单词 | HIM. | ||||||||||||
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HIM. 显示所有例句
例句释义: 他,指上帝,是他,就是他,指谁 1. That luminary gazed earnestly at some papers before him, as if they were of the greatest concern . 那个大人物一本正经地看起面前的报纸来,仿佛那些报纸是他头等关心的事情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If you were in the business, you would have been insane not to want him because he had a great flair to his game. 在生意场上,你不想要他那你就是疯了,因为他对比赛有着伟大的判断力。 dongxi.net 3. He hates everything to do with his dad's company, except the money it makes that allows him to stay well-stocked with cocaine. 他讨厌与父亲的公司有关的一切事物,他只在乎公司赚的钱能为他买来大量的可卡因。 www.china.org.cn 4. No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man. 除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。 www.bing.com 5. He thought it beneath him to do such a thing. 他认为自己不屑于做这种事。 www.ilit.cn 6. They said he couldn't do that, he had to go and fight where they sent him, and kill whoever happened to be there. 他们对他说他不能这样做,他必须到被派遣的地方作战并且杀掉任何那些在那儿的敌人。 www.bing.com 7. She loved him and she wanted him and she did not understand him. 她爱他,她需要他,但是她不了解他。 www.kekenet.com 8. Rather than rebuking the Israelites, He began to test and teach them to daily trust and depend on Him. 祂没有责备以色列人,而开始试验并教导他们天天相信、倚赖神。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Finally, a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him. 最后,一位女士拿着满满一托盘食物走过来坐在他对面。 www.tingroom.com 10. I decided to tell him that the car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than had been expected. 于是,我决定这样跟他解释,说:修车的时间比原来估计的要长。 www.chinaedu.com 1. It was generous of him to pay for the meal for us. 他为我们付了饭钱,真是大方。 jspd.ew.com.cn 2. We are all happy for him, as he's always worked hard and well during training, let's hope this was just a starting point. 他在训练中一直很努力,让我们一起希望这仅仅是一个开始。 www.milanchina.com 3. And when He entered into the house, His disciples questioned Him privately, Why were we not able to cast it out? 耶稣进了屋子,门徒暗暗地问他说,我们为什么不能赶出它去? edu.china.com 4. Insgroupsto show me a good time when I called on him in ChengDu. My cousin brought mesintosa five star restaurant to have dinner. 当我去成都拜访表弟时,为了盛情款待我,表弟带我去了一家五星级饭店共进晚餐。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. He said sorry to me, so I was not mad at him anymore. 他跟我道歉了,所以我就不再跟他生气了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Where's Eric? I haven't seen him for quite a few days. 艾力克在哪儿呢?我好几天没见着他了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. John Tyson, the company's boss, also employs an ordained minister as an executive coach to help him wrestle with ethical questions. 公司老板约翰·泰森还雇用了一名经过正式任命的牧师作为执行督导,帮助他对付道德问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. Bird: And then I beat the stuffing out of him! 并且把他打得吃的东东都吐出来了! spaces.msn.com 9. Bozo seemed an interesting man, and I was anxious to see more of him. 博佐像是个有趣的人,我很想跟他多见几次面。 www.bing.com 10. God would use something that is not a part of Him, and that throughout Scripture is designated as not good, for good purposes. 上帝将会使用那本来不是自己之一部分的事物,那在圣经当中被描述成邪恶的事物,来成就美好的目的。 www.zhangdaderen.com 1. Friends managed to reconcile HIM with his wife after years of estrangement. 朋友们终于使他和疏远多年的妻子和解。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Last of all Paisley shook me by the hand and told me I'd acted square and on the level with him and he was proud to call me a friend. 最后同我握手的是佩斯利,他说我为人光明磊落,同我交朋友脸上有光。 3. Family was a huge part of my grandpa's life. He was always happiest when he had his entire family around him. 家庭是我爷爷生活的重心,全家团聚是他最幸福的时刻。 www.bing.com 4. The secretary of state has the power reasonably necessary to perform the duties required of him by this Act. 州务卿拥有合理的必要的权力履行本法所要求其履行的职责。 translation168.lingdi.net 5. The general opinion is in favor of him . 几乎全部的观点都支持他。 www.bing.com 6. I had the speed of him in walking; he had of me in reading. 我走路比他快,他阅读比我快。 7. Your goal by August is to get him to feel secure in the shallow end of a pool. 今年8月份,你的目标是让他在游泳池的浅水边缘感到有安全感。 www.elanso.com 8. But, busy though his official duties may keep him, he said he does not spend much time thinking about being anything but what he is. 但是,忙碌的公事让他身不由己,他说,他很少有时间想自己成为普通人后会是什么样子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. is a natural instinct of the human mind; when A sees B in distress, his conscience always urges him to entreat C to help him. 善心是人的天赋本能。当某甲看到某乙陷于困境,他的良心总是促使他请求某丙去帮忙。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "We had a red light on doing business with him. There was no transparency. " “我们对跟他做生意亮了红灯。他的公司没有透明度。” www.ftchinese.com 1. It all seemed so insignificant compared to what was now beginning and had already begun for him. 它比什么都显得那么渺小,现在已经开始为他而开始。 www.cqwx.net 2. Pippo Inzaghi was back on the pitch, his fans welcomed him with a standing ovation, hoping this was the right time. 菲利普。因扎吉回到了赛场,他的球迷起身狂欢希望这次是一个及时的回归。 