单词 | hoist | ||||||||
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复数:hoists 现在分词:hoisting 过去式:hoisted hoist- 显示所有例句
IDM be hoist/hoisted by/with your own petard 害人反害己;自食其果to be hurt or to have problems as a result of your own plans to hurt or trick others 例句释义: 提升,吊起,拉高,起重机,吊车,升降机,升起,举起,卷扬机 1. Just as the colonel's curtain of fear had begun to descend once again, the promise of international protection will hoist it back up. 正当上校的恐怖之幕开始再次落下之际,国际社会的承诺将其一把掀开。 www.ecocn.org 2. In the same shaft there is often a hoist, a bucket like elevator used to raise mined ore from lower levels. 井筒里通常还安装有绞车,一种用来提升矿石的斗式升降机。 www.jukuu.com 3. Vice hoist for the replacement of the drill pipe or other tools and put sand core tube can also be used for flushing operations. 副卷扬机用于更换钻杆或其他取芯工具及提砂筒,也可用于洗井作业。 china.eb80.com 4. I couldn't go anywhere with my son unaided; I found it impossible to carry him in his car seat, and then hoist him in and out of the car. 儿子没有看护时我不能去任何地方,我也无法把他抱到汽车座椅上,然后抱着他上下车。 www.bing.com 5. Fortunately the wind was blowing on shore from the ocean, so we were able to hoist the sail. 运气还不错,风正从大海往陆地上吹着,我们还能把船帆升起。 6. If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars and hoist sails, five or six or seven. 如果他愿意将船借我,我就给它配置一百个船桨和水手,升起五张,六张或七张船帆。 wo.aiyuanyi.blog.163.com 7. Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. 每一个正常人都会不时渴望着往掌里吐上唾沫,升起黑旗,割破他人的喉咙。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. All cranes will be equipped with a functional weight indicator on the main hoist and a boom angle indicator, both visible by the operator. 所有的起重机都应当有主钩的起重能力指示器和扒杆角度指示器,并且起重机司机要看得见。 sinohse.com 9. Local officials originally planned to hoist the boat on Saturday but changed their minds due to favourable weather conditions on Friday. 组织打捞的官员原计划在星期六开始打捞这支沉船。但由于星期五的天气情况不错,他们决定提前打捞。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The car is modified with a special hoist to help lift Nathan from his chair. 这辆汽车装有一个特殊的起重装置,来帮助内森从椅子上站起来。 www.websaru.com 1. An example of such a machine is the device used in old-fashioned wells to hoist up the water bucket. 在老式水井中用来提上水桶的装置就是这类机械的一个例子。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The screw hoist can greatly reduce the operating cost of a solar power supply gate monitoring system and is wide in application range. 可大幅降低太阳能供电闸门监控系统的运行成本,适应范围广。 ip.com 3. 'The boy next, ' said Toby. 'Hoist him up; I'll catch hold of him. ' “先递那小子,”托比说道,“把他托上来,我抓住他。” novel.tingroom.com 4. It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard. 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是作法自毙。 www.hxen.com 5. Birmingham manager Alex McLeish backed Rafa Benitez to hoist Liverpool back up the league table once all his star names are back fit. 伯明翰主教练麦克利什支持当他的球星球员伤愈回归之后,贝尼特斯一定能够率领利物浦回到联赛争冠行列。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 6. Never give up the powerful strength of the you always eat ice-sugar gourd to the grain of hoist and I show my face, it is lovely. 从不认输实力强悍的妳却总是在吃冰糖葫芦时为了那一粒葫芦而对我露出别扭的表情,真是可爱。 www.bing.com 7. The connecting hole on the upper arm of the hoist is penetrated by a connecting shackle connected with a main steel cable hanging rope. 吊具上臂的连接孔穿有连接卸扣,连接卸扣连接主钢丝绳吊系; ip.com 8. The brakes are one of the important components of a direct bearing on Hoist the safe operation of equipment. 制动器是提升机(提升绞车)的重要组成部分之一,直接关系着提升机设备的安全运行。 www.16sheji8.cn 9. By means of regression analysis of the experimental data. a empirical formula on the lining friction coefficient of hoist is developed. 通过对实验数据的回归分析,建立了多绳摩擦提升机衬垫摩擦系数的经验公式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. crane: To hoist or move with or as if with a crane . 起吊,吊运:用起重机或用类似起重机提升或移动。 www.jukuu.com 1. Rescuers are drilling three shafts to the part of the mine where the men are holed up and then plan to hoist them up. 营救人员正在矿工们栖身的煤井部分钻探三个逃生井,计划将这些矿工从这里升井。 chinese.wsj.com 2. construction materials to prevent fall injuries, lifting operations, the hoist was not perpendicular to the bottom. 施工中要防止坠物伤人,吊装作业时,吊物垂直下方不得有人。 www.jianhuw.com 3. It's easy to cause an accident on condition that a factory employs the cranes which are common only with two hoist rope. 如果工厂使用的是只有两根钢绳的普通起重机则容易造成事故。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Continue to hoist the Top Drive until the pin of the pipe to be added is above the box of the pipe in the slips. 继续上提顶驱,待接钻杆的公扣在卡瓦中的钻杆母扣之上。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Signal system upgrade mine hoist control system is an important component performance of the system. 提升信号系统的改造是煤炭企业技术改造的一个重要组成部分。 www.chemyq.com 6. A construction hoist is a construction machine which is used to carry man or objects, moving up and down along the rail. 施工升降机是一种用吊笼(或平台、料斗等)载人、载物沿导轨作上下运输的施工机械。 