单词 | go free |
释义 | 例句释义: 被释放,被解放,围棋,自由,获得自由 1. And if he smite out his man-servant's tooth, or his maid-servant's tooth, he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake. 如果他打掉了奴隶的牙齿,也必须释放那奴隶,作为损失牙齿的赔偿。 www.jdtjy.com 2. And if he knocks out the tooth of a manservant or maidservant, he must let the servant go free to compensate for the tooth. 若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。 www.ebigear.com 3. He said he and his men had the right to go free. 他说,他和他的队伍有权得到自由。 www.bing.com 4. Six months after turning myself into the police, the court let me go free with no charges, no record or jail sentence. 在我自首6个月后,法庭释放了我,没有任何控告,记录或是判决。 www.bing.com 5. Him to let the children go free. 我们恳求他放了孩子们。 mdedu.bbi.edu.cn 6. MAN 3: Well, the system may let the killer go free, but it is not for the state to forgive the killer. It's for me to forgive. 嘿,这一体制会让杀人犯逍遥法外,不过那轮不到国家来宽恕,而应由我来宽恕。 www.hicoo.net 7. Despite this, risk assessments are routinely used to help decide who should be locked up, who should undergo therapy and who should go free. 尽管如此,风险评估还是被广泛应用来帮助决定谁应该坐牢、谁应该接受治疗以及谁可获得自由。 club.topsage.com 8. The only way to find out if I was right was to let the dog go free. 唯一确认我这一想法是否正确的方法便是把狗放开。 gb.cri.cn 9. The D. A. , growing impassioned, swore that if Stein were allowed to go free, half the laws on the books would be useless. 地方检察官情绪愈发激动起来。他坚称要是斯坦无罪释放了,法律文书有一半都该作废。 gusian.blogbus.com 10. It was also revealed that illegal immigrants found wandering the streets of Kent are being allowed to go free. 据透露,一些非法移民曾被发现在肯特市的街头溜达,但警方并没有进行干预。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. 若不向她行这三样,她就可以不用钱赎,白白地出去。 www.ebigear.com 2. If I succeed in doing so, you shall go free, but if I do not find him, you shall receive your well-deserved reward without any discount. 如果有这样的人,那你就不必受罚啦,可是如果我没找到,你就得不打折扣地接受你该接受的奖赏。 bbs.258en.com 3. To let you go free, I wish I was like an angel, cry can release. 让你自由的走,我希望我像天使一样,哭过就能释放。 www.qqgag.com 4. If I confess, A reflects, and B is stupid enough to keep his part of the deal, he will get five years, but - hey - I will go free. 假如我坦白了,可愚蠢的B遵守诺言,那么他固然会被判五年,但管他呢,我自由了。 www.tianyablog.com 5. If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, sells himself to you and serves you six years, in the seventh year you must let him go free. 你弟兄中,若有一个希伯来男人或希伯来女人被卖给你,服事你六年,到第七年就要任他自由出去。 www.ebigear.com 6. The ethos is summarized by the saying "Better to let a hundred guilty go free than to convict one innocent man. " 有一个谚语“宁愿释放一百个有罪的人也不能定罪一个无辜的人”可以总结这个精神。 www.bing.com 7. "Come here, shepherd Boy, " commanded the king, who was watching from a special seat in the crowd. "You and your Lion shall both go free. " “到这儿来,放羊娃,”正坐在人群中专座上的国王看到这一切,下令道,“你和你的狮子都可以得到自由。” www.ebigear.com 8. While a chance exists that a guilty man or woman might go free after a jury trial, the jury system still beats any other system. 虽然存在着真正的罪犯经过陪审团庭审后获释的可能性,但是陪审团制度仍胜过任何其他制度。 www.america.gov 9. Dan's book validated the decision to go free agent, giving me the courage to make the decision part of a permanent, life-altering course. 丹的书让我下了决心,即当一名自由职业者,并鼓励我做出这项长久的、改变生活的事业的决定。 www.bing.com 10. As he was running towards her apartment, he kept hearing a roar in his ears: "You must let it go free; you must let it go free. " 在跑向她家的路上,查尔斯听到一个声音在他耳畔不断吼叫:“你必须给它自由,你必须给它自由!” club.qingdaonews.com 1. Song formation of space, let time go free, so still protect the person face never change and a large and no ending the hate. 歌声形成的空间,任凭年华来去自由,所以依然保护着的人的容颜不曾改和一场庞大而没有落幕的恨。 tieba.baidu.com 2. And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake. 人若打坏了他奴仆或是婢女的一只眼,就要因他的眼放他去得以自由。 www.bing.com 3. The policeman let the boy go free with only a few words of warning. 