单词 | impeccably |
释义 |
例句释义: 无可指责,无瑕疵地,一丝不苟 1. The bank had remained true to its mission of securing price stability and had delivered it "impeccably, impeccably" . 央行始终忠于自己保持价格稳定的任务,并且做到了“无可挑剔,无可挑剔”。 fanbolawyer.com 2. So far, Indonesia's generals have behaved pretty impeccably, despite the many problems of that vast archipelago. 到目前为止,尽管这个庞大的岛国存在许多问题,但印度尼西亚的将军们行为非常完美无缺。 www.ecocn.org 3. "I told him we were bringing back the necktie, " a similarly beknotted host said, as the impeccably elegant author passed through the entry. 当这个绝对优雅的作家经过餐厅入口时,一位同样打了领结的服务生说,“我告诉他,我们带领结来了。” www.elanso.com 4. But if you see a guy wearing an impeccably tailored Italian suit with dirty tennis shoes, you won't be able to forget the footwear. 不过你看见男人穿着一套剪裁完美的意大利西装,却穿了一双脏脏的网球鞋,你恐怕也很难忘记他的鞋子。 www.ttxyy.com 5. And the tens of thousands of mainly young Spaniards camped out in city squares have been impeccably well behaved. 数万名以年轻人为主的西班牙民众在城市广场上露营,但行为无可挑剔。 www.bing.com 6. He looked more like a college professor than a southern businessman, impeccably dressed in a three-piece suit. 他总是穿一身无可挑剔的三件套西装,看上去更像是位大学教授,而不像一位南方企业家。 www.bing.com 7. Being in the nagual 's world has nothing to do with my impatience. You see, I'm impeccably impatient. 身处巫世界也跟我的不耐烦无关,你瞧,我是完美无缺地不耐烦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He is impeccably qualified; but so impeccably in line with the Washington Consensus that he might not bring much practical change. 他拥有无懈可击的资历,但同时也无懈可击地认同“华盛顿共识”——以至于他可能不会带来大量的实际变化。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Madam Bea with the Diamond Eyes is always impeccably dressed , and wears a snow - white feather cape . 拥有钻石眼睛的蜜蜂夫人终年穿戴整高贵,有雪白的羽毛披肩。 www.bing.com 10. Surkov impeccably swallows the insult, smiling, because he always agrees with the decision of the president and premier. 苏尔科夫面带微笑、无可挑剔地咽下了辱骂,因为他总是支持总统和总理的决定。 dongxi.net 1. Conveniently located in beautiful Coyoacan, blocks from the central plaza, impeccably clean; free wireless internet and movie library. 位于美丽的科瑶坎,地理位置便利,离中心广场就几个街区,非常清洁,免费无线上网并可欣赏网络影院。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Always impeccably groomed, he liked good clothes, and as a young man sported spats and hats and fancy waistcoats . 他总是无可挑剔,他喜欢华服,喜欢象年轻人那样炫耀自己的鞋罩、帽子和奢华的马甲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Two fashionably dressed figures share a cigar by the seaside, the waves just shy of their impeccably polished shoes. 两位穿著时尚的男子在海边抽著雪茄,海浪险些打到擦得发亮的皮鞋; www.christies.com 4. She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives. 她把自己重塑为一个走中间路线的“好好先生”,与重要的保守派共同支持议案。 club.topsage.com 5. Stick with the naturally- aspirated XK and you'll find an impeccably balanced sporting car truly worthy of the Jaguar badge. 坚持使用自然吸气XK,你会发现一个无可挑剔地平衡运动车真正无愧于捷豹徽章。 www.showxiu.com 6. Look at photographs of Ronald Reagan. He carried himself impeccably even on the back of a horse at his ranch. 看看美国总统里根的照片,就算当他农场骑马时,也表现得无可挑剔。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Sandberg's impeccably political response: She's happy friending Mark Zuckerberg for as long as they're changing the world. 桑德伯格对此做出无懈可击的政治式回应:只要她和扎克伯格还在一起改变世界,她就会很高兴拥有他这个朋友。 dongxi.net 8. Pinochet is dead and the army is now impeccably professional. 比诺切现在已经不在了,现在军队则是毋庸置疑的专业。 www.ecocn.org 9. In your mind, the idea arrived in formal attire, impeccably groomed, and ready for an evening of wine and dance. 你记得最初的想法来到时,穿着礼服,打扮得无可挑剔,准备去参加有酒有舞的晚会。 www.bing.com 10. On your first day of work, you're excited, impeccably dressed, friendly and eager to take on any challenge. 第一天上班时,你会很兴奋,穿着无可挑剔,待人和善,并且渴望接受任何挑战。 www.youmars.com 1. They [the victims' families] have behaved impeccably and the club are very proud of them and the way they have handled this tragedy. 他们(受害者的家属)的表现无可挑剔,俱乐部也为他们处理这一悲剧的方式感到自豪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A panoramic view of Okawa River and the Osaka skyline can be seen from our spacious and impeccably furnished suites. 可以在豪华优质设备用品完备的舒适宽敞的套房中尽享眼前的宏伟河川及大阪景色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The roads are smooth and mostly clear. The car, impeccably driven, heads across Lithuania. 这条马路平坦而干净,汽车朝着立陶宛平稳行进。 www.ecocn.org 4. As president, even the impeccably liberal Mr Obama has taken a markedly different line to the one he championed in 2006. 即使是身为无可挑剔的自由党人士的奥巴马先生,成为总统后其立场也与他2006年所拥护的大相径庭。 www.ecocn.org 5. Miss Vansittart was wearing an impeccably cut coat and skirt. 范西塔特小姐衣裙剪裁合身,无可挑剔。 6. At 91, he is impeccably dressed, with a face as wrinkle-free as his well-ironed shirt. 虽然已是91岁高龄,但他的衣着无可挑剔,脸上就像他精心熨烫的衬衣一样,看不到一丝皱纹。 www.bing.com 7. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. 穿着破旧,则人们记住衣服;穿着无暇,则人们记住衣服里的女人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I know impeccably "modernising" MPs who despair of Number 10's haughtiness. 我十分了解这些对唐宁街10号的傲慢绝望的“现代化”议员们。 www.ecocn.org |
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