www.13191.com 7. A strong bag, bucket or similar container should be used together with a rope to hoist and lower tools. 利用结实的口袋、提桶或类似容器,系上绳索来提起或下放工具。 www.vpsafety.com 8. What saved me was a chain hoist, a gadget most often used by shade-tree mechanics to lift engine blocks out of cars. 但是那个链式起重机帮了我大忙,这是利用自家庭院树,从汽车中拿出发动机最常使用的小工具。 www.bing.com 9. The cross of St Andrew is above that of St Patrick at the hoist because the cross was added to the flag before St Patrick's cross. 在旗杆内侧,圣安德鲁旗之所以在圣帕特里克十字之上,原因是圣安德鲁十字是在圣帕特里克十字之前添加到国旗上的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I saw someone hoist a police helmet on the tip of a red flag while four others bobbed in the water of the canal behind us. 我看见有人把警察的头盔放在红旗上举起来,而其他四个人在我们后面的运河里使它来回地快速摆动。 www.bing.com 1. ABB will design, supply and commission all the electrical and mechanical equipment for a new vertical tower mounted mine ore hoist system. ABB将为新的塔式矿井提升机系统设计、供货以及调试所有的电气及机械产品设备。 www.gkong.com 2. This paper explores the construction design and calculation of automatic hoist used in the assembly line of automatic washing machine. 本文对全自动洗衣机装配生产线中使用的全自动提升机的结构设计、计算进行了深入的研究和探讨。 www.lw23.com 3. The main beam is the main hoist gantry crane force components, main beam directly affects the service life of machine. 主梁是葫芦门式起重机的主要受力部件,主梁的质量直接影响到整机的使用寿命。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Do not drop or kick the master rotary bushings into position. Always use insert tools and hoist them into pastor. 不要投放或踢缩小方瓦,应该用公用工具提着放入。微型摄像头。 www.hx41.com 5. Lighthouse has chosen the sea sky blue , has wanted to let coast hoist the sails with life. 灯塔选择了海的蔚蓝,要用生命让海岸扬帆。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The politicians aresitting back and letting the Fed try to hoist us out of our current economichole. 政治家们正在坐等美联储来将我们从目前的经济不景气中拯救出来。 www.bing.com 7. Do not drop or kick the master rotary bushings into position. Always use insert tools and hoist them into place. 不要投放或踢放大方瓦,应当用专用工具提着放入。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The stretchers operate on battery power and lift patients, so paramedics do not have to hoist patients into ambulances. 那担架为电池电源和升降病人作手术、所以护理人员不必升起病人变成救护车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Crawler crane is one of the necessary equipments and weightily type in project construction at hoist industry. 履带起重机是工程起重机行业的一个重要门类,是现代工程建设施工中不可缺少的大型设备之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The bath comes with an optional panel cut-out to facilitate a hoist if required. 洗澡时带有一个可选的面板断路器等,以方便有需要的升降器。 bbs.canjiren.net 1. In 3, trump after washing, using his right hand thumb will mark the position of brand of a hoist, left the stack stiff into two parts. 将牌洗完后,用右手拇指将标位牌往上一推,左手中的叠僵分成了两部分。 www.444mu.com 2. Hoist the wire, when the hook of the boat meet the lever of boat deck , stop. 绞起吊艇钢丝使得小艇沿着滑道上滑,直到小艇尾部的脱钩装置与艇甲板的钩子吻合。 wenku.baidu.com 3. To provide overall support to OEM as well as OEM daily management, to reach the business target for wire rope hoist and crane components. 为OEM提供全方位的项目支持及管理辖区的OEM合作伙伴,完成钢丝绳葫芦及起重机部件销售指标。 www.021so.com 4. Do not slide down pipe, rotary hose, V-door ramp, or cables. Do not ride with the cat-line or air hoist. 不答应从钻杆、水龙带、大门坡道、电缆、锚头绳或气动绞车绳索上往下滑。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Painters were observed suspended on the external of a Tank using "hoist chair" which is not so common in construction elsewhere. 看到2名油漆工用其他地方的施工中并不常见的“吊椅”悬挂在一个罐子的外部。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. Trade certification as a hoist operator (hydraulic crane) is available, but voluntary, in Saskatchewan and British Columbia. 吊重机操作员贸易证书(液压起重机)可以在萨斯喀彻温省和不列颠哥伦比亚省考取但是是出于自愿的 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Type QH electric hoist has reached the international advanced level in characteristics , product structure and technical and economic data. QH型电动葫芦在型谱、性能、产品结构和技术经济指标上均达到了国际上同类产品的先进水平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. On Dragon Boat Festival, folk are accustomed to hoist with me, pray to exorcise evil spirits, wen flooding bring good luck. 在端午节,民间则习惯将葫芦带在身上,以祈能辟邪驱瘟,给自己带来好运。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. A simplified vibratory model is built for a practical hoist system, and its parameters are evaluated based on vibration measurement data. 建立一个实际系统的简化振动模型,基于振动测试数据估计参数。 www.chemyq.com 10. lift, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost These verbs mean to move something from a lower to a higher level or position. 这些动词的意思是使某物从较低移到较高水平或位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Tomorrow, from the other end of the sea, 1 shall bravely hoist myself up, give you light, give you warmth, give you joy! 明天。从海的那一头,我将威武地升起来,给你们光明,给你们温暖,给你们快乐! blog.sina.com.cn 2. They say they were told there would be a carer present who would use the hoist. 他们说得到通知,将会有一个需要用吊重机的病人来做护理。 