单词 | hijab |
释义 |
复数:hijabs 例句释义: 盖头,头巾制度,希贾布,伊斯兰头巾,头巾盖头 1. When her school district told her that she couldn't wear the hijab, she protested that it was a part of her religion. 当时她所在的学区告诉她不能戴头巾(hijab)上学。她抗议说,这是自己宗教信仰的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Off your hijab, the Let me see your eyes, Your eyes out, bright ah As if it were Akinami an appearance. 掀起了你的盖头来,让我看看你的眼,你的眼睛明又亮啊好像那秋波一模样。 www.dota123.com 3. The hijab is now so popular, in many places where it is not compulsory, that it is no longer much of a political statement. 在许多并无强令规定的地区,头巾十分风靡,已不再带什么政治意味。 www.ecocn.org 4. I think this campaign demonstrates what I've been trying to articulate for a long time: that compulsory hijab IS a big deal in Iran. 我认为这次宣传活动展现了我一直以来试图述说的:在伊朗,强制戴头巾确实是件大事。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. "A woman without hijab is like a chair with three legs" is the most incomprehensible of the posters for me, both visually and textually. 「没戴头巾的女人宛如缺条腿的椅子」这张海报,无论就视觉设计或是标语文字都让我无法理解。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. The person who asked you to wear hijab, it was a woman, right? 要求你戴头巾的是一个女人,对吧? www.noorislam.org 7. Yet just five years later, when I entered college in Rabat, the number of my classmates who had begun to wear the hijab had multiplied. 然而就在五年之后,就在我进入拉巴特的一家学院学习时,同学当中开始穿起头巾的数量开始成倍增加。 dongxi.net 8. It has everything to do with that, don't you see, hijab is a threat to consumerism. 一切都与之有关,难道你没看见么,头巾威胁到商品的消费。 www.noorislam.org 9. Women with scarves or in hijab were chatting, and the children were having fun playing ball in the playground in front of the mosque. 戴着头巾或面纱的妇女聊着天,孩子们在清真寺前面的场地上高兴地玩着球。 www.2muslim.com 10. The term hijab means more than just covering the hair and refers to the general code of modesty outlined in the verses quoted above. 术语“盖头”一词的涵义要比仅仅遮盖头发和上述经文涉及的描绘端庄外型的普通法则广阔得多。 www.2muslim.com 1. I can remember when I first went out in my hijab (Islamic dress), how people were staring at me and calling out things like, "You bomber! " 我还能记得我第一次穿着hijab(伊斯兰服饰)外出时,人们是怎样盯着我并且大喊着“炸弹客!” www.bing.com 2. The sight of the hijab on the streets of America brought all this to mind. 在美国街头看到面纱,让所有这一切都跃入我的脑海。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Even deeply devout women did not wear a hijab. 就连极其虔诚的女性也开始不戴面纱。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A woman in a brown abaya, hijab and gloves proceeded forward. 一个在一个棕色长袍,面纱和手套的女人进行着。 www.englishtang.com 5. Hijab has been thrust into the limelight since the 2004 French ban on the Muslim headscarf at public schools and institutions. 自从2004年,法国禁止穆斯林盖头出现在学校及其它公共场合以来,盖头成为焦点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This Ramadan, several campaigns encouraging women to wear, or correct their method of wearing hijab, have been launched. 本年度的斋戒月(回教历的九月),有数个活动鼓励穆斯林妇女戴上头巾,或更正戴头巾的方式。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. After the installation of the Islamic regime, she refused to submit to the statute requiring women to wear the hijab. 在伊斯兰政教合一的统治下,她也拒绝接受妇女要求带头巾的法令要求。 9.yeezhe.com 8. In 2004 France passed a law to stop the wearing of the Muslim hijab (headscarf) by girls in state schools. 2004年,法国通过了一项法案,禁止穆斯林女孩在公立学校佩戴头巾(hijab)。 www.ecocn.org 9. I have never written anything personal on the subject of hijab because it seems like an overdone issue. 