单词 | happen on |
释义 | happens on是happen on的第三人称单数 例句释义: 偶然看到 1. This has elements of what happens on Earth, but there is not the physical coupling you expect to see when you hear the word "father. " 这包含了地球上发生的一些要素,然而没有你所期望看到的一对物质性夫妇,当你听到“父亲”这个词。 www.kalazan.com 2. There is something very special about this particular trip, and you seem to be changed for the better by what happens on this journey. 也有一些是非常关注这个特殊的行程特别,你似乎是用什么在这个旅程中发生的变好了。 www.chinatarot.com 3. The point is, if you keep seeing shooting and mugging and strangulating, you will not CARE if it happens on your street. 问题是,如果你总是看枪杀呀、抢劫呀和勒死人这种电视,如果在你住的那条街上真的发生这种事,你就不会在意了。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The opposite effect happens on the other side of the ball, where the air travels slower relative to the centre of the ball. 相反的作用发生在球的另一侧(空气流速较慢)。 www.bing.com 5. But if the kind of love no matter what happens on the men do not care will not happen. 但是如果那种无论对爱情中发生什么都不在意的男人就不会出现这种情况。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Even if nothing very obvious happens on the material plane, as may be the case, this is usually a time of inner peace and contentment. 即使并没有任何明显的物质基础变化,这也有可能,但是这段时间依然会保持内心平和愉快。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's depressing when you can't get out of a traffic jam. Especially when it happens on your only way home. 被困在车阵中动弹不得真让人不爽。尤其那是你回家唯一的路的时候。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Automakers who manufacture the small cars said the tests simulated ah igh-speed crash that rarely happens on the road. 这些迷你车的制造商们说,这些测试模拟了在路上十分罕见的高速碰撞。 www.xcar.com.cn 9. This was just one of those happy accidents that happens on its own. 这真是自天而降的幸运机遇。 10. "I don't know. I've no idea, " he said when asked if what happens on Wednesday would change anything regarding the breakaway. “我不知道,我没有看法,”当被问及周三所发生的事是否会改变现状。 ferrari-china.com 1. He added: "I cannot tell you it doesn't happen but, in general, it only happens on a very small scale. " 他补充说:“我不能对你说没有这种情况,但总的来说,这种情况的规模很小。” www.ftchinese.com 2. It's not an easy one because everyone knows that United and Liverpool have great responsibilities in terms of what happens on the field. 事情比较严重,因为每个人都知道,场上发生的事实会让曼联或利物浦背负起非常大的责任。 www.bing.com 3. If this happens on a large scale, as it did in the 1930s, the ripple effect for the economy as a whole can be devastating. 如果这样的事情在一个比较大的尺度上发生(就像1930年代那样),波纹效应就会给整个的经济体带来毁灭性的影响。 www.bing.com 4. When a composite video signal is broadcast over the airwaves by a TV station, it happens on a specific frequency . 当电视台要把组合视频信号经由无线电波广播出去时,要先把它调制到特定频率的载波上。 www.bing.com 5. The point is, the jQuery portion of this application doesn't care what happens on the back end. 关键的一点是此应用程序的jQuery部分并不关心在后端发生的事情。 www.ibm.com 6. But statistics reporting the global growth of China give no sense of what actually happens on the ground. 但关于中国全球经济增长的数据并不能让人们认识到中国到底发生了什么变化。 www.ecocn.org 7. The other embarrassed condition usually happens on the taxi drivers who provide the long distance services. 另一个尴尬的情况发生在提供长途服务的出租车司机身上。 www.dxyer.cn 8. Everything that happens on a Universal level is set to carry all life towards the higher levels of Light and Love. 每件事情在宇宙的级别发生时都是为了带领所有的生命朝向更高的“爱与光”的水平进化。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No matter what happens on the total eclipse, the year can end on a romantic, happy note. 