单词 | get along |
释义 | got along是get along的过去式
第三人称单数:gets along 现在分词:getting along 过去式:got along 过去分词:gotten along 例句释义: 过活,生活,进步,怀念过去 1. Actually , I got along with you during the national holiday , I felt you were not what I thought before . 事实上,在假期我和你相处的很好。我感觉到那不以前的你。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The ECB and the Bank of England do all three of these things. So far the Fed has got along without them. 欧洲央行和英格兰银行都采用了上述三种方法,而美联储则至今未采取其中任何一项。 www.ecocn.org 3. He said there was a time when he and settlers of Kiryat Arba got along well. 他说,曾有一段时间,他和基亚特·阿巴定居点的居民相处得很好。 www.kekenet.com 4. He used to say, "I never got along at school. I was always at the bottom of my class. " 他经常回忆道,“我在学校从来学得不好,总是班上最后一名。” www.thnu.edu.cn 5. 'I noticed when I was with my family outside how much more we got along, ' says Ms. Cohen, 38, a gardening consultant in Gainesville, Va. 科恩说,我注意到,当我和家人一起外出时,我们相处得要好得多。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Keep vigilant but things would be so much easier if you got along with your neighbors, right? 保持警惕是很好,但如果你与你的邻居相处得很好事情会变得容易得多,不是吗? www.milchina.com 7. Believe it or not, the world got along fine without you for millions of years, and will do so long after you're gone. 不管你信不信,没有你这个世界也已经顺利地运转亿万年了,而且在你消失之后还将依然如此。 daydreamer714.blog.tianya.cn 8. They got along famously -- until the very end of the meal , and then they got into a furious argument . 他们都相处地非常好,--直到快要用餐时,他们激烈的争论起来。 www.bing.com 9. Although circumstances caused me to leave my first job, I was very successful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. 虽然因为环境原因,我离开了前一个工作岗位,但是我在学校里表现很好,跟同学和老师都相处得很好。 www.hxen.com 10. I had to finish those hardest tasks, got along with my collages, you know sometimes it's very difficult. 我不得不完成那些艰难的工作,和同事搞好关系,你知道搞关系时常是件很困难的事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. There was a dew drop yesterday, we got along so well and I cherished it very much, but today, the sun snatched my dew drop away. 昨天有一颗露珠,与我十分投缘,我非常珍爱它,但它却被今天的阳光抢走了。 www.zhibeifw.com 2. Once upon a time the world got along quite happily with local time based on the sun. 从前,世界各地使用基于太阳的地方时,一切都相安无事。 www.kekenet.com 3. We got along swell together. They asked all sorts of questions, as though they had never learned a damned thing. 我们相处得很好,他们提各种问题,像是屁也没学会一样。 www.bing.com 4. One month more after we got along with each other, I noticed she treated me in a very friendly way. I gradually had affections to her. 一个多月的相处,使我注意到她对我朋友般地好,我也开始慢慢喜欢上了她。 www.91tech.cn 5. Co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously -- very famously. 共同主演的亨弗莱·鲍嘉轻视她,但是威廉·霍尔登和赫本相处地非常好。 www.bing.com 6. Thank you for your help. I felt very happy in the two years we got along with each other. 谢谢你对我的帮助。和你两年的相处我感到十分快乐。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Ivan and her cousin Alice got along well. No matter what kind of things Ivan met, he always liked to bare his mind to Alice. 伊凡和表姐爱丽丝的关系很好,无论遇到什么事,他都喜欢向爱丽丝倾诉。 q.sohu.com 8. They got along so well as if had been together for many years. 他们是这么的自然,就好像我们已经相处了好多年。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Getz and I got along fine, but when he played, I'd just listen in awe. 我和盖兹相处得很好,不过,他演奏时,我只有聆听的份。 www.bing.com 10. I got along very well with my host family and admired Little Bit, a puppy that became like a little brother to me. 我与我的接待家庭相处得极为融洽,我极喜欢“小不点”(LittleBit),这只小狗就像我的小弟弟一样。 www.america.gov 1. Well, I got a news flash for you : We got along just fine without you . 那我给你一条新闪讯:没有你们我一样过得很好。 