单词 | ground control |
释义 |
例句释义: 地面制导设备,地面控制,地面管制,空难降临 1. The products have been used for military vehicle power supply, rocket launcher ground control devices and analogue aerospace station system. 已应用于军用车载电源、火箭发射地面控制装置及模拟空间仓等系统中。 www.jukuu.com 2. As with its predecessor, Ground Control II seems to make the greatest impact with its superb graphics engine. 关于它的前任,地面管制2似乎用它的超级图形引擎来制造最好的冲击。 www.tianya.cn 3. Sell the building or keep it for a while if you wish to use Ground control or support powers. 卖掉建筑,如果你要使用地面控制或者支援技能的话,也可以保留一段时间。 www.mypcera.com 4. The pilot told ground control that there was smoke in the cockpit and he decided to return to the airport. 飞行员曾通知地面指挥,驾驶舱有烟雾,机组准备返航。飞机在降落时坠毁。 bbs.feeyo.com 5. The potential drone vulnerability lies in an unencrypted downlink between the unmanned craft and ground control. The U. 无人驾驶飞机的潜在漏洞在于之间的无人航天器和地面控制加密下行。 www.fyjs.cn 6. The company deployed a Patroller system comprising an aircraft and a ground control station. 该公司部署了一个Patroller的系统,包括飞机和地面控制站。 www.tianya200.com 7. "No. 1" big dipper ground control center of the system can be expanded to a new generation of navigation system ground control center. “北斗一号”系统的地面控制中心站可扩建为新一代导航系统的地面控制中心站。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. We've had a chance to try out the final release version of Ground Control II over the last several days. 我们已经有一个机会在最后好几天以来试试最后的释放地面管制2的版本。 www.tianya.cn 9. Russian ground control center planned for the flight out of its orbit on the 26th, and then the spacecraft will fall in the South Pacific. 俄罗斯地面飞行控制中心计划于26日使其脱离轨道,然后飞船将坠入南太平洋。 www.englishtang.com 10. Specifically, they say ways to authenticate messages between planes and ground control ought to be explored. 特别是,必须研究如何验证飞机和地面之间交互的报文。 www.bing.com 1. Physical simulation has become one of the effective research method to solve the problems of ground control in mining engineering. 物理相似模拟已成为解决地下工程岩层控制问题的有效研究手段之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The applications of the composed rock timber theory in ground control and surface subsidence control as well as gas prevention in . . . 然后对组合岩梁理论在岩层移动规律研究、地表沉陷控制以及在矿井瓦斯防治中的应用进行了深入地研究。 www.chemyq.com 3. The train-ground radio communication system of Maglev trains is the information exchange channel for trains and the ground control center. 磁浮列车车地无线电通信系统则是列车与地面控制中心进行信息交换的通道。 www.fabiao.net 4. These advertising statements mean that there is now a link between satellites, ground control and covert accessing of humans. 这些广告语的意思,现在有1颗卫星之间的联系,地面控制和人类秘密访问。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. That it does not implies that the psychological tactics of ground-control medics are working. 但这并不意味着地面上的心理控制疗法在太空中也适用。 www.ecolion.cn 6. The contract supports Dryden's planned operation of the two aircraft, their associated ground control station and related systems. 合同将为Dryden中心的两架“全球鹰”、辅助地面控制站以及相关系统提供作战规划。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. Predator pilot (above) guides his aircraft on a mission over Afghanistan, from a ground control station at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. 一名“捕食者”飞行员(上面照片)正在内华达州内利斯基地的地面控制站中操纵他的无人飞机,在阿富汗上空执行任务。 forum.defence.org.cn 8. The Oilfield ground control system is an important component of the WAG injection system. 而地面控制系统是水气交替注入系统的重要组成部分。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 9. Ground control is one of the major problems in deep mining. 地压控制是深部采矿的主要问题之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A typical system configuration would include four aircraft, one ground control system and one Trojan Spirit II data distribution terminal. 一个典型的“捕食者”系统包括四架无人机,一个地面控制系统和一个“特洛伊精神II”数据分送系统。 www.militaryy.cn 1. After two days of silence, ground control teams received a signal that the spacecraft had put itself into an emergency standby mode. 经过两天的沉默,地面控制队接到信号的飞船把自己变成了紧急待命模式。 www.0311.cn 2. The choice of coordinate system and ground control surveying are critical to the accuracy of the checking work. 为保证矿业权核查工作的准确性,坐标系统的选择及地面控制测量显得尤为重要。