警察只告诫那男孩几句就放他走了。 jstshirt.com 4. To love someone is to let them go free; to love someone is to give them room to grow. 去爱人是让他们自由离去,去爱人是让他们有空间的成长。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Let both sides unite to heED, in all corners of the earth, the command of isaiah, to undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free. 让双方团结起来,在全世界各个角落倾听以赛亚的训令---“解下轭上的索,使被欺压的得自由。” dict.ebigear.com 6. But if the servant declares, 'I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free, ' 倘或奴仆明说:‘我爱我的主人和我的妻子儿女,不愿意自由出去。’ www.ebigear.com 7. He chose to let go, let her go free, but she chose to wait. 他选择放手,让她自由,而她,选择等待。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Due to a police mix up, the robber go free and the victim is jailed. 由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者却入狱了。 www.jukuu.com 9. Former Sporting striker has not received salary for months, and shareholders have passed as can go free, if you give money. 前里斯本竞技前锋已经好几个月没拿到工资了。俱乐部股东决定只要拿钱来就同意放他转会。 tieba.baidu.com 10. If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 你若买希伯来人作奴仆,他必服事你六年;第七年他可以自由,白白地出去。 www.ebigear.com 1. She was afraid to let me go free, because I have friends in England. 她不敢让我获得自由是因为我在英格兰有朋友。 www.enbar.net 2. He tried to throw the responsibility on his companion so that he could go free. 他试图把责任加在同伙身上,以便自己能逃之夭夭。 hotdic.com 3. If you love someone very very much, Let it go free! If it doesn't e back. It means it does not belong to you. . . 如果你很是很是爱一个人,放他自由,如果他终极没有回到你身边,那意味着他注定不是属于你的。 rz.xnfzl.com 4. Fan took the cage out to the woods and let all one hundred sparrows go free. 范把笼子带到树林里,把一百只麻雀统统放了。 www.for68.com 5. "Mah people mus' go free, " her constant refrain, suggests a determination uncommon among even the most militant slaves. 她的口头禅“我的人民必须获得自由”表现出一种非凡的决心,这在大多数激进的努力中都是少见的。 www.bing.com 6. An occasional criminal may go free, but our goal is to ensure that no innocent person is wrongfully punished. 偶尔会有一个罪犯逃出法网,但我们的目的是确保不让任何无辜的人误受惩罚。 www.america.gov 7. "Let him go free! " shouted the crowed . "Give him a free pardon! " “把他放了!”人群叫喊道,“给他自由!” www.ebigear.com 8. I let you go free, just like the moon that reappears after an eclipse, so you may shine pleasantly on all your friends and relatives. 我放你走,就如月蚀之后月亮会再现一样,你会开心地再次活跃在你所有的亲友中间。 george.shi.blog.163.com 9. He bribed the police to let him go free. 他贿赂警察把他放了。 www.godict.com 10. A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free. 作假见证的,必不免受罚;吐出谎言的,终不能逃脱。 www.ebigear.com 1. The criminal bribed the policeman to let him go free. 罪犯贿赂那个警察让他逃走。 118.a.lunqun.com 2. If alleged robber A confesses, he will go free and his evidence will be used to convict his buddy, who will get five years. 假如疑犯A坦白,他将被免于起诉,获得释放,而他的证词将用于在法庭上证明同伙有罪,使其被判处五年有期徒刑。 www.tianyablog.com 3. He saved us from the penalty of sin. Everything you've ever done wrong was paid for on the cross so you get to go free and forgiven. 他救我们脱离了罪的刑罚。你犯过的所有罪过都在十字架上偿还了,让你得自由,被赦免了。 www.bing.com 4. Now, release it into Oneness. Allow it to go free back into Source. 现在释放它到合一中,允许它自由的返回源头。 www.reconnectiontaiwan.tw 5. It is better, so the Fourth Amendment teaches us, that the guilty sometimes go free than the citizens be subject to easy arrest. 第四修正案给我们的教导是,宁可挂一漏万也不冤枉无辜。 zhaimingyu.fyfz.cn 6. If she wins, she gets to go free, but if she loses, he'll poke out her eye. 如果劳拉赢,她将获得自由,如果输,雷蒙将挖掉她的眼睛。 www.verycd.com 7. "Slim, you should write your book, " said Annie. "And let the mustangs go free. " "Think so? " said Slim. “桑姆,你应该写关于你自己的书,”安妮说,“让那些马获得自由。”“真的吗?”桑姆说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. She bribed the police officer into letting her go free. 她贿赂警官释放她。 9. Undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free. 