单词 | Hicks |
释义 | 例句释义: 希克斯,西克斯,鲱,反应迟钝的人 1. Backed by wealthy investors like Hicks, and tapping into a huge fan base all over the world, Premier League clubs have struck gold. 得到了希克斯这样富有投资者的支持,走近遍布全球的球迷受众,英超联赛已经勘探到金矿。 www.bing.com 2. Hicks said, 'and a lot of that copper is going to go into the electric grid. 希克斯说,中国正出现电力短缺,大量的铜都将用于电纲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. "The idea that Tom Hicks was an innocent party in the Klinsmann saga is a joke, " said the senior figure. 要说希克斯在克林斯曼事件里是无辜的,那可真是个笑话,高层如是说。 www.lfcbbs.com 4. But it highlights the increasingly precarious financial position Hicks finds himself in. 但是日益严峻的财务状态只有希克斯心知肚明。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. If Hicks is successful in court it could clear the way for a series of damages claims against the bank and the former club directors. 如果希克斯胜诉的话预料他会向银行及前利物浦董事索取赔偿。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. Tom Hicks has allegedly scuppered at least two 'perfect fit' offers for Liverpool, because of his unreasonable asking price. 希SB让至少两个购买的“完美”出价希望落空,这完全是因为他毫无理由的漫天要价。 www.jczqw.com 7. It can't have been easy for him to a degree but in truth he has made mistakes which cannot be blamed on (Tom) Hicks and (George) Gillett. 这很难从程度上做一个区分(谁的责任更大),但是事实上他犯了错误,这不能怪狗血双雄。 www.lfc.org.cn 8. Hicks , though, maintains that he will be in charge of Liverpool for the long term, which would be bad news for Parry. 希克斯现在还坚持自己将长期指掌利物浦,这对佩里不是好消息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The guilty plea was just "a way to get home" , said Mr Hicks's father. 据Hicks先生的父亲所说,承认有罪不过是一种得以回家的方法罢了。 www.ecocn.org 10. With dozens of volunteers like Tiffani Hicks, Clarence Adams says they were able to serve more than 200 homeless kids this year. 亚当斯说,多亏有几十名象希克斯这样的志愿者帮助,他们今年能为200多个无家可归的孩子们举行圣诞派对。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. Hicks and Gillett both hold the power of veto with regard to any sale of shares in Liverpool. 希克斯和吉列都否定其中一个人的出售股票的权利。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. The key investors in the consortium are set to meet Hicks in the next two weeks in a bid to reach an agreement. 财团的关键投资方准备在未来两周内与希克斯会面并争取提出一份令双方满意的报价。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yet Hicks still can't see it, "When you feel fans turn against you it's very frustrating" he said. 曾几何时希克斯还装傻充愣地表示当球迷们都向他作对时他内心会感到很失望。 page.renren.com 4. Gillett and Hicks are known to be delighted with the team's form so far this term. 吉列特和希克斯对目前为止球队的状况感到很满意。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Phil Thompson wants the Liverpool players to issue Tom Hicks and George Gillett with an ultimatum to provide more funds or face a walkout . 汤普森认为红军球员们应该联合起来要求希克斯和吉列加大对俱乐部的投资,否则就要罢工。 www.showxiu.com 6. This , Keynes and Hicks argued, was largely because hedges shifted their price risk onto speculators in return for a risk premium . 凯恩斯和希克斯解释为,这主要是因为套期保值者将价格风险转移到换取风险溢价的投机者身上。 www.bing.com 7. A source close to Hicks confirmed: "Tom would be open to considering a partnership with someone willing to buy George Gillett's shares. " 一名接近希克斯的记者证实:“汤姆已经考虑有人希望卖掉乔治的股份的决定。” lfcbbs.fans1.com 8. No sooner had Mr. Hicks bitten the fish than one of his teeth fell out. 没有抢先占有土地之人让乡下人先生咬鱼胜于他的牙齿之一发展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. BILL HICKS, a chain-smoking comedian, loved to ridicule the "eternal-life fantasy" of the non-smokers in his audience. 