不管在日全食发生时,一年可以结束了对浪漫,愉快的心情。 bbs.chinatarot.com 10. As it is, nothing can casually think about tomorrow, think about the future, something happens on the big yelling. 正如现在这样,没事就可以胡乱想想明天,想想未来,有事就大大吼大叫。 www.dota123.com 1. Training is realistic and you find that what you've prepared during the week is what happens on a Sunday. That's important. We are prepared. 训练是现实的,你会发现你在一周之中准备的会在周日发生。这很重要。我们已经准备好了。 page.renren.com 2. But the slogan is everything happens on the surface where we are doing the integral. 这个图像表明,我们所做的处理都在进行积分运算的球面上。 open.163.com 3. Once again, it's what happens on the race course that matters, not the big numbers written in a log book. 再强调一次,重要的是在比赛过程发生什么,而不是跑步记录上留下的大数字。 wntest.ustc.edu.cn 4. If it happens on hotel premises, render basic First Aid only if necessary, i. e. stop bleeding. 如果事故发生在客房,必要的时候可以采取紧急救助,例如:止血等。 bbs.veryeast.cn 5. This inevitably happens on large-scale projects anyway, but sub-teams can be made responsible for the delivery of different modules. 这在大型项目中必定会发生,各个项目子团队可以负责不同模块的交付。 www.infoq.com 6. What happens on the last call though? It gets most of the way through a pentagon and stops. 可是最后一次调用发生了什么?它画出了大部分的五角形却停止了。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 7. The battle which actually happens on Breed's Hill is a costly victory for the British who suffer heavy losses. 1994 O. 战斗发生在实际上是一个昂贵的品种的英军战胜遭受重大损失。 www.beiin.net 8. "If it happens on the pitch, it also happens round the table, " he says. “发生在球场上的事情,也会发生在办公桌前。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Is that something that happens on purpose or something you're trying to fix? 这是一种故意的行为,还是你们正在努力改正? www.ftchinese.com 10. If the workload you throw at the test server doesn't reflect what really happens on your site, you'll be tuning to solve the wrong problem! 如果您在测试服务器上施加的工作负载无法反映出站点中实际发生的情况,则您的优化将无法解决问题! www.ibm.com 1. The result indicated that the modification, which happens on the edges of bentonite, strikingly enhanced their adsorption of cobalt ions. 结果表明,硅铝胶改性在膨润土端面发生,改性能显著提高膨润土吸附钴离子的能力。 www.chemyq.com 2. And some see being made to use your real name as the antidote to the unpleasantness that happens on forums. 同时另外一些人认为使用真名可以避免论坛上那些令人不愉快事件的发生。 www.bing.com 3. If it happens on stage or back stage or in the house, the production manager is responsible. 管理所有的演出和儿童戏剧营。舞台,后台或剧院发生的任何事情都由制作经理负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As long as they make people's lives better, it's O. K. But what happens on the day when they no longer can? 只要他们能够提高人民生活水平,一切就说得过去,但如果哪一天他们做不到了,将会发生什么? www.bing.com 5. As an increasing portion of people's Web surfing happens on mobile devices, Android gives Google a position in mobile advertising. 随着人们越来越多地用手机进行网络冲浪,安卓系统使谷歌在移动广告领域获得了一定的地位。 cn.wsj.com 6. From Earth, we cannot see everything that happens on the sun. 我们从地球上无法看到太阳发生的每个现象。 wenwen.soso.com 7. When a CR is complete it sits in the Release Ready state until a scheduled release happens on every second Wednesday. 当完成一个CR时,它就被置为发布就绪状态,这个状态一直保持到每两个星期中的第二个星期三。此时正是计划的发布日期。 www.infoq.com 8. no, He watches and providentially cares for everything that happens on the face of the earth. 注视地面上发生的每一件事,并且要看顾它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If that happens, on an energy equivalent basis, crude oil will still be more than five times as expensive as natural gas. 