单词 | hand in |
释义 |
第三人称单数:hands in 现在分词:handing in 过去式:handed in 例句释义: 交进,上交,交上,递交 1. "I don't think Kan was that critical of the BOJ, " the first source said. "The BOJ and the government have been working hand in hand. " “我不认为菅直人对日本央行吹毛求疵,”第一位消息人士称,“央行和政府一直在携手工作。” cn.reuters.com 2. But when they see an experimenter put her hand in the box, they insist that she could have done something else. 但当他们看到一个实验者把手放进盒子里,他们会坚持她本可以有其他选择的。 www.bing.com 3. He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak, slid the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets, and set it aside. 他先用自己的斗篷包住手,再把滚烫的铁制烤肉架连同上面的烤肉一起从托架上移了下来,放到一边。 tr.bab.la 4. It was a winter night in the Himalayas. We were sitting near the fireplace, so I told the monk, "You put your hand in the fire. " 那是一个喜马拉雅山的冬夜,我们坐在壁炉旁,于是我告诉他:“把你的手放进火里。” www.zftrans.com 5. I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes. 我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She put her hand in and pulled it out. It was an old key. 她伸手进去拣出来,是一把旧钥匙。 www.kekenet.com 7. Modern instruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by eye and hand in the old days. 现在,用精密仪器把直的东西弄弯,在过去则是靠手和眼睛。 www.jintian.net 8. When they reached the fortieth floor he put his hand in his pocket for the key to the door of his apartment . lt wasn't there. 但是当他们最终来到公寓门的时候,他正准备拿钥匙开门,却发现钥匙没有在口袋里。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Under certain circumstances, you may feel as though you cannot express the matter at hand in less than three (3) sentences. 在某些特定的情况下,你可能觉得在少于三句话时不知如何表达该问题。 www.bing.com 10. The children prepared a nice surprise for my birthday, but I think my wife had a hand in it too. 孩子们为我的生日准备了一件意想不到的美好礼物,不过我想我妻子也参与了这件事。 www.jukuu.com 1. You definitely have to do a few drafts of a paper before it's good enough to hand in. 在交出一篇优美的作文之前,你肯定需要打几遍草稿。 damenguo.xiaoma.com 2. What if the Earth was in danger and the only way to save it was to stick your hand in a jar with a spider? 要是地球危在旦夕,而唯一拯救的方法就是把你的手伸进装着蜘蛛的罐子里呢? show.kekenet.com 3. He had a way of touching her hand in explanation, as if to impress a fact upon her. 他说话时喜欢用手碰碰她的手,好像要加深她的印象似的。 www.jukuu.com 4. Janne Tateno had found a few piano scores written for the left hand in a Chicago music store. 乔安在芝加哥的音乐商店找到几本专为左手谱写的钢琴乐谱。 www.tvsou.com 5. And he said it would make us all celebrated that had a hand in it. 他还说,这能叫我们这些有关的人一律都成为赫赫有名的人物。 www.putclub.com 6. Moreover, Mr Putin wants some sort of hand in the management and operation of the system. 此外,普京还希望插手系统的管理和运作过程。 www.bing.com 7. Now, 44 years later, I am privileged to stand side by side with you, ready to work hand in hand on a mission that we all share. 44年后的现在,我又很荣幸和各位并肩而立,准备携手展开一项我们分享的使命。 www.bing.com 8. Dennis: Then you're going to fit in here like a hand in a glove. Oh, by the way, Wendy and I prepared a present for you. 丹尼斯:那麽你在这里一定能如鱼得水。喔,还有,温蒂和我准备了一份礼物给你。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 9. Thanks to our customers the support and trust, the company wholeheartedly with you hand in hand to create a beautiful tomorrow! 承蒙广大用户的支持与信赖,本公司竭诚与您携手共进,共创美好明天! www.tonke.cn 10. She gripped her mother-in-law with her right arm and held her own mother's hand in her left as she watched Discovery soar. 当看着发现升空的那一刻,她紧紧地搂着丈母娘的左臂,另一只手抓着自己母亲的手。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. We will work together hand in hand with you and for the fierce competition in the market achieved a win-win situation. 我们将齐心协力与您携手共进,争取在激烈的市场竞争中取得双赢。 www.tonke.cn 2. He talked fondly of his wife, relied on her advice and held her hand in public. 他会充满爱意地谈论他的妻子,信赖她的建议并牵手出现在公共场合。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He was going to hand in his exam paper when he found a serious mistake in his writing. 他正要交试卷,就在此时他发现了写作中的一个严重错误。 go.6to23.com 4. A boy once found a jar full of nuts and raisins in his mother's kitchen and he put his hand in to help himself to as many as he could hold. 有个小男孩一次在妈妈的厨房里发现了一个装满坚果和葡萄干的罐子,他把自己的手伸进去以便尽可能多的拿到。 bbs.24en.com 5. His mother remains convinced that the carpet factory owner had a hand in his killing. 他的母亲至今仍坚信这个地毯工厂主是背后的元凶之一。 www.bing.com 6. Frances asked if she could stick her hand in the water, but Beatrice walked straight to her room. She was crying. She was scared. 弗问她是否可以把手插在水中,但比径直走进了自己的房间里。她哭喊着。她被吓到了。 www.bing.com 7. Perhaps, once more Saint Mark lent a hand in protecting the stronghold, leaving the greatest treasure of the Rhine intact to this day. 也许圣马克再度保护这座城堡,使莱茵河畔的珍宝至今仍保完整。 www.fangfavip.com 8. she says, laughing out loud and waving her hand in the air as if batting away the notion. 她响亮地笑着挥舞着她的手仿佛要击开这个观点。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Water of every monthly pay wants to hand in, do not expect to have pass on, what fault is you is incorrect. 每月薪水要上交,不要期望有回馈,什么错都是你的不对。 www.google-web.org 10. Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style. 乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。 dongxi.net 1. Just as wealth and success on the field go hand in hand in today's pro soccer, so can disaster on the field bring disaster at the bank. 就像当今足坛财富与战绩携手同行,球场上的失败同样会导致财政上的崩溃。 