单词 | all-public | ||||
释义 | all-public
例句释义: 所有的治理模式,全部由政府提供 1. Other teams are of course free to work on such a project, although so far all public attempts at an iso loader in user mode have failed. 其他球队当然自由的工作这样一个项目,虽然迄今为止在国际标准化组织的一个用户化的公共装载机所有尝试都失败了。 www.cngba.com 2. However, this is often interpreted as implying that all public speech must be either pro-or-con some very specific proposal. 但是,这经常被认为是暗示:公众演讲必须是对于某项具体的建议的正面的或者是反面的反映。 www.elanso.com 3. Gets an array of System. Reflection. PropertyInfo objects corresponding to all public properties or to all properties of the current class. 获取System.Reflection.PropertyInfo对象数组,这些对象对应于所有公共属性或当前类的所有属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Objects by using the name and binding attribute that correspond to all public members or to all members that match a specified name. 方法使用与所有公共成员或与匹配指定名称的所有成员对应的名称和绑定属性来检索。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The bank established a rule that all public areas were to be kept clean, orderly, and uncluttered. 事实上银行规定,所有公众地方都必须保持清洁、整齐和不许杂乱。 www.chinesetodays.org 6. Objects corresponding to all public properties or to all properties of the current class . 检索与所有公共属性或当前类的所有属性对应的。 www.bing.com 7. Has direct influence on the public image of the company through the look, cohesiveness, consistency and content of all public materials. 对所有对外宣传物料的外观,内容,内涵以及持续性负责,维护公司的公众形象。 www.jobems.com 8. Objects corresponding to all public members or to all members that match a specified name. 对象数组,这些对象对应于所有公共成员或与指定的名称匹配的所有成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Offering free health care services at all public health facilities has significantly increased outpatient attendance across the country. 提供免费的医疗保健设施在所有公共医疗服务,大大增加了全国各地的门诊人次。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. Objects by using the binding attribute that corresponds either to all public members or to all members of the current class. 此方法使用与所有公共成员对应或者与当前类的所有成员对应的绑定属性来检索。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In September 2009, in an attempt to save on air-conditioning bills, Bangladesh banned neckties and suits for all public employees. 2009年九月,为节省空调费用,孟加拉国决定禁止所有公务员戴领带。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Prosecutors are now scrutinising all public-works projects financed by trust funds similar to the one used for the pipeline. 上诉人正在调查所有公众设施项目,这些项目都是由一个类于管道建设基金的信贷基金所投资的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. "In the coming weeks we are going to put up the posters in the metro, buses and in all public areas, " the spokeswoman said. 这位女谈话人说:“在将来数周,我们将在地铁、公车和全部的大众场所张贴宣传通告。” www.eduboo.com 4. Copies of these books can be found at all public telephones and in most hotel and motel rooms. 公用电话亭、大部分饭店和汽车游客旅馆的房间都有这两种电话簿。 www.dictall.com 5. A contract is expressed partly by the signatures for all public fields, methods, properties, and events of that class. 协定部分地通过该类的所有公共字段、方法、属性和事件来表示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Should foster a " grass-roots party must be transparent, " the idea of grass-roots level in a timely manner to all public affairs. 应树立“基层党务必须透明”的理念,及时地将基层所有党务公开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As with all public places, unless you're waiting for an important call, it's recommended that you turn off your mobile phone at the gym. 健身房属公共场所,除非你正在等一个重要的电话,否则还是建议你关掉手机。 news.china.com.cn 8. Residents said that already tight security had been stepped up, with security checks at all public places including shops. 当地居民称,当局加强了本已严格的安全措施,在包括商店在内的所有公共场所都设有安检。 www.ftchinese.com 9. They were especially wrong not to enact permanent limits that apply to all regulated financial institutions and all public companies. 他们没有制定适用于所有受监管金融机构和所有上市公司的永久性限制,更是大错特错。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Soon the Interstate Commerce Commission announced rules banning racial segregation at all public transportation centers. 