单词 | high-taxes | ||||
释义 | high-taxes
例句释义: 高税率,赋税过高 1. However, Mr Depardieu seems to be chiefly attracted by Russia's flat 13 per cent income tax, as he seeks refuge from high taxes in France. 但最吸引德帕迪约的似乎是俄罗斯13%的单一所得税率,因他试图逃避法国的高税收。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In recent polls and focus groups he has found that Brazilians, including the poorest, have woken up to the fact that they pay high taxes. 从最近民调和客户取样群体中,他发现巴西老百姓(包括最穷的)已经觉悟他们付税偏高的事实。 www.ecocn.org 3. But high taxes do not always mean expensive cigarettes. 高额烟草税不总能让烟价高不可攀。 ecocn.org 4. These high taxes create incentives to evade, driving many firms into the underground economy, and do not translate into higher revenues. 高税收诱发了逃税漏税现象,促使许多公司搞地下经济,无法提高税收。 web.worldbank.org 5. When you came to the White House we were sinking in a sea of high taxes, high interest rates and low morale. 当您入主白宫时我们正处在高税收,高利率和颓废的苦海中。 www.englishchina.com 6. Use economic warfare. Rob the "Goyim" of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition. 使用经济战。利用高税收和不公平竞争抢夺非犹太人的地上财产和工业。 www.tieku.org 7. Mr. Moore also decided to ignore or gloss over problems in other countries, like France's high taxes and Britain's cash-short hospitals. 摩尔先生还决意忽略或掩饰在其他国家出现的一些问题,如法国的高税收和英国的现金短缺医院。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. REPUBLICANS walloped Democrats in November, thanks to concern over big government, high taxes and a crippling deficit. 11月选举中,共和党给了民主党当头一棒,这是人们担忧大政府、高税收和严重赤字的结果。 www.ecocn.org 9. While West European countries and Japan impose high taxes on gasoline, the U. S. , the world's largest consumer, does not. 虽然西欧的一些国家和日本对汽油征收了较高的税,但是世界最大的汽油消费国,美国,却没有这样做。 www.bing.com 10. The government under President Coolidge continued high taxes on imports in an effort to help American companies. 在Coolidge总统的领导下,政策延续着高额的进口关税,努力帮助美国公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. After all, while reports of Europe's economic demise are greatly exaggerated, reports of its high taxes and generous benefits aren't. 毕竟,有关欧洲经济崩溃的报告严重言过其实,而有关高税收和慷慨福利的报告却并未如此。 www.bing.com 2. Out of the blue, Neil detected the voter's identification of the Democrats with high taxes. 在意外中,尼尔发现选民把民党和高税收画上了等号。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 3. And in economics, she stands squarely behind all the old left-wing shibboleths: state intervention, rigid labour protection and high taxes. 在经济方面,罗亚尔照搬着已经过时的左派政策,比如国家干预、强有力的劳动保护、高税收。 www.ecocn.org 4. With boom times ahead, your investment decision today should be governed by the effects of inflation and high taxes. 考虑到未来的繁荣,你现在做的投资决定将来会被通货膨胀和高税收影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She never mentions that high union wages and high taxes on capital formation have been far more important in destroying U. S. jobs. 她只字不提工会规定的高工资和对资本的高税收一直在破坏美国的就业,其作用犹为过之。 www.bing.com 6. Italy's high taxes and social security costs are one reason why its international business competitiveness is so poor. 意大利的高税收和高额社会保障成本正是其国际商业竞争力贫乏的原因之一。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The burden of high debts, high taxes, high welfare spending and demographic shifts means diminished expectations for future generations. 沉重的债务负担、高税收、高福利支出以及人口结构的转变意味着,要降低对未来几代人的期望。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The most recent Global Financial Centres Index, published last month, reflected these worries, citing high taxes and regulatory uncertainty. 