烟瘾很重的喜剧演员比尔?希克斯,喜欢在他的观众面前嘲笑不吸烟者“长生不老的幻想”。 www.ecocn.org 10. The judge said his mandatory orders were not aimed at the Texas court but Hicks and Gillett to stop them taking further action there. 法官表示他作出的强制令并不是针对德州法院而是让狗血双熊不要再次胡作非为了。 www.lfcbbs.com 1. Liverpool managing director Christian Purslow has been tasked with finding investors willing to work alongside Hicks and Gillett. 利物浦管理总监帕斯洛已经在寻找与希克斯和吉列的合作伙伴。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. Hicks and Gillett have made the new stadium one of their top priorities and the club are hoping to move into their new home in 2009. 黑克斯与吉列特将新球场作为他们当前最关心的事,俱乐部期待在2009年迁入新球场。 www.thefa.cn 3. But the taste of audiences obviously deviated from the traditional musical value judgement, the masses chose Hicks who was not so perfect. 但是,显然观众的口味这次与传统的音乐价值评判出现了偏差,群众选择了不那么完美的希克斯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I know when Hicks and Gillett came everyone said 'fine' and we were pleased to have them but that has gone over the years. 我知道当吉列和希克斯刚来时,每个人都说很好,我们欢迎他们,但是这几年间一切都变了。 www.lfcbbs.com 5. But Mr Hicks, who made a plea bargain and admitted helping al-Qaeda, will serve only nine months and in his native Australia. 但是在为自己辩护和承认帮助过基地组织之后,他仅仅只需要在自己的祖国澳大利亚服刑九个月。 www.ecocn.org 6. Hicks will serve the final seven months of his sentence in the south Australia state prison. 希克斯将在澳洲南部监狱服满他刑期的最后七个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Many in Australia regard Mr Hicks as more of a lost soul than a dangerous terrorist (see article). 在澳大利亚有很多人认为Hicks先生更像一个迷失心志的人而并非危险的恐怖分子。 www.ecocn.org 8. Orville Hicks in a tale of plowing the popcorn field elaborates details about his father and the mule. 奥维尔希克斯在一个故事春耕生产领域的爆米花详细阐述他的父亲和骡子。 bbs.zdnet.com.cn 9. But Hicks has made it clear he will be staying at Anfield, whether or not his fellow American Gillett sells up. 但是希克斯已经表示他将会在留守安菲尔德,无论吉列出售与否。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 10. As a result, Hicks Jr resigned as a director of the club and parent company Kop Holdings, leading to a restructure of the board. 小希克斯随即辞去了作为俱乐部和母公司KopHoldings的董事一职,他的辞职还引发了董事会的重组。 www.bing.com 1. Hicks told Medscape. Almost all patients achieved undetectable viral loads during the trial. 试验中,几乎所有病患的病毒量都降低到无法监测; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. TOM HICKS has blasted Rick Parry's reign as a disaster as the Liverpool war rumbles on. 汤姆。希克斯抨击里克。帕里的管理是一场灾难,利物浦内战再起风云。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Hicks is determined to drive down Liverpool's debt and says he will operate the Anfield giant as a 'smart club' unlike Manchester City. 希克斯决心减轻利物浦的负债,他说他太经营安菲尔德成为一个明智的俱乐部而不像曼城一样财大气粗。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 4. Tyler Hicks, the photographer, said: "Those are the photographs that I was looking for. " 这位名叫泰勒·希克斯的摄影师说:“这些照片正是我一直在寻找的东西。” www.ebigear.com 5. But Chick Hicks wasn't about to lose this race to a rookie. 路霸可不想在比赛中输给一个新人。 www.easyreading.com.cn 6. On this basis, this paper builds state credit system model relying on Hicks risk function . 在此基础之上,依托希克斯风险函数构建国家信用制度模型。 www.fabiao.net 7. Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has revealed the club are planning to make their proposed new stadium bigger than first expected. 