单词 | high | ||||||
释义 | highs是high的复数
比较级:higher 最高级:highest 复数:highs
例句释义: 高位,高地,〈美〉中学,高,奢侈地,高价地,高度的,剧烈的,非常的,偏激的,高频,高玛氏,高压 1. The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges. 她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋… bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. However, since a breakout above previous highs has not been seen yet, caution seems to be required in the days ahead. 然而,由于前期高点还未突破,未来几天仍需保持谨慎。 www.bing.com 3. As of the end of 2005, the United States home sales set record highs for five consecutive years, prices have continued to rise. 截至2005年底,美国住房销售量连续五年创下历史新高,价格也不断上涨。 www.showxiu.com 4. "Prices of primary goods - China's main imports - are at a low points now, while they were at historic highs just a year ago, " he said. “中国主要进口的初级商口价格,现在处于低位,而一年前则处于历史高位”,他说。 www.suiniyi.com 5. For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro. 他说,几个月以来,瑞士法郎兑欧元经常创纪录新高,但他却一直押注瑞士法郎最终会贬值。 cn.wsj.com 6. Mr. Obama also said he hoped for an agreement on ways to reduce the U. S. debt and budget deficit, which are at record highs. 奥巴马还说,他希望议员们就如何减少创记录的美国债务和预算赤字取得一致。 www.kekenet.com 7. "This year we would actually expect rice prices, which have come down from recent highs, to come down a bit further, " he said. 赫尔博林说:“实际上,稻米价格已经有所下跌,我们期待今年会进一步走低。” www.goldenenglish.net 8. Gold continued to gain after reaching record highs on Monday due to continuing concerns regarding the weakening of the dollar. 黄金价格在周一创下新高后持续上涨,主要是因为美元持续走软,引发外界关注。 www.bing.com 9. That it had done so with investments in Treasurys at a time when Treasury prices are close to historic highs? 而且中国在美国国债和两房债券价格接近历史最高位的时刻产生了相关损失? www.bing.com 10. After a four-day run, markets are taking a bit of a breather today, as indexes climb back down after notching new highs earlier this week. 经过了连续4天的上涨后,美国股市周三略作休整,股指在本周初连创新高后有所回调。 www.acsf.cn 1. General Motors is running out of cash. Oil prices ran up to historic highs before dropping, but only because of a worldwide recession. 通用汽车几近破产,油价之前还飙升至顶,却仅仅因为全球经济衰退而一落千丈。 www.elanso.com 2. The next step is to bracket the close line in a slightly dimmer shape that shows the path of the highs and lows for the day. 下一步要用稍微亮一点的图形撑起收盘线,它表示当日的最高价和最低价。 www.ibm.com 3. The cost of major food commodities has doubled over the last couple of years, with rice, corn and wheat at record highs. 在最近两年间,主要食用农产品价格翻番,其中大米、玉米和小麦的价格创下历史新高。 www.suiniyi.com 4. As the fuel is stolen it can be sold for less than half the market price at a time of record highs. 当石油被偷后,在石油价格破纪录位于高价位时,它可以亿不到市场价的一半被卖掉。 www.bing.com 5. Because you're grateful for the experience of all the highs and lows and all that they have to offer. 因为你对所经历的一切人生起伏、对它们为你送上的一切都心存感激。 www.elanso.com 6. Evening out the highs and lows is part of the process, but you also don't want TV to sound flat, he said. Kraemer先生继续谈道,平衡音量的大小是处理过程的一部分,但同时你又不想让电视声音变得单薄干涩。 srschina.blog.163.com 7. Soyoil continued to go up as it made new highs along with Malaysian palm oil amid talk of Chinese buying. 豆油期价继续上升,并在有关中国将订货的传闻中与马来西亚棕榈油一起创下新高。 www.asaimchina.org 8. The government crackdown appears to have had some effect on property sales volumes but have so far not budged prices off their highs much. 政府的打击似乎已经有了一定的影响,但地产销售量至今没有高价格下降的妥协。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Japan felt additional pain as the yen continued to strengthen against the dollar, trading near 13-year highs. 由于日圆兑美元汇率继续上扬,升至近13年高点,日本的处境可谓雪上加霜。 