解下轭上的索,使被欺压的人得到自由。 10. If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as men servants do. 人若卖女儿做使女,使女不能像男的奴仆那样出去。 www.jdtjy.com 1. Of the 174 held, some may go free soon; but as a crackdown in Iran demonstrates, there is also a risk that more will join them. 在174名在押记者中,有一些可能很快就会得到释放,但是随着伊朗表现出来的政府镇压,也有更多加记者入狱的风险。 www.ecocn.org 2. Hearing this, the king gave them gifts of money, advised them to change their ways, and let them go free. 大仁慈王听完话后就送钱给他们,并劝说他们改邪归正,接着就放了他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The slightest mistake could mean the criminals would go free. “即使是一个非常微小的错误也可能让罪犯逍遥法外”。 www.bing.com 4. As always, there are two ways to go: free or paid. But in Chrome Web Store, there are actually 5 payment choices you can use. 一般情况下只有两个情况:免费或收费。但是在谷歌在线商店,有五种支付方法可以选。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Wrightpromised to go straight if the judge would let him go free. 莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。 www.bing.com 6. Let a convicted person go free without any punishment . 让被定罪的人自由,不进行任何惩罚。 www.dictall.com 7. I'll go if I may go free. 倘若带着自由之身我会去 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If both keep silent, they both go free but with no reward. 如果他们都保持沉默则全部都无罪释放,不会得到奖金。 www.yniarevoli.com 9. The Americans were complicit in that they allowed the Japanese doctors to go free because they wanted access to their research. 美国人和他们串通一气,允许日本医生自由行动,因为他们想要获得日本的研究结果。 www.tieku.org 10. Barbossa, you lying bastard ! You swore she'd go free! 巴不萨,你撒谎,你发誓要放了她的。 jiayinqqq.blog.163.com 1. But the ruler made answer and said to them, Which of the two is it your pleasure that I let go free? And they said, Barabbas . 巡抚对众人说,这两个人,你们要我释放哪一个给你们呢?他们说,巴拉巴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. We can't do that, but you can, and if you do, we'll let you and Walt go free. 我们不能,不过你可以。如果你把他救了出来,我们就放了你们父子俩。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Go on and go free, yeah! 继续吧!自由的离开吧,宝贝! mid.lt263.com 4. Laws catch flies and let hornets go free. 法律能捉小苍蝇,但是捉不住大黄蜂 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Criminal 626, murderer, pirate, traitor. Today, you go. . . free. 626号罪犯,抢劫、谋杀、叛国,今天你……出狱了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Telling us all to go free. 告诉我们去追求自由 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Sir, I'd like to buy this seal and let it go free. I think it has something to do with that dream I just told you about. 大人,我想把海豹买下来放走。它一定和我刚才告诉你的梦有关。 www.ebudhano.cn 8. All your friends can go free! 而你的朋友可以免费入场! www.xici.net 9. Our system of justice is based on the idea that we should let the guilty go free rather than punish the innocent. 但是前者造成的伤害要远大于后者。我们的正义体系是建立在以下理念之上的:我们应该释放有罪的人而不是惩罚无辜的人。 www.bing.com 10. Let living creatures go free, as We have let you go free this day. 给生灵以自由,就像今天我们给你自由一样。 www.for68.com 1. I'll hold him off! You go free the captives! 我来拖住他!你去释放俘虏! www.anetcity.com 2. Can I go free now? 现在我自由了么? wenwen.soso.com 3. Kids under 12 go free. 12岁以下小孩免费参观。 www.elanso.com 4. You must let it go free. 那你应该放任之。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I loved you enough to let you go free 我的爱已足够放手让你自由 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I loved enough to let you go free 我足够爱你并给你自由 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Last two Beirut hostages to go free 贝鲁特最后两名人质获释在望 wenku.baidu.com 8. Must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 耶稣必得独自背负十字架,以拯救全世界 q.sohu.com 9. SKY GO Free to Sky subscribers Sky's SKOGO天空电视台订户免费 www.bing.com 10. Of the 174 held, some may go free soon; 对于入狱的174人,一些人或许不久后就会得以释放; www.ecocn.org |
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