单词 | Boj | ||||||||||||
释义 | Boj
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 日本银行,日本中央银行 1. "The politicians are tied up . . . I don't think they have time to think about [central bank policy], " said the person close to the BoJ. 那位熟悉日本央行的人士表示:“政客们正忙的不可开交……我认为,他们没有时间考虑(央行的政策)。” www.ftchinese.com 2. However, analysts and traders said the main focus remained on a two-day meeting of the policy board of the Bank of Japan that ends today. 然而,分析师和交易员均表示,目前的焦点仍是日本央行(BoJ)为期两天的政策委员会会议,会议将于今日结束。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Regardless the BOJ seems to have a bit of firepower behind them this time around. 无论如何,日本央行这次看来有了“靠山”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The question of what measures are needed in accordance with this policy is a matter for the BoJ to decide. 按照这一政策,需要采取哪些措施,这一问题由央行决定。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. There will be calls for remedial action from the Bank of Japan, although it has no low-risk way to ease monetary policy much further. 人们会呼吁日本央行(BoJ)采取补救行动,不过,央行已没有低风险的方式,来进一步放松银根。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Mr. Jones urges the BOJ to keep its policy rate close to zero and 'focus on trying to stop deflation. ' 他督促日本央行将政策利率维持在接近零的水平,集中精力努力遏制通货紧缩。 c.wsj.com 7. Kiyohiko Nishimura, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, said he feared a "widespread credit crunch" . 日本央行(BoJ)副行长西村清彦(KiyohikoNishimura)表示,他担心“信贷紧缩蔓延开来”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr Hatoyama's administration, meanwhile, should stop pestering the BoJ about deflation and face up to its own responsibilities. 同时,鸠山内阁应该停止在通货紧缩问题上和日本央行纠缠,勇敢面对自己的责任。 club.topsage.com 9. He urged the BOJ to keep its policy rate close to zero and "focus on trying to stop deflation. " 他极力的主张,日本央行应该保持接近零利率,并要“关注于控制通货紧缩。” www.bing.com 10. Traders are understandably sceptical that the BoJ will be able to keep the yen down in these circumstances. 交易员们对于日本央行在这样的情况下继续压低日元的能力表示怀疑,是可以理解的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The other focus of the day was the pending rate decisions from the RBA and the BOJ which as expected turned out to be non-events. 今天另一焦点在澳洲联储及日本央行利率决议上,两者如所料均没有新的动向。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) began to lower interest rates in July 1991, soon after property prices began to decline. 房地产价格一开始下降,日本银行就于1991年7月开始降低利率。 blog.ecocn.org 3. "I don't think Kan was that critical of the BOJ, " the first source said. "The BOJ and the government have been working hand in hand. " “我不认为菅直人对日本央行吹毛求疵,”第一位消息人士称,“央行和政府一直在携手工作。” cn.reuters.com 4. He said: "We have to work to bring the exchange rate to an appropriate level, including co-operating with the Bank of Japan. " 他表示:“我们必须努力使汇率处于适度水平,包括与日本央行(BOJ)通力合作。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Slightly more than a decade ago, I spent many hours at the Bank of Japan talking with officials about the paradoxes of ultra low rates. 就在10年多以前,我曾经花费过不少时间,在日本央行(BoJ)与官员们讨论超低利率的悖论问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. TOSHIHIKO FUKUI, the wily governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), would dearly like to raise interest rates. 身为日本央行(BoJ)新行长,老谋深算的福井俊彦其实很希望能够上调利率。 www.ecocn.org 7. Second, the Bank of Japan's ability to help the economy is limited. 其次,日本央行(BoJ)挽救经济的能力有限。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At the time, the Bank of Japan financed a large fiscal expansion by printing money. 当时,日本央行(BOJ)通过印刷钞票为大规模财政扩张融资。