单词 | hangar |
释义 |
复数:hangars 例句释义: 飞机库,棚厂,飞机棚,飞机修理库 1. In an industrial park outside of Sacramento, Calif. , there's a factory inside what looks like an old airplane hangar. 在加州,萨克拉门托城外的一个工业园里,有一个工厂里面看起来想一个老式的飞机挂物。 www.bing.com 2. A line boy helped me push my plane into a hangar as the sky opened up with hail the size of marbles. 一个机场男孩帮我把我的飞机推到飞机库里,因为天空下起了弹珠大小的冰雹。 www.mytino.com 3. As I got closer, I could see it was in fact a hangar, shaped a bit like a giant crab, built into a berm. 再靠近一点我发现这是一个机库,形如巨蟹,建于崖径之中。 www.bing.com 4. The work was done in secret at a hangar in Paris and formally unveiled in London during a PR event launching the new Pepsi brand. 这项工作在巴黎的机库中秘密进行,后在伦敦的一次百事新产品公关会上正式对外亮相。 www.bing.com 5. White Knight Two is due to begin test flights towards the middle of 2008, but may roll out of the hangar in the next few weeks. 接下来的几周内,“白骑士二号”便可以出厂,到2008年年中将开始试飞。 www.ecocn.org 6. In fact, many of the special-effects actually took place in a former aircraft hangar in Cardington, Bedfordshire. 事实上,在特殊效果,其实许多参加了在卡丁顿,飞机机库前贝德福德郡的地方。 group.m.mtime.com 7. If the ship doesn't have landing gears, it should have at least one garage or hangar. 如果船没有起落架,那它至少需要一个机库或泊位。 www.infinity-game.com 8. The dynamic influence coefficient of the crane of the long-span hangar with four plane positions in Beijing is tested under nine load cases. 对北京四机位大跨度维修机库吊车在九种工况下的动力影响系数进行了实际测试。 www.dictall.com 9. Wind-resistant design of Beijing A380 hangar at Beijing Capital Airport is one of the important aspects in its structural design. 北京A380机库的抗风设计是结构设计中一项重要内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Boeing expects to start removing shuttle platforms and modifying the hangar to suit its own purposes in the next few months. 波音公司预期将在接下来的几个月中移除航天飞机的平台,并改造机库,以满足其自身需要。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 1. A mock-up of the Orion space capsule is loaded into a hangar at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. 一个猎户座太空舱模型被送进位于弗吉尼亚州汉普顿NASA兰利研究中心的机库里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But the danger is that because you know you're really in a hangar in Moscow, you start thinking: 'I can't be bothered'. 但危险在于,因为你知道你事实上在莫斯科的一个飞机棚里,于是你开始想:‘我才不用烦呢。’ www.bing.com 3. Romanian soldiers push a helicopter back into a hangar at the Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase. 米哈伊·康斯坦蒂内斯库空军基地的罗马尼亚士兵正把一架直升机推回机库。 gb.cri.cn 4. They encroached on hangar space in return for a very dubious contribution to the ships' defence against hostile cruisers. 他们占据了机库空间,因而换取了对敌巡洋舰没多少把握的防御能力。 www.bing.com 5. The wreckage was moved to a hangar while investigators search for clues to the cause of the crash. 飞机残骸被转移到飞机库,而调查人员寻找失事原因的线索。 www.aitrans.net 6. Wing Cmdr Wallis has been a pilot for 73 years. He keeps 20 autogiros in a mini hangar at his home in Norfolk. 目前,他的驾龄已有73年。而他自己一共制造了20架旋翼飞机。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Furthermore, tail dragger planes are generally easier for ground personnel to maneuver around in confined spaces like a hangar. 同时,后三点起落架的飞机,更便于地勤人员把飞机拖到停机棚等窄小的空间里。 www.360doc.com 8. Fuel was seeping through the joints, raining down on the hangar floor. 燃料从接缝渗出,雨点般落到机棚地上。 www.bing.com 9. The Manhattan Project's Enola Gay Hangar at Wendover Airfield in Utah, also on the list, is at risk of irreparable damage. 犹他州温多弗空军基地的曼哈顿伊诺拉盖伊计划也在名单中,它面临的损害是无法弥补的。 