不久美国政府州际商务委员会宣布了在所有公共交通场所禁止种族分离的规定。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. All public write methods (insert, update, and delete) in the API layer should be marked with a transaction attribute of REQUIRED. API层中的所有公共写方法(包括插入、更新和删除)都应当使用事务属性REQUIRED加以标记。 www.ibm.com 2. Static int PUBLIC Identifies the set of all public members of a class or interface, including inherited members. 标识类或接口所有的公共成员组,包括继承成员。 www.3gfaq.cn 3. All public museums, memorial halls and exhibition centers of a nonprofit nature will stop charging admission fees this year or next year. 具有公益性质的博物馆、纪念馆和全国爱国主义教育示范基地,今明两年内全部向社会免费开放。 wilsonwhite.blog.163.com 4. Daily check all public fields and ensure public areas of the hotel furniture, facilities is intact accord with hotel standard. 每日检查所有公共场区域并保证酒店公共区域家私,设施设备是完好的符合酒店标准的。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Maywood has opted for an extreme solution, by contracting out all public services, including the most basic, to save cash. Maywood选择了一种极端的解决办法——它把所有的公共服务(包括最基本的服务)都外包出去,以节约资金。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It should also make available to all public health and education services unless they were already supplied by voluntary action. 它也应该提供给所有公共医疗和教育服务,除非他们已经提供志愿行动。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Love books and the information and all public property, please do not smear, tear, possession of books. 爱护书刊资料及一切公共财物,请勿涂抹、撕毁、私藏书刊。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. All public read methods in the API layer by default should be marked with a transaction attribute of SUPPORTS. API层中的所有公共读方法默认都应该标记一个SUPPORTS事务属性。 www.ibm.com 9. Meanwhile, the U. S. has permanently increased security measures at airports, on airplanes, and in all public buildings and places. 与此同时,美国正在加强对于机场,飞机以及公共场所和建筑的安全措施。 www.en400.com:8080 10. You can then extend the scope of the building's ACL to include all public spaces associated with the building in the application. 然后可以将大楼的ACL范围扩展,以便在应用程序中包括与大楼关联的所有公共空间。 www.ibm.com 1. All public water supply systems in the affected districts have been chlorinated by the provincial authorities. 疫区的所有公用水供应系统已由省当局用氯进行消毒。 www.who.int 2. Don't they see that their commitment to bailout all public debts feeds market speculation? 难道他们没有看到所做的对所有成员国进行救助的承诺助长了市场的投机气焰吗? cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 3. The strike halted nearly all public transport and has also hit schools and hospitals bringing central Athens to a standstill. 罢工使几乎所有公共交通停止,还殃及到学校和医院,使首都雅典陷入停滞状态。 www.hxen.com 4. The committee fell short of recommending a ban in all public spaces, a measure some of its members had sought. 议会没能像部分议员设想的那样,提议让禁令覆盖所有公共场合。 www.ecocn.org 5. This script replaces a server with a new server in the replication list for all public folders, including system folders. 此脚本将所有公用文件夹(包括系统文件夹)的复制列表中的服务器替换为新服务器。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The NHS accounts for a fifth of all public spending but uses just 4% of its funds to dodge disease rather than tackle it. 国家保健服务占所有公共消费的五分之一,但只有4%的资金来预防疾病而剩下的用于治疗。 www.ecocn.org 7. Crushed by the recession and falling tax revenues, the city is disbanding its police force and firing all public sector employees. 由于经济衰退和税收收入下降的冲击,该市将解散警局,并解雇所有公共部门雇员。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The Ordinance aims at upholding honesty and fairness, as well as preventing corrupt and illegal conduct in all public elections. 法例旨在确保所有公共选举廉洁公正,并防止舞弊及非法行为的出现。 www.icac.org.hk 9. It would also destroy once and for all public support for the European project. 它也将彻底破坏公众对“欧洲项目”的支持。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Flags were flying at half -mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started. 在为期三天的全国哀悼日期间,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共娱乐活动。