www.bing.com 3. Two-lifting-point hydraulic sluice gate hoist has come to be widely used in large-or medium-sized sluiccgatas. 双吊点液压启闭机在大中型闸门的启闭上应用广泛,针对其液压同步系统进行分析。 airiti.com 4. Drilling rig equipped with a main hoist , one vice hoist , Main hoist for lifting drilling, downhole tubes. 钻机配有一个主卷扬机、一个副卷扬机。主卷扬机用于升降钻具、下井管等。 www.qy6.com 5. Frequently, each time a boat that is trailered or stored on a hoist and placed back in the water, the pump must be purged of air. 每一次船被托运、贮存再到重新放回水中,都必须得清除泵里的空气。 www.frponline.com.cn 6. Analyzing on the vibrating causes of multi-rope friction hoist in a certain coal mine, the vibrating sources were defined. 分析了某煤矿多绳摩擦提升机振动原因,确定了振源的位置。 www.chemyq.com 7. A chain hoist helped raise a heavy pile of green oak, barn siding and pine flooring up into this formerly unoccupied Kentucky coffee tree. 一架链式起重机可以帮你将一节沉重绿橡树的树干,谷仓墙面和松木地板举到这棵之前并无人居住的肯塔基咖啡树上。 www.bing.com 8. I used a chain hoist and ropes to help position the green oak framing before bolting it into position. 图3:在一个链式起重机和钢索的帮助下,我将书屋框架搭建到绿橡树合适的位置。 www.bing.com 9. The utility model relates to a track for a hoist-transporting machine. 本实用新型涉及起重运输机械中的轨道。 ip.com 10. The operator, service man and work manager for the hoist should be familiar with the safe working principles for the hoist. 所有与起重机相关人员,包括操作员、维护人员、车间主任等,应熟悉起重机的操作规程。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The result shows that it has some guidance to reliability design and installation of friction-hoist. 研究结果对于提升机的可靠性设计和安装具有一定的理论指导价值。 airiti.com 2. In application, the system meeted the requirement, and realized the reformation of the DC hoist control system. 在应用时,系统的要求,并实现遇到的直流葫芦控制系统。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Some of the rocks we pick up are mere pebbles, some of them are bigger rocks, and occasionally we hoist a large boulder onto our shoulders. 我们捡起的一些是小石头,一些是在大一点的石块,有时甚至会是很大很大的石头。 www.bing.com 4. The crew who were all asleep forgot to hoist the lantern. 熟睡的船员们全都忘了挂灯。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Jack found it hard to hoist the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he did it, and began walking slowly home with his prize. 杰克发现把驴举到肩上很难,但最后他还是做到了,扛着他的战利品慢慢地走回家。 www.dreamkidland.cn 6. By the angles of the flag above hoist for blue square, its central draw has a white stars within a circle. 靠旗杆一边上方的旗角为蓝色正方形,其中央绘有一颗白色五角星。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Model QH Stationary and moral electric hoist. selective application according to your situation can save your investment to the best. 固定式和移动式QH电动葫芦,根据您的使用环境选择使用,尽可能地节约您的投资。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The hardware components , working principle , system software and key technic of KJC test meter for hoist dynamic parameters are introduced. 介绍了提升机动态参数微机测试装置的硬件组成、工作原理、系统软件及关键技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The location tracking system of the mine hoist with infrared laser positioning technology is to apply infrared wave laser. 介绍了用于矿井提升机红外激光位置跟踪系统中的一种新型数字鉴相器的研究方法。 www.dictall.com 10. This instruction is formulated to standardize the correct operation of the electric hoist and ensure its safe running. 为规范操作者正确使用电动葫芦,保证其安全运行,特制定本作业指导书。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. The technique of patchwork double leads girder hoisting by beret pieces usually suitable for large-span bridge girder hoist construction. 贝雷片拼装双导梁技术通常是应用于大跨度桥梁的梁片吊装中的。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. As the building is not required to have a sprinkler system, firefighters had to hoist hoses to the third floor in order to attack the fire. 由于建筑物不要求有自动喷水灭火系统,消防员不得不以攻火葫芦软管三楼。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. When guys got together in ancient Greece to hoist a few, they reclined and drank in specific ways. 在古希腊,当人们聚在一起喝几杯时,他们用一种特别的方式排座位喝酒。 www.bing.com 4. Raised, lowered, or positioned equipment, tools, and materials for installation or use using hoist, handline , or block and tackle. 用吊车、手线或滑轮组及辘轳,将要装置或使用的设备、工具,及材料,升高、降低或放好位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This paper briefly introduced the situation of transformation concerning the low-pressure brake power of the hoist in suoli coal mine. 简要介绍淮北矿业集团朔里煤矿主井提升绞车低压制动电源改造情况。 www.chemyq.com 6. Hoist speed and the advantage of flow from center to two sides to make path media uniform regulation through center to around. 其特点具有启闭速度快,具有中心向两边调节流量的优点,使得通径介质始终是从中心向周边均匀调节通过。 www.hbzhan.com 7. The design has the generality, which has the reference value to the design of the TKD-A system rebuilding for the mine hoist. 设计具有通用性,对矿井提升机TKD-A系统改造设计具有参考价值。 www.chemyq.com 8. The text makes research and design for the realization of the fault diagnosis of Mine hoist break system. 本文对提升机制动系统故障诊断的实现做了研究和设计。 