单词 | handset | ||||||||||
释义 |
复数:handsets n. receiver,earpiece,mouthpiece,phone,telephone handset 显示所有例句
例句释义: 手机,电话听筒,遥控器,手持机,手持通话器,手柄 1. Dale is one of the few firms that casts metal type for use in handset printing, and has provided her with a supply of virgin type. Dale是现存少数几家为手工印刷术铸造金属字模的公司之一,它为达里女士提供了一套全新的字模。 www.ecocn.org 2. A more formal way of describing your mobile phone is to call it a cellular handset. 你的移动电话更正式的叫法应该是便携式手机。 www.chinatranslation.org 3. Still, estimates for how much an agreement might cost HTC range widely, from less than US$5 per handset to US$13. 话虽如此,相关人士对该协议可能对HTC造成的损失的预测,从每台手机5美元到13美元不等。 www.kle100.cn 4. cell phone has altered human relations. there is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads "close your handset. " 手机改变了人与人之间的关系。通常有注意到会议室的门上的告示,写着“关闭手机。” www.fane.cn 5. Lenovo earlier this year bought back Lenovo Mobile, its handset unit, which it had sold little more than a year earlier. 今年早些时候,联想购回了约一年前售出的手机部门——联想手机(LenovoMobile)。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Since the firm's handset business also tends to be slow early in the year, Sanjay Jha, its boss, expects a loss in the first quarter. 由于每年年初,其手机业务增速都会趋缓,因而公司老板SanjayJha预计,今年第一季度将亏损。 ecocn.org 7. I sent the handset short note to you, did not know you did have receive? 我给你发手机短信了,不知道你有没有收到?。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Backed into a corner in their own country, the leading handset makers have had no choice but to consolidate and re-enter foreign markets. 在自己国内几乎陷入绝境的日本领先手机制造商们别无选择,只能携手合作,重新打入海外市场。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. The ringer would not ring when a call was incoming, but if I picked up the handset, the call was there. 的铃声不会戒指时,传入的呼叫,但如果我拿起手机,电话在那里。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Or set your avatar up as the handset wallpaper or MSN profile picture with just a few clicks . 或将您的头像作为手机壁纸或MSN的个人资料图片,只需点击几次。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Especially in the date is and Han is in the middle of the brand handset, renovates the handset as if is one kind of fashionable symbol. 尤其在日系和韩系品牌手机当中,翻盖手机似乎还是一种时尚的象征。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The chairman said he believes his handset had an advantage because of that localization. 主席说他相信他的手机因为本地化具有优势。 www.bing.com 3. Google is trying to overcome this hurdle by getting carriers around the globe involved in the Open Handset Alliance. Google通过把分布在全球的运营商参与到这个开放手机联盟中,以视图克服这个巨大的障碍。 www.bing.com 4. Meanwhile, it has been a highlight problem that whether the radiation from the mobile handset may make some side-effect on the human body. 与此同时,手机电磁辐射是否对人体构成危害,也自然成为人们关注的焦点。 www.fabiao.net 5. The company aims to become one of the world's top five handset brands in the next three to five years, Mr. Xu said. 徐昕泉说,该公司的目标是在未来三到五年成为全球排名前五位的手机品牌。 c.wsj.com 6. Known here as "shanzhai ji" , or bandit phones, China's gray market handset industry was virtually non-existent just a few years ago. “山寨机”的生产,在几年前还只是萌芽状态。 www.bing.com 7. It is now used for salaries, bills, donations: few things cannot be paid for via a handset. M-PESA已被用于发工资,转账单和捐赠款等,很少有不能用手机偿付的东西。 www.ecocn.org 8. Thanks to a microfinance loan, she was able to buy a basic handset and a roof-mounted antenna to ensure a reliable signal. 通过小额贷款,她买了一个最简单的手机还有屋顶天线以确保手机信号畅通。 www.ecocn.org 9. Citi says that the two big cellphone makers 'will significantly increase their handset-component outsourcing to BYD in the next two years. ' 花旗投资研究说,这两家手机巨头将在今后两年大幅增加外包给比亚迪的手机部件业务。 www.ebigear.com 10. As sales grew by only 10% and average selling prices continued to drop, handset sales revenue this year the growth rate is only 5%. 由于销售量只增长了10%和平均销售价格不断下滑,今年手机销售收入的增长幅度只有5%。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 1. While sitting in a coffee shop sipping your favorite latte, what would you want to see on your handset? 当坐在咖啡店里细细酌饮时,您希望在手机上看到什么呢? www.ibm.com 2. Strauss estimates it could take up to two years to get handset makers get their OS operating systems compatible with Atom. 史特奥斯说预计手机制造商们要用两年时间才能让他们的操作系统与Atom处理器兼容。 www.bing.com 3. A lot of phones these days put the radio near the bottom of the handset, and the Nexus One is no exception. 现在许多的手机把天线放在话筒的底部,NexusOne也不例外。 www.bing.com 4. Handset makers are also trying to exploit the popularity of social networks to boost their phones' appeal. 此外,手机制造商也在利用社交网络的流行,来提升手机的吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, the only handset deal that seems to have a significant effect on consumers is the one between AT&T and Apple. 然而,唯一一个对用户有巨大影响的手机协议就是那个AT&T公司和苹果公司之间的协议。 www.bing.com 6. Quite a few analysts believe Apple and HTC might come to a cross-licensing agreement that will cost HTC a fixed sum per handset. 不少分析人士认为,苹果可能和HTC达成相互授权协议,在每部HTC手机上收取一定费用。 www.bing.com 7. Simply connect the handset to a USB port, and turn your Personal Computer into a multi-functional high-quality telephone extension . 它可非常方便简单地安装到USB接口,把你的个人电脑变成一台高品质的电话分机。 dict.veduchina.com 8. However if you suffice to have business brains, does the second-hand handset's business also to be able to be good. 不过如果你够有生意头脑,做二手手机的生意也会不错的。 www.fenleimama.com 9. This IMEI number seems to be correct, but we do not have any information on this specific handset. Please add the missing information below. 这个IMEI号码似乎是正确的,但是,我们也没有任何这方面的资料,具体的手机。请添加缺少的资料如下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The company said it would run handset sales outside Europe, while it expected to continue cooperating with BenQ Mobile in European markets. 该公司表示,它将在欧洲以外市场销售手机,并期望继续与明基移动通讯在欧洲市场合作。