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例句释义: 哥特语的,哥特式的,哥特派的,哥特体黑体字的,哥特式建筑,尖拱式建筑,哥特体黑体字,哥德式,歌特,哥特风格的 1. The Gothic Revival Hungarian Parliament Building is one of the oldest legislative buildings in Europe and a popular Budapest attraction. 哥特复兴式的匈牙利国会大厦是欧洲最古老的立法大厦之一,也是布达佩斯的主要景点。 www.kekenet.com 2. however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style . 许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The defining image of the attacks was that of the burning Taj hotel, whose distinctive gothic red domes had been set ablaze by the gunmen. 孟买恐怖袭击事件的标志性画面是燃烧中的泰姬马哈酒店,泰姬马哈酒店的富有特色的哥特式红色穹顶被持枪者们纵火焚烧。 www.bing.com 4. At the top was a Gothic tower, and I said to my mother, "A vampire lives there. " 楼的顶部是一个哥特式的小塔,当时我就对妈妈说,“那里住着吸血鬼。” www.bing.com 5. The contrast of these tales with the more famous Gothic tales is such that their charm and sense of fun is often overlooked. 与更为人熟知的歌特式小说相比较,这些短篇的魅力和趣味时常受到忽视。 www.america.gov 6. Based on this, I believe that the British Gothic fiction is the myth of the Age of Enlightenment. 基于此,笔者认为,英国哥特小说即是启蒙时代的神话。 www.fabiao.net 7. "The dark glamour of the gothic has made it perversely attractive to many designers, " says Dr. Steele. 斯蒂尔博士认为:“哥特式的黑暗魔力魅惑着众多设计师。” www.bing.com 8. The pointed arches, exquisite gothic detailing and elaborate entrances create the feeling of escapism and a timeless sense of history. 而那些尖拱、精美的哥特式细节和精心打造的大门让人沉浸在现实的逃避和历史的永恒感中。 www.tctopclub.com 9. After exploring the underground of Paris, I decided to climb up, and I climbed a Gothic monument that's right in the middle of Paris. 在发掘探索了巴黎的地下后我决定向上爬,与是我爬上了一座哥特纪念碑它就坐落于巴黎中心。 www.ted.com 10. 18 since the end of the century from a number of literary works, as a common tone and style have been classified in the "Gothic novel. " 从18世纪末以来的一些文学作品,因为具有共同的基调与文体而被归类于“哥特小说”。 wenwen.soso.com 1. If that is the case, then it cannot be thought of as a private house, instead the scale of a space like a Gothic church will appear. 如果是这样的的话,那么它不能被认为是一个私人的房子,而不是一个像哥特式教堂会出现空间尺度。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Brattishing refers to the continuous embellishment around the top of a wall, common in the Gothic period. 顶饰是指哥德时期墙顶周围普遍的连续装饰物。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Took place in a crazy world of action games, the protagonist is a pseudonym agents on the ground floor of the Gothic. 一个发生在疯狂世界的动作游戏,主角是个化名哥特的地下特工。 www.sjjia.com 4. American literature was always closely connected to the English literature and European literature, and the Gothic novel was no exception. 美国文学与英国及欧洲文学向来存在着渊源关系,哥特小说也不例外。 www.fane.cn 5. The former cathedral in Utrecht is one of the first Gothic churches in the Netherlands, construction of it having started in 1254. 前大教堂在乌得勒支是其中一个第一个哥特式教会在荷兰,1254年建筑它开始。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. As a contemporary Gothic landmark film, "Edward Scissorhands" is the significance of how the evaluation is not excessive at all. 作为一部当代里程碑式的哥特电影,《剪刀手爱德华》的意义是怎么评价也不为过的。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In Gothic architecture, the spire is a spectacular visual culmination of the building As well as a symbol of heavenly aspiration. 哥德式建筑中,塔尖顶在建筑形像上达到一种壮观的视觉高潮,同时象征着对天国的渴望。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Gothic subculture is a way of speaking, a mode to counter-thinking and a ironic sound that shows its laughing at the sorrow in this world. 它是一种说话方式,一种反思维模式,一种嘲笑社会悲哀的声音。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Only the Gothic perhaps, among all the styles of the past, gained popular acceptance with anything like the speed of the modern ones. 在所有旧风格的建筑中也许只有哥特式建筑与现代建筑同样迅速的为公众所接受。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Gothic architecture with its superb technical and artistic achievement, in the building occupies an important position in the history. 哥特式建筑以其高超的技术和艺术成就,在建筑史上占有重要地位。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Full-bodied red with black lace very consistent with Gothic "in the dark for possession of heavenly color" logic. 浓郁的红色配以黑色蕾丝极符合歌特“在黑暗里藏有天堂般色泽”的逻辑。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He was more interested in states of mind than in "puerile superstitions, Gothic castles, and chimeras. " 他乐于描写心情,而不愿意描写“无聊的迷信,尖拱式的堡垒和妖魔鬼怪。” www.jukuu.com 3. Too sad to enjoy a kind of Gothic, all the imagination in the dark, silent void, leaving only the horror, fear and death. 享受一种哥特式得悲伤,所有想象虚无都在黑暗中沉寂,留下的只有惊悚、恐惧和死亡。 dict.wanyuwang.com 4. The dark, gothic manor. The omnipresent low fog, hugging the thicket of overgrowth. 阴暗的哥特式庄园,无处不在的薄雾,浓茂的灌木丛。够诡异吧。 vip.prisonbreak.cn 5. From his deck, Mr. Sch? nherr can see the town's famous hilltop Gothic castle as well as two of its three power-generating windmills. 从他的阳台板上,舒马赫先生一眼就能看见城里出了名的,立于山顶的哥德式城堡,还有它的三台发电用的风车。 www.bing.com 6. The Ahmar family have around 400 men holed up in Sana'a in a gothic-style mansion, pockmarked with bullets and crammed with ammunition. 阿赫玛尔家族有大约400多人躲藏在萨纳的某幢哥特式建筑里,外墙满布弹痕里面塞满火药。 