得更遭了。 fullgae.appspot.com 7. As the pain got worse, he took more and more painkiller, thinking this was a safe product. 随着疼痛的加剧,他服用了更多的止痛片,还以为那是安全的药品呢。 www.thnu.edu.cn 8. The tension in the boat got worse as the supply of food and water gradually disappeared. 在船上的紧张局势变得更糟的食物和水的供应量逐渐消失。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation before it got worse. 他犯了错误,但是在局面变坏之前他已经改正了。 wdwh.92doc.com 10. He made a mistake, but he didn't correct it (until) the situation got worse. 他犯了一个错误,但直到情况转坏了他才改正。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He made a mistake, but he corrected it (when) the situation got worse. 他犯了一个错误,但在情况转坏的时候他改正了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But as crime got worse and worse in this country, and the pressure was on, he was backed into a corner. 但是,国内的犯罪情况越来越严重,压力越来越大,逼得他走投无路。 3. When Democrats scrapped the public option, the health care bill got worse, yet still remained a landmark piece of social legislation. 当民主党抛弃了公众选择时,医疗保健法案变得更糟了,虽然仍然留下了一个社会立法的里程碑的碎片。 www.bing.com 4. He made a mistake, but he corrected it (before) the situation got worse. 他犯了一个错误,但在情况转坏之前他改正了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Her condition got worse, to such a degree that we had to institutionalize her. 她的情形极度恶化,我们不得不把她送进精神病院。 fowindy.cool.blog.163.com 6. But she can get well, " I pleaded. I prayed with all my might that God would help her walk again. But she got worse. " “可是它会好的,”我哀求道。我一遍又一遍祈求上帝助它能重新行走,但它的情况越来越坏。 www.jukuu.com 7. The builders tried to make the tower struggle again as they added more floors, but the lean only got worse as the tower grew . 经过全体建设者的努力,使塔直又为他们补充更多的楼层,但倾斜越变越糟糕,因为塔式增长。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. As the twentieth century got older, and the gap between the liberal arts and the applied sciences got larger, the problem got worse. 到20世纪末,文科和应用科学差别越来越大,问题也越来越严重。 www.bing.com 9. Then, a few weeks before I'd been told Helen was due to give birth, the symptoms returned, and got worse. 然后,在海伦预产期几个星期以前,症状又回来了,而且发作得更加厉害。 www.bing.com 10. The reason that American cars are such gas- guzzlers is not that their engines have got worse but that the cars themselves have got heavier. 美国汽车耗油量大的原因并不在于引擎耗油,而是因为汽车本身变比别的车重。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The situation got worse when a large number of workers who had just lost their jobs started to run taxi businesses illegally. 随着大量失业工人非法开展出租车生意,情况越发恶化。 www.bing.com 2. The 61-year-old Shanghai resident said she had been aware of the tumor for nearly a decade before it got worse. 这位61岁的上海人说:“在10年前病情还没有恶化前我就意识到我得乳癌”。 hollye.blog.tianya.cn 3. Things got worse in September when Oracle hired HP's ex-boss, Mark Hurd, who had been pushed out the previous month. 在九月,情况变得更糟了,当时甲骨文(Oracle)雇用了惠普的前总裁马克·赫德(MarkHurd),他在前一个月已经被迫退出惠普。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Well, Doctor, I've had a dull sort of pain in my back for three days. And it got worse this morning when I was exercising. 哎,医生,三天来我的背部一直隐隐作痛,今天早上锻炼身体的时候痛得更厉害了。 www.jukuu.com 5. If you woke up this Monday feeling gloomy and found that, from then on, things got worse, there may be an explanation. 如果这星期一(1.23)你一起床就觉得郁闷,并且接下来发现越来越糟糕,这其中定有原因。 www.for68.com 6. Macbeth's heat got worse and worse. He felt very bad. He felt his mind was changing and all the people hated him instead of liking him. 麦克白变得越来越狂热,他感觉很糟。他感觉到他自己正在改变,所有人都不再喜欢他,而是讨厌他。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. In his memory, his hair loss began in high school and aggravated in technical college and got worse and worse after graduation. 在他的记忆中,脱发应该开始于高中时代,后来进入技术学院学习时脱发进一步加重,毕业后参加工作脱发问题更是“有目共睹”。 shenzhen.kefayuan.com 8. Her illness got worse in the next few days. 