单词 | all-purpose |
释义 |
例句释义: 多用途的,通用的,中筋面粉,通用式的,万能 1. No doubt, the rapid development of Internet make many people believe it is all-purpose medicine, but that is not always the case. 毫无疑问,互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药,然而情况并非总是如此。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Citing the war on terrorism as an all-purpose alibi, he denies breaking the letter or spirit of any law. “反恐”沦为布什的万能借口,万能挡箭牌,他否认自己违反了任何法律条款抑或是法律精神。 ecocn.org 3. The word has morphed from a precise statistical term to an all-purpose phrase that stresses the illogic and coincidence of life. 这个词是从一个讽刺短语变形而来的,这个短语原意是强调人生的非逻辑性和巧合性。 www.bing.com 4. But don't try to create a generic, all-purpose persistence layer, since at this point you're not sure you need it. 不要试图创建一个通用的多用途的持续层,因为这时您还不能确定是否需要它。 www.ibm.com 5. As a second consequence, the session should not be misused as an all-purpose data store mechanism. 由以上分析得到的第二个结论就是,不要将会话误用作通用数据存储机制。 www.ibm.com 6. A young man saw Edison, said : "I wanna develop a sort of all-purpose dissolvent , by which can dissolve all materials. " 一个后生找到爱迪生,说:“我准备研制一种万能溶剂,它能溶解一切物质。” blog.sina.com.cn 7. "Competitiveness" originally had a clear meaning but has now been taken up by politicians and business leaders as an all-purpose slogan. “竞争力”本来有明确的含义,现在却被政治家和商业领袖当成了一句通用的口号。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If the anniversary of the Wall's fall becomes such an all-purpose symbol, its significance will be missed. 如果柏林墙倒塌的周年纪念活动成为了这样一个万金油似的象征,那么它的意义也就不复存在了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Like millions of other Americans, I had come to rely on an all-purpose remedy for the blues--a trip to the mall. 像其他上百万的美国人,我已经开始依赖一种对有收入下降的人通用的救济——去购物中心。 www.eoezone.com 10. Efforts to use the neoclassical theory of the firm in an all-purpose way nevertheless persisted. 然而,仍然存在一些尝试想把新古典企业理论作为一种万能工具来使用。 www.bing.com 1. Do not have rich word, him cultivation also can be maintained live, money is not all-purpose. 没有钱的话,自己耕作也能维持生存,金钱不是万能的。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. A household all-purpose cleaner, applied with a soft cloth, will work just fine for dashboard, rubber door moldings, and interior trim. 家庭多用途清洁剂再添一块柔软的布对仪表板、橡胶门和内饰很管用。 www.elanso.com 3. There is nothing more annoying than just getting started only to find you've run out of all purpose cleaner, vinegar or sponges. 没有什么比刚开始工作就发现你需要的清洁工具例如吸尘器、醋或者海绵都用完了更让人闹心的事。 www.bing.com 4. A similar product called All Purpose Egg Mix, containing a greater proportion of eggs, is now being manufactured for USDA. 类似产品要求所有蛋混合,其中载有更大比例的蛋,现在农业部正在生产。 www.bing.com 5. In short, export promotion is an all-purpose strategy promising to fulfill national and regional development objectives alike. 简言之,输出导向的生产可以当作一促进国家及区域发展的策略。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Judt's own career sums up the fading of France: he went from historian of France to all-purpose political theorist. 朱特自己的职业生涯便是对法国影响力日益衰退的一个概括:他从法国历史学家转为多面手的政治理论家。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The computer is the greatest all-purpose creativity tool since the pen. 自从笔诞生以来,电脑是最伟大的通用创造性工具。 dongxi.net 8. The DEA ALPHA is an all-purpose flexible CMM for the dimensional inspection of large castings and machined parts. DEAALPHA是通用的灵活CMM大型铸件和机械加工的零件的三维检测。 www.skypewldh.com 9. The financial leverage ratio ( total assets divided by shareholders' equity ) is an all - purpose debt gauge . “财务杠杆比率”(总资产除以股东权益)是一个通用的债务指标。 