单词 | go from | ||
释义 | go from
例句释义: 从…处出发 1. He said: "My family have been there from the word go, from my parents through to my boys and Victoria now. " 自从消息传来,我的家人已经来了,从我的父母到我的孩子还有Victoria。 beckham.org 2. Start-up times on the two were respectable for a Windows PC: ready to go from cold start in just over a minute. 两款电脑的启动时间对Windows电脑来说都是相当好的:冷启动只要一分多钟的时间。 c.wsj.com 3. So you can't go from one extreme to another and fall out with him, start criticising him. 所以你不能从一个极端来到另一个极端,去批评他。 tieba.baidu.com 4. If you sometimes have those days when everything seems to go from bad to worse, then this article is for you. 如果你时而觉得有那么一段时间你身边的一切都变的越来越糟糕的时候,那么这篇文章正是为你而作。 www.bing.com 5. Really can do in a short time, but I go from the effect of the company to see that it is not the state. 真的能在短时间内做到效果,但从我走的那些公司来看,基本上都是等不了的状态。 www.82g.com.cn 6. Perhaps but some parents like maintaining the child idea to go from any them to see an achievement chaotic high school. 但有些父母也许喜欢保持孩子想法去从什么他们看见作为一所混乱的高中。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. All the child needs to do now is think I would like to go from the lounge room to the bedroom and the body automatically responds. 儿童所需要的仅是想一下我需要从休息室到卧室,身体就能自动做出反应。 www.bing.com 8. The last two or three years, you just see how the season goes, sit down and chat with the gaffer at Christmas and go from there. “过去的两到三年,我总是看看球队的状况,然后在圣诞节和老头子(弗格森)坐下来聊聊天,然后继续出发”。 www.bing.com 9. It was funny to see Rebecca go from swearing she was fine to airing all of her emotional problems to the group in the span of one breath. 看丽贝卡信誓旦旦地说她能在很短时间内很好地控制自己的情感问题,是非常有意思的一件事。 www.bing.com 10. Maybe you're not looking at a reaction, but you've got some new compound, and you're looking at it go from liquid to solid or to gas. 也许你研究的不是一个反应,但你得到了一种新的化合物,你看着它从液体变成了固体或气体。 open.163.com 1. It would be great if you could go from a high glucose level to a normal one in one big jump, with a nice, soft landing. 如果你通过软着陆的办法从高血糖状态一下子降到正常水平,这是好现象,但事实上通常不是这样; bbs.tnbz.com 2. Unless you are the owner of a business, there is always a chance that you can be let go from work at any time. 除非你自己当老板,不然总有不知什么时候工作被打发掉的可能。 www.bing.com 3. 'We are at the crossroads between the two giants. You've got to pass Singapore to go from the Indian Ocean into the Pacific, ' he said. 他说,我们处在这两个大国之间的十字路口上,你必须通过新加坡才能从印度洋进入太平洋。 chinese.wsj.com 4. You will not be able to go from the past in life as long as you will not have overcome the errors of the past and all that hurt you. 你将无法从过去的生活中前行,如果你还没有克服过去的错误和所有的伤痛。 ey166.blog.163.com 5. Foresight and common sense are all that are needed as you go from room to room and imagine what would happen in an earthquake. 你需要做之只是巡视你之房间,设想地震时房中会发生什么,用你之常识来进行预测、找出隐患。 wzksw.com 6. But I'll have it in my pocket when I get home, and I'll take it with me wherever I go from now on. Love to you, dad. 但是我将带它(用玫瑰色看待人生)回家,并从现在开始无论去哪里,我都会带着它… blog.sina.com.cn 7. I knew it was possible to go from rich to poor, just as it was possible to go from poor to rich. 我知道富人有可能会变穷,就像穷人能致富一样。 dongxi.net 8. It might seem a bit of a leap to go from here to putting poker on the curriculum. 把扑克上升到学院课程的高度似乎夸张了点儿,但一些学者认为这值得尝试。 www.ecocn.org 9. We have been at Emirates Stadium for a year now and go from strength to strength off the pitch. 我们现在已经在埃米尔球场有一年时间了,在球场也表现得越来越强大。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. Before Prospero left the island, he let Ariel go from his service, to the great joy of that lively little spirit. 布劳斯佩洛离开这岛以前,他解除了艾瑞尔的服侍,让这活泼的小精灵非常快乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And I'm going to go from one mixture to another mixture, and that's going to be the key to telling me if I'm in equilibrium or not. 而且我们从一个混合物到了另一个混合物,这很关键它能告诉我,是否达到了平衡状态。 open.163.com 2. Cole, 24, has been a regular in recent weeks and is determined to go from strength to strength after scoring against Newcastle on Saturday. 二十四岁的科尔已经在最近的几周里固定了自己在球队首发中的位置,而且通过周六对纽卡斯尔的进球进一步巩固了自己的继续首发的决心。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. The weekend before Sept. 11, 2001 occurred was my unit's drill weekend, and I was getting everything ready to go from Missouri to Kansas. 2011年9月11日的前一个周末,是我们部队的训练周,我做好从密西根州到堪萨斯州的一切准备。 www.bing.com 4. was let go from her job as the director of a pro-bono legal services program for a social service provider, she took on a nanny position. 离开了在一家社会服务提供商担任一个无偿法律服务项目主任的工作后,她接受了一份保姆工作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. And what that basically means is the neutron is born here. It's going to go from here to here leaking out of a certain confined space. 那基本上表示的是,中子是,在这产生的,那是要从这到这泄露,从一个封闭的空间里泄露。 open.163.com 6. Meanwhile, up to 67 jobs will go from the Victorian operations of print and distribution group PMP Ltd, the company announced on Thursday. 与此同时,该公司上周四宣布,维多利亚经营的PMP印刷和分发集团有限公司准备裁员67人。 www.silkcapital.com 7. Go from the beginning to the end of your route, paying attention to those features and replaying the scenes in your mind. 路线从出发到结束,注意那些特征物,并且在脑中重演场景。 