www.dltcedu.org 10. The hangar geometry itself garages ( where players are able to fly ) would then represent maybe 5% to 25% of the whole ship. 机库自身 泊位的空间(玩家可移动的部分)将可能占整艘船的5%-25%。 www.infinity-game.com 1. Discovery was towed from its hangar and into the Nasa's Kennedy Space Center's vehicle assembly building in Florida on Thursday . 周四发现号航天飞机被从机库拖至了位于佛罗里达的美国航空航天局肯尼迪航天中心的飞船总装车间。 www.bing.com 2. Painted black and as sleek as a Stealth bomber, the aircraft was photographed taxiing from its hangar by Morgunbladid, a daily newspaper. 日报《Morgunbladid》拍到了照片,照片上那架漆成黑色、外形圆滑得像隐形轰炸机一样的私人飞机,正从机库里滑行出来。 www.ftchinese.com 3. For the isolation of blasting, painting and maintenance workshop of large machine shop, hangar, dockyard, exhibition hall, ect. 适用于机库、船厂或大型机器的喷砂,喷漆及维修车间、展馆区域隔离。 1552094.info-cn.mmimm.com 4. The prototype unveiled in this immense World War II hangar near Los Angeles is just half the size of the final working model. 在洛杉矶附近第二次世界大战机库中公之于众的巨大原型机尺寸还只是最后成品的一半。 www.kekenet.com 5. Make sure corridors and hangar rooms are not too hard to navigate in. Avoid large scale details that would force ships to zigzag. 确保通道和机库空间不要太狭窄。避免出现过多细节物使船不得不躲着走。 www.infinity-game.com 6. The vodka and whiskey flowed freely in a Taipei exhibition hall the size of an airplane hangar on Oct. 10月7日,台北某飞机库大小的会展厅,伏特加、威士忌酒香四溢。 www.bing.com 7. Resembling an aircraft hangar, this section can be viewed from a walkway a few meters above the 6, 000-plus figures. 像一个巨大的飞机库,在这个部分可以在距6000个俑上空几米的过道上观看它们。 www.bing.com 8. Hangar structure, setting large reinforced concrete cement beam, Brazil card type, arrangement is magnificent. 库内结构,设置巨大的钢筋混凝土水泥梁架,巴西里卡柱式,排列十分雄伟。 www.xuanoffice.com 9. Hangar upgrade types rebalanced to be more cost competitive vs hangar structures and weapon upgrades. 库升级类型平衡,以更具成本竞争力与机库的结构和武器的升级。 bbs.deeptimes.org 10. The booster has spent the last week at Complex 40 after being assembled inside a hangar at the pad's southern perimeter. 上周这个助推器在发射台南边的机库组装时情况复杂。 www.bing.com 1. The beam will be aimed at a collector on the other side of the hangar, rather than several kilometres away. 光束将瞄准飞机库另一侧的——而不是数公里之外的——收集器。 www.ecocn.org 2. Yoda followed his instincts to a darkened hangar where Count Dooku had grievously wounded Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. 尤达凭着直觉来到了一个阴暗的机库,发现杜库伯爵已将欧比—万·克诺比和阿纳金·天行者打成重伤。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. Carrier pilots can now access all divisions of their ships corporate hangar without the required corporate roles. 航母驾驶员现在不需要军团权限也可以使用所驾驶舰船军团机库的所有部门。 www.mordor.cn 4. Walls on either side of the structure, making it resemble an aircraft hangar, will help isolate debris. 与飞机库相似,这座建筑的墙在其两端。这两面墙会帮助隔离废墟。 www.bing.com 5. The Cessna 525 is literally gathering dust at a Corporate Aircraft hangar at Fresno -Yosemite International Airport. 这架塞斯纳525实际上是尘封在公司飞机机库在弗雷斯诺-约塞米蒂国际机场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The prototype ship has been tested inside the hangar, rising and descending under its own power. 原型船已经在机库中进行测试,凭借自身的力量上升和下降。 www.kekenet.com 7. Bio2 was a gigantic glass ark the size of an airport hangar. 生物圈二号这个巨型玻璃方舟有机场飞机库那么大。 dongxi.net 8. Therefore, they built their own inside an aircraft hangar-sized cave complete with classrooms and playground. 他们在一个机库大小的山洞里修建了自己的学校,包括教室和操场。 www.bing.com 9. With sangfroid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar. 残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Jackson led the way to a side door. Raine could see this building had giant hangar-sized doors as well. Something big was going on in there. 