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In a sign of its alarm over the economic outlook, the BoJ said it would buy corporate bonds rated A and higher from next month. 这些举措突显日本央行对经济前景的震惊。日本央行表示,从下个月开始,它将购买评级在A或A以上的公司债券。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan has announced it will spend up to Y1, 000bn buying shares from banks. 与此同时,日本央行(BoJ)宣布将斥资高达1万亿日元从银行购买股票。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The BOJ is now affiliated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon. 日本央行目前属于白龙协会,并希望资金可以流到五角大楼的好人手中。 hi.baidu.com 2. The BoJ's resistance to acting more forcefully may be rooted in its own analysis of its earlier experience. 日本央行更有力的抵制行为可能源于它对早期经验的分析。 www.ecocn.org 3. Yesterday, local media quoted unnamed sources suggesting the BoJ might be willing to postpone raising rates. 昨日,日本媒体援引消息人士的话称,日本央行可能愿意推迟加息。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Meanwhile, credit-market turmoil creates a quandary for the Bank of Japan (BoJ). 与此同时,信贷市场的动荡为日本央行制造了一个进退两难的境地。 www.ecocn.org 5. The BoJ will initiate plans to make it simpler for firms to acquire funding, with exact details to be decided at today's meeting. 日本央行将着手计划,使其企业获得资金的程序更为简单,具体细节尚待今天会议的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Second, the BoJ stated that it would maintain its virtual zero-rate policy until there was "medium- to long-term price stability" . 第二,日本银行将维持接近零利率的政策,直到市场达到中期或长期的价格稳定。 www.ecocn.org 7. The politicians are also expecting the BoJ to give growth a shove by means of its monetary policy . 政治家们同样希望日行能够通过货币政策猛推日本经济。 www.bing.com 8. The BOJ itself appears to believe that deflation is not a monetary problem but one of low productivity. 日本央行看起来相信通货紧缩不是一个货币问题,而是一个低生产率的问题。 www.ecocn.org 9. The BOJ was also facing strong pressure from the government to take action to help bring the economy out of deflation. 日本央行还面临来自政府要求其采取行动使经济摆脱通货紧缩的强大压力。 chinese.wsj.com 10. On April 27th the Bank of Japan (BoJ) will publish its half-yearly outlook, which is expected to be upbeat. 4月27日,日本银行将出版其半年度的展望,对其的期望是乐观的。 www.ecocn.org 1. A second reason is the BoJ is not at liberty to act like the SNB. 第二个原因是,日本央行不能像瑞士央行一样自由行事。 global.cjzg.cn 2. But the BOJ decision this week could be a close call as some within the central bank are reluctant to cut already low rates further. 但日央行本周的降息决议可能是惊险过关,因为央行内部不少人士不愿调降已经过低的利率。 cn.reuters.com 3. Nomura said the BOJ could increase the scale of its asset purchases to 8-10 trillion yen. 野村表示,日本央行可能将资产购买规模增加至8-10万亿日圆。 cn.reuters.com 4. The weakness of the dollar also prompted the Bank of Japan to intervene to cap gains in the yen for the first time since 2004. 美元的疲软,还促使日本央行(BoJ)自2004年以来首次入市干预,以遏制日元的升势。 www.ftchinese.com 5. We expect the BoJ to unanimous vote for rates to remain on hold with a great focus on developments in financial markets. 我们预计日本央行会一致表决利率维持不变,重点放在金融市场的发展上。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If so, more yen selling by the Bank of Japan is surely in the offing. 如果真是这样的话,日本央行(BoJ)肯定还会继续抛出日元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Perhaps the only economic events which will give the markets pause will be the BoJ and RBA rate announcements this week. 在本周,将给市场短暂休息的唯一经济事件也许就是日本央行和澳洲储备银行的利率决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. That could limit the efficacy of any fund provisions, unless the BOJ asks the government to guarantee loans to smaller banks, analysts said. 分析师们说,这会限制向银行业注资的效果,除非日本央行要求政府为发放给中、小银行的贷款提供担保。 