www.bing.com 2. Do you know that you can use a watch as a compass on a sunny day ? Take a watch and point the hour-hand in the direction of the sun . 你知道天晴时可把手表当作指南针用吗?拿一块手表,将时针指向太阳; iask.sina.com.cn 3. Mr. Ji said the rescued women were still in police custody on suspicion that they had a hand in the murders of the two women. 纪先生说因嫌疑这些获救的女子还在警局拘留因为她们涉嫌参与谋杀两个女人。 www.bing.com 4. A voice, which must have come from God, whispered to me to drop the panga and thrust my hand in its wide open mouth. 一个声音,一定是来自上帝的声音,对我低语要我放下刀,把手戳进它的血盆大口中。 word.hcbus.com 5. He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him. " 他想:“如果有一个有身份的求婚者向女儿求婚,我会同意的。” bbs.24en.com 6. There is usually a guided "show" that you can experience as you sit closely, (perhaps hand in hand? ). 天文馆常常是促进双方关系的“前奏”,在这里你们开始近距离地并排而坐,(也许开始了双手紧扣?) www.bing.com 7. Again, were tried to leave the tactics as open-ended as possible, so you can have a strong hand in specifying how your players will grow. 另外,我们已经尽可能的留下开放式战术,所以你能有实力来说明你的球员将如何成长。 club.pchome.net 8. Chile was positively opposed to any treaty that would bind her hand in her old border dispute with Peru. 智利则积极反对在它与秘鲁年深月久的边界纠纷中束缚它们手脚的任何条约。 9. Sometimes lecturer will ask you to hand in all worksheets at the end of the subject (it depends on your assignments each year). 有时老师会要求你在课程结束时(取决于每年的作业情况)上交所有的学习进度表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You are really a bit of green hand in the affairs of the heart. 看来在谈恋爱方面你还真是个新手啊! www.cetcet.com 1. And he, in turn, knew again the swimming sensation of Bliss when he felt the contact of her hand in greeting. 他在服地招呼和握手刚出再次感到了那种荡漾的幸福之感。 dict.ebigear.com 2. One day they caught her with her hand in the cookie jar; she was stealing stamps for personal use and she was fired on the spot. 有一天,正当她在偷邮票给她自己用的时候被人当场抓着。她立即就被解雇了。 www.ebigear.com 3. A moment later, he pulled himself off of the corpse, and I came to his side and took his hand in my own as I led him to his feet. 片刻之后,他摸索着从尸体上爬起,我走到他身边牵起他的手引导他站稳。 bger.org 4. If you want to grow in holiness this Lent, put your hand in Marry's, and ask her to help you to become meek and humble. 如果你想在这斋月的圣洁中成长,把你的手交给玛丽亚,然后请求她来帮助你变得温顺和谦卑。 www.tecsunhomes.com 5. HAND IN a brief analysis of your conclusions with appropriate but concise back-up to support your recommendations. 缴交一个简短的结论分析,包含了适当但简明的文件以支援你的建议。 www.myoops.org 6. If Bob Cratchit had not accepted Scrooge's bullying with timid resignation, he might have gotten up the nerve to hand in his resignation. 假使鲍勃·克拉奇特对斯克鲁奇的欺侮不是怯懦地逆来顺受,那他可能会鼓起勇气递交辞呈了。 bbs.24en.com 7. Now swish your hand in a gentle even movement down along the front of your face, neck, chest, heart and solar plexus (tummy) area. 然后沿着脸,脖子,胸脯,心脏到腹腔(胃)区域轻轻而有规律地向下摆手。 www.elanso.com 8. It has also starkly raised the question of who will have the upper hand in future negotiations. 并且赤裸裸的提出了谁将在未来的谈判中获得先机。 www.bing.com 9. At this point, the immortals-step forward, gently with the Palm of the hand in her back-beats, only heard the old lady a choke. 这时,吕洞宾上前-步,轻轻地用手掌在她背上-拍,只听见老婆婆打了个噎。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The guang-an-men sincerely invites you to visit instructs, hand in hand altogether will create the glorious future with you. 光安人诚挚地邀请您来参观指导,与您携手共创美好未来。 www.chinafastener.biz 1. Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum like a wall of steel wall. 草儿们手挽着手不怕风不怕雨,那威猛的气势有如一堵钢铁长城。 www.enwaimao.cn 2. Matched against this belief are more cynical and protectionist forces that have, alas, had a strong hand in shaping the new law. 与这种信念相对的反对势力和保护主义势力联合,对这部新法的塑造影响甚大。 boboan79.blog.163.com 3. Hadji Murad waved his hand in front of his face to show that he did not want anything and would not accept it. 阿方手中挥舞的Murad面前展示他的脸上,他不想将有所不接受。 www.cqwx.net 4. He has no hand in the matter. 他与那件事无关。 school.ecp.com.cn 5. Goes hand-in-hand with the above item, but it's so important that I made it a separate item. 这一条与上一条是连在一起的,但因为它如此重要,我把它作为单独一项列出来。 www.bing.com 6. So long as it was fighting Pakistan, even liberal Indian opinion seemed ready to tolerate a heavy hand in Kashmir. 只要他与巴基斯坦争斗,即使自由主义的观念也能容忍对克什米尔下重手。 www.bing.com 7. the developing world, we wish to be your best friend and welcome a bright future with you hand in hand. 世界在变,“阿特”在变,阿特人诚心诚意期待与您交朋友,共创辉煌明天。 www.jukuu.com 8. Now if you had gone to Egypt as I recommended you to, I might have had a chance to get my hand in. 你假如听从我的意见,到埃及去了的话,那我还可以有机会大干一番。 9. Grandma looked so much like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar that I couldn't help myself, and a slightly nervous laughter escaped. 祖母看起来很像是一个伸手从饼干罐里偷吃却被抓了个正着的小孩,我不禁发出了一阵略带一丝紧张的大笑。 www.xici.net 10. Trish said, extending her hand. The man looked uncertain, but he took Trish's plump hand in his broad palm. 崔西一边说一边伸出了手.那人一副迟疑的表情,但是他还是伸出宽大的手掌,握住了崔西的胖手。 www.ecocn.org 1. She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him with the sensitive tips of her fingers upon the face or the lips. 她渴望在黑暗中伸出自己的手,用敏感的指腹抚摸他的脸和唇。 www.bing.com 2. PAUL: She's like the air to me. I've come to ask you for her hand in marriage. 她像是我的空气,我回来请求你让我和她结婚甜心先生。 