单词 | homosexual |
释义 | homosexuals是homosexual的复数
复数:homosexuals 例句释义: 同性恋的,同性恋者,同性恋者们,同志论坛讨论区 1. Homosexuals often abhor this sort of thing and will also be incredibly particular about the cleanliness of the home. 同性恋者却通常憎恶这类东西,并且对于家里的整洁度极其苛刻。 bbs.internet.org.cn 2. Homosexuals have also made it a practice to dump on religious leaders. 同性恋者也以诘难宗教领袖为惯用手法。 3. At this point, he declared that this results in more homosexuals. 在这里,他指出这种培养方式造成了更多的同性恋者。 dongxi.net 4. In her ruling, Phillips said the evidence contradicted the prevailing belief that homosexuals in the military compromise military readiness. 在菲利普斯法官的判决里,她说证词反驳了现行的认为同性恋者会在军队里损害军事准备的观念。 www.bing.com 5. The newspaper editor last month defended his decision to name homosexuals, saying they were trying to recruit children. 这家报纸的编辑上月为他们刊登同性恋信息的行为辩护,认为他们是为了孩子着想。 www.tingclass.com 6. In the 1970s, it was the favourite destination of homosexuals and bisexuals from all over the country and indeed from many other countries. 1970年代,她曾经是全美国各地、甚至许多其他国家的同性恋者和双性恋者青睐的目的地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. His audience laughed out loud when he said that, in Iran, "we do not have homosexuals like in your country" . 当他说,在伊朗“我们没有同性恋,不象你们国家”,听众大声笑了出来。 www.ecocn.org 8. The director of programming at Vision TV defended the program, saying Schambach had not suggested anyone try to harm homosexuals. 显圣电视台的节目编排总监为这个节目辩护,声称夏巴赫并没有鼓动任何人去伤害同性恋者。 www.bing.com 9. In recent years, legislations to protect the rights of homosexuals began to be passed overseas. 近年来保护同性恋者权利的立法在国外也渐渐出现。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Belle Glade's treat to other Americans, like that posed by homosexuals a few years ago, at first seems easy to dismiss. 贝尔格雷德带给美国人的威胁,就像几年前同性恋者带给人们的威胁一样,开始时似乎很容易被忽视。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Given such a clear and simple distinction, testing the responses of homosexuals to noise seemed an obvious experiment to do. 给定了如此清晰简洁的区分,测试同性恋者对噪音的反应看来就是一个显而易见要做的实验。 bbs.yeeu.org 2. He was the only one who went to court to state his case that homosexuals were born, not made, and therefore could not be recruited. 卡多先生是唯一一个到法庭陈述案情的人,他称同性恋也是人生出来的并不是造出来的,因此也不能被雇佣。 www.ecocn.org 3. So I have no doubt in my mind they would not marry homosexuals. 因此我脑中毫无疑问,他们不会主持同性恋者的婚姻。 open.163.com 4. Lord Rodger's extraordinary comments came in a judgment which could allow thousands of homosexuals to claim asylum in Britain. 罗杰勋爵令人惊讶的话语变成了一项判决,成千上万的同性恋者将会在英国拥有庇护所。 www.dazui123.com 5. At the very start a straight guy won for being gay and then the next 3 or 4 winners were all homosexuals. 只有在一开始是个直男,还是因为扮演了基佬才得的奖,接下来三四个获奖者全都是同性恋。 www.acfun.tv 6. Public policy, he thought, should be weighted towards married couples rather than "cohabitators, homosexuals and fornicators" . 他认为,国家政策应将重心放在结婚夫妇,而不是“同居者,同性恋和私通者”的身上。 www.ecocn.org 7. The original ban, enacted in 1998, barred homosexuals of both genders from donating blood out of a fear of spreading HIV and AIDS. 颁布于1998年的关于禁止同性恋者捐血的原始法令是出于恐惧艾滋病和艾滋病病毒的传播。 www.bing.com 8. All this adds to the homosexuals' argument for recognition of their marriages. 这些都加入到了同性恋为其婚姻的合法认可的争论中来。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Church of Scotland has decided to ban the ordination of homosexuals for two years. 苏格兰长老教会决定禁止给同性恋者授予圣职两年。 www.eoezone.com 10. The critical issue that the homosexuals face in nowadays China is not the issue of same-sex marriage, but heterosexual marriage. 