www.bing.com 2. Best time I had working with an actress in a movie. We got along great. 这是我和女演员合作得最好的一次。我们相处得太好了。 www.anistonchina.com 3. And that's why your father and I never got along. 这就是你父亲和我从来不要好。 spreadsheets.google.com 4. People living in this neighborhood got along well with one another. 住在这附近的人相处融洽。 www.tysy.net 5. Although we got along with each other for a short time, the conference has enhanced our understanding and friendship. 尽管我们在一起相聚的时间很短,但这次会议却极大地增进了彼此间的了解和友谊。 wenku.baidu.com 6. We got along with for three years, have no crannied three years, perhaps would also forever of three year. 我们相处了三年,没有裂缝的三年,也许也会是永远的三年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. They first met in London in 1912 and reportedly got along well. 1912年他们在伦敦首次会面,据传两人交好。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the house on the left of ours lived an old woman named Lucy. She and my parents got along splendidly. 我家左边住着一位老太太,名字叫露西,我们的关系相处得尤其的好。 en.eol.cn 9. But, might be a gift, I got along with them very soon. 不过,可能是因为一种天性吧,我很快就融入到他们中间去了。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. We got along just fine and I started developing feelings for him. 我们相处得很好,我开始为他有了感情。 www.51zdw.com 1. We never had one and the world got along pretty well for thousands of years without bureaucrats taking the world's money. 我们从来没有一个与世界相处得非常好多年没有数千官僚到世界的钱。 bbs.dyhjw.com 2. MTV and I never really got along; my lyrics aren't explicit enough for them. MTV和我相处的不是很好,我的歌词对他们来说不够清晰。 www.putclub.com 3. My boss was OK, and I got along with my colleagues. 我的老板还凑合,和同事也相处甚欢。 norwegianwood.gaobo.org 4. And for instance, her family was just visiting for Christmas and we got along great. 譬如说,她的家人刚来和我们一起过的圣诞节,我们之间相处得非常融洽。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. No matter how well they got along, the girl, however, refused to get married. 虽然两个人感情很好,但女孩怎么也不肯嫁。 blog.163.com 6. Grandpa taught the grandkids to fish; Grandma made pies and sewed curtains; everyone magically got along. 爷爷教小的们钓鱼,奶奶做派、缝补窗帘,每个人都奇迹般地和谐共处。 www.bing.com 7. For some problem on auto lightweight, the R&D to the auto lightweight has got along with the support of foreign technical. 围绕汽车轻量化的一些问题,国内的一些企业在外方的技术支持下,汽车轻量化的研发工作已有起色。 www.cnautotime.com 8. Peppino glided first into this crevice ; after they got along a few paces the passage widened. 庇皮诺第一个从这条石缝里钻了进去,但走了几步之后,地道就开阔起来了。 dict.veduchina.com 9. From then on, he and his sons got along very well. This was due to his change. 从此回去之后,父子的感情互动得很好,就是因为父亲改变了。 marksheu.wordpress.com 10. Part for souvenir and the Microsoft that got along 33 years, president Gates made up Microsoft to guide oneself oneself so a humorous short. 为了纪念和相处了33年的微软分别,微软总裁盖茨自编自导了这么一个幽默的短片。 itzhe.cn 1. He also got along with Sophie, who lived a few blocks behind our house, which meant that we went to and from the swimming pool together. 他也跟索菲亚相处。索菲亚就住在我家后面几个街区的地方,这方便了我们一道来去游泳馆。 www.bing.com 2. although; Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends. 虽然他们性格迥异,但却相处友好 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The more I got along with Mr. President, the more I found him humorous and approachable. 越和总统先生相处,我就越发现他善谈而平易近人。 li-ht.blog.163.com 4. Mr Bush's officials also talked to North Korea and Iran, and got along well enough with China and Russia. 布什的官员也曾和朝鲜和伊朗进行过会谈,并且与中国及俄国的关系也不错。 ecocn.org 5. Though their personalities were different, they got along as friends. 虽然他们性格迥异,但却能友好相处。 course.zzu.edu.cn 6. Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door. 除了隔壁住的那个人以外,Tom和他所有的邻居相处得好。 en.12999.com 7. Though their personalities were different, they got along well. 