单词 | Hilt. |
释义 |
例句释义: 刀柄,给装上把,喜利得 1. Only the hilt and a few centimeters of the blade protrude from the rock in the shape of a Cross. 这把剑只有剑柄和几厘米的剑身露在岩石的外面,露出的部分形成一个十字架形。 news.xinhuanet.com 2. When they opened the blue jacket, they found a knife with a black handle buried to the hilt between his ribs. 大家揭开他那蓝色外套的时候,在他的肋骨间发现了一把黑色手柄的刀。 www.elanso.com 3. Ahsoka fell on her knees, hilt dropping out of her hand. Vader deactivated his blade, watching her collapse to the ground. 阿索卡跌坐下来,光剑柄从她的手中滑落。维达关闭了他的光剑,看着她倒在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The door was ajar . Mourngrym peered in cautiously, hand going to his sword hilt out of long habit. 门是半开着的,莫恩格林小心地凝视着,手习惯性地向剑柄伸去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Even if war were declared, and it were my lot to go, I would grab the bayonet and plunge it, plunge it up to the hilt. 即使宣战,我又命中注定要上前线,我也会抓起刺刀去戮,一直戮到刀柄。 www.bing.com 6. A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt. 剑,刀:一种武器,通常由长而直或微微弯曲的、尖刃,有一面或两面锋利切边的刀锋组成,刀锋嵌入刀柄之中。 www.fightersalon.net 7. Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt! 安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. 他浑身上下镶满了薄薄的黄金叶片,明亮的蓝宝石做成他的双眼,剑柄上还嵌着一颗硕大的灿灿发光的红色宝石。 blog.163.com 9. It looks like the hilt of a dagger on the back of the elephant and is reminiscent of the legend of the hill's formation. 这样整体看来,就像是一把匕首插入大象得后背,而这也成为这座山的形成的神秘传奇。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. The only difference was the different patterns on hilt. Japanese sabers were with Japanese national flower cherry blossom! 为一个区别就是刀柄上的花纹不一样,日世军刀是日本的国花樱花! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A cause. A dream. Her "something more. " She smiles, just a bit at first, then wider, and holds her sword hilt tight, and then. 她所谓的“缺少的东西”只是一个想法,一场梦。她笑了起来,一开始只动了动嘴角,然后裂开了嘴,紧紧握住手中的剑,然后…… www.bing.com 2. After the ship wrecked, the transportation trust was in trouble up to the hilt. 沉船事故后,该运输公司完全陷入了困境。 jpkc.ccnu.edu.cn 3. How the hilt of a sword wandered so far from the smithy. 这剑柄怎会流落到铁匠铺外如此遥远的地方。 www.poemlife.com 4. Maybe you better face up to the fact that you can't enjoy life to the hilt. 或许你最好任期事实,你根本无法享受人生。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Only the sword inclined on the left of the saddle known that: the hand held on this hilt - how firm and persistent it should be. 也只有斜挂在马鞍左侧的长剑才知道:握着这只剑柄的手——本应是怎样的坚定执着。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. While American and European households were borrowing up to the hilt, Asian ones were tucking away their savings. 当欧美家庭在刀口上借钱过日子的时候,亚洲的家庭却拿出大把积蓄使用。 www.ecocn.org 7. He mortgaged himself up to the hilt and sold his collection of vintage cars to raise the cash for the new company. 他把自己押在了这个风险的投资上,并为了为新公司筹集现款卖掉了自己收集的古典车。 www.bing.com 8. It's the best to seal it up for keeping with a good scabbard and hilt, like those Japanese state treasures. 最好用一个好鞘好柄封存起来,就象那些日本人的国宝一样。 hfsword.com 9. Gamblers dream of fat profits, margin themselves to the hilt, and get kicked out of the game by the first wiggle that goes against them. 赌徒都梦想暴利,把所有的保证金送到刀口上,市场的第一次反向波动就把他清理出局了。