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The UAV real-time simulation system is used for simulation training of ground control station. 无人侦察机实时仿真系统用于进行地面控制站的模拟训练。 www.airiti.com 4. It integrates arm, camera, surgical instrument at a suit, make the doctor can remote ground control. 它集手臂,摄像机,手术仪器于一身,使得医生可以远程地操控。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. GPS system has three main components, namely space constellation, the ground control segment and user equipment part. GPS系统主要有三大组成部分,即空间星座部分、地面监控部分和用户设备部分。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. The fully mechanized coal face, crossing the fault zones, would cause the roof soft or roof collapse if the ground control were not correct. 综采面过断层时,顶板破碎,煤壁松软,压力显现,管理不当易造成冒顶、片邦。 www.dictall.com 7. The results of this study provide a basis in ground control during mining and in safe seal design after mining. 该结论可以作为开采期间的地压控制和采空区回采结束后的安全封闭设计的依据和参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Other system components include a post-mission analysis station and the ground control station for the VTUAV. 无人机其他系统组件包括任务后分析站和地面控制站。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. Mind control key enemy structures and either sell them off or use their ground control for countless opportunities. 心灵控制敌人的关键建筑,卖掉或是利用地面控制权能够创造无限的机会。 www.ux98.com 10. For a long time, this goal is realized with the assistance of reasonably distributing GCPs (ground control points). 长期以来,这一目标是借助合理分布的地面控制点来间接实现的。 www.keyanjijin.cn 1. Ground Control: All buildings other than Power Plants and Barracks offer varied ranges of ground control. 地面控制:除了电厂与兵营,所有建筑都提供了不同范围的地面控制。 www.ux98.com 2. Ground control to Eastern Seventeen, " a controller intoned . " 一个管制员喃喃呼叫:“地面管制呼叫东方十七。” dictsearch.appspot.com 3. GPS consists of the space segment, the ground control segment and user receiver. 和子午仪系统一样,GPS由空间部分、地面监控部分和用户接收机三大部分组成。 www.fabiao.net 4. Naturally, the ground control communications frequency fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing of US Air 2771. 自然,地控跟美空航2771喉完这些,自己都觉得不好意思。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Keep the ground control and try to invade your opponent's base from there. 保留地面控制权,从这开始消灭敌人得基地。 www.hgs521.com 6. Insitu is using RTI Data Distribution Service in the ground control stations (GCSs) and in future air-to-ground communications. Insitu公司在地面控制站和未来的空地通信方面将采用RTI公司的数据分发服务。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. The plane made contact with the ground control centre by wireless. 飞机通过无线电地面控制塔保持联系。 blog.diandian.net 8. Healso made frequent audio and video communications with the ground control. 他也会跟地面控制台通过声音和视频频繁联系。 www.ok06.com 9. But then the ground control heard the voices of the astronauts. 但是之后地面控制中心就听到了宇航员的声音。 www.yuloo.com 10. Dodonna also provided support from Yavin as ground control, codenamed Base One. 多登纳还从雅文的地面控制中心提供支持,其代号为“基地一号”。 www.starwarschina.com 1. The Armory also expands your ground control. 军械库同时也能扩展建造范围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The whole system is made up of helicopter and ground control station. 整个空中机器人系统由直升机和地面站两部分组成。 ceaj.org 3. This deployment solidifies TCS' position as the future ground control system not only for the U. S. Navy but also with other services. 这次部署TCS系统不仅为海军也为其他军种巩固了未来地面控制系统中的地位。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. It can also wirelessly transmit critical live video and other information directly to a ground control station or system. 它可以借用无线实时传输重要视频和信息,由地面控制站或控制系统直接接收。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. This is Ground Control. You're cleared for takeoff. 我是地面控制台。你可以起飞了。 www.b2b99.com 6. Ground Control, this is Major Tom. We're outta here, man. 地面控制台,我是“汤姆少校”。我们出发了,伙计。 www.b2b99.com 7. For example, ground control will order five orbital maneuvers to get Shenzhou 8 in the same neighborhood as Tiangong 1. 例如,地面控制系统会进行五种轨道操作,让神舟八号处于天宫一号的同一区域。 