www.bing.com 3. It was rather high-handed of him to take that decision without consulting others first. 他太专横,没有和大家商量就做出了那个决定。 www.hxen.com 4. I laid him out in a second with a stick, and Jim grabbed pap's whisky -jug and begun to pour it down. 我抄起一根棍子,一刹那间打死了它。只见杰姆抓起爸爸那个酒罐,大口往嘴里灌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, "Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request. " 大卫受了亚比该送来的礼物,就对她说:“我听了你的话,准了你的情面,你可以平平安安地回家吧!” www.ebigear.com 6. Since this is a matter of principle, I cannot forgive him, but I cannot persuade myself to coax her, it's not encourage him in his evil? 因为这次是原则性的问题,我不能原谅他,而且我也说服不了自己去哄她,那不是助长他的邪念吗? www.bing.com 7. There was very little about him for any woman to love. . . a hardened professional soldier limited in education and outlook. 象他这样一个教育和眼光都有限的冷酷的职业军人一定没有什么值得一个女人去爱的。 8. He climbs up a shelf and looks through a corroded hole above him to see Sara washing her hands. Michael爬上一个架子,从被腐蚀穿透的洞里望上看,楼上的Sara正在洗手。 www.bing.com 9. That morning, Bouazizi got into a tussle with town inspectors who accused him of failing to pay a fine for some arbitrary infraction. 那天早上,博阿齐齐与镇上的检查人员发生了争执,他们随意认定他有违法行为,指责他不缴纳罚金。 www.bing.com 10. Hiro was looking at him silently, his eyes growing light blue. 希罗正在沉默的望着他,眼眸变成了淡蓝色。 blog.cctvcnm.com 1. Anton will now be in contention for the forthcoming fixtures, but expect him to be back out on trials in the future. Article By - J. 安顿恐怕接下来的比赛里都会是一个争论点,但预计他未来不会再跑去试训了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. It didn't look like a baby, in fact there seemed to be more than one set of eyes blinking back at him. 看起来不像是个婴儿,实际上,不止有一双眼睛在对着他眨动。 ienglish.eol.cn 3. The old man is so stubborn that you'd be only wasting your breath trying to make him change his mind. 那个老头子太固执,你去劝他改变主意,不过是白费口舌。 4. The problem with him was that he was willing to sacrifice principles too easily for political advantage. 他的问题是他愿意为了政治利益而如此轻易地牺牲原则。 blog.xfocus.net 5. He said that he would let me cook food for him over his dead body. 他说除非他死了,否则别想拿他当实验。 www.kekenet.com 6. Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely. --Phillips Brooks. 信心,在黑暗中与神同行的时候,只求一件事:求神紧紧握住它的手。——白罗克斯。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Curly Thai eagerly look forward one day to say to her, Apollo can but she was never met him. 克丽泰热切地盼望有一天阿波罗能对她说说话,但她却再也没有遇见过他。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Mr. Berlusconi has dismissed the potential trials as farcical and groundless and says prosecutors are trying to defame him in the media. 贝卢斯科尼不屑地声称审判是荒唐和毫无根据的,他说检方试图破坏他在媒体中的名誉。 c.wsj.com 9. It was easy for him to get access to source code and fixes from fellow developers, and before long he had Tomcat commit access as well. 他很容易访问源代码和其他开发人员的修订程序,并且不久就得到了Tomcat提交访问权。 www-128.ibm.com 10. He will perform a behavior and accept the ball as a reward but he isn't going to try and second guess what his owner wants him to do. 它执行某个行为然后接受球作为奖励,但是它不会尝试,也不去猜想主人想让它做什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? 你岂不是四面圈上篱笆,围护他和他的家,并他一切所有的吗。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Medical studies have been, have not always pass the white smoke to imagine him in uniform, full air look. 医已学成,可还没有过门的白烟总是想象着他穿着制服,神气十足的样子。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. A few days later, she sat down on him as he was dozing in an armchair. 过了几天,他在扶椅上小憩,她竟坐在了他身上。 www.bing.com 4. Also, if your patron wanted to run for a city office, your patron would expect you to be loyal and vote for him. 作为回报,如果庇护人要竞选官职,就会要求你投他一票。 open.163.com 5. He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him. 他一阵冲动想跪下来请求宽恕,可苦涩的愤恨此时在他胸中已燃烧成了狂怒。 dict.wenguo.com 6. Quickly he crossed the bridge. Of course he did not notice a certain stone railing was eyeing him all the while. 他行色匆匆,很快地走过石桥,当然,男人不会发觉有一块石头正目不转睛地望着她。 www.italki.com 7. Immigration rules meant my mum had been forced to wait a year before she was allowed to join him. 而移民法意味着我的母亲在允许和父亲团聚前不得不等待一年的时间。 dongxi.net 8. Blair, 79, said the 'extraordinary' experience gave him the mind of a 40-year-old and the body of a man 20 years his junior. 布莱尔,79岁,说这次“非凡的”体验唤醒了他40岁的心智和20岁大学时期的身体机能。 www.bing.com 9. Expert A: She sends madness to him as he sleeps. And he, in his madness, believes that his wife and his children are his enemies. 专家甲:趁他睡着的时候,她施放了魔法让他变疯。他在疯狂中将自己的妻儿误认作敌人。 www.joyen.net 10. About him: "waiting for a bottle of truth, I'm just a lonely guy in my youth" - pete corn. 关于:“我只是一个寂寞孩子,用青春寻找真理”--皮特若恩。 item.feedsky.com 1. He had an air of uncertainty about him. 他显出将信将疑的神情。 www.kekenet.com 2. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. 西门的岳母害热病甚重。有人为他求耶稣。 www.ebigear.com 3. His inventions so far excelled the technique of his times that endless stories and legends grew up about him. 他的发明创造超出当代技术水平如此之远,以致后代流传了无数关于他的传说和故事。 www.jukuu.com 4. He said the car was safe but I just don't trust him. 