以后几天里,她病情恶化了。 www.chinaedu.com 9. Rights activists say political killings, including those of journalists, have already got worse under Mr Putin. 维权人士表示,在普京任内,政治谋杀现象(包括那些谋杀记者的案件在内)有所恶化。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I am in despair about this outlay, which has got worse since he has had a girlfriend. 我对这笔费用已经感到绝望了,自他交了女朋友后,情况变得更糟糕。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Things got worse. For miles both sides of the road were lined with dead animals and abandoned wagons. 情况更糟了。好几英里,道路两旁都是成排的死去的牲口和被遗弃的车辆。 www.china-ppt.cn 2. After that, things "got worse, " she says, adding that he beat her and tried to sleep with her. 在此之后,事情“变得更糟,”她补充说,他打她,并试图跟她睡觉。 www.englishtang.com 3. The president made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation before it got worse. 董事长犯了错误,后来他在情况恶化之前了纠正。 www.xielw.cn 4. Kerri first began suffering from extreme bloating when she hit puberty - but the problem has got worse as she has got older. 凯瑞的肚子第一次变得异常膨胀是在她青春期时,随着年龄增长,这个问题也越来越严重。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 5. A winter storm sent a JetBlue plane skidding off a runway in Syracuse, New York. The problems got worse from there. 在纽约的锡拉库扎,一场冬季的暴风雪使得一架捷蓝航空公司的飞机划出了跑道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He suffered from manic depression, which gradually got worse, culminating in his suicide when Katherine was 46. 他深为躁狂抑郁症所苦,病情日渐恶化,最后在凯瑟琳46岁时自杀身亡。 www.tingclass.com 7. drunkenness got worse, he dragged his family down with him. 随著他酗酒越来越厉害,他家里的人也跟著倒了霉。 dictionary.sina.com.tw 8. Meanwhile, conditions on the pitch got worse due to the increasing rain. 与此同时,由于持续降雨,场地情况更加糟糕。 www.milanchina.com 9. If one of them was poor at the task but didn't know it, the team performance only got worse. 如果其中一人水平低下而自己又完全不知,那结果两个人的共同表现只能是更糟。 www.bing.com 10. It was bad enough before the credit crunch, but since it has got worse. 信贷紧缩危机之前情况就已经够糟糕的了,之后就更糟了。 chinese.wsj.com 1. His condition got worse and worse. ; His condition steadily deteriorated. 他的病情恶化,日甚一日。 2. ''Senior journalists told us that Hatfield [the 2000 train derailment that killed four people] had proved that things had got worse. '' “资深记者们告诉我们,哈特菲尔德(2000年的火车出轨事件,导致4人死亡)证明,铁路安全状况有所下降。” www.ftchinese.com 3. As his drunkenness got worse, he dragged his family down with him. 随着他酗酒越来越厉害,他家里的人也跟着倒了霉。 www.hotdic.com 4. It actually made me more nauseous than morning sickness and just got worse as my pregnancy progressed. 实际上这比晨呕更让我厌恶,并且随着怀孕的推移这种情况越来越糟。 www.bing.com 5. and it's supposed to be this comedy thing and it just got worse, and. . . yeah, I think they paid their family to clap. 应该是戏剧,而演得不好,而且…是的,我认为他们花钱雇他们的家人鼓掌。 www.yappr.cn 6. gave, wrong, Tom, medicine, he, got, so, worse, the, nurse The nurse gave Tom wrong medicine so he got worse. 护士给Tom给错了药,使得他情况变得更加糟糕。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Now, everybody's driving got worse. But the bilinguals, their driving didn't drop as much. 现在是每个人的驾驶情况都变糟了,但是双语者,他们的驾驶情况变糟得没有那么快。 www.kle100.cn 8. It got worse after Senator Kennedy died and Massachusetts sent a Republican to take his place. 当肯尼迪参议员去世、马萨诸塞州派出了一位共和党接替其位置之后,局面变得更加恶劣。 www.ecocn.org 9. As the time went on, the weather got worse and worse. 随着时间的推移,天气越来越糟。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The old man became incoherent as the disease got worse. 随着病情加重,老人变得语无伦次了。 www.jukuu.com 1. As he got worse, so did our once fair city. 他的病情加重是时,我们美丽的城市也随之生病了。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. while. As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。 wenwen.soso.com 3. but to my surprise , all of my classmates in my hometown got worse mark. 