单词 | golden mean |
释义 |
例句释义: 中庸,中庸之道,黄金中道,黄金分割点 1. The Golden Mean Plaza at the front entrance represents the law of nature. 位于马湾公园正门的金律广场,展现大自然的黄金规律。 www.shkp.com.hk 2. Aim for that golden mean, give your gift with a big smile and a hug and enjoy life. 如果你的目标是达到不好也不赖,用一个开心的微笑和一个真心的拥抱送出你的礼物,并且好好享受生活吧。 www.elanso.com 3. Can be seen that the "golden mean" as the core of Chinese corporate culture, pregnancy hidden and profound Chinese culture. 可见,以“中庸之道”为核心的中国企业文化,孕藏着博大精深的中国文化。 bbs.cnnb.com 4. As a Fundamental thought of Chinese civilization, the golden mean has a far-reaching influence on Chinese culture. 作为华夏文明的思想基质,它对于民族文化具有深远影响。 www.zidir.com 5. This snail art car, aka "The Golden Mean, " sits on the grass at the San Mateo Fairgrounds, the home of the fourth-annual Maker Faire. 这种蜗牛式的艺术车,又名“中庸”,就在圣马刁费尔格朗兹坐在草地,第四个年度设备费尔回家。 www.bugutang.com 6. as the ideal moral integrity , golden mean thought is reflected in the unification of benevolence , wisdom and courage. 作为理想人格的中庸,表现为仁智勇的内在统一。 www.ichacha.net 7. harmonious viewpoint of Buddhism claims the golden mean and comprehensive harmony, which emphasizes the harmony between body and heart. 释家主张中道圆融的和谐观,侧重身心关系的和谐。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. "the golden mean" is not a simple average and compromise, but unbiased, not less and not much. “中庸之道”不是简单的平均与折中,而是不偏不倚、不过不及。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Forms the unique esthetic orientation, here has the very big ingredient is the Confucianist "the Golden Mean" the thought way influence. 形成特有的审美取向,这里有很大成分是受儒家的“中庸之道”思想方式影响的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. It's very dangerous to act on Golden Mean, for it tends readily to swing left or right. 以中庸之道行事是十分危险的,因为稍不留神就会偏左或是偏右。 tysurl.com 1. On the Significance of The Golden Mean as the "Supreme Virtue" 中庸之为“至德”的意涵浅析 www.ilib.cn 2. A sage once reduced all virtue to the golden mean. Push right to the extreme and it becomes wrong. 一位圣人曾把所有的美德都归于中庸之道。如果把对的推到极端(过火),那么对的也会变成错的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. All realities are created based on the numeric blueprint of sacred geometry - consciousness - the Golden Mean - Phi Ratio. 所有的真实性都是建立神圣几何学的数学蓝图的基础上——意识——中庸之道——菲尔比率。 www.chinaufo.com 4. The golden mean has also endowed Gui You-guang's prose a unique status in prose's history. 这种中庸性也赋予了归有光散文在散文发展史上的独特地位。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Annie: This must be the traditional Chinese culture again. It is called the "golden mean" , is it? 安妮:这又是中国人的文化传统了,叶做“中庸之道”,对不对?。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Through working, we gained many; but because of working, we lose our friends and family. Therefore everything must take its Golden Mean. 透过工作,我们嬴得不少物质;但同样因为工作,我们失去朋友,家庭,所以凡事都要取其中庸之道。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 7. A whole political school called "the golden mean" has been the outcome of this. 一整套政治学说,所谓中庸之道便是从这里产生出来的。 www.ebigear.com 8. The highest type of life after all is the life of sweet reasonableness as taught by Confucius' grandson, Tsesse, author of The Golden Mean. 生活的最高典型终究应属子思所倡导的中庸生活,他即是《中庸》作者,孔子的孙儿。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 9. The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one's life. 中庸说,在所有的事情节制是最好的途径,为自己的生命。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. Never go to extremes, the right way are the Golden Mean, I think they should be group of pragmatic idealist. 两者都不能走极端,正确的道路是中庸之道,我想他们是一些务实的理想主义者。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Creator has used the same number; the number of golden mean: 1. 618. 造物主不断的使用这个比率,这个数字就是黄金分割比:1. www.noorislam.org 2. LI: Is that the Golden mean invited by Confucius? 李:你说的不就是孔子发明的中庸之道吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. On the Enlightenment of "Golden Mean" in the Building of the Socialist Harmonious Society “中庸”对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示 ilib.cn 4. Accumulate strong dialectical thinking, follow the doctrine of the golden mean; 他们都蕴有强烈的辩证思维,奉行中庸之道; airiti.com 5. Pursuing "Golden Mean: " the Spirit of Confucian Law and Its Universal Values 寻求“中道”——儒家之法的精神及其普世价值 scholar.ilib.cn 6. The Golden Mean Mode of Confucian Thought and Its Value for Modern Management 孔子中庸思想及其管理价值 www.ilib.cn 7. The Affection of Golden Mean of the Confucian School on Ancient Chinese Literature 儒家中和观对中国古代文学的影响 service.ilib.cn 8. The Golden Mean of Confucianism and Intercultural Communication 儒家中道思想与跨文化交际 www.ilib.cn 9. A Tentative Physical Deconstruction of the Golden Mean Mode of Thinking 中庸思维方法的物理学解构初探 www.ilib.cn 10. On the View of the Golden Mean of the Confucian School and Its Current significance 论儒家中庸观及其现代意义 www.ilib.cn 1. The Sending Micro of the Using Intermediate for Feasibility in Golden mean 中庸之用中思想现实性发微 scholar.ilib.cn 2. In generally speaking, the same aspects mainly has three: (1)All treat that The Golden Mean is the extreme beauty and virtue; 概而言之,相同方面主要有三点:(1)都视中庸之道为最高的德行与至善; www.fabiao.net 3. Overstep on the Golden Mean of the Confucian and Peace Trouble of Modern Times 儒家中和思想与当代和平困境之超越 www.ilib.cn 4. Henan "Golden Mean" Culture and the Function to Building Harmonious Central Plains 河南“中”文化及其对构建和谐中原的作用 www.ilib.cn 5. Probe into the Application of the Golden Mean in the Marketing 探讨中庸思想在营销中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Golden mean grid applied a simple composition 应用于单一构图的黄金分割网格 www.bing.com 7. On Modern Value of the Golden Mean Concept in Ancient Greece and the Pre-Qin Dynasty 略论古希腊和先秦中庸思想的现代价值 ilib.cn 8. Virtues in the doctrine of the Golden Mean and national spirit 中庸之德与民族精神 service.ilib.cn 9. Modern explanation on doctrine of the golden mean 中庸之道的现代解读 ilib.cn 10. The Golden Mean Tendency of Confucius'Logical Thought 孔子逻辑思想的中庸价值取向 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Golden Mean: From the Perspective of Universal Ethics 中庸:作为普世伦理的考量 service.ilib.cn 2. The Significance and Practice of Golden Mean 中庸的意义及其实践 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Golden Mean and Elimination of Lao Tzu's Aesthetics 论老子美学的守中论和涤除论 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Doctrine of Golden Mean and Translation 翻译和翻译问题的哲学思考 www.ilib.cn 5. An Analysis of Aristotle's Golden Mean Ethics 浅析亚里士多德的中庸伦理观 www.ilib.cn 6. stand for the golden mean yet are extreme 主中庸却又走极端 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Golden Mean and accepting the world 中庸之道与世界的当下接纳 www.ilib.cn 8. Golden Mean and Radicalism in Lin Yutang's Humour 林语堂幽默观中的中庸与极端 ilib.cn |
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