www.bing.com 9. According to the Bank of Japan's index of the real effective yen rate, it is much closer to its lows than highs of the past 20 years. 根据日本央行(BoJ)的日元实际有效汇率指数,日元目前更接近过去20年的低点,而不是高点。 www.360doc.com 10. The Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank should follow suit. 日本央行(BoJ)和欧洲央行(ECB)应当效仿。 www.ftchinese.com 1. the expectation that the BoJ would raise interest rates again this year has faded as a result of slower economic data. 原先关于日本银行今年会再次调高利率的预期因为过缓的经济数据的出现而落空了。 www.ecocn.org 2. The first is as straightforward as entering a few digits on banks' current account balances at the BoJ. 第一项举措就是往各银行在日本央行的活期账户余额里添加几个数字,十分简单。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That move was immediately reversed to new highs just over 82. 00 on what was thought to be possible BOJ verbal intervention. 但在日本央行可能口头干预的担心之下,该货币对马上反弹至略高于82.00的新高。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Since the BoJ abandoned "quantitative easing" in March, Japan's monetary base has withered. 因为日本银行三月放弃“定量放松”(quantitativeeasing),日本的金融基础已经枯萎。 www.ecocn.org 5. But most economists, including those at the BoJ, had expected that, by now, wages would have responded to the extended recovery. 但多数经济学家(包括日本央行的经济学家)此前都曾预计,到目前为止,工资水平应当已对经济持续复苏做出了反应。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The decline in GDP is fuelling calls for more aggressive measures from the government and the Bank of Japan. GDP的下降引发了人们对日本政府和日本央行(BoJ)采取更积极措施的呼吁。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It may also seek help from the BOJ, which could ease policy again to limit the strong yen's negative impact on business sentiment. 政府也可能寻求日本央行协助,央行有可能再次放宽货币政策,以抑制强势日圆对企业信心的负面影响。 cn.reuters.com 8. The BOJ has made up to Y3 trillion available to commercial banks at a rock- bottom 0. 1% interest rate . 日本央行已经向本国商业银行划拨了3万亿日圆贷款,利率达到了0.1%的最低限度。 www.bing.com 9. The BOJ intervened to combat JPY strength and increased the amount of its asset purchases yet again. 日本央行也出手干预日圆升值,再度提升资产收购量。 blog.tianya.cn 10. The risk of central bank intervention remains elevated as the SNB and the BOJ have shown a willingness to act with measures taken last week. 日元上涨。通过上周采取的举措,瑞士央行和日本央行呈现出行动的意愿,所以央行干预风险依然很高。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Perhaps this is one explanation for the government's and the Bank of Japan's (BOJ's) failure to end Japan's long run of falling prices. 这也许是日本政府和日本央行制止日本物价长期低迷失败的一个解释吧。 www.ecocn.org 2. Each intervention since September has come within two weeks of the BoJ adjusting its principal monetary policy tools. 自去年9月以来的每次干预汇市,都发生在日本央行对主要货币政策工具做出调整后的两周之内。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Any further increases in JGB sales this year could refocus attention on whether the BOJ will step up its purchases. 只要今年公债发行量进一步上升,都可能让关注重点回到央行是否会扩大购买公债。 cn.reuters.com 4. That alone gave the Bank of Japan (BoJ) reason to act on October 5. 仅仅于此,已足以给日本央行一个理由在10月5日开始有所行动了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Should the BOJ come back in it likely means they mean business and will continue to fight yen appreciation efforts. 如果日本央行让价格回到预定价位意味著他们是认真的,并且会继续努力于汇率的价格。 www.blancgroup.com 6. Still, the BoJ seems willing to respond to a worsening economic climate and to political heat. 日本央行仍希望对糟糕的经济环境和政治关注作出回应。 www.ecocn.org 7. This month the BOJ will unveil a radical measure for "strengthening the foundations for economic growth" that borders on fiscal policy. 日本银行本月将推出“加强经济增长基础”的基础措施,联结财政政策。 