他说那辆车安全,但我就是信不过他。 zhongkao.ewstudy.com 5. Now, dear Hans, " said the master after catching up with him, " did you find the cow that I sent you after? “喂!亲爱的汉斯,我打发你去找牛,找到没有?”主人走近问。 www.putclub.com 6. he never dreamed I would actually leave him, and I never in my wildest imagination thought he would make it so difficult for me to go. 他作梦也没想过我会真的离开他,而我也从未料想过他会如此刁难,不让我走。 dipan.kekenet.com 7. He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any attempt to let him change will only be ploughing the air. 只要打定了主意,他是绝对不会再改变的。你再劝他也只是白费力气。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. Here, Davis argues, the state has no good reason to stop him from using the narcotic in his religious worship. 戴维斯说,西山州没有充分的理由阻止他在宗教活动中使用毒品。 www.america.gov 9. each adolescent began to see him as the father that they had never had. 每个青少年都已经开始把他看成是他们不曾有过的父亲。 www.hxen.com 10. Stoke boss Pulis is ready to move for the Brazil international and offer him a fresh start at the Britannia Stadium. 斯托克城教练帕利斯着手于挖到这位巴西国脚,希望他能够在不列颠尼亚球场获得新生。 www.ept-team.com 1. Or else some one will get him, just like they got his wife - Benazir. At least she looked hot. 否则,有人会刺杀他的,就像刺杀他的妻子——贝布托一样,她至少看起来挺漂亮了。 maqiang992000.blog.163.com 2. When a worker under medical treatment is not able to work, the employer shall pay him compensation according to his original wage. 二劳工在医疗中不能工作时,雇主应按其原领工资数额予以补偿。 www.cntranslators.com 3. As for Rooney, if I left him out, I'd have to do it bye-mail or I'd never hear the end of it. 对于鲁尼,如果我放过他的话可不能留下证据,要不这事就没玩了。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. Osama sat down on the stoop of the hospital. The fighters sat around him. 奥萨马坐在医院的门阶上,一群战士围坐身旁。 www.bing.com 5. Considering the extent of his injury it will be very difficult for him to recover in time for the final in Istanbul. 考虑到他的伤势现状,看来安布是很难及时康复参加伊斯坦布尔的决赛了。 tieba.baidu.com 6. He needs to kill her, but maybe some part of him believes he can save her from the dark side. 他需要杀了她,不过也许他心里的某个部分相信他能把她从黑暗面拯救出来。 starwarsfans.cn 7. He broke off the rose and pressed it in a book, and so carried it away with him to another part of the world, to his distant Fatherland. 他折下这支玫瑰,把它压在了一本书里,就这样带着它去了世界的其他地方,去了他的祖国。 www.en400.com:8080 8. There are those who regard him as the creature of his mother's hatred of Ammon and the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife. 有些人认为,他是他母亲对阿蒙泄愤的工具,他是溺爱一个美貌妻子的丈夫。 www.jukuu.com 9. Words became a song with such a unique melody and rhythm of him. 渐渐成了一首唯一无二的旋律和充满他的节奏的歌。 www.glayer.com.cn 10. If I had hidden him in a cavern she would not have seen him. 如果我把他藏在山洞里,它就不会发现他。 www.bing.com 1. He even let me take the trophy home today for my boys, so I appreciate him for that. 他甚至让我为我的男孩今天把纪念品带回家,所以我因为那感谢他。 www.bing.com 2. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 3. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 4. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 5. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 6. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 7. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 8. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 9. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 10. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 1. He broke off the rose and pressed it in a book, and so carried it away with him to another part of the world, to his distant Fatherland. 他折下这支玫瑰,把它压在了一本书里,就这样带着它去了世界的其他地方,去了他的祖国。 www.en400.com:8080 2. There are those who regard him as the creature of his mother's hatred of Ammon and the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife. 有些人认为,他是他母亲对阿蒙泄愤的工具,他是溺爱一个美貌妻子的丈夫。 www.jukuu.com 3. Words became a song with such a unique melody and rhythm of him. 渐渐成了一首唯一无二的旋律和充满他的节奏的歌。 www.glayer.com.cn 4. If I had hidden him in a cavern she would not have seen him. 如果我把他藏在山洞里,它就不会发现他。 www.bing.com 5. And a head of steam seemed to be building behind a movement to have him freed as an embodiment of Iraq's suffering. 另外,作为伊拉克所遭受苦难的具体化身,一场要求释放这名记者的运动正在成型。 www.bing.com 6. His mother had told him his fortune and she said luck was forthcoming. 他的母亲已经告诉了他关于他的命运,她说好运即将到来了。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. He even let me take the trophy home today for my boys, so I appreciate him for that. 他甚至让我为我的男孩今天把纪念品带回家,所以我因为那感谢他。 www.bing.com 8. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 9. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 10. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 1. If I had hidden him in a cavern she would not have seen him. 如果我把他藏在山洞里,它就不会发现他。 www.bing.com 2. And a head of steam seemed to be building behind a movement to have him freed as an embodiment of Iraq's suffering. 另外,作为伊拉克所遭受苦难的具体化身,一场要求释放这名记者的运动正在成型。 www.bing.com 3. His mother had told him his fortune and she said luck was forthcoming. 他的母亲已经告诉了他关于他的命运,她说好运即将到来了。