www.bing.com 8. The previous exchange manager had tried to force consumers to go from fixed to measured packages, with a minimum number of required calls. 而他的前任只是强迫消费者由固定费用变为依话务量而定的费用,而且有最低消费规定。 dongxi.net 9. Fusun, who spends a large chunk of her working life on a plane, says women should be able to go from flight to meeting uncrumpled. 菲松大部分工作时间都是在飞机上度过的。她表示,女性应该能够穿着不起褶的服装,直接从机场奔赴会议场所。 www.ftchinese.com 10. 'No-one's going to go from the Great Plains state of Kansas to Kazakhstan for one-tenth of the cash, ' he warned. 约雷斯警告说:“没有人愿意从美国的大平原地区的堪萨斯州跑到哈萨克斯坦,挣的还只有原先的十分之一。” www.bing.com 1. You can still go from the seaside to see the Derby with your Uncle Oscar, if that's what you wish. 如果你愿意的话,你仍然可以从海滨同奥斯卡叔叔一道去看德比马赛。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. After, when he had achieved the targets, he was a bit in no-man's-land because he wondered, 'where do I go from here? 然后,当他达成目标之后,他有点失去了方向,因为他想‘我现在该有什么样目标?’ bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. Predicting where the numbers will go from here is, at least in the short term, pretty straightforward. 预测今后人口会达到怎样一个数量,至少在短期内,是非常容易的。 dongxi.net 4. How stupid. Go from so far away to be here, just for asking rival in love not to refuse you. How stupid a girl! 这么笨,千里迢迢跑来,就为了跟情敌说不要拒绝你,真是傻丫头。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In our job you must be ready to take your luggage and go from one country to the next, to Greece, to Japan. 在我们工作里,你必须准备好带上你的行李,从一个国家到另外一个国家,去希腊、去日本。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. His mother 's health go from bad to worse , this make him worry about it so much . 他妈妈的身体健康每况愈下,这令他非常担心。 www.bing.com 7. But with a goal already under his belt, the boss believes Suarez will go from strength to strength as he settles into Anfield life. 但已然一球入账后,主教练相信随着他逐渐融入安菲尔德的生活,苏亚雷斯定会取得越来越多的进球。 www.ept-team.com 8. And with the crippled economy remaining fractured, experts believe the health of the American people will likely go from bad to worse. 在随着削弱的经济继续低迷,专家认为美国人的健康可能会从糟糕转为更糟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. So when the air pushes up to go from the hot end to the cold end it puts some heat into the sponge. 当空气由热端流向冷端,抬高活塞将一部分的热储存在热储存体中。 www.ted.com 10. There will let you go from the point of view more about this place. 还有会让你从更多的角度去了解这个地方。 wenwen.soso.com 1. He that would be well needs not go from his own house. 要找幸福,不必离家远寻。 www.enfang.com 2. I would make an initial decision about the presence of a database and go from there, but I would still evolve most of the design. 我可能会对数据库的存在有一个初步的判断,然后以此作为起点。当然,我仍会用进化的方式完成大部分设计。 www.bing.com 3. Farah also said that all private security companies must move out of the office to go from the capital, Kabul. 法拉赫还说,所有的私人保安公司都要把办公室从首都喀布尔迁出去。 www.englishtang.com 4. A number of ancient faults also go from Canada all the way at least to South Carolina, including near New York. 许多古代断层也至少是从加拿大漫延至南卡罗莱纳州,甚至靠近纽约。 www.elanso.com 5. But this 5 percent is enough to allow a person to go from taking a shower assisted by an aide to taking it themselves. 但是,这百分之五是足以让一个人淋浴时不需要别人的帮助,而靠仅仅他自己。 news.dxy.cn 6. The hair beneath. Stand further off then! Go. Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand! 那底下的发丝。快站远些呀,快走! dannyxue.blog.com.cn 7. The common thing that happens, says Dr. Parrott, is for a woman to go from loving wife to devoted mommy. 派瑞特博士说,最普遍的情况是女性有了孩子后就由一个忠诚的妻子变成了专职妈妈。 www.bing.com 8. Ramsey admits it took time for the team to settle but says it is all systems go from here on in. 拉姆塞承认球队需要花费一定的时间去适应,但这是整个系统运转的必要前提。 www.bing.com 9. It is not uncommon to see changes go from inception to deployment in a couple of days or less. 看到在几天或更少的时间内完成从先启到部署的变化并不罕见。 www.ibm.com 10. You wanted to go from liquid to gas, you could actually go around this critical point, and never actually see a phase transition. 如果你想把液体变成气体,你可以绕过临界点,这样就看不到相变了。 open.163.com 1. I was starting to see myself more clearly, but I wasn't sure where to go from there. 我开始更清楚地看自己了,不过我还不确定从那儿要去哪里。 www.bing.com 2. Before long the C. I. A. would go from being the long-term jailer of America's enemies to a military organization that erased them. 不久之后,中情局就从一个美国敌人的长期关押者,变成一个消灭他们的军事组织。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Just as markets go from boom to bust, many captains of industry lose their assets at some point in a venture that goes wrong. 正如市场会有盛衰循环一样,很多企业掌舵人有时也会由于冒险失误而丧失资产。 www.jjj8.cn 4. How did I go from a college graduate with the world at my fingertips to bringing my mom's leftover lasagna to work for lunch? 从游戏世界的大学毕业生到带着父母剩下的烤宽面条去上班,这一转变又是怎样发生的呢? www.bing.com 5. Then, if you needed to send data out of the Java code, you'd use the encoder to go from internal characters to external bytes. 然后,如果需要把数据发送到Java代码外,您将使用编码器把内部字符转换为外部字节。 www.ibm.com 6. Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow. 走吧。从此我就觉得一直徘徊在你的身影里。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "He is presentable and charismatic although he still has a distance to go from Apple's Steve Jobs, " said an analyst who covers the company. “尽管他距离苹果掌门人乔布斯还有距离,不过他还是很有潜力和魅力的,”一位跟踪比亚迪公司的分析师说。 