www.peiyin.com 3. His tiny hand was holding on to my finger, and I couldn't help remembering his mother's hand in mine over thirty years ago. 他的小手被控股就以我的手指,我无法帮助回忆他的母亲的手在矿井超过三十年前。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Mom, Dad, now I know. So no matter what happens, please let me go through it with both of you hand in hand. I'm always here with you. . . 爸爸妈妈,在接下来的人生,请让我牵着你们的手,不论风霜雨雪,有我陪着你们,一起走…… blog.sina.com.cn 5. then he dreamed of how after the attack he would go up to him as he lay wounded , and magnanimously hold out his hand in reconciliation. 他时而又想,在大举进攻之后,他将要走到他跟前,向他这个负伤的人故作慷慨地伸出和事之手。 www.ichacha.net 6. He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces. 它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。 gb.cri.cn 7. We seem to think, however, that economic development and preservation of the environment cannot go hand in hand. 不过,我们似乎认为经济发展与环境保护无法同时兼顾。 www.hjenglish.com 8. It's possible that he was linked to the case: he might have had a hand in planning the murder. 有可能他和这个案子有关:他可能参与计划了这起谋杀案。 wenku.baidu.com 9. People see him as a green hand in the modeling industry, but Xu knows exactly how much he has devoted to the trade. 在人们眼中,胥添麒是模特界的新人,但是他清楚自己为了这份事业倾注了多少汗水。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Union Jack flags fill the front garden, Charles and Camilla figures can be found taking the sun, hand in hand. 前花园插着许多英国国旗,“查尔斯”和“卡米拉”正坐在长廊上手牵手地晒太阳。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Much easier to wave one's hand in the general direction of east, and say, it rises there each morning, so there can be nothing wrong. 举起手来指着大体上的东方,并且说:“太阳每天早上从那儿升起来,因此没有什么不对劲啊”,这样做会更加容易些。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. If a child failed to hand in his homework in time, he might be severely scolded, even refused any reasonable help. 原文并不复杂,很多考生这样翻译:“如果一个孩子不能及时交家庭作业,这孩子就有可能会被严厉批评,甚至于拒绝合理的帮助。” www.neworiental.org 3. Actually, millions of human beings have had a hand in my creation, no one of whom even knows more than a very few of the others. 事实上,有成百万参与了我的诞生过程,他们中没有谁能比别人知道得多一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Luis Enrique shakes his head ruefully as the American referee threatens him with a hand in his pocket. 美国裁判一边警告恩里克,一边把手伸进自己的口袋,后者无辜地摇着头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He made Rawdon a handsome offer of his hand in the letter whenever the latter should come to England and choose to take it. 他很大方的回信说如果罗登回国以后需要他帮忙的话,他很愿意出力。 6. It with the CISOO such a international company hand in hand, looks like the jade which carefully carves together, disseminates the mild ray. 与CISOO这样的国际性品牌联袂,使它如同一块经过细细雕琢的玉石,散发出温润的光芒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Then mum held the woman's hand in hers and moved her hand over the paper again and again until she was able to do it without her help. 于是母亲手把手地教她在纸上一遍一遍书写,直到她自己可以签名。 www.kekenet.com 8. When you hand in the documents to the Agency, please also bring with you the Notification of Result of your application. 在递交有关文件到本处的时候,请携同你的申请结果通知书,交给本处查阅。 www.sfaa.gov.hk 9. He has a right AND left hand, which allows him to not just go up with either hand in the post, but brands him a reliable dribbler as well. 他那一双走右手,不仅可以用任何一只手来传球,而且也可以让他成为一名可靠的运球队员。 www.kobechina.com.cn 10. We tried to put things in terms of health and development and a need to work hand-in-hand if we are going to make an impact. 过去我们也曾试图做好卫生与发展方面的工作,今天,我们要想做出点成绩,就需要携起手来,共同努力。 www.who.int 1. A knife to sever any friendly duty, any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city. 在这个遥远的城市,同任何对朋友的责任或任何形式的礼节一刀两断,是件极容易的事。 2. What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp. 握着孩子的手是一种多么好的感觉啊!那小小的、柔软的、温暖的在你的拥握中就像一只小猫蜷缩着、呵护着自己。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It's so kind of her that she often gives me a hand in studying. 她是如此的善良,她经常在学习中给予我帮助。 wenwen.soso.com 4. E. g. He might have done the homework, but he didn't hand in. 他可能做了作业,可是他没有上交 wenku.baidu.com 5. She looked at her hand. In her hand was the burnt match. She felt very disappointed. 她发现手中只剩燃尽的火柴,心里失望极了。 am774.rbc.cn 6. I'm telling you that she stole it! I caught her with her hand in the cookie jar. 我告诉你那东西是她偷的!我当场抓住了她。 www.edutv8.com 7. The pressures on the dark Ones are building up very rapidly, and forcing their hand in spite of their desire to interfere with our plan. 黑暗势力的压力越来越大,强迫他们的恶手和欲望被我们计划干预。 hi.baidu.com 8. She did not accept his hand in marriage. 她不肯答应和他结婚。 360abc.com 9. If the negotiation is not had if really and the negotiation did not adjourn, will hand in undertake the arbitration by fair job committee. 如果谈判无果且谈判没有延期,将交由公平工作委员会进行仲裁。 news.zyoo.net 10. Brazilian soccer star Ronaldo will be sidelined at least a month after breaking his hand in a league match over the weekend. 巴西足球明星罗纳尔多将休战至少一个月后,打破了他的手在比赛周末。 www.r9sky.com 1. If the dog comes to me and tries to push his head under my hand in an effort to get petted I verbally scold him and send him away. 如果狗儿向我走过来,试着把它的头贴着我的手努力获取抚拍,我会口头斥责它并且让它离开。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. 当不朽的众神干预此事时,我怀着心满意足的心情观察结局。 www.popbook.com 3. Our wedding chapel at it, it is a sacred place, we must hand in hand in front of the main promise of commitment to one another. 