单词 | gone bad | ||||||||||||||
释义 | gone bad
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 变坏,变坏了,变质 1. How much of the meat has gone bad? 肉有多少已经坏了? wenku.baidu.com 2. It's easy to tell when your milk has gone bad, the smell, the curdle, the date on top of the bottle. 牛奶的气味,凝结状态和瓶口上标注的日期可以很容易地告诉你牛奶是否变坏了。 www.bing.com 3. Furthermore. I think some dishes of this dinner have gone bad, for two member of my family have loose bowles the next day. 还有,我认为饭菜中有的变质了,因为我家人中有两位第二天闹肚子。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. If it has gone bad, let it be a lesson to you to keep a closer eye on your supplies. 如果它变坏了,就让它当做一个教训来提醒自己要密切关注自己的食品供应。 www.elanso.com 5. For the moment, the banks are not complaining: they stand to be compensated for loans that had already gone bad. 目前,银行没有抱怨:它们已经发生的坏账将获得赔偿。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This milk has gone bad. You can't leave milk sitting out; you've got to put it in the refrigerator. 这牛奶已坏了。你不能把牛奶放在外面,必须把它放在冰箱内才行。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. The fish tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这鱼吃起来似乎已经坏了。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 8. This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。 wenwen.soso.com 9. She smelt the food carefully to see if it had gone bad. 她仔细地闻了一下那食物看看是否变质了。 10. "If that thing had gone bad, the conversation you and I would be having would be completely different, " Mr. Shipley said. “如果当时搞砸了,你我谈话的主题可能会完全不同,”希普利先生说。 dongxi.net 1. The milk tastes as if it has gone bad. 牛奶闻起来好像坏了。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The meat tastes as if it has gone bad. 这肉吃起来好像已经坏了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The spoliation of evidence has gone bad litigant's right of proving and the equal between them, so that the behavior needs to be penalized. 证明妨碍行为因其对举证方当事人证明权和当事人间公平的坡坏,而有为法律规制的必要。 4. Manipulation, exploitation, and coercion are all examples of power gone bad, and they have no place in the modern workplace. 操纵、剥削、压制都是让权利变坏的例子,而且那些是无法在现代工厂中容身的。 www.bing.com 5. Many are called bad wine is actually a bad bottle of wine - the bottle does not handle well, so one of the good wine gone bad. 许多被称为不好的葡萄酒实际上是不好的瓶子里的葡萄酒——由于瓶子没有处理好,所以其中的好酒变质了。 www.xiami360.com 6. Because Satan entered Judas, his was a case of a good name gone bad. 由于撒但入了犹大的心,这成为一个好名字变了质的例子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The leaking could come from anywhere in the system, from tubing to an accumulator to a tiny pressure switch gone bad. 泄漏可能源自系统的任何地方,如管道,累加器,还有坏掉的一个小压力开关。 www.51lunwen.com 8. Not with this rotten meat. It's definitely gone bad. Can't you tell by the discoloration? Meat isn't supposed to be gray. 用这个烂肉不行。肉肯定是坏了。从颜色上你看不出来吗?肉不应该是灰色的。 www.bing.com 9. No one would have thought that there is such a day, the memory of the taste had gone bad. 谁也不曾想到,会有那么的一天,这份记忆中的味道早已变质了。 www.tradeask.com 10. At times, the situation becomes so tense that the coaches and athletes appear to be on a blind date gone bad. 有时候,现场的局面非常紧张,教练和运动员显得好像是第一次见面一样。 www.bing.com 1. Like a subprime mortgage, Congress may soon put taxpayers on a risky hook for mortgages gone bad. 如同一笔次级贷款,由于抵押贷款趋坏,国会也许很快把投资人置于危险的陷阱。 www.bing.com 2. All I heard was silence--maybe one of those automated phone calls gone bad. 我听到的只是沉默——可能哪部自动电话出了问题。 www.zftrans.com 3. The whole collective, if the child has gone bad, have all felt it. 如果这个孩子变坏,整个集体都会感觉得到。