即使如此,能量等效的情况下,原油价格仍然是天然气的5倍以上。 www.bing.com 10. Scalability: The processing of the asynchronous work happens on the grid nodes themselves. 可伸缩性:异步工作的处理在网格节点本身上发生。 www.ibm.com 1. The drama averted (or at the back of your mind) you start to head home. What happens on the way? 场景转换了(或者如你所望),你开始动身回家。在路上会发生些什么? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "I care about Wall Street for one reason and one reason only - because what happens on Wall Street matters to Main Street, " Bernanke said. 伯南克说:“我关心华尔街金融业,原因有一个,而且只有一个,那就是因为金融业攸关着整个经济中的实体及个人。” www.bing.com 3. when the superstructure floor is high, the stress concentration happens on the top of rigid pile and flexible pile. 当上部结构层数较高时,刚性桩和柔性桩桩顶均出现应力集中现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The Web, and everything which happens on it, rest on two things: technological protocols, and social conventions. Web,上面发生的一切事情都基于两个因素:技术协议和社会公约。 www.bing.com 5. Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears. 如果皮肤暴露在极度寒冷中太久,就会引起冻伤。主要发生在手、脚和耳朵上。 www.hxen.com 6. So it's either populating the controls, setting view state, applying themes, etc. , everything happens on the page load. 因此,不是填充控件、设置viewstate、应用主题等一切都发生在页面加载上。 archive.cnblogs.com 7. Much of modern written communication happens on and across computer networks. 许多当代书面表达技巧出现在网络上并且能够跨网络运用。 www.ibm.com 8. Turn Placement: Turning happens on the top and backside of the moguls. 转向的位置:转向要在包的顶部和背部。 www.lvye.org 9. WHATEVER happens on Election Day, Americans will keep asking the same question: When will this economy get better? 不管选举日发生了什么,美国人都会问同样的问题:什么时候经济才会好转? cn.nytimes.com 10. A strange thing happens on the road to information revolution: people stop communicating with each other. 在信息革命的路上出现了一桩怪事:人们停止了相互交谈。 www.taody.com 1. It happens on hot days more than on cold, which leads to speculation that the action cools the brain. 热天比冷天打哈欠多,人们猜测,这种动作能给大脑降温。 www.bing.com 2. The whole thing happens on autopilot, even before I feel fully awake mentally. 所有的事都自然而然的发生,即使是在我神志完全清醒之前也是如此。 www.yayan123.com 3. No matter what happens on the stock market or in other strata of the economy, real estate will rise. 无论在股市上或其他经济层面发生了什么,房地产都会升值。 dongxi.net 4. No matter what happens on Saturday, Li Na will become the first ever Chinese player to break into the world Top 5 next week. 无论周六比赛结果怎样,下周李娜将成为中国首位进入世界五强的选手。 www.hxen.com 5. One of the things that often happens on our programs is that people talk about being angry with themselves. 有一种情况机场在我们的课程中发生,那就是人们谈论他们如何生自己的气。 www.bing.com 6. Table 1 offers a comparison of the logic flow of the two methods, and illustrates what happens on specific lines in Listings 1 and 2. 表1提供了对两种方法的逻辑流程的比较,并演示了清单1和清单2的特定行中发生的事情。 www.ibm.com 7. Remember that intangible thing that happens on a date when you decide if you like the person or not? 记得在约会时决定喜不喜欢对方时那一种无形的东西吗? www.bing.com 8. Needing to do something the framework wasn't built to do happens on every project. 每个项目中都需要完成一些框架设定工作之外的事情。 www.ibm.com 9. Much of the coding in Rico happens on the client side, but you have a few important things to do on the server side. Rico中的大部分代码编写工作是在客户端进行的,但在服务器端也有一些重要的事情要做。 www.ibm.com 10. This type of orgasm happens on the same neural pathways as a G-spot orgasm. 这中高潮的产出与G点高潮源于同一条敏感神经。 www.bing.com 1. When an event happens on the server, the response is sent and closed, and the poll immediately begins anew. 