从此以后,我们要幸福的在一起慢慢变老。我们的婚礼教堂举行吧,那是一个神圣的地方,我们要手牵着手在主的面前许下对彼此的承诺。 abems.com 4. The only thing I desire is to be with someone, hand in hand, chatting and laughing, moreover, to regard each other as the only beloved one. 只是想和某个人在一起,牵手、聊天、欢笑,视彼此为唯一。透明,纯净,简单,唯一。这就我想要的幸福。 bbs.chinese.cn 5. President targeted insurance companies during his remarks as he tried to regain the upper hand in the health care debate. 总统在发表演讲时矛头直指保险公司,因为他想在针对医疗问题的辩论中再次取得优势。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. He wished to die; the opportunity presented itself; he knocked at the door of the tomb, a hand in the darkness offered him the key. 他正求死不得,死的机会却自动找他来了,他正敲着墓门,而黑暗中有一只手把钥匙递给了他。 www.ebigear.com 7. Johnson was an energetic and versatile writer. He had a hand in all the different branches of literary activities . 约翰逊精力充沛,多才多艺,他还涉足各种各样的文学领域。 www.bing.com 8. As al-Qaeda's operational commander in Afghanistan, he is believed to have had a hand in everything from finances to operational planning. 作为阿尔盖达组织的指挥长官,外界认为从金融至操作计划的每个环节他都有插手 bbs.ebigear.com 9. I see Adam's hand in this , It would be just like him to start such a rumor . 我看得出来亚当在背后搞鬼,散布这种谣言很像他的作风。 www.oldkids.cn 10. He sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out a joint. Candy takes it with a smile. Brian lights it. She inhales deeply. 他把手伸进口袋,拿出一支大麻香烟。凯蒂微笑着接过来。布莱恩点着火。她深深吸了一大口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. you think it normal that two women walk down the street hand in hand or two men walk side by side. 你认为两个女人手牵手或者两个男人肩并肩在大街上走是很正常的。 www.sojump.com 2. Web development and free and open source software (FOSS) have gone hand in hand since the beginning of the web. Web开发与免费开源软件(FOSS)从网络发展之初便如影随形。 www.bing.com 3. The grocer put his hand in and dumped a generous portion into the little fellow's cap, which he promptly held out . 老板自己伸出手去,抓出一大把樱桃放进小家伙快速伸出来的帽子里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "We are the number one and second biggest economies of the world, " he said. "We will have to work together, hand in hand. " 麻生太郎说:“我们是世界第一和第二大经济体。我们将携手共同努力。” www.wzksw.com 5. The sky and the sea are in love with each other, but cannot be hand in hand and continue to love. The sky is crying, shed tears on the sea. 天空与大海相爱了,却无法牵手。他们无法让爱继续。天空哭了,泪水洒落海面。 www.81ren.net 6. Digital cameras still have the upper hand in terms of image quality, at least for now. 就图像质量而言,数码相机仍然具有优势,至少目前的情况如此。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Hand in hand, we strolled to the car and made plans for the next day and the next and the next. 我们手牵着手走向汽车,计划着我们的明天以及明天的明天。 www.zftrans.com 8. You will find them within the Galactic Federation, and often they are the very same ones that have had a hand in your evolution. 你将发现他们就在银河联邦之中,并且经常的他们是在你们进化之路上帮了一手的同一人。 www.angozj.com 9. If you go to Troy, you'll never come home, for your glory walks hand in hand with your doom, and I shall never see you again. 如果去特洛伊,你将一去不返,因为你荣耀之日也是你绝命之时,而我也永远不会再见不到你了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Even chances, " said the doctor, taking Sue's thin, shaking hand in his. " “现在是势均力敌,”大夫说着,握了握苏纤细颤抖的手。 www.kekenet.com 1. I then pulled up the other chair on his left side and took his hand in mine, my fingers grazed across his wedding band and I smiled softly. 我把枪和对讲机放进抽屉里,然后在他左边的那把椅子坐下来抓过他的手用手指抚摸着他的结婚戒指轻轻地笑了。 www.bing.com 2. The English teacher looked up the word in all the dictionaries at hand in search of its special use. 英语老师翻遍手头所有的词典以寻找这个词的特殊用法。 bak.xinkb.org 3. he gazed at those closed eyes, he took that wrinkled, aged and ice-cold hand in his. 他望着那双闭了的眼睛,他抓住那只枯皱冰冷的手。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. As it turns out, the United States and China are going to walk hand in hand into the renewable energy future. 不出我们所料,中美此次捐弃前嫌,下定决心要在可再生能源领域携手大干一番了。 www.bing.com 5. Yuen Wah, will be more honest and higher quality, more out of service with your hand in hand with a takeoff, to meet to create a new future. 源华,将以更加诚实更高品质、更加完美的服务与您一道携手共进腾飞,去迎接创造新的未来。 www.tonke.cn 6. Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files last night. 昨天晚上,汤姆坐在我的电脑桌子前偷看我电脑里的材料的时候被我当场抓到。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Life will be magnificent with you and me, hand in hand, sharing tears and laughter together! 生命因你而精彩,让我们手牵着手,一起欢笑,一起分担,一直到老! love21cn.msn.com.cn 8. He operates as if individual personalities did not have a hand in cultural events. 他工作起来颇具个人特质,似乎和所有文化活动都没有关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. My view was like that of the Lion King, that if you stick your hand in my cage and paw me, watch out. 我的观点和《狮子王》里说的一样,如果你把爪子伸到我的笼子里来抓我,那咱走着瞧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Interestingly, however, luxury and productivity always seem to progress and economic development go hand in hand. 不过有意思的是,奢侈似乎总是与生产力进步、经济发展如影随形。 www.xiami360.com 1. Accompanied by a ray of Sun's lingering, chill-out eyes, and your hand in the cold streets, suck a mouthful of tea, near you. 伴随着缕缕冬雨的缠绵,免不掉寒意悱恻,与你牵手在这冷冷的街头,吮一口热茶,靠近你。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Just follow the media. On the one hand in technology and sexuality everything seems to be possible. 