www.ecocn.org 8. The deflator figures show downward pressure on prices remain, making it difficult for the BOJ to consider an exit policy. 平减数据显示,价格下行压力犹存,因此日本央行很难考虑实施退出政策。 cn.reuters.com 9. The more the BoJ generates this kind of profit for those who bet against it, the more attractive this strategy becomes for all speculators. 日本央行为那些与自己对赌的人带来的这种收益越多,这一策略对所有投机者的吸引力就越大。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Earlier we saw the BOJ rate decision, as well as the RBA meeting minutes and both went off without much fanfare. 之前公布的日本央行利率决议及澳洲联储会议记录,均未引起太大的反响。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A third reason is that fiscal constraints mean the BoJ may have to work even harder to prevent deflation and juice up the economy. 第三个原因是现有的政府财政限制意味着BOJ可能需要更努力的工作来防治紧缩以及活跃经济。 www.ecocn.org 2. Greece. In Tokyo, the BoJ sold yen in a bid to limit the effect of the rising currency on Japan's export-driven recovery. 在东京,日本央行抛售日元,旨在减轻日元升值对该国出口驱动型复苏的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But even if the BoJ's action has little impact on the world economy, it has a totemic significance for Japan itself. 但即便日本央行的行动对世界经济的影响甚微,它对于日本自身也具有重要的象征意义。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We see a sharp correction in the yen and the BOJ might maintain its dovish policy stance at a meeting next week. 我们看到日元的大幅回调,中央银行下周应该会采取一个温和的政策。 www.douban.com 5. ironically , after the boj raised rates and burst the bubble , american bankers and policymakers were quick to lecture the japanese. 讽刺的是,在曰本央行提高利率并刺破这一泡沫的时候,美国银行家和政策制定者却迅速的对曰本进行说教。 ichacha.net 6. The BoJ stated domestic demand could soften further and both downside risks to growth and upside risk to inflation remain intact. 日本央行发表声明,称国内需求将持续走软,经济增长衰退的趋势和通货膨胀加剧的风险都将持续存在。 blog.eastmoney.com 7. This made him the second BoJ board member to use the "recession" label. 这使得西村清彦成为日本央行(货币政策)委员会中第二个使用“衰退”字眼的人。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Just as the BoJ failed on that score, so, too, did the Fed. 正如日本央行一样,美联储在这一点上也没有得分。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The combination of fiscal expansion and government-bond purchases by the BOJ should work better. 财政扩张以及日本央行对政府债券的购买配合使用,效果一定会更好。 www.ecocn.org 10. BOJ officials have pointed out that Japan has an ample surplus of savings to pay for reconstruction. 日本银行的官员指出日本政府有足够的储蓄盈余来支付重建的费用。 www.bing.com 1. On Monday, look for Australian monetary policy meeting minutes and the Japanese BOJ rate decision and press conference. 周一,澳大利亚货币政策会议记录;日本央行利率决议及新闻发布会。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen's rise of late. 分析家继续分析日本央行将如何应对最近日元升值的压力,已经会做出什么相应的决策。 blog.ce.cn 3. While other central banks consider cutting rates, the BoJ's governor, Toshihiko Fukui, is itching to raise them. 在其它国家的央行思索削减利率的时候,日本央行行长福井俊彦却想要加息。 www.ecocn.org 4. By providing funds at a 0. 1% interest rate, the BOJ hoped the scheme could act as a catalyst to stimulate economic growth. 通过0.1%的贷款利率,央行希望这一计划可以成为刺激经济增长的催化剂。 chinese.wsj.com 5. To achieve this result, the Bank of Japan must co-operate with the government to avoid an excessive strengthening of the exchange rate. 为了实现这一目标,日本央行(BOJ)必须与日本政府合作,避免汇率过度走强。 www.bing.com 6. In return, the BoJ should commit to keeping long-term rates low by increasing its purchases of government bonds. 作为回报,英国银行英国承诺通过增加购买政府债券来保持长期利率处于低位。 www.24en.com 7. The BOJ is also expected to keep the rates unchanged at the lowest level in a range of 0. 0% to 0. 1%, to help stimulate the economy. 日本央行有望保持汇率不变在0.0%-0.1%的最低水平范围,以帮助刺激国民经济。 