单词 | goings-on |
释义 |
n. activity,affairs,comings and goings,carryings-on,carry-on 例句释义: 异常情况,令人吃惊的活动,见不得人的勾当,举动,行为,事件 1. They simply ignore the children while they chat away for ages oblivious to the goings on around them. It's quite a recipe for disaster. 当她们长时间的闲聊时就会忘记她们身边所发生的事情,当然也忽略了孩子,这很容易导致灾难。 www.elanso.com 2. Now, Mike Shannon was no angel, but his words revealed a real-world picture of the goings-on in the office. 迈克·仙农并非天使,但是他的发言揭露了海龟办公室的真相。 www.irich.com.cn 3. But Mr. Woodford said he ran into what appeared to be strange goings-on at the company. 但伍德福德表示他在这个公司碰上了似乎很奇怪的事。 club.topsage.com 4. The book Tengo rewrites turns out to be a real account of the goings-on inside a religious cult. 天吾重写《空气蛹》,结果是栩栩如生地写出了一个宗教团体的层层内幕。 www.bing.com 5. Rumors about this building and its goings on had circulated among the ranks for as long as we had the contract. 从我们刚签订劳动合同开始,就一直流传着关于这栋楼的传言。 en.eol.cn 6. I knew the inner workings of hospitals better than I understood the goings on in my own home. 我对医院的内部运作比我对自己家的状况更了如指掌。 www.bing.com 7. The reporter, witnessing the goings-on , couldn't make sense of it. He kept urging Hacker - Killer to ask more questions. 好奇记者在旁边看的一楞一楞的,不断的催促骇客杀手继续问下去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. What do you think your father, my old friend, would have said if he had been here to-night, and had known of all your goings on ? 你想想,要是你的父亲、我的那位老朋友今晚在这里,知道你都干了些什么,他会怎么说? www.showxiu.com 9. Incidentally, these "goings-on" include such events as the beginning of Christianity [source: National Geographic]. 值得一提的是,这些“异常情况”包括了像基督教创始一类的事件[来源:国家地理]。 www.elanso.com 10. How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life? 计算机怎么能窃听日常生活每时每刻发生在大脑里的全部活动呢? www.bing.com 1. In late April, JP Morgan invited me to a "thought leaders dinner" to discuss the latest goings on in Silicon Valley and digital media. 在4月底,JP摩根邀请我参加一个“思想领导者聚餐”来讨论最近硅谷和数字媒体的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. for four days there was the happiest goings on between the mother and child. 这一下就一连住了四天,母女之间真有说不尽的快乐。 www.showxiu.com 3. Emily would saddle up and ride Muffin gently around on the race day to get her used to lots of bustle and comings and goings on. 艾米丽将戴着他的顶的帽子,骑着玛芬在那天慢悠悠地跑,使得玛芬习惯于许多匆匆忙忙地你来我去。 blog.cat898.com 4. If Crespo had been around to witness the goings-on , he would have surely agreed. 假如克雷斯波,见证了哪些过程,他也会同意这个观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Leeds has just endured ten days of its annual Shopping Week, with a plethora of retail goings-on. 年度购物周已经在这里进行了10天,到处都可以看见令人吃惊的零售传奇。 www.ecocn.org 6. The present goings-on are simply part of the run-up to disclosure. 现在正在上演的事件只不过是朝向大揭露事件的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings-on, even if they do not. 某些情况下,法律坚持认为管理者应该知道这些小动作——即使有时候他们确实不知情。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. "Ah! " replied the Watchman, "they are about to see if they can't put an end to your goings-on. " “啊!”城管回答道,“他们要看看是不是能把你的行动做个了断。” www.bing.com 9. We will keep you updated on other goings-on for the company in East Asia and elsewhere. 我们会不断更新事件,你对其他的东亚和其他地区的公司。 www.rp-china.org 10. A visitor can spend hours watching the goings-on at the Okaukuejo Rest Camp, one of three overnight places within the park. 游客可以在奥考圭若游客休息营内观看动物的出没,这里是园内可供过夜的三个地方之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons . 后来在一个星期六的上午,两个小儿子的奇怪举动引起了我的注意。 www.8875.org 2. To draw attention to these goings-on, watchmakers back the watch case with a clear crystal pane, opening a window on the workings of time. 为了将注意力吸引到这些地方,钟表匠用一块儿透明水晶面板支撑表壳,开启一扇可以看到里面运行的窗。 dongxi.net 3. And this stability allows investigators to track the goings-on in cells and tissues for longer intervals than can now be achieved. 这种稳定性让研究人员能够更长期地追踪细胞与组织的活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The proxy's descriptions of the board's actions suggest that it is disconcertingly disconnected from the goings on at Berkshire. 委托书中关于董事会行为的描述说明董事会对伯克希尔现状的了解可能日益脱节,这令人不安。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Inconsequential, surely, as far as the goings-on in the atmosphere are concerned? 因此,人工照明对于大气的影响想必无关紧要? www.ecocn.org 6. Whatever the political goings- on, there is no optimistic short-term scenario for Japan. 无论政局如何发展,短期内日本的局势都难以令人感到乐观。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The first cautionary lesson from these unseemly goings-on is that America's corporate-governance mess is still, alas, unresolved. 从惠普这些不太体面的举动中,我们可以得出的第一条警示就是:美国公司管理这团乱麻,仍然,唉,无法理顺。 www.ecocn.org 8. Other families are fractured and distant, with medical goings on swept under the rug for the sake of not worrying children. 另一些家庭破裂或遥远,为了怕孩子们担心,医药史也被隐藏起来。 www.bing.com 9. As well as being televised, fans can follow the goings-on in the house 24 hours a day online. 除了电视转播外,观众迷们可以24小时在线跟踪房间里的进展情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Sinister goings-on can lurk in even the most respectable places. 即使是在最高尚的场所,也有可能潜藏着邪恶的交易。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He was notorious for his goings-on. 他因行为不检而臭名昭著。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. He had the chance to write a comic musical based on the goings-on of his school, entitled By George. 在那里他有机会创作了一部根据学校里发生的事改编的喜剧音乐剧,取名为《以乔治之名》[ByGeorge]。 www.bing.com 3. I wish I'd never seen such crazy goings-on . 但愿我从不曾见过如此疯狂的行为。 ttcihui.com 4. Sometimes there are frightening goings-on in the stairwell. 有时有可怕的往来,就在楼梯间。 www.ted.com 5. so that voyeurs may watch the intimate goings-on of anonymous people. 以便让那些爱偷窥的人看到不知名人士的隐私举动。 www.jukuu.com 6. He is notorious for his goings-on. 他因行为不检点而声名狼藉。 wenwen.soso.com 7. You need someone within the organization who is well respected andaware of the political goings-on. 你需要一个在集团里备受尊重并且了解政治动态的人。 www.bing.com 8. You may laugh at stories of wolf men, but have you ever wondered where the association of a full moon with crazy goings-on came from? 你也许对狼人的故事感到好笑,但你可曾好奇过满月与疯狂举动之间的联系从何而来?。 www.xdf.cn 9. Goings-on of Competitive Intelligence Educations At Home and Abroad 国内外竞争情报教育现状 www.istis.cn 10. cool observers of nutty goings - on(Variety) 对古怪行为冷静观察的人(种类) dict.ebigear.com |
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