我个人从未写过关于盖头的任何东西,因为它看起来有些做作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. She added that hijab also represents a step toward freedom from being judged by the looks rather than the intellect. 她增加道,盖头同样象征着从判断外表而不是判断智力走向自由的一步。 www.2muslim.com 1. more beautiful girls wearing fashionable, general wear the green cashmere yarn hijab. 姑娘们穿戴更为艳丽时髦,一般戴绿色纱绒盖头。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. C. , Muslim women have had hijab scarves snatched from their heads. 在首都华盛顿,穆斯林的妇女用围巾把头裹得严严实实的; www.ycwb.com 3. They wear hijab, not only in submission to God's order, but also because their inherent moral code is in full harmony with its philosophy. 她们戴盖头不仅是因为对安拉命令的服从,而且也是因为她们的内在道德尺度与哲学体系的完全吻合。 www.2muslim.com 4. All of this, then, was instantly brought to mind by seeing the hijab in Cambridge. 在剑桥市看到罩袍的瞬间使我想起所有这一切。 dongxi.net 5. Wearing the hijab or Islamic veil that most French employers prohibit is permitted here. 餐厅女营业员头上戴着为大多数法国雇主所禁止的伊斯兰面纱。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For these women, adopting hijab could be advantageous. 对于这些女性而言,戴面纱可能带来一些好处。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "The film also tackles many stereotypes relating to hijab and highlights the duty of Muslim men to observe modesty, " said Jafry. “电影同样打破常规地涉及盖头,并着重提出了穆斯林男性保持谦逊的义务,”加法尔说。 www.2muslim.com 8. The woman talked into the class one day, donning a hijab after she reverted to Islam. 女子交谈进入阶级一天,穿上了盖头后,她回复到伊斯兰教。 www.xaislam.com 9. In 2004 France passed a law to stop the wearing of the Muslim hijnb (headscarf) by girls in state schools. 2004年,法国通过一项法律,禁止公立学校的伊斯兰女生戴穆斯林头巾(hijab是穆斯林女性穿戴的“头巾”俗称)。 www.ecocn.org 10. A group called the Canadian Muslim Women Committee organized a conference for Saturday in Montreal to mark International Hijab Day. 一个称为加拿大穆斯林妇女委员会的团体在蒙特利尔于星期六组织了一次会议纪念国际盖头日。 www.ynummah.net 1. In Palestine, the campaign is aimed at women who already wear hijab, but who are wearing it "incorrectly. " 巴勒斯坦的宣传活动则针对已经戴头巾但戴得「不对」的妇女。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university! 但是当一个穆斯林女孩包头巾,却被禁止进入她就读的大学! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. The government has also accused her of failing to wear hijab, the traditional Islamic covering for women. 她不带希贾布(穆斯林妇女传统戴的面纱或头巾)也被政府指控。 www.bing.com 4. Is the hijab or the headscarf a symbol of submission or resistance? 那希贾布或头巾是屈服的标志还是反抗的表示? www.ted.com 5. His proposal follows a 2004 French law banning hijab from schools. 他的此建议跟在2004年法国法律禁止校园内穿戴头巾之后。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. In Egypt magazines such as Hijab Fashion have proliferated, along with shops selling bejewelled and beribboned scarves. 在埃及,“头巾时尚”等杂志风行;有些商店出售饰有珠宝与丝带的头巾,如雨后春笋般出现。 www.ecocn.org 7. After being taunted by peers, she stopped wearing a hijab on the way to and from school. 因为曾遭到伙伴们的嘲笑,她后来在上下学的路上再也不戴伊斯兰头巾了。 dongxi.net 8. Oh, hijab and music, the mother of all topics. 哦,头巾和音乐,是母亲永远的话题。 www.noorislam.org 9. Most women wear the hijab. 这里大多数妇女都裹着面纱。 www.ecocn.org 10. So for me the sight of women in hijab in America was a disturbing one. 因此对我而言,在美国看到妇女穿戴罩袍是件令人不安的事情。 dongxi.net 1. Stop washing me. I would not wear hijab. It's all called outdated and totally not suit for the society. Fine. I can't do this. 别给我洗脑了,我不会带头巾的,这一切都已经过时,根本不适合这个社会,好的,我不能这样做。 www.noorislam.org 2. Under the bride and groom picked by weighbeam hijab (meaning: bed of roses) 新郎用秤杆挑下新娘的盖头(寓意:称心如意)。 wenku.baidu.com |
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