www.bing.com 8. The BOJ will focus on providing liquidity, possibly by expanding market operations. 央行会专注于提供现金流,扩大市场操作。 www.bing.com 9. Of the three main central banks, the BoJ is key because Japan is more involved in risky trades around the world. 在全球三大央行中,日本央行是关键,因为日本在全球风险交易中的介入程度更深。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr. Reading argues the BoJ should lift interest rates back to normal levels soon. 雷丁先生认为日本银行应该尽早地把利率提升回正常水平。 www.ecocn.org 1. The BOJ is expected to forecast near-flat growth in gross domestic product for the fiscal year ending in March 2012. 预计日本央行会预测截至2012年3月的财年,日本国内生产总值(GDP)增长接近零。 www.voa365.com 2. "This could possibly counteract the (BoJ) intervention, " LPL's Valeri said. “这可能同日本央行的干预行动影响相抵消。”LPL的Valeri称。 cn.reuters.com 3. BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa specifically cited the yen's strength as one reason for the move. 日本央行行长白川方明(MasaakiShirakawa)特别指出强势日元是推出此举的一个原因。 www.qeto.com 4. After a rash of negative data on Tuesday, today's BoJ's quarterly Tankan survey for Q3 confirmed deterioration in business conditions. 继周二出现一连串消极数据之后,日本央行的第三季度季度短观调查报告证实了营业状况的恶化。 big5.ce.cn 5. It will take the BoJ a long time to recover its international credibility as an independent custodian of Japanese monetary policy. 这将会使央行花费较长时间恢复其作为日本货币政策独立管理者的国际信任度。 www.ecocn.org 6. Under quantitative easing, the policy introduced in 2001, the BoJ floods the market with excess liquidity. 日本央行在2001年出台“定量宽松”(quantitativeeasing)货币政策,向市场投放过量流动资金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Money multipliers, as the BoJ has learnt, can stay broken for a long time. 日本央行已经认识到,货币乘数有可能长期失效。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He expects the BOJ to ease policy again in the first quarter of this year. 这位分析师预计,日本央行今年第一季会再次放宽货币政策。 cn.reuters.com 9. We expect the BOJ to reiterate its pledge to keep interest rates unchanged to spur growth. 我们预计日本央行将重申维持低利率以促进经济增长的承诺。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Every loss for the BoJ is a profit for someone else in the FX market, " he says. “日本央行损失的每一分钱,都是外汇市场中其他人的收益,”雷彻特蒙表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It remains unclear how effective the BOJ's intervention will prove. 尚不清楚日本央行的干预会起多大作用。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The BoJ's injection helped pull yields on the country's sovereign debt sharply lower. 日本央行的注资举措帮助大幅推低了该国主权债务的收益率。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Until yesterday, most had thought the government would object if the BoJ moved swiftly to alter monetary policy. 直到昨天之前,大部分人都认为,如果日本央行迅速采取措施改变货币政策,政府将会反对。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Tokyo's Nikkei shares index climbed more than 3 per cent ahead of the BoJ announcement, but fell back to close up 1. 8 per cent. 东京日经(Nikkei)股指在日本央行宣布上述计划前上涨了逾3%,但后来回跌,最终收涨1. www.ftchinese.com 5. The Bank of Japan also lowered its main interest rate from 0. 1 per cent to a range of 0. 0-0. 1 per cent. 日本央行(BoJ)还将其主要利率从0.1%下调至0-0.1%的区间。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Last week, in its half-yearly outlook, the BoJ slashed its inflation forecast to only 0. 1% in the year to March 2008. 日本银行在上周的半年期展望中预测,到2008年3月的一年时间里,把通货膨胀削减到仅为0. www.ecocn.org 7. A BoJ survey released on July 4th suggested that ordinary Japanese think inflation has run at 10% over the past year. 日本银行7月4日发布的研究结果显示日本普通国民认为去年通胀率达到了10%。 www.bing.com 8. Was it setting a more explicit goal? 那是否意味着BOJ在设定一个更加明确的目标呢? www.ecocn.org 9. Finally, the BoJ has to restrict its intervention to one day only. 