单词 | HTTPD | ||||||||||
释义 | HTTPD
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 超文本协议服务,主配置文件,编辑文件 1. Apache httpd is the only server module that caters to the "academic definition" of an application server. Apache服务器软件是唯一的满足应用服务器经典定义的服务器模块。 www.cnblogs.com 2. mini-httpd handles multiple concurrent requests in a single system thread, while demanding little from its host in the way of memory or CPU. mini-httpd可以在一个系统线程中处理多个并发请求,但是在主机上占用的内存或CPU很少。 www.ibm.com 3. Apache httpd with its mod_* architecture is a great example of simple design that supports multiple language runtimes. 服务器软件Apache和它的mod_*体系结构就是一个很好的例子,它的设计很简单,而且在运行时支持多语言。 www.cnblogs.com 4. This can be affected by . htaccess settings, settings inside or portions of httpd. conf, or by ini_set calls within a PHP script. 对它有影响的有:.htaccess设置、httpd.conf的或部分中的设置和PHP脚本中的ini_set调用。 www.ibm.com 5. The composites could just as easily be deployed to two separate HTTPD instances. 也可以方便地将组合部署到两个独立的HTTPD实例。 www.ibm.com 6. To avoid any possible data consistency issues during the upgrade, I shut down the httpd daemon and stopped the lpar2rrd script from running. 为了避免在升级过程中出现任何数据一致性问题,我关闭了httpd后台程序并停止运行lpar2rrd脚本。 www.ibm.com 7. In order to set up an area of your Web site where media files can be served, you can add the following directive to your httpd. conf file. 为了在Web站点上设置一个可以提供媒体文件的区域,您可以将以下指令添加到httpd.conf文件中。 www.ibm.com 8. To turn off Keep-Alive, find the relevant line in your httpd. conf file and change it to Keep-Alive Off. 要关闭Keep-Alive,请在httpd.conf文件中找到相关的行,并将其改为Keep-AliveOff。 www.ibm.com 9. Then we'll take a brief look at deploying to a shared Web-hosting environment, where access to httpd. conf is forbidden. 然后粗略了解一下如何将Django应用程序部署到共享的Web宿主环境,在这里不能访问httpd.conf。 www.ibm.com 10. If the Web server fails to start, manual changes may have corrupted the HTTP configuration file (httpd. conf if using IBM HTTP Server). 如果Web服务器启动失败,那么可能是手工修改破坏了HTTP配置文件(对于IBMHTTP服务器是httpd.conf)。 www.ibm.com 1. Restarting the httpd daemon and rerunning the tests gave the results shown in Listing 5. 重新启动httpd守护进程并再次运行这些测试,其结果如清单5所示。 www.ibm.com 2. In either case you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your httpd. Conf to configure Apache to work with PHP. 无聊那种方法,您首先必须停止Apache服务器,然后编辑httpd.conf,以配置Apache和PHP协同工作。 www.phpx.com 3. The rest of httpd. conf consists of two Directory stanzas. conf中剩余的部分由两个Directory节组成。 www.ibm.com 4. Of course, the location of the httpd. conf file depends on the location of the HTTPServer install. 当然,httpd.conf文件的位置取决于HTTPServer的安装位置。 www.ibm.com 5. If the configuration is moved into httpd. conf and AllowOverrides is disabled, disk usage can be reduced. 如果配置转移到httpd.conf中,且AllowOverrides被禁用,磁盘的使用就能减少。 www.ibm.com 6. A more secure configuration would use the Apache httpd to process requests and hand them to Tomcat. 更安全的配置可以使用Apache的httpd处理请求并把它们交给Tomcat。 www.ibm.com 7. If you installed Coldfusion after installing Apache Web server, you will be prompted to locate your Apache httpd. conf configuration file. 如果在安装ApacheWeb服务器之后安装Coldfusion,那么您会获得提示,要求您定位Apache的httpd.conf配置文件。 www.ibm.com 8. Listing 7 shows the RESTdoc comments for the httpd. groovy file; the method implementations have been removed for brevity. 清单7显示httpd.groovy文件的RESTdoc注释;为简便起见,实现方法已被移除。 www.ibm.com 9. Having httpd installed as a service will allow us to start and stop the server asynchronously from our code. 安装httpd作为服务将允许我们从代码中异步启动和停止服务器。 www.ibm.com 10. To determine which MPM you're currently using, execute httpd -l. 要确定当前使用的是哪种MPM,可执行httpd-l。 www.ibm.com 1. In the httpd. Conf file, you will get detailed information about what is happening during the authentication process. 那么您将得到关于在认证过程中发生的情况的详细信息。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Any special configurations are then placed directly in httpd. conf. 之后的任何特殊配置都将直接放在httpd.conf中。 www.ibm.com 3. Modules compiled separately from the Apache httpd binary that can be loaded on-demand. 与Apachehttpd二进制映象分开编译的可以在被调用时加载的模块(Modules)。 kajaa.bbs.us 4. Open your httpd. conf file located in the "conf" folder, where you installed Apache. 打开位于“conf”文件夹中的httpd.conf文件,Apache也安装在这个文件夹中。 www.ibm.com 5. Make sure that the httpd binary you are running is the actual new httpd binary you just built. 确认你运行的httpd程序就是你刚刚编译的新httpd程序。 us3.php.net 6. If a server is not found, IBM HTTP Server will process the request using its httpd. conf configuration file. 如果没有找到服务器,则IBMHTTPServer将使用其httpd.conf配置文件来处理请求。 www.ibm.com 7. You can use the complete httpd. conf configuration file provided in this article. 您可以使用本文所提供的完整httpd.conf配置文件。 www.ibm.com 8. With httpd installed and ready, we need to create a Zero project to hold our code. 