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. Right! Was that original simitar with big eagle hilt offered for free by brother Chui in that movie? 没错!那部片的大鹰把弯刀的原型可是锤哥友情提供? hfsword.com 1. "A bite. " She touched the hilt of her sword, the sword that he had given her. Oathkeeper. "My lord, you gave me a quest. " “被咬了一口。”她碰了碰她的剑柄。他送给她的那把剑。守誓剑。“大人,您对我提了一个要求。” www.cndkc.net 2. The hilt seems to be blade jade, not white jade, is it gold of scabbard! Good Dao, I'm satisfied if I have one! 柄似乎是青玉,非白玉,鞘上是错金吧!好刀呀,吾辈得其一而知足矣! www.hfsword.com 3. Why do they make soldiers out of us when we're fighting up to the hilt as it is? 为什么在我们倾全力抗争的时候还让我们当兵呢? www.bing.com 4. It is a single piece of metal from tip to base but the hilt is usually encased. 从刀尖到根部是一块金属,但手柄通常被包覆。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. It is said to be in Minguo dynasty, collected in antique market. It seems exquisite, with wooden hilt and metal body. 号称民国的东西。才从古玩市场收的,看着觉得比较精致,手柄是木的,全身是金属的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Heard rumors, yes-of Lord Vader's arcane powers and of the cylindrical hilt that hung at his side-but seen nothing. 当然,她听到过传言——关于维德大人腰间的圆柱形剑柄里,藏有神秘的力量——但她从来没有亲眼见过。 www.starwarschina.com 7. So was the hilt that you know from new rivet. Is it broken inside? 柄也是后配看看新铆就知道啦铆一新就危险里面是断的吧。 hfsword.com 8. A folk-customed thing, good conservation of decorations and hilt, worth collecting, hope take a good treat of it. 很民俗的东西,饰件与刀柄保存状态较好,有一定的收藏价值,希望您善待他。 hfsword.com 9. His hand was on his sword hilt, but he seemed to have forgotten why. 他的手依旧按着剑柄但是他似乎忘掉了他这么做的目的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I am jealous of a sword hilt, she had realized, of women made of gold. 我在嫉妒着一个剑柄,她发现,嫉妒着金子打造的女人。 www.che147.com 1. The body looks comfortable. It must be better if installing another armguard and hilt. 剑身看着好舒服,如果换一护手和剑把必定不同凡响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Sword: hand weapon consisting of a long metal blade fitted with a handle or hilt. 军刀:手持兵器,由长长的金属刀刃和长度适宜的刀柄组成。 www.tdict.com 3. The golden hilt is ornamented with three large emeralds, topped by a golden watch with an emerald lid. 金制的刀柄装饰有三颗大绿宝石,顶部是金色手表和翠绿色的盖子。 www.hxen.com 4. Montmorency responded by hitting Stuart in the face with his sword hilt, knocking out three of the Scotsman's front teeth. 斯图亚特叫他投降,他的答覆就是用剑柄向斯图亚特脸上撞去,撞脱了三颗门牙。 forum.bomoo.com 5. She touched the hilt of her sword, the sword that he had given her. 她摸了摸剑柄,他送给她的那把剑。 www.bing.com 6. Lyrics: If I can then I will twist this knife until it snaps at the hilt to make you feel this damage done is real. 歌词:如果我可以,我会扭曲这一刀,直到它在剑柄捕捉到让你觉得做这种损害是真实的。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. Few old cracks to the wood scabbard and a small chip at the tip of the hilt. 木鞘上有少许老裂痕,刀柄尖端上也有个小毛病。 hfsword.com 8. Rapier--A thrusting sword with an elaborate hilt and a long, slender. 双刃长剑一一种剑柄精巧,剑刃细长,尖锐。 www.tingclass.com 9. As it was, our house was mortgaged to the hilt, and some winters the grocer carried us on his books. 这么一来,我们把房子全部抵押了,有几年冬天,我们要向副食店赊帐度日。