www.juhe8.com 9. This paper adopts fuzzy design optimization method for the sample of lift mechanism in tower hoist on the basis of fuzzy maths . 针对塔式起重机起升机构的设计实例,在模糊数学的基本理论基础上采用模糊优化设计方法求解。 www.bing.com 10. When braking AC mine hoist, motorman coordinate braking system and dive system by hand. The effect depends on the motorman . 交流矿井提升机制动时,司机利用手工操纵的办法来实现提升机机械闸制动系统和传动系统之间的协调控制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Multi-rope friction hoist with small size, light weight, safe, reliable, and strong ability to upgrade apply to the deeper mine hoist. 多绳摩擦提升机具有体积小、质量轻、安全可靠、提升能力强等优点,适用于较深的矿井提升。 www.16sheji8.cn 2. The bath comes with an optional panel cut-out the facility a hoist if required. 洗澡时带有一个可选的面板切割出的升降器,如果需要的设施。 bbs.canjiren.net 3. The pneumatic vane motor using in air hoist has been studied, and its dynamic characteristics has been analysed. 论文以用于气动葫芦的叶片式马达为研究对象,对其动态特性进行了分析。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Workers are trying hard to hoist goods to the ship . 翻译工人们正努力的把货物吊上船。 www.bing.com 5. Hoist, trolley and boom main motors , as well as hydraulic systems , should be greasable as described above . 提升电机、台车电机和主电机及液压系统,应如上所述来润滑。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. As an important part of multi-rope friction hoist, steel rope is the key to the safe operation of all the equipments. 而钢丝绳作为多绳提升机的重要组成部分,是整个设备安全运行的关键。 www.fabiao.net 7. our design represents the industry benchmark for mine hoist safety, energy efficiency and cost effectiveness. 我们所设计的矿井提升机在安生性,节能增效和成本效益方面已经成为行业标杆。 www.gkong.com 8. The paper summarised and discussed several testing methods of braking moment of mine hoist in actual measurement in recent years. 总结和讨论了作者近几年来在实际测试中,采用的几种矿井提升机制动力矩的测试方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The hoist did the work of two men, never faltering and never once complaining. 这一起重机在两个人来操作下,从未摇摇欲坠,也从未发生过任何状况。 www.bing.com 10. Designers envision building the skybridges at the saddle and then using a jacking mechanism to hoist them into place. 设计师构想在三脚基底上建立天空之桥,然后升起机械结构让它们能扬起升空。 www.bing.com 1. The hoist did the work of two men, never faltering and never once complaining. 这一起重机在两个人来操作下,从未摇摇欲坠,也从未发生过任何状况。 www.bing.com 2. Designers envision building the skybridges at the saddle and then using a jacking mechanism to hoist them into place. 设计师构想在三脚基底上建立天空之桥,然后升起机械结构让它们能扬起升空。 www.bing.com 3. The plan is to hoist the men out one-by-one, a journey that could take about 40 minutes for each miner. 救援方案是通过升降机将被困矿工逐一救出,每名矿工需要花费大约40分钟。 c.wsj.com 4. A service team from customer or third party trained by manufacturer for operating the hoist and any maintenance services is needed. 用户自己的或第三方的经过起重机厂家培训的维护队伍是安全使用的保障。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好风正扬帆。 www.ebigear.com 6. At city construction sites women hoist heavy baskets of bricks back-and-forth as men run the machines. 在城市的建筑工地上,妇女们来来回回地搬运着沉重的砖筐,而男人们则负责操控机器。 www.world86.net 7. Briefly introduced the hardware configuration and software design for the use of programmable controller on hoist control. 简要介绍了可编程序控制器对矿井提升机进行控制的硬件配置及软件设计。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The C-hook could be attached to the collector first and then the hoist attached, or the C-hook could be permanently attached to the crane. 可以先把C形钩连在收集器上,然后再接上吊机。或者C形钩一直连着吊机不取下来。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. The invention relates to an electric hoist, in particular to an electric hoist with power supply equipment. 本发明涉及一种电动吊车,尤其涉及一种带有供电设备的电动吊车。 ip.com 10. This design is to the small hoist crane which uses in the workshop carries on the design. 本次设计就是对在车间用的小型起重机进行设计。 www.docin.com 1. This design is to the small hoist crane which uses in the workshop carries on the design. 本次设计就是对在车间用的小型起重机进行设计。 www.docin.com 2. The safety transmission of the large friction hoist is a key issue to assure the safety for running mine. 大型摩擦轮式提升机安全传动是关系矿井安全运行的关键。 www.chemyq.com 3. In this paper, the design scheme and calculation method of tailwater gate hoist bridge at power station in river channel was introduced. 简要介绍了黄河沙坡头水利枢纽工程河床电站尾水门机桥的设计方案和计算方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Designed by Marlow for use with a helicopter cargo hook or hoist system. 由Marlow设计供直升飞机使用货钩或吊运系统。 www.rescue.com.hk 5. The utility model relates to a cross track suspension hoist which belongs to the field of hoisting apparatuses. 本实用新型属于起重设备领域的一种过轨悬挂起重机。 ip.com 6. The paper suggests a new kind of method aiming to the improvement to the performance of arc extinction in control system of shaft hoist. 针对矿井提升机控制系统中的消弧性能改进问题提出一种新的方法。 www.chemyq.com 7. August 24, Huaibei Mining "Yang Jie Forum" hoist control and power the opening ceremony of the seminar held at the new moon in mine. 8月24日,淮北矿业“杨杰讲堂”提升机电控及供电研讨班开班典礼在朔里矿举行。 www.123wzdq.com.cn 8. Hoist sail when the wind is fair. 