www.bing.com 10. Computers will take many forms, but there will always be a place for the all-purpose machine we've come to depend on. 计算机将呈现多种形式,但我们已开始依赖的这种通用机将永远拥有一席之地。 www.csairk.com 1. Cinch, an all-purpose spray cleaner similar to popular European products, is currently being test-marketed in California and Arizona. 肚带,一个多用途喷雾清洁类似欧洲流行的产品,目前正在试验推广在加利福尼亚州和亚利桑那州。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In recent, rueful economics discussions, an all-purpose punch line has become "nobody could have predicted. . . . " 最近,面对悔恨的经济学讨论,通用的妙语成了“没人能预测到…。”。 www.bing.com 3. But around the Web you can find a variety of struggles as the Chinese try to translate this all-purpose cheer into English. 有趣的是,在互联网上你能看到中国人为了把“加油”这个词翻译成英文所作出的各种努力。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Chad R. is cool, he has a very creative spirit, he is multi-talented, and he is an all-purpose entertainer. 乍得河是冷静,他有一个非常有创意的精神,他是多才多艺的,他是一个全能的艺人。 www.bing.com 5. Vocational ability for all-purpose is a concept widely accepted in international professional education. 通用职业能力是国际职业教育普遍接受的概念。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Growing up means understanding that there are no perfect answers, no all-purpose solutions, no government-sanctioned safe havens. 长大意味着知道没有完美答案,没有万全之策,没有政府批准的保护伞。 wenku.baidu.com 7. In recent years TB has been consummating and improving her products, developed many types and serials of new products for all-purpose. 近几年天斌不断完善自己的产品,为不同需求开发了许多新的型号和系列的产品。 www.z599.com 8. This copy of the world famous painting is glued onto the wall with the all-purpose glue. 这幅世界名画复制本是用万能胶粘在墙上的。 www.nciku.cn 9. ASI All-Purpose Degreaser has proven more effective than other leading brands on tough, grease-stained surfaces. ASI全能型脱脂剂比其它用于粗糙、沾满油污表面的主流品牌清洁剂更加有效。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. In practice it has become an all-purpose therapy destination for people with marital problems. 而在实践中,它成了帮助人们解决各种婚姻问题的通用疗法。 dongxi.net 1. An all-purpose, credible, multi-circuit managed communication program is described in this article. 本文设计一种相对简单通用的、可靠的、多链路管理的通讯程序。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. My grandfather's glum genes , which skipped my merry father , have reflowered in me as a major, all - purpose anxiety . 我祖父身上爱忧愁的基因,跃过了我那快活的父亲,却重新在我身上再现:我对每件事都爱忧心忡忡。 www.bing.com 3. The cloaca is the all-purpose body cavity that reptiles and birds use for copulation, urination, and defecation. 泄殖腔是鸟类或爬行类体内交配、排泄以及排粪的通用孔道。 www.bing.com 4. First an all-purpose coding method is induced according to the common characteristics of those problems. 首先针对这些非数值优化问题的特点,抽象出它们的通用编码。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The original Belgian was a mid-sized, all purpose, generic farm dog. 原生型比牧是一种体型中等,通用型的农牧用犬。 www.goubbs.com 6. The political scientist also gave his students an all-purpose excuse for inaction and resignation. 这个政治学家还给了他的学生们一个不行动和听之任之的万能理由。 www.bing.com 7. You won't find any magic workouts, miracle diet supplements, or all-purpose periodization schemes. 你找不到一种魔术般地训练方法,奇迹般的饮食补充物或者全方位周期计划。 bbs.bikehome.net 8. With the exception of heavy copper, the best all-purpose material, in our opinion, is heavy, enameled cast iron. 除了厚实的铜锅之外,我们觉得最棒的万能材料是厚实的搪瓷铸铁。 www.bing.com 9. Some are all purpose eye cleansers, which you can wipe over the complete eye. 有些目的都是眼睛清洁剂,它可以抹完整的眼睛。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Accord to American auto engineer ISOC all - purpose double-entry viscosity gear oil . 