上月公布的最新全球金融中心指数(GFCI)报告,就反映出了上述担忧。报告提及了伦敦的高税收和监管不确定性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Oil firms have until now quietly opposed Scottish independence, fearing it would cause upheaval and high taxes. 直到现在,石油公司一直秘密地反对苏格兰独立,担心苏格兰的独立会导致动乱和高税收。 www.ecocn.org 10. Social democracy seems inevitably associated with high taxes and obstructive and overbearing public sector trade unions. 社会民主主义似乎不可避免地与高税收和蓄意作对、专横跋扈的公共部门工会联系在一起。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You'll get an especially good deal at Amazon if you're making big purchases and you live in an area with high taxes. 如果你做大宗买卖,而又生活在税费较高的地方,经由亚马逊购买,会相当划算。 www.bing.com 2. Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. 巴黎远落后伦敦已有很长时间,前者受到管制多和税收高之名的苦恼。 www.ecocn.org 3. By 1997, when Labour won power, the electorate had become more worried about decrepit public services than high taxes. 工党在1997年取得执政权的时候,选民们对于陈旧的公共服务机构的忧虑更大于对高税收的忧虑。 www.ecocn.org 4. Last, a huge social insurance system, with resulting high taxes, low take-home pay and low wealth, may not hurt capitalism. 最后,大规模社保体系以及随之产生的高税收、低税后薪酬和低财富储蓄,不一定会损害资本主义制度。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some countries, like Sweden, do it by redistribution, with high taxes and welfare benefits. 很多国家,比如瑞典,通过高税收、高福利的重新分配来实现。 www.bing.com 6. Since Americans pay such high taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes. 由于美国人须付高额税金,所以他们经常感到每周有一天纯粹是在为缴税而工作。 www.ebigear.com 7. Nowhere else are these forces as strong, nor do people have quite the same stomach for co-ordination and high taxes. 在其它任何地区,这些力量都没有这么强大,人们对于协调和高税收也不是那么感兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 8. And to pay high taxes to have it all taken away. 为将它们拉走还得付高税。 www.bing.com 9. Even the neighborhood's notoriously high taxes started to level off in 1994 and gave merchants some much needed breathing space. 即使邻近地区那声名狼藉的高税收在1994年开始趋于平稳,给了商人一些必须的喘息空间后。 www.bing.com 10. Despite high taxes, bureaucracy, and a high cost of living, France returns after taking over the top position last year. 尽管法国存在高税收、高生活成本和官僚主义的问题,但继去年问鼎之后,法国今年再次荣登榜首。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. While high taxes reduce demand in some developed economies, subsidies spur consumption in emerging economies. 某些发达国家通过降低税收,发放补贴来刺激新兴的消费经济体来抵消这种负面影响。 www.bing.com 2. The old continent's economies are widely derided for their rigid markets, high taxes and lack of entrepreneurial vim. 这个古老大陆的经济正以他们僵化的市场,较高的税负和缺乏活力的企业被人们所耻笑。 www.ecocn.org 3. Given Sweden's poor employment record and high taxes, why do so many voters stick with the Social Democrats? 鉴于瑞典糟糕的就业情况和高税收,何以如此多的选民支持社民党呢? www.ecocn.org 4. I'm sorry, sir. But we have to pay high taxes on imported drink. 很抱歉,先生。我们不得不为进口酒水支付高额税率。 eat.96.cn 5. Finally, administrative monopoly and high taxes also push up food prices. 三是行政垄断和高税收提高了物价。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So high taxes might only partly explain why the wealthy aren't relocating to the region. 那么,重税或许只能部分解释富人为何不愿意移居北欧。 gb.cri.cn 7. California's domestic out-migration, moreover, may have a simpler cause than dysfunctional government or high taxes. 此外,人们离开加州还有一个比政府不作为,高税更简单的原因。 bbs.kekenet.com 8. There are extensive day care and child care subsidies, which in part counteracts the effects of high taxes on female labor supply. 芬兰广泛存在托儿所和儿童保育方面的补贴,这就部分地抵消了对女性劳动力征收高税收的影响。 www.bing.com 9. In the 1970s it was argued that high taxes had reduced incentives and thus economic growth. 