cn.reuters.com 8. "You go from a rare disease to a biological insight of general importance, " he said. 他说:我们从一个罕见疾病中洞查到了生物学普遍的奥秘; www.bing.com 9. "It's usually a shock for them to go from the youth team straight to big responsibilities, " said the Arsenal manager. “对于像瓦特这样的年轻球员而言,直接从青年队打入一线队足球,一直都是一次震惊,”温格说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. A woman who overcame tremendous odds to go from "homeless to Harvard" has turned her life story into an American bestseller. 有一位女子,她历经千辛万苦最终由“一位流浪女成长为哈佛天之娇女”。现在她已把自己的人生故事打造成一本美国畅销书。 www.bing.com 1. It took less than a decade for the world to go from not really thinking about oil to fearing the end of the oil age. 在不到10年的时间里,世界就从并不把石油当回事转到了担忧起石油时代的终结。 www.bing.com 2. Don't put the kind heart in crowded go from, more have to defend ugly sneaking into your heart. 不要把善良从心灵深处挤走,更得严防丑恶偷偷潜入你心底。 baike.soso.com 3. It used to be a long and dangerous voyage to go from Europe to America by sea. 过去坐船到美国是一段漫长而危险的航行。 clairebleue.yculblog.com 4. He'll be ready to go from day one, Obama noted. 他将会准备好摆脱过去,奥巴马说。 www.bing.com 5. Still, how he would love to go from Lion King to Premier League king with Arsenal topping the table at the end of the season! 当然,相比音乐剧“狮子王”,赛季末加冕英超联赛之王是他更想得到的吧。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. As time goes by, go from a a graders into a student of grade 6. Those troubles like about though, the barrage of comes to me. 随着时光的流逝,去从一名一年级的小学生变成了六年级的学生。那些烦恼就像约好了似的,接二连三的向我袭来。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This, publisher people the downwind car that hopes to be able to hit Yamaxun, go from inside predicament. 这次,出版商们希望可以打上亚马逊的顺风车,从困境中走出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. IT TOOK President Goodluck Jonathan a mere decade to go from lowly official to undisputed leader of his country. 仅仅十年时间,GoodluckJonathan就从国家的底层公务员成为了无可置疑的领袖。 www.ecocn.org 9. In paradise the dwellings are too far from each other for visiting. It would take thousands of years to go from one to the other. 天堂里的每户人家相距甚远,从一处到另一处要花上几万年的时间,所以彼此串门根本不可能。 www.bing.com 10. I walked barefoot, took the bus, the train, the metro to go from the Hangzhou zoo to the Shanghai Museum. 通过步行,公交车,火车,地铁从杭州动物园到达上海博物馆,在这个过程中保持不停的赤脚行走。 china.shanghart.com 1. If you look at a long term, obviously it's going to change as you go from this point to that point. 如果你长期地看,很明显它会随你从,这一点到那一点变化。 open.163.com 2. Managing context explicitly means being aware of the shifts in context as you go from one model or decomposition level to the next. 管理环境很明显意味着您在环境中将从一个模型或者分解级别到下一个级别的转换。 www.ibm.com 3. As the mortal human being, inevitably, we need to go from the illusionary perfect state of mind to the imperfect realistic state. 人总是要逐渐的让自己从完美的虚幻中走向不完美的真实与现实中的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The merciless reality of this sad conclusion, let me how strong go from here? ? 这个无情的现实,这个悲痛的结局,让我如何坚强的走下去???。 blog.wtojob.com 5. Sandra Endo explains why Egypt should study history to see where things might go from here. SandraEndo解释为什么埃及要学习历史,看看事情会何去何从。 www.tingclass.com 6. The young man who was attempting to lead the company's transformation has been tarnished. Where does the firm go from here? 试图领导公司进行变革的年轻默多克被名声也被损害了,公司从这里将走向何方? www.ecocn.org 7. The eve of New Year's Day, on which children traditionally go from house to house asking for presents. 大年夜,除夕新年前夕,传统上在这一天孩子们会挨家挨户地讨礼物。 dic.so.163.com 8. They're . . . they're from . . . they go from a very bright blue to a very pastel light blue, to all different colors like that. 他们…他们是…他们从非常明亮的蓝色到一个非常柔和的浅蓝色,不同的颜色都像那样… blog.sina.com.cn 9. For our own future, whether how to go from here? I have been thinking very hard but there is no answer, only more heavy burden on the heart. 我们未来的路,究竟该怎么走?我苦苦思索却没有答案,只有更加沉重的心里负担。 home.ebigear.com 10. He says, "It would have been too drastic to go from Thank You, which was all covers, to all originals. " 迪克兰说:“如果从全部都是翻唱曲目的《谢谢》一下子改为全部都是原创,那未免太猛了。” tieba.baidu.com 1. Life is like a gyroscope, is in continuous rotation, we will eventually go from the current aging of the day in their prime. 生命就象是陀螺,不停的旋转,我们终会从现在的风华正茂走到衰老的那一天。 enwaimao.cn 2. How did you go from being like any other boy playing football with his friends to playing for a professional club? 你是怎么从一个和朋友一起踢球娱乐的人,成为一个职业球员? www.jczqw.com 3. This insight is what led Iceland to go from being one of the poorest countries in Europe circa 1900 to being one of the richest circa 2000. 正是这一洞见使得冰岛从1900年前后欧洲最贫穷的国家之一转变为2000年前后最富裕的国家之一。 www.bing.com 4. Just try to understand the issue on a simpler level and go from there. 尝试从简单的层面去了解问题,以此为起点。 www.bing.com 5. Why has it taken so long for control measures to be updated, and where do we go from here? 为何控制措施更新需要如此长的时间?我们现在该何去何从? www.who.int 6. One of the most amazing phases in childhood development is when infants go from making baby sounds to actually saying words. 