www.ecocn.org 7. Inside, it's a mini- town, complete with a chapel, baths, a great hall and a Gothic loggia. 壕沟内为一小型城镇,其中教堂、浴池、大厅还有哥特式凉廊样样俱全。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This church as a fine example of Gothic architecture . 这座教堂式哥特式建筑很好的一个示范。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. 哥特式建筑是最熟悉的架构的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教区教堂的欧洲。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The city's cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievement of Gothic architecture. 这个城市的大教堂列为最有成就感的哥特式建筑之一。 www.m148.net 1. And the West more love towards the sky, and is typical of the gothic churches pointed roof . 而西方更爱指向苍穹,典型的代表就是哥特式教堂的尖屋顶。 www.showxiu.com 2. Statue of Liberty, Barbie, "the United States Gothic, " Buffalo nickel and Uncle Sam called five major symbol of American culture. 自由女神像,芭比娃娃,“美国的哥特式,”布法罗镍和山姆大叔称为五大象征美国文化。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "Gothic inspiration" , the dark side of reason, of classic. “哥特式的灵感”是黑暗面经典的原因。 q.sohu.com 4. Symphonic metal as a genre takes much of its musical basis from early gothic metal, power metal, and classical music. 交响金属是吸取了早期歌特金属,力量金属和古典音乐的基础。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Hence, we believe that Gothic fiction is the myth of the Age of Enlightenment. 基于此,我们认为哥特小说即是启蒙时代的神话。 www.fabiao.net 6. Romanticism was a reworking and mixing of earlier styles, especially elements of the Renaissance, Gothic, and Rococo periods. 浪漫主义时期的风格是早期几人风格的混合体,尤其是文艺复兴、哥特及罗可可元素的复古。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Let me profoundly understand the churches which has Gothic style, the internal space is high, pure, and unified. 让我深刻地明白这些具有哥特式风格的教堂,内部空间高旷、单纯、统一。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In terms of narrative techniques, the female gothic novels focus on the creation of terror and explain the supernatural elements. 在叙事技巧方面,女性哥特小说更注重渲染恐惧的气氛,常常对文本中出现的超自然现象予以解释。 9. Mr. Worsley considers the doctrine one "of very great antiquity, and generally received by the Gothic and Celtic Nations. " 沃斯利先生认为这个信条是一个“非常伟大的古代风习,通常被哥特人和凯尔特民族接受。” www.cnufo.com 10. Oh, I'm quite particular about book size and price, and I'd like to avoid that dreadful Gothic typeface your children's books usually have. 噢,我相当挑剔书的尺寸和价格,我想避免那种可怕的哥德式字体,你们的童书通常都采用那种。 en1.chinabroadcast.cn 1. During the course of dying research, Gothic gradually shared with death by flesh, and finally hobnob with it. 在探索死亡的过程,慢慢地和它体肤与共,逐渐与它亲近。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Her mind full of Gothic plots, Catherine suspects that General Tilney of murdering his wife. 她心里充满了哥特式小区,凯瑟琳怀疑一般蒂尔尼谋杀他的妻子。 lwdx123.com 3. Last week he abandoned some of the exaggerated, gothic visions of his early shows. 上周,他放弃了自己早期时装秀的某些夸张的哥特式服装形象。 www.ftchinese.com 4. British developed a highly decorative tracery curves, the British called the peak of Gothic architecture was a decorative style. 英国人发展了有高度装饰性曲线的窗花格,英国的盛期哥特式建筑被称作是当时的一种装饰风格。 www.bing.com 5. European music is epic in character; it has a broad background and is gothic in its structure. '' 欧洲音乐有史诗般的宏伟特点,具有广阔的背景和粗犷的结构。 dongxi.net 6. After about 240 years' development, Gothic critics have finally burst into a carnivalesque storm of critical speeches. 国外哥特小说批评历经240余年的酝酿、发酵和膨胀,最终爆发成了一个批评话语的狂欢之场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Advocators, which are of Gothic subculture do not give support to violence, but to tolerance. 哥特次文化的成员一般都不支持暴力,而是容忍暴力。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The term "Gothic" , when applied to architecture, has nothing to do with the historical Goths. 术语“哥特式”,当应用到建筑,完全不符合历史的哥特人。 word.hcbus.com 9. This discrepancy might bespeak the very incongruity between sublimity as a philosophical pursuit and the demand of the Gothic genre. 这一矛盾或许正是崇高作为一种哲学诉求与哥特传奇体裁要求之间的矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Beautiful amethyst necklace in sterling silver. Absolutely stunning and evocative of a gothic princess. 一条漂亮的纯银紫水晶项链。如同惊艳高贵的歌特公主。 hi.baidu.com 1. It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults. 它把文艺复兴时期的中央教堂风格与源于哥特式建筑的穹形天花板特色和谐地结合在了一起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. They were such modest people, and when Grant Wood later convinced them to pose for his "American Gothic" I remember how flattered they were. 他们都是很谦虚的人,格兰特?伍德后来说服他们为他的《美国式哥特风格》当模特时,我记得他们有多么受宠若惊。 www.douban.com 3. Other late Gothic styles include the British Perpendicular style and the French and Spanish Flamboyant style . 其它哥德式晚期风格包括英国的垂直式风格和法国、西班牙的火焰式风格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This new church also integrated well with the hall church model of the German late Gothic age. 这种新的教堂也集成以及与德国晚期哥特式教堂大厅的年龄模型。 wenwen.soso.com 5. It's constructed of Solid Pine with a removable top and bottom and adorned with a handmade metal cross and gothic pall bearer handles. 床的材料为实心松木,有可移动的棺材盖和底座,装饰着手工金属十字架和哥特式把手。 www.bing.com 6. Britain is in the early Gothic Cathedral of Canterbury, after the introduction before it evolved into their own language. 英国是在将早期哥特式引入坎特伯雷大教堂之后,才将其演变成自己的语言的。 