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. HEMINGWAY: It's no use of him writing to you. 'Cause you're in love with me. 海明威:他写再多信给你也没用,(肯定道)因为你已经爱上我了! www.bing.com 5. He even let me take the trophy home today for my boys, so I appreciate him for that. 他甚至让我为我的男孩今天把纪念品带回家,所以我因为那感谢他。 www.bing.com 6. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 7. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 8. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 9. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 10. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 1. HEMINGWAY: It's no use of him writing to you. 'Cause you're in love with me. 海明威:他写再多信给你也没用,(肯定道)因为你已经爱上我了! www.bing.com 2. This isn't about you, it's about him and the weakness (as he sees it) that you've exposed for everyone to see. 这和你没有关系,问题在于他、在于你把他的弱点暴露在众人面前(在他看来就是这样)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He even let me take the trophy home today for my boys, so I appreciate him for that. 他甚至让我为我的男孩今天把纪念品带回家,所以我因为那感谢他。 www.bing.com 4. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 5. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 6. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 7. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 8. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 9. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 10. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 1. He even let me take the trophy home today for my boys, so I appreciate him for that. 他甚至让我为我的男孩今天把纪念品带回家,所以我因为那感谢他。 www.bing.com 2. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 3. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 4. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 5. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 6. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 7. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 8. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 9. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 10. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 1. He gave me the possibility to be known as a player at world level and with him I won a lot. 他让我知道了我有可能成为世界水平的球员,跟随他赢得了许多荣誉。 www.milan-milan.com 2. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go. 驾驶成为了方式自我表达,并且赛跑把他带旅途的到他未曾期望去的地方。 www.bing.com 3. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 4. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 5. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 6. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 7. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 8. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 9. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 10. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 1. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 2. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 3. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 4. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 5. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 6. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 7. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 8. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 10. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 2. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 3. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 4. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 5. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 6. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 8. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 1. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 2. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 3. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 4. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 6. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 9. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 10. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 1. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 2. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 4. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 7. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 8. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 9. What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了! qac.yappr.cn 10. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him had been right. 随着我对他的进一步了解,我发现我对他的第一印象是正确的。 www.worlduc.com 1. His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。 www.ecocn.org 2. Down the road came a company of men, led by one who carried a light before him as he ran. 顺着路过来一群人,其中一个提着灯在前面带头跑着。 www.jxenglish.com 3. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 4. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 5. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 6. