单词 | hood | ||||
释义 | hoods是hood的复数
复数:hoods n. cowl,cover,cloak,top
例句释义: 胡德,头巾,兜帽,头罩,覆盖,用头巾包,使戴头罩,给…加罩,头套,引擎盖,风帽 1. the children , in their bright hoods and comforters , never walked , but always ran from the moment they left their door. 孩子们戴着色彩鲜艳的风兜帽和羊毛围巾,从来不是在走,从离开大门的那一刻起就一直在奔跑。 www.ichacha.net 2. He had already thought of Tessa, and the white hoods suggested the possibility that he might detect her face under one of them. 他已经想到了苔莎。那些白色的帽兜,暗示着他会在其中之一下面发现她的脸的可能性。 www.jukuu.com 3. Should also be carefully observed the collection range hoods should be HOOD side seams and grooves for a more thorough, easy cleaning. 同时还应仔细观察抽油烟机的集烟罩一面不应有接缝和沟槽,以便更彻底、方便地清洗。 www.brar.cn 4. Soon, there were 10, 000 Robin Hoods trying to kill him and going about it in an organized fashion. 不久,全国便涌现了十万名可歌可泣的“罗宾好汉”,这群英雄好汉组织在一起,想联手刺杀他。 www.bing.com 5. three beef knives , two hoods and a windbreaker suspected to be left by the culprits were seized at scene. 警方于现场检获三把牛肉刀、两个头套及一件风衣,相信是匪徒遗留下来的物件。 www.ichacha.net 6. Copper tubing shall only be used for final termination of gases at are where purity is not a major concern e. g. at fume hoods. 铜管只使用在气体管路的末端,对气体纯度不是太严格要求的地方(比如通风柜)。 www.chinabaike.com 7. Refer to the headgear specific User Instructions for cleaning details. Do not soak hoods during cleaning. 清洗时不要将头面罩浸泡在清洗液中。 space.taobao.com 8. The hoods flamed under the rain of sparks; people who did not burn from the feet up burned from the head down. 如果火不是从脚下着起来的,飞舞的火花,也可以点燃这些盖头,从头上往下烧。 www.bing.com 9. Gerhardt would fasten on one of her little hoods, for in these days Jennie kept Vesta's wardrobe beautifully replete . 那时葛婆子就会给她戴上一个小风兜,因为珍妮已经把味丝搭的衣饰备得很充足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As the march drew to a close, small groups wearing hoods threw stones at riot police, who responded with tear gas and water canon. 游行接近尾声,一小带着头巾的人朝警察扔石头,后者以催泪弹和水枪回应。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Biological Safety Cabinets and Fume Hoods are now supplemented by using local exhaust devices known as "snorkels. " 生物安全柜与通风柜通过使用当地已知的排气器件的“潜水通气管”来补充。 str.ausbio.com 2. However, the flow of air is serious between the hoods, and air suction is large in the second preheating section meanwhile. 结果表明:链篦机炉体散热较小,但存在烟罩内串风严重、预热二段吸风量较大等缺点。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. But that advantage is eroding as auto makers begin to make hoods out of aluminum or small internal parts out of plastic. 但随着汽车生产商开始用铝材料生产引擎盖、用塑料生产小型车内零部件,钢材的相对优势正在变小。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Riot police in vans chased large groups of youths wearing ski masks and hoods as they rampaged through the city streets. 乘坐警车的防暴警察追逐着大批头戴头盔和帽兜、在街道上闹事的年轻人。 www.bing.com 5. Hoods are to designate Master's degree recipients and Noel is only finishing his Bachelor's degree. 学位帽是授予硕士学位获得者的,而Noel只完成了学士学位。 www.bing.com 6. Check for the presence of the protective breathing equipment or smoke hoods and for good seal. 检查保护性呼吸设备或防烟面罩在位,包装及封严良好。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The enclosed work areas known as hoods are decontaminated with ultraviolet light. 封闭工作区域的清洗例如头套也需要用紫外线进行消毒。 str.ausbio.com 8. Homemade deep - range hoods to cover oil absorption as the main target , more suitable for Chinese kitchens . 国产深罩型抽油烟机将吸油作为主要目标,比较适合中式厨房。 www.bing.com 9. However, some of the equipment evolved to Biological Safety Cabinets and Dead Air Hoods in Pre Amplification. 然而,在前置放大室中,一些设备演化成了生物安全柜和闭塞空气头套。 str.ausbio.com 10. Airflow monitors display airflow for a variety of fume hoods, enclosures and glove boxes. 气流监控仪可以显示通风柜、罩类产品和手套箱的气流。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. Used in ducted and ductless range hoods and over the counter microwave ovens. 使用在有和无管道式抽油烟机以及柜式微波炉中。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 2. The brochure will present the features of the inserts, hoods, housings and accessories of the heavy-duty connectors. 这本小册子将呈现镶嵌件,盖,外壳和重型连接器配件等特点。 www.dianqi163.com 3. Vignetting is created either in camera using vignetting hoods or in darkroom by burning or dodging the edges of the image. 虚光照可以通过虚光罩创造出来,或是在暗室里通过烘烤或挡光图片的边缘。 