杰克逊带路进入侧门,雷恩能看到这座建筑有着巨大宏伟的大门。某些巨大的东西要进入到这里面。 www.dashuye.com 1. This arrangement has been designed to reduce ducting requirements, allow for easy access and removal and to not impinge on hangar space. 设计上之所以这样安排是为了减少对管道的要求,允许方便地检查和替换同时不会影响到机库的空间。 www.fyjs.cn 2. If a ship doesn't have landing gears, it should have at least one garage or hangar. 如果一艘船没有着陆装置,那它内部应该至少有一个泊位或机库。 www.infinity-game.com 3. During the heavy storm, airplanes should be kept in the hangar. 狂风暴雨中,飞机应当停放在飞机库内。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Integral lifting technology was used in A380 hangar roof of Capital Airport. 首都机场A380大型机库屋盖采用了整体提升的施工技术。 www.shigongjishu.cn 5. Space shuttle Discovery's tail fin clears the hangar door of Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,发现号航天飞机的垂直尾翼正通过OPF-2机库大门。 www.bing.com 6. Deer Jet recently opened China's largest business jet hangar at Beijing Airport. 金鹿公务机在北京机场拥有全国最大的商务喷气机机库。 www.cneaa.net 7. Please expedite your taxiing and proceeding to the hangar direct. 请加大滑行速度,直接滑到机库。 www.xmatc.com 8. An example of minor asymmetry is placing a hangar entrance on one side of the ship, but not the other, or a small bridge area. 举个例子,在一艘船的一侧有一个机库入口,但在另一侧则没有,或一个舰桥区(bridgearea)。 www.infinity-game.com 9. Late spring the hangar in the morning, there is one plane in sky, ahead is a tree, a girl is writing memorandum. 晚春上午的飞机场,天上有一架飞机,前面是一棵树,一个女孩正在写纸条。 bbs.17pr.com 10. The club stores helicopters in this hangar. They are very compact, we may say. 俱乐部把直升机储藏在飞机库里。我们看得出,飞机库里还是挺挤的。 www.bing.com 1. Control Center: Autobot twins, report to Hangar Three. 汽车人双胞胎到三号机库报到。 www.dzxw.net 2. Maia, head for Liberty's mecha hangar, and ditch those Shadow Fighters. 玛娅,飞往“自由”号的机械库,扔掉那些阴影战斗机。 shynuphy.spaces.live.com 3. Although it just opened last week, Deer Jet has already outgrown the hangar and will build another one in 2012. 尽管它仅在上周开始投入使用,金鹿已经着手扩建,并将在2012年建设第二个机库。 www.cneaa.net 4. The Luda II replaces the aft-most 130 mm and 37 mm gun turrets with a helicopter pad and hangar. 旅大II级用直升机甲板和机库取代了尾部的130毫米炮塔和37毫米炮塔。 bbs.cqzg.cn 5. During construction of aircraft hangar gate, lifting is the most important segment although it requires the shortest time. 在机库大门整个建造过程中,吊装环节虽然所需时间最短,但却是至关重要的一环。 www.dictall.com 6. The improvements at RAF Valley will see a new hangar and training suite built by late 2010. RAFValley的改进结果是2010年年底建成的一个新飞机库和培训室。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. The whole hangar is not necessarily one big room. 整个机库不一定非得是一个巨大的空间。 www.infinity-game.com 8. Luke took his father's crippled body to the Death Star hangar bay. 卢克把父亲残废的身躯抬到了死星的机库。 tieba.baidu.com 9. We're in the mech hangar, attempting to assemble a new fighter squadron. 我们在机械库,正试图组成一个新的战斗机中队。 shynuphy.spaces.live.com 10. It plans to spend about Rmb50m to build a hangar in Beijing and one in Shenzhen, where Shenzhen Airlines has land. 该公司计划斥资约5000万元人民币在北京和深圳各建一个飞机修理库。深圳航空在上述地点都拥有土地。 www.ftchinese.com 1. PIER 38 is a vast, hangar-like structure, perched on San Francisco's waterfront. 38号坞棚(PIER38)是坐落在旧金山滨海的一幢巨大棚库状结构的建筑。 www.ecocn.org 2. The airport hangar was freshly painted. 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。 www.kuenglish.info 3. TEC Hangar Defense flak turrets upgrade now allows firing at 2 targets per bank. 国防科技库防弹塔楼升级现在允许射击2目标为每家银行。 