趁着风好扬起帆。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This type of hoist is operated without counterweight , has one cage , one ton capacity of the cage . 该型号施工升降机不配有对重,双笼,每笼载重为两吨。 www.bing.com 10. This system can monitor and diagnose the hoist running parameters after input some basal parameters' value. 在输入相关基本参数值后,能对提升机部分参数进行监测,并对某些故障实现报警。 www.chemyq.com 1. This system can monitor and diagnose the hoist running parameters after input some basal parameters' value. 在输入相关基本参数值后,能对提升机部分参数进行监测,并对某些故障实现报警。 www.chemyq.com 2. You hoist a flag when you pull it to the top of its pole . 升旗,就是把旗子拉到旗杆的顶上。 www.bing.com 3. At this time, hydraulic cylinders that control door shelf and the hoist moving in the horizontal direction separately are put through. 此时,该控制门架及启闭机在水平方向运动分别是接通液压缸。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Most plants are equipped with monorail hoist over major equipment to facilitate speedy repair in the event of failure . 大多数工厂在主要设备的上方装有单轨起重机,以便当设备损坏时迅速修理。 www.bing.com 5. A static test is a non-operational test performed by simply applying a specified load to the hoist being tested. 静载试验即直接加载一定重量的负载给被测试的葫芦。 wenku.baidu.com 6. LIFTS AND SERVICE LIFTS. RULES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE METAL FRAME WORK BEARING EITHER THE HOIST OR THE GUIDE PULLEYS. 载客电梯和货物电梯.传动机构带滑轮或铰盘的金属构架的计算规则 www.mapeng.net 7. The frequency protect of overload. Call technical severs at once. Don't start the hoist before check the account. 变频器自动过载保护,立即通知专业维修人员,在查明原因前,不得启动升降机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. thai fishermen use a crane to hoist fish traps from the sea near phuket , thailand. 普济岛附近的泰国渔夫们正使用吊车把网到的鱼从海中吊起来。 www.ichacha.net 9. System realizes maximum limit non contacting and digitization, hoist operate and service handy raise device runing stability. 系统最大限度地实现了无触点化和数字化,使提升机操作和维修简单方便,提高了设备运行的稳定性。 www.chemyq.com 10. And he wanted to hoist his flag to say, "I was here first. " 他要在世界之巅插上他的旗帜,向后人证明:我是第一个征服世界的人! www.ted.com 1. And he wanted to hoist his flag to say, "I was here first. " 他要在世界之巅插上他的旗帜,向后人证明:我是第一个征服世界的人! www.ted.com 2. All types of vehicles, planing, grinding, milling machines and cupola, and testing equipment to hoist more than 100 sets. 各类车、刨、磨、铣床和冲天炉、行吊以及检测设备100多台套。 word.hcbus.com 3. Each of the parts can be easily lifted with no hoist. 不用起重机就能很容易地吊起来每一部分。 www.ted.com 4. It consists of a car-riage, a rotary gear reducer and a hoist gear reducer. 它由一个滑架、一个转动齿轮减速器和一个提升齿轮减速器组成。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Never hoist on uneven ground with the mast tilted away from vertical position. 不要在不平地面上桅架倾斜的状态下举重。 blog.anquan.com.cn 6. A ring or collar of rope used to hoist spars or prevent fraying . 索环一环或一圈绳子,用来升起桅杆或防止磨损。 www.bing.com 7. Ignoring the bleeding, Jeff helped capture Teri and hoist her into the transport tank. 杰夫对自己流血全然不顾,又去帮忙捉捕特里,把她也吊进运输水缸。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Internal training for manual hoist operators was not conducted. 手动葫芦操作工没有进行内部培训。 www.china-coc.org 9. The Rescue Strop is used to hoist uninjured Military personnel during helicopter operations. 这个RescueStrop在直升飞机行动期间吊起没有受损伤的军事人员。 www.rescue.com.hk 10. Winches hoist in aggregates, allowing a spate of road repairs and housing construction. 绞车吊起的物资总量足以进行大规模的道路维修和住房兴建。 www.24en.com 1. Winches hoist in aggregates, allowing a spate of road repairs and housing construction. 绞车吊起的物资总量足以进行大规模的道路维修和住房兴建。 www.24en.com 2. The video shows them attempting to hoist him onto the hood of a truck. 视频片段显示,士兵们试图把卡扎菲抬到一辆卡车的前盖上。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Manual and electric hoist way, pneumatic, hydraulic etc series products. 启闭方式有手动、电动、气动、液动等系列产品。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Some Z-9Cs are configured for SAR missions with a hoist, FLIR unit, and searchlight. 一些Z-9C为SAR任务配置使用一个起升机、前视红外(FLIR)单元和探照灯。 www.globalmil.com 5. In addition, the selection of hoist, cable and skid shoe bolts is got a detailed calculation and analysis. 此外,对卷扬机及钢索的选取,滑靴螺栓的选取做了详细的计算与分析。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Gold for the Golden Company, I thought at first, until I saw Ser Rolly hoist a chest onto one shoulder. 我一开始以为为黄金团准备的是金子,直到我看见洛里爵士轻易就将箱子举到肩上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Anti-government protesters hoist a released political prisoner in the Pearl Square roundabout late on Feb. 22 in Manama, Bahrain. 2月22日,巴林首都麦纳麦的明珠广场回旋处,反政府示威者将一个获释的政治犯高高抛起。 www.bing.com 8. Check that the hoist ropes are positioned correctly on the drum and sheaves ? 检查吊绳是否正确的位于卷筒和滑轮上? wenku.baidu.com 9. The tractor hoist should be located behind the derrick. 通井机应就位在井架后面。 wenku.baidu.com 10. This type of hoist is operated with counterweight, has double cage, each with two ton capacity. 该型号施工升降机配有对重,无司机室,双笼,每笼载重为两吨。 