关注一下媒体,一方面,在科技和性别问题上什麽都看似有可能。 www.bing.com 3. The Bank of England is generally thought to have played a poor hand in its intervention in the panic of 1825. 人们普遍认为,英国央行在干预1825年恐慌时没起什么作用。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But evidence suggests that trade liberalization has not always gone hand in hand with reductions in inequality. 但是,有证据表明,贸易自由化并不总是去携手减少不平等。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Driving to far place with you and ask the way hand in hand and screen the beautiful scenery on the way. 一起开车去一次很远的地方,手拉手的向路人问路,沿途拍下所有的美景。 club.learning.sohu.com 6. Once the girl got her hand in, she was soon getting through as much work as the more experienced machinists. 一旦掌握了技术,这个姑娘不久就会做得像更有经验的机工一样多。 www.godict.com 7. That would be appalling, and that would be the point at which I would hand in my membership. 这是非常可怕的,正是基于这一点,我辞去了我的教会职务。 www.ted.com 8. Apart from the love of men and women, when people do not walk hand in hand. 除了热恋中的男女,步行时一般人都不手拉手。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. When we walk together And you smile at passers-by I feel proud to be with you As I take your hand in mine. . . 当我们携手散步,你对着路人微笑;当我握着你的手,我感觉如此自豪。 bbs.wwenglish.org 10. Whereafter, at ease he made to go, hand in pocket. 然后,他双手插在口袋里,悠悠闲闲的走了。 blog.china.alibaba.com 1. Please feel free to call to Yihan, we will work with you to create the future hand in hand. 欢迎随时来电来涵,我们将与您携手共创未来。 test.b2easy.com 2. Some telecom execs suspect Apple is trying to gain the upper hand in talks with DoCoMo. 一些电信高层认为,苹果致力于加大和DoCoMo交谈的砝码。 www.bing.com 3. USA has never supported a democracy since the end of WWII and in fact has had a hand in overthrowing more than a few. 自从二战结束后,美国就没有支持过一个民主国家,事实上倒是推翻了不止一个(民主国家)。 www.tianya.cn 4. But poor people and poor countries could soon end up paying the heaviest price for a mess they have had no hand in creating. 但很快,穷人和穷国可能会为这场危机付出最沉重的代价,而这场危机并非由它们制造。 www.ftchinese.com 5. You show it, or signal it. You might have raised your hand in response to her query. 如果不是通过喊话说明你在,举手示意也是对点名的回应。 www.bing.com 6. Your hair random time. . . I'll smile for you dial the basketball. . . Then. . . Hand in your hair is recalling stay a few seconds. 你头发乱了时候…我会笑笑的替你拨一拨…然后…手还留恋的在你发上多待几秒。 home.i21st.cn 7. Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to hand in a plan to the general manager's office. 星期二下午,她被派往总经理办公室去送交一份计划。 www.jukuu.com 8. He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage. 他放弃了向这个女孩求婚的想法。 www.nciku.cn 9. So, there's this theory that it all goes hand-in-hand, but nobody has looked closely enough to explain exactly how or why this occurs. 尽管该理论各项情况研究之间都存在紧密的联系,但是没有人足够准确地解释这种情况是如何或者为何发生的。 www.bioon.com 10. Yet the degree to which Beijing will be willing to give private and foreign groups a free hand in the earthquake zone remains unclear. 不过,中国政府是否愿意给予私人及外国组织在震区多大的自由度,目前尚不清楚。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Length of days is in her right hand; In her left hand are riches and honor. 她右手有长寿,左手有财富与尊荣。 www.71630.com 2. Look, that pair of dancers are hand in hand coming to us. Next our beautiful teachers will bring bold and unrestrained dance . 看,那一对对的舞者正携手向走来。下面有情美丽的老师为带来激情奔放的拉丁舞。 www.xielw.cn 3. Each of them had a hand in the matter. 他们每个人都参与这件事了。 www.dearedu.com 4. He turned away from the bed and began strolling up and down again, one hand in his pocket. 他从床边走开,又开始来回踱步,一只手放在口袋里。 www.jukuu.com 5. I raised my hand in nervousness, and cried to hear You suffer the pain, because You took the pain from us and suffered it for us. 我紧张地举了手。当我听说您为了拿走我们的病痛,而自己承担那些苦时,我哭了。 sm2000.org 6. The distinction can be exquisitely subtle, the writer showing his hand in just a single word. 这种区分可以如此精巧微妙,以至作者可以只在一个词中露出身形。 www.ecocn.org 7. She didn't turn to look at me, but took my hand in hers and squeezed it for a moment. 她没有转过身来,而是把我的手放在她的手里紧攥了一会儿。 www.0592en.com 8. The company's lawyers had attempted to gain the upper hand in a patent case by highlighting safety concerns about the company's own product. 公司的律师藉由强调安全对公司自制品的关心尝试在一个专利情形中上扬上面的手。 dict.bioon.com 9. He readily responded to his daughter's drawing her arm through his, and took--and kept--her hand in both his own. 他的女几揽住他的胳膊,他反应很快,立即用双手抓住她的手不放。 iphone.unisk.cn 10. You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it. 你会发现爱是一个微笑或一次帮助,在一个深思的手势或一个慈祥的工作。他就在周围,只要你向他看 bbs.ebigear.com 1. This time, Martin's face relaxed into a smile of pure pleasure. Again and again, he put his hand in the bucket and gave it to the foal. 这回,马丁的脸色轻松了,绽开了真正喜悦的笑容。他一次又一次把手伸进桶里,喂马驹奶吃。 dict.ebigear.com 2. She tried to win in the competition, but she had to throw her hand in at last. 她曾试图赢得那场比赛,但最后还是不得不放弃努力。 cindybeijing1.blog.sohu.com 3. See you smile was really happy, I am unable to resist reality, my heart wound recovered after your sword and by his hand in painting. 看到你笑真的很开心,我无力反抗现实,我心上的伤好了之后你又亲手用刀在画上。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Today, I tried to put my friend's hand in lukewarm water while he was sleeping, to see if he'd pee himself. 今天我试图趁男朋友睡觉的时候把他的手放进温水里,看看是不是真的会导致他尿床。 