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The company filed a lawsuit Friday against Motorola Inc. , alleging the handset maker is infringing Microsoft patents in its Android phones. 2010年10月1日,微软提起诉讼,指控摩托罗拉公司(MotorolaInc.)基于Android操作系统的手机侵犯了微软的数项专利权。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The iPhone was also aimed at a segment of the market that the giants of the handset industry had been ignoring - the "high end" . 同时,iPhone瞄准的也是被其它手机产业大鳄所忽略的一块细分市场:高端市场。 www.bing.com 3. Google had a similar effect last month with its announcement of the Open Handset Alliance for open standards on mobile phones. 谷歌也带来相似影响,上个月,它宣布成立“开放手机联盟”(OpenHandsetAlliance),发展开放的手机标准。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If your database allows users to store dates past 2039, what happens when you try to display one of these dates on a mobile handset? 如果你的数据库允许用户存储超过2039的日期数据,当你尝试在移动手机上显示这些数据的时候会发生什么。 bbs.51testing.com 5. It typically takes two to three years before handset software is stabilized and ready for volume production, he said. LiMo认为Google还得经过两到三年才能批量生产稳定的手机软件。 www.bing.com 6. The handset may also look up in a dictionary, this helps the study. if there is not call every time, the phone bill will very save. 手机还可以查字典,这是帮助学习。有不是每时每刻都在打电话,所以话费的话就很节省了。 www.ourtra.com 7. Therefore such handset, must use discretely in the quite cold day, our microcheiria was not after all that endures lives frozen. 所以这样的手机,在比较冷的日子里就要谨慎使用了,毕竟我们的小手不是那么禁得住冻的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These two kind of differences are: The former may give any handset payment, the latter can only give itself to pay fee. 这两种的区别是:前者可以给任一部手机缴费,后者只能给自己交费。 www.fenleimama.com 9. Google is willing to pay up for the IP to protect the profitability of the handset manufacturers that deploy Android. 谷歌愿意出高价买下知识产权,以保护使用安卓系统手机制造商的盈利能力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Combining my handset with an external GPS receiver turns my mobile into a decent GPS navigation system. 配上外部的GPS接收器,我的手机变成了相当好的GPS导航系统。 www.elanso.com 1. The system of GSM double frequencies handset is one of the common technology of domestic mobile termination. GSM双频手机系统是国内移动终端常用的一种技术体系。 www.fabiao.net 2. Mr. Tan said that, this handset is oneself take some name brand handset as the prototype manufacture. 谭先生说,这部手机是自己以某名牌手机为原型制作的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The handset generates more revenue than any other Apple product group--including desktop and portable computers combined. iPhone创造的收入多于其他任何苹果产品,桌上和手提电脑加在一起也比不上它。 c.wsj.com 4. The way out for domestic handset makers is in seeking strategic integration and technological breakthroughs, said experts. 专家认为国内手机业的出路是:尽快寻求战略整合,寻求战略突破。 www.bing.com 5. Because now you can know exact time with great ease on your wristwatch, the handset and any other places. 因为现在你手表、手机和任何地方上很方便的知道精确的时间。 www.mayascafe.com 6. As shown in FIG. 5, system 305 may be a cellular telephone handset, although the scope of the present invention is not so limited. 图5示出,系统305可以是蜂窝电话手持机,但是本发明的范围并不局限于此。 www.pat365.com 7. She whispered into the handset, was also some uncertainty, is likely to be called the Long Luo. 她对着听筒低语,心里还有些不肯定,很可能是罗富陇打来的。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. A small kickstand folds out from the back of the handset allowing you to sit the phone horizontally when watching videos or viewing photos. 当观看视频或查看照片时,有一个小支架可以从背面折叠出可以让你把手机坐立在水平面上。 www.bing.com 9. After a year, you can pay to continue to download new tunes, or you can buy another CWM handset, with another year of free service. 一年之后,你可以选择支付新一年的订购费,或是买另一个耳机,重新获得一年免费下载。 www.ecocn.org 10. Having a handset speakerphone may not seem like such a big deal-until you have to call an automated phone system. 拥有一个听筒喇叭扩音器并没有什么了不起——直到您不得不拨打一个自动化电话系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The unexpected thing about this information is that the handset will come not in one, but in two different versions. 令人意想不到的是,这次不止一款,而是有两个不同版本的手机。 tag.csdn.net 2. The economic slowdown is still hurting the global handset market, research firm Gartner Inc. said in its quarterly report on the industry. 研究机构GartnerInc.在手机行业季度报告中表示,经济放缓仍在影响全球的手机市场。 www.ebigear.com 3. But in the present, at least, you can use your handset to make sure you don't get stuck with a $100 bar tab. . . again. 不过,目前你至少已能用掌上设备来确保不会又为某笔100美元的酒吧消费纠缠不清。 www.bing.com 4. Methods The Ethernet cable was used for power supply of the handset, and also for data transmission. 方法:采用网线实现为手持设备供电,并解决数据传输的问题; kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. His voice comes over the handset high and scratchy, like he's talking into a microphone under water. 他又高又粗的声音刺啦刺啦地从听筒里传来,就像在水下对着麦克风讲话似的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When handset's ting resounds, lets you know that some people are caring about you, you each day are such happy daily, like this is happy! 当手机的铃声响起,让你知道有人在天天关心你,你的每一天都是这样开心,这样愉快! wenwen.soso.com 7. As the handset is a portable communication tools, the convenience of a camera phones is far beyond the digital camera. 由于手机是随身携带的通讯工具,因此相机手机的便利性是数码相机远远不能比拟的。 www.pday.com.cn 8. He set of for floor 69 Wing F, taking the radio handset with him so that he could stay in touch with reception about the complaint. 他的一套为69楼永男,以无线电手机与他,让他可以留在接触与接待有关投诉。 www.ruanti.org 9. Therefore, the state organs of public servants not to talk through the handset and matters relating to state secrets. 因此,国家机关公务人员切勿通过手持机交谈与国家机密有关的事情。 www.showxiu.com 10. In its eagerness to break into the mobile market, will it become network operator, handset provider and online service company in one? 