此间暂停奥运火炬传递。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Restaurant, Bar, Garden, Non-Smoking Rooms, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private Spaces Non-Smoking. 餐馆,酒吧,花园,禁止吸烟客房,保险箱,暖气,行李寄存,在所有公众及私人地点严禁吸烟。 www.booking.com 2. That army, the world's seventh-largest, bleeds the state of about a sixth of all public funds with almost no civilian oversight. 这支军队是世界第七大军队,它长期榨取全国所有公共资金的六分之一,几乎完全不考虑民用需求。 ecocn.org 3. Health Chief York Chow said that all public hospital obstetric services are expected to be reserved for local pregnant mothers in 2013. 香港卫生局局长周一岳说,2013年,所有公共医院的产科服务可能会预留给本地孕妇。 www.kekenet.com 4. Restaurant, Bar, Newspapers, Non-Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Heating, Gay Friendly, All Public and Private Spaces Non-Smoking. 餐馆,酒吧,报章,禁止吸烟客房,家庭间,暖气,接待同性恋的人士,在所有公众及私人地点严禁吸烟。 www.booking.com 5. For derived classes, the class interface also exposes all public methods, properties, and fields of the base class. 对于派生类,类接口还会公开基类的所有公共方法、属性和字段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The law bans smoking in all public buildings, bars, restaurants and cafes and also outdoors near schools, hospitals and playgrounds. 法令规定,该国所有的公共建筑、酒吧、餐馆、咖啡馆、学校和医院门前的露天地区以及儿童游艺场所都将全面禁烟。 www.china.org.cn 7. Government could put a veto on smoking at all public areas. 政府可以禁止在所有公共场合吸烟的行为。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Not all public health organizations have embraced social media as enthusiastically as the CDC. 并非所有公共卫生组织都像疾控中心那样热情地接受了社会媒体。 www.who.int 9. HA has informed all public hospitals of the incident and is closely monitoring the situation. 医院管理局已将有关个案通知各公立医院,并密切监察情。 www.chp.gov.hk 10. Provides forward-only cursor semantics to enumerate through all public queues on the network that meet the specified criteria. 提供只进游标语义,以枚举网络上满足指定判据的所有公共队列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In federally sponsored research programs, the university ranks sixth among all public universities. 在联邦科研资助项目中,科罗拉多大学在所有公立大学中位于第6名。 www.wxbz168.com 2. No. Generally speaking, the schools with a better reputation and best teachers are all public schools. 不是这样的。总的说来,有较好声誉和最好师资的学校大都是公立学校。 www.hebtu.edu.cn 3. Implementation implements all public security which the higher management arranged, the security guard does an inspection so on the duty. 具体实施贯彻上级指派的一切治安保卫,警卫巡查等任务。 www.jiudianzhaopin.com 4. These little treasure pieces, though rusted and unrecognizable, are all public properties. 这小片钱币,尽管没有被认可,也生锈了,它们都是属于公共的财产。 learning.sohu.com 5. The French government moved ahead with plans to ban the burqa, which is worn by a small number of Muslim women, in all public places. Burqa是少数穆斯林妇女穿着的全身式旗袍。法国政府提出了在公共场所禁止穿burqa的法案。 www.ecocn.org 6. Her strongest legacy will be her anti-corruption effort, under which all public-procurement contracts are now published online. 她最杰出的成就就是在反腐败方面的成果,在她任下所有的公共采购合同现在都在网上公布。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Restaurant, Bar, Garden, Heating, Luggage Storage, Gay Friendly, All Public and Private Spaces Non-Smoking. 餐馆,酒吧,花园,暖气,行李寄存,接待同性恋的人士,在所有公众及私人地点严禁吸烟。 www.booking.com 8. Implement a comprehensive ban on tobacco smoke in all public places and workplaces, likewise called for in the WHO Framework Convention. 实施在所有公共场所和工作场所广泛禁止吸烟,如《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》所呼吁的。 www.who.int 9. Be responsible for all public material, including exhibition material, company profile, product profile, and other related material. 负责整合所有对外公布文件内容,包括展会材料、公司简介、产品简介和其他相关资料。 dc.lietou.com 10. In January, the State Council set an immediate price freeze effective on all public utilities, including water. 今年1月,国务院对所有公用事业产品实行了紧急价格冻结,包括水。地方政府在能够提价前也不可能寻求公共听证。 cn.reuters.com 1. The confusion arises from the attempt to derive all public policy from one central goal. 