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I'm sorry, this iron blade actually is not matched with bone hilt! ! Everybody is so enthusiasm . . . 不这根铁条,其实…配的不是骨柄!!大家如此热心,专业不忍心扫大家的兴!! hfsword.com 1. Recently I got a blade by chance, which is in good condition. But without hilt and block it's not easy for playing. 近日偶获一刀条,其状态甚好,但苦于无柄无档,把玩不便。 hfsword.com 2. Elias grasped the hilt, lifting the blade out of the coffin in one smooth movement. Elias抓住了剑柄,将剑从棺材盒子里举了起来,动作十分潇洒流畅。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 3. Furthermore, those reflectors must be kept squeaky clean, maintained to the hilt, or they won't work. 而且,这些太阳能反射器必须保证洁净如新,精心维护到牙齿,否则就会罢工。 www.bing.com 4. Black lacquer wood bridge, brass decorations, boxwood hilt, white sheet iron body(for fun). It has the character of Chinese sword. 黑漆木桥,黄铜剑饰,黄洋木剑柄,白铁皮剑身(开玩笑啦)很有中国剑特点。 www.hfsword.com 5. Cupronickel scabbard, fragmentary hilt, double blood slots on blade, of two hanging styles. 此鞘为白铜,刀柄残缺,刀刃双血槽,有两种挂式。 www.biodic.cn 6. The upper portion of the arms made up the pommel of the hilt while the delicate, angelic hands split off to form the quillons. 手臂的上半部分组成了柄头,而纤细天使般的双手两边分开构成了护手。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. It shows double handed big ring Dao. The length of hilt is another bright point. 正确的显示了双手大环刀,刀柄的长度,也是一个亮点吧。 hfsword.com 8. Roman swords had a short, flat Blade and a hilt distinct from the Blade . 罗马军刀刀刃短而平,刀柄明显区别于刀刃。 www.jukuu.com 9. And turn sour they did, when home buyers had to leverage themselves to the hilt to make a purchase. 当消费者完全通过举债购买房屋时,情况确实变坏了。 www.bing.com 10. A knife was plunged up to the hilt in Rita's left breast. 一把短刀齐柄直插在丽达的左胸上。 dict.wenguo.com 1. Sitting there, his sword pressed between his knees, hand on the hilt, he looked charged with energy. 他精神抖擞地坐在那里,两膝夹住指挥刀,手按刀柄。 www.jukuu.com 2. Think about how to connect such stalk, which is so thin and regular. It must be matched with a certain hilt. 想想这样的茎。是接什么的。这么细和规范。一定是接一种特定的刀把子。 hfsword.com 3. A hole for attaching a blade hilt or similar item is drilled up the middle, slightly off centre. 一个用于连接刀片刀柄或类似物品孔钻了中央,稍微偏离中心。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The stone on hilt of keris posted by Mr. Wudao should be the so-called farraginous stone, not the ruby or beryl. 无刀先生贴的克力士柄嵌者应是俗称之杂石,并非红、绿宝石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. and small household goods such as toothpicks and curettes can be put in the hollow part of the rear end of the hilt by people. 人们还可以把牙签、耳勺等小的生活用品放在刀把后端的中空处。 ip.com 6. reactivate tesla ' s experiment to reach the hilt while defending against the unknown entity . 在防卫未知怪物的同时重启特斯拉实验以便能够触及到剑柄。 www.ichacha.net 7. This dagger hilt, found in the grave of a man, features a type of Siberian bear. 这把剑柄发掘于一个男性墓穴,特写是一种西伯利亚熊纹饰。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Longchuan. But the dragon on my sword was inlaid near the top and the hilt is horn. 龙泉。不过我的龙嵌在靠剑尖,且柄为角质。 hfsword.com 9. One version had a motorized hilt that spun a blade covered in reflective material. 在其中一个版本中,装有马达的剑柄旋转一根被反光材料包裹的剑刃。 www.starwarschina.com 10. and he touched the hilt of his great sword. 