单词 | hole up |
释义 |
第三人称单数:holes up 现在分词:holing up 过去式:holed up 例句释义: 蛰居洞中,躲藏,安置…在避难处[躲藏处],监禁,龟缩,藏匿,净胜穴数 1. Grandma watched as the bees made their way into a hole up in one of the trees. 奶奶望见这些蜜蜂先后钻进一棵树上高高的树洞中。 yibar.com.cn 2. The problem is, all full moons are operative plus or minus three days or so, and that's a whole week to have to hole up! 问题是,所有的月圆是职员正负三天左右,和那是一全部星期到有到洞在! www.douban.com 3. When a reckless bank robber and his rebellious teenage hostage hole up for the night in a bad motel, anything can happen. 一个没经验的银行抢匪和一个被掳做人质的叛逆少女在一个破旧汽车旅馆内过夜,任何事情都能发生。 www.27xia.com 4. He was studying then in Paris with Messiaen and Milhaud, but preferred to hole up in studios playing with tapes and sine waves. 那时,施托克豪森在法国巴黎与梅西安和大流士?米约一起学习,但他更喜爱自己独自待在录音棚研究录音带与正弦波。 www.ecocn.org 5. Pausing from his political commentary for a brief moment, he noted, "[Obama] can't exactly fill the hole up. " 他的政治评论暂停片刻后,他指出,“【奥巴马政府】无法填补这个漏洞。” www.bing.com 6. In recent years, the national early presidents 20 million meters of the arch bridge, one of the biggest hole, up to 150 meters. 近几年来,全国早了总长二十余万米的这种拱桥,其中最大的一孔,长达150米。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I have two exams and a paper due tomorrow. I'm going to have to hole up in the library tonight. 明天我有两门考试,还要交一篇论文,所以今天整晚我都得泡在图书馆里了。 liaozhai.pojaa.com 8. Care to make a bet? i got an idea. I will hole up with you for the next 24 hours, And we can fast-forward through the entire relationship. 打个赌吗,我有个主意。接下来24小时我都和你在一起,我们可以让我们之间的关系迅速发展。 www.bing.com 9. Drugged by the potent liquor of sorrow, they cry, lie in bed, stare into space, drink too much or hole up and watch TV. 他们借酒消愁,躺在床上哭,直勾勾的盯着天花板,喝很多酒或者宅在家里看电视。 www.bing.com 10. Not so, since in fact the Earth also has big hole up there, just like this fish tank. 不是那样的,因为实际上地球在那顶上也有一个大洞,恰好就像这个鱼缸。 www.elanso.com 1. I'm not going to hole up with Mark. I'm going to try and have a relationship with you guys. 我不会和马克一起躲起来,我要和你们建立关系。 www.bing.com 2. Year-old "glass" eels hole up in Maine's Pemaquid River. 一岁大的“玻璃”鳗鱼躲藏在缅因州的佩马奎德河里。 www.bing.com 3. The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them on Monday morning. 三人于周日跌落悬崖,直到周一早晨才被营救队员发现,在此之前他们不得不躲藏起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. There's no foreseeable chance of us getting back to town tonight, we'd better forge into the woods and find a safe spot to hole up. 根据预测,我们今晚没有回城的可能,所以我们最好迅速前进,开进森林,找个安全的地方歇下来。 bbs.3gbbs.com 5. Reels of old Disney cartoons, stacks of gigabyte computer hard drives, and three 24-year-old-computer graphic artists hole up inside. 一卷卷古老的迪斯尼动画磁带,一堆堆大容量电脑硬盘,还有三个24岁的计算机图形艺术家藏身其中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Writers typically have to hole up for months in order to finish a book . 为了完成一本书,作家们往往不得不一连几个月闭门苦干。 www.bing.com 7. We need to find someplace secluded where we can hole up and let me regenerate . 我们需要找到一个隐蔽的地方,我们就可以躲起来等待我的再生。 www.bing.com 8. Then I'd race home and hole up in my room, playing the drums and the piano, composing music. 然后,我会跑回家,躲在自己房间,敲鼓,弹琴,作音乐。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. But Depp chose to hole up at a West Hollywood recording studio. 但是戴普选择呆在一个好莱坞西部录音室。 www.bing.com 10. Then she covers the hole up with sand. 然后她用沙子盖满挖好的洞。 www.tianhongsh.com 1. Why doesn' t the water run away ? What' s stopping the hole up ? 为什么这水流不走?什么东西把洞口堵上了? dict.v.wenguo.com 2. They've stuffed the hole up. 他们已把这个洞填好了。 www.powerdict.com 3. "When did they hole up here? " I asked. “他们何时藏身于此?”我问。 yingyu.eduu.com |
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