1970年代的争论认为,高额税率会减少投资诱因,因而连累经济成长; www.bing.com 10. Do not put a high value on the package, $40 is OK. Because I don't want to pay the high taxes. 不要在包裹上标明很高的价值,40美元就好了。因为我不想付很高的税。 www.feiqu.com 1. This may explain why Swedes complain less about high taxes than the inhabitants of a country of immigrants such as America. 这也许解释了为什么瑞典人对高税收的抱怨比像美国等国家移民的非居民少。 www.ecocn.org 2. High taxes will neutralize increased wages. 高税收将抵销增加了的工资。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. 最近政府对香烟征收高额赋税。 zikao.kswchina.com 4. The westerners also supported high taxes on imports, because they believed such taxes would raise the prices of their agricultural products. 西部人还支持进口高关税,因为他们认为这将有助于提高他们的农产品价格。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Guo Shaokun, a disabled former policeman in Jiangsu, has served a 2-year sentence for helping peasants appeal high taxes. 有残障的郭少坤曾是江苏的一位警察。他因帮助农民为减少过高捐税请愿被判刑2年。 www.prayforchina.com 6. That high level of spending goes to support the generous French welfare state, which is funded through borrowing and high taxes. 如此高水平的政府支出是为了支撑法国优厚的福利体系,而资金来源则是负债和高税收。 www.fortunechina.com 7. High taxes kill population and cause unrest. 高税收会降低省份人口,同时增加不满度。 lynn.tlfer.net 8. It lets them skirt the high taxes on beverage alcohol. 这让他们避免支付附加在酒精的高额税费。 dongxi.net 9. Some countries, such as Britain, charge tuition fees, whereas Nordic countries levy high taxes. 一些国家比如英国收取学费,然而北欧的国家采用增收高额的税收。 item.feedsky.com 10. But many of those businesses folded because of high taxes and the complexity of obtaining licences to operate. 但是由于过高的税收和获得经营执照的复杂程序,很多这种生意只能停业。 www.ecocn.org 1. The government imposed high taxes on cigarettes. 政府对香烟课以重税。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 2. One problem is that France's high taxes on stock options makes hiring difficult. 一个问题是法国对股票的高税收使得雇人困难。 www.ecocn.org 3. If the high taxes on luxury cars are removed, China could very well become the biggest market. 如果在豪华车的高税率将被删除,中国很可能成为最大的市场。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. High taxes mean that a large portion of luxury items is bought offshore. 这里的高税率意味着,中国人很大一部分奢侈品是在海外购买的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Many people are crying out against the high taxes. 许多人对高税率提出强烈抗议。 6. There are high taxes on petrol and cars. 燃油与汽车被征收了高额的赋税; www.ecocn.org 7. The same time, cigarette products, and our high-margin, high taxes, make the government financially dependent on their certain. 同时,由于卷烟制品带来的高利润、高税收,使得政府在财政上对其有一定的依赖性。 www.fabiao.net 8. A: I'm sorry to hear that. Is it the economy, overheads or the high taxes? 甲:我听了真感难过,是因为经济环境、开支还是高税率? my.putclub.com 9. Even if high taxes lead to some smuggling and diversion, studies done in Brazil, for example, show that fiscal measures do curb consumption. 尽管提高烟税导致一些走私和转移,研究表明,以巴西为例,这项财政措施确实能抑制香烟的消费。 www.ecocn.org 10. The good news is that these high taxes on labour leave open the option of shifting taxes on to other areas, in particular land. 好的消息是:对劳动力征收的重税,为税收转向其他领域(特别是土地)留下了余地。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They had to pay high taxes but did not have any say about it. (Taxation without representation. ) 答:他们必须缴纳高额税捐,却没有任何代表权; www.gter.net 2. High taxes: financial enterprises flied to the southeast 高税赋困扰金融企业 www.ilib.cn 3. Americans always complain about the high taxes 美国人总是抱怨税收太高 wenku.baidu.com |
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