在它急迫的想要打入手机市场时,它是否将身兼三职,同时成为网络运营商、手机制造商与在线服务公司? www.ftchinese.com 1. The handset can take snaps in rapid successions (three at a time), which may come in handy should you work with fast moving objects. 手机可以采取卡在快速的继承(三在一个时间),这可能派上用场,应该你的工作与快速移动的物体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Xu said. He didn't elaborate, but the remark shows Huawei's ambition to become a major handset vendor worldwide. 徐昕泉没有详细说明具体情况,但此番言论显示了华为想要成为全球主要手机厂商的野心。 www.bing.com 3. I'm not convinced that handset manufacturers acquiring other manufacturers is the best way for value to be created for shareholders. 我并不认为手机生产商收购其他生产商是为股东创造价值的最佳途径。 www.fortunechina.com 4. In the handset division, Samsung has no real rival models to challenge its products except for the iPhone 4S. 在手机分工上,除了iPhone4S外,三星没有其他竞争对手挑战其产品地位。 www.kekenet.com 5. The new handset must be left in full sunlight for an hour to power a 15-minute conversation and is fully charged in around eight hours. 这种新的手机必须在充足的阳光下放置1小时才能通话15分钟,而完全充电需要大约8小时。 www.scidev.net 6. "Fishing up" with a similar fishing machine play, players can then play through the handset download, download and install free of charge. 《捕鱼达人》与捕鱼机玩法类似,玩家可通过手机终端下载后来玩,下载安装都是免费的。 www.dw188.com 7. A typical lifetime test system includes a communication analyzer, power supplies, a handset controller, audio test instruments, and a DMM. 典型的寿命测试系统包括一台通信分析仪、电源、一个手机控制器、音频测试仪器和一台数字多用表(DMM)。 www.eefocus.com 8. HTC was the first manufacturer to use Android in its phones and is also the maker of Google's own brand Nexus One handset. HTC是第一家制造商去使用Android系统在它的手机上的,同时也制造了Google自主品牌的NexusOne手机。 www.bing.com 9. If you want ti dial out the last dialed number, pick up handset and Then press " SEND" button, the unit will do automatically. 如果你想拨出最近一次已拨出的号码,拿起手柄按“发射”键,话机将自动完成操作。 www.jukuu.com 10. The company is working with handset vendors and mobile platforms to promote related mobile applications. 公司正与手机供应商和移动平台合作,共同开发相关的移动应用程序。 c.wsj.com 1. E-mails sent encrypted from a BlackBerry handset at some point have to be decrypted and sent to the recipient's e-mail server. 人们从黑莓手机发送加密的电子邮件,然后再一些地方需要解码在传送到接受者的服务器。 www.bing.com 2. Meanwhile, handset makers are nothing like the companies that produce personal computers. 与此同时,手机制造商与个人电脑制造商并无雷同之处。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Smartphones of various platforms already pull in and sync Facebook contacts directly into the handset's contact application. 各个平台上的智能电话都已经支持将facebook的联络信息同步到手持终端的通讯应用。 www.bing.com 4. Handset outsourcing continues to move further up the value chain: into design, component procurement and research and development. 手机外包业继续向价值链的上游环节移动,进入了设计、零部件采购和研发领域。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "If Lenovo could buy IBM's PC business, I don't see why ZTE or Huawei couldn't buy Motorola's handset business, " he said. “我觉得,如果联想能够收购IBM的个人电脑部门,那麽为什麽中兴通讯或华为就不可以买摩托罗拉的手机部呢?”他说。 cn.reuters.com 6. For the time being, he says, getting VoIP to work on a mobile handset would be too fiddly for most people. 他还说到:暂时来看,让网络语音技术在移动电话上有所应用对于大多数人来说还是比较繁琐的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Apple's big announcement comes just days after Palm re-entered the smartphone market with its critically acclaimed Pre handset. 在Palm公司携其备受评论家赞誉的Pre手机重新进入智能手机市场之后没几天,苹果就发布了重大通告。 www.bing.com 8. If sales fall, it would mark the end of almost 15 years of uninterrupted growth for handset makers. 如果销售下降,将标志着手机制造业近15年持续增长的终结。 www.ftchinese.com 9. After the handset game is called by the professional continues the short note "the gold ore" . 手机游戏被业内人士称为继短信之后的又一座“金矿”。 www.fabiao.net 10. Schmidt trumpeted the Android ecosystem as open since it is free to any handset manufacturer that wants to use it on their phones. 施密特鼓吹到Android系统是开放的,因为他对于任何想用的这个系统的手机生产商来说都是免费的。 www.bing.com 1. Watching TV using any of these technologies requires a TV-capable handset, of course. 当然,采用上述的任何一项技术来看电视都需要一台可以看电视的手机。 www.ecocn.org 2. But the anticipated arrival next year of Apple's iPhone on Verizon Wireless could push Motorola's handset business back a step or two. 但VerizonWireless预计明年开始销售苹果公司(Apple)iPhone手机可能会让摩托拉罗的手机业务后退一两步。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Indeed, Android is prepping a major release within a few weeks and will soon announce new Open Handset Alliance members. 实际上Android是在为几个星期之内的重大发布做准备,并且将很快宣布新的开放手机联盟成员。 www.bing.com 4. Because she wants me to help her the handset to do picture any. 因为她要我帮她手机搞下图片什么的。 www.tianya.cn 5. The Konexx Koupler straps onto the handset of any payphone or telephone, to provide analog data communications at up to 26. 4 Kbps. 进口工业网的KonexxKoupler可以连接任何公用电话或电话的听筒,提供高达26.4Kbps的通信模拟数据。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. AT FIRST glance, Nokia, the world's biggest handset-maker, seems to be lurching about. 乍一看,最大手机设备制造商诺基亚似乎策略有所倾斜。 www.ecocn.org 7. Use handset (move near to earphone) in normal position. After startup, do not touch antenna without reason. 在正常人位置下使用手机(靠近耳机)。手机开机后,不要无故触摸天线。 www.yxbiz.com.cn 8. Creating the terminal used for audio record (usually a microphone or handset). 正在为音频记录所使用的终端(通常是麦克风或手持话机)。 www.fan6.net 9. One is to download clips onto a computer and then transfer them to the handset, a technique known as "sideloading" . 其中之一是先将芯片下载到电脑里,再将其转置到手机中,专业术语叫做“侧面加载”。 www.ecocn.org 10. Samsung sponsored Cool's ascent and gave him a free Android handset to tweet from. 三星此次赞助了库尔的攀登并赠送他一部可以发twitter的Android手机。 dongxi.net 1. The XHTML handset must display the company name, ticker symbol, current price, and company logo. XHTML手持设备必须显示公司名称、股票行情、当前价格、以及公司的标志。 