当下中国的同性恋者面临的更核心的问题还不是同性婚姻问题,而是异性婚姻问题。 www.dictall.com 1. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces . 主张同性恋者的权利的人对反对力量的好战姿态不应感到奇怪。 www.24en.com 2. She wanted to make him a respectable member of high society, while he wanted to keep company with artists, intellectuals, and homosexuals. 她想使他成为受人尊敬的社会成员,而他想保持公司与艺术家,知识分子和同性恋者。 zhongguodaixie.com 3. The U. S. Supreme Court upholds the amendment to the Cincinnati City charter that denies discrimination rights to homosexuals. 美国最高法院支持修正“辛辛那提城宪章”否认歧视同性恋者权益的部分。 group.mtime.com 4. During the 1950s and 1960s, when belief in psychological behaviourism was at its height, aversion therapy was used to "cure" homosexuals. 在二十世纪五六十年代,行为主义心理学正值鼎盛时期,厌恶疗法曾经被用来对同性恋进行“治疗”。 www.bing.com 5. Two of the groups often targeted against being allowed to marry are homosexuals and lesbians. 两类经常成为不被允许结婚言论靶子的人是男女同性恋者。 www.elanso.com 6. Homosexuals are all around you and me in everyday life, just you feel so shocked! 在你我的身边到处都有同性恋者,只有你会如此诧异而已! ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. A judge in Uganda has ruled in favour of a petition to stop media companies from outing homosexuals. 乌干达法官裁定一份请愿书,禁止媒体公司公开同性恋者身份。 www.tingclass.com 8. It denies homosexuals serving in the Armed Forces the right to enjoy 'intimate conduct' in their personal relationships. 该政策否定了在军队服役的同性恋人的去享受他们私人关系里‘亲密关系’的权利。 www.bing.com 9. Moreover, male homosexuals are often a number of sexual partners and thus the danger of the spread of AIDS is higher. 而且,男性同性恋者的性伴侣常为多个,因而传播艾滋病的危险性也就更高。 www.chinavalue.net 10. Tongzhi, the buzzword that used to mean "comrade" , now has taken on a new connotation, referring to homosexuals. “同志”,一个用来表示“同事”的词汇,如今却有了新的涵义——同性恋者。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But it has also galvanized their opponents, who say homosexuals are fighting for "special rights, " not civil rights. 但它也激发了他们的对手,他们的对手认为同性恋者是在争取“特殊权利”而非公民权利。 www.bing.com 2. It is a little bit like the policy of don't ask, don't tell for homosexuals in the armed forces. 这就像是不问政策,不要在部队中说同性恋者。 open.163.com 3. Not only are her parents separated, but they're also homosexuals-her mother is a lesbian and her father is gay. 她的父母分居了——父亲和母亲分别都是同性恋。 www.bing.com 4. Other evidence does indeed show that homosexuals tend to be "gender atypical" in areas beside their choice of sexual partner. 其他的证据确实显示同志群体在除性伴侣选择以外的其他领域有“反性别”倾向。 bbs.yeeu.org 5. Therefore, the path that homosexuals are out of ethical dilemmas is social justice and moral tolerance . 因此,同性恋者走出伦理困境的路径在于社会公正与道德宽容。 www.edu-hb.com 6. Three major factors that influence homosexuals' identification have been found. They are circumstances, self experiences and personality. 总结出对同性恋者性身份认同的三大重要影响因素:环境因素,个人经历因素,个性因素。 www.13191.com 7. Prevention of HIV infection is the focus of the crowd of prostitutes, clients, sex disorders, sex offenders, homosexuals and drug addicts. 预防艾滋病毒感染的重点人群是妓女、嫖客、性关系紊乱者、性犯罪者、同性恋者以及吸毒者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Cross-dressers themselves can be relatively normal heterosexuals, like Perry, or homosexuals. 穿着异性服装的人他们自己可能是相对常态的异性恋者,就像Perry,或者是同性恋者。 www.bing.com 9. To a lesser extent, homosexuals tend to have gender-atypical careers, hobbies and other interests. 在次级程度上,同性恋者往往拥有非典型性别的职业,爱好和其他的兴趣。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 10. AIDS was first recognised in homosexuals, is spread by prostitutes and drug addicts, and is found above all in poor, African countries. 