当服务器上发生某个事件时,响应被发送并随即关闭,轮询立即重新开始。 www.ibm.com 2. Ms. Politkovskaya was murdered, as it happens, on Oct. 7: Mr. Putin's birthday. 最终,在普京先生的生日那天:10月7日,波利特科夫斯卡娅惨遭谋杀。 dongxi.net 3. The dragon boat festival which happens on lunar may 5th is in memory of qu yuan, an ancient poet. 端午节在每年农历的五月五日,是为了纪念古代诗人屈原。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. No extraordinary disorder happens on the orderly border . 在有序的边界上没有发生不寻常的混乱。 www.hjenglish.com 5. In the great majority of cases, it happens on schedule. 在大多数情况中,它按照进度表进行。 romance.iflove.com 6. If something bad happens on a particular day, people have a tendency to associate that day with the negative event. 如果特定的一天发生了什么坏事,人们倾向于把那一天和这个消极的事联系起来。 www.bing.com 7. Something bad happens on him recently. 最近在他身上发生了不好的事。 blog.66wz.com 8. Now all of this happens on its social network. 而现如今,这一切都可以通过他们的社交网络实现。 www.ecocn.org 9. What happens on the factory floor will make its way, in a different form, to office buildings and homes. 现在工厂里发生的一切将会在办公楼和家庭里以另一种不同的方式取得进展。 www.ecocn.org 10. I've been invited to an Asian wedding. What happens on such occasions? 我应邀参加亚洲人的婚礼.这种婚礼是如何举行的? wenku.baidu.com 1. Everything happens on the event dispatch thread (EDT). 所有活动都在事件分派线程(EDT)上进行。 www.ibm.com 2. The Inuit are not against development, but want to ensure that it happens on their terms. 因纽特人并非执意阻碍资源开发,他们只是要保证开发为利诸己。 www.ecocn.org 3. Who cares what happens on reality TV, when reality is slipping by outside? 当事情正在外面的真实世界溜过时谁会在意电视机里发生的事情。 www.bing.com 4. Teacher appreciation day happens on Tuesday of teacher appreciation week 2009. 当天发生的事情表示感谢老师对2009年教师每周周二表示赞赏。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The oceans are the life support system of the planet yet everything that happens on land eventually impacts the oceans. 海洋是我们这个星球的生命支持系统,陆地上发生的一切最终都将影响海洋。 www.bing.com 6. What happens on equity markets is a diverting sideshow. 股市上的情况就像一出让人分心的穿插表演。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "We're aware it happens on the summer solstice day, " McCorkle said. “我们现在已经知道裸体远足发生在夏至日,”塔米托德说。 www.bing.com 8. What happens on Saturdays? Is there Saturday school? 星期六要上课吗?学校如何安排? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Second, triggers can only execute when either an Insert, Update, or Delete happens on one or more of the records in the table. 第二,触发器只要在执行数据插入,更新或删除操作发生时才会执行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Concurrency control and logging happens on the level of full documents. 并发控制和日志记录在完整文档级进行。 www.ibm.com 1. Chances are, it happens on a regular basis. 有可能,因为这种情形经常发生。 www.bing.com 2. Then try one in which you play slowly before quitting, and see what happens on the next day. 然后试著练习另外一段,在结束练习前,慢弹一两次,看看隔天的情况。 www.popiano.org 3. Something cool happens on screen, and the user is happy. 屏幕上发生的变化很酷,用户也很开心。 www.ibm.com 4. I also reflect on, I had most scary, how to defeat at the small bitter gourd happens on? 我也反思过,我天不怕地不怕,怎么就偏偏败在了小小的苦瓜上? www.tradeask.com 5. For example, consider what happens on the server side when you buy a personal computer from a manufacturer through a browser interface. 例如,请考虑当您通过浏览器界面从制造商那里购买个人计算机时,服务器端所发生的情形。 www-128.ibm.com 6. That's great. What happens on the spaceship? 很好.飞船上发生了什么事? www.tingroom.com 7. The same goes for Friday the 13th, so if something bad happens on Friday the13th, people blame it on the day. 