www.ibm.com 2. "We are in talks with many handset suppliers, including Apple, " he said. 他说:“我们正在和许多手机供应商进行交流,包括苹果” www.bing.com 3. In effect, your mobile phone will double as an indoor cordless handset, both at home and in the office. 实际上,你的移动电话将能当作室内无绳电话来用,不论你是在家或在办公室。 www.ecocn.org 4. One option is for the Open Handset Alliance to join the new Symbian Foundation and use some Symbian code in its own software. 一个选择是开放手机联盟加入新的Symbian基金会并在它的软件里使用一些Symbian代码。 www.bing.com 5. Then it brought in analogue handset phones, followed by cellular digital technology and a semiconductor plant. 然后,继蜂窝式无线通讯数字技术及半导体设备后它带来了类似的手提电话。 www.bing.com 6. And has carried on the analysis to the blue tooth handset, and proposed the improvement program to its hidden danger. 另外对蓝牙手机进行了分析,并对其隐患提出了改进方案。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. If you are a fan of Beyonce and Samsung, SGH-F300 might be another handset that you can look forward to! 如果你是一个迷碧昂丝和三星电子,三星f300可能是另一个手机,您可以期待! word.hcbus.com 8. Passengers will pick up the handset of a "truth verifier" machine while they are asked questions. 乘客在被询问时,必须拿起“事实确认”机器的听筒。 www.bing.com 9. That said, history shows that when a mobile operating system to closely tied to one particular handset maker, the others lose interest. 还有,历史告诉我们当一款手机操作系统和某一特殊硬件制造商走得太近时,其他制造商会对其失去兴趣的。 www.bing.com 10. "The risk of a period of irrational handset subsidies cannot be ruled out, " says Mr Ramachandran. 拉马钱德兰表示:“我们无法排除中国运营商会陷入一段时间的无理性手机补贴的可能。” www.ftchinese.com 1. This reflects the general trend of declining interest in Symbian among handset makers. 这些举动反应了一个主流趋势:手机制造商在塞班平台谋得的利益正在降低。 www.bing.com 2. The system retains details of the handset and SIM card attempting illicit calls for subsequent blocking. 该系统还会记录试图拨打违法电话的手机和存储卡的具体信息以做进一步的阻拦。 www.ecocn.org 3. The result of the test turn out that the Bluetooth handset runs and works reliably. 实际测试结果表明本文介绍的蓝牙手操器运行稳定,工作可靠。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. The handset business will also close about a third of its 90 facilities around the world and simplify its product range. 摩托罗拉移动还将把全球90处经营设施关闭三分之一左右,并简化产品范围。 www.bing.com 5. But those revenue losses would be "largely offset" by the "significant" savings in handset subsidies and other promotional costs. 但是那些收入损失将会由于节省了相当多对手机的补贴费用、节省了其他促俏成本而大大地得到抵消。 www.elanso.com 6. Nokia may not be the only handset vendor looking longingly at services. 诺基亚并不是唯一看重服务模块的手机厂商。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It consists of a base unit and handset embedded together in a single and continuous ellipsoidal form factor. 它由底座及与之构成一个椭圆形的受话器组成。 www.bing.com 8. Motorola's handset unit lost more than $3 billion in the past two years as it struggled to compete with the iPhone and BlackBerry. 在过去的两年里,同iPhone和黑莓竞争的摩托罗拉手机部损失30亿美元。 www.bing.com 9. Last year, Samsung Corp. , trying to steal a march on market leader Nokia Corp. , added an Irish-language handset to its line. 去年,三星公司(SamsungCorp.)就增加了爱尔兰语的手机产品,以图挑战市场领头羊诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)。 www.ebigear.com 10. When it comes to making a handset, production of covers, connectors and other parts in house means that number goes up to 40%-50%. 但对手机制造来说,外壳、连接器以及其它内部组件的生产成本加在一起意味着富士康能够控制手机制造总成本的40%-50%。 cn.wsj.com 1. You can move around the file system of your handset by clicking the links displayed. 您可以通过单击显示的链接来访问手机的文件系统。 www.ibm.com 2. And if it wants to have a big mobile business it should take a shot at making its own handset. 如果该公司想做大移动业务,继续尝试推出自主品牌手机也是不可或缺的。 www.forbeschina.com 3. We hope that in about five years, the U. S. can become the top market for ZTE handset sales by units. 我们希望在五年内,美国能够成为中兴手机销量最高的市场。 c.wsj.com 4. And consumers may prefer handset, platform and software to come in a tightly integrated package, as with the iPhone. 顾客也许会选择如同iPhnoe一样将手持设备、信息平台和软件三合一的产品。 www.ecocn.org 5. Most of the Indian handset makers have never made a smartphone before, so there could be glitches in their early tries. 大多数印度手机制造商从未生产过智能手机,所以在早期阶段可能会出现问题。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Thehandset product homogeneity requests the handset producer to entrust with its product more attachments value. 手机产品的同质性要求手机生产商赋予其产品更多的附加价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In September Stephen Elop, one of Microsoft's leading lights, becomes boss of Nokia, a troubled Finnish handset-maker. 去年9月,微软的一位领袖性人物StephenElop成为了一个麻烦重重的芬兰手机制造商——诺基亚公司的经理。 www.bing.com 8. The back-to-back problems strike at one of the biggest selling points for the Waterloo, Ontario, handset maker: reliability. 连续发生的这个问题打击到了这家安大略省滑铁卢手机制造商的最大卖点之一:可靠性。 c.wsj.com 9. Currently LG outsources less than 5 per cent of its total handset production, mostly to Taiwanese companies. 目前,LG外包的手机生产不到5%,大部分外包对象是台湾公司。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The 5145 includes a base station and primary phone; the 5105 additional handset includes a small stand just big enough to hold it upright. 5145包括一个基站和主机,而5105无绳电话听筒还带有一个竖直放置听筒的小机座。 www.ebigear.com 1. "Mobile connectivity is becoming so important that they're making an investment on a better handset with a higher monthly fee, " Rubin says. 移动联系变得越来越重要,他们会转向投资一种月租费高的优质手机。 www.bing.com 2. He said his plan had been rejected because the software would have added $2. 05 in production costs to each handset. 但他的计划被拒绝了,因为该软件将增加每个手机生产成本2.05元。 www.bing.com 3. BYD's sales of handset components reached 3. 2 billion yuan in the first half of this year, 51% higher than a year earlier. 今年上半年,比亚迪的手机部件销售额约合人民币32亿元,比上年同期增长51%。 www.ebigear.com 4. Below you can check all known information regarding manufacturer, model type, and country of approval of a handset. 