艾滋病首先被发现存在于同性恋者身上,卖淫和吸毒导致了病毒的扩散,而且主要是在贫困的非洲国家传播。 www.ecocn.org 1. From what you experience everyday, do positive news or negative news about homosexuals appear more often? 从您平时接触的媒体来看,关于同性恋的负面消息多还是正面消息多? www.my3q.com 2. In all my years as a mental health professional, however, I have never encountered anyone with an irrational fear of homosexuals. 可是,以我多年在精神健康方面的专业经验,我从未见过有人对同性恋者持有不理性的恐惧。 sodocg.org.hk 3. The Democrats also regard themselves as the champions of other marginalised groups, from Latinos to homosexuals. 民主党人也自诩为其他边缘团体之卫士,包括拉丁裔以及同性恋者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. That person would have a whole lot more credibility than these ones who use it as an excuse to protest against allowing homosexuals to wed. 那么该人的话将比这些用“婚姻—孩子”作为借口来反对同性恋者们结婚的人的话大大地来得可信。 www.elanso.com 5. Tongqi jiayuan, " the Chinese name of her Web site, roughly translates as " A Home for the Wives of Homosexuals. 该网站的中文名为“同妻家园”。 cn.nytimes.com 6. Half of these men said they had acted aggressively in some way against homosexuals (and these were just the ones who admitted to such acts). 一半的人说他们曾对男同性恋有过激行为(这还只是承认了这些行为的人)。 www.bing.com 7. As of 2007, the overwhelming majority of Americans (89 percent) believe homosexuals should have equal rights in terms of job opportunities. 2007年的调查表明,绝大多数美国人(89%)认为同性恋者在就业方面应享有同等权利。 www.america.gov 8. And because the impact of male hormone (or lack of it) on the brain is the main culprit, most homosexuals are males. 因为大脑受雄性激素的影响(或缺少雄性激素)是罪魁祸首,所以大多数同性恋是男性。 www.bing.com 9. Fear of the mob makes fringe groups, including homosexuals and the disabled, wary of pressing their rights, particularly in villages. 政府害怕暴民变成边缘人群,如同性恋﹑残疾人,所以凡事小心翼翼,不压榨他们的权利,尤其对村民。 www.ecocn.org 10. Those who say they would not like to have homosexuals as neighbours have fallen from 59% in 1998 to 29% this year. 受访者不愿意与同性恋者为邻的比例,从1998年的五成九跌落至今年的二成九。 www.ecocn.org 1. Two examples of homosexuals, the names of whom I am sure you know. 同性恋者的两个例子,我相信你们知道他们的名字。 open.163.com 2. After worldwide protests, the Ugandan parliament suspended a bill that called for the death penalty for homosexuals. 在世界范围内的抗议活动后,乌干达议会中止了一项法案,该法案要求将同性恋者判处死刑。 www.ecocn.org 3. Many people then erroneously believed that it was simply a "gay disease" that would kill only homosexuals and never reach anyone else. 当时,许多人错误地以为艾滋病只不过是仅仅会杀害同性恋者、而从不会接近其他别的人群的“同性恋病”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Their researchers found the highest number of homosexuals adopted children from Massachusetts, California, New York and Texas. 调查显示美国收养小孩的同性恋最多的州是,马萨诸塞州,纽约州和德克萨斯州。 www.bing.com 5. Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. 公众人物中的同性恋者如今正逐步亮相。 www.kekenet.com 6. What do you think about the legitimization of the marriage of the homosexuals? 您如何看待同性恋婚姻的合法化这一问题。 www.sojump.com 7. And the whole of America must have been shocked, because one million homosexuals protested outside the state legislature of Texas. 整个美国一定被震惊了,因为一百万的同性恋者在德克萨斯州的立法机关外表示抗议。 www.zftrans.com 8. It infers ignorance that homosexuals cannot have children or do not want them. 这意味着对同性恋者不能生育孩子或者不想要孩子的无视。 www.elanso.com 9. Group members will be allocated identity codes to remain anonymous since homosexuals face severe discrimination in Tanzania. 参与者将分配到识别号码从而保持匿名,这是由于在坦桑尼亚同性恋面临严重的歧视。 www.scidev.net 10. Repeated attempts to single out homosexuals in constitutional anti-discrimination laws have failed. 