符合美国汽车工程师协会多用途复式粘度车用齿轮油。 www.bing.com 1. ZY-90-K type all-purpose anti-interference needle detector is ideal detecting device for jeans wear, shoe, cap and toy manufactures. ZY-90-K型全能抗干扰检针器是牛仔服装·鞋帽·玩具等生产厂家最理想的检测设备。 detail.china.alibaba.com 2. Say on firm sense nevertheless, in American money also not be all-purpose. 不过在严格的意义上说,在美国金钱也并不是万能的。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 3. Mix all purpose flour, Water chest nut powder and salt. Stir and add water mixture to the flour. 中筋面粉、马碲粉和盐拌匀,逐少加入热水搅拌; blog.163.com 4. All the banking groups have a similar aim to be the all-purpose bank for their private and corporate customers. 所有的银行都具有相同的目的,那就是成为他们的私人或公司客户的全能的银行。 www.jukuu.com 5. With the economy sputtering and unemployment high, Beijing has become an all-purpose target. 随着危机的波动和就业率高企,北京开始追求每个(崛起的)目标。 www.tianya.cn 6. But Kemeny and Kurtz used what they learned to craft the Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or Basic, starting in 1963. 但从1963年开始,Kemeny和Kurtz使用他们学会的东西精心编织初学者通用符号指令代码即Basic。 www.bing.com 7. We have made [technology] an all-purpose agent of change. 我们已经把技术作为了一种改变的万能中介。 www.bing.com 8. I also zested the pan with fresh lemon rind before filling with batter. Spelt flour in place of all-purpose. 在开始做之前,我用在平底锅里放了一些新鲜柠檬皮。 www.bing.com 9. In 1879 a mid-western American entrepreneur named James Gamble launched a gentle, all-purpose white soap bar. 1879年美国中西部一个名叫JamesGamble的企业家发明了一种多用途的白色肥皂。 www.ecocn.org 10. Birds Egg (#2051-60): A blue with a "clean gray tint, " another all-purpose color for Mayhew. 鸟卵色(#2051-60):蓝色,还带点纯净的灰,Mayhew的另一个万能色。 www.bing.com 1. All-purpose 28-200mm zoom lenses: Bad snapshots. Also great for making five rolls of film last a whole year. All-purpose = no purpose. 200全能变焦镜头:劣质的用于照快照的镜头。一年五卷胶卷,全能=无用。 www.douban.com 2. But, macroscopical interpose of the government also is not all-purpose. 但是,政府的宏观干预也不是万能的。 g5.baidu.com 3. Results AODAN4 electrosurgical generator is an all-purpose surgical equipment, which is especially suited for oral soft tissue. 结果:奥丹4型高频电刀是一种多用途手术器械,尤其适用于口腔软组织。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. The government seems content to use ambiguity as an all-purpose deterrent. 政府总是满足于用模糊字眼作为一种万能的阻止因素。 www.ecocn.org 5. All purpose container for hot or cold food and drinks . 生产适用于冷热食物及饮料等各种用途的容器。 www.bing.com 6. CUTS so clean, drum is re-usable as all purpose container! 操作清洁,且圆桶可以作为盛装任何物品的容器使用! www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. Sure. Just go to search one of the all-purpose travel Web sites. 可以,去一些全包性的旅游网站上搜一搜。 bjd.com.cn 8. This is the best-selling all-purpose camera in the most pop style this year. 这是今年最流行的款式,最畅销的万能照相机。 g5.baidu.com 9. Should I assume 6 lb. is the "all-purpose" choice here? 我可以认为6lb线是“通吃”的选择吗? www.freelure.cn 10. It will also feature a 200-seat auditorium and an all-purpose hall that can hold 1, 000 people. 它还将拥有200座的会堂和可容纳1000人的多用途大厅。 