他触动了他的伟大柄剑。 wenwen.soso.com 1. This Dao is not that Dao. The similar Dao in Shandong is wide and light, with thin body, iron armguard, and no grain hilt. 此刀非彼刀,山东类似的刀宽而轻,刀身薄,护手多铁制,柄无纹刻。 hfsword.com 2. Was it bought in Shenyang? Huge Ming style dragon Tunkou and small hilt fittings made a great difference. 这把也是沈阳拣的漏?硕大的明式独角龙吞和小巧的柄装对比反差很大啊。 hfsword.com 3. His guilt was proved up to the hilt. 他的罪行被完全证实了。 www.bing.com 4. It looks klunky, how to innovate it? Ox horn hilt, wooden scabbard, with a layer of leather covered. What leather? I don't know. 看上去很破,如何收拾呢?手柄为牛角,刀鞘为木质,外包一层皮革,什么皮,不能分辩。 hfsword.com 5. It may be combined with wood hilt in a special way. 与木柄可能有比较特殊的结合方式。 hfsword.com 6. Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will you not bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? 燕子,燕子,小燕子,你愿意把我剑柄上的红宝石取下来送给她吗? blog.163.com 7. It's comparative to those three pieces on hilt, which should be flat and round scabbard decorations in the same style. 和柄上三件相对应,该是相同风格的扁圆型鞘饰。 hfsword.com 8. Wonder who can give me a hand and add hilt and block on this blade? 不知哪位大侠可以帮我为此刀条加柄、加档吗? hfsword.com 9. Yes, neglect. In rich homes, privileged homes, wired to the hilt with every electronic gadget. 富有的家庭,幸运的家庭,完全被电子器件束缚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I've seen it in magazine, cloisonne scabbard, jade hilt! Excellent craft! 杂志上见过,景泰蓝鞘,玉石柄覃!很棒的工艺! hfsword.com 1. A handle or hilt, especially the handle of a tool or weapon. 把手,柄把手或柄,尤其是工具或武器的柄。 www.hotdic.com 2. To Indian railways packed to the hilt to JFL airport having a landing aircraft every few seconds. 纽约肯尼迪机场每几秒钟就有一架飞机降落。 www.netfm.com.cn 3. Was the coral on hilt matched afterward? 柄上的珊瑚是后配? hfsword.com 4. Compared with Sui Dao, Tang Dao doesn't only get rid of the pommel ring, and the hilt is inclined, so it's more convenient when cutting. 相比隋刀,唐刀不仅去掉了刀首之环,而且刀柄也微斜,这样在劈砍时更为顺手。 hfsword.com 5. Guess: The hilt is not surely short if the stalk is short. Nothing proved it. 推测:茎短剑柄不一定短,未有实物佐正。 hfsword.com 6. Their soldiers are disciplined to the hilt but are also insubordinate . 他们的士兵训练有素但仍不顺从。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger. 在剑或者匕首的刀柄上的一个球形装饰品。 www.hotdic.com 8. A single -edged steel hunting knife , about 15 inches (38 centimeters) in length, having a hilt and a crosspiece. 一种单刃钢制猎刀,约15英寸(38厘米)长,带柄和横档。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It likes European Lianjia if the hilt is a bit longer. 柄再长点就象欧洲的梿枷啦。 hfsword.com 10. Look at the hile of it----There's an iron twine protecting the weak wooden hilt. 你们看看那斧子的柄部——有像弹簧般的铁缠绕来护脆弱的木柄。 hfsword.com 1. Besides, there's no reed on hilt, but a copper rivet. 另外,此剑柄上并无按簧,那是一个铜铆钉。 www.hfsword.com 2. Study, is the hilt a bit flexible? 学习了,刀把是不是有点松动? hfsword.com 3. By the dim moonlight, he saw a soldier standing there, armed to the hilt. 借着昏暗的月光,他看见一个士兵全副武装站在那儿。 www.bing.com 4. The shape of hilt does have the taste of hilt of wooden scourge and mace in Yuan and Ming dynasty. 刀把的造形是真具有元明木鞭锏把手的味道。 hfsword.com 5. Secondly, for his own blade and happy, while the hilt is met on their own to others, there is also a happy to pay. 