www.bing.com 7. St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. 在英格兰,圣乔治礼拜堂是哥特式建筑最杰出的范例之一。 ryedu.net 8. It all seems a bit affected, stuffy, put on - the obsession with Wagner and gothic architecture. 这一切看来似乎都有一点儿做作、沉闷以及有点儿假,如他对于瓦格纳的音乐和哥特式建筑的迷恋。 www.bing.com 9. One of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture is the Notre Dame Cathedral, attracting 13 million visitors each year. 巴黎圣母院大教堂是最有名的法国哥特式建筑,每年吸引了1千3百万的游客。 oversea.tigtag.com 10. A variety of Renaissance architecture, Gothic architecture, colonial-style buildings are mixed together, interesting. 各种文艺复兴时期的建筑、哥特式建筑、殖民地风格的建筑混杂在一起,饶有趣味。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the nuclear power engineering corporation containment experiments with GOTHIC. 日本核动力工程公司用GOTHIC对安全壳实验的热工水力学分析…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 2. Interview with the Vampire. Anne Rice. The novel that took the gothic mystique of the vampire into the nights of modern San Francisco. 将有关吸血鬼的哥德式的神秘带进现代旧金山的夜晚的小说。 dict.bioon.com 3. If you happen to be a gothic metal fan, I'd strongly recommend this to you. 如果你是个歌特金属迷,我强烈推荐这张专辑。 word.hcbus.com 4. The Shanghai International Church is a modern Gothic building made of wood and bricks. 上海的国际礼拜堂是一座近代哥特式的砖木结构的建筑。 www.nciku.com 5. It was built when the Gothic style was supposedly at its zenith, yet there is nothing Gothic at Crossing Temple. 它建于何时哥特式风格,是假定在其顶点,但没有啥哥特式,在穿越庙。 www.fanrengu.net 6. Gothic architecture is a style of architecture, which developed in Europe during the high and late medieval period. 哥特式建筑是在欧洲赛场开展高新手艺财产开辟区和中世纪后期地期间一种作风地建筑。 www.66553.com 7. Architects preferred designing building with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages. 相比较于中世纪歌特式建筑得沉重来说,建筑师们更喜欢光亮的建筑。 jspd.ew.com.cn 8. Roman Temple, the Romanesque Gothic Cathedral, the Chapel made of bones from thousands of people in saint Francis. 罗马神庙,罗马式哥特式大教堂,圣弗朗西斯教堂做几千人在骨头。 ptyly.com 9. What emerged in England was a combination of Norman architecture, which already incorporated many Gothic trends, and the new style. 什么是出现在英格兰的诺曼建筑,已经纳入了许多哥特式相结合的趋势和新的风格。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. "Wuthering Heights" is a gothic novel, and the only novel by British woman writer and poet Emily Bronte. 《呼啸山庄》是一部哥特小说,是英国女作家兼诗人艾米丽-勃朗特的唯一一部小说。 www.bing.com 1. Eight new genre specific music communities: Electronic , Metal , Industrial & Gothic , Rap , Reggae , Jazz , Hindi , Elvis , and Blues . 八位新体裁特定的音乐社区:电子,金属工业和哥特,说唱,雷鬼,爵士乐。印地语,猫王,蓝调。 ymsdine.wetpaint.com 2. Black letter A type style based upon a style of handwriting popular in the fifteenth century . Also called Gothic . 一种仿十五世纪时浒的手写字体而设计的印刷字体。亦称哥德体。 www.bing.com 3. In the traditional citadels of Christendom, grey Gothic cathedrals stand empty, mute witnesses to a rejected faith. 在传统基督教的大本营,灰白色的哥特式大教堂寂寥的屹立着,默默地看着被背弃的信仰。 www.bing.com 4. Through these three aspects of discussion, we see that there is a close resemblance between Gothic fiction and classical mythology. 通过以上三个方面的论证我们看到,哥特小说与古典神话在事实上存在着紧密的相似性。 www.fabiao.net 5. Notre Dame is France's tallest cathedral and is a classic model of the French Gothic style of architecture. 巴黎圣母院是法国最高的教堂,它有着典型的法国哥特式教堂建筑风格。 www.bing.com 6. for free time to lunch and to see a masterpiece of Gothic style in Portugal. 免费时间吃午饭,看到葡萄牙的杰作哥特式风格。 ptyly.com 7. In the city , it covers the Gothic city of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Muslim mosques, the Indian churches and Jewish temples, Queen's Park. 市内分布有哥特式的圣三一大教堂、穆斯林清真寺、印度教堂和犹太寺庙,女王公园。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Thousands of folding chairs face a 60-foot-wide screen up against the building's Neo-Gothic facade. 在一座新哥特式建筑外面的摆放着数千把折叠椅,外墙上是一幅宽达60英尺宽的屏幕。 www.bing.com 9. Li Weifang. Black Classics : On the British Gothic Fiction. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2005. 李伟昉:《黑色经典:英国哥特小说论》。北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Goth with a day job, often melding corporate wear (or office wear) with gothic style. 白天上班的哥特,常将正式着装(或办公室着装)与歌特时尚结合。 gothicbeauty.fengbb.com 1. The main building of our university is in ancient Gothic style. 我们大学里的主教学楼属于古老歌德式类型。 learning.sohu.com 2. Perhaps a partial explanation is to be found in the new Gothic aesthetic that was sweeping Europe. 也许可以在横扫欧洲的新哥特体美学中寻找答案。 www.bing.com 3. Is narrating this time as the Gothic style artistic form sculpture construction by the unique way. 作为哥特式艺术形式的雕塑建筑以独特的方式叙述着这个时代。 www.fabiao.net 4. Clinicians have long expressed concern about the accuracy of the Gothic arch tracing for recording centric relation in edentulous patients. 临床医生长期以来的准确性表示关注的哥特式拱门追踪记录中心的关系缺牙患者。 www.syyxw.com 5. Sharpshooter and will have a noble gentleman of the Gothic Suite, elegant style is bound to lead to a scream! 而神枪手将拥有高贵的哥特式的绅士套装,典雅的风格必将引来一片尖叫! bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. In 1990 he formed his own record company Hall Of Sermon which has later grown to become a major force in the gothic community. 1990年,Tilo成立了他自己的厂牌“布道厅”(HallofSermon),这个厂牌后来成长为歌特乐坛的主要力量。 