释义 |
- na.毛利;总利润
- 网络利润总额;销货毛利;亿元人民币
n. | 1. the difference between the price that someone sells goods for and what it costs to produce them |
1. | 毛利 中经社词汇索引_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... gross die 未经封装的晶粒 gross profits 毛利 ground-breaking ceremony 破土典礼 ... www.fanyijia.com | 2. | 总利润 外贸英语函电范文4_小颖_新浪博客 ... total profits 总利润 gross profits 总利润,毛利 sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利 ... blog.sina.com.cn | 3. | 利润总额 (2)利润的形成: 1)利润总额(gross profits)。根据企业会计准则的规定,企业利润的形成包括与生产经营活动有关的所得 … doc.mbalib.com |
4. | | 5. | 亿元人民币 ... 持续盈利能力 Sustainable Profitability (亿元人民币) Gross Profits (亿元人民币) Value of Newly Signed Contracts ... www.cfi.net.cn |
释义: 毛利,总利润,利润总额,销货毛利,亿元人民币