造成这种困惑的原因是,他们企图从一个中心目标衍生出所有公共政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Indeed, the idea of going on strike for political reasons is unthinkable among all public-sector workers in Germany. 事实上,对于德国所有公共部门的雇员来说,参与罢工从政治上来说完全是不可想象。 www.ecocn.org 3. PebbleBeach Golf Links, The Links at Spanish Bay, and Spyglass Hill are owned by the Pebble Beach Company and are all public courses. 圆石滩高尔夫球场,链接西班牙湾,眺远山和所拥有的圆石滩公司和所有的公共课程。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In a city that has a team playing in the Super-bowl, all public activity stops and traffic disappears. 如果哪个城市的球队参加了“超级杯赛”,那么该市所有公共活动都会停止,街上也不再有车辆往来。 www.hotdic.com 5. The Los Angeles City Council members unanimously agreed Wednesday to ban smoking in all public areas, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,美国洛杉矶市政府委员会10日全票通过一项新的禁烟条例,决定该市所有公共场所将禁止吸烟。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. We also recommend that all public sector policies and procedures should be made as transparent as possible. 我们同时建议,公营机构的所有政策和程序,应该尽量具透明度。 www.icac.org.hk 7. As previously mentioned, by default an application has access to all public data in the user's profile. 正如前面所提到的,默认情况下,应用程序对用户简介中的所有公共数据具有访问权限。 www.ibm.com 8. There are many simple options, if properly constructed and maintained, that will meet all public health requirements. 有很多简单的方法,只要适当的建立并维护好就能符合所有公共健康要求。 pro.yeeyan.com 9. Garden, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private Spaces Non-Smoking. 花园,保险箱,暖气,行李寄存,在所有公众及私人地点严禁吸烟。 www.booking.com 10. You can set this schedule for all public folders or for a specific public folder. 可以为所有公用文件夹或特定的公用文件夹设置此日程安排。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Some people even propose a suggestion that smoking should be totally banned in all public places. 一些人甚至建议在所有公共场所完全禁止吸烟。 www.tingroom.com 2. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. 在一切公共场所如剧院、电影院、餐厅,吸烟都应当被禁止。 www.englishtang.com 3. The runtime marshaling service automatically generates the get and set methods for all public fields. 运行库封送处理服务将自动为所有公共字段生成获取和设置方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If the policy is adopted, it will make New Zealand the first country to wipe out smoking in all public places within the next 15 years. 如果这项提议通过,新西兰将成为第一个在未来15年内在所有公共场合里完全禁烟的国家。 blog.163.com 5. Provides forward-only cursor semantics to enumerate through all public queues on the network. 提供只进游标语义,以枚举网络上的所有公共队列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The bathrooms and toilets are all public and have no hot water supply. 浴室和厕所都是公用的,而且没有热水供应。 www.rr365.com 7. By the end of 2012, all public-funded art museums, libraries and cultural centers will be open to citizens free of charge. 到2012年底之前各级美术馆、图书馆和文化馆将全部向公众免费开放。 www.putclub.com 8. Everyone, including all organs of government and all public officials, are subject to and equal before the law. 法律之前,人人平等。我们必须遵守法律,所有政府机关及全部公职人员均须如此。 www.kouyi.org 9. For Greece, by contrast, 90% of all public debt is held by foreigners, who could be expropriated by a default. 而对希腊而言,90%的公共债务由外国人持有,违约即可令债券持有人发生损失。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Refined and exquisite. Applicable in all public places. Facilitate the inclusion of some newspapers and magazines books. 高雅,精美。适用于各种公共场所。方便收纳一些报纸和杂志书藉。 www.maotianxia.com 1. All public authorities have the duty not to prejudge the trial result. 所有的公共当局都有义务不预断审判结果。 www.13191.com 2. Non-Smoking Rooms, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private Spaces Non-Smoking. 禁止吸烟客房,暖气,行李寄存,在所有公众及私人地点严禁吸烟。 www.booking.com 3. At the convention of a big trade union, he promised a pay rise in January for all public-sector employees. 在早前大工会的一次会议中,拉贾帕克萨承诺,在明年一月份将会给所有的公职人员加薪。 www.ecocn.org 4. ramps , lifts and escalators provide easy access to all public levels. 缓坡道、升降机及电动扶梯方便旅客前往所有公众楼层。 www.ichacha.net 5. Air fresheners and free toilet paper are also provided in all public toilets to create a comfortable and convenient environment for users. 