童年发展最令人惊讶的时期之一就是当幼儿从发出婴儿的声音到实际的说话这一阶段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. With a bit more warmth and extra fertilizer, a plant can go from limp to lush. 只要稍微温暖一点、再加上些许肥料,一株弱不禁风的植物就可以强壮茂盛起来。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. Now, the age of 21 is a time when people ask themselves: where do I go from here? 如今,很多步入21岁的人都会自问:“我要去向哪里?” www.kekenet.com 9. University autonomy, academic freedom, in such a democratic society go from here? 大学自治、学术自由,在这样一个民主社会中何去何从? www.cutpic.cn 10. However, disks may also rupture very acutely. Some dogs will go from normal walking to total paralysis in less than one hour. 但椎间盘突出发病急,犬由可以正常行走到瘫痪可能不到一个小时。 blog.163.com 1. In times of war soldiers used to go from town to town looking for men to shanghai into the navy. 战争期间,士兵们常常到一个个城市里物色人,绑架到海军舰船中充当水手。 bilex.gdufs.edu.cn 2. That means you will have to go from your current "Spot A" to the "Spot B" of your dreams. 这意味着你必须要从现实中的“A站”到达理想中的“B站”。 www.elanso.com 3. Address: Jiaonan town WEI Beach Park. Jiaonan can go from the coastal road, passing through Dong mouth, over a period to go. 地址:胶南泊里镇魏家滩。从胶南可以走滨海大道,穿过董家口,过一段就到了。 qingdao.qite8.com 4. You could go from being an "o. k. " golfer to a "great" golfer. 你有可能会从一个不错的高尔夫球手走向一个伟大的高尔夫球员。 www.xxttjjs.com 5. People want to see the information without having to go from application to application. 人们希望看到的信息,是不必打开这个应用程序到那个应用程序。 www.bing.com 6. Please remember that when you use a link to go from our Website to another Website, our Privacy Policy is not longer in effect. 请记住,当您使用连接到我们的网站到另一个网站,我们的隐私政策不再有效。 7. The question is, where do we go from here? How do we work together to be on the right side of history together? 但现在的问题是,我们应该往哪里去?我们应该如何合作从而能够不脱离历史的正轨? apps.hi.baidu.com 8. So we've just got to bounce back on Wednesday and go from there. 星期三,我们从休斯顿身上,把失去的要回来。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. Healing is a resource of knowledge that allows the body to go from sick to well. 疗愈,是一个允许身体从疾病回归健康的知识源。 news.verywind.com 10. Next time you want to go from San Juan to New York, you take the train. 下次从圣胡安回纽约,你就坐火车。 www.bing.com 1. There was a man to fry Thirteen River Morning shorts to sell, $ 16 paid too goods, 19 sold, really can go from the volume. 有一个人,到十三行炒短裤到沙河早市卖,16元拿得货,19块卖,还真能走得起量。 www.wiip.cn 2. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. 带着绿色草帽的老人一家挨一家地查看是不是所有人都还“安好”。 children.dizang.info 3. Excuse me. But I'm a bit lost. Can I go from here to the Fox's? 打扰一下,我有点迷路了。请问佛科斯怎么走? wenku.baidu.com 4. His best- known duty is to go from the lord to summon the commons to attend the opening of parliament and hear the queen's speech. 他最被人了解的职责是:从上院召唤下院议员参加议会的开幕并倾听女王的发言。 it.bab.la 5. Go from concern to confidence with a plan that can be seamlessly integrated into existing infrastructure. 从关注到自信,我们的计划可以无缝集成到现有基础架构中。 www.certicom.com 6. Many controlled languages use a hierarchy of terms that go from a more general level of description to a more specific level. 许多控制语言使用一个术语层次结构,这些术语的范围涵盖从更一般级别到更特定级别的描述。 www.ibm.com 7. When it increases, these types of indicators go from a normal, to a warning, to an alarm state. 当日志利用率增长时,这些类型指示器的状态从正常变化到提醒、报警。 www-128.ibm.com 8. It may be that you go from flirt to finished in the wink of a flirtatious eye. 或许,你的爱以轻浮开始,而以轻浮告终。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. How easy it is to go from bad to worse, when once we have started upon a downward course! 只要我们一开始走下坡路,越变越坏可真容易呀! www.jukuu.com 10. With competition so intense, the field could quickly go from nascent to overcrowded and result in a brutal, profit-killing price war. 在竞争如此激烈的情况下,这个领域有可能很快从萌芽走向过剩,引发一场惨烈的、损及利润的价格战。 c.wsj.com 1. Just a wandering worker, I go from town to town. 我只是个流浪的工人,从一个地方流窜到另一个地方; en.v.wenguo.com 2. What was it like to go from the writing world into the movie world? 从写作的世界到电影的世界是什么样子的? www.bing.com 3. Go from thinking in terms of sysems, applications, to thinking in terms of what a customer does to complete a process. 由按系统和应用去思考,转换到按客户完成一个过程所需做的事去思考。 www.infoq.com 4. Or you may go from one project to the next, for once the challenge and vital interest is gone, you are very quick to move on. 或者,你可以去从一个项目到下一个,这一次的挑战和切身利益,是走了,你非常快地前进。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Just how long it takes you to go from cover to cover depends on where you are in developing a financial plan. 这个理财计划的持续时间依赖于你在人生的哪个阶段制订它。 www.bing.com 6. What do you think? Are we in a new bull market? A massive bear rally? Where do we go from here? 你有何看法?我们是处在新一轮的牛市中了吗?或是有力的熊市反弹?今后将何去何从? www.gjjy.com 7. Health care will go from ten per cent to seventeen per cent of labor costs for business, and workers' wages will have to fall. 企业劳动力成本中,医保部分将从原来的10%飙升至17%,工人们的工资将会因此而减少。 www.bing.com 8. But if you go slow, literally taking one step at a time, you can go from being sedentary to becoming a runner just like Leo. 但是如果慢慢来,也就是每次迈出一小步,那你会慢慢从习惯久坐的人变成运动健将的! www.bing.com 9. But I believe women have more space than four years ago, and the ability to go from place to place. 不过我相信,相比四年前,女性的空间更多,而且能够四处走动了。 