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Sour milk is the worst, especially if you don't realize it's gone bad until you've already poured it into your cake batter or coffee mug. 牛奶酸腐是最糟糕的,特别是你在没有意识到它坏了的情况下,把它倒进备烤的蛋糕或咖啡里。 www.bing.com 5. Two is organic acid , glutinous and pitch shape matter gradually, having gone bad , coming into being point to engine oil. 二是指机油逐渐变质,生成了有机酸、胶质和沥青状物质。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; Think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return. 不要为你在男女关系上的问题而失望,有一些人从来不知道爱人和被爱的滋味。 muyisheng.com 7. For six months only. To judge whether it has gone bad, check its color, fragility , and taste. 只有六个月。若要判断它是否变质,可以检查颜色,易碎性,还有味道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A tale of a drug deal gone bad, No Country for Old Men was named best picture. 影片《老无所依》描述的是一桩毒品交易失败以后发生的故事。 www.voanews.cn 9. Once home prices began their decline, however, these calculations were exposed as gambles gone bad. 但是,一旦房价开始下跌,这些盘算就成了下错的赌注。 www.america.gov 10. Some food has been eaten up, and the rest of the food in the ice-box has gone bad. 一些食物吃光了,剩余在冰箱里的都坏了。 wenku.baidu.com 1. It can often be difficult for regulators to determine what constitutes fraud as opposed to a risky investment gone bad. 监管机构常常可能难以判断欺诈与风险投资失利的区别。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 2. Criticism is a surreal state, like a good drug gone bad. 批评是个超现实主义的东西,就像是良药变坏了。 www.qafone.org 3. One potentially disturbing example of natural flavor gone bad comes from, where else, McDonald's. 一个潜在的令人不安的例子,天然香料的变坏来自哪个地方,是麦当劳。 www.bing.com 4. All this fruit has gone bad. 这些水果腐烂了。 www.hxen.com 5. The meat you bought last week smells terrible. It has gone bad. 你上周买的肉难闻极了,它已经臭了。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Also, I'm given several tubes of white gunk to smear on my skin so that I resemble a spackling project gone bad. 而且,还给我了好几管搽皮肤用的白色药泥,促使我像走形了的在制石膏工程。 blog.163.com 7. But Georgia banks blew themselves up with old-fashioned loans gone bad. 而佐治亚的银行搞垮自己的是传统贷款出了问题。 www.bing.com 8. None of the food has gone bad. 食物没有变质。 www.ejiaoxue.com 9. Most of the watermelon is good. The rest has gone bad. 这个西瓜大部分都很好,其余部分坏掉了。 www.hebss.com 10. His system has gone bad the very long time, not bad time also does not look up newly! 他的系统坏了很长时间了,没有坏的时候也查不到最新的! www.fenleimama.com 1. The seal on the pipe had gone bad and the pipe was now leaking water. 这根管子的封口已经坏了,管子现在漏水。 www.wordreference.com 2. As long as a long time, the distance from a far, what have gone bad. 只要时间一长,距离一远,什么都变质了。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Both Citiand Merrill, for instance, held on to the senior tranches of CDOs, which havesince gone bad. 比如,花旗和美林都持有了大比例的CDOs(债务抵押债券),这些都变成了坏账。 www.ecocn.org 4. I've tried everything too, except warm milk because my milk has gone bad. 我也尝试过很多治疗失眠的方法,除了热牛奶,因为我的牛奶全部坏掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The rest of the wine has gone bad. 剩下的酒已经变质了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The rest of the milk has gone bad. 其余的牛奶都变质了。 www.hxen.com 7. The tomatoes, half of which have gone bad, are in a basket. 放在篮子里西红柿有一半已经烂掉了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. "The new loans by definition haven't gone bad yet, " he says. “从定义上来讲,新增贷款目前尚未变成坏账,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Yeah, Rihanna. . . good girl gone bad. 是的,蕾哈娜…好女孩变坏了。 word.hcbus.com 10. No one knows, either, how many of these loans have gone bad or are at risk of going bad. 同样,谁都说不上来,这些贷款中有多少成为了呆帐,或者即将成为呆帐。 