www.bing.com 10. St John enjoyed many highs in a red shirt but his winner at Wembley was the most celebrated strike of his career. 圣约翰享受着自己身着红军战袍时的欢乐时光,而其中在温布利的这场胜利无疑是他最珍视的。 www.lfcbbs.com 1. A bear market is defined as a drop of at least 20% off the most recent cyclical highs, which the indexes had hit in October. 熊市的定位是同最近的最高点相比降幅至少要达到20%,近期股指最高点指的是去年十月的那个峰值。 www.bing.com 2. Food prices are down from their record highs in February. But prices are still higher than they were a year ago. 粮食价格从2月份的历史高点下降下来,但价格仍高于一年前的水平。 www.hxen.com 3. The question, of course, is whether those highs will become a new trading range or a distant memory if markets tumble. 当然,问题在于这些高点是将成为新的交易区间,还是在市场一旦暴跌的情况下成为遥远的记忆。 www.bing.com 4. The stock tracker can now display relevant news stories right in the app, as well as new details like the highs and lows for the day. 股票跟踪软件可以在右侧显示相关新闻,还能显示的股票当日跌涨情况。增加录制语音备忘软件。 www.bing.com 5. Australia will join hands with China to grasp these opportunities and boost bilateral relations to new highs, she said. 澳方愿与中方密切合作,抓住机遇,推动两国关系不断取得新发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. In spite of the troubled environment, market rates for bankers have been running close to the boom-time highs of two years ago. 尽管环境动荡不安,但银行家的市价一直接近两年前繁荣时期的高点。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The euro is at new highs against the dollar and the yen. Unemployment has fallen to 7%, the lowest since the euro started life in 1999. 欧元对美元和日元的比价再创新高,而失业率则降至1999年欧元正式启动以来的最低点,为7%。 www.ecocn.org 8. Analysts said a rebound rally is possible in the near term but that gold is far from retesting all-time highs. 分析分时称2012年金价可能有所反弹,但不可能再次冲击历史高位。 www.bing.com 9. But so far -- at least for coal -- prices remain below the prerecession highs of 2008, when Newcastle coal breached $180 a ton. 但迄今为止,至少煤炭的价格仍低于2008年经济衰退之前的高点。当时纽卡斯尔港的煤价突破了每吨180美元。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The dollar fell against other major currencies, while gold prices continued to hover near record highs. 美元对其他主要货币利率下跌,黄金价格继续在高点盘旋。 www.bing.com 1. I would usually come down from these amphetamine highs with a sense of folly, exhausted and empty-handed. 我通常会得到安非他明带来的快乐和愚蠢的感觉,接着精疲力尽和两手空空。 www.bing.com 2. I expect it to spike to new highs, but then end the year lower, as rising rates take the steam out of the enthusiasm for gold. 我预计金价将爬升至新高,但随着利率的升高冷却投资者对黄金的狂热,年底时金价将呈现为下跌。 c.wsj.com 3. Although still near historical highs, commodity prices have taken a dive of late, and with it the sector. 虽然仍接近历史高位,但是大宗商品价格最近已大幅跳水,采矿行业也受到牵连。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It also triggered a widening in the yield premium for French debt over that of Germany to new euro-era highs. 它还导致法国国债相对于德国国债的收益率溢价升至欧元时代新高。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Expenditure of money should be in direct relationship to the highs and lows of the business. 费用的支出应该与生意的高低峰有着直接的关系。 www.jukuu.com 6. It rose again on Tuesday to the latest in a series of recent highs, and is up nearly 1% against the dollar since the start of last week. 在近来创下一系列新高之后,周二人民币再次升值至新的高点。自上周开始以来,人民币兑美元汇率已经上升近1%。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Australia's property market has cooled from its recent highs, but it's still resilient and shows no signs of a sharp correction. 然澳大利亚房地产市场已从近期狂热的涨势中有所降温,但依然生机不减,未显示大幅调整的迹象。 c.wsj.com 8. The PBoC governor this week hinted rates might have to rise further to stamp out inflation at near 11-year highs. 