单词 | handcuff |
释义 | handcuffed是handcuff的过去式
第三人称单数:handcuffs 现在分词:handcuffing 过去式:handcuffed 例句释义: 手铐,给…上手铐,带上手铐,上手铐的 1. Bystanders are often handcuffed at gunpoint, as happened to one of Lexington's blameless friends a few weeks ago in Washington, DC. 就连目击者也常常被拷起双手,被枪顶着,几周前华盛顿特区莱克星顿的一个朋友就是这样,他是无辜的。 www.ecocn.org 2. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me. 之后我被警察铐起来塞进了警车,那小子站在车外指着我大笑个不停。 bbs.plu.cn 3. Although he is still handcuffed, Jack is able to steal one of the agents' guns and make it out of the power plant. 尽管手上仍然戴着手铐,杰克还是设法从一名特工那里夺了一把枪,逃出了电厂外。 www.bing.com 4. None of the young boy's experiences from childhood to this moment, sitting handcuffed in a chair, are of his own doing. 这个年轻的小伙子带着手铐坐在椅子上,他所讲述的从童年到现在的生活经历并不是他自己所做过事。 www.elanso.com 5. Today, I woke up handcuffed to a flagpole at my college wearing nothing but a pink lacy thong and bra. 今天我醒来发现自己被铐在学校的旗杆上,身上只穿着粉红色的蕾丝胸罩和丁字裤。 bucter.com 6. The police handcuffed the robber, when he had come up with him. 那个警察追上劫匪,给他带上了手铐。 www.rr365.com 7. As the EMTs strapped the burly man into a stretcher, the police handcuffed his arms and legs to the stretcher. 救护车把男人抬上了担架,同时警察也拷上了那名男子的手脚。 www.hjenglish.com 8. He struggled and spit out curses at me as he was handcuffed. 他被戴上手铐时,一边挣扎,一边骂我。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. It is reported that when the police handcuffed wrists to Andre, he seemed relieved to say: "I have been waiting for you for a long time. " 据悉,当警方给安德烈的手腕戴上手铐时,他似乎显得如释重负地说:“我已经等了你们很长时间了。” www.englishtang.com 10. Many sites have produced such a title: "China has been Judge of the Czech police brutality, was handcuffed handcuffs . " 很多网站都制作这样的标题:“中国女主持遭捷克警察粗暴对待,被铐手铐”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The images of a handcuffed and unshaven Dominique are constantly being aired on all the news channels of the world. 不断出现在世界各地新闻频道上的多米尼克双手带拷、胡子拉碴。 dongxi.net 2. As he was taken from the prosecutor's office, Mr Chen lifted his handcuffed hands and shouted: "Political persecution. " 当陈水扁被带出检方办公室时,他举起带着手铐的双手高喊:“政治迫害。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Jung was handcuffed and tied by his arms to an object behind him so he could not stand or sit. 郑光日戴着手铐,双手被绑在身后一个东西上,这样他既不能站,也不能坐。 www.bing.com 4. In short order, students would be handcuffed and humiliated, parents mortified and lessons learned at a harsh cost. 没过多久,有些学生将被带上手铐而感到羞愧,有些家长感到丢脸,而汲取教训的代价相当惨重。 kk.dongxi.net 5. The French were particularly indignant at the sight of a handcuffed Mr Strauss-Kahn doing the "perp" walk in New York. 而使法国人格外义愤填膺的是看到戴着手铐的卡恩被迫在纽约街头“游街示众”的情景。 www.ecocn.org 6. The professor was slammed against the wall , his body frisked , his wrists handcuffed, his dignity lost . 教授被猛推倒墙上,被搜了身,手被拷着,尊严尽失。 www.bing.com 7. In the transcripts, Dream writes about being treated like a criminal, being handcuffed by British immigration officers. 在翻译文本中,化名“梦想”的妇女写道曾被英国移民官员铐上手铐当作罪犯对待。 www.bing.com 8. With you it is different. You have health and much to live for, and you must be handcuffed to life somehow. 你身强力壮,还有许多值得活着去追求的东西,因此非得跟生活铐在一起不可。 yingyuxuexiwang.com 9. They handcuffed him to a chair, and they tacked his penis to a table with a six-inch nail. 他们把他铐在伊个椅子上,他们将他的生殖器用六英寸长的钉子钉在桌子上。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Following a violent struggle, the young man was disarmed, handcuffed and carried to a waiting cruiser. 经过一阵激烈搏斗,少年枪犯被缴了枪,戴上手铐,押上了一辆等候着的巡逻警车。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Gates yelled to a crowd outside his house as he was handcuffed. 