将同性恋者列入反歧视法律保护对象的反复努力已经失败。 newssgo.com 1. Honestly, i don't think homosexuals should be in the military. it really is a distraction. 坦白的说,我觉得同性恋者不应该呆在军队里,那真的是一种干扰。 bbs.sunhomo.com 2. My real issue is the argument against allowing homosexuals to marry, because marriage is about having and raising children. 我的真正问题是那个之所以反对同性恋者结婚是因为婚姻意味着生育和抚养孩子的观点。 www.elanso.com 3. Please write a few words about your beliefs on the legal rights of homosexuals. 请写一些文字表述你对同志合法权利的看法。 www.my3q.com 4. A consultant doctor attributed the increase to unsafe sexual practices by homosexuals and bisexuals . 顾问医生把个案增加归咎于同性恋者及双性恋者的不安全性行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Objective To explore the characteristics of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI)co-factors in male homosexuals. 目的:探索男性同性恋明尼苏达多相人格调查表共性因子的性别倾向性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Girls and medical students were obviously higher than boys and non-medical students in the degree of approbating homosexuals' rights (P01). 女生及医学生对同性恋权利的认可程度分别高于男生和非医学生(P值均0.01)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The very first prime time TV program about homosexuals "Connected with the Same Sex " signals a change . 近日在黄金时段播出的首个同性恋节目「同性相连」反映出社会对此议题的态度正在转变。 www.jukuu.com 8. Lady Gaga has also repeatedly spoken out against the treatment of homosexuals in Russia. LadyGaga也曾多次公开抗议俄罗斯同性恋者的待遇。 www.kekenet.com 9. There is no proof whatsoever that homosexuals are worse than heterosexuals . 同性恋家长不如异性恋家长的论断是没有根据的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Organizers had been excited for the event because homosexuals are frequently discriminated against in China. 组织者对此次活动能够进行感到兴奋,因为同性恋行为在大陆常常受到误解与歧视。 www.bing.com 1. While all of the candidates oppose gay marriage, no one bashed homosexuals. 所有候选人都反对同性婚姻,但没人抨击同性恋。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Some in the gay community say they would settle for laws that prohibit discrimination against homosexuals. 在同性恋群体中,一些人也表示,如果法律禁止歧视同性恋者,他们将会彼此结合。 www.bing.com 3. In general, Egyptians are still uncomfortable with watching homosexuals in films. 埃及人普遍对于电影里的同性恋情节感到不自在。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. The Christian love doctors believe, against all evidence, that teen-agers can squelch their hormones and homosexuals their essences. 基督教恋爱专家认为,尽管有无数证据,青少年仍然可以遏制他们的荷尔蒙,同性恋者也可以除掉自己的精液。 www.bing.com 5. The meaning of marriage now has changed to suit everyone, homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. 婚姻的意义已经改变以适合每个人,不管是同性恋还是异性恋。 di2jiayuan.com 6. All Saints Episcopal Church welcomes homosexuals and calls same-sex marriage a civil rights issue. 全圣人主教教堂欢迎同性恋并认为同性婚姻是一项基本民权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Life for China's tens of millions of homosexuals has improved markedly since then, especially in big cities. 自那以后,中国成千上万同性恋的生存状况已经有了显著的提高,尤其是在一些大城市。 www.bing.com 8. The Northwestern study included 100 men, closely split among bisexuals, heterosexuals and homosexuals. 西北大学的研究只有100名男性,其中被严格区分为双性恋、异性恋和同性恋。 dongxi.net 9. Both messages centered on abusive behavior toward homosexuals. 这2个视频都围绕对同性恋者的辱骂行为。 www.ebigear.com 10. If a city, having attracted a large number of homosexuals, stops growing, the percentage of homosexuals will continue to increase. 一个城市已经吸引了大量的同性恋,如果它停止增长,那么同性恋的百分比将继续增长。 www.bing.com 1. civil partnerships for homosexuals are recognised. 