www.bing.com 1. The overall business envionment in India is gone bad to worst due to Govt's negative approch. 由于政府的消极做法,印度的整体商业环境变得更糟糕了 blog.sina.com.cn 2. b. Some of the meat has gone bad. 一些肉已经坏了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Don't have the food. It has gone bad. 不要吃那种食物,已经变质了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Why does a bad morning so often lead to an entire day gone bad? 为什么一个糟糕的早晨会导致一整天的糟糕呢? www.hjenglish.com 5. Part of the apples have gone bad. 苹果的一半已经坏掉了。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. In the basket I find many apples, some of which have gone bad. 我发现篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。 wd6345.blog.163.com 7. Part of the apple has gone bad. “这个苹果的一半坏了”。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Ugh! Your milk has gone bad. I can smell it from here. 恶!你们家牛奶坏了。我从这里都闻得到。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. When evening returns to the hotel, discovered the elevator has gone bad, can not but walk the staircase. 晚上回酒店时,发现电梯坏了,就不得不走楼梯。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. This old incubator's gone bad. . . 这个旧孵蛋器坏了… blog.sina.com.cn 1. In some provinces, estimates say as much as 85% of such loans have gone bad. 在某些省份,据说这类贷款有85%都成了坏帐。 www.bing.com 2. Any fool can tell this fruit has gone bad. 任谁都看得出这水果已经坏掉了。 www.360abc.com 3. The food must have gone bad. 食物一定变坏了。 eehut.51.net 4. The fund projects that 7. 9% of U. S. loans will have gone bad by next year. 例如,该机构预计明年之前美国银行贷款的7.9%将变成坏帐。 www.bing.com 5. As long as a long time interval, a far, what have gone bad. 只要时间一长,间隔一远,什么都变质了。 www.haoqq.net 6. What a pity, all the fruit has gone bad. 真可惜,所有的水果都坏了。 www.nciku.com 7. The food has gone bad already. 这些食物已经坏了。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The meat has gone off (gone bad). 肉变味了(变坏了)。 www.bing.com 9. The meat has gone bad in such hot weather. 在如此热的天气,肉坏了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The apples have all gone bad. 苹果都坏了。 www.allwinworld.net 1. The milk in the glass has gone bad. 玻璃杯里的牛奶发臭了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The food in the plate has gone bad. 盘子里的食物已经坏了。 cqzx.sdedu.net 3. This banana has gone bad. 这个香蕉坏了。 52english55.xinwen520.net 4. These eggs have gone bad. 这些鸡蛋变质了。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The meat's gone off (gone bad). 肉变味(变坏)了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The food has gone bad; don't eat it. 这食物已经坏了,别吃了。 www.618jyw.com 7. The milk in this jug has gone bad. 罐里的奶牛变坏了。 52english.8u1.8u.cn 8. This apple has gone bad. 这个苹果坏了。 www.qeto.com 9. Many an apple has gone bad. 很多苹果已经坏了。 wenku.baidu.com 10. That pint's gone bad, dear. 牛奶坏了,亲爱的。 www.tingroom.com 1. This milk has gone bad. 牛奶坏了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The pizza has gone bad. 那块烤馅饼已经变坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This fish has gone bad because of the hot weather. 因为天气热,这条鱼坏了。 www.waiyulm.com 4. The food has gone bad. 食物已经坏了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It is dangerous to eat food that has gone bad. 吃变质的食物是很危险的。 ts33z72b.blog.163.com 6. She couldn't have gone bad that far. 她不可能坏到如此地步。 www.dearedu.com 7. good girls gone bad, the cities filled with them, 好女孩变坏,然后充斥在整个城市中 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A raid almost gone bad 几乎流产的突袭行动 www.bing.com 9. the food is gone bad 食物变坏 zhidao.baidu.com |
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