中国人民银行行长本周暗示可能会进一步加息,以遏制处于近11年高位的通胀率。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Prices of everything from gold to copper and cotton leapt to new highs, only to be slapped down just as quickly. 从黄金到金属铜,再到棉花,各种原材料的价格都跃升至新高,然后又以同样的速度从高位跌落。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Skeptics also note that it isn't that surprising for stocks to hit 52-week highs after being down so heavily a year ago. 怀疑者还指出,由于一年前股市的跌幅实在深,如今各种股票纷纷触及52周高位并不让人意外。 chinese.wsj.com 1. As a rule of thumb good trend lines should touch at least three previous highs or lows. The. 实际经验证明,一条可信的市场动向曲线应当至少三次遇到先前的岑岭点或低谷点。一。 hrbfw.com 2. But everything in life is cyclical. We all have our highs and lows. We all open our hearts, hurt, heal, and do it all over again. 但是生活中的所有事情都是循环的。我们都有我们的高点和低点。我们都打开我们的心,被伤害了就去医治,然后再做一次。 www.bing.com 3. Meteorologists forecast the heat will last until Thursday, when a cold front is expected to reduce highs in some areas to less than 30 C. 气象专家预测高温将持续到周四,之后一股冷空气前锋有望使部分地区的最高气温降到30℃以下。 www.i21st.cn 4. Globally, polio surveillance is at historical highs, as represented by the timely detection of cases of acute flaccid paralysis. 就全球而言,从及时发现急性弛缓性麻痹病例可以看出,脊灰监测工作已达到历史最高水平。 www.who.int 5. Cash available for buy-backs is at all-time highs as companies have cut costs and allowed inventories to shrink. 由于企业纷纷削减成本、缩减库存,可用于回购的现金量空前之多。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Credit spreads continued to edge higher and have surpassed its highs in August 2007 when the sub-prime problems first came into the picture. 信贷利差持续加大,已经超越了2007年8月份次债问题刚进入人们视线时的最高点。 www.hsbcjt.cn 7. It remains surprisingly close to its all-time highs, even as commodity prices have fallen back. 在大宗商品价格已经回落的时候,澳元仍然出人意料地接近于历史最高水平。 c.wsj.com 8. Capitulation at the failure to break above recent highs led to some selling and this was exacerbated by the negative data and ratings news. 欧元未能突破近日高位触发一些投资者沽售,负面数据及评级消息更令沽售情况恶化。 www.mpfinance.com 9. But a deeper concern is the relentless strength of the yen, which hit postwar record highs against the dollar this week. 不过,更大的担心还在于日元持续走强,日元对美元汇率于本周达到了二战后最高水平。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Gold prices have become de-coupled from the U. S. dollar's value recently, as the greenback has also rallied to multi-month highs. 黄金价格已成为德,从美元的价值,加上最近,由于美元也反弹至数月高点。 www.wzde.com 1. Both imports and exports hit record highs, but imports grew even more than the flow of goods exported from the United States. 美国的进口和出口都再创新高,但进口的增长超过了出口。 www.kekenet.com 2. We go through the emotional highs and lows of each series, each game, and sometimes even each pitch because of that feeling. 正是因为这种情感,我们在每一个系列赛中,每一场比赛中,甚至每一个投球都变得非常的情绪化。 tieba.baidu.com 3. First off, enjoy the highs of life. Just enjoy it. Relax in the moment. Relish it for all its worth. 首先,要享受人生的高潮期,只管享受它,放松自己、尽情品尝它。 www.elanso.com 4. However, the cost of borrowing funds in the European and US money markets remained close to seven-year highs. 然而,欧美货币市场的资金借贷成本仍维持在7年来最高水平附近。 www.ebigear.com 5. Disapproval ratings for Congress, and each of the national parties, are close to all-time highs. 对美国国会和两党的失望程度正接近历史高位。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The perfect pattern would have equal highs on both sides of the cup, but this is not always the case. 两个杯沿如果等高将是一个完美的形态,但这并不多见。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Although the United States inventory at historical highs, but further recovery is expected to boost crude oil demand in the global economy. 