www.kuenglish.info 1. This type of hoist is operated with counterweight, has double cage, each with two ton capacity. 该型号施工升降机配有对重,无司机室,双笼,每笼载重为两吨。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Overwind height is an important parameter in the design of hoist. 提升机设计中,过卷高度是一重要参数。 www.chemyq.com 3. The system could real-time monitor hoist's runing state and forecast its fault. 该系统实现了对提升机运行状态的实时监测和故障预测。 www.chemyq.com 4. The portal type hoist crane's span is affects hoist crane own quality the important attribute. 门式起重机的跨度是影响起重机自身质量的重要因素。 www.630diaolan.com 5. They hoist cargo with a locomobile crane. 他们用自动推进的起重机吊起货物。 6. 'Cheers, dear, ' he wasted no time to hoist the goblet expecting to deprive her of the initiative. ‘干杯,宝贝儿,’他不失时机地举起杯,企图夺取主动权。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And the new crane can achieve the effect of the casting crane with four hoist ropes and meet safety laws but much cheaper. 该起重机的起升机构与传统的四梁铸造起重机有同样的安全构造,但成本比较低廉。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. This paper introduces a method about replacing tail rope of multi-rope fraction hoist. 介绍了多绳摩擦式提升机尾绳更换的工艺。 www.chemyq.com 9. Hoist flags at the Hotel entrance as required. 根据要求在酒店大门前升旗。 job.veryeast.cn 10. By using a hoist the movers were able to sling the piano to the third floor. 搬运工人用吊车才把钢琴吊到3楼。 1. The good news, at least, is that McGrady could hoist up all those free throws. 至少,有一件事情是好的——麦蒂可以包揽所有的无人看防的投篮。 www.bing.com 2. The lifting capacity of this chain hoist (hydraulic jack, screw jack) is 5tons. 这个吊链(油压千斤顶、螺旋千斤顶)的起重本领为5吨。 www.bzwanzi.com 3. A line, made of rope or wire with a rope tail, that is used to hoist a sail. 一根用来悬挂帆布的绳索,由麻绳或带着麻绳尾巴的钢丝做成。 www.bing.com 4. Hoist ropes has been elementary adjusted, twice protect has been accomplished. 曳引钢丝绳的涨紧度作初步调整,两次保护已做好。 wenku.baidu.com 5. It can also rescue people from the ground or from the sea by an electrically operated hoist with 200 kg capacity. 绞车由电力驱动,承重能力200千克,还可用于救援地面或海面人员。 www.airforceworld.com 6. Electric hoist bridge crane is a small light lifting equipment. 电动葫芦桥式起重机,是一种轻小型起重设备。 www.rq10000.com 7. Calculate drive hoist and open winch units, static by special software. 使用专用软件进行驱动,葫芦和卷扬机以及钢结构静态计算。 www.yingjiesheng.com 8. Model CD1 Electric Hoist has only one normal speed , Which can satisfy normal application . CD1型电动葫芦的起升速度为常速,可以满足一般使用要求; detail.china.alibaba.com 9. The security and reliability of mine hoist have closed relation with brake. 提升机制动器的好坏直接关系到提升机运行的安全性和可靠性。 www.fabiao.net 10. When applicable, a hoist or other lifting device is necessary. 如需要,必须设置升降机或其他提升装置。 www.showxiu.com 1. Installation of electric hoist, trolley wires and walking tractors line pulley cable (see Figure 7). 安装电葫芦、电线及小车行走拖线滑车电缆(见图7)。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. A study on the new hoist and control pattern is given. A computer software system is also introduced. 对这种新型的拖动与控制方式进行了探讨,介绍了计算机软件系统。 www.chemyq.com 3. The vibration signal of the mining hoist's principle axis has analyzed based on wavelet packet theory in Time-frequency field. 基于小波包理论,针对提升机主轴的振动信号进行了时频域分析。 www.chemyq.com 4. This abstract is based on the digital reconstruct of DC hoist in the new breeze well for TANGSHAN COALMINE KAILUAN(group)Corporation. 本文以开滦(集团)公司唐山矿“新风井直流矿井提升机数字化改造”项目为背景。 www.fabiao.net 5. So it's important to make monitor diagnose and maintenance of the brake in hoist. 对提升机制动器进行实时的工况监测、诊断和维护具有重大意义。 www.fabiao.net 6. The writer design a new type casting crane with two hoist ropes to solve this problem. 笔者针对这个严重问题的解决,构思了新型双梁铸造起重机。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. The steel ball hoist is mainly composed of the tube body and the lift hook. 钢球提升器主要由筒体和吊钩组成。 cn.esunny.com 8. This type of construction hoist has two cages, each with two ton capacity. 该型号施工升降机配有双笼,载重为每笼两吨。 shbaoda.com 9. Hoist the plant, for long stretches the vines generations. 葫芦本为藤本植物,藤蔓绵延则寓意万代绵长。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. Help the perforating crew to hoist the pulley for perforating. 协助炮队吊起射孔滑轮。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The hoist need not be equipped with vertical pipes. 该型无需配备竖管支撑。 shbaoda.com 2. This paper introduces the working principle and characters of XSZ type mulit_rope friction hoist main rope's self_balance hanging device. 介绍了XSZ型多绳摩擦提升机钢丝绳张力自动平衡首绳悬挂装置的工作原理及性能。 www.chemyq.com 3. The hoisting system of the new main shaft in Tonglushan copper iron mine is used to hoist the underground ore and waste rock. 铜绿山铜铁矿新主井的提升系统担负着坑内矿石和废石的提升。 www.chemyq.com 4. Most plants are provided with hoist wells for handling parts. 大多数工厂设有搬运零件的起吊孔。 tr.bab.la 5. I am sorry I cannot hoist the sail and take you in with the small breeze that is rising. But I am with a friend. 我很抱歉没办法乘着微风把帆升起来,把你接进来,因为我正陪着一个朋友呢。 