单词 | grind to a halt |
释义 |
v. seize up,jam,fail,stall,pack up 例句释义: 嘎地一声停下来,慢慢停下来,慢慢停止 1. The reactions grind to a halt over the next few days, as the falling Jenga towers run out of other towers they can actually hit. 在接下来的几天,反应渐渐停止,就像积木堆撞倒其他塔一样。 www.bing.com 2. I was determined not to let the publics business grind to a halt and was gratified that the White House staff and cabinet felt the same way. 我决定不去打搅公众的注意力,并欣慰地看到白宫工作人员和内阁成员也这样想。 www.bing.com 3. If all the migrants were to leave, Beijing would grind to a halt. 那是因为我们希想让他们留下来,我们需要他们留下来;如果农民工都走了,北京就会陷入停顿。 cn.wsj.com 4. Without government action, he said, there was a risk that financial sector could grind to a halt. 他说,政府如果无所作为,金融体系就有完全停摆的危险。 www.ebigear.com 5. The free flow of new ideas slows down and newer, better ways of doing things grind to a halt. 新想法的自由交流变得缓慢,那么更新的更好的做事方式就会停滞不前了。 www.bing.com 6. At the beginning of the recent global financial crisis, many feared that the Chinese growth engine would grind to a halt. 在最近的全球金融危机开始之初,许多人担忧中国经济增长引擎会熄火。 www.ltaaa.com 7. Every thirty seconds, the server experiences a huge storm of disk-writing activity, causing the system to nearly grind to a halt. 每隔30秒,服务器就会遇到磁盘写活动高峰,导致系统几乎陷于停顿。 www.ibm.com 8. "Sometimes we feel the whole place is about to grind to a halt, " sighs a prominent businessman. 一位声名显赫的商人叹道,“有时候我们会觉得整个这个地方会突然停止运转。” www.ecocn.org 9. He cites capacitors and connectors, without which much of the modern world would grind to a halt. 他举了电容器和连接器的例子,没有这两样产品,现代世界将大面积陷入停顿。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Rather, the whole business world will face the storm of the century and commerce could literally grind to a halt. 相反,整个世界将面临世纪风暴,商业将基本停滞。 newssgo.com 1. Having failed to overcome the 60-vote hurdle to end a Senate filibuster, Mr Obama watched his $450bn jobs bill grind to a halt last week. 上周,由于未能在参议院获得60票来结束杯葛议事的“冗长辩论”(filibuster)行径,奥巴马眼睁睁地看着自己的4500亿美元就业法案停止推进。 www.ftchinese.com 2. if we queried everything that struck us as less than perfectly straight, working life would grind to a halt. 如果我们对每件不那么光彩的事都提出质疑,职场生活就会陷入停滞。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Cities grind to a halt Power lines collapse and water supplies freeze. Cars won't start. Roads are cut off by ice. 城市陷于瘫痪。电线倒塌,供水系统结冰。汽车不能启动。道路被冰雪切断。 www.yappr.cn 4. It will be a hard slog. But on the current evidence don't expect America's recovery to grind to a halt. 这或许将是一次十分艰难的前行,但现有数据也都显示,美国经济不会停止其复苏的脚步。 www.ecocn.org 5. University departments will grind to a halt. High-tech companies will be starved of personnel. 大学会因为没有生源而停课,高科技公司也将因人才匮乏而倒闭。 www.ecocn.org 6. Blues boss Mourinho felt the hit-man fully deserved a new deal and now expects the transfer rumours to grind to a halt . 穆利尼奥认为这名锋线杀手完全应该得到新合同,并且期望转会的谣传可以被粉碎。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Martial law will not solve this problem, as society will grind to a halt. 军事戒严不能解决该问题,因为社会会限于停顿状态。 nature.31931.cn 8. But without them, industries worth trillions of dollars would grind to a halt. 但如果没有稀土,价值数万亿美元的工业都得渐渐停产。 dict.kekenet.com 9. Production could grind to a halt unless sales of fridges, cars and clothing pick up. 除非冰箱、汽车、衣物的销量上升,否则生产活动会艰难的停滞于此。 www.ecocn.org 10. But if something similar happened today, the world's high-tech infrastructure could grind to a halt. 不过如果有些相似情况发生在今天,世界上的高科技基础设施可能逐渐停顿。 www.bing.com 1. all of our research, including yours, would grind to a halt. 我和你所有的研究都得搁浅 www.tingroom.com 2. If something goes wrong, business will quickly grind to a halt. 如果这期间发生了什么差错,企业会马上陷于瘫痪。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. "If we fail to act, the gears of our economy will grind to a halt, " said John McCain. 如果我们不采取行动,我们经济的齿轮将停止转动。 www.ebigear.com 4. University departments will grind to a halt. 大学院系会渐停运转。 www.ecocn.org 5. However, many companies would grind to a halt without refinancing. The reason they don't is that most have genuine income. 他们之所以没破产的原因是他们大多数都有实际收入。 www.bing.com 6. If trade doesn't improve soon, the industry will grind to a halt . 如果商业不迅速恢复景气,工业就要陷入停顿。 dict.veduchina.com 7. If we don't do something soon, the whole theatre industry could grind to a halt. 如果我们不尽快采取措施,整个戏剧行业将会出现萧条。 www.hstc.edu.cn 8. None of this is to say that job creation will grind to a halt or that the U. S. and euro zone will lose their competitive edge; 没有一条是说创造就业岗位会使经济慢慢停下来或者美国和欧元区会失去他们的竞争优势; www.bing.com |
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