当他被戴上手铐时,盖茨向房子周围的人群大喊。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Li appeared in court handcuffed with a newly shaved head and was convicted of destroying property and stealing $18, 000. 剃了光头的李俊戴着手铐出现在法庭,被判犯有破坏计算机信息系统罪及盗窃18,000美元。 cn.wsj.com 3. The teenager, who was handcuffed to a prison guard in court today, showed no emotion as the sentence was passed. 今天庭审的时候,被手铐拷着的Ramsden在法庭面无表情的听完宣判,随后被法警送往监狱。 www.bing.com 4. On Friday, the dead body of a handcuffed Chinese man was found near the Chiang Saen port. 周五,一具带着手铐的中国人尸体在清盛港附近被发现。 blog.renren.com 5. Investigators with the Brevik re-take the shot line, roughly again, several times during the handcuffed him shackled. 调查人员随布雷维克把枪击路线大致重走一遍,期间数次给他戴上手铐脚镣。 www.englishtang.com 6. But he was handcuffed to a bed like a cage, with two warders guarding him. 但是,他被手锆锁在像笼子一样的病床上,床边有两位守卫在看着他。 www.ecocn.org 7. Students could take turns being handcuffed and marched out of the classroom in front of their colleagues. 学生们可以轮流感受众目睽睽之下双手被铐,被押解出教室。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The same cannot be said, however, about the banking crisis that has handcuffed the US and world economies. 然而,给美国及世界经济套上枷锁的银行业危机却并非如此。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Taiwan's first political power turnover President Chen Shui-bian became the first handcuffed former President due to suspected fraud. 台湾第一位政党轮替的总统陈水扁,因涉嫌贪渎成为首位被铐上手铐的前总统。 www.cetd.com.tw 10. Houdini was known for his death-defying stunts like escaping from a water chamber while being handcuffed. 他以挑战死亡的特技而广为人知,像是戴著手铐从水箱中脱逃就是其一。 english.tw 1. Both died very brutally, the captain with both hands handcuffed together, and two bullet holes in his abdomen. 死的都很惨,船长双手被手铐铐住,腹部有两个枪眼。 page.renren.com 2. A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun . 阿拉巴马州监狱中的一名犯人被罚铐在正午的太阳下的铁杆上。 www.bing.com 3. Parkside police handcuffed him, and Brookhaven police took him into custody at the scene, Young said. 柏丽警察给他戴上手铐,并布鲁克海文国家实验室警方拘留了在现场的他,年轻的说。 forum.xitek.com 4. Once detained, these individuals were handcuffed, blindfolded and thrown onto the floor of the perpetrator's car. 一旦被扣押,这些人被扣上手铐、蒙上眼罩然后扔到犯罪实施者的车上。 www.bing.com 5. Within seconds, "roller blading officer" has handcuffed a colleague posing as a thief. 只用了几秒时间,“溜冰警察”就为这个贼人扣上了手铐。 www.jukuu.com 6. Arrestees were handcuffed so tight their hands turned blue. Many of these people have yet to regain feeling in their extremities. 被捕者被反扣上手铐,使得他们的手变为了青蓝色。其中许多人至今都肢体麻痹。 www.gu8888.com 7. Police in the back of the committee room held an apparently handcuffed man with the foam covering his face and shirt. 在会议室后面的警察举行的泡沫覆盖他的脸,衬衫显然戴着手铐的男子。 www.englishtang.com 8. No one is actually following the heavy methodologies we have handcuffed ourselves with. 实际上没有一个人真的遵守那些曾经用来自缚的重量级方法。 www.diybl.com 9. Police were summoned. Hyman was released while Neill was handcuffed and taken away in a police car. 海曼得到释放,然而尼尔却被铐上手铐,由一辆警车带走了。 www.bing.com 10. After a police officer arrived, Li was charged with assault and handcuffed, but he was soon released unconditionally. 当一名警员到场后,李被指控施暴,被戴上手铐。但不久便被无条件释放。 www.zlzx200.com 1. I was worried about being handcuffed and led out of the shop in front of my customers. 我害怕戴上手铐在顾客面前被带出餐馆。 www.bing.com 2. The images of women barefoot on the street, handcuffed and tied to a rope, enraged internet users. 被绳子绑住的妇女赤脚走在街上的画面激怒了网民。 www.bing.com 3. If you find yourself handcuffed in a dream this shows that you will be beset by enemies. 如果你发现自己铐在一个梦想,这表明你将面临的敌人。 