单词 | hour meter |
释义 | 例句释义: 时计,计时仪,计时表,小时计,计时器 1. Precision curren transformer core used for kilowatt-hour meter and transmitter. 高电度表及变送器用精密电流互感器铁芯。 www.metalnews.cn 2. The error rate of the hour meter is within the allowed range, meet the requirements. 小时计记时精度在误差允许范围之内,满足要求。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. The content of alarm indication could be customized; the hour meter could display in the way of LCD or mechanical digital display. 报警指示内容可以根据需求定制;小时计可以为液晶数字显示,也可以为机械式数码显示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This paper deals with the practical application of the newly developed stochastic watt-hour meter. 这纸处理崭新发展的随机程序瓦时公尺的实际申请。 www.queshao.com 5. The pointer of the ampere-hour meter moves from zero to two and goes back to zero again. 安培小时计的指针先从零转到2,然后又回到零。 6. The article initially studies the measurement principle and the principle of work of multi-function electric watt-hour meter. 文章首先研究了电子式电能表的计量原理和工作原理。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. This paper introduces the main control and communicating interface circuits of the multirate watt hour meter based on PIC single chip. 介绍了一种基于PIC单片机的多费率电能表主电路及通信接口电路,阐述了电能表电路的工作原理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A wireless sensor networks (WSN) for the watt-hour meter based on the radio frequency identification is investigated. 研究了采用射频识别技术的电能表无线传感器网络系统。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Designed time-division measurement and power freezed of watt-hour meter. 设计了一种电量分时计量与冻结的实现方案。 www.boshuo.net 10. The attention before air conditioning is used checks whether power source fuse, kilowatt-hour meter, electrical wiring has enough surplus. 空调使用前注重核对电源保险丝、电度表、电线是否有足够的余量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A scheme used to control self-perpetuating relay was introduced, which was applied in prepay WATT-hour meter design. 通过磁保持继电器在预付费电能表中的应用设计,详细介绍了一种磁保持继电器的控制方案。 oldweb.cqvip.com 2. This paper includes the following areas: Designed general scheme of prepaid watt-hour meter based on CPU card. 本文主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:设计了一种基于CPU卡的预付费电能表的总体方案。 www.boshuo.net 3. It consists of multi-way alarm indicators (12) and engine hour meter. 该仪表由多路报警指示(最多12路)及发动机工作小时累计表组合而成; bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. An automatic control system used for manufacturing multi-rate watt-hour meter 复费率电度表生产过程自动控制系统 ilib.cn 5. Elementary introduction to magnetic repulsion force bearing used for long life-span type watt-hour meter 浅谈长寿命技术电度表用磁力轴承 ilib.cn 6. The issues and improvement in isolated multi-winding voltage transformer used in calibration for single-phase Watt-hour meter 单相电能表检定装置用多绕组隔离电压互感器存在的问题及改进 ilib.cn 7. Create and Manipulate NT service and its application in the automatic control system of manufacturing multi-rate and watt-hour meter NT服务的创建控制及其在复费率电度表生产过程自动控制系统中的使用 www.ilib.cn 8. The count error and its improvement of the Watt-hour meter single direction register 电能表单方向计度器的计数误差及其改善 ilib.cn 9. Analysis and Calculation of Uncertainty Degree of Calibration Device for High Accuracy Three- phase Watt- hour Meter 高准确度三相电能表检定装置不确定度的分析与计算 ilib.cn 10. Analysis of full -electronic pre-payment brain IC card type watt-hour meter and its economic benefits 全电子式智能IC卡预付费电度表及效益分析 ilib.cn 1. Communication with ZB