现时所有公厕均已装设空气清新设备和免费供应厕纸,以营造方便舒适的环境供市民使用。 www.fehd.gov.hk 6. In this paper, innovation and practicality of mixed crowd of all public password system on the base of P public key was expounded. 从递推单向函数和模变换函数构造方面,论述了P公钥全公开口令系统混合群算法的创新性和实用性。 www.dictall.com 7. Finally, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to stop discrimination in all public places. 最后,国会在一九六四年通过民权法案,禁止所有在公共场合的歧视。 www.ebigear.com 8. The pointcut in the example uses a modifier and wildcard pattern to express "all public methods. " 示例中的切入点使用了修饰符(modifier)和通配符(wildcard)模式来表达“所有公共方法”。 www.ibm.com 9. This aggregates all public activities across all FriendFeed users. 它在所有FriendFeed用户之间聚合所有的公共行为。 www.ibm.com 10. All public 'buildings' were indeed open-air and had sand floors (even the gift shop)! 所有的公共“建筑”确实都是在户外的,地面都是沙子(甚至礼品店也是这样)! weike.taskcn.com 1. This resource gives us the root URL to access all public updates within Lotus Connections. 该资源提供了访问LotusConnections中所有公共更新的根URL。 www.ibm.com 2. The first pointcut in the example, called publicMethods, selects all public method executions in the org. apache. cactus package. 示例中的第一个Pointcut称为publicMethods,选择org.apache.cactus包中的所有公用(public)方法的执行。 www.ibm.com 3. The RSA public-key algorithm is used for all public-key operations. RSA公钥算法用于所有公钥操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Changing from one server to another enables you to verify that all public stores have a consistent view of the hierarchy. 从一台服务器切换到另一台服务器可以验证所有公用存储是否都具有一致的层次结构视图。 technet.microsoft.com 5. By default, all public render parameters set by portlets are placed in the global scope. 缺省情况下,Portlet设置的所有公共呈现参数都放在全局范围中。 www.ibm.com 6. Ideally, all public works should meet objective criteria. 理论上,所有的公共工程都要接受客观检验。 www.bing.com 7. Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. 守时是在文明社会中进行社会活动必须养成的习惯。 www.kekenet.com 8. The Hospital Authority is a statutory body established in 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals. 医院管理局是一个法定机构,于一九九零年根据《医院管理局条例》成立,负责管理本港所有公立医院。 www.hotdic.com 9. You need to remember that in the US, it's state level curriculum standards that all public schools are working under. 你必须记住,在美国,所有公立学校都得实行国家级的课程标准。 wiki.fcctt.org 10. Second, governments can't provide all public goods, nor should they. 其次,政府无法、也不应提供所有的公共产品。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This should become the common concern of all public-minded intellectuals who care about society, political life and cultural affairs. 这应是关心政治、参与社会和重视文化的公众知识分子的共同事业。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Hotel offers underground and ground level parking for 240 cars and wireless broadband access in all public areas. 酒店拥有240个车位的地下及地面停车场,并且所有公共区域均提供无线宽带网络接入。 www.tiaona.com 3. The Ministry manages 60% of health services and all public health programmes in the territory. 卫生部管理该领土60%的卫生服务和所有公共卫生规划。 www.who.int 4. First of all, public art and design aesthetic, is proud of the majority of people in the United States. 公共艺术设计首先是审美的,是多数人引以为美的。 www.cutpic.cn 5. To base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data, openly and objectively derived. 基地所有的公共卫生决策的最高质量的科学数据,公开的和客观的依据。 www.hpcdc.sh.cn 6. All public ASP. NET classes are marked with this attribute. 所有的公共ASP.NET类均使用此属性标记。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. But they have suppressed almost all public discussion about the choices they made and the expense involved. 但他们却不让公众讨论节目编排和花费。 www.ecocn.org 8. Not allowed, stopped Smoking is prohibited in all public places. 所有的公共场所都禁止吸烟。 121343.myabc.cn 9. The Chinese government has recently decreed a ban on smoking in all public places, workplaces and on public transportation. 中国政府最近颁布了一项法律,禁止在公共场合,办公场所和公共汽车上吸烟。 www.bing.com 10. After that, all public folder databases are optional. 此后,所有公用文件夹数据库都是可选的。