单词 | by the thousands | ||||
释义 | by the thousands
例句释义: 大批地,大批杀害 1. Meanwhile, in South-East Asia, factories fling out suits by the thousands that sell for just a few pounds each. 同时,东南亚的工厂的廉价劳动力让原来上千上万英镑的衣服变成了几磅在卖。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sky-watchers flocked by the thousands to Polynesian islands or booked passage on cruise ships to see the total solar eclipse. 数以千计的天文观测者们聚集到波利尼西亚群岛(Polynesianislands)或预定游艇观看日全食。 www.bing.com 3. Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge. 上千只老鼠紧跟着他,当他看见山脚下有一个码头区,惊慌以极,他开始朝着船桥跑去。 bbs.chinajavaworld.com 4. He took God's power for granted, and went up with his infantry regiments, his horsemen by the thousands, and his eighty elephants. 他毫不想天主的威能,而只信赖他的几万步兵,数千骑兵和八十匹象。 www.ccreadbible.org 5. And safe water outlets, including boreholes and protected natural springs , can be constructed by the thousands within a year. 而安全的水源,包括钻井与受保护的自然泉水,在一年内便可以挖掘数千个。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The results were shocking, given that China's short wine history is dwarfed by the thousands of years of Bordeaux production. 与波尔多上千年的葡萄酒生产历史相比,中国短暂的葡萄酒历史不值一提。有鉴于此,这种结果令人震惊。 www.bing.com 7. On wet nights eels have been known to cross land from a pond to a river by the thousands, using each other's moist bodies as a bridge. 我们曾经获悉,在潮湿的夜晚,数千条鳗鱼结队从池塘出来,以各自湿润和身体为桥梁,穿过陆地,奔向河流。 www.bing.com 8. Hurd is beloved by investors for his relentless cost-cutting but widely scorned by the thousands of employees he has axed along the way. 赫德冷酷坚定的开支削减赢得了投资商的好感,但他也被裁掉的成千上万的员工所鄙夷。 www.bing.com 9. A much greater danger is faced by the thousands of species - including many large, photogenic mammals - living in tropical rainforests. 生活在热带雨林的成千上万的物种-包括许多体积大的上镜的哺乳动物-面临着更大的危险。 www.bing.com 10. They came by the thousands, from across state lines and across the country, in campers, recreational vehicles and by motorcycle. 他们来自全国各州,乘坐露营车、休闲车和摩托车,一来就是数以千计。 www.24en.com 1. Armenian tourists, too, braving accusations of treachery back home, have been heading by the thousands to Turkey's Mediterranean resorts. 同样,亚美尼亚游客勇敢的面对回国时的背叛指控,蜂拥前往土耳其的地中海度假胜地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Today visitors come by the thousands - the great and simple of the earth - all in a spirit of marvel. 今天,数以千记的游客——不管是普通人还是大人物——都怀着一种好奇的心情来到这里。 www.bing.com 3. Britain and America may be separated by the thousands of miles of the Atlantic, but we are united by shared values that can never be broken. 英国和美国或隔着几千里的大西洋相望,但我们共同的价值观不会被摧毁。 www.bing.com 4. Los Angeles papers reported that beginning on the day Monahan's story appeared, men by the thousands poured into the city. 洛杉矶报纸报道说,从莫纳汉的故事公布于众的那天起,成千上万的男人们涌进这座城市。 sdnuhyl.blog.163.com 5. People kill each other by the thousands and do not see themselves as brothers and sisters. 人类可以数以千记的彼此杀戮,并不视彼此为手足。 www.bing.com 6. Overloaded lorries trundled by the thousands through the despoiled Bellary hills, throwing up clouds of red dust. 成千上万的重载卡车驶过这座被掠夺一空的贝拉里山,扬起一片片红色的尘埃。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. On Jan. 25, security forces predictably deployed by the thousands at the sites of each announced demonstration. 1月25日,安全部队不出所料地部署在每一个已公布示威地点的数千人旁边。 c.wsj.com 8. They had been murdered. Not by the thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but by the millions. 原来,他们一直在屠杀,既不是数以千计,也不是数以万计,而是数以百万计。 www.bing.com 9. Birds and animals are also released by the thousands in a symbolic act to liberation, of giving freedom to those who are in captivity. 数千只鸟类和动物在那两天也会被释放,象征着从囚奴中获得了自由。 www.cnufo.com 10. But I have also been deeply touched by the thousands of ordinary Chinese citizens whose paths I have crossed in our travels. 但同时,我也被我在各地旅行时遇到的许多普普通通的中国人所深深打动。 www.bing.com 1. Rosy bee-eaters perform a mating dance on the shores of Loango National Park. The birds gather here by the thousands to dig their nests. 玫瑰色的蜂虎偏爱在洛安哥国家公园的岸边跳交配的舞蹈。成千上万的这种鸟聚集在这里挖掘它们的巢穴。 www.24en.com 2. "Options calls of strikes well over $100 a barrel are being bought by the thousands, " said Nauman Barakat of Macquarie Futures in New York. 纽约麦格里期货(MacquarieFutures)诺曼-巴拉卡特(NaumanBarakat)表示:“有数千人购买高于每桶100美元的看涨期权。” www.ftchinese.com 3. The New York Times and other papers covered the news along with tallies of huge companies that were shedding jobs by the thousands. 纽约时报等报刊随文给出了一些裁员数千的大公司列表。 www.bing.com 4. Now, when people are starving by the thousands, there is no system to ensure the aid gets to those who need it. 现在,当成千上万的人正忍饥挨饿时,没有一个系统来确保援助物资送到有需要的人手中。 www.bing.com 5. Despite these challenges, volunteers signed up by the thousands. 尽管存在这些挑战,仍有数以千计的志愿者报名登记。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 6. Magpie geese nest by the thousands in coastal wetlands. 数以千计的鹊雁在海岸湿地筑巢。 www.linelife.cn 7. Books are being scanned into digital form by the thousands. 成千上万册图书正在被扫描成数字格式。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As Nelson predicted, moths are piled up by the thousands. 如同纳尔逊预测的,堆叠起来的蛾类不下数千只。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Bankers came by the thousands to win favorable legislation. Experts of all kinds offered new ideas on how to rescue the economy. 数以千计的银行家都来支持有利的立法。各个领域的专家提供了新的拯救经济的想法。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The star received letters by the thousands. 这位明星收到数以千计的信件。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He wrote letters by the thousands. 他大量的写信。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Some species gather by the thousands to form multicellular bodies that can crawl. 一些种类的黏菌千上万个个体聚集起来,形成可以爬行的多细胞体。 www.bing.com 3. They are being smuggled in by the thousands. 成千的人就成走私了。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. by the thousand (=by the thousands, by thousands) 数以千计,大批大批地,论千,按千(出售等) zhidao.baidu.com 5. Chinese investors, who are entering the market by the thousands each day, at first ignored the admonitions ; 中国的投资者(每天有数千人加入股市),起初忽视了警告; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Children are dying by the thousands 成千的孩子死去 zhidao.baidu.com |
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