blog.163.com 4. Keeping hoods, utensils, and instruments clean is an essential step in forensic DNA testing to prevent contamination. 保存罩、器具和一起的清洁在法医检测中也是预防污染的一个重要步骤。 str.ausbio.com 5. The switches and power sockets for fume hoods shall be placed on the outside of the fume hood. 所有的开关和插座都需安装在通风柜外部。 www.juyy.net 6. Chemical detector, NBC suits, population protection hoods, gas mask, biological filter. 化学药品检测器,三防(NBC)套装,集体防护罩,防毒面具,生物过滤设备。 5doc.com 7. buy product: Electrics (Kitchen, Household & Personal Care), Household Electrics. Ciarko Unlimited Option Hoods Inc. 采购产品:主要经营厨房,家用和个人保健电子产品。 www.tradesns.com 8. The software tool guides the user through the selection of male and female inserts, hoods, and housings. 该软件工具指导用户对凸凹插件,罩和外壳进行选择。 www.dianqi163.com 9. Forensic teams still needed wet chemistry space for DNA extraction, and the bench space and fume hoods became more sophisticated. 法医团队仍然需要DNA提取的湿化学空间,而且准备室和通风橱变得更精致了。 str.ausbio.com 10. Household range hoods - Methods for measuring performance. 家用炉罩.性能测量方法 www.mapeng.net 1. What do you think? We jump over hoods. Something you'd know. Freeze ! 你以为呢?我们要跳过车蓬。你又知道了。站住别动! www.bing.com 2. Fireworks flash while red hoods march through a field. 烟火闪烁,红袍人齐步前进穿过旷野。 www.bing.com 3. responsible for getting ccc certificates of front-load washing machines and range hoods. 负责为本公司的滚筒洗衣机和吸油烟机产品办理ccc认证。 www.job592.com 4. The main issue is the top-suction range hoods home design. 本课题主要内容是家用顶吸式抽油烟机造型设计。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The same incurable conflict of priest hoods scars all the temple ruins of Egypt. 同样也无法调和的僧侣界之间的冲突,在埃及庙宇的废墟上处处留有创痕。 www.jukuu.com 6. eyes glinted through slits in hoods , a dozen lit wand tips were pointing directly at their hearts. 这些人的眼睛在兜帽的缝隙里闪闪发光,十二根尖端发亮的魔杖瞄准了他们的心脏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Several small, grey-skinned, green-eyed people in blue robes and hoods stood within, gathered in a circle. 有几个小小灰皮的绿眼人穿著蓝色长袍在敞篷内站著,团著圈子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Commonly used method is made in the wall of a small space, gas stoves, Zanussi cooker hoods embed in there. 常用的方法是在墙体内打出一小块空间,煤气炉、抽油烟机镶在里面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. McCluskey: (Captain)I thought all you Guinea hoods were locked up! 我以为把你们这些混混全关住了! q.sohu.com 10. Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading No. 65. 01, whether or not lined or trimmed. 用税目65.01的帽身、帽兜或圆帽片制成的毡呢帽类,不论有无衬里或装饰物。 ec365day.com 1. If no kitchen window cracks, the noise will range hoods particular, are difficult to fume discharge. 如果厨房的门窗没有缝隙,抽油烟机的噪音会特别大,油烟也难以排走。 www.brar.cn 2. RETRO ROCKS: Create hooded sweatshirts in iconic 60s silhouettes, featuring A-line shapes and rounded hoods. 复古岩带头巾的圆领运动衫中创建具有标志性的60年代的款式、形状和圆形罩a字裙。 uimg1.zhubajie.com 3. Then at Arthur's command, Bedivere carries the king to the waterside, where a barge awaits him and some ladies in black hoods. 然后在亚瑟王的命令下,贝弟瑞和带他来到水边,那儿有一艘船及几位头戴著黑色头巾的少女正等著他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The trailing edge shall extend 1 inch past the face of the hoods and the sashes. 后缘要比通风柜表面及拉门多出1英寸。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2-31 : particular requirements for range hoods. 家用和类似用途电器的安全.第2-31部分:炉罩的特殊要求 www.mapeng.net 6. Keep your heads down and your hoods up. 拉上兜帽,低下你们的头。 www.cndkc.net 7. In fact, the hoods of the other species help to keep out rain water in addition to keeping flying prey from escaping. 事实上其他种类的瓶盖会避免雨水进到瓶中,以免会飞的猎物逃出瓶子。 www.bing.com 8. Anything with hoods isn't allowed in class (even if you don't wear the hood). 任何形式的帽子都不能在上课的时候戴着(连帽衣服也不行)。 www.elanso.com 9. "Funny angels in hoods and mittens, " said Jo, and set them to laughing. “是戴帽子手套的趣怪天使,”乔说道,逗得他们都笑起来。 www.kekenet.com 10. This is the opposite of the narrow shaped hoods you see so often. 这是相反的狭窄形盖你看,所以往往。 www.chinaoutdoor.cn 1. the officers also found one torch - like stun gun , 12 machetes and three black hoods in the unit. 此外,在单位内亦检获一支电筒型电枪、十二把开山刀及三个黑色头套。 www.ichacha.net 2. Some companies such as Japan's Nissan Motor Co. are experimenting with round, cartoon-like electric pod cars with no hoods or trunks. 