剑身为自己的锐不可当而幸福,而剑柄则满足于自己的为了他人而存在,付出也是一种幸福。 gotofob.cn 6. Original, good! But the twist of hilt needs improvement, not good handle, wonder I'm right? 原汁原味,好!不过柄的缠法欠善,手感应不佳,未知然否。 hfsword.com 7. The end of hilt is retrorse, maybe a Song Dao. Song long-hilt Dao has such style. 柄尾微向下弯,也可能是宋刀。宋长柄刀有此形制。 hfsword.com 8. Fine blade, match an ivory hilt, black rose silver scabbard, that will be great. 这刀条好精美呀,配个象牙柄,黑檀银装鞘就绝啦。 hfsword.com 9. Support all his ideas to the hilt. 你要完全支持上司的想法。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Her knife FLASHES down, buried to the hilt in its chest. 她闪电般地将刀刺入狼的胸口,刀没至柄。 www.bing.com 1. But all except a single bronze sword hilt were made completely of iron, so they rusted away long ago. 除一个青铜剑柄外,其余全是铁制的,所以早就锈毁了。 2. The whole curve likes Japanese, west Asian hilt curves downwards, as S shape. 整体的弧形象日本,西亚的柄会下弯,成s形。 hfsword.com 3. I think they are not to brother Jin's taste. The small ring on hilt tip is for string. 估计这两饺子不对金兄口味,另、柄端小环是穿绳用。 hfsword.com 4. On the hilt of his sword also lies a big ruby that shines away brightly. 他地剑柄上还躺着一个年夜红宝石,照得鲜亮。 www.00f8.com 5. Brother Miao, is it in Song dynasty for such a fierce long-hilt Dao? It rusts heavily, how to conserve? 请教淼兄,如此长柄捍刀,年代是否已经到宋?锈得如此厉害,如何保养? hfsword.com 6. Could this partly gilded hilt have held Blackbeard's sword? 这把部分镀金的剑柄可能是大海盗“黑胡子”佩剑的剑柄么? www.bing.com 7. So sharp, lack of a wood hilt. 很是锋利。把上少木柄。 hfsword.com 8. Because of long time the wooden hilt cracked, for the sake of keeping patina I had to twine it with iron thread. . . 因木造的手柄时间过长引起开裂,为保留“包浆”所以用铁线暂时扎起…… hfsword.com 9. Could you post the specific pics of hilt and the joint between body and hook? 能上张剑身与钩锻接处还有剑柄的细图吗?。 hfsword.com 10. Not bad, reasonable price, valuable only by hilt. 刀不错,对得起价格,光看把柄也值得收一下。 hfsword.com 1. Rare saber with iron hilt. Ask it's integration of hilt and blade? 铁柄的刀少见。请问柄和刃是一体的吗?。 hfsword.com 2. He hurts her with the hilt. 他用剑柄碰伤她了。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Hilt without words makes people image. 刀把无字,给人以遐想。 hfsword.com 4. Newly-made wooden hilt---bad handwork! 新造的木手柄——手工太差了! hfsword.com 5. Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. 选择一天,好好地享受——直到极致。 www.examda.com 6. The first one is the intactest, and the horn hilt is of fine work. 第一把最完整,角柄也制做得很精细。 hfsword.com 7. Barnaby Joyce played this game to the hilt. 巴纳比玩这个游戏乔伊斯的刀柄。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 8. I think the patina and overall condition of the blade and hilt is wonderfull. 我认为这绿绣、整个刀刃、和柄都是很好的。 hfsword.com 9. He HAD studded the sword hilt with jewels. 他在剑柄上镶嵌了宝石。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Metroplex is very stocky looking and looks armored to the hilt. 大都市是非常矮胖的体形,看起来像披甲的刀把。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. My first feeling is that the scabbard and hilt were matched afterward, not good feeling. 第一眼感觉鞘、柄是后配的,感觉不好。 hfsword.com 2. Full length 87cm, blade length 72cm, the hilt was installed by Laoxiang afterward. Rough work, three iron fittings on hilt, intact. 