尽管美国库存位于历史高位,但全球经济的进一步复苏有望提振原油需求。 www.texclo.net 8. From highs of around 10% annual growth, economists believe China will settle down to around 6% growth a year. 经济学家们预计,中国经济增长将从高达10%的年增长率下降到大约6%的年增长率。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. Rainfall is at a fraction of its usual levels, heat at historical highs. 雨量只有通常的一小部分,但气温却达到了历史高度。 www.bing.com 10. Crude oil prices have eased back from new highs, but still flirted near the 100-dollar mark Wednesday, adding concern to the U. 原油价格从新高位上有所回落,但是星期三的时候仍然接近每桶100美元的价位,使人们对美国经济状况更加忧心。 kantianya.com 1. Hughes says that's because with commodity prices at all-time highs, so is the cost of seed and fertilizer. 休斯说,由于商品市场的玉米价格空前的高,所以种子和化肥的价格也空前的高。 www.bing.com 2. You might decide that you have had enough of the highs and lows, especially the lows, which could make you particularly uneasy. 你可能会决定你有足够的高峰和低谷,特别是低点,能让你特别不舒服。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 3. The stock market, which hit new highs on Thursday, has risen 11 per cent in the past month for a year-to-date gain of 58 per cent. 香港股市周四再次创下新高,在过去一个月内上涨11%,而其今年迄今为止的累计涨幅为58%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Scepticism may have been intensified by the recent global financial market turmoil that has seen the euro soaring to record highs. 最近的全球金融市场动荡可能加剧了欧洲人的疑虑。在这次动荡中,欧元汇率升至历史最高水平。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Now, with the market continuing to set new highs for the year, most recently on Monday, I'm again feeling isolated. 现在,随着市场连创年内新高(最近的新高是在周一),我又觉得孤立了。 c.wsj.com 6. The protests grew out of anger over high unemployment and food prices, which are currently reaching new highs on world markets. 抗议活动主要是由于民众对高失业率和粮食价格的愤怒,现在,世界市场的粮食价格已经上升到新的高度。 www.remword.cn 7. Unemployment is near record highs for people aged 45 and older, just as they hit peak wage-earning years. 对于45岁以上的人而言,失业率接近记录高点。 cn.reuters.com 8. Wall Street reacted quite favorably to the bill's passage, with the stock market boiling up to new highs for the past 18 months. 华尔街对医改法案通过的反响相当不错,股市冲上18个月新高。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even so, with the cost of protecting Citi's debt against default approaching all-time highs, debt investors face vast uncertainty. 即便如此,鉴于花旗债务的违约保险成本接近创纪录高点,债券投资者面临着巨大的不确定性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The index is now only 15 per cent off its peak last summer and certain Lafite Rothschild vintages are at all-time highs. Liv-ex100指数目前仅比去年夏季的峰值水平低15%,某些罗斯柴尔德拉菲(LafiteRothschild)酒的价格正处于历史高位。 www.ftchinese.com 1. According to the Bank of Japan's index of the real effective yen rate, it is much closer to its lows than highs of the past 20 years. 根据日本央行(BoJ)的日元实际有效汇率指数,日元目前更接近过去20年的低点,而不是高点。 www.360doc.com 2. Cotton prices, which surged to historic highs this spring, have plunged 38% so far this month, roiling mill owners and apparel makers. 今年春季曾跃升至历史高点的棉花价格,本月迄今为止已经大跌了38%,这让纺织厂老板和服装生产商们恼火不已。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Track your "highs" and "lows" to determine your own personal core values by taking the "Mountains and Valleys Core Values" exercise. 通过参加“高山和峡谷核心价值观”练习,找到你的高低起伏点,从而决定你自己的核心价值观。 blog.163.com 4. Failure to break 1290 will likely see the SPX make a final move higher into the end of the month towards the recent highs. 如果没有跌破1290则有机会看到SPX将作最后一波上涨至月底,有机会看到近期高点。 