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 7. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 8. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 10. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 2. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. 他们听见耶稣活了,被马利亚看见,却是不信。 web123abc.com 3. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 4. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 5. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 6. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 8. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 1. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 2. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life. 给一个人一条鱼可以让他吃一天。教会他钓鱼可以让他吃一生。 www.china-ppt.cn 3. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 4. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 6. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 9. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 10. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 1. She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room, and he still did not wake up. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。 www.kekenet.com 2. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 4. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 7. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 8. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 9. What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了! qac.yappr.cn 10. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him had been right. 随着我对他的进一步了解,我发现我对他的第一印象是正确的。 www.worlduc.com 1. I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现! zhidao.goutao5.com 2. Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him. 布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 5. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 6. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 7. What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了! qac.yappr.cn 8. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him had been right. 随着我对他的进一步了解,我发现我对他的第一印象是正确的。 www.worlduc.com 9. When he went back to the cabin, Patricia went with him and was soon staying every night, making the drive down to work each morning. 他再回小屋时,帕特丽亚也跟他一起来了,而且很快就每晚都留下过夜,第二天早上再开车去城里上班。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. 停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW . 我想他是眼睛比胃口大,竟然想买一辆新的宝马。 www.bing.com 3. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 4. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 5. What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了! qac.yappr.cn 6. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him had been right. 随着我对他的进一步了解,我发现我对他的第一印象是正确的。 www.worlduc.com 7. When he went back to the cabin, Patricia went with him and was soon staying every night, making the drive down to work each morning. 他再回小屋时,帕特丽亚也跟他一起来了,而且很快就每晚都留下过夜,第二天早上再开车去城里上班。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Encourage him to take time to decide if he wants to go back with her or not, and invite him to contact you if he is truly ready to love you. 鼓励他多花些时间看看是不是要回到前女友身边,以及请他跟你联系,如果他真的对爱你做好了充分准备的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Love is something that makes a girl marry her boss and work for him for the rest of her life without salary. 爱情就是一个女孩子嫁给她的老板,在她的余生为他工作,而不需要领薪水。 www.bing.com 1. The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. 伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。 www.showxiu.com 2. It's not very thoughtful of him to do this. 他这样做太不为别人着想了。 www.88u8.com 3. What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了! qac.yappr.cn 4. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him had been right. 随着我对他的进一步了解,我发现我对他的第一印象是正确的。 www.worlduc.com 5. When he went back to the cabin, Patricia went with him and was soon staying every night, making the drive down to work each morning. 他再回小屋时,帕特丽亚也跟他一起来了,而且很快就每晚都留下过夜,第二天早上再开车去城里上班。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Encourage him to take time to decide if he wants to go back with her or not, and invite him to contact you if he is truly ready to love you. 鼓励他多花些时间看看是不是要回到前女友身边,以及请他跟你联系,如果他真的对爱你做好了充分准备的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Love is something that makes a girl marry her boss and work for him for the rest of her life without salary. 爱情就是一个女孩子嫁给她的老板,在她的余生为他工作,而不需要领薪水。 www.bing.com 9. He said Chinese investors were among those asking him to consider participating in a bid for Potash Corp, the No. 1 fertilizer supplier. 他表示,一些投资者希望他考虑参与竞购Potash,其中也包括中国的投资者。 cn.reuters.com 10. He observes the sun and moon traversing the sky and the changes to the buildings and landscape around him as he travels through time. 穿梭时光中时,他看到了太阳与月亮沿著天空来回移动,以及身边建筑物和陆上景色的改变。更详细。 dict.bioon.com |
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