星期五、十三号也一样,所以如果有坏事发生在星期五、十三号,人们把这件事归咎于这一天。 www.kekenet.com 8. What is the biggest difference between what happens on television and what happens in the real world? 电视里发生的事和真实生活里发生的事最大的差别在哪里? blog.sina.com.cn 9. Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon? 杰克:那就是说元宵节是满月的那一天了? www.ebigear.com 10. Piracy happens on the internet. 盗版在互联网上泛滥。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I have faith in the young players and whatever happens on Thursday night I won't lose faith in them. 我对这些小子有信心,无论星期四的成绩怎样我都不会对他们失去信心。 www.ept-team.com 2. So what happens on a double fault? 那么如果双误怎么办? www.engxue.com 3. This usually happens on login. 这常常在登录时发生。 www.ibm.com 4. WHAT HAPPENS ON EARTH NOW AFFECTS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, SO THIS IS PRETTY IMPORTANT! 现在地球上发生的事影响到整个宇宙,所以这相当重要! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Will server divergence be possible such that a certain event happens on one server and another event happens on another server? 不同服务器上发生的事情会不会也不相同。例如在一个服务器上发生的事件,将不在另一个服务器上发生。 games.sina.com.cn 6. According to NASA, this kind of thing happens on average about every 18 months. 美国国家航空航天局表示,这种天象平均大约每18个月都会发生。 www.kekenet.com 7. What happens on the client? 客户端会发生什么情况? www.ibm.com 8. That's what happens on the world stage. 那事在世界大赛中经常发生。 www.bing.com 9. This is what happens on the application side. 这就是在应用程序端所发生的过程。 www.ibm.com 10. This happens on December 23, 24 and 25, but particularly Christmas eve. 这种情景一般出现在12月23日、24日和25日,但尤以圣诞夜为最。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mike: What happens on page 3? 迈克:第三页写什么? www.ebigear.com 2. With Git, your commit is local, and you have a local repository no matter what happens on the remote side. 而对于Git,您的提交是本地化的,并且您拥有一个本地存储库,不管远程服务器上发生什么操作。 www.ibm.com 3. We will see what happens on Saturday but that is the message that Bill Burns will be delivering. 我们要看一看星期六会发生什么情况。不过,这就是伯恩斯要传递的信息。 www.ebigear.com 4. What happens on Valentine's Day 1929 will change the course of Prohibition in America. 1929年情人节发生的事件,将会改变禁酒令在美国的命运 www.kekenet.com 5. This is the rollercoaster ride that happens on the way to acquiring wisdom. 这就是在获取智慧道路上的过山车之旅。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It's not really that foreign of a concept, actually; it happens on the Earth every day. 事实上,这不是一个怪异的概念,每天地球上都在发生。 www.ted.com 7. I think we would have gotten there a lot earlier if we could see what happens in the ocean, like we can see what happens on land. 我想,我们本来可以在早以前就到达这个时刻,如果我们可以像看到在陆地上发生的事一样看透海洋。 www.ted.com 8. On the other hand, if a national emergency happens on Taiwan, Okinawa will be involved into soon. 另一方面,一旦台湾有事,冲绳也会马上被卷入其中。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. A drop deposited on such a substrate can float above the textures, mimicking at room temperature what happens on very hot plates; 下降沉积在这种基板可以浮在上面的纹理,模仿在室温下会发生什么事就非常热板; www.syyxw.com 10. In my opinion, a school newspaper should focus on what happens on the campus. 我认为,一个学校的报纸应该聚焦于校园里发生了什么。 www.bing.com 1. What happens on the spaceship Sentences 飞船上发生了什么 www.china-ppt.cn 2. Or friends to care what happens on the run 或朋友的照顾,会发生什么的运行 zhidao.baidu.com 3. what happens on mars is beyond our ken 在火星上发生什麽是超出我们的理解?围。 www.ichacha.net |
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