虽然他们性格迥异,却能友好相处。 www.tingroom.com 8. I flew to New York to test with Rob and we immediately got along and had instant great chemistry, which is not an easy thing to come by. 我飞到纽约和Rob试镜,我们相处得很融洽,立即有很好的化学效应,这可不是件容易的事。 www.ke55.com 9. I never bought her any flowers during the past years that we got along with each other. 在过去我们相处的这些岁月里,我还从来没有给她买过花呢。 www.1363.cn 10. Xiao Ming and I got along well. 曾有一段时间我和小明相处的很好。 wenwen.soso.com 1. After the death of their parents, the sisters got along well and never quarreled. 父母死后,姐妹们相处很好,从不吵架。 www.ielts.com.cn 2. I got along well with the other musicians (I did their income taxes), but my style was different from theirs. 我和其他乐手相处得很好(我为他们申报所得税),但我的行为习惯和他们不一样。 www.bing.com 3. Maybe he was not smart, but he still got along well with most of us. 或许他不聪明,但是他却和我们大多数人相处融洽。 bbs.tingclass.com 4. Jack got along well with the neighbours after he settled down here. 杰克在这里定居后,与邻居们相处得很好。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Christians and Muslims got along quite well with Mubarak in power. 基督教和穆斯林在穆巴拉克的统治下相处的非常不错。 www.fyjs.cn 6. Since settled here, Liming got along with neighborhood . 李鸣在这里定居后,和领居们相处得很好。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Got along alright so far. 迄今为止,我生活的非常好。 www.rockyear.com 8. The soldiers got along with the local people with perfect harmony. 战士们和当地人相处的水乳交融。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Civilization got along quite well without them for thousandsof years. 数千年来人类没有他们过的也挺好。 www.bing.com 10. The little guys got along just fine while the big guys were fighting. 在大人物打仗的时候,这些小人物却相安无事。 www.america.gov 1. Stevenson got along well with Osbourne's children. 史蒂文森相处良好奥斯本的儿童。 word.hcbus.com 2. there were but ten dollars in all . he wondered how all these other lodging - house people around him got along. 他想知道他周围这些住在寄宿处的其他人都是怎么过活的。 www.ichacha.net 3. Because the objects to work were comprehensive, the ways got along with others had yet improved greatly hereon . 因工作对象的广泛性,待人接物技巧在在此期间也得到很大提高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We got along really well and ever since then we've been best friends . 我们相处得很好,并从那时起我们一直在最好的朋友。 wenwen.soso.com 5. I got along wonderfully with Mr. Honda. 我同本田先生的交道打得很不错。 6. Sakuragi sighed as he remembered that night where he first saw that fox smile . That was the first time they actually got along . 樱木叹了口气,想起了那个他第一次见到那只狐狸笑的晚上。事实上,他们两个头一次相处得那么融洽。 www.bing.com 7. Since Li Ming settled here, he has got along well with his neighbours. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Kelly said all the painters got along. 凯利说,所有参展画家均友好相处。 www.america.gov 9. They found they had a lot in common and got along well. 他们两人发现有很多共同之处,谈得很投机。 www.zxksw.net 10. She got along with the new school classmates quite well. 她在新学校和同学相处得很好。 www.kekenet.com 1. Li Ming has settled down here and got along with neighbors well. 李明在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But people got along without credit cards in the past and can still do so today. 但是过去人们没有信用卡能活,现在也一样。 www.bing.com 3. pug got along well with burne - wilke , who had fully grasped the landing craft problem. 伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了“登陆艇”这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好。 www.ichacha.net 4. Greece got along fine before I was born. Greece will be Greece long after I'm dead. 希腊在我出生前很美好。希腊在我死去后也会长久存在。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. My parents and I have always got along well because they are willing to talk over problems. 我和父母一直相处很好,因为他们愿意同我商量各种问题。 