www.bing.com 6. Cold vacuum drying facility crane and hoist system design description, system 14. 冷真空干燥装置吊车和升降机系统设计说明。系统14…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 7. That exacerbated the liquidity squeeze that forced the three companies to hoist the white flag. 这加剧了三家公司流动性紧张的局面,迫使他们竖起白旗。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Tell AB on duty to lower Flag "G" and hoist Flog "H" . Send out one long blast, OK? 你在引航梯边等候,告诉值班一水降“G”旗,升“H”旗,鸣一长声,好吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. The hoist is fitted to a track on the ceiling. 升降器是安装在天花板上的轨道。 bbs.canjiren.net 10. This product can hoist in parallel or turning workpieces in 90 degrees. It is safe and reliable with foldaway handle. 该产品既可以平行吊运,又可将工件翻转90度吊运,手柄折叠,安全可靠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Hoist the risers with the hydraulic running tool. 用液压下入工具提起隔水管。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The mobile hoist in patio won the third prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award. 科研项目天井移动式提升机获国家科技进步三等奖。 3. The porterage is convenient, didn't need hoist like cement block, saving manpower and cost. 搬运方便,无需水泥墩那样使用吊车,节省搬运人手及成本。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They hoist cargo with a crane. 他们用起重机吊起货物。 www.bing.com 5. I watched two players tee off, hoist their bags and march off to battle. 我看见两名球员走过球座,拎起背包,开始比赛。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Crane hoist: want used crawler crane any brand, year make. 移动起重机:需要旧履带起重机,品牌不限。请告知出产年份。 www.showxiu.com 7. All [singing]: Yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high. 全部[唱]:哟议员,一起,高吊的颜色。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Charging way: After the spare battery charging off, using the forklift to hoist the battery. 充电方式:备用电池连接充电机充电;电池充电完成后,采用吊装方式对叉车进行更换电池。 wenku.baidu.com 9. The account must remember to hoist the reputation attain the honesty keep the promise dunig carried out the economic items. 会计人员在办理经济事项记载过程中一定要坚持实事求是、讲求信用,做到诚实守信。 epub.cnki.net 10. On returning pump to discharge elbow, lower hoist cable until it is slack. 放松起重机吊索,使泵回到排泄弯管。 www.h6688.com 1. Russian production of helicopters to hoist 20 tons of goods, the world's only ten tons of heavy-lift helicopters. 俄罗斯生产的直升机能够吊20吨的货物,世界上重型直升机才十几吨。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com 2. May this roof truss be used to hoist an object of one tonne? 此屋架可以利用一下,吊一吨重的物吗? www.qeto.com 3. Man [singing]: Yo, ho, all hands, hoist the colors high. 文[唱]:哟,镐,所有的手,高吊的颜色。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Model MD1 Electric Hoist provides two speeds : normal speed and Iow speed . MD1型电动葫芦具有两种起升速度―常速和慢速。 detail.china.alibaba.com 5. Column crane arm is a light and small lifting ma chine in which CD1, MD1 electric pulley and chain hoist are used together. 柱式旋臂起重机是CD1、MD1型电动葫芦及手拉葫芦配套使用的一种轻小型起重机械。 www.cn-ek.com 6. Well , we are going to hoist tomorrow . 好的,那么明天就吊装。 www.bing.com 7. They hoist the national flag at six o'clock every morning. 他们每天早晨六点钟升旗。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This paper gives a numerical method of coal mine hoist jour. 文章给出了矿井提升机行程的数字检测方法和提高行程检测系统可靠性的有效方法。 service.ilib.cn 9. Connect grab link to hoist and slip nylon cord thru link. 穿过链环将抓钩链环连接到起重机和滑动尼龙绳上。 www.h6688.com 10. Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯 z.tougao98.com 1. Electric hoist is will motor, gear reducer, drum, brake and operation such as car compact to integrated, lifting machinery. 电动葫芦是将电动机、减速器、卷筒、制动器和运行小车等紧凑地合为一体的起重机械,。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Uses a crane to hoist the construction beams. 用起重机吊起建筑物的横梁。 www.zftrans.com 3. In this paper, the braking system for JKMD type ( 4. 5 meters over four-rope friction round) hoist have been designed. 本文针对JKMD型(4.5米4多绳摩擦轮)提升机,对其制动系统进行设计。 www.16sheji8.cn 4. Hoist is a key equipment in mine, its reliability is very important. 矿井提升机是煤矿中最重要的设备,其可靠性十分重要。 www.jiaoyu58.com 5. We hoist, on high, the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star. 我们要高高升起饰有一颗星的美丽的蓝旗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Concrete was raised by a hoist. 混凝土由升降机提升。 www.bing.com 7. Hoist those sails. Toast that bread. 升帆,烤面包 www.tingroom.com 8. hoist Technology International Ltd. is a global IT service provider with offices in China, Japan, USA and Canada. 海辉软件(国际)集团公司是一家全球IT服务供应商,在中国、日本,美国和加拿大均有办公机构。 www.yingjiesheng.com 9. His nostrils hoist in distaste. 他的鼻孔里提升厌恶。 career.51youcai.com 10. Its "quad-lift" cranes can hoist four 20-foot containers at once. 它的四升降起重机可同时吊起四座高达20英尺的集装箱。 club.topsage.com 1. Deckmen placed the goods and proceeded hoist tasks. 水手班进行物品摆放及吊装作业等。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. To hoist an anchor to (the cathead). 将锚提升至(锚架) wenwen.soso.com 3. Yesterday, to come to buy electric hoist the Qiandao merchants Lee feelings. 