www.blancgroup.com 5. Although the ethical product is priced at a premium and gold is at record highs, the market has been ballooning. 虽然这种具有伦理道德意义的产品溢价销售,黄金的价格也正处于历史新高,但是该市场却一直在不断膨胀。 cn.reuters.com 6. Asian currencies rose to multi-month highs yesterday amid mounting speculation that China would let the renminbi appreciate. 随着人们对中国将让人民币升值的预期日益升温,亚洲各国货币汇率昨日升至数月高点。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Now, as world grain prices hover near record highs, a new study finds that the effects are already starting to be felt. 目前,由于世界谷物的价格徘徊在记录高位,一项新的研究发现气候变暖的影响已经开始显现。 www.bing.com 8. Stocks are again tumbling and the U. S. stock market's so-called fear gauge, the VIX, has jumped to one-month highs. 股票再度暴跌,美国股市的所谓恐慌指标VIX指数升至一个月来的高点。 www.bing.com 9. Gold prices hit record highs today as the continued weakness of the dollar sent investors scrambling for commodities . 随着美元的持续疲软致使投资者争购期货,金价今天创下历史新高。 www.bing.com 10. This measure was not around during previous great bear markets but the spike in volatility in recent years took it to all-time highs. 在以往大熊市期间,这一指数尚未问世。但近年市场波动加剧,该指数迭创新高。 www.ftchinese.com 1. US cash export basis slipped lower on increase farmer selling at recent highs and a slowdown in new export demand. 由于美国农户在最近的期价高点增加了出售和新的出口需求滑落,美国大豆出口现货基差下滑。 www.yangguangyouzhi.com 2. The yen had been hitting 15-year highs against the dollar, which makes it harder for Japanese exporters to compete on global markets. 此前,日元对美元汇率升至15年来新高,使日本出口企业在全球市场上难以取得竞争优势。 www.bing.com 3. According to IRRI, global rice prices have hit record highs while supply has plummeted to its lowest levels in a decade. 根据国际水稻研究所的数据,国际水稻价格已经达到了过去10年的历史纪录最高点,而供应量直线下跌到了10年的最低水平。 www.scidev.net 4. We all change over the course of a lifetime and every relationship has its highs and lows. 我们每个人都在人生中不断成长,每一段感情都有它的高潮和低谷。 www.newssgo.com 5. It is true that Rio's funding crisis has been averted; credit default swap prices are less than a quarter of this year's highs. 的确,力拓避开了融资危机;其信用违约互换价格不到今年峰值的四分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Whether or not you meditated during training, taking deep breaths at the starting line will help you through prerace highs and lows. 在训练过程中,无论您是否沉思,在起跑线处进行深呼吸有助于您安然度过赛前情绪的高昂和低落。 bbs.running8.com 7. Chinese stocks meanwhile shrugged off the drops elsewhere to lift key indexes to record highs for the second straight session. 中国股票,同时摆脱下降到别处电梯关键指标创下历史新高,为连续第二个交易日。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. That move was immediately reversed to new highs just over 82. 00 on what was thought to be possible BOJ verbal intervention. 但在日本央行可能口头干预的担心之下,该货币对马上反弹至略高于82.00的新高。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The recession, with its real estate lows andhealth care expense highs, adds incentives to separate indefinitely. 经济衰退,表现为房地产低迷和医疗保险昂贵,进一步促使他们不去彻底分离。 www.bing.com 10. Never since the advent of modern polling has one president experienced such highs and lows in job approval. 自从现代民意测验产生以来,没有一位总统经历了如何忽高忽低的工作义可度。在9。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Never since the advent of modern polling has one president experienced such highs and lows in job approval. 自从现代民意测验产生以来,没有一位总统经历了如何忽高忽低的工作义可度。在9。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With stocks getting close to their highs for the year, investors cashed in some of their recent profits. 随着股指逼近年内高点,投资者也开始套现离场。 www.bing.com 3. After being on the defensive recently, soybean and soybean meal futures are close to making new contract highs. 