下面你可以检查所有已知的资料,制造商,型号,以及对国家批准的手机。 dict.wanyuwang.com 5. That partly reflects margin pressure at the big handset makers, and partly the growing competence of the manufacturers. 这一方面反映出大型手机制造商面临的利润压力,另一方面也体现出代工制造商实力的不断增强。 www.ftchinese.com 6. unfortunately, no data transmission via a mobile handset can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. 不幸的是,通过手机传输数据不是100%的安全。 www.bing.com 7. Explained: The Japanese popular carbazole automobile general mobilization vehicle type handset hangs the decoration. Ultra lovable . 说明:日本流行的咔哇咿汽车总动员车型手机挂饰。超可爱哦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Operators do not manufacture their own phones, and handset-makers are not operators. 网络运营商本身并不生产手机,而手机生产商则不经营网络。 www.ecocn.org 9. The strategy seeks to boost margins that have been squeezed by increasing competition in the handset market. 转型战略是为了提高被手机市场竞争日益激烈所压缩的利润。 www.ftchinese.com 10. What information, regardless of needs, we may through the handset turning on Internet, enjoy each kind of service anytime and anywhere. 无论需要什么样的信息,我们都可以随时随地地通过手机接入互联网络,享受各种服务。 www.fabiao.net 1. The story of Motorola's handset business might be titled 'Waiting for Profitability. ' 如果要给摩托罗拉(Motorola)手机业务发展的故事起个标题,“等待盈利”可能比较合适。 chinese.wsj.com 2. HTC has issued a security fix for a Bluetooth vulnerability that exposed to risk all the information on a user's handset. HTC已发布了一份针对蓝牙漏洞的安全修复程序,此漏洞会将用户手机上的所有信息暴露于危险之中。 www.bing.com 3. a sweeping agreement in which Microsoft has invested far greater resources than in its other handset partnerships. 在双方达成的广泛协议中,微软投入的资源远远超过投入与其他手机伙伴的协议。 www.12edu.cn 4. China Telecom's 3G subscribers will thus be able to enjoy convenient and reliable voice, data and PTT services all in one handset. 中国电信的3G用户将能够在同一部手机上享受到便捷和可靠的语音、数据和PTT服务。 www.umt-cn.com 5. The same cosmetic specification shall be used for Handset body and ear. 同样的化妆品规范应当用于手机的身体和耳朵。 translate.google.com.hk 6. Andrew got the handset back, dried it out - and amazingly it still works. 安德鲁拿回手机,把它烘乾—它竟神奇地仍可使用。 suyage.com:8080 7. With this, an attacker could have access to phone numbers, photos, and other data, as well as upload malicious code to the handset. 通过这样,攻击者就能获知手机号码、照片以及其他数据信息,还可以向手机上传恶意代码。 www.bing.com 8. Recently, the author pleasantly surprised discovered that the Haire handset has promoted the unique information backup handset. 近日,笔者惊喜地发现海尔手机推出了独特的信息备份手机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Smartphones have until now been positioned as a premium product within the handset market. 直到不久前,智能手机一直被定位为手机市场的高端产品。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Many of those handset makers, including Motorola, have been sued for patent infringement after debuting their Android devices. 许多这些生产商,包括摩托罗拉,在他们首次生产出安卓手机后都因侵权而被起诉过。 www.bing.com 1. He went on to upend the music business, the phone handset industry and consumer computers again, with the 2010 launch of the iPad tablet. 接着他在2010年推出了iPad平板电脑,让音乐业务、手机行业和消费者电脑再次发生了天翻地覆的变化。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Google has provided prototypes for carriers and handset manufacturers, though their final versions are likely to vary greatly. 谷歌已经向运营商和手机制造商提供了样机,不过后者最终推出的版本可能会千差万别。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. Sure, Motorola took a small step forward Thursday, reporting the first break-even quarter for its handset business in over three years. 当然了,摩托罗拉(Motorola)周四向前走了一小步,宣布手机业务三年多以来首次实现盈亏平衡。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Finally, the system was evaluated by testing the handset's performance and wireless links'coverage. 最后,通过对手持终端的性能测试和无线链路的覆盖测试,给出系统性能评估。 www.fabiao.net 5. Take out the 8 screws from the handset, keep them in a safe place to avoid loosing any of them. 从手机取出8个螺丝,在一个安全的地方,使他们避免失去任何人。 q.yesky.com 6. Depending on the manufacturer's test specification, the handset may be powered on or powered off during the test. 根据厂家的测试规范,手机在测试期间可加电或不加电。 www.eefocus.com 7. Many said served to at least partially undercut sales when the handset was legally released in 2009. 很多人认为这使得iphone正式在2009年上市后的销量减少了一半。 www.bing.com 8. The near-field chips store personal data that can be transmitted to readers, say at a shop checkout stand, by tapping a handset on a pad. 轻触手持设备,就能将近场芯片储存的个人信息传送到阅读器上,也就是店里的收银台。 www.bing.com 9. The patent wars buffeting the handset industry do not appear to worry Mr Chou. 周永明似乎并不担心始终困扰手机行业的专利战争。 www.ftchinese.com 10. None of the handset manufacturers really are strong in software. 没有任何一个掌上设备制造商在软件领域有实力可言。 www.hjenglish.com 1. "The global handset industry will be heading out of recession in the fourth quarter, " said Neil Mawston, analyst with Strategy Analytics. “全球手机产业将在第四季摆脱衰退,”StrategyAnalytics分析师NeilMawston说。 cn.reuters.com 2. Shares of Nokia Corp. , which dominates the global handset business with a 38% market share, trade at about twice annual sales. 诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)的市值约为其年销售额的两倍。诺基亚在全球手机市场的占有率为38%。 www.ebigear.com 3. Delicate design, being portable. Adopt overvoltage crowbar, intelligent charging, usage safe, take care of your handset. 本产品设计精巧,携带方便。采用过压保护电路,智能充电,使用安全,精心呵护您的手机。 www.yxbiz.com.cn 4. Either way, the shanzhai phenomenon has not gone unnoticed by legitimate handset manufacturers. 无论是通过哪种方式生产,山寨机现象都已经引起了正规手机制造商的注意。 www.bing.com 5. From there, it was just one step for HTC to become a branded handset maker. 至此,宏达距离品牌手机制造商只有一步之遥了。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Additionally, the handset maker has to work with the carriers to push out these updates over the air, which can also add to the delay. 