最后,日本央行必须将干预措施限制在一天内进行。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The BOJ kept interest rates unchanged at 0. 1% and the 30 Trillion Yen credit program was also left untouched. 日本央行保持其利率水平0.1%不变,且30万亿日元的信贷项目也未能幸免。 news.yzforex.com 1. One way to see this is to compare Japan in April 1995, when the BoJ's policy rate was 1%, with America in October (see chart 1). 考察该迥异的一个办法是把1995年4月的日本与今年10月的美国做个比较——日本当时的政策利率如同十月的美国也是1%(见图1)。 www.ecocn.org 2. The ECB should lower interest rates while the BoJ should scale up its asset purchases. 欧洲央行应当降低利率,而日本央行应当扩大资产购买规模。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Whether the BoJ's actions will have any lasting impact on the economy is another matter. 央行的举措是否会对经济有着持续的影响就是另一回事了。 www.ecocn.org 4. The BoJ can start by being more assertive. 日本银行可以从更为自信的表现开始。 club.topsage.com 5. The BoJ might feel vindicated. 日本央行也许感到自己的正确性得到了验证。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The BoJ will hold three board meetings between now and the end of April, the first of which is next week. 从现在到4月底,日本央行将举行3场央行政策委员会会议,其中第一次会议将在下周召开。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The BOJ began doing quantitative easing in 2001. 日本央行2001年开始采取定量宽松政策。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Luckily, the signs from this move suggest the BoJ is very cognisant of this risk. 幸运的是,日本央行此举的迹象表明,它充分认识到了这种风险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The forecast is a median of BoJ policy board member's growth predictions that is used as a reference for setting monetary policy. 这是日本央行政策委员会成员的增长预测中值,被用作制定货币政策的参考。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This week the BoJ kept its benchmark interest rate on hold, at just 0. 5%. 本周日本银行继续控制基准利率,只有区区的0. www.bing.com 1. The BOJ is still buying 1. 2 trillion yen a month of JGBs, and 10-year yields were at 1. 375 percent on Monday. 日本央行现在仍维持每月1.2万亿日圆的日债收购规模,周一,10年期日本公债收益率报1. cn.reuters.com 2. In addition, the BoJ is doubling its asset-purchase programme to Y10, 000bn to keep longer-term rates in check. 此外,日本央行正将其资产购买计划的规模扩大一倍至10万亿日元,以抑制中长期利率。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Hoarding is exactly what happened in Japan earlier this decade when the Bank of Japan implemented quantitative easing between 2001 and 2006. 惜贷正是在2001至2006年间,日本央行(BoJ)实施定量宽松政策时,日本所发生的情形。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Will the BoJ's actions have any impact on the economy? 日本央行的行动能对经济有什么影响吗? www.ecocn.org 5. The BoJ is under intense pressure to act after the yen soared to Y85 to the dollar, threatening the recovery in Japan's exports. 由于日元兑美元汇率已飙升至1美元兑85日元、对日本出口复苏带来了威胁,日本央行面临必须采取行动的巨大压力。 www.qeto.com 6. One factor that might have skewed the BoJ survey is that the Japanese have already had a decade to adjust their inflation expectations; 一个有可能扭曲了日本央行调查结果的因素是,日本人已经有十年时间来调整他们的通胀预期; www.ftchinese.com 7. Background of Banks' Efforts to Enhance Risk Management and the BOJ's Initiatives to Encourage These Efforts 银行业推进风险管理及日本银行支持举措的背景 wenku.baidu.com 8. BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes for August 日本央行公布八月份货币政策会议记录 www.forexclub.biz 9. BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes for March 日本央行公布三月份货币政策会议记录 www.forexclub.cn 10. BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes for April 日本央行公布月份货币政策会议记录 www.forexclub.cn 1. BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes 日本央行召开货币政策会议 www.forexclub.cn |
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