大豆和豆粕期价经过近期的防御之后,目前已接近合约价最高点。 www.asaimchina.org 4. Overall, silver has recently seen new highs but a very important resistance level has been reached. 总体而言,白银近期创出新高,但是也同时遭遇了来自重要压力线的阻碍。 www.bing.com 5. Auction of contemporary Chinese art industry as an important industry project, in the year and record highs. 拍卖业作为当代中国艺术产业中的一个重要的项目,在这一年里屡创新高。 www.cutpic.cn 6. Thursday's heavy declines left major stock indexes down 10% from their highs, the kind of correction that analysts long had predicted. 上周四的股指暴跌将它们从高点拉下了10%,这样的回调是分析师们早已预见到的。 c.wsj.com 7. But climatologists have long theorized that in a warming world, the added heat would cause more record highs and fewer record lows. 而气候学家长期以来的推断是,在一个气候变暖的世界里,额外增加的热量可能导致创新高的记录变多,创新低的记录变少。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Bond markets across Europe's vulnerable fringe sank, as the 'risk premium' investors demand for lending to Spain and Italy hit record highs. 欧洲脆弱的外围国家债券价格下跌,投资者向西班牙和意大利借款时要求获得的“风险溢价”触及空前高位。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Also, more importantly, the gap between US corporate sector prices and unit labor costs - a proxy FOR profit margins - is at 20-year highs. 更重要的是,美国公司部门价格和单位劳动力成本之间的差额(即利润)达到了20年来的最高水平。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Investment-grade corporate bond yields are still not much off their highs, a sign credit is still tight. 投资级企业债券的收益率目前仍与最高水平相差无几,这表明信贷供应依然吃紧。 www.bing.com 1. The price of the precious metal is only just below record highs. 黄金的价格仅仅只是低于历史最高位。 www.bing.com 2. As of this week, they were still more than 50% off the highs reached in October 2007. 截至本周,它们仍比2007年10月创下的高点低了50%还多。 www.bing.com 3. Irish bond yields scaled new euro-era highs, uncomfortably above their levels when a bail-out package was announced in November. 爱尔兰债券收益率创欧元时代之新高,不幸的是11月一揽子救助计划宣布时该收益率超过了援助标准。 www.ecocn.org 4. And, while market measures are barking green, the major indexes are just clipping close to recent highs. 再者,虽然市场形势看上去一片大好,但主要股指只不过是正在接近近期高点。 www.bing.com 5. The Indian stock market shrugged off the deepening chaos in neighbouring Pakistan to reach yet new highs. 面对邻国巴基斯坦不断加剧的混乱局势,印度股市并未理会,依然创下历史新高。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Gold moved to highs of $1509. 50 as investors are looking at the metal as an alternative and wealth-protector against rising inflation. 因投资者正视贵金属为应对通货膨胀的替代性和财富保护方案,致使金价飙升到1509.50美元每盎司的高度。 noblackman.tk 7. Critics say that will create a massive opportunity cost for the kingdom with oil prices at record highs. 批评人士表示,鉴于油价处于创纪录水平,这将给沙特带来巨大的机会成本。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The cost of borrowing for the Italy has reached record highs and any buying of bonds by Beijing with help ease the situation. 意大利借贷的成本已经达到历史最高点。北京方面有关购买债券的任何举动都将有助于解决该问题。 www.bing.com 9. Nearly 60 years on, the "Guinness World Records" is still offering insights into the highs and lows of modern life. 近60年来《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》仍然在提供现代生活的最高极限和最低极限的各种表演。 www.ecolion.cn 10. The uncertainty and the deepening recession have sent the cost of insurance protection to record highs this week. 不确定性和经济衰退的进一步加深已经使得这类保险保护成本在本周上升至历史新高。 blog.cnfol.com 1. The uncertainty and the deepening recession have sent the cost of insurance protection to record highs this week. 不确定性和经济衰退的进一步加深已经使得这类保险保护成本在本周上升至历史新高。 blog.cnfol.com 2. Until the introduction of the contraceptive pill in the1950s, no-one noticed that women had emotional highs and lows. 