此外,手机制造商必须与运营商,推动了空中这些更新,这也增加了延迟。 www.anzhiwo.com 7. Hence the recent rush into services. Nokia, the world's biggest handset-maker, recently revamped its set of services, called Ovi. 世界最大的手机制作商诺基亚,近期改进了其称为Ovi的成套服务。 www.bing.com 8. It is familiar to see mobile handset deploying QVGA color LCD. 市场上很容易就找到配置QVGA彩色LCD的手机。 www.aplixcorp.com 9. Finally, the hardware design and implementation of the handset and base station (Access Point) are thorough discussed. 最后详细介绍了系统中手持终端和接入点的硬件设计与实现。 www.fabiao.net 10. The Binatone Speakeasy Plus sends and receive SMS text messages, a dedicated keylock button, a unique notepad on the back of the handset. 该BinatoneSpeakeasy的发送和接收短信加短信,一个专用的键盘锁按钮,手机独特的记事本上的回来。 item.eachnet.com 1. Huawei is poised to quickly become a bigger rival for other handset brands as it refocuses. 重新定位的华为即将迅速成为其它手机品牌更强大的竞争对手。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The two companies are in talks, SKT said yesterday, with Samsung Electronics, Motorola and LG Electronics to jointly buy six handset models. SK电讯昨日表示,两家公司正与三星电子(SamsungElectronics)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)和LG电子(LGElectronics)谈判,打算联合购买6款手机机型。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The handset in your hotel room usually carries a crippling surcharge. The modem point may also be surcharged. 使用房间里的无绳步话机通常要额外收取极高的费用,此外调制解调器的借口也有可能会额外收费。 club.topsage.com 4. With an annual refresh of just one handset model available globally, that's nothing short of impressive. 没有比一年全球只推出一款手机更令人印象深刻的了。 www.bing.com 5. The margin between the two companies is razor-thin, but HTC's rise underscores two major shifts in the handset world. 两家公司市值相差无几,不过宏达国际的冉冉升起凸显了手机世界的两大变化趋势。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In the field, I knew that the team is very important, this at manufacture handset game, with programming aspect time has certain help! 在球场上,我知道团队是非常重要,这个在制作手机游戏,和编程方面的时候有一定的帮助! wenwen.soso.com 7. The present paper focuses on the J2ME technology application, develops one section to be possible the commercial handset game procedure. 本论文着眼于J2ME技术的应用,开发一款可商用的手机游戏程序。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It claims that radiation from the handset can cause insomnia and headaches as well as cutting the time spent in deep sleep. 该研究称,手机产生的辐射会导致失眠和头痛,而且会缩短深度睡眠的时间。 www.ebigear.com 9. Rechargeable batteries are the main accessories to the three dominant products i. e. mobile handset, laptop and camera. 作为手持移动电话机、手提电脑、摄像机这三个主导产品最主要的配件是二次电池。 www.zftrans.com 10. The handset makers are forever customizing operating systems and software applications to suit the differing needs of mobile operators. 手机制造商永远在定制操作系统和软件应用,以适应不同移动运营商的需要。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In 2007 only 7% of subscribers in Malaysia had a handset capable of connecting with a 3G network. 2007年,马来西亚只有7%的手机用户能够连通3G网络。 www.ecocn.org 2. Bookings are taken directly from the handset or a traditional voice connection can be made with the hotel. 用户可以直接在手机上预订,也可以通过传统的电话方式联系酒店进行预订。 www.bing.com 3. Auscultation, the handset should be placed in the brachial artery pulse light prominent place, not under pressure in the cuff that. 听诊时,听筒应轻放在肱动脉搏动明显处,不要压在袖带这下。 www.xiami360.com 4. Findings like these can help handset-makers design new products and accessories that are appropriate to particular markets. 这些发现可以帮助手机制造商设计与市场相适应的新产品与配件。 www.ecocn.org 5. The chips store personal data that can be transmitted to readers, say at a shop checkout stand, by tapping a handset on a pad. 这种芯片可以存储个人资料传送给读取设备,在商店收银台,在点击手机付款。 www.bing.com 6. Analysts say market-share gains by newcomers are partially a result of the erosion of Motorola Inc. 's handset sales. 分析师们说,后来者的市场份额增长部分是由于摩托罗拉(MotorolaInc.)的手机销量下挫。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The results suggested that the handset using could cause adverse health effects in neurobehavioral function. 说明使用移动电话手机能引起神经行为方面的不良反应。 www.ilib.cn 8. The rise of less-expensive smartphones could benefit Chinese mobile carriers as well as local handset makers. 廉价智能手机的兴起可能使中国本土移动运营商和手机厂商获益。 cn.wsj.com 9. Global handset makers have followed Apple's lead in creating revenues from services as handsets become increasingly commoditised. 由于手机的商品化程度日益提高,全球的手机制造商也开始效仿苹果(Apple),通过服务创造利润。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Separate earpieces , linked to the handset by a Bluetooth radio link, are already growing in popularity. 用蓝牙无线连接到手机的分离式听筒已经渐渐的开始普及。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. At least one handset into*ce for connecting the handset is set up at the storage device. 在所述存储装置中设置至少一个用于连接手机的手机接口。 www.dianzi518.com 2. Nokia is unique in many ways from traditional handset manufacturers, handsets being their core competency, of course. 诺基亚在许多方面不同于传统的手机制造业,当然,手机是他们的核心产品。 www.elanso.com 3. The Samsung handset would have carried Google's logo and both devices would have run Google applications, industry sources said. 业内消息人士称,按原计划,三星手机将印有谷歌标识,两款手机都将运行谷歌的应用程序。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Analysts expressed concern that buying Motorola Mobility will anger Google's other handset manufacturing partners. 分析师也表达了担心——收购摩托罗拉移动是否会激怒其他为谷歌生产手机合作伙伴。 www.bing.com 5. Apple (AAPL) now has an almost 14 percent share of the smartphone market and an almost three percent share of the overall handset market. 苹果目前在智能手机方面占有率达百分之十四,在整个移动市场则有百分之三的占有率。 www.bing.com 6. But how to make handset communication in communications industry, get better development, is still need of research. 但如何使手机通信在通信行业中得到更好的发展,仍是需要研究的课题。