Watt-hour Meter and its Effect to the Electric Energy Measurement ZB型电能表通信及其对计量的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. The Application and Maintenance of Long-distance Automatic Kilowatt-hour Meter Recording Technology 远程自动抄表技术的应用与维护 service.ilib.cn 3. Hardware Design of a Prepaid Single-phase Electronic Watt-hour Meter 单相电子式预付费电度表的硬件设计 ilib.cn 4. Comprehensive query and management system for checkout and demarcation record of watt-hour meter and transformer 电能表、互感器检定记录综合查询管理系统 www.ilib.cn 5. Calibration and Performance Analysis about Installed Three-Phase Electronic Watt-hour Meter 三相电子式安装电能表的检测及性能分析 ilib.cn 6. Design And Implementation of Fission Prepayment Active Module Card Electric Kilowatt- hour Meter 分体式预付费有源模块卡式电能表的设计与实现 ilib.cn 7. Error analysis and comparison between real load and virtual load for calibration circuits of single phase Watt-hour meter 单相电能表实负荷校验、虚负荷校验电路比较及误差分析 ilib.cn 8. Analysis of wrong wire connection on a watt-hour meter and its correction 电度表错误接线的分析及改正方法 ilib.cn 9. The Automatic Remote Center-Control Sale System Using Gateway Watt-hour Meter and Electricity Sale Market in Local Area 关口表远程集抄销售系统与地区电力市场营销 ilib.cn 10. Development of a new type three-phase compound tariff network intelligent watt-hour meter 新型三相复费率网络化智能电能表的研制 ilib.cn 1. The Circuit Design of Watt-hour Meter with Altitude Sensitivity, Width Load Scope and Energy Economical Control 电能表高灵敏度宽负载范围节能控制电路的设计 ilib.cn 2. An Electronical Advance Payment Kilowatt -hour Meter Which Remote Controlled By Infrared 全电子式红外遥控预付费电度表 ilib.cn 3. Discussing of mode of meter reading about remote meter reading data of electronic intelligent Watt-hour meter 关于电子电能表远程抄表数据抄核方式的探讨 ilib.cn 4. Five stepping adjustment--the improvement manufacture of inductive Watt hour meter 对感应式电能表调校工艺的改进——五步调整法 www.ilib.cn 5. Design and Adjustment of a Practical Ampere-hour Meter 一种实用安时计的设计与调试 service.ilib.cn 6. An introduction of application proof-test of single-phase electronic watt-hour meter in Zhejiang power grid 浙江省电网单相电子式电度表入网验收情况简介 ilib.cn 7. Mechanical design of the device for correcting axial needle on kilowatt-hour meter 电能表轴针校正仪的机械设计 ilib.cn 8. The application of electronic intelligent watt hour meter and technique of remote meter reading 全电子电度表及远程抄表技术在大同电力局的应用 ilib.cn 9. Analysis of technical specification about single-phase multi-rate electric watt-hour meter 单相多费率电能表技术规范的分析 ilib.cn 10. Hour meter that will aid in tracking maintenance intervals, job or department costing 可帮助跟踪维护间隔、作业或部门成本的计时表 www.coldjet.com 1. Intelligent kilowatt-hour meter system for electric locomotives 电力机车专用智能电度表系统 ilib.cn 2. The Application of IC Card Watt-hour Meter and Its Developing Prospect IC卡电表的应用及发展前景探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. Improvement of Mechanical Watt hour Meter to Meet the Needs of Electric Automation 改进机械电度表满足电力自动化要求 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of PIC monolithic computer in intelligent improvement of watt-hour meter PIC单片机在电表智能化改造中的应用 federalinfo.cn 5. Analysis and Calculation of Uncertainty of Standard Installation for Watt-hour Meter 电能表标准装置的不确定度分析和计算 ilib.cn 6. Study on Checking Method for Higher Accuracy Standard Equipment for Three-phase Watt-hour Meter 对高准确度三相电能表标准装置核查方法的探讨 ilib.cn 7. Analysis of the induction Watt-hour meter accuracy in the presence of