word.hcbus.com 4. Under French law, suspects may not be shown handcuffed, nor their faces exposed. 按照法国法律,嫌疑人的脸部和其戴手铐画片是不能向外暴露的。 www.ecocn.org 5. A man lies handcuffed with his artificial leg after US Marines caught him and other looters robbing from a bank. 一名男子带着手拷在于他的假肢后,美国海军陆战队士兵抓住他,并从银行抢劫者抢劫。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. On the other hand, these features bring more options for those who need them, and I'd rather have more options than to be handcuffed. 另一方面,这些特性为那些需要的人提供了更多的选择,我宁愿有更多的选择,而不是戴上手铐。 sites.google.com 7. a uniformed officer handcuffed her and threw her in a squad car . 一个穿警服的警察拷上她,然后把她扔进了警车。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Sometimes now they are using captives as human shields. We found some dead bodies handcuffed to the wheel inside tanks. 现在,他们有时利用俘虏当人盾。我们在坦克群(的残骸)里发现有一些被铐起来排成圈的尸体。 news.chinaunix.net 9. But instead of being handed free ale the wanted men found themselves confronted by police, handcuffed and under arrest. 然后到了那时候送上门的却不是免费啤酒,而是给他们带上手铐,送入大牢的警察们。 www.jfdaily.com 10. "He was going for his gun, " Jimmy said. "But that moment a policeman arrived, and handcuffed him. " “他准备取枪,”吉米说,“但就在那时,一名警察赶到了现场并逮捕了他。” blog.163.com 1. Patients in group B(173 teeth) were treated with glass fiber post, cobalt-chromium alloy handcuffed ceramic crowns. B组173颗重度楔状缺损牙,采用玻璃纤维桩、钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复。 www.bing.com 2. Many other defendants were handcuffed but were not wearing prison clothes. 许多别的被告上了手铐,但没穿囚衣。 www.bing.com 3. He was not handcuffed during the hearing. 预审期间他没有戴手铐。 chinese.wsj.com 4. While handcuffed and chained with three other men in a cold , paint peeling, eternally gloomy, 10 -by- 12- foot room . 我们手上带着手铐,四个人被铁链锁在一起,关在一处阴冷、斑驳、沉郁、只有10步宽12步长的房子里。 www.bing.com 5. On board the ships, slaves were handcuffed and their legs were shackled. 在船上,奴隶们会被戴上手铐和脚链。 www.bing.com 6. Vernon zhong: What bad luck i has. Handcuffed three times a day. 仲天骐:我在走什么霉运,一天被铐三次。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The sick bay inmates have handcuffed a bloody Rizzo to a pipe while they run wild through the room. 病号区的犯人将受伤的Rizzo铐在了管道上,他们在房间里狂奔乱窜。 www.bing.com 8. The two were handcuffed together. 两人的手拷在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. One cop held downthe robber while another handcuffed him. 一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。 elearning.shu.edu.cn 10. He was handcuffed and remanded in custody for sentencing on Nov 29. 默里被戴上手铐关押起来,等待本月29日的宣判。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. After some discussion, I was handcuffed. 在一些讨论之后,我被铐上了。 www.bing.com 2. When the officers stopped us, they forced us to the ground and handcuffed us. 警察阻止我们的时候,把我们压倒在地,然后铐上了手铐。 www.ftchinese.com 3. How can I blow my nose when I'm handcuffed to the bed? 我被铐在床上,要怎么擤鼻涕? www.360abc.com 4. Handcuffed a guy in bed? 把男人用手铐拷起来? blog.sina.com.cn 5. And this is not only because of the cruel images of this once-powerful man handcuffed, tired and unshaved. 而这不仅仅因为这位权倾一时的人物被戴上手铐、神情疲倦、胡子拉茬等不堪的画面。 www.ftchinese.com 6. On a nine-day solitary confinement when he was handcuffed and shackled in jail after an argument with the police 关于在与警察争论之后,他带着手铐和脚镣遭受9天的强制管教 blog.sina.com.cn 7. handcuffed him to a chair 以手铐反锁在椅上 www.for68.com 8. Patients in group A(109 teeth) were treated with cast cobalt-chromium alloy post, cobalt-chromium alloy handcuffed ceramic crowns; A组109颗重度楔状缺损牙,采用铸造钴铬合金桩、钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复; www.bing.com |
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