www.stnn.cc 1. Application Study of the Cluster Analysis Method in All-purpose Equipment Support Training and Examination 聚类分析法在通用装备保障训练考评中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on All - purpose Computer Simulation and Training Expert System Used in Substation 变电站计算机仿真培训通用专家系统的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Application of All-purpose and Gemel Corrugated-pipe Compensator to the Heat Piping 万能型和铰链型波纹补偿器在热力管网中应用的研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Research on and Design for An All-purpose Visualization System in Domain of Measurement and Control 虚拟仪器通用显示系统的研究与设计 www.ilib.cn 5. The Effective Technique to Get High Quality All- purpose Internal - combustion Engine Oil from Narrow Fractions in Petroleum Base Oil 用窄馏分石油基础油获得高质量通用内燃机油 ilib.cn 6. Development and application of a liquid crystal display model for all purpose 液晶显示模块通用系统的研制与应用 ilib.cn 7. Microcontroller unit all-purpose visual development and implementation 单片机可视化通用开发系统模型研究与实现 www.ilib.cn 8. Standard Performance Specification for Men's and Boys' Knitted Rainwear and All-Purpose, Water-Repellent Coat Fabrics 男人及男孩用针织雨衣和适合各种用途防水上胶织物的标准性能规范 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The design of an all-purpose automatic course test arrangement system base on credit system 一个通用型学分制系统考试自动编排系统的设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on a digital real time controller with all-purpose configuration 一种具有通用结构的数字式实时控制器的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Performance Specification for Mens and Boys Knitted Rainwear and All-Purpose, Water-Repellent Coat Fabrics 男人及男孩用针织雨衣和各种用途防水上胶织物的性能规格 www.isres.com 2. Design of a New All-purpose Leveling System for Missilery Launching Pad 导弹发射台新型通用调平系统设计 www.ilib.cn 3. No "All- purpose" Material, but "Best" Material--On the role and status of heat treatment technology and process 没有“万能”的材料,只有“最好”的材料--浅谈热处理技术与工艺的作用和地位 service.ilib.cn 4. The Design and Development of the All-purpose Simulation Class Library for Launch Vehicle Optimization Design 运载火箭优化设计通用仿真类库设计与开发 www.ilib.cn 5. The Design and Implementation of the Search Engine GMDSE of the All Purpose Machines Spare Parts Technique Parameter Data 通用的机械零件技术参数数据查询引擎GMDSE的设计与实现 service.ilib.cn 6. Development and Application about All-purpose Chemical Experiment Tube 对多用化学实验管的研制和使用 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on All-purpose Demodulation System for Fiber Fabry-Perot Sensors and Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 光纤珐珀-光栅传感器通用解调系统研究 ilib.cn 8. Development and Application of an All-Purpose Optical System Design Software for IRAAM Seeker 红外导弹位标器光学系统设计软件的开发与应用研究 service.ilib.cn 9. The Design and Implementation of a Kind of FCS -based All - purpose Industrial Controller 基于现场总线的通用工业控制器的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 10. Construction of All Purpose Simulation and Development Platform for Aero-engine Digital Control System 航空发动机数控系统通用仿真和开发平台的构筑 scholar.ilib.cn 1. All Purpose Design And Figural Recurrence --Program and Design of Da Jinshan Nunnery, Jiangxi 通用式设计与形象迭用-江西大金山寺规划与建筑设计随感 www.ilib.cn 2. Discussion on Disturbance Resistance Technology of All-Purpose Frequency Changer 通用变频器抗干扰技术探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. Historical Criticism of "All-purpose Language" and Reflection on Current Education and Teaching 对“通用语”的历史检讨与当下反思 ilib.cn 4. Computer-data-disposal system of the all-purpose hydraulic experiment machine 液压万能实验机计算机数据处理系统 www.ilib.cn 5. Design and implement of Web-based all-purpose distance education support platform 基于Web的多学科远程教学平台的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 6. All-purpose electronic equipment for point detection and treatment 多用电子穴位测定治疗机 www.7kang.com 7. Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, BASIC 语言——初学者通用指令码 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Performance Specification for Womens and Girls Woven Rainwear and All-Purpose, Water-Repellent Coat Fabrics 妇女及女孩用机织雨衣与适合各种用途的防水上胶织物的性能规格 www.mapeng.net 9. Discussion on all-purpose classification of Casuarina equisetifolia and selected index 木麻黄多用途分类与选择指标探讨 service.ilib.cn 10. This all-purpose exception exposes the same members as any exception, and includes a public 此通用异常将公开与任意异常相同的成员,并包含一个公共 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Research of All- purpose Comprehensive Testing System for Domestic Equipment 家用电器通用综合测试系统的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. A Design for the All-Purpose Intelligent Fiber Moisture Speedy Tester 通用型纤维水分快速测试仪设计 www.ilib.cn 3. Overall project design of new type tank cannon all-purpose shrapnel 新型坦克炮多用途子母弹总体方案设想 4. To Reduce the Cost and to Improve the reliability of 230 Diesel Engine and its All-purpose Parts Project 230柴油机降低成本提高可靠性及通用化设计 service.ilib.cn 5. Design of All-purpose Programmable Conversely Accounting Time System 可编程多用途倒计时系统的设计 scholar.ilib.cn 6. On Ability for All-Purpose Training to Students in Higher Vocational Colleges 浅析高职学生通用职业能力的培养 www.ilib.cn 7. The Design of an All-purpose Real-time Ammeter System 一种多用户用电实时抄表系统的设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Mix glutinous flour and all purpose flour with egg and water, then stir in Kimchi to form pancake batter; 糯米粉和面粉混合后,加入鸡蛋和水拌匀,再加入泡菜拌匀成面糊; blog.163.com 9. All-purpose Simulative Training System for Radars 雷达装备通用模拟训练系统研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussions on the Implement of All-purpose Cards in the Commercial Sports Clubs in Beijing 对北京市商业体育俱乐部实施划卡消费的探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. Demonstrator of Electric Capabilities of All-purpose Liquid 多用溶液导电能力演示仪 www.ilib.cn 2. An All-purpose Die Design for Crossbeam Bending of Automobile 汽车横梁压弯通用模设计 ilib.cn 3. instrument transformer for all purpose 仪表用综合互感器 www.zftrans.com 4. Nordic Star All Purpose Fancy Paper - Parchment 欧之星多用途花式纸-羊皮 www.paper.com.hk 5. Development of All-purpose Experiment Platform for Complex Industry Process 面向复杂工业过程的通用实验平台设计与开发 ilib.cn 6. The Training Aims of Speciality in All-purpose Secretary 通用性秘书专业专科的培养目标 www.ilib.cn 7. Design of college student record management system based on all-purpose mode 基于通用模式的高校学生成绩管理系统设计 www.ilib.cn 8. The Design and Realization of all-purpose Map Symbol Base 通用地图符号库的算法设计及其实现 www.ilib.cn 9. The development of intellectualized all-purpose secondary instrument 智能通用型二次仪表的研制 www.ilib.cn 10. A major US brand of all-purpose household cleanser 本来是一种家用清洁剂的牌子 www.philewar.org 1. Design of All-purpose Examination System Based on COM Component Technology 基于组件技术的通用考试系统的设计 ilib.cn 2. The Study and Development of the All-purpose Simulator of Heavy-duty Gas Turbine-generator Units 大型燃气轮发电机组通用仿真系统的研究与开发 service.ilib.cn 3. The Development of An All-purpose Courseware Producing System 一种通用课件制作系统的开发尝试 www.ilib.cn 4. Make an all-purpose scrub for pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆万能清洗剂 www.bing.com 5. Design of an All-purpose Terminal based on GPS 基于GPS的通用信息采集终端的设计 blog.sina.com.cn 6. An all-purpose Strain Gauge and it's application 多用途应变仪的构建与应用 www.ilib.cn 7. An Analysis and Design of All-purpose-card System Based on Campus Network 基于校园网的一卡通系统的分析与设计 ilib.cn 8. Exploiture And Integration of All-purpose Virtual Instruments Based On PCI Local Bus 基于PCI总线多用虚拟仪器的开发与集成 ilib.cn 9. Design of All-purpose Test Bench of Virtual Based on Computer 基于微机的虚拟综合测试台的设计 www.ilib.cn |
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