利物浦俱乐部共有者,汤姆黑克斯透露,俱乐部正在计划中的新球场规模将超过原先设定。 www.thefa.cn 8. Australian David Hicks is accused of taking up arms against the US in Afghanistan, could be sentenced to the life in prison. 澳大利亚籍的大卫·希克斯被指控在阿富汗持武器对抗美军,他会被判终生监禁。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. George Gillett and Tom Hicks are keen but Rafa Benitez, the Liverpool manager, is less enthusiastic and any deal is unlikely. 对此两个老板倒是很感兴趣,不过贝尼特斯并没有什么反应,任何结果都可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It seems that the Hicks and Gillett regime at Anfield is nearing its inevitable conclusion. 现在看来,希克斯和吉列特在安菲尔德的“政权”即将寿终正寝了。 www.ept-team.com 1. These random, painless Braxton Hicks "contractions" are normal, although not all women feel them. 这种随机无痛的布拉克斯通·希克斯收缩是正常的,尽管并不是所有的女性都会有这种症状。 www.gzdlw.com 2. The report is unlikely to affect the refinancing of Hicks and George Gillett's LFC loan with Wachovia and the Royal Bank of Scotland. 据报道希克斯的事件不会影响希克斯和吉列重新沃克维和苏格兰皇家银行贷款重新投资。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 3. Any deal concluded by Gillett is believed to need the consent of co-owner Tom Hicks to go ahead. 而吉列的合同都需要另外一个合伙人希克斯点头答应才能成交。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 4. But in any case, this is really sad: John Hicks knew far more about this in 1937 than people who think they're sophisticates know now. 但无论如何,这实在是令人痛心:约翰·希克斯知道,在1937年人们就认为政府是老油条,对此,远比人们现在所了解到的多得多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This afternoon, a British judge ruled that Hicks and Gillett must withdraw their court action in Dallas by tomorrow (Friday) at 11am EST. 今天下午,英国法官宣判,希克斯和吉列必须在美国东部时间周五11点之前撤销其在达拉斯的法庭行动。 www.forbeschina.com 6. Messrs. Hicks and Gillett might seek an injunction blocking the deal from going through. 而希克斯和吉列则有可能要求法庭下达阻止推进这一交易的禁止令。 c.wsj.com 7. But Ms. Hicks resisted any suggestion that she is capitalizing on the proceedings. 但是,希克斯女士拒绝承认,说她是借题炒作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Now, only one roadblock remains: Hicks, the team's current owner. 现在只剩下一个障碍:利物浦的现任老板希克斯。 www.forbeschina.com 9. Critics say the 31-year-old Mr Hicks, a former kangaroo skinner and alleged al-Qaeda fighter, faces a "kangaroo court" . 评论家们宣称,这位31岁的Hicks先生,曾经的袋鼠皮革商人和所谓的基地组织战士,正面对一个不公正的法庭。 www.ecocn.org 10. In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing. 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和分享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Ayre , 45, was appointed, primarily, by Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks as the club's new commercial director 18 months ago. 爱尔,在18个月以前被俱乐部拥有者之一——希克斯任命为俱乐部的新商业主管。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. we are fast becoming a laughing stock. and gillette and hicks and parrys silence is doing us no favours. 我们正在迅速成为一个笑话仓库。吉列、希克斯和帕里们的沉默没有带来任何帮助。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The English lesson papers, described by Dr Hicks as "quite remarkable" , are on loan from the Foundation Napoleon in Paris. 这几张被希克斯博士称为“相当不平凡的”学习英语的碎纸片是从巴黎拿破仑基金会借来的。 www.ebigear.com 4. In 1998 Tom Hicks, a leveraged-buy-out specialist, bought the Rangers for $250m from a group of owners that included George W. Bush. 1998年,融资收购专家TomHicks花了2.5亿美元,从包括小布什总统在内的一群股东那里买下了德州游骑兵队。 www.24en.com 5. Benitez will only get the contract he is expecting if Hicks and Gillett sell the club to businessmen in Dubai. 