www.bucter.com 5. Because exploration often goes hand in hand with research, scientists are finding themselves on the front line. 由于开发往往和研究紧密相连,科学家们发现自己正处在风口浪尖之上。 www.bing.com 6. There was nothing left to say, he just showed the bread with his shivering hand in front of her. 只会把拧着面包的手在她眼前晃。 my.popiano.org 7. On the condition that you hand in the medical check, you can be prepared to sign the contract on May. 22nd. 如果你已经递交了医学检查,那么你可以准备在五月二十二号签合同。 bbs.24en.com 8. He flashed the knife, which he held open in his hand, in the light of the lantern. 他把藏在衣袖里的刀子拿出来在路灯光下亮了一下。 www.ebigear.com 9. Gosh, when parents realize that they might get a huge dowery for the hand in marriage of their rare daughters, girls may be in vogue again. 天啊,他们知道自己不能给出足够的嫁妆后他们会珍惜女孩,女孩会成为一种潮流。 www.ltaaa.com 10. She waves her hand in your direction and the ground begins to shake violently as if a volcano was about to erupt. 她挥手往你的方向一指,整个地面开始剧烈摇晃,犹如将爆发前的火山。 forum.gamer.com.tw 1. As the young man looked doubtful, Durbeyfield put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a shilling. 因为那小伙子显出疑惑的神情,德贝菲尔就把手伸进口袋,掏出一先令。 get198.blog.163.com 2. A hand in her hair meant only one thing. Get out. Get moving. Now. 一只手在头发只告诉一件事,走人,现在就走。 www.preferpoker7.com 3. Pakistanis' growing sense of autarky has led them to overplay their hand in negotiations with the United States. 巴基斯坦日益增强的自给自足意识使得他们在同美国谈判时过高地估计了自己。 www.bing.com 4. Tells me, us certainly can hand in hand pass through, that piece of toward the sun colored field. 告诉我,我们一定会携手穿过,那片向阳的花田。 www.blogcn.com 5. Then dress up and "attend" the dinner walking up to the table hand in hand with your love. 接下来,要盛装“出席”晚宴,和牵手恋人共赴餐桌。 www.bing.com 6. He revealed his almighty power in Christ when he raised him from the dead and had him sit at his right hand in heaven. 正如他已将这德能施展在基督身上,使他从死者中复活,叫他在天上坐在自己右边。 www.ccreadbible.org 7. The children went on an outing hand in hand by twos . 孩子们两两地手拉着手出去郊游。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In the past a few the middle of a month, because overfatigue dies, two keep a hand in the United States' very eminent rich guest. 在过去几个月中,有两位在美国非常有名的博客写手因过劳死亡。 itzhe.cn 9. If we have to recall the first time you held my hand. In a train station near Essen. You were worrying about my sense of direction. 如果真的要追溯到第一次牵手。那么是在杜塞尔多夫火车站。你是怕我走丢了。方向感超级差的我。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. While lining up to hand in their passport applications, Ritsu realizes she forgot her ID so she sends her brother, Satoshi, to fetch it. 当她们忙于申请护照之际,律惊觉得自己忘了带身份证,便差遣哥哥送过来。 vcddvd88.com 1. Rosenberg had drawn the money from the Panamanian account of a client, in order to conceal his hand in the scheme. 罗森博格从一位客户的巴拿马账户取了这笔钱,为的是掩盖他参与了策划。 www.bing.com 2. Leonardo da Vinci's 16th century masterpiece is now able to move her head and wave her hand in 3D, and even answer questions. 现在通过3D技术,这幅达·芬奇笔下的16世纪的杰作不仅可以转头、挥手,甚至还可以回答人们的提问。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Can so full of joy walk hand in hand in the U. S. belong to only love the Garden of Eden? 是否还能这样满心欢喜的携手漫步于只属于我们的爱情伊甸园? bbs.fairage.com 4. Some of those trends come hand in hand with more young people attending college, which can be a double-edged sword. 伴随以上这些趋势,如今上大学的年轻人越来越多,这也是双刃剑。 www.bing.com 5. With no more than a primary school education, he started as an untrained worker, a so-called "black hand" , in a Gangshan workshop. 在冈山镇的一个工场,只有小学教育程度的他从一个没有经过任何训练的工人做起,也就是所谓的“黑手”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Deng Xiaoping once proposed the principle of "both hands" idea, but it turned out to be "GDP one hand" in some grass-root governments. 邓小平同志提出的“两手抓,两手都要硬”的思想,到了一些基层却变成了“GDP一只手”。 sard.ruc.edu.cn 7. So he stood in a long queue to hand in his resume to HR, but later he figured out that the role was to design shelves in supermarkets. 所以他排长队想要把自己的简历递给招聘人员,但稍后他才弄明白,这一职位的工作内容是设计超市里的货架。 gb.cri.cn 8. China's economic development and integration into the international system have gone hand-in-hand with the strengthening of the U. 中国的经济发展和融入国际体系与美中关系的加强同步进行。 www.kouyi.org 9. Yes, and I'd like this sweater washed by hand in cold water. It might shrink otherwise. 这件毛衣要用冷水手洗,否则会缩水。 www.cstra.cn 10. Gavroche engulfed his hand in another of his pockets and drew out a paper folded in four. 伽弗洛什把他的拳头塞进另一个口袋,从那里抽出一张一折四的纸。 www.ebigear.com 1. If I can operate it here, that's the hand in a position that you would use as a human to do what we call the power grip. 如果我这样操作,仿生手就会做出一个“抓”的动作,从而我们就可以紧紧抓住物体。 bbs.netat.net 2. Forward hand in hand to create brilliance of the cause of satellite with you! 与你们携手前进共创卫星事业的辉煌! emuch.net 3. We are ready to people at home and abroad and carried out various forms of cooperation, hand in hand, and common prosperity. 我们愿与海内外各界人士开展各种形式的合作,携手并进,共同繁荣。 www.tonke.cn 4. If you do not hand in a draft, you deprive yourself of feedback from the class and me on your ideas. 你若不缴交初稿,等于是放弃了让我或者是同学对你的想法提出回应的机会。 www.myoops.org 5. S. foreign policy and that the U. S. government had a hand in spreading AIDS to harm blacks. 