www.elanso.com 7. of English-Gothic architecture popular during the Tudor period; characterized by half- timbered houses. 流行于都铎时代的一种英国哥特式建筑:特点是屋子一半是用木料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The stories I am about to tell read like a gothic novel. 我要讲述的故事读来会像是哥特小说。 www.bing.com 9. With a sharp Gothic tower top and imposing walls, the architecture is full of mystery and proud. 尖细的哥特式塔顶,庄严的城墙,赋予古堡无尽的神秘与凛然的傲气。 cn.qikan.com 10. Solid metal gothic cufflinks coated with a gleaming and hard-wearing rhodium finish. 坚实的金属的最后一层镀有铑,可保持光亮。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 1. Solid metal gothic cufflinks coated with a gleaming and hard-wearing rhodium finish. 坚实的金属的最后一层镀有铑,可保持光亮。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. a style of English-Gothic architecture popular during the Tudor period; characterized by half- timbered houses. 世纪流行于英国的哥特式建筑:特点是用直线,都铎式拱门和扇形屋顶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Architectural styles: French Gothic Description: gold-plated, Rangbaodan internal decoration, refueling vaults reduce window grilles grid. 建筑风格:法国哥特式描述:镀金、镶宝石的内部装饰,加油拱顶减少窗花格。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. "Christabel" uses a freer version of the ballad form to create an atmosphere of the Gothic horror at once delicate and sinister. “克丽斯特贝尔”一诗采用了更为自由的抒情诗形式,创造出的是与一种微妙而又邪恶的哥特式恐怖氛围。 www.zk8.net 5. The political system is like a roof. The palace of Westminster has a Gothic roof that looks beautiful. 政治体制就像屋顶,你们西敏寺议会大厦是哥特式建筑,屋顶很漂亮。 www.kouyi.org 6. Gothic is the greatest artistic achievement in the Middle Ages. Its development has gone through three Stages. 哥特式是中世纪艺术的最高成就,它的发展经历了三个阶段。 word.hcbus.com 7. This church has a Norman tower and a Gothic facade ; it's neither fish flesh nor good red herring. 这座教堂既有诺曼式的塔,又有哥特式的门面,不伦不类。 www.jukuu.com 8. In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave. 在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。 chinafanyi.com 9. Architect Charles Barry won an open competition for a new design with his gothic vision. 大厦的设计师CharlesBarry,他在公开的竞争中以新式的哥特设计中标。 www.bing.com 10. Sometimes Gothic can be cool, like in architecture, but definitely not when it comes to wedding. 在有些场合歌特是很酷的,比如说在建筑上面,但是当它成为婚礼主题就是另外一回事儿了。 www.bing.com 1. that are generally run by two spinster sisters. Gothic white script above the premises proclaimed: Black an White Tea Room. 餐厅由一对未婚的老姐妹经营,墙上有一行哥德式的字体写着:“黑白茶室”。 www.neworiental.org 2. The Gothic style started in France and quickly spread through all parts of western Europe. 哥特式建筑风格于12世纪中叶始于法国,然后风行整个西欧。 www.engbus.com 3. His music style sometimes with the cold atmosphere of the Gothic, but sometimes permeated with the style of Orient. 雷宏的音乐风格时而带著哥特式的冰冷气氛,时而又渗透著古怪的东瀛味道。 site.douban.com 4. Gothic dress contains all the black or other dark-color things. 哥特风格的着装包括任何黑色的东西,或其他暗色,如海军蓝、深红。可以透,但不漏 wenku.baidu.com 5. The city's key sights include its 14th-century Gothic cathedral and a host of futuristic skyscrapers. 这座城市的看点在于它那座14世纪的哥特教堂、一系列未来主义风格的摩天楼。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Leaders often shout orders; generals bark; bellicose preachers, to save our souls, get gothic on our asses. 领袖经常发号施令,将军们喝令,好战的传教士为了拯救我们的灵魂不惜踢我们的屁股。 www.bing.com 7. Wuthering Heights; Female Gothic novel; devilish characters; nightmares. 《呼啸山庄》;女性哥特小说;魔鬼式人物;梦魇。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Shortly afterwards, they opened fire in the city's spectacular Indo-Gothic train terminal, leaving pools of blood in the passenger hall. 不久之后,他们向作为这座城市奇观的印度支那哥特式的火车站开火,使旅客大厅成为一片血泊。 www.bing.com 9. The strong sense of height in a Gothic cathedral is also achieved via the careful use of proportion. 哥特大教堂里强烈的高度感还可通过比例的精心运用来获得。 www.bing.com 10. Construction on the Gothic church began in 1892 and is still incomplete. 哥特式教堂的建造始于1892年,但至今仍未完工。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Objective: To investigate the veracity of Gothic arch transferring centric relation position of edentulous jaws. 目的:探讨哥特氏弓测定无牙颌正中颌位的准确性。 en.zidian8.com 2. Horror, backwardness and mystery feature in Gothic literature while Keats's poetry mainly demonstrates the poet's pursuit for Beauty. 哥特文学的特征是野蛮、恐惧、落后和神秘,而济慈诗歌的主旋律是对美的追求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In an introduction to a revised 1831 edition, she told the Gothic tale of the ghost-story contest. 在对1831年版的修订介绍中,她说了那个哥特式的鬼故事比赛。 www.bing.com 4. So are the great windows of the Gothic cathedrals. 哥特式教堂的大窗户也是如此。 www.bing.com 5. Gothic novels usually describe romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening settings. 哥特派小说通常描述有神秘或恐怖气氛的浪漫故事。 dict.ebigear.com 6. feature received little or no emphasis in the country of birth of the Gothic style, in England it became the pivotal focus of the church. 专题接受了哥特式建筑风格的国家很少或根本没有出生在英格兰的重点,成为教会的关键重点。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world. 这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客。 www.kekenet.com 8. It can be said that "Dracula nightmare" so far has laid a Gothic vampire film in the image of the standard model. 