www.bing.com 10. Fixed a match screen problem where the control panel was not refreshed when you go from one match to the next on a matchday. 修正了当你从一个比赛到另一个比赛时控制面板不刷新的问题。 bbs.cmfans.cn 1. 'I watched it go from $50 to $30 to less than $1, ' he said. 他说,我看着股价从50美元跌到30美元,跌到不足一美元。 chinese.wsj.com 2. To go from identifying a disease to developing a new generation of seeds in a decade is remarkable. 从鉴定一场灾害起步,在十年内发展出新一代种子是了不起的事情。 www.ecocn.org 3. We all are poor helpless widows and spend money on fare to come and go from to the office. 我们都是些贫穷无助的寡妇,花钱大老远来登记局申办身份证。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As the Guardian noted in 1997: "Kyoto has kept the climate change [fight] alive. The only way targets can go from here is up. " 正如《卫报》1997年指出的那样:“京都使得(抵抗)气候变化继续。现在起唯一通向目标的路就是向上。” www.bing.com 5. Being extravagant. Sometimes going over the top is good, if you can let yourself go from time to time, people will notice. 放纵不羁。有时脱离束缚是好的,如果你能够让自己一盖亚打什么加速度次又一次地冲破束缚,人们会注意到你的。 www.51yue.net 6. Where you go from there depends on whether your vibrations are such that you can be lifted up. 从那里你们将走向何处取决于你们的振动是否达到使你们能够被举起的程度。 hi.baidu.com 7. The next element above hydrogen, as we go from the simplest to the most complicated element, is helium. 当我们以最简单到最复杂按顺序考查原子时,比氢复杂的其次一个元素就是氦。 8. For their first few months with the company they go from one department to another and learn about company policy and organization. 他们进公司的头几个月,轮流在各个部门实习,了解公司的经营方针和组织机构。 www.jukuu.com 9. You have to go from what looks like a human person to ash and bone, whether you get there by flame or decomposition. 不管是火化还是分解,每个人都要经历从活生生的人到只剩一把骨灰的过程。 gb.cri.cn 10. Earlier, Argentina had imposed a new requirement for shipping to get permission to go from there to the islands. 早前时候,阿根廷已经签署了一项法令,批准船只可由该国驶往该岛。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. " People think , 'How can you go from being a leading figure in an international financial system back to your desk ? ' " he says . “人们认为,‘你怎么可能从国际金融体系中的一个领导人物转回到案头工作呢?’”他说。 www.bing.com 2. A: I can't think of any way out now. Where do I go from here? 现在也想不出什么办法,我该怎么办呢? www.ebigear.com 3. His rule has seen him go from revolutionary hero to international pariah, to valued strategic partner and back to pariah again. 他对利比亚的统治,经历了从革命英雄到国际烂货,再到策略性合作,又回到烂货的过程。 www.bing.com 4. they are the method by which we go from a definition of the problem to a high-quality solution. 从问题的定义出发,收获高质量的解决方案,想法就是连通二者的途径。 book.51cto.com 5. Q: Is a "spotter" needed to go from high to low ground, or does vision granted from high ground solve this problem? 问:从高处往低处走的时候需要侦察单位么?或者说高地单位自己拥有的视野就可以解决问题? bbs.8da.com 6. And I let the stones go from my hands, and they were broken before your eyes. 我就把那两块版从我手中扔下去,在你们眼前摔碎了。 springbible.fhl.net 7. During, economic situation worsens ceaselessly, superintendency environment also go from bad to worse. 期间,经济形势不断恶化,监管环境也每况愈下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Having our full Maya library means you can go from beginner to advanced in an accelerated timeline. 在我们充分玛雅图书馆意味着你可以从初级到高级的加速时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Can you fix any of these relationships, or should you let them go from your life? 你能调整这些关系或者让他们不再进入你生活中吗? xhzhu2007.blog.163.com 10. Since winning the November election, the president-elect has seen the economy go from bad to worse. 自从赢得11月份的大选以来,当选总统奥巴马看到经济状况更加恶化。 www.voanews.cn 1. I watched the "bean, " as it is sometimes lovingly called by transplant surgeons, go from brother to sister. 我注视着被外科医师亲切的称为“四季豆”的肾脏从哥哥移植到妹妹体内。 news.dxy.cn 2. It is a festival to go from this world across to the dead world. Let us see through this comedy of sentient being and thereby enjoy it. 这是个节日来从这个世界前往那个死亡世界,让我们来观察这个有情众生的喜剧,从而来享受它。 open.163.com 3. Contrast to an ameliorative pattern, which is a pattern that tells how to go from a bad solution to a good solution. 与优秀的改进型模式相反,反模式告诉我们避免这些糟糕的模式采用优秀的模式。 www.cnblogs.com 4. But some newer coasters don't click and clack at all. They go from a dead stop to 100 kilometers an hour in four seconds. 但是,一些较新的过山车不点击和瓣的。他们从一个完全停止到100公里每小时,在四秒。 www.maynet.cn 5. But I am not going to count my chickens, I'm just going to work hard and go from there. 但是我不会在事情还没有结果之前就去想后来如何如何,我只是去刻苦努力,顺其自然。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. The line is due to go from Turin, in Italy's Piedmont region, to Lyon, in southern France. 这条高铁线路一端是意大利皮埃蒙特大区的都灵,另一端连接的是法国南部城市里昂。 cn.wsj.com 7. Playing rehearsal of concert from EBISU muscats. Are you ready to go from China? ! lol. 惠比寿麝香葡萄的音乐会演出正在排练。你准备好了我们来中国吗?哈哈。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. 是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。 bbs.hcbbs.com 9. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. 随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,我们从早到晚总是感到忙忙碌碌。 www.hicoo.net 10. Give praise to the Lord, O my soul; let not all his blessings go from your memory. 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记他的一切恩惠。 