www.bing.com 8. The log testing method used for ground control in subsidence area 塌陷区地基治理的测井检测方法 www.ilib.cn 9. Experimental research on the distribution of ground control points for DMC digital imagery aerial-triangulation DMC航摄影像外业像控布点的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Longest Distance Method to Filter Ground Control Points in a Remote Sensing Image Correction 最长距离法筛选遥感影像校正中的地面控制点 www.ilib.cn 1. Elevation error estimation of satellite photogrammetry without ground control point 无地面控制点卫星摄影测量高程误差估算 service.ilib.cn 2. Component-Based Distributed Design and Implementation of UAV Helicopter Ground Control Station 无人直升机地面站系统组件化分布式设计与实现 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Design and Realization of UAV Ground Navigation Station System Application Research of UAV Ground Control System 无人机地面控制站系统的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Fundamental Geospatial Data Updating Approach without Ground Control Points 无像控基础地理空间数据更新方法 service.ilib.cn 5. Dynamic Calibrating of Three-Line-Array CCD Camera in Satellite Photogrammetry Using Ground Control Point 利用地面控制点进行卫星摄影三线阵CCD相机的动态检测 service.ilib.cn 6. Geographic Registration for Air-bome SAR Image with no Ground Control Point Supported by GPS Position Data GPS支持下的机载SAR遥感图像无控制准实时地理定位 www.ilib.cn 7. The Techniques on Ground Control Point Database in Geometry Rectification of Remote Sensing Imagery 遥感影像纠正中控制点库建立相关技术 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of Image Database for Ground Control Point to Geography Correction of Images 控制点影像库在遥感影像几何纠正中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Suggestion for Protection and Construction of Ground Control Points of Hegang Mine Area 对鹤岗矿区地面控制点保护与建设的建议 service.ilib.cn 10. Application of Nonrestraint Adjustment of GPS and Ground Control Network in Road Survey GPS网与地面网无约束平差在公路测量中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. GPS-supported Bundle Block Adjustment Without Ground Control Points 无地面控制GPS辅助光束法区域网平差 www.ilib.cn 2. Object Location of Satellite Imagery Under Lacking Ground Control Points 缺少控制点的卫星遥感对地目标定位 www.ilib.cn 3. A Method to Calculate Southern Hemisphere's Ground Control Points' Latitude 南半球地面点纬度的测算 www.ilib.cn 4. Ground control part - ground monitoring system; 地面控制部分—地面监控系统; www.sciencenet.cn 5. Ground control survey method for small hydropower project 小水电工程项目地面控制测量的方法 www.ilib.cn 6. High Resolution Satellite Imagery Geo-Referencing without Ground Control Points Based on Prediction 基于卫星参数预测的高分辨率光学影像精确定位方法 www.ilib.cn 7. A Data Processing Scheme of Airphoto with No Ground Control Points 一种无精确地面控制点的航空影像处理方案 www.ilib.cn 8. A remote sensing image ground control point matching algorithm based on dynamic template and conformal transform 一种基于动态模板和等角变换的遥感影像地面控制点匹配算法 www.ilib.cn 9. Effective methods of ground control survey of small hydro project 小水电工程地面控制测量的几种有效方法 service.ilib.cn 10. Design of Control Platform Software for UAV's Ground Control Station 无人机地面站控制台软件设计 www.ilib.cn 1. A New Method of Getting Dense Ground Control Points --Space Projection Method 一种加密控制点的新方法--空间投影加密法 www.ilib.cn 2. Several Ways in Building Additionally the Ground Control Network of LulingCoal Mine 芦岭煤矿地面控制网补建的几点做法 service.ilib.cn 3. An Adaptive Matching Algorithm for Ground Control Point of Remote Sensing Image Based on Corner Extraction 一种基于角点提取的遥感影像地面控制点自适应匹配算法 ilib.cn 4. Discussion on ground control method of longwall mining 长壁式采矿法地压管理方法初探 5. Estimation of aerial camera parameters based on ground control points with equal elevation 基于等高地面控制点的航空摄像机参数估计 www.opticsjournal.net 6. Research on Ground Control Method for Anti-bird Device in Air 空中驱鸟设备的地面控制方法研究 ilib.cn 7. Ground control survey of tunnel 隧道地面控制测量 dict.bitunion.org 8. Wanting to show a map in Ground Control Centre 想地面控制中心展示一幅地图 wenwen.soso.com 9. VMCG Minimum Ground Control Speed 地面最小控制速度 www.fly-fly-fly.com 10. UAV Ground Control Station Based on GIS 基于GIS的无人机地面控制站的实现 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of Visual Basic Writing Program in Large- scale Ground Control System of Coal Mine 编程在煤矿大型地面监控系统中的应用 service.ilib.cn |
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