可以说,《德库拉的噩梦》奠定了至今为止哥特电影中吸血鬼形象的标准模式。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The spires of a Gothic Catholic church have recently been painted gold. 当地天主教徒的哥特式尖顶最近被镶了层金,以纪念圣母玛利亚。 www.bing.com 10. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of. 城堡的墙是用珊瑚砌成的,它那些哥特式的长窗是琥珀做成的。 bbs.ppll.net 1. furniture made by (or in the style of) Thomas Chippendale; graceful outlines and Gothic motifs and massive rococo carvings. 托马斯·齐本德尔设计(或此种风格的)家具;有着优雅的轮廓、哥特式图形和大量洛可可雕刻。 tr.bab.la 2. Before Hawkes, all the Gothic novelists digged into the morbid psychology and described the abnormal behavior. 在霍克斯之前,哥特小说家挖掘人物的病态心理并描述他们的怪异之举。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. However, these edifices of the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic, are no less precious for study than the pure types. 再说,从罗曼风格到峨特风格的这类过渡建筑物也值得好好研究,绝不亚于那种纯一的建筑类型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Imagine strolling past Medieval walls and gates, Gothic churches and curious little lanes lit with old-fashioned lamps. 想象一下,漫步中世纪城墙和城门过去,哥特式教堂和好奇的小通道与老式的灯点亮。 www.med365.com.cn 5. However , many chairs that are called gothic are in fact classical in origin , although they are decorated with gothic motifs and ornament. 然而,许多被称为哥德式的建筑,虽然它们用哥德式的主题和修饰物装饰,它们的起源却是很古典的。 www.6m.com 6. Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news. 读过哥特小说的人都会说吸血蝙蝠是个讨厌的东西。 down02.putclub.com 7. Gaudi combined with Islamic architecture style and Gothic architecture, and applied the natural style to make the unique construction. 将伊斯兰建筑风格与哥特式建筑结构相结合,采取自然的形式精心去探索其独特的塑性建筑楷模 wenku.baidu.com 8. All the churches in Jinan are mainly divided into two architectural styles: Baroque and Gothic. 济南教堂的建筑风格分为两种:一是巴洛克式;一是哥特式。 blog.e23.cn 9. Some people say that building is on the floor of the palace of Rome, Gothic architecture is a heaven shrine. 有人说罗马建筑是地上的宫殿,哥特建筑则是天堂里的神宫。 www.oldbeijing.org 10. This paper investigates Virginia Woolf's Gothic vision of London by examining her three essays on London and one urban novel Mrs. 藉由分析三篇描写伦敦的散文及城市小说《达洛威夫人》,本论文探讨吴尔芙城市古书写中的志异视界。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. It can pull all gothic and industrial crowds together into a surreal unification on dance floors world wide. 它能够将全世界的哥特和工业乐迷都吸引到同一个超现实的舞池中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Thirty centuries of history expressed in the Classical, the Romanesque, the Gothic, the Baroque. . . 三百年的历史留下了罗马式,哥特式,巴洛克等各式的建筑。。。 www.ebigear.com 3. Architecture and sculpture is the peak with the early Gothic style. 建筑与雕刻是哥特式早期与盛期风格。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Besides the Byzantine and Romanesque styles introduced before, the most influential styles of the Middle Ages is the Gothic. 除前几篇论及拜占庭和仿罗马风格外,中世纪影响最为深远的家具风格就是哥特式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It also gains ageless popularity as an outstanding gothic story and the first science fiction. 它是一部优秀的哥特小说,同时也被誉为第一部科幻小说。 www.zidir.com 6. "Gothic style, Rajput touch, Art Deco fountain" , it will be a shining emblem of the New India. “哥特式的风格,拉其普特的格调,装饰派艺术的喷泉”,它将是新印度的闪耀地标。 www.ecocn.org 7. In such particulars Poe hardly differs from the mass of sensational writers who used the trappings of the Gothic Novel. 在这种细节上,坡和套用神怪小说手法,哗众取宠的作家没有什么不同。 www.showxiu.com 8. Hence we can read that this dreamland in the novel is a typical Gothic element. 因此,我们不难看出,小说中的这个梦境是典型的哥特因素。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. On the way, Catherine tells Henry how she imagines the Abbey to resemble the haunted ruins of the Gothic novels she loves. 的道路上,凯瑟琳告诉亨利,她想象的修道院,以类似的困扰废墟哥特式小说,她喜欢。 lwdx123.com 10. Amelia was born in 1897, in a Gothic mansion on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River, in Atchison, Kansas. 阿米莉亚出生于1897年,在堪萨斯州艾奇逊一处悬崖处的哥特式豪宅里,在那里可以俯瞰密苏里河。 www.bing.com 1. What would Cameron look like today if he had chosen gothic music instead of politics? 如果卡梅伦没有选择从政而成为哥特音乐的弄潮儿,他今天又将以怎样的面貌示人? www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Western architecture ? Gothic Architecuture Gothic ? 哥特式建筑? wenku.baidu.com 3. The gothic style makes it as stable and firm as a construction can possibly be. 哥特式的建筑风格让整个建筑物看起来要多牢固有多牢固。 joe-lyc.blog.163.com 4. Gothic art is gorgeous embossed roses die desolate degradation of aesthetic sublimation. 哥特式艺术是美丽的浮雕玫瑰死于审美升华荒凉退化。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Was this not what the artists of stained glass in the Gothic cathedrals strove to achieve, only in a different way? 难道这不是哥特式教堂里色彩玻璃画窗艺术家们以各种不同的艺术手法孜孜以求的效果吗? www.bing.com 6. Lettering shall be of the commercial gothic type and in upper case (capitals only). 字体应为商业哥特式和大写字母(大写只)。 zhidao.cfzn.org 7. Of Gothic cathedrals built to last an eternity. A place of gently rolling fields and vineyards and jagged Alpine peaks. 永恒的哥特式教堂。绵延起伏的平原和葡萄园,以及此起彼伏的阿尔卑斯山脉。 bbs.bugutang.com 8. The Belfry is a prominent feature of Belgian Gothic architecture , especially in Flanders. 钟楼是比利时哥德式建筑的一个显著特征,特别是在法兰德斯地区。