但是令我惊讶地,在我的家乡的我的全部同学得到了较坏的标志。 www.showxiu.com 4. As he aged, his memory got worse. 他随着年事增高,记忆力就变差了。 5. Things got worse in her teens. 病情在其青少年时期恶化了。 www.bing.com 6. As the time went on, the weather got worse. 随着时间的推移,天气变得更糟了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. As the day went on, the weather got worse. 随着时间的推移,天气变得更糟。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With each passing year, my disease got worse and our life got more constricted. 我的病情一年比一年差,而我们的日子也越来越拮据。 www.bing.com 9. Things got worse when the Coke bottler painted a nearby wall red and the owner demanded payment from Coke. 事情变得更糟,当可口可乐把附近的一面墙涂成了红色,墙的主人要求可口可乐公司赔偿。 www.bing.com 10. "Once we applied new stats, and to our surprise some non-problematic SQL statements got worse, " says Matthews. “当我们应用新语句时,令我们惊奇的是,一些没有问题的SQL语句的性能变差了,”Matthews说。 www.ibm.com 1. Instead of feeling better, her shortness of breath got worse - signalling a problem. 但她的呼吸短促更严重了,而不是感觉更好—这说明有问题。 wwwlive.who.ch 2. After Mr Crist's intervention in January, matters have only got worse. 在克里斯特先生于一月份的干涉之后,事情却是变得越来越糟。 www.ecocn.org 3. He became incoherent as the disease got worse. 随着病情加重,他变得语无伦次了。 www.jukuu.com 4. I got a cold that day, and soon I got worse. 那天我感冒了,不久就更厉害了。 www.jxenglish.com 5. But then, it got worse, I got a cold too! 但是,很悲哀的,我又感冒了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. ingrid visser ( netherlands no . 15 , captain ) : " we started well but from the second set we lost our form and got worse . " 银歌理德。维萨(荷兰15号,队长):我们开局打得很好,但是从第二局开始我们大失水准,越打越差。 www.ichacha.net 7. At first it was thought as a cold, which could not allay a fever, and got worse later. 先以为是感冒,发烧不退,进而病情恶化。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So he cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse. 结果他振作起来了,但是真的,情况变的更糟了。 www.bing.com 9. When they did, traffic got worse; then they blocked it off and traffic improved. 当他们这样做了的时候,城市的交通状况更加恶化,于是,他们关闭了那条街道,交通状况却得到了改善。 www.bing.com 10. Instead, the Lib Dems' fortunes have somehow got worse. 相反,自民党的命运在一定程度上却变得更糟。 www.ecocn.org 1. "I felt trapped, " Davis says. "It just got worse over time. " “我感觉被困住了”,Davis说,“情况一天比一天糟糕”。 www.bing.com 2. And all the symptoms stayed the same or even got worse. 所有的症状都没有改善、甚至加重了。 www.ted.com 3. Things had got worse since his departure from head office. 自从他离开后,情况越来越糟糕。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This tiresome hysteria has got worse in one generation. 对于一代人而言,这种令人生厌的歇斯底里式的想法愈发严重。 www.ftchinese.com 5. One objection to the argument that conditions would get even worse if America left is that conditions have got worse anyway. 有人认为,美军一走,情况会更糟。反对者则认为,不管怎样,情况已经变糟了。 www.ecocn.org 6. But things have got worse. There's a new wave of restrictions on the media. 但事情变得更恶劣了,媒体遭到了一波新的阻碍力量。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the past year things have got worse in three main respects, argues the Corporate Library. 企业图书馆称,在过去的几年里,有事情在三个方面变得更糟。 www.ecocn.org 8. The relation among most of Central Asian countries didn't turn for better but got worse instead. 大部分中亚国家之间的关系不但没有改善,反而进一步恶化。 lib.cqvip.com 9. The weather got worse during the day. 白天天气更坏了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The seas got worse, you couldn't see where the waves were coming from. 海面上的情况更糟了,连波浪从哪个方向打来都看不清。 www.bing.com 1. But things got worse for the professor. 对这位教授来说,糟糕的还在后头。 www.bing.com 2. When my kids started school my problems got worse. 当我的孩子开始上学时我的问题变得更加糟糕。 www.bing.com 3. but the lean only got worse as the tower grew. 但是随着塔身的增高,塔斜得更厉害了。 oxford.16789.net 4. Utah won Game Three, but in Game Four, things got worse. 犹他赢了第三场,但是第四场,情况变得很糟糕。 