harmonics 谐波条件下感应系电能表计量误差分析 ilib.cn 8. Chip Microcomputer is Used to Realize Intelligent Time-sharing Accounting of Kilowatt-hour Meter 用单片机实现智能分时计费电度表 ilib.cn 9. Improve the Hardware of Watt-hour Meter Reading Figure in Machinery to Achieve to Long-range Reading 基于机械式读数电度表硬件改造的远距离抄读 ilib.cn 10. Study on the Influence of Harmonics upon the Induction Watt-Hour Meter 感应式电能表受谐波影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Elimination and Common Breakdown of Induction Type Kilowatt-hour Meter 感应式电能表常见故障及排除 ilib.cn 2. Responsible for watt-hour meter and the hardware design & development of the related equipment; 负责电能表及相关设备的硬件设计开发; www.cjol.com 3. Single Chip Computer Controlled Digital Kilowatt-hour Meter 单片机控制的数字式电度表 ilib.cn 4. Analysis on prevention of electricity filching at kilowatt-hour meter 对电能表防窃电的分析 ilib.cn 5. Methods of Enhancing Creeping Indicator of Electronic Watt-hour Meter 提高电子式电度表潜动指标的方法 ilib.cn 6. Intelligent Kilowatt-hour Meter and Remote Reading Meter System 智能电能表及远程抄表系统 ilib.cn 7. Superficial Discussion on Feature of Electronic Watt-hour Meter 浅谈电子式电能表的特点 ilib.cn 8. The application of uncertainty in measurement in watt-hour meter company 测量不确定度评定方法在电度表生产企业中应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Design of Monitoring and Control System Against Electricity Stealing Based on Special Watt-Hour Meter Chip and SMS Communication 基于专用电能表芯片和SMS通信的防窃电监控系统的设计 ilib.cn 10. Reconstruction of Single-phase AC Watt-Hour Meter Based on Induct-Mode and Realization of IC Card Management System for Residential Area 小区单相交流感应式电能表的改造及IC卡管理系统的实现 ilib.cn 1. The vector analytical method of the watt-hour meter's joint connection 电度表联合接线的向量分析法 www.ilib.cn 2. The character of electronic single-phase Watt-hour meter and the question that should be paid attention to when selecting type 单相电子式电能表特点及选型时应注意的问题 ilib.cn 3. Connecting Method and Error Analysis of Electronic Watt-hour Meter 电子式电能表的接线方式及误差分析 ilib.cn 4. Electronic Watt-hour Meter and Infrared Measurement 电子电能表和红外抄表 ilib.cn 5. Study of IC card Kilowatt-Hour Meter credibility based on Embedded system 基于嵌入式系统的IC卡电表可靠性研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The Assessment of Measuring Outcome Uncertainty for AC Watt-hour Meter 交流电能表测量结果不确定度的评定 service.ilib.cn 7. A design for data communication of multiple-rate timeshare Watt-hour meter 多费率分时电能表数据通讯的设计 service.ilib.cn 8. The On-site Operation Analysis and Selection for Single-phase Watt-hour Meter 单相电能表现场运行分析、选用及管理 ilib.cn 9. The hardware design of excellent pre-payment single phase watt-hour meter 一种高性能单相预付费电能表的硬件设计 ilib.cn 10. The application and discuss of relay on intelligent pre-pay fee Watt-hour meter 机械自保持继电器在预付费电能表中的应用 adverseinfo.cn 1. Automatic power line carrier watt-hour meter reading system 电力线载波自动抄表系统 ilib.cn 2. The technical guide in the application of electronic Watt-hour meter 电子式电能表应用中的技术导向 ilib.cn 3. The Application of Bluetooth Technology in the Watt-hour Meter's Field Test 蓝牙技术在电能表现场校验中的应用 ilib.cn 4. To expand production of integrated circuit watt-hour meter 集成电路电度表扩大生产 hy.linhai.gov.cn 5. A new type of single-phase electronic multi-rate and prepayment Watt-hour meter 一种新型单相电子式多费率预付费电能表 ilib.cn 6. Principles and methods of immunity test for static watt-hour meter 电子式电能表抗扰度试验原理与方法浅析 www.ilib.cn 7. Checking the Mal- wiring of Three- Phase and