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Some Gothic church towers were designed to carry a spire; others had flat roofs. 有些哥德式教堂塔的设计带有塔尖,有些则为平面屋顶。 chinafanyi.com 10. In Oxford, the beautiful gothic spire construction are everywhere, "spire city, " said. 在牛津处处都是优美的哥德式尖塔建筑,因此有「尖塔之城」之称。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Probably the most famous Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame is a superb example of the Rayonnant style. 可能是最著名的哥德式大教堂,也是辐射式风格的杰出范例。 www.jukuu.com 2. Film genre film combines great deal of suffering, hatred, bloodshed, elegant Gothic elements and so on. 电影流派影片融合了大量痛苦、仇恨、血腥、优雅等哥特元素。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Not sure about Bank Gothic on the team's motto, but I do think it's one of the typefaces that takes best to a curve. 确保银行哥特式团队的座右铭,但我觉得它的字体,最好的曲线之一。 www.gtn9.com 4. The official name for the Gothic tower in which Big Ben nestles is St Stephen's Tower. 大本钟所处的哥特式塔楼的官方名称是圣·斯蒂芬塔。 www.kekenet.com 5. His fiction defies classification, often blending thrillers or gothic tales with romance, horror and even science fiction. 他的小说拒斥传统文学形式的划分,往往把惊悚、哥特故事与浪漫、恐怖甚或科幻小说结合起来。 www.mask9.com 6. The Middle Age is a period in which Classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged. 中世纪是古典文化、希伯莱文化和哥特文化的相互融合时期。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Gothic church architecture from the stone skeleton composed of coupons and flying buttress. 哥特式教堂的结构体系由石头的骨架券和飞扶壁组成。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Hudec was inspired by the Gothic Art Deco American Radiator Building in New York. 邬达克钦佩于纽约哥特式装饰艺术的建筑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "Vampire North Radu fee" has also become a film in the history of mankind's first Gothic landmark film. 《吸血鬼诺斯费拉杜》也成为了人类电影史上第一部里程碑式的哥特电影。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The church has beautifully preserved Gothic architecture. 这座教堂有着维护十分完善的歌德式建筑。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Vertical lines are used to great effect in Gothic architecture. 在哥特建筑中,竖线往往具有非凡的效果。 www.bing.com 2. During this period, not only in Europe and the United States Gothic film, but also around the world set off a wave after wave of high tide. 在这个时期,哥特电影不仅在欧美,更在全世界掀起了一浪接一浪的高潮。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Gothic tattoos run along her back, and deep knife scars trace her shoulder. 她的背上布满了哥特式纹身,肩头上有深深的刀疤。 www.bing.com 4. Until the 1990s, Gothic film really ushered in a golden development period. 直到上个世纪90年代,哥特电影才真正迎来了发展的黄金时期。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Obverse blade features the inscription in raised gothic letters , "Dem Scheidenden Bezirksadjutant Oberleutnant Buchholz vom Inf . " 叶片背面特征刻在提出哥特字母,财务部长。 www.bing.com 6. The major French Gothic cathedrals include those at Paris, Chartres, Reims, and Amiens. 法国主要的哥特式大教堂包括位于巴黎,夏特尔,兰斯,以及亚眠等地的教堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. On the other side of the street is a gigantic Gothic cathedral dating from the fourteenth century. 街道的另一边是建于十四世纪的巨大哥特式大教堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This $5. 95 million Gothic-style castle is picturesque with gables, turrets and a sky-high tower. 这座价值595万美元的哥特式城堡风景如画,有山墙、角楼和高耸的塔楼。 www.bing.com 9. Use a new point of view to unscramble this Gothic novella which is full of horror and look into the charm of the story. 从一个新的角度来解读这篇充满恐怖色彩的哥特式小说,窥视小说的魅力。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Gothic films that have marked a definite development add colour to our life, and become an inseparable part of contemporary culture. 哥特式电影经过长期的发展,已经渗透进了我们的日常生活之中,并成为当代文化中必不可少的一部分。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Perpendicular style: Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style. 垂直式风格:英格兰晚期哥德式建筑的一个阶段,在时间上约略与法国的火焰式风格相平行。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Gothic churches are also usually bigger than Romanesque churches. 并且哥特式教堂凡是都比罗马式教堂年夜。 www.66553.com 3. The Gothic cathedral is Europe's longest, the public school Britain's oldest. 它是欧洲历史最悠久的哥特式大教堂,同时也是最古老的公共学校。 www.ecocn.org 4. Signs are in Gothic script, and on the platform one indicates the "Ladies' Waiting Room" . 车站的标示牌都是用哥特体写就,一号站台上标有“女士候车室”。 www.bing.com 5. Though used since ancient times, they are especially associated with Gothic architecture . 虽然从古代起就采用扶垛,但在哥德式建筑中特别重要。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Gothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths. 哥德语是一种由哥德人所使用的,已灭亡的日耳曼语族语言。 word.hcbus.com 7. These are the "nocturnal" influences that take inspiration from the Gothic , the obscure side of the "classic" , the reason, the modern. 这些“夜”的灵感来自哥特式,模糊的“经典”、理智和现代。 q.sohu.com 8. Its design influenced Romanesque and Gothic churches in Burgundy and beyond. 其设计对位于勃艮地以及更远地区的罗马和哥特式教堂产生了影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This village church is a wonderful example of the gothic style of building. 这座乡村教堂是哥特式建筑风格的绝妙典范。