www.englishdata.cn 6. Classmates and I got along very well. 我和同学相处得也很好。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In fact, the colonists and Indians never got along very well, and this first Thanksgiving dinner probably never took place. 事实上,殖民者和印第安人相处地一直不好,而这第一次的感恩节大餐可能也从未举办过。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Of course if we got along great and loved each other I would marry you without any hesitations. 当然如果我们之间相处得很好也相互爱对方,我会毫不犹豫地和你结婚。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. We've always got along well together. 我们一向相处得很好。 10. She asked George how he had got along. 她问乔治近来日子过得怎么样。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. We got along well with the kids, and they moved us in many ways, we won't forget the days we had with them. 我们和孩子们打成一片,他们的种种让我感动,不会忘记和他们在一起的日子。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Although he settled down recently, he got along very well with his neighbours. 尽管他定居这里不久,但和邻居们相处得很好。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I have got along with her about the picure shop 's things last time . 关于上次画廊的事情,我已经和她联系好。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Wonder how I got along. 想知道我是如何相处。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We've always got along quite well. 我们一向相处很好。 www.yaohua.edu.cn 6. I'm from a poor family. We lived in a hut. My parents never got along. 我来自一个贫穷的家庭,我们居住在简陋小屋,而我的父母从未和睦相处。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Soon she and her stepsons got along very well and the boys became fond of the birds, too. 很快地﹐她和她的继子们处得很和谐﹐而小男孩们也变得喜爱鸽子了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. During the holiday I stayed with my sister, we got along with each other very well. 整个假期我跟姐姐待在一起,我们相处得很愉快。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I have got along well with my neighbours. 我与邻居们一直处得很好。 www.swansea86.com 10. got along great with the teacher. 和老师相处得非常好 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I got along well with Xiaodong during a period of time before and we cared for each other. 曾经有一段时间我和小东相处都很好,我们互相关心, zhidao.baidu.com 2. He got along very well with his classmates. 他和同学们相处得很融洽。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 3. We always had a roof over our head and food on our table, and we got along with the Chinese around us very well. 我很幸运,我们总是有房子住,有饭吃,我们和周围的中国人相处得很好。 www.voanews.com.cn 4. After we got along with Professor Green for several yesrs, we thought of him as a poet and novelist 在师从格林教授许多年后,我们都觉得他是一位诗人和作家。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I didn't figure out what went wrong because i think we have always got along with each other. 我搞不清什么地方出了错,因为我觉得我们一直相处的很好。 wenwen.soso.com 6. When I was promoted to the director of sales department, I got along quite well with the staff members; I like interacting with them. 当我被提拔为销售部经理时,我跟职员们处得很好,我喜欢跟他们在一起。 www.hotdic.com 7. Got along for a year 一年多的相处, zhidao.baidu.com 8. Have learned intention going to observe the thing and person , how to have got along with person; 学会了用心去观察事和人,怎样与人相处; zhidao.baidu.com 9. sister maria jos and i got along fine 玛丽亚?约瑟夫修女和我相处得非常融洽。 www.ichacha.net 10. Too much wine and too much song, wonder how I got along 太多的酒和太多的歌使我荒废年华 wenwen.soso.com 1. The soldiers got along with the local people with pr 战士们和当地人相处得水乳交融。 wenku.baidu.com 2. I got along well with teachers; 搞好师生关系,师生相处得融洽和睦; blog.19lou.com 3. I got along with my parents last nigte 我昨晚和我的父母在一起 bulo.hjenglish.com |
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