wenwen.soso.com 5. It got worse month after month, and I didn't want to continue on. 随着月份的累积,它变得越来越严重,并且我不想继续下去了。 www.bing.com 6. But the gloom in the financial services sector has got worse and it is trickling in to commerce and industry. 但金融服务业形势已变得更加暗淡,而且这种状况正渗透到商业和工业。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And I was fortunate that my scientific reputation. . . increased, at the same time that my disability got worse. 很幸运的是,我在科学领域的知名度逐步提高,与此同时,我的身体状况却越来越差。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed. 当双桅帆船因无风而抛锚停泊时我的胃病加重了。 9. In the meantime, the Princess got worse day by day. 以此同时,公主的病情一天比一天差了。 bbs.a9vg.com 10. Then it got worse -- my parents in China were also threatened and forced to go into hiding. 然后事情变得更加糟糕:我在中国的父母也被威胁,不得不躲藏起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Then it got worse -- my parents in China were also threatened and forced to go into hiding. 然后事情变得更加糟糕:我在中国的父母也被威胁,不得不躲藏起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The treatment got worse, Hosseini said, when she and the 16 other female prisoners were taken to a military detention center in Heikstep. 当她和16名其它的女性被带到一所军方拘禁中心后,后面的情况就更糟了,Hosseini说。 www.bing.com 3. Our dinner took forever to come, and it got worse from there. 我们的晚餐过了很长时间才端上来,接下来的情况更糟糕。 www.enfamily.cn 4. "But it just got worse and they started threatening my family. " “但事与愿违,他们开始变本加厉,并威胁到了我的家庭。” www.bing.com 5. These have got worse for two reasons. 令两国关系恶化的原因有两个。 www.bing.com 6. Quaker shares fell 10% after the deal, and then things got worse. 贵格会的股票下跌10%,后处理,然后事情越变越糟糕。 www.uzmart.com 7. but her memory just got worse and worse. 但她的记忆中只是情况越来越严重。 source.yeeyan.org 8. While the debate continued in Washington, the situation in Texas and New Mexico got worse. 正当华盛顿继续争论的时候,德克萨斯和新墨西哥的局势越来越糟糕。 www.bing.com 9. The situation on the ground got worse day by day. 情况一天天在恶化。 www.bing.com 10. Comparing 2005 with 1996, the scores for East Asia have got worse in 22 of the 30 comparisons (ie, six measures for five countries). 和1996年比,2005东亚的得分在30个项目中共有22项下降(5个国家各6个项目)。 www.ecocn.org 1. It got worse overnight. 整个晚上,情况不断恶化。 chinese.wsj.com 2. He caught a cold and soon got worse. 他得了伤风,不久就更厉害了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. things were pretty bad, but in the past decade they have got worse. 那时的局势便已相当差,但在过去十年中局势又进一步恶化。 www.ecocn.org 4. The pain got worse and worse. 疼痛越来越厉害了。 5. Things got worse. He was hauled off to jail for $1, 200 in parking violations that he couldn't pay. 事情弄得一团糟,更糟糕的是,他因交不起$1,200停车违章罚款费而被监禁。 www.ebigear.com 6. In May 1997, they moved into a house in Sidley, East Sussex, and the violence got worse. 1997年5月,他们搬进了苏赛克斯东部西德利的一所房子,而暴力也愈发残忍了。 www.bing.com 7. Instead of developing, as we'd all hoped in the '60s, things had got worse. 在60年代,非洲不仅没有像我们所希望的那样发展。反而陷入了更艰难的处境。 www.ted.com 8. Has it got worse? 现在情况变糟了吗? www.ftchinese.com 9. Here, you can put it. . . And the twitching has got worse? 这里,你可以把它放进去……抽搐已经变严重了? bbs.newssgo.com 10. Has your hearing got worse or you have lost it? 您有听力减退或丧失吗?。 www.e5413.com 1. At present, our country's corruption is got worse and the judicial power is short of necessary and reasonable supervision and restriction. 目前我国的司法腐败有愈演愈烈之势,司法权的运行缺乏必要、合理的监督与制约。 www.zidir.com 2. They got worse when I was fourteen and in the ninth grade and my brother was only four. 我14岁上九年级那年,老爸的这两个毛病变得愈加厉害,那时我弟弟才四岁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's epidemic; forgotten, forgotten it got worse 这是流行病,忘掉吧,不管它会变得多糟糕 zhidao.baidu.com 4. lt just got worse . - what did i say father said 更糟-我说什么了?我爸爸说 www.ichacha.net 5. And as time went on it only got worse, 结果时间越久,情况越糟 www.kekenet.com |
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