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Therefore, the Gothic novel is not only reader's entertainment, more importantly, it also convey the "true myth" to the world. 因此,哥特小说不仅是读者茶余饭后的消遣,更重要的是,它还在向世人传达着“神话的真实”。 www.fabiao.net 1. For the Hogwarts Castle, he studied Norman and Gothic cathedrals. 在设计霍格沃兹城堡的时候,他对诺曼式和哥特式城堡进行了研究。 c.wsj.com 2. The tiny anorexic canal passes directly underneath the apse of the parish's 14th century gothic church. 狭小的运河直接从14世纪哥特式教堂半圆形的后殿下穿过。 www.bing.com 3. the one i can thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stone. 特别能使我想起的是走进那由古老的砖石修起的哥特式拱门。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. This gothic Cheshire cat tattoo says "You may have noticed, I'm not all there myself. " 哥特式的咧嘴猫仿佛在说“你可能已经注意到了,我自己没问题。” www.bing.com 5. Another is Joseph Vargo, American Gothic artist and musician with Nox Arcana. 还有一个是约瑟夫瓦戈,美国NoxArcana乐团的哥特艺术家和音乐家。 www.bing.com 6. Gothic Amber Celtic Soap, Sandalwood Votive, Necklace Set. 哥特式琥珀凯尔特香皂,檀香沃蒂沃,项链套装。 list.us.eachnet.com 7. Gothic Amber Celtic Soap, Sandalwood Votive, Bracelet Set. 哥特式琥珀凯尔特香皂,檀香沃蒂沃,手链套装。 list.us.eachnet.com 8. bbs. iciba. com Q. Paladin armor has gone all dark and gothic. When will we see armor that better represents iconic holy warriors? 圣骑士的铠甲全是暗色的哥特式.我们什么时候才能看到能象征神圣战士的铠甲呢? bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Gothic Glow: GIMP's version of Gothic Glow action, originally for Photoshop. GothicGlow:GIMP版本的哥特辉光效果,源自Photoshop。 www.bing.com 10. The original Gothic style window pockets and the sculpted wooden staircase. 保留了原建筑中的具哥特建筑特征的窗套和雕饰精美的木楼梯。 www.pmhotel.com.cn 1. Small Gothic Cross Earrings! ! Goth! ! Black! ! NEW! 小哥特!十字耳环!哥特!黑!全新! list.us.eachnet.com 2. Gothic scented Heart Soaps, Black Votive, Bead Bracelets. 哥特式心脏肥皂香味,黑沃蒂沃,珠手链。 list.us.eachnet.com 3. Poe's twilight realm between life and death and his gaudy, Gothic settings are not merely decorative. 在生与死和奢华的哥特式背景之间,是爱伦·坡的朦胧王国,但并非仅为装饰外表而己。 www.america.gov 4. In the centre of Oxford stands a handsome Gothic memorial of honey-coloured stone. 在牛津大学中心树立着一座建于1841年的蜜色的美观的哥特式纪念碑。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Cathedral From 1562, imperial coronations took place within this gothic cathedral. 从1562年开始皇帝的加冕仪式就在这座哥特式教堂里举行。 www.bing.com 6. Some rooms of Hotel Corso Genova enjoy a splendid view of the impressive Gothic Cathedral. HotelCorsoGenova酒店的部分客房享有壮观的歌德大教堂的壮丽景致。 www.orangeway.cn 7. All colors are gray and blue tones, with dark, rainy, gothic scene in the background. 所有的颜色都是灰蓝色调,背景是哥特式雨中黑暗景象,天空中挂着月牙。 bbs.ngacn.cc 8. Some critics put it into fantasy, horror literature or Gothic novels. 一些批评家把它归入幻想文学、恐怖文学或哥特式小说。 wenwen.soso.com 9. For a long time not see moving, never appeared in a dream, in the Gothic. 很长一段时间没有看到移动,从来没有出现在梦中,在哥特式。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Salisbury Cathedral France early gothic is Notre Dame DE Paris . 法国早期哥特式教堂的代表作是巴黎圣母院 wenku.baidu.com 1. This building architecture is a hybrid of gothic and modern style. 这个建筑物混合了歌德式和现代式的两种建筑风格。 word.hcbus.com 2. coral paint in the panels of the Strawberry Hill Gothic hall. 她把珊瑚画放在草莓山哥特式走廊墙上的镶板中。 www.nciku.com 3. Thames Town's Gothic church is expected to host many ceremonies. 预计泰晤士小镇的哥特式教堂,将举行很多婚礼。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury, Lincoln, York Minster, and Exeter. 英国哥特式教堂包括坎特伯雷,林肯市,约克以及艾克赛特大教堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Typography and gothic letters or "punk" brush strokes. 印刷术和哥特式文字或“朋克”画法 q.sohu.com 6. Gothic novels---mostly stories of mystery and horror . 哥特式小说----主要讲述恐怖神秘的故事。 yingyu.100xuexi.com 7. His hotel was designed in a kind of Gothic Art Deco style, trimmed with black iron flourishes. 他的和平饭店是一种哥特的德科装修风格,用了很多精美朴素的黑铁装饰品。 www.bing.com 8. The Gothic people who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East. 征服罗马帝国的哥特族人来自东方。 9. The castle is gothic style with castellations, and inside there are extravagant stone and wood carvings, heavy panelling and stained glass. 城堡是哥特式的堡状建筑,里面有奢华的石雕和木雕,还有重型的护板和彩色玻璃窗。 www.bing.com 10. This big, fat slice of American Gothic has been haunting my Kindle for the past few nights. 这本精彩的美国哥特式小说已经陪我度过了好几个晚上。 dongxi.net 1. Then, how do you think about Gothic novel? 那么,你认为哥特式小说怎样? edu.sina.com.cn 2. Stare in amazement at the Gothic buildings from Europe's past. 以惊奇的眼光欣赏欧洲古老的哥德式建筑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Black cats and bats became Halloween motifs, apparently because of the influence of Edgar Allen Poe and gothic writers. 黑猫和蝙蝠成为万圣节的代表性图案,这显然受到了爱伦坡(EdgarAllenPoe)等哥特风作家的影响。 www.bing.com 4. Ornate Gothic musical forms, melodies and melodious, but also full of sorrow, as well as the gloomy feelings. 华丽的哥特式的音乐形式,旋律和优美,而且伤心,以及低迷的感受。 wenwen.soso.com 5. developed to eventually rival the French Gothic. 发展到最后的对手法国哥特式。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A combination of music and art, so unique and ice-Gothic exudes the feeling. 音乐与艺术的结合,如此独特和冰散发着哥特式的感觉。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Gothic art is spent in the loneliness of characters is the castle in the whine. 哥特式艺术是孤独的字符是用在抱怨城堡。 