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Select this option to search all public content in My developerWorks. 选择该选项将搜索MydeveloperWorks中的所有公共内容。 www.ibm.com 2. School Rep. : Not any more since there is a fund shortage for all public schools. 学校代表:自从全国性的经费短缺后就好景不再了。 tr.bab.la 3. All public fortunes were calculated using June 23 stock prices and exchange rates. 所有上市公司的财富都是根据6月23日股票的价格和汇率来进行计算的。 www.bing.com 4. An unfair, broad - brush indictment of all public officials. 对所有政府机关工作人员的不公正的全面的起诉。 cb.kingsoft.com 5. All public methods are displayed for testing. 所有公共方法都显示出来以用于测试。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. By the end of 2009 this mandate will spread to most Fortune 1500 companies, and by the end of 2010 it will cover all public companies. 到2009年底,这一要求将延伸到财富1500强公司中的绝大多数公司,而到2010年底,它将涵盖所有上市公司。 www.ibm.com 7. Consider an aspect that logs all public methods. 考虑一个记录所有公共方法的日志。 www.ibm.com 8. I reminded them that all public-houses were closed till six o'clock. 我提醒他们这些地方都在六点关门。 www.bing.com 9. In addition, a moratorium on all public entertainment nationwide has been instituted. 另外,所有的公共娱乐活动也都停止或延期举行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This replication makes sure that all public folder stores are aware of all public folders in the hierarchy. 这种复制确保了所有公用文件夹存储都知道层次结构中的所有公用文件夹。 technet.microsoft.com 1. They looked at seven states with twenty percents of all public school students in the country. 我们调查了七个州全国百分之二十的公立学校学生。 www.hjbbs.com 2. All public folder databases have a copy of the hierarchy information. 所有公用文件夹数据库都有一个层次结构信息的副本。 technet.microsoft.com 3. They looked at seven states with twenty percent of all public school students in the country. 他们调查了全国7个州20%的所有公立学校的学生。 www.ebigear.com 4. Because I am living in the city center, it's close to all public services and transportation. 因为我住在市中心,离所有的公共服务和交能运输都很近。 www.ieltsunlimited.com 5. 5-Follow all public, hospital and department policies and rules. 遵守国家,医院和科室的相关法律法规及相应规定。 www.thebeijinger.com 6. Smoking is prohibited in all public places. 电梯内禁止吸烟! wenwen.soso.com 7. In some cases all schools, all churches, all public venues were closed. 在有些案例中所有的学校,教堂,和公共集会场所都被关闭了。 www.ted.com 8. The group collectively manages an estimated 80 per cent of all public health funding. 该联盟共管理全部公共卫生资助的大约80%。 www.scidev.net 9. Capturing the execution of all public methods on the. 类上所有公共方法的执行。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Should smoking be banned in all public places? 所有公共场所都应该禁止吸烟吗? wenku.baidu.com 1. The aid groups say those foreign funds account for 90 percent of all public spending. 这些援助机构说,外国援助款占阿富汗所有公共支出的90%。 www.ebigear.com 2. The government supplies free books to all public schools. 政府对所有的公立学校免费供应课本。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Women account for 45. 4 percent of China's total employed population and for more than 40 percent of all public servants. 妇女在中国总的职业人群中占了45.4%,在公务员中占了40%多。 www.kekenet.com 4. Readers should take good care of all public facilities, the museum may not doodle. 读者应爱护馆内的一切公共设施,不得乱写乱画。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. You can search all public content from My developerWorks or just the content that is related to you. 可以搜索来自MydeveloperWorks的所有公共内容,或者仅搜索与您有关的内容。 www.ibm.com 6. All public updates released after Office XP SP-1 will require the installation of SP-1. 所有在OfficeXPSP-1之后发布的公共更新都将要求安装SP-1。 www.microsoft.com 7. This would mean in all public places, since it is already banned in state institutions under the 2004 law. 这意味着在所有的公共场合,因为国家机构在2004律法中已经禁止。 www.ecocn.org 8. They looked at seven states with 20% of all public school students in the country. 他们对七个州20%的公立学校学生做了调查。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The study says that today a majority of all public school districts nationwide do not have a single school named after president. 研究说明现在大半公立学校地区不只单一的使用总统名字命名。 