公民的同性恋关系可以得到承认; www.ecocn.org 2. Tongzhi Nihao, which literally means, "Hello, gay people, " is a nationwide call to straight people to greet homosexuals. “同志你好”的字面意思是“你好,同性恋朋友”,是对全世界发起向同性恋者问好的活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Is there any online forum where Iranian homosexuals exchange their ideas or leave comments? 伊朗同性恋有没有互联网论坛可交换意见或看法? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Marriage between homosexuals is a controversial topic today. 同性恋者之间的婚姻如今是个具有争议的话题。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To overcome this hostile attitude held by some towards homosexuals is a difficult task. 消除一些人对于同性恋的敌视心理不是一蹴而就的事情。 www.fabiao.net 6. Homosexuals disgusted me, vile twisted creatures. 我讨厌同性恋者,卑鄙扭曲的生物。 www.douban.com 7. Word for word, it's exactly the same, only that the comic was making fun of homosexuals . 里面的台词就是“男人间的友情”,但漫画主要在拿同性恋来搞笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In 2009, under pressure from a slew of class-action lawsuits, it created a separate site specifically for homosexuals. 2009年在大量的团体诉讼压力下,它为同性恋特别建立了一家单独的网站。 www.bing.com 9. Anti-racist campaigners and homosexuals have also been attacked. 另外反种族主义者和同性恋们同样遭到了袭击。 www.ecocn.org 10. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe has called homosexuals "worse than dogs and pigs" . 津巴布韦的罗伯特穆加贝就曾称同性恋为“猪狗不如”。 www.ecocn.org 1. What do you think about homosexuals? 你对同性恋怎么看? bbs.10bei.com 2. Third, in the Grand View Garden, Siqi has an affair with her cousin while Ouguan and Diguan are homosexuals. 其三,在大观园里,既有司棋与其表哥的偷情,又有藕官与菂官的同性恋。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. East and West in ancient and modern society, can in each class and profession to find homosexuals. 在古今东西方社会,可以在每个阶层和职业中找到同性恋者。 www.chinavalue.net 4. If all men are created equal, what is the difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals? 如果每个人生来就是平等的那么异性相爱和同性相爱又有什么差别呢? www.bing.com 5. Jesus tells us to love everyone. I mean, even the whores and the homosexuals, but it's just so hard. 基督说我们要普爱众生,甚至包括妓女和同性恋,这也太难为人了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But whatever happens there, it represents a huge leap forward in America's long struggle over the civil rights of homosexuals. 但是无论结果怎样,这一事件代表了美国同性恋者长期争取公民权利斗争的一大飞跃。 www.ecocn.org 7. There is a human-rights act now; civil partnerships for homosexuals are recognized. 英国现在有了人权法案,同性婚姻也得到认可。 www.ecocn.org 8. Cuban homosexuals were sometimes sent to so-called "re-education camps" in the 1960s. 60年代,古巴同性恋有时要被送到所谓的“再教育营地”。 www.tingclass.com 9. British army to allow open homosexuals. 英国允许同性恋者公开从军。 131158833.cndaoqin.com 10. Can you accept that homosexuals show their relation publicly? 您能接受同性恋公开他们的亲密的关系吗? www.sojump.com 1. And a few years ago, far exceeding the rate of infection among homosexuals in Hong Kong to Shenzhen. 而几年前,香港的同性恋人群感染率远超深圳。 www.chinavalue.net 2. How you see the situation of homosexuals in Iran? 你对伊朗同性恋处境有何看法? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. We all know that Hollywood is run by a cabal of homosexuals (or Jews, or liberals, or something), right? 众所周知,好莱坞就是一帮同性恋(或犹太人、自由党人士等)的天下,不错吧? www.bing.com 4. Do you think it is necessary for China to legislate to protect the legal rights of homosexuals? 你认为中国应该立法保护同性恋者的合法权益吗? www.sojump.com 5. Homosexuals? You're so queer, you'er not even gay. 同性恋者?你这么奇异,根本不像同性恋。 www.360doc.com 6. That means all men are homosexuals. 