wenwen.soso.com 8. "A Rose for Emily" ----In this story, Faulkner makes best use of the Gothic devices in narration. 《给爱米丽的玫瑰》----在这篇小说里,福克纳充分利用了哥特式的叙述方法。 www.bing.com 9. Gothic fiction, belonging to the English literature faction, is generally considered as Horace Hua Er Boer "Ao Telang Fort map" and produce. 哥特小说,属于英语文学派别,一般被认为随着贺瑞斯·华尔波尔的《奥特朗图堡》而产生。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Notre Dame DE Paris is a gothic church, is the ancient symbol of Paris. 5巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格的教堂,是古老巴黎的象征。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Gothic Spider Web Planter full of Creepy Vamp Goodies! 哥特斯派德韦卜播种机的千奇鞋面好康充分! list.us.eachnet.com 2. Gothic Mr. Long does not feel stuffy, in his view here is very good, only ate dinner once proposed. 哥特龙先生并不觉得闷,他认为在这里就很好,只提议立刻就吃晚饭。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. Dong Jiao Min Xiang Church is a double-storey building of Gothic architecture built in 1901. 东交民巷教堂是一座建于1901年的两层哥特式建筑。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. With beautiful gothic buildings lining each side of the Piazza, the square felt both imposing and calm at the same time. 广场两边都是美丽的哥特建筑,让人感觉庄严而又宁静。 english.dxy.cn 5. A diagonal rib of a Gothic vault. 哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱 dict.hjenglish.com 6. From this photo, you can see another characteristic of Gothic building: Flying buttress. 这张照片,可以看到歌德式建筑物的另一大特色:飞扶壁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Woman in Black is based on the gothic thriller novel of the same name by British writer Susan Hill. 影片《黑衣女人》根据英国作家苏珊-希尔的同名哥特式恐怖小说改编。 www.bing.com 8. Gothic, the culture that is composed of the criminal recognition and understanding of society or individual. 哥特思想是由社会或个人罪恶的认知、了解、悲痛所组成。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights. 《呼啸山庄》的哥特式特征 www.mfyyw.com 10. Helen: The old St Paul's Cathedral was in the old Gothic style. SunChen:哥特式风格gothicstyle.伦敦大火烧毁了以前的教堂。 www.ebigear.com 1. British author Diane Setterfield's debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, is a gothic suspense novel published in 2006. 英国作家戴安娜-赛特菲尔德的首部小说《第十三个故事》是一部哥特式悬念小说,于2006年出版。 www.hjenglish.com 2. There are many types of architectural styles, such as classical Chinese architecture, modern architecture, Gothic architecture. 有许多类型的建筑风格,如古典建筑,现代建筑,哥特式建筑。 word.hcbus.com 3. by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Gothic Temple sleeps four but there is just one awkwardly positioned bathroom. 哥特神庙可以为4人提供住宿,但只有一间简陋的卫生间。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Both are Gothic-Renaissance style portraits of birds in 18th-century clothes. 两个托盘里面的图样都是哥特文艺复兴风格的肖像,而肖像的主角是穿着十八世纪服装的鸟类。 www.bing.com 6. In "Salute to the Middle Ages" series, there is also an illusion of Gothic church and vague creased gowns of monks. 《向中世纪致敬》系列作品中同时还出现了中世纪哥特式教堂的幻影与虚悬的僧侣的多皱折的宽袍。 www.artnow.com.cn 7. Tallest nave in a French Gothic cathedral, the vaults of Amiens rise 139 feet [42 meters]. 这是法国哥特式大教堂亚眠大教堂最高的中堂,它的拱顶有139英尺高(42米)。 www.bing.com 8. The neo-Gothic Swallow's Nest castle perches 130 feet (40 meters) above the Black Sea near Yalta in southern Ukraine. 城堡图片美术馆。这新-哥德式燕子的巢窝城堡栖息在130英尺(40米)在黑海之上靠近雅尔塔乌克兰的南部。 forum.home.news.cn 9. In the study of English literature, Gothic novel has been neglected as it is regarded as a tributary of the development of English novel. 在我国的英国文学研究方面,哥特式小说因被认为是英国小说发展的支流而受到忽视。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. I'm going to install a foliate arch for my new house that is in the Gothic style. 我打算为我的新房子安一扇按哥特式风格饰以叶形装饰的拱门。 www.24en.com 1. A study in 2009 showed that switching to Century Gothic could save businesses as much as $80 per printer per year. 2009年的一个研究表明转换到CenturyGothic字体每年将会为每台打印机节省80美元商业支出。 www.ecocn.org 2. But compared to Zombie and Halloween wedding, the Gothic theme doesn't sound too bad. 不过对比僵尸和万圣节婚礼,歌特婚礼好像还不是那么糟糕。 www.bing.com 3. On the other side of the street is a famous Gothic church. 街的另一边是一座著名的哥特式教堂。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Its 3th-century cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture noted for its stained glass and asymmetrical spires. Population, 37, 9. 市内3世纪的大教堂为哥特式建筑的杰作,以其彩色玻璃和对称螺旋体著名。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 5. Gothic art of the highest achievements in the construction area. 哥特式艺术的最高成就体现在建筑方面。 word.hcbus.com 6. Segovia Cathedral - the Gothic church of Spain, is a 16th century work. 塞哥维亚大教堂-西班牙的哥德式的教堂,是16世纪作品。 www.wowviewer.com 7. Gothic metal with female lead vocals . 女性主唱的哥特金属。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The tall Gothic windows glinted in the sinking sun. 高大的哥特式窗户在夕阳的照耀下闪闪发光。 www.rrting.com 9. Spooky music and ambience will be added to aid the gothic mood. 鬼音乐和氛围将被加入到援助的哥特式气氛。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. The Gothic-style church in this small town a European style of play the role of commander in chief. 这座哥特式的教堂对这一片的欧洲小城镇风格起着统帅的作用。 wenda.tianya.cn |
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