www.jukuu.com 1. Our class next week will follow the usual format, but we also need to discuss end-of-term activities and where-do-we-go-from here. 下周的课按往常方式进行,我们也必须讨论期末活动和以此为基点今后如何继续进行。 www.myoops.org 2. I essentially did go from a boy to a young man but that was because of the environmental forces that were pushing me into that role. 我实在是在本质上从一个男孩成长为一个青年,但那都是外部环境把我一步步推向了那个角色。 www.chiefinfo.com 3. If they go from sugar beverages to [clean] tap water, you get a public health home run and environmental home run. 如果他们从糖饮料到[清洁]自来水,公众健康和生存环境就会有质的飞跃。 www.bing.com 4. During the Christmas season, friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs. 在圣诞节期间,朋友们聚在一起,唱着圣诞歌从一家走到另一家。 www.9116998.cn 5. Ironically enjoy being alone too. . . still wandering in my life to decide where to go from now on. 具有讽刺意味的享受单独太…仍然徘徊在我的生活,决定从现在开始,到哪里。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 6. I don't know exactly where we go from here, but I want you to remember you're a great dog, Marley. 我不知道究竟为什么,我们从这里,但我想请你记住你是一只伟大的狗,马利。 absorby.appspot.com 7. The change Liu has made, is to go from 8 steps before reaching the first hurdle to seven, a move designed to lower his starting times. 刘翔此次是将此前在第一个栏之前一直使用的八步上栏改成七步上栏,以提高前半程速度。 www.hxen.com 8. Different means of transport help people travel and go from one place to another easily. 不同的交通方式有助于人们出行并轻松的从一处到达另一处。 www.bokecn.net 9. Within a mere half-hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized. 在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。 www.bing.com 10. Why mobile phone batteries quality problems happen frequently, mobile phone battery industry will go from here? 为什么手机电池的质量问题经常发生,手机电池产业将何去何从? www.qiyeku.com 1. eg. Sometimes going over the top is good, if you can let yourself go from time to time, people will notice. 有时挣脱束缚是好的,如果你能够让自己一次又一次地挣脱束缚,人们会注意到你的。 www.kekenet.com 2. Immediately to the period of leave, it left a number of trivial matters, but I go from here? 立即假期期间,它留下了一些小事,但我何去何从? wenwen.soso.com 3. The dormitories are right across the street from their factory, so it takes one minute exactly to go from their sewing machine to their bed. 宿舍就在厂对面,只要一分钟,就能从缝纫机走到床边了。 dongxi.net 4. to the factory from your home? How long will it take you to go from your factory back your home? 你怎么从家里去工厂的?从你家到工厂要多少时间? www.jukuu.com 5. I just go from girlfriend to girlfriend and I'm never happy or satisfied. 我虽然换了一个又一个女朋友,但从不快乐或满足。 www.hxen.com 6. That evening I learned that in football you can go from heaven to hell in a matter of minutes. 那一晚我了解到在足球中你可能一下子就从天堂跌落地狱。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. Perfect for photo journalists, the SlingShot 100 AW uses a unique sling design to go from "carry mode" to " ready mode " in just seconds. 完美的摄影记者,在弹弓100抗磨采用独特的吊带设计,从“执行模式”到“准备模式”只需几秒钟。 www.showxiu.com 8. Where crude prices go from here, these analysts say, could hinge more on Beijing and Riyadh than Washington or New York. 这些分析师说,油价将何去何从可能更多地取决于北京和利雅得,而不是华盛顿或是纽约。 www.bing.com 9. Start by first identifying what you're passionate about, then go from there. 最开始只要你确定了自己的兴趣所在,然后就努力去做。 www.24en.com 10. KJV: They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. 新译本:他们行走,力上加力,直到各人在锡安朝见神。 bible.holybook.cn 1. Students often must go from one class in one building to the next class in another building across campus. 学生们经常必须从一个大楼里上完课穿过校园到另一个大楼里上另一堂课。 show.24en.com 2. Our ever-changing Tanzanite go from blue to violet to purple on a whim in a perfectly modern, 14K yellow gold setting. 坦桑石耳钉其特有的蓝色光和紫色光使它更加完美且时尚,并且镶嵌在14K黄金上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. That said we would be willing to entertain an offer and go from there. 虽然这么说,但是我们还是愿意考虑一个报价然后再看如何发展。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. They go from strength to strength; every one of them comes before God in Zion. 他们的体力越行越有,到熙雍觐见至高天主。 www.jdtjy.com 5. Two years into this run, the balance of risk for where commodities prices go from here is turning negative. 市场进入此轮牛市已长达两年,以当前的价格水平为起点,未来大宗商品价格走低的风险在加大。 chinese.wsj.com 6. they seem to have a long way to go from taking over all the human work in the home. 但它们想从事人类的所有家务还需要一段很长的时间。 www.jukuu.com 7. We'll start with the assumption that you already have those two things and go from there. 我们将先假设您已经有了这两样东西,然后继续我们的工作。 www.ibm.com 8. When you come and go from the veil into this planet you call Earth, in the form you call Human, this light name is known to us. 当你来到,并从面纱进入这个你称作地球的行星,在你称之为人类的形式中,这光的名字是我们所了解的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We'll take a look at how you're doing in three months and go from there. 我们要看看你在这三个月内干得如何,然后再做打算。 www.tingroom.com 10. So if I squeeze the base, the bands go from base to tip. 所以如果我挤压底部,光带从底部传到顶部。 www.ted.com 1. It is a gigantic leap to go from personal experience to forcing a vicious national plan on the entire country. 从个人的亲身经历到把一个邪恶的全民计划强加到整个国家身上是一个巨大的飞越。 jasonbug199.wordpress.com 2. To go from San Francisco to Los Angeles is no picnic. 从旧金山到洛杉矶这段路可一点不好玩。 