那就是说所有男人都是同性恋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. During World War II, Nazis murdered roughly 400, 000 Gypsies alongside Jews, homosexuals and other minorities. 二战期间,同犹太人,同性恋者和其他少数民族被纳粹谋杀的遭遇一样,约40万吉普赛人落入纳粹魔掌。 www.bing.com 8. According to Hali, Iraq has become "the worst place for homosexuals on Earth" . 据哈利说,对同性恋者而言,伊拉克已经成为地球上最恶劣的地方。 www.bing.com 9. A lot of homosexuals are very macho. 很多同性恋者非常大男子主义。 open.163.com 10. Buggery is considered more male homosexuals patent, which is a kind of error. 肛交更多被认为是男同性恋者的专利,这其实是一种误识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Among these, the male homosexuals is becoming a high risk of infection can not be neglected in the crowd. 这其中,男性同性恋者正在成为不可忽视的高危感染人群。 www.chinavalue.net 2. This explains why online dating has proven especially popular with, for example, homosexuals. 这就能解释为什么在线约会特别流行,例如同性恋网站。 www.bing.com 3. In America, you look like homosexuals playing before sex. 在美国,你看看喜欢玩同性恋者前性行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Hong Kong says it's a world city, but [it] has protocols in place that show it is still a backward country in regard to homosexuals' rights. 香港说他是个世界性城市,但在对代同性恋的问题上却有草案证明香港仍然是个落后的地方。 www.bing.com 5. Only 30% of the soldiers who took part in the survey said that admitting avowed homosexuals to their unit would have a negative effect. 参与调查的士兵中仅有30%称他们的部队接纳出柜的同性恋者会产生消极影响。 www.ecocn.org 6. After he left Tianjin last year, Zhang Xiaobai realized that homosexuals are not "rare birds. " 自去年离开天津后,张小白就发现同性恋者不再是一群异类。 www.bing.com 7. The savage murder of a gay man stuns a state where hate-crime laws do not protect homosexuals 一名同性恋的残忍被害使法律条文里仇视罪不保护同性恋的州政府为之震惊 www.bing.com 8. A university student is banished for posting a gibe against homosexuals on her dormitory door; 一位大学生因为在她宿舍门上张贴讥嘲同性恋的标语而被开除; www.99fen.com 9. Construction of a Questionnaire of Attitudes toward Homosexuals in Chinese University Students 大学生对同性恋态度问卷的初步编制 www.ilib.cn 10. The Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee, the organiser of the event, says society should respect and accept homosexuals. 发起游行的香港同志游行筹委会表示,社会应该尊重及接纳同性恋者。 dict.kekenet.com 1. One hand, homosexuals themselves are unable to change their sex and their sexual orientation is clear; 一方面同性恋者自己无法改变自己的性取向,其性定向很明确; www.edu-hb.com 2. Survey of sexual behavior of male homosexuals and intervention measure for control of AIDS in Shenzhen City 深圳市男同性恋者性行为调查及艾滋病干预 www.ilib.cn 3. The trend toward giving homosexuals full marriage rights is gaining momentum 给予同性恋者完全婚姻权利的趋势方兴未艾 www.ecocn.org 4. Iranian Homosexuals Speak Out About Persecution 伊朗同性恋者大谈遭受迫害 www.kekenet.com 5. HIV epidemic spread between male homosexuals in the city of Chengde 承德市男男性接触者艾滋病感染情况及性行为方式的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Homosexuals find more tolerance on campus 大学校园对同性恋现象容忍度增强 cards.sobao.com 7. For fornicators, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever other thing that is opposed to the healthy teaching, 淫乱的、同性恋的、拐人的、说谎的、起假誓的、以及其他敌对健康教训之事设立的, edu.china.com 8. A call to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military 呼吁取消禁止军队同性恋的决定 www.kaocn.com 9. a person who is homosexual; a place patronized predominantly by homosexuals 同性恋者;一个主要由同性恋者资助的地方 www.wwenglish.com 10. a person who is homosexual; a place patronized predom inantly by homosexuals 同性恋的人;一个主要由同性恋者资助的地方 edu.sina.com.cn |
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