贝尼特斯希望如果吉列希克斯出售俱乐部给迪拜的商人,他便将会签署合同。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. So hopefully in kicking out Hicks and Gillett they'll get the verdict they need next week. 因此,他们将很有希望在下周得到心仪的裁决结果,从而将希克斯和吉列扫地出门。 www.ept-team.com 7. (Britain's Liverpool football club, which is half-owned by Mr Hicks, is not held by HSG). (TomHicks个人持有英国利物浦足球队一半股权,但HSG集团未持有)。 www.ecocn.org 8. Gorman: Hicks, meet me at the south lock. We're coming in. 戈曼:黑克斯,在南边的水闸等我,我们很快就进来。 www.showxiu.com 9. Cassie Hicks suffered a broken arm and shoulder. 这名名叫凯西希克斯的女孩手臂和肩部骨折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. 六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Taylor Hicks, the 5th genuine "American idol" , has brought a gust of fresh pop wind. 这个第五位正宗的“美国偶像”泰勒·希克斯给美国带来了一阵新鲜的流行风。 www.qikan.com.cn 2. Injury forced Hicks to concede defeat. 受伤后,希克斯被迫认输。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Hicks: Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards. 希克斯:俏丽。现在我们所需要的就是一副牌。 www.fanx360.com 4. Rafa, do you want Tom Hicks and George Gillett to sell their hockey teams so you can have more money? 拉法,你需要希克斯和吉列出售他们的曲混球队让你得到更多转会资金吗? lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. But Hicks says that's not true everywhere. 但希克斯说并不是所有地方都是如此。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Reliving the spectacle at 35, 000 feet, Hicks was entitled to think that he had even more invested in it. 在35000英尺的高空重新体验这番情景,希克斯有底气去思索他刚刚完成的投资。 www.bing.com 7. I found the audio book, "Ask and It is Given" by Jerry and Esther Hicks. 我发现了一本由杰瑞和以斯帖。希克斯合著的有声读物—《有求必应》。 www.elanso.com 8. He doesn't want to be with hicks and small town folks. 他可不想和小镇上的乡巴佬呆在一起。 332108970.qzone.qq.com 9. At the same time, many older members are snobbish towards the supposed hicks from the east. 同时,其他一些成员国用势力的眼光看待来自东欧的“乡巴佬”。 www.bing.com 10. bud , give me a break ! it ' s for hicks . have you seen the guys in that club ? you can tell them right away - total nerds. 饶了我吧!多土啊!你见过那个社团里的仁兄吗?你马上就可以看出他们都是些古怪的家伙。 www.ichacha.net 1. My relationship with Tom Hicks is good and I don't have any problems because I'm professional. 我和希克斯的关系很好,我也没有任何问题,因为我很职业。 www.jczqw.com 2. Bob, give me a break! It's for hicks. Have you seen the guys in that club? You can tell them right book-worms. 鲍勃,饶了我吧!这个社团真老土。你见过那个社团的人了吗?你可以说他们简直就是一群书呆子。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. "These are cute and roomy, " says Hicks, who isn't a fan of tight pants. “这些都是可爱的,”希克斯说,她不喜欢紧身裤。 www.tianya.cn 4. Doing something to make homeless children happy is important to Hicks. 对希克斯来说,为了让无家可归的孩子们快乐而尽一份力,非常重要。 www.24en.com 5. Hicks: I like to keep this handy for close encounters. 希克斯:我很爱好用这家伙来对付近间隔的反抗。 www.fanx360.com 6. government spending; Tom hicks - Hansen model; Multiplier effect; Extrusion effect; 政府支出;希克斯-汉森模型;乘数效应;挤出效应; www.zidir.com 7. hey , hicks , man , you look just like i feel 年轻人,你看上去和我的感觉一样差。 www.ichacha.net 8. Celebrating Bonny Hicks'Passion for Life 歌颂热爱生命的彭妮 mmdsl.76e.com 9. how ' s your table ? - couple of hicks 你那桌的情况如何-两个乡巴佬 www.ichacha.net 10. Hicks'lawyer has death penalty concerns 希克斯的律师担心其会被判死刑 forum.china.com 1. On John Hicks explanation of religion 试论希克的宗教解释 www.ilib.cn 2. Snow falling on cedars scott hicks 标签:雪落香杉 search.blog.sina.com.cn |
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