后者多次说,911事件是对美国外交政策的惩罚,美国政府传播艾滋病来伤害黑人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Our company sincerely welcomes traveling merchants all over the whole world for visit , guidance and cooperation hand in hand ! 本公司将以真诚的态度欢迎世界各地的客商莅临参观指导,携手合作! www.bing.com 7. Imagine this moment you were sitting on the splendid music hall, the conductor hand in the air shimmering baton elegant dance. 想象此刻你正坐在富丽堂皇的音乐大厅里,乐队指挥手中的闪闪发亮的指挥棒在空中优雅的舞动。 www.zzzdao.com 8. With the sad end of a relationship, their photos hand-in-hand, diamond wedding rings or sweet kisses live on only in old magazines. 一段恋情宣告结束,过去杂志中十指相扣,结婚钻戒,以及甜蜜亲吻的种种照片便瞬间成为过去。 www.24en.com 9. "With a few exceptions, healthy food choices can also go hand in hand with choices that are good for the environment, " the guidelines read. 规范上指出“虽然有个别特例,但选择健康食品和选择环保食品通常是没有冲突的。” www.bing.com 10. He rests over her left hand in a position that, to my understanding, is far from comfortable. 在我看来,她这种左手支头的休息姿势远远谈不上舒适。 www.bing.com 1. Mr. Bush plans to ask Chinese leaders about their hand in three trouble spots: Darfur, Burma, and Iran. 布什计划就三个棘手点向中国领导人发问:达尔福尔、缅甸和伊朗。 www.stnn.cc 2. One of the reasons people aspire to be famous is that they assume getting rich goes hand in hand with it. 人们渴求出名的原因之一是他们假设财富也会随之携手而来。 www.bing.com 3. Yeah, but I can catch him with his hand in the tell, and that's grand larceny, twenty-five yearstolife. 是的,但我可以在他下手时抓住他。那可是巨额盗窃罪,至少判二十五年,还有可能终身监禁。 www.bing.com 4. "On the one hand, in the China market everything seems to be cheap, " Mr So says. “一方面,在中国市场上,所有东西似乎都很便宜,”苏耀明说道。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He took a hand in helping to stabilize the situation. 他为稳定局势出了一臂之力。 dict.ebigear.com 6. We wish new and old customers to get hand in hand and cooperate, make development together, go up to the glorious tomorrow. 我们愿与新老客户携手合作,共同发展,步入辉煌的明天。 www.yjbys.com 7. But at least this year, tax day comes hand in hand with a superb infographic. 但是至少在今年,纳税时代携同一个超棒的数据图表到来了。 dongxi.net 8. with you hand in hand, life for a lifetime. you agree? -certainly wants! 和你牵手一辈子,你愿意吗?-两辈子吧! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Bolun Essences Company will create a wonderful fragrant world hand in hand with you with our high-quality products and the best services. 博伦香精以高品质的产品和最佳的服务,与您携手共创一片美好的芬芳天地。 china.toocle.com 10. To speed up the process, the former owners should hand in the necessary documents as soon as possible, he said. 他提醒前业主须尽快递交有关文件以便加快查证业权的程序。 www.hplb.gov.hk 1. With the rapid development of this organizational form, the management control issue has always been hand in hand with Shadow. 在这种组织形式的快速发展的同时,管理控制问题始终与之形影相随。 www.boshuo.net 2. The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he will not even bring it back to his mouth! 懒惰人放手在盘子里,就是向口撤回,他也不肯。 www.ebigear.com 3. Portability and good design often go hand in hand, making the benefits of these decisions evident throughout the operating system. 可移植性和良好的设计通常是密不可分的,从而使得这些决策的好处在整个操作系统中显而易见。 www.ibm.com 4. Thus: do not hand in these problems! I recommend that you do as much as possible of this. 这样的话,这些就不要上交了﹗我建议你们尽可能完成它们。 www.myoops.org 5. We welcome people of every devout excellent cooperation go hand in hand. 我们欢迎国内外各界优秀人士虔诚合作,携手并进。 www.bing.com 6. In the past English gentlemen used to kiss a woman's hand in greeting, but between males a masculine handshake was considered good manners. 在过去,绅士们总是会亲吻女士的手来表示欢迎,而男士之间握手被公认为是礼貌的。 q.163.com 7. When charity is needed, he is always the first to put his hand in his pocket. 当需要慈善募捐时,他总是第一个把手放进口袋里。 files.edutt.com 8. At the end of each day, you hand in one of your tickets until they are all gone. 每天结束时,你都要交上一张票,直达把它们全都用光。 www.bing.com 9. The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy. 这种激发艺术家的探索意识与一种新型的人生哲学携手共进。 m.anoah.com 10. Walled on young women to hear these signals, go hand in hand to the amusement side slope duet love songs with guests. 寨上女青年听到这些信号,结伴到游方坡同客人对唱情歌。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The little boy walked hand in hand with his mother. 小男孩和他母亲手拉手地走。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. To stroll along the silver beach hand in hand with my beloved who buried me in my last life is the best happiness for me. 与前世埋过我的爱人,携手在银色的沙滩,那该是今生最完美的一种幸福了吧。 www.ebigear.com 3. You could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it. 你用尽一切办法,也不能打动我的心,叫我接受你的求婚。 www.ebigear.com 4. Please hand in the application form to the front desk to get a VIP card. 请将此申请表交到总台领取VIP卡。 www.68888123.com 5. And so, by subtle degrees, as the weeks passed, George's style began to retake the upper hand in a not entirely unwelcome fashion. 就这样,潜移默化地,几个星期后,乔治的风格又重新占了上风,不过这次的方式倒不是完全不受欢迎。 www.joyen.net 6. I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise. 我想这件毛衣要放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的。 www.bing.com 7. Governments hoping for a helping hand in bond markets will have to look farther afield than their own tottering banks. 希望助债券市场一臂之力的国家除了维持步履维艰的银行外还得有更长远的目标。 www.bing.com 8. dream hand in hand Shuttle to the various cells of the body, I am full of strength, feeling better with an unlimited future. 梦想如影随形地穿梭在身体的各个细胞,我充满力量,感受着无限美好的未来。 