www.bing.com 3. Technology products take months or years to go from the blueprint stage to production. 对于科技产品来说,从设计图纸到真正的投入产粗需要数月甚至数年。 gb.cri.cn 4. Well, not entirely impossible. -And they saw it go from the headlight, lampshades on the heads, so it's supposed to be planets. . . 好的,并不是完全不可能。-而他们看到它在前灯下,灯罩在头上,所以那应该是星球… www.yappr.cn 5. During the fall, Vermont 's many maple, birch and beech trees go from green to golden yellow and crimson. 一到秋天,佛蒙特州的众多枫树、桦树和山毛榉由绿色转为金黄和深红色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. 他们行走,力上加力,各人到锡安朝见神。 www.for68.com 7. Doctors go from house to house and save the trouble of going to hospital for the old. 医生挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了许多老年人去医院的麻烦。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The existence of negative factors will it be possible to make things go from junior high. 否定因素的存在才有可能使事物由低级走向高级。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Im not going to fully explain how to go from a vertical list to a horizontal navbar. 我并不打算娓娓道来如何将竖直列表转为一个水平导航条。 www.zzbaike.com 10. Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! 惟愿我在旷野有行路人住宿之处,使我可以离开我的民出去。 www.ebigear.com 1. They're still powerless to tell me how it feels to go from heaven to hell. 他们依然无法告诉我从天堂到地狱的感觉。 book.douban.com 2. But Henry Ford made it possible for ordinary people to go from place to place easily and cheaply. 但正是因为亨利·福特,普通人的出行才变得如此轻松、便捷、又花费不多。 club.topsage.com 3. Americans fear the war would drag on , and the economy would go from bad to worse. 美国人害怕战争拖延下去,经济状况每况愈下。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The donor-stem cells go from the patient's blood to the marrow and help start a new supply of red cells, white cells and platelets. 供者干细胞通过患者的血液到达骨髓,开始产生新的红细胞、白细胞和血小板。 pro.yeeyan.com 5. My mother restricted how far we could go from the apartment building, but this placed no restrictions on our exploring instinct. 妈妈规定我们跑得不能离公寓楼太远,但这点距离却限制不住我们的探险本能。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Different then, you could go from solid to liquid to gas. 这些相是否会从固体变到液体,再变到气体。 open.163.com 7. "They'd go from knocking over 90 percent of the buildings to knocking over all the buildings, " Donelan said. “它们的摧毁力将会从摧毁90%的建筑物到摧毁全部的建筑物,”Donelan说。 www.bing.com 8. A simple Action class to go from the form page to the display page. 一个Action类,从表单页面转到显示页面。 www.ibm.com 9. It's difficult to readjust to life on Earth, to go from being a temporary cosmonaut to being a normal civilian. 重新调整以适应地球生活是困难的,从临时宇航员到普通平民的适应也是一样。 www.bing.com 10. As for the retail bank, which includes Citi's cards business, this "looks better the further you go from New York, " says a board member. 对于包括信用卡业务的零售银行业务,“越深入纽约就会感觉越好”,一位董事会成员说。 www.ecocn.org 1. The temperatures are quite high again it could go from eight hundred and fifty to nine hundred degrees centigrade. 温度十分高,它还能从850上升到,900摄氏度。 open.163.com 2. Specifically -- when outside of high-speed Internet access range, they go from power-in-your-pocket to pricey-digital scratchpads. 尤其是当切断了高速的网络连接时,你的掌中之宝就会变成一块昂贵的数码存储器。 cn.reuters.com 3. What yesterday also told us is that no one party will be able to dictate where we go from here. . . 昨天同时也告诉我们没有一个党派能大声说从这里进行…… www.yappr.cn 4. That means more flights can come in and go from the NewYork area. 这意味着有更多的航班可以出入纽约地区。 bbs.putclub.com 5. The last section of the deck asks "Where do we go from here? " PPT最后一部分是“我们该从这往哪走?” www.bing.com 6. This means that as population aging runs its course, it might well go from stimulating the economy to depressing it. 这意味着人口开始老化后,人口数量减少不再能刺激经济增长,转而会使经济开始萧条。 www.bing.com 7. Lily could go from one style to the other in less than a minute multiple times a day. Do you favor one? Lily总是能在同一集几分钟里从一个造型换到另一个,你喜欢哪款? edu.sina.com.cn 8. So some buildings don't have the thirteenth floor, instead, they go from the twelfth to the fourteenth floor. 所以一些建筑物都没有十三楼,相反,它们是从十二楼直上到十四楼。 www.bing.com 9. The State-owned Shanghai Jahwa United has seen its range of gf products go from strength to strength. 国有企业上海家化联合股份有限公司推出的高夫全线产品也愈加“给力”。 www.voa365.com 10. It took millions of years for our hands to go from grasping tree limbs to writing poetry. 花了几百万年,我们抓住树枝的双手进化得能够写作诗歌。 www.bing.com 1. In contrast Dives chase star of course much easier, they often go from beautiful women who, for a long time is to have several dirty. 相比之下富豪追逐明星当然容易的多,他们经常从美女身边过,时间久了难免有几个要沾身的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Yes, to go from RUJY Advertising, 37 Chelsea Street, to. . . What' s the address? 是的,从切尔西街37号的RUJY广告公司到……什么地址?。 www.yuloo.com 3. Eg. Let's go from the beginning of the story. 让我们从这个故事的顶头开始。 www.kekenet.com 4. I hope sentient beings will not suffer injuries beneath my feet but deviate from where I go, from morning till night. 从早晨一直到晚上,只要我走过的地方,我不希望我的脚下会伤害众生,都希望它们能离开。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Actually, he'll go from downright belligerent to being as benefic as can be. 事实上,他就会从一个明显的好战分子变得尽可能给你带来好处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It is of great importance to go from dark to light. 