日本的日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)等一些公司正在试验外观卡通的圆形电动“豆荚车”,没有车头或车身。 c.wsj.com 3. All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods . 我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的白噪声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Obi-Wan and Anakin entered, keeping their hoods on. 欧比万和阿纳金走进旅店,但并没有摘下兜帽。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Reasons of high heat consumption of cylinders and low efficiency of 200MW turbine with 3 cylinders and 3 exhaust-hoods were analyzed. 分析了三缸三排汽200MW汽轮机各缸效率低、机组热耗高的原因; www.showxiu.com 6. And, if you don't mind extra bulk and some clumsiness, there are even hoods you can buy to shield screens from the sunlight. 此外,如果你不在意额外的体积以及笨重外观的话,你甚至可以买个罩子来阻挡阳光照射显示屏。 q.sohu.com 7. And we shot our body actors, and we shot them wearing blue hoods. 我们的身体,我们拍摄的演员,我们向他们拍摄身穿蓝色头巾。 www.ted.com 8. All I see is blackness. Oh, my hoods down. 我看到无尽的黑暗……啊!原来是我的头巾掉下来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. They should put on their hoods. 他们应该把帽子戴上。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. If we aren't flexible and open to change--if our hoods are welded shut--it makes it extremely difficult to keep the (love) engine running. 如果我们不会圆滑和开放的去改变——如果我们不是敞篷的——那么继续保持引擎(爱)运转将变得十分困难。 www.bing.com 1. Such as lighting, fans, range hoods, VCD machines shell, motorcycle fuel tank, lighting steel pipes, electric rice cookers, and so on. 如灯饰、风扇、抽油烟机、VCD机外壳、摩托车油箱、灯饰钢管、电饭煲等。 www.tonke.cn 2. Open-end zippers are generally used in the front of garments Closed-ends in pockets, hoods, legs of garments 开尾拉链通常用在衣服的前面,而闭尾的则用在口袋、帽子或是裤子的腿部 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for commercial electric hoods 家用和类似用途电器的安全规范.商用电炉罩的特殊要求 www.mapeng.net 4. Numerical Study on Pressure Waves Produced by a High-speed Train through a Tunnel with Perforated Hoods 开孔缓冲结构条件下的隧道单车压力波特征数值分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements - Range hoods 家用和类似用途电器的安全规范.炉罩的特殊要求 www.mapeng.net 6. Protective clothing for firefighters - Requirements and test methods for fire hoods for firefighters 消防员防护服消防员防火罩的要求和试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. cleaning hotels, hotel kitchens, including fume pipes, fume hood, water trucking, fume hoods, range hood fan system; 清洗宾馆、酒店厨房包括油烟管道、油烟罩、运水烟罩、风机排油烟系统; www.good2.com 8. Particular requirements for commercial electric hoods 商用电罩的特殊要求 www.3d3d.cn 9. Comparison of Performance between Range Hoods of European Style and Deep Cabinet Style 欧式、深柜式油烟机吸油烟性能比较 www.ilib.cn 10. Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation; protecting hoods for crown gear units, slewable 手动带传动管的遥控传动装置。可回转冠形齿轮装置防护罩 www.standardcn.com 1. The key factors for fasting metabolism test with open-circuit respiration hoods in buffalo 利用开路式呼吸面罩进行生长水牛绝食代谢试验要点 service.ilib.cn 2. Numerical value comparison of micro-pressure wave in reduction by using hoods at high-speed railway tunnel exit 缓冲结构减缓高速铁路隧道出口微压波数值比较 www.ilib.cn 3. Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment 商用烹调设备的排风罩 www.mapeng.net 4. Food Service Equipment Hoods for Cooking Appliances 烹调设备用食物供给设备外罩 www.ichacha.net 5. Do not use hoods for storage 为存储不使用排风罩 bbs.anquan.com.cn 6. Safety control of laboratories and variable air volume fume hoods 实验室和变风量排风柜的安全控制 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Noise Isolation Hoods to Ball Mills of Power Plant Boilers 隔声罩在电站锅炉钢球磨煤机上的应用 ilib.cn 8. Particular requirements for range hoods 排油烟机的特殊要求 www.3d3d.cn 9. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods 家用和类似用途电器的安全,第2-31部分:吸油烟机的特殊要求 www.qiyeku.com 10. Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods 实验室排烟罩性能测试方法 www.isres.com 1. Range Hoods with Frequency Inverter and sensor 基于传感器的变频式吸油烟机 www.ilib.cn 2. Noise control of range hoods in catering industry 餐饮业排油烟风机噪声的治理 www.ilib.cn 3. Clean exhaust fans and smoke hoods 清潔抽氣扇油 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hoods are NOT for storage 为储藏不使用 bbs.anquan.com.cn 5. Robin and the Seven Hoods 别名:罗宾七汉 download.mday.com.cn |
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