总长87,刃长72,柄为老乡后配,粗糙不堪,柄上三件铁装,齐全。 hfsword.com 3. He was involved in politics to the hilt. 他完全卷进了政治。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The southern ones are most with copper armguard and grain ox horn hilt. 南方的多铜护手,牛角柄纹刻。 hfsword.com 5. The hilt is doubtful. You'd better beware. 柄有点模糊,这点有疑问。还是小心点好。 hfsword.com 6. The hilt of the sword is missing. 这把剑的柄不见了。 dict.netat.net 7. The hilt is hot blued Damascus decorated with 24K gold inlay. 希尔特是热的发蓝的大马士革与24K金镶嵌装饰。 www.ttbuy168.com 8. Does bone hilt need rope twisted? 骨柄还用缠绳? hfsword.com 9. The twist of hilt is so ugly. 刀把缠的太难看了。 hfsword.com 10. His hand sprang to the sword hilt. 他的手飞快去抓剑柄。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. His rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky. 他的剑柄闪烁在镶满宝石的夜空下 www.bing.com 2. Brother Laodao, I think the nicest is intactness and characteristic style of hilt. The good age it's in is another point. 唠叨兄,小可以为此剑最为养眼的是其完整性和极具特点的柄部造型。年份好也是一大亮点。 hfsword.com 3. It's better to add antiskid on hilt. 手柄加防滑筋会好很多。 hfsword.com 4. Kasporio the Cunning touched his sword hilt. "If you would like to start the bleeding now, I will happ'ly oblige you. " 狡猾的卡斯伯利欧摸着他的剑柄。“若你现在就想开始放血,我很乐意为你服务。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. There were more than 300 sword-hilt fittings, 92 sword-pommel caps, and 10 scabbard pendants. 这其中包含超过300个剑柄装饰物,92个剑鞘和10个剑鞘装饰环。 www.bing.com 6. To hide in gems on hilt of sword. 剑柄镶嵌着闪光的宝石。 tieba.baidu.com 7. The hilt seems not horn hile . Why is Tan so thin? 手柄不像是“角柄”。镡为何这么细? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ox horn hilt. It's nearly 1cm thick at the thickest. 70cm long. 牛角柄,刀最厚为将近一厘米,长为70厘米。 hfsword.com 9. It's man's Dao undoubtedly, very common in south and less common in north. The northern one usually has a rougher hilt than that in south. 男人所用之刀无疑,南部地区多见,北方少许有见,一般柄部处理较南方的粗糙些。 hfsword.com 10. They have promised to back us to the hilt. 他们曾许诺会全力支持我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Full length 62cm, blade length 47cm, the most thick 6mm, width 25mm, no crack. With sharkskin on the hoop of hilt. 通长62,刃长47,最厚6毫米,宽25毫米,无纵裂。刀柄前箍下有残存的蛟鱼皮。 hfsword.com 2. It's fat. Why is it so different from the imitated hollow sword with short hilt sold in the street? 这剑身胖胖的,为何与街边卖的镂空短柄剑的类似仿品大为不同呢?。 hfsword.com 3. Who can tell me how to remove the hilt and guard? Thanks. 哪位老大能告诉我如何拆刀柄及护手。谢谢。 hfsword.com 4. He took the hilt of his ashplant, lunging with it softly, dallying still 他攥住梣木手杖的柄,轻轻地戳着,继续磨磨蹭蹭。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Are you convenient to remove the hilt rope at goose plume and show me the stalk? Thanks. 第一图的雁翅方便拆开柄绳看看茎吗?谢谢。 hfsword.com 6. How long is it after having a hilt installed on? 请问这个东西装上柄后大约有多长?。 hfsword.com 7. the hilt fittings were cylindrical and without any sharp corners , so it would not cut into the wielder s hands 剑装都是圆柱型的,没有尖角,不会割手。 www.ichacha.net 8. Also have wood, bamboo, wood hilt; 亦有木、竹、骨等材之柄; wenwen.soso.com 9. Silver Saber with Black Jade Hilt 青玉柄银翘匕首 hfsword.com |
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