Three- Wire Watt- Hour Meter 如何在线检查三相三线制电能表的误接线 ilib.cn 8. A Kind of Optical Measuring Kilowatt-hour Meter Based the Light Combination Modulation 一种基于组合光调制的光测电度表的设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Problems of Kilowatt-hour Meter Self-running on No-load Operation Transmission Lines of 110 kV Degree 110kV空载运行线路电能表自行走字问题分析 ilib.cn 10. The Application of Bluetooth and PDA on the On-site Test for Watt-hour Meter 蓝牙和PDA在电能表现场检验中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Current Status and Future Development of Automatic Recording of Watt-hour Meter's Data 当前自动抄表技术的现状和展望 ilib.cn 2. Rules of single-phase watt-hour meter and measures of hitch repair 单相电度表的原理与故障维修措施 ilib.cn 3. Checking in the middle period on the Watt-hour meter testing device 电能表检验装置的中期核查 service.ilib.cn 4. The New Improvement for the Effect of Harmonic on Induction Watt-hour Meter 谐波对感应式电能表影响的新进展 ilib.cn 5. A design of wireless automatic reading system of Watt-hour meter for building 一种楼宇无线自动抄表系统的设计 service.ilib.cn 6. Design of low-cost and multi-users intelligent watt hour meter 低成本多用户智能电度表的设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Working on probe to experiment of refitting wat-hour meter 对电表改装实验的探讨 service.ilib.cn 8. The realizing of counter test for multi-users Watt-hour meter 多用户静止式电能表走字试验法的实现 www.ilib.cn 9. Importance of Connecting Kilowatt-hour Meter Correctly 电度表正确接线的重要性 ilib.cn 10. Design of multi-user single phase multi-rate Watt-hour meter 多用户静止式单相多费率电能表的研制 ilib.cn 1. Security Strategy of IC Card Kilowatt-hour Meter IC卡电能表安全策略 ilib.cn 2. Development of single phase and all electronic anti-steal watt-hour meter 单相全电子式防窃电电能表的研制 www.ilib.cn 3. Intelligent Measure of Watt-hour Meter, Water Meter and Gas Meter in the House 住宅电度表、水表和煤气表的智能化计量 ilib.cn 4. Status and development of auto watt-hour meter reading technique 电能计量自动抄表技术的现状与发展 ilib.cn 5. The Research of multiuser watt-hour meter base on RFID 基于射频识别技术的多用户电能表的设计 www.ilib.cn 6. The performance of single chip ICs for Watt-hour meter 电子式单相电能表计量芯片性能分析 ilib.cn 7. Design of the Multi-rate Watt-hour Meter 多费率电能表的设计 ilib.cn 8. A Study on Auto Watt-hour Meter Reading Technique 电能计量自动抄表技术的研讨 ilib.cn 9. Brief Analysis of Housing Watt-hour Meter 住宅电能表的发展浅析 ilib.cn 10. Brief Discussion on the Single-phase Pre-payment Watt-hour Meter DDSY 基于DDSY型单相预付费电能表的简单分析 ilib.cn 1. Study on a New Electronic Watt-hour Meter 一种新型电子式电能表的研究 ilib.cn 2. Selection of Watt-Hour Meter to Reduce Line Loss of Low Voltage Distribution Network 电能表的选用与减小低压配网线损 ilib.cn 3. Three phase volt ampere hour meter 三相伏安小时计 news.dic123.com 4. vehicle D. C kilowatt-hour meter 车用直流电度表 www.bing.com 5. A design of digital watt-hour meter 数字式电能表的设计 www.ilib.cn 6. The Development of A Intelligent Watt-hour Meter 智能电度表的研制 ilib.cn 7. Comparison of several automatic kilo watt-hour meter reading systems in China 国内几种电能表自动抄录系统之比较 ilib.cn 8. Design for new type multiple-user Watt-hour meter based on DSP 采用DSP处理器的新型多用户电能表系统设计 ilib.cn 9. Time-Adjusting of Multi-rate Watt-hour Meter Based on GPS 采用GPS的多费率电能表校时 www.ilib.cn 10. Development of HV Watt-hour Meter 高压电能表的研制 www.ilib.cn 1. A Recording Watt hour Meter Based on IC Card 基于IC卡的可记录式交流电流表 service.ilib.cn 2. A Multifee Watt-Hour Meter By Use Of IC Card 采用IC卡的复费率电能表 www.ilib.cn |
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