一个非常重要的意义:从黑暗到光明。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It would take no more than 7 hours to go from Beijing to She yang by train. 坐火车从北京到沈阳不超过7小事。 buyisen.blogchina.com 8. At the end of the letter to Mr. Kikukawa, Mr. Woodford suggested that they meet on Friday 'to discuss exactly where we go from here. 在给菊川刚的信的末尾,伍德福德建议他们周五见面讨论今后到底怎么办。 www.qeto.com 9. It now only takes more than an hour to go from Hangzhou to Shanghai by train. 现在乘火车从杭州到上海只要一个多小时就到了。 wenku.baidu.com 10. It would take no more than 2 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by air. 坐飞机从北京到上海不超过2小时。 buyisen.blogchina.com 1. It has the power of a race car and can go from 0 to 60 in under three seconds. 它的驱动力堪比赛车,速度从0加到60码只需不到一分钟。 www.bing.com 2. It's 500 miles to go from Aberdeen to Cornwall and then 500 miles back again, and I'll be exhausted when I get back. 从阿伯丁到康沃尔有500英里,回来再500英里,等我回来的时候会精疲力尽的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Mr Willet expects Poland, Romania and Saudi Arabia will soon go "from emerging to emerged markets" . 威利特预计,波兰、罗马尼亚和沙特阿拉伯很快就会从“新兴市场转变为成熟市场”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Additionally, there is a substantial time difference to go from listing on the Pink Sheets to the OTCBB. 其次,从粉红单市场到场外交易电子市场上市存在很大的时间差异。 word.hcbus.com 5. I'm leaving for the airport tomorrow. How long does it take to go from the hotel to the airport by taxi? 我明天要往机场,由酒店出发坐计程车要坐多长时间? www.alphanb.com 6. People must realize that you can't go from the ox wagon to the space shuttle in one step. 人们必须认识到,你不能从牛货车到航天飞机的一个步骤。 usa.315che.com 7. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like . 人们没有必要花很多精力和名贵的时间去一家一家的选购他们喜欢的商品。 www2.86-0.com 8. These kids can go from feeling like they have nothing to lose to feeling like they have everything to gain. 只要感到自己没有什么可失去、却有可能获得一切,他们就可能会行动起来。 www.ftchinese.com 9. ASV: They go from strength to strength; Every one of them appeareth before God in Zion. 和合本:他们行走、力上加力、各人到锡安朝见神。 bible.holybook.cn 10. Vessels, passenger ships have to go from here! 货船、客船都要从这里来来往往! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Where you come from is not important. What matters is how far you can go from where you start. 你来自何方并不重要,重要的是从你的起点出发你能走多远。 www.dlqg.com 2. Where you come fro, is not important. What matters is how far you can go from where you start. 你来自何方不重要,重要的是从你的起点出发你能走多元。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Some would also go from house to house, begging for "soul cakes" , square pieces of bread with currants. 也有些人会挨家挨户地去要“灵魂蛋糕”或葡萄干方面包,作为回报他们答应为对方家里过世的人祈祷。 www.24en.com 4. how you gonna go from me to jim mckay ? - listen , uh. 你怎么能从我这里切换到吉姆?麦凯那里?-听我说。 www.ichacha.net 5. That is part of the competition as well but we will see where we go from here at the end of the season. 这也是竞争的一部分,但是在赛季结束后,我们将会看看事情该如何发展。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. a supplier might go from making parts for transmission systems to making parts for wind turbines. 供应商可能会从生产传输系统零件转型生产风力涡轮机的零部件。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 7. My plan was to go from china to Greece . 我的计划是从中国到德国。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Hopefully Torres is not too far away and then we'll have everyone back fit and go from there. 希望托雷斯复出时间不要太远,这时候我们迎回每个伤愈的人,然后以此出发。 engbbs.fans1.com 9. Carolers, groups of friends or church-goers, will go from door to door, entertaining neighbors with traditional songs and hymns. 唱圣诞颂歌的人,朋友或教会人士,会挨家挨户,用传统歌曲和诗歌娱乐邻居。 www.putclub.com 10. They go from strength to strength; Every one of them appeareth before God in Zion. 他们越走越有力气,都要在锡安朝见至尊的上帝! www.jdtjy.com 1. His curveball's hump is absolutely tiny and he is letting it go from exactly the same release point. 曲球的隆起幅度非常的微小,并且与快速球的出手点几乎相同。 word.hcbus.com 2. And in two weeks you've watched your home life go from a car crash to a train wreck. 两个星期,你眼见着自己的家庭生活从撞车事故变成了火车脱轨。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It took 12 weeks for the back to go from stripped to 1 inch of coat and 8 months for the head and sides to grow back. 它用了12个星期背部去剥掉从1英寸的外壳和8个月的头部和侧面成长回来。 bbs.westies.cn 4. The question now is: where can the natural sciences go from here on television? 但现在的问题是:自然科学中还有哪些方面可以搬上电视? www.bing.com 5. So how did they go from being something Japanese to something served in Chinese restaurants? 那么,日式幸运饼又是如何在中餐馆大行其道的呢? www.america.gov 6. Where do we go from here to optimize stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation? 对于房颤病人卒中预防的治疗选择我们究竟该何去何从呢? www.dxy.cn 7. In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just to go from one side to the other! 事实上后发座星系团非常庞大,光要从这端传到另一端也要花上数百万年。 www.showxiu.com 8. Which station does the train go from? 这列火车从哪一站始发? www.1stenglish.com 9. Don't expect to go from zero to a hundred in one second. 别指望一秒钟就从零走到一百。 www.bing.com 10. To go from place to place as a salesperson or an agent. 旅行推销作为推销员或代理商在各个地方旅行 zhidao.baidu.com |
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