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The problem is so serious that most countries have enacted laws prohibiting using a handset when driving. 这个问题非常严重,因此大部分国家都已制订法律禁止开车时使用手机。 www.taipeitimes.com 8. Using Google's Android software has given HTC a boost, but it may now make the Taiwanese handset-maker vulnerable to costly lawsuits. 使用谷歌的安卓软件推动了宏达电的发展,但是现在它可能变成弱点,令这家台湾手机制造公司遭遇昂贵的诉讼 www.kekenet.com 9. Handset customer information and feedback: Online Release Market research is a network of information and very useful place. 手机顾客信息和反馈:在线发布信息和市场调查是网络非常有用的地方。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The controller module includes the solid state software, which supports the data transfer protocol for the handset. 所述控制器模块包括固化软件,该固化软件支持手机的数据传输协议。 www.dianzi518.com 1. Can relieve each kind of common handset breakdown skilled, can achieve the independent machinery repair ability. 能熟练解除各种常见手机故障,能达到独立修机能力。 www.taoxuexiao.com 2. Unicom said handset subsidies would rise further in the second half as it plans to launch 10 smartphones before the end of the year. 联通表示,它在下半年将进一步加大对手机的补贴,并拟在今年年底前推出10款智能手机。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The sound of your voice being routed to the handset earpiece will be turned off temporarily. 导向手握式耳机的声音会被暂时关掉。 www.fan6.net 4. At the very least, licensing fees could help offset Apple's settlement with Finnish handset vendor Nokia earlier this year. 至少,这笔授权费用可能会帮助苹果公司抵消今年早些时候与芬兰手机商诺基亚达成和解协议后所需支付的专利费用和赔偿金。 www.forbeschina.com 5. Afterward, the police uncovers a digital camera, 3 handsets and dozens of handset cards in its hiring room. 随后,民警在其出租屋里搜出一部数码相机、3部手机及数十张手机卡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Motorola is an industry veteran in handset phone business, while INQ is a rising star with big promises. 摩托罗拉在手机行业是个老手了,INQ则是这行的闪亮新星,很有发展潜能。 www.ef.com.cn 7. A decade ago, handset makers needed to develop much of the electronic guts of their phones. 十年前,手机制造商需要更多的电子配件来配套制造。 www.bing.com 8. after mainframe encrypts data stream by data cipher key, the encrypting data stream is transmitted to handset by bluetooth technology. 主机用所述数据密钥对数据流进行加密后,通过蓝牙技术将所述加密后的数据流发送至子机。 ip.com 9. Next, many schoolmates in the classroom through the handset surfer, study unintentionally. 其次,很多同学在课堂上通过手机上网,无心学习。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. A few months back my fellow pilot picked up the wrong handset and accidentally asked the entire aircraft if we could 'come out and pee? 几个月以前有一次我的伙伴意外拿错了对讲机,向全飞机的乘客询问我们‘现在是不是可以出去上洗手间了?’ www.bing.com 1. 'The strength of Android has been its diversity, and we have 39 handset makers' that use the software, he said. 他说,安卓的优势一直在于它的多样性,我们有39家手机生产商使用安卓系统。 cn.wsj.com 2. Most other major carriers have adopted the Samsung Omnia 7 as the flagship handset, with one other more affordable choice. 其他大多数运营商采用三星Omnia7为旗舰手机,作为另一个更实惠的选择。 www.bing.com 3. A third option would be for Apple to deepen its partnership with Motorola, the second-largest handset-maker. 加深与第二大手机厂商摩托罗拉的关系可能是苹果公司的第三种选择。 www.ecocn.org 4. If Apple wins against HTC, that would be bad news for upstart handset firms. 如果苹果赢过宏达,对于爆发走红的手机公司无疑是个悲剧。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Explained: The Japanese popular Disney POOL bear comedian clown series handset hangs the decoration, ultra lovable . 说明:日本流行的咔哇咿迪士尼POOL熊小丑系列手机挂饰,超可爱哦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This USB Driver is used for connecting your Motorola handset to a 32-bit Windows computer via a USB cable. 此USB驱动被用到通过USB线将你的摩托罗拉手机和一个32BIT的Windows电脑相连接。 dev.10086.cn 7. Nor could information-technology managers remotely erase data on the handset in the event it was stolen or lost. 而且,信息技术管理人员也无法在iPhone被盗或遗失的情况下远程删除上面的数据。 c.wsj.com 8. In both these instances, it counts as a "win" in the handset volume war against Apple, Microsoft, Nokia and RIM. 在这两个例子中,谷歌在和苹果,微软,诺基亚以及黑莓的大战中“获胜”,但是谷歌却无法从中获利分毫。 www.bing.com 9. When he first came on board, there were fifteen 'gates' to pass in the development of a handset, largely reflecting concerns about quality. 杰哈刚开始加入公司时,开发一部手机需要通过15道关口,这主要是反映了公司对质量问题的重视。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Well, with both handset manufacturers and networks increasingly becoming commoditized, each are desperate to find new sources of revenue. 好吧,两家手机厂商和两家网络制造商都越来越商品化,它们每个都想找到新的财路。 www.bing.com 1. Typically, the handset logs calling data, messaging activity, search requests and online activities. 一般来说,手机能够记录呼叫数据、短信活动、搜索要求以及上网活动。 chinese.wsj.com 2. So far, many customers say the problems aren't serious enough for them to consider changing to another handset. 迄今为止,许多客户说,问题并没有严重到让他们考虑更换手机的地步。 c.wsj.com 3. It then hopes to expand revenues by selling handset accessories as well as value-added mobile services. 小米科技的下一步打算是,通过销售手机配件及移动增值服务扩大营收。 www.ftchinese.com 4. China is the world's largest handset market and second largest personal-computer market after the U. S. 中国是世界上最大的手机市场,是继美国之后全球第二大个人电脑市场,近几年惠普(Hewlett-PackardCo。 www.qeto.com 5. Selling its portfolio could leave its handset operations without protection against lawsuits from rivals. 出售它的专利权可能使它的手机运营陷入来自对手专利诉讼的漩涡中。 www.bing.com 6. The NAMCO advertisement vehicle race game, is transplanted to the handset on, entire three dimensional picture. NAMCO的招牌赛车游戏,被移植到手机上了,全三维的画面。 www.fishjava.com 7. Although smartphones now account for about half of Chinese handset shipments, less than 30 per cent of all models in use are smartphones. 尽管智能手机现在占中国手机出货量的一半左右,但在消费者正在使用的所有机型中,智能手机仅占不到30%。 www.putclub.com 8. But Qualcomm has done no manufacturing of its own since selling its last handset plant in 2000. 然而自2000年将最后的手机工厂出售之后,高通已不再自己制造产品。 