安装并准备好httpd之后,需要创建一个Zero项目来存放代码。 www.ibm.com 9. You can more fully configure your Apache server by editing the httpd. conf file. 通过编辑httpd.conf文件,可以更加充分地配置Apache服务器。 www.ibm.com 10. To activate this feature, insert the following into the httpd. conf file. 要激活此特性,向httpd.conf文件插入以下内容。 www.ibm.com 1. You'll see that services, such as httpd and nfs, are turned off by default -- even PF is off. 您将看到在缺省情况下关闭了一些服务,如httpd和nfs,甚至关闭了PF。 www.ibm.com 2. KeepAlive 5 at the global level of httpd. conf allows the server to handle 5 requests on a connection before forcing the connection closed. conf全局级的KeepAlive5允许服务器在连接强制关闭之前处理一个连接上的5个请求。 www.ibm.com 3. Listing 5 shows that we pick out the httpd configuration properties that we want to expose as we create the JSON response data. 清单5显示我们挑选的httpd配置属性,这些属性是在创建JSON响应数据时要公开的属性。 www.ibm.com 4. You should see an index page that lists all of the RESTful resources types in your application, with httpd and process among them. 应该能看到一个索引页面,此页面列出了应用程序中的所有RESTful资源类型,其中包括httpd和process。 www.ibm.com 5. You should modify the value of server1's installation path to be the one used by your local httpd installation. 您应该将server1的安装路径值修改为您的本地httpd安装使用的安装路径值。 www.ibm.com 6. Before you begin coding, you should make sure that you have the Apache HTTP server (httpd) installed and working properly. 开始编码前,应该确保ApacheHTTP服务器(httpd)已安装并正常工作。 www.ibm.com 7. If there are no httpd processes in the process list, the results of the test are discounted. 如果进程表中没有httpd进程,则测试结果将不予考虑。 www.ibm.com 8. The httpd. groovy comments are most illustrative because they show all of the possible tags used in RESTdoc comments. groovy注释是最具有说明性的,因为它们会显示RESTdoc注释中使用的所有可能标记。 www.ibm.com 9. It is important to stay current on operating system, httpd, php, and DB2 maintenance, particularly as related to security issues. 时时关注操作系统、httpd、php和DB2维护,尤其是事关安全的方面,这一点很重要。 www.ibm.com 10. im-httpd is tiny -- only about 7 kilobytes, linked against glibc. im-httpd,非常小的服务器——只有大约7KB,链接到glibc。 www.ibm.com 1. Save a copy of the httpd. conf file. 保存httpd.conf文件的副本。 www.ibm.com 2. Use the command line in Listing 2 to create a project named zero. 使用清单2中的命令行创建名为zero.httpd的项目; www.ibm.com 3. Comment out the following line in the httpd. conf file: LoadModule php5_module. 在httpd.conf文件中注释掉下面这行:LoadModulephp5_module。 www.ibm.com 4. This is analogous to running httpd as user nobody instead of as the root user. 这与以用户nobody而非root用户运行httpd类似。 www-128.ibm.com 5. When the BaseServer is operating, it's a good time to change the configuration for the apache httpd service you'll be running. BaseServer运行时,是修改将要运行的httpd服务的配置的好时机。 www.ibm.com 6. You should see the default httpd welcome message: It works! 应该会看到默认的httpd欢迎消息:系统开始工作了! www.ibm.com 7. To do so, you must add (or uncomment) this line in httpd. conf: AddHandler cgi-script . cgi. 为此,必须在httpd.conf中添加(或者去除注释)以下这一行:AddHandlercgi-script.cgi。 www.ibm.com 8. Non-uniform competing processes (such as httpd running on some nodes but not others). 不均衡的竞争进程(比如在某些节点上运行httpd,但是在其他节点上不运行) www.ibm.com 9. We are going to add RESTdoc comments to our Groovy scripts so we can test out our httpd interface. 我们要将RESTdoc注释添加到Groovy脚本中,这样就可以测试我们的httpd界面。 www.ibm.com 10. I forgot to change the ServerAdmin line in httpd. conf. 我忘记去修改httpd.conf中的ServerAdmin行了。 www.ibm.com 1. Open the httpd. conf file to check the SSL port and then check the Application Server Admin Virtual hosts for SSL Port and host. 打开httpd.conf文件检查SSL端口,然后检查SSL端口的ApplicationServerAdminVirtual主机和主机。 www.ibm.com 2. You need to insert these three lines to your Apache httpd. Conf configuration file to set up the CGI binary 您需要将如下指令插入到Apache的httpd.conf配置文件中,以设置CGI二进制文件 www.phpx.com 3. Run-time parameters, navigating the httpd. conf file, and static versus dynamic content situations 运行时参数,httpd.conf文件,以及静态与动态内容场景 www.ibm.com 4. The VirtualHost section within the httpd. conf file or a separate virtual host config file conf文件中的VirtualHost部分或单独的虚拟主机配置文件 www.ibm.com 5. Therefore, change the group that owns the httpd. Conf file to httpadm by executing the following command 因此,需要执行下面的命令将拥有该文件的组改为httpadm www-128.ibm.com 6. Include this file within httpd. Conf as follows 像下面这样把这个文件包含在 blog.nulltao.net 7. Add the following lines to httpd. Conf 将以下行添加到httpd.conf www.ianywhere.com 8. file to run the MetaphoneSuggest script instead of displaying a 404 error page. For example, if your default httpd. conf 要运行MetaphoneSuggestscript脚本,我们需要对httpd.conf文件进行适当修改,否则将显示404错误页面。 www.ibm.com 9. Open the httpd. conf file on the IBM HTTP Server, and uncomment the following lines (remove the #) 在IBMHTTPServer上打开httpd.conf文件,取消以下代码行的注释(删除#) www.ibm.com |
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