昨天,前来购买电动葫芦的千岛湖商人李感情。 www.qiyeku.com 4. They went aft to hoist the mainsail . 他们向船后走去升主帆。 www.bing.com 5. Shenxi Company grows up quickly and steadily since we had brought out the first hoist in 1988. 申锡机械从1988年生产提升机以来,公司的发展迅速而稳健。 b2b.mainone.com 6. enhance, hoist, boost heir n. 提高,升高;加深 www.tingroom.com 7. to hoist the sails towards far away. 扬起奔向远方的风帆。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Hoist "ferro" meaning, have a collection of blessing. 葫芦有“福禄”之意,有收集福气的作用。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. drive v. excavate v. hoist winch v. n. 掘进开挖,开掘提升绞车通风 wenku.baidu.com 10. when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up. 你到了之后先进去然后把我拉上去 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Ok , to tackle the intricate problem , we should hoist the crane at the outset. 好吧,要解决这个复杂的问题,我们一开始应该吊起这只鹤。 www3.060s.com 2. I was founded in 2002, the source of unlicensed mine operating cranes, electric hoist. 我公司成立于2002年,经营矿源牌起重机,电动葫芦。 www.tonke.cn 3. Think how many messages our children can write, when they hoist themselves - bang on time - aboard a bus. 想想我们的孩子在乘巴士时可以下多少消息。 www.bing.com 4. pull, draw, drag, or hoist. 拉,拖,拽,或吊起 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 5. Figure 9 3 to check electric hoist (before installation) and reducer, and to add gear oil. 图9三、检查电动葫芦(在安装前)和减速机,并加注齿轮油。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. This type of construction hoist has two cages , each with 2. 8 Ton capacity . 该型号施工升降机不配有对重,双笼,每笼载重为一吨。 www.bing.com 7. By using fuzzy theory and fuzzy inference, the fault diagnosis method is discussed which is based on the mine hoist. 运用模糊理论和模糊推理方法,论述了基于矿井提升机的故障诊断方法。 www.chemyq.com 8. Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗! freelancer.mzod.com 9. This type of hoist is operated with counterweight, has double cage, each with 3 ton or 3. 2 Ton capacity. 该型号施工升降机配有对重,无司机室,双笼,每笼载重为3吨或者3.2吨。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Hoist the BOP stack with the hook and have an overall check. 用钻机大钩提起防喷器组并进行全面检查。 www.dictall.com 1. hoist a cargo on board. 将货物吊到船上。 bbs.suanche.com 2. At present, the AC hoist is used as the major mine hoist in our countrys mine production in domestic. 目前,我国实际生产中使用的矿井提升机有相当一部分是交流提升机。 www.dictall.com 3. He can hoist up a very big and heavy stone. 他能举起很大很重的石头 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Hoist crane movement flaw repair method and so on. 起重机运行缺陷的修理方法等。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. So MD1-electric hoist than the use of the CD1-electric hoist more widely. 所以,MD1型电动葫芦的使用范围比CD1型电动葫芦更为广泛。 www.qjy168.com 6. For example: strainer house, hoist house, two-bucket house, wooden club, wooden bowls, parrots, etc. 比如:笊篱家、葫芦家、双斗家、棒槌、木碗、鹦鹉等。 taian.qite8.com 7. It is used widely in coal mine of mutil - rope fraction hoist. The work of replacing tail rope is very important. 落地式摩擦提升机应用广泛,其平衡尾绳的更换工作很重要。 www.chemyq.com 8. This hoist can be used with cage width 2 3m. 用于吊笼宽度为23米的升降机。 shbaoda.com 9. At that time a man named Archimedes who design - human-powered reel-type hoist. 当时有个叫阿基米德的人设计出--人力驱动的卷筒式卷扬机。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. You can build the enclosure on the ground and hoist it and the glass up separately if you have a flat roof. 如果你的屋顶是平的,可以先在地面把箱体装好,然后分别把箱体还有玻璃吊上屋顶。 www.bing.com 1. Let him take thee, And hoist thee up to the shouting plebeians: Follow his chariot, like the greatest spot Of all thy sex; 让他捉了你去,在欢呼的民众之前把你高高举起;追随在他的战车的后面,给人们看看你是你们全体女性中最大的污点; renbinhnu.spaces.live.com 2. Every day in the Tian anmen Square the hoist of our national flag is a solemn ceremony. 每天在天安门广场升国旗是个庄严的仪式。 www.for68.com 3. but life ain't a fairytale, I'm about to be hoist up in the air 但是生活不是一个童话,我升到了空中 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Is that hoist made in Yemen? 那台卷扬机也是也门制造的吗? wenku.baidu.com 5. the supporting part is composed of a plurality of rows of folding elevating scissors and a plurality of hoist cylinders; 支撑部分包括多排可折叠的升降剪叉,多数个升降油缸; ip.com 6. Wire rope hoist system is an important component of the system is to upgrade the relatively weak key link; 钢丝绳是绞车提升系统的重要组成部分,也是提升系统较为薄弱的关键环节; www.dictall.com 7. Study of an Intelligent CAD System for a Hydraulic Gate Hoist 水工闸门启闭机智能CAD系统的研制 www.ilib.cn 8. Determination of the Length of New Hoisting Ropes on Friction Hoist 多绳摩擦式提升机新主绳长度的确定 service.ilib.cn 9. Analyzing the problems in transform of the shunting hoist system in loading station of a coal preparation plant 关于某选煤厂装车站调车绞车系统改造中有关问题的剖析 www.ilib.cn 10. Industry: Industrial Rubber Products; Other mineral processing equipment; Transmission belt; Conveyor; Other transport equipment; Hoist; 所属行业:工业用橡胶制品;其他选矿设备;传动带;输送机;其他输送设备;提升机;; www.integrity-enterprises.net |
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