bbs.deeptimes.org 4. The BSI kit was stored 200 yards away across the apron from the T2 hangar. 孔探工具放在离T2号机库200码远需要穿过机坪的地方。 www.china-cam.cn 5. The hangar deck immediately became a blazing inferno in which 832 crewmembers died. 机库甲板马上变成火地狱,八百三十二名船员丧生。 www.pkblogs.com 6. So the hangar's completely deserted? 这么说机棚没人了? thanatosecret.blogchina.com 7. Depart the apron and taxi to the hangar. 离开停机坪,滑到机库。 www.xmatc.com 8. Maximize space in the hangar so that ships can navigate as easily as possible. 机库空间要最大化,以便船在里面可以尽量轻松的航行。你会有空间正常的游戏。 www.infinity-game.com 9. The hangar is capable to induct two Boeing 747-400 aircraft simultaneously, together with 3 other narrow body aircraft. 新机库可停放两架波音747-400飞机,并同时停放3架窄体飞机进行飞机大修工作。 www.carnoc.com 10. Welcome back, Icarus. You're clear to dock in Hangar Bay 2. 欢迎回来,“伊卡洛斯”号。你获许在船库2号湾进坞。 shynuphy.spaces.live.com 1. The wind load shape factor study of GAMECO hangar at the New Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou 广州新白云国际机场机库风荷载体型系数研究 www.ilib.cn 2. I can't have my precious cargo sitting around the hangar waiting for your personnel to 我不能因为你私人的事情把我珍贵的箱子滞留在这里 game.ali213.net 3. The construction program for the epoxy hangar floor of the project of Shanghai Sikorsky Aircraft Company 上海西科斯基飞机公司生产车间环氧地坪工程施工计划说明书 wenku.baidu.com 4. Ventilation and air conditioning design for an attendant hangar in Guangzhou 广州一飞机维修机库通风空调设计 ilib.cn 5. Planning Airplane Hangar for Operational Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness 提高运营效率节省成本的现代机库建设 www.ilib.cn 6. stealing canisters of nerve gas out of the hangar 从机棚把毒气罐偷运出去? www.ichacha.net 7. Replacing Cable Construction of the Stay Cable Roof of Huhehaote Civil Aviation Hangar 呼和浩特民航机库斜拉索屋面换索施工 www.ilib.cn 8. Visible smoke detection system provides protection for the largest aircraft hangar in the world 视频感烟探测系统为世界最大的飞机维修库护航 www.ilib.cn 9. Fire System Design for Hangar in the New Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou 广州新白云国际机场维修机库的消防设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Test and analysis of dynamic characteristic of hangar of capital airport 首都机场四机位机库的动力特性测试及理论分析 www.ilib.cn 1. They ride off as the hangar explodes. Eva stops a safe distance away 他们离开,Eva在安全的地方停下来 badboy.elites.cn 2. The method to resolve the heating system of vertical imbalance of Shenyang aeroplane hangar 沈阳机库采暖系统垂直失调的解决方法 service.ilib.cn 3. The team's engineers have been working on the project in secret for 18 months from an aircraft hangar in Bristol Photograph: Curventa 建造这辆车的工程师已经在布里斯托的一个飞机库里秘密工作了18个月了。 www.bing.com 4. Research on Stability of Sapped Hangar Excavation 大跨度洞库施工开挖稳定性研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Wind loading on plane roof of a large hangar; 大型机库屋面风荷载特性研究; lib.cqvip.com 6. stay on my wing ! head for the command ship ' s hangar 呆在我的机翼上!前往指挥舰的修理库 www.ichacha.net 7. code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar 飞机库设计防火规范 www.ichacha.net 8. Aircraft hangar and hangar door business 机库及机库门 www.smexm.gov.cn 9. Hangar space for visiting aircraft 过站航空器机库 wenku.baidu.com 10. helen this is the right hangar , but i don ' t see any jets 就是这个机库,可我没看见飞机 www.ichacha.net 1. The application of foam in air craft hangar 泡沫在飞机库中的使用 service.ilib.cn 2. Construction Technology of Hangar Project in Civil Aviation University of China 中国民航大学机库工程施工技术 www.ilib.cn 3. berth a plane in the hangar 让一架飞机停进机库。 www.ichacha.net |
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