bbs.lwoods.net 10. Exadmin provides access to all public folder hierarchies, also named public folder trees, on an Exchange server. 通过Exadmin可以访问Exchange服务器上的所有公用文件夹层次结构(也称命名的公用文件夹树)。 technet.microsoft.com 1. At the same time, some governments even ban smoking in all public places. 同时,一些政府甚至颁布在所有公共场所不能吸烟的禁令。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We should also recall that not all public banks have behaved badly. 我们还应该记得,并非所有的公众银行都表现得很糟糕。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In fact, the study says that today a majority of all public school districts nationwide do not have a single school named after a president. 事实上,这项研究称现在,全国地区性的超过大多数的公立学校没有一所是用任何总统来命名的。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Instead 70 per cent of all public spending is on social programmes. 相反,社会服务占用了全部公共开支的70%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. By default, the wizard pre-selects all public methods, which is what we want. 在缺省的情况下,向导预先选择了所有的公共方法,这正是我们所需要的。 www.ibm.com 6. Outlook for Mac supports reading and writing in all public folder types, such as Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes, and so on. OutlookforMac支持对所有公用文件夹类型(例如日历、联系人、任务、备注等)的读取和写入操作。 office.microsoft.com 7. it is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people in our neighbourhood have access to all public buildings. 我的理想是让周围的残疾人都能进入所有公共场所 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Alone, it eats up over 3% of all public spending, and officials say over 50m households last year got some benefit from it. 官员称,去年有逾五千万家庭受益于该项目。 www.ecocn.org 9. In Exchange Server 5. 5, all public folders have directory objects. 在ExchangeServer5.5中,所有公用文件夹都具有目录对象。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Hong Kong Capital Securities research manager Huang Hui Hoon , in 1996, Taiwan's stock market trading data on all public information. 香港群益证券研究部经理黄薰辉介绍,1996年以来,台湾股市的交易数据就都是公开的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Exchange Server 5. 5 Administrative program requires directory objects for all public folders. ExchangeServer5.5管理程序要求所有公用文件夹都有目录对象。 technet.microsoft.com 2. To set the storage quota for all public folders in the public folder database named PFDatabase, run the following command 若要为名为PFDatabase的公用文件夹数据中的所有公用文件夹设置存储配额,请运行以下命令 technet.microsoft.com 3. Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. (L60) 准时是文明社会中进行一切社交活动时必须养成的习惯。 edu.21cn.com 4. The per-user activity feed, which contains all public posts by a particular user per-useractivity提要,其中包含某个特定用户发布的所有公共帖子 www.ibm.com 5. complimentary wireless broadband access in all public areas 公共区域免费无线宽带上网 www.ichacha.net 6. Unless marked otherwise, all public non generic types are visible to COM; 除非另行标记,否则所有公共的非泛型类型都对COM可见; technet.microsoft.com 7. The global activity feed, which contains all public posts on Google Buzz globalactivity提要,其中包含GoogleBuzz上的所有公共帖子 www.ibm.com 8. A pointcut capturing the execution of all public methods on the banking. Account class 一个切入点,捕捉banking.Account类上所有公共方法的执行。 www.ibm.com 9. High-speed wireless Internet access in all public areas and meeting rooms 所有公共区域和会议室均配有高速无线互联网接入口 www.ritzcarlton.com 10. to enforce a strict accountability on the part of all officers of the Government and the utmost economy in all public expenditures; 对所有的政府官员实行严格的责任制并在公共预算中严谨节约; www.kekenet.com 1. The following command adds all public classes contained in 中包含的所有公共类添加到 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Providing toilet paper in all public toilets; 为所有公厕供应厕纸; www.fehd.gov.hk 3. Italy Impose Ban on Smoking in All Public Places 意大利在全国公众场所实施禁烟令 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 4. Retrieve the value of all PUBLIC database options 检索所有PUBLIC数据库选项的值 www.ianywhere.com 5. No Smoking in All Public Places, 禁止在公共场所吸烟, adsfans.com |
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