wenwen.soso.com 9. leaving him with his hand in the fire to be terribly wounded. 只留下他一个人,手在火中被严重烧伤。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. The general manager seriously required that all the staff hand in their personal background information before the weekend. 总经理严肃要求所有员工在周末前上交个人背景材料。 www.91class.com 1. With you hand in hand altogether With greets the nationality industrial development the tide. 与您携手共同迎接民族工业发展的浪潮。 www.99inf.com 2. This will help bring you to a new level so you can deal with the issue at hand in the right spirit. 这将使你提高到一个新水平,这样你就可以以正确的心态处理手头的问题。 www.bing.com 3. Move your hand in haste before another's eyes and his eyelids will blink. 把你的手在别人眼前出其不意地挥一下,你会发现他的眼睑本能地一眨; www.way2english.com 4. It looked as if his side had gained the upper hand in the negotiation. 看来他这一方在谈判中占了优势。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. Why does private wealth seem to go hand in hand with public squalor? 为什么私人的财富与公众的赤贫紧密结合? www.douban.com 6. Matthew looked up, window is the children's hand in to Matthew farewell. 马修抬头一看,窗口全是孩子们的手在向马修告别。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The fear that a global "currency war" could get out of hand in 2011 will certainly be a theme of the World Economic Forum. 人们对2011年全球“汇率战争”将变得不可收拾的担忧,必将成为世界经济论坛(WEF)的一个主题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hand In hand about thIs valley, for fIfteen years, roamed I wIth Eleonora before love entered wIthIn our hearts. 十五年来,我和艾蕾奥瑙拉手挽手地在山谷徘徊,心头就滋生了爱情。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Pyongyang may have revealed the progress it has made to strengthen its hand in future negotiations on disarmament. 平壤公布铀浓缩项目或许旨在未来在去核化谈判中增加筹码。 cn.reuters.com 10. They do not necessarily go hand in hand , but it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation . 他们不一定齐头并进,但一直存在着相关证明。 www.bing.com 1. But once the blade is in the field it is up to the cutting operator to apply a blade to the job-at-hand in a profitable manner. 但一旦刀片是在外地,是由刀切割操作适用于求职者在手在有利可图的方式。 www.cc-bi.com 2. While crashes are often associated with bear markets, they do not necessarily go hand in hand. 尽管股市崩溃与熊市常常被同时提及,它们并不一定同时发生。 www.bing.com 3. Hot soups, warm beverages and spicy food go hand in hand to help you reduce the symptoms of a hangover. 热汤,热饮以及麻辣的食物都可以帮助缓解宿醉症状。 www.bing.com 4. You must reject it out of hand in defence of traditional academic values. 为了捍卫传统学术价值,你必须立刻回绝。 www.websaru.com 5. And for those who still could not afford their own handsets, help was at hand in the form of microfinance. 而那些仍旧不能负担起购买一部手机的人,很容易得到小额信贷的资助方式。 club.topsage.com 6. Fantine took the sister's hand in her moist hands, and the latter was pained to feel that perspiration . 芳汀把那姆姆的手握在自己潮润的手里,姆姆触到了汗液,深感不快。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Hook on the wedding of posts, to decorate a "long drive knot" , meaning a pair of lovers always go hand in hand dependent, and never part. 在新婚的帖钩上,装饰一个“盘长结”,寓意一对相爱的人永远相随相依,永不分离。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Before we knew it in time, happiness is also a proud! Happy for all the world like to be able to hand in hand! 时间在不知不觉中,快乐也是一种骄傲!愿世界所有人能够快乐相随! zhidao.baidu.com 9. A bald man in a very long purple coat had actually shaken his hand in the street the other day and then walked away without a word. 一个穿紫色拖地长袍地秃头男子在大街上竟然跑过来跟他握手,之后一句话没说就走开了。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 10. Vice President Reynolds stands in the hotel kitchen holding one hand in the air, and the other on a Bible held by a local judge. 副总统Reynolds站在一家酒店的厨房,一只手举在空中,另一只放在当地法官托住的圣经上。 www.bing.com 1. hospitality integrity, fairness and mutual benefit, with an open mind learning, and a hand in hand. 诚信待客,公平互利,虚心学习,携手并创。 www.tonke.cn 2. "Indonesia can be a model where Islamand democracy exist hand in hand, with no contradiction between the two, " he told CNN. 他告诉CNN记者:“印尼可以成为一个典范。在这里,伊斯兰教和民主制度和谐共存,两者没有矛盾。” www.bing.com 3. JINDIAN will cooperate with you sincerely and create the beautiful tomorrow with you hand in hand. 金典人热忱欢迎国内外厂商的咨询和选购,金典真诚与您合作,携手共创美好明天。 www.cr-expo.com 4. Aladdin put his hand in Abanazar's pocket and took out the lamp. He put it carefully into the pocket of his coat, and then stood up. 阿拉丁马手伸进阿巴那扎尔的口袋里,掏出了神灯,然后小心地把它放进自己的外衣口袋里,站了起来。 www.chinaedu.com 5. All the staff hope to develop sincerely with you, creating the glories hand in hand. 公司全体员工愿与您真诚共发展,携手共创辉煌。 www.bm2088.com 6. They were hand in hand and talking intimately all the time, making others feel that they were a loving couple. 两个人手挽着手,不时地窃窃私语,给人的感觉像是一对很恩爱的夫妻。 shouji.ebigear.com 7. He was helped painstakingly into an armchair and he raised his hand in a familiar wave as the applause and whoops continued. 他被帮助着费力地坐进扶手椅,在持续不断的掌声和呼喊中他抬起了手习惯性挥舞。 www.bing.com 8. Steve hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. 史蒂夫很快完成了测验,并且第一个交上了答卷。 www.24en.com 9. I had no hand in the matter. 我没有插手此事。 wenwen.soso.com 10. In short, they gave the world a fine hand in almost any game of international bragging rights, not that they like to dwell on the past. 简而言之,但凡是在世界上有吹嘘资本的,他们差不多都有那么一手。这倒不是说他们喜欢陈耽往事。 www.bing.com |
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