www.ecocn.org 9. This "unlocked" tri-band handset has a moderately fast data connection (2. 5G) and is the latest in a line of Sonim rugged phones. 作为Sonim一系列坚固型手机的最新成员,这款“解锁”版三频手机拥有较快的数据连接(2.5G)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Handset manufacturers can rely on large operators to promote efforts to seize every opportunity to promote their end products. 手机终端厂商也可以依靠运营商庞大的推广力度来借势推广自己的终端产品。 www.fabiao.net 1. They felt it's unbelieveable and interesting. when the train arrived my destination, , we wrote down our handset number each other . 当火车到达目的地,我们互相写下我们的移动手机号码。 z.quweiji.com 2. Other Articles Mobile handset, telecommunication history and events related. 其他手机,通讯历史和事件等等。 simpleteam.com 3. The handset sported an unprecedented touchscreen interface designed completely by Apple. 苹果领导了一场没有预料到的触屏交互界面设计的运动。 www.bing.com 4. Nowadays, some of Japanese popular web sites come to include QR code of their site for mobile handset. 现今,一些日本的网站开始提供专为手机提供的QR码。 www.aplixcorp.com 5. Wireless carriers and handset makers see the new devices as an opportunity to generate additional revenue. 无线运营商和手持设备制造商将新设备视为获取额外利益的机会。 www.bing.com 6. In countries where handset subsidies abound, switching phones (and operators) is much less costly, so churn rates are higher. 而在购机补贴丰厚的国家,无论是换新手机还是转网所需花费都大大减少,转网率自然高。 www.ecocn.org 7. Large sums hang in the balance, especially if phone makers are forced to pay out royalties for each handset they make. 大量的专利保持着平衡,特别是如果手机生产商必须为他们所生产的每部手机支付特许权使用费。 www.bing.com 8. China Mobile Ltd. , the world's largest mobile carrier by users, uses Google's Chinese mobile search service on its handset browsers. 世界用户量最大的移动电话运营商中国移动在其手机浏览器上使用了谷歌的中文移动搜索服务。 c.wsj.com 9. Nokia, the world's largest handset-maker, launched its own information service, Nokia Life Tools, in India in June. 世界上最大的手机制造商诺基亚公司在与六月在印度推出了他们自己的信息服务——诺基亚生活工具(NokiaLifeTools)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Handset makers have always added skins and custom widgets to Android phones, some of which can affect performance and battery life. 手持设备制造商向来都会给Android手机添加皮肤和自定义的小工具,其中一些会影响运行效率和电池寿命。 www.bing.com 1. But just started for several days, Attorney Chang Boyang within one day the handset is dialed to exhaust many times to the battery. 而刚开始几天,律师常伯阳一天之内手机多次被拨打至电池耗尽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The smart-phone segment of the handset market has been growing rapidly as demand rises with the recovery in the global economy. 随着全球经济复苏带动需求增长,智能手机市场发展很快。 chinese.wsj.com 3. A rumour on TechCrunch. com suggests that Palm has a second webOS handset in development for release this year. 上传言显示Palm第二台WebOS手机正在研发之中,预计年内发布。 www.bing.com 4. The Nexus S smartphone is already a very fast Android handset due to the 1GHz Hummingbird processor at its heart. NexusS智能手机已经是一部非常快的Android设备了,它的内心已经是1GHz的蜂鸟处理器。 www.bing.com 5. Chapter 3 illustrates the electromagnetic characteristics of the diversity antenna system for handset. 第三章介绍了手机分集天线系统的电磁特性; www.fabiao.net 6. The present invention embodiment discloses split type terminal mainframe and handset, and method for transmitting data. 本发明实施例公开了分体式终端的主机和子机、及数据传输的方法。 ip.com 7. But those apps are becoming increasingly important to the business models of social-media sites, carriers and handset makers. 对于社交媒体网站、电信运营商和手机制造商的商业模式来说,这些应用程序正变得越来越重要。 c.wsj.com 8. Handset makers have told China's government that they won't produce phones equipped with the new technology unless they are given subsidies. 手机制造商已经告诉中国政府如果政府不给予补贴,他们将不会生产配备新技术的手机。 www.bing.com 9. RIM said it remained focused on the launch of its new handset, the BlackBerry 10, which is set to be unveiled next week. RIM表示,该公司仍聚焦于下周新手机黑莓10的发布。 www.putclub.com 10. In May, Google said it would shutter its Web store selling the handset once supplies were exhausted. 谷歌在5月份说,一伺供货售完,它就会关掉销售这款手机的网上商店。 c.wsj.com 1. He bellowed directions to generals over the telephone and then slammed the handset down. 他向将军们咆哮地发出命令后摔了电话。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ming cellphones are one of the most prominent examples of localization by a multinational handset vendor in China. “明”系列手机是跨国手机制造商在中国实施本地化的最好例证之一。 c.wsj.com 3. Phone bugs infect your handset, then multiply via text or picture messages sent to your contacts. 电话病毒感染了你的手机,并通过你发给联系人的文本和图片信息进行传播。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Unveiled by Sir Ranulph Fiennes on his return from Mount Everest last month, the handset is equipped for the explorer. 上个月从珠穆朗玛峰返回的途中,RanulphFiennes公开称这款手机可以是探险队员的装备。 www.bing.com 5. While Apple jealously guards its hardware and software, Google lets handset makers freely use and modify Android. 苹果极其小心地守护其硬件和软件,而谷歌却让手机厂商随意使用和修改Android。 c.wsj.com 6. Samsung wasn't the first to the high-end Android handset game, but its initial effort was a huge hit. 三星不是第一个玩安卓高端智能手机的,但是它最初的努力给市场造成了巨大的冲击。 www.bing.com 7. The Olympus is a slate handset with no keyboard like the Droid 2. Olympus是一款平板机,和Droid2一样不含实体键盘。 www.bing.com 8. In this paper, we use the method of Grey Relational Degree Analysis to establish the grey relative model on handset market decomposition. 利用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联度的分析方法建立了手机的市场分解中的灰关联模式。 ecmaya.com 9. The sharp recent rebounds of handset component vendors were likely driven by robust Chinese news flow over the past week. 手机零部件厂商股价近期的强势反弹有可能是受到上个星期中国利好消息的驱动。 www.forbeschina.com 10. Please note rooting and overclocking your Nexus S could cause unseen damage to your handset. 特别要注意:破解超频会对你的NexusS造成一些不可预见的损伤! www.bing.com |
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