在二十世纪50年代避孕药问世前,从没有人注意过女性会有情绪的高潮和低潮期。 www.bing.com 3. There's plenty of evidence that growth will slow and inflation will continue to accelerate, even if commodities back off their highs. 大量迹象表明:尽管商品价格有所回落,增长依然缓慢,通胀持续加速。 www.bing.com 4. Grain freight prices last week broke record highs largely as a result of Chinese demand for raw materials. 上周谷物运价突破了纪录高点,其原因在很大程度上在于中国对原材料的需求。 www.asaimchina.org 5. Expectations of higher rates lures in foreign-exchange traders: a number of Asian currencies reached multi-year highs this week. 高利息的预期吸引了外汇交易者:这周许多亚洲货币触及多年高点。 www.ecocn.org 6. Over time, savings would reduce consumption pressure on scarce supplies, preventing commodities prices from reaching new highs. 随着时间推移,节约行为将减轻消费活动对紧缺供应的压力,从而阻碍大宗商品价格创下新高。 www.ftchinese.com 7. While the film is not without its silly moments and awkward dialogue, it does deliver the drama and emotional highs we have come to expect. 尽管电影存在一些无聊场面和笨拙对白,但它依然带给我们心中期待的剧情和强烈的感情体验。 www.hengqian.com.cn 8. But I don't see my career in terms of highs and lows. 但我不认为在我的职业生涯中存在高潮和低谷。 www.bing.com 9. As well as oil and food, metals prices have been soaring: the price of copper hit a series of record highs this week. 金属、油和食品价格一直飞涨:本周铜价创一系列历史最高。 www.ecocn.org 10. Although some economists advise against investing in gold, gold future prices have been setting new highs. 虽然有些经济学家不建议投资黄金,但黄金期货价格却一直创出新高。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Although some economists advise against investing in gold, gold future prices have been setting new highs. 虽然有些经济学家不建议投资黄金,但黄金期货价格却一直创出新高。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Foreign ownership of some local bond markets are at all-time highs, raising their sensitivity to global risk appetite. 外资持有部份本地债券市场仓位达到历史高位,使其对全球风险胃纳敏感度升高。 cn.reuters.com 3. As credit spreads blow out beyond August's levels, it is perplexing to see global equities a mere 8 per cent off their 2007 highs. 当信贷息差(creditspread)急剧扩大,远远高出8月份的水平时,全球股市仅较年内高点回落8%,确实让人费解。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As coal market fundamentals have turned increasingly bullish, spot prices for coking coal have climbed to all time highs. 因为煤炭市场的基本面日益向好,焦煤现货价格已经爬升到有史以来的最高点。 www.docin.com 5. The rising grain imports were driven by still-loose credit conditions, fueling inflation to three-year highs towards the year-end. 粮食进口不断增加是仍然宽松的信贷环境推动的,年底通胀率达到了三年来新高。 c.wsj.com 6. Stock markets, nudging their highs for the year, show investors can deal with this. 逼近年内高点的股市表明,投资者能够应付这一问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Friday, stocks reached fresh two-year highs on a report of stronger-than-expected job growth for October. 上周五美国股市升至两年新高,因10月非农就业报告强于预期。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Soaring energy and food prices, which have racked up a string of record highs in recent days, are walloping consumers and businessesalike. 飙升的能源和食品价格,在短短几天就创造了历史最高纪录,同样也困扰着企业和消费者。 www.suiniyi.com 9. So, as we've noted above, buying near the lows and selling near the highs is an appealing strategy. 因此,正如我们上面提到的,目前高抛低吸是具有吸引力的策略。 www.capitalessence.com 10. And the line between the optimistically-named "legal highs" and the illegal drugs whose effects they often mimic has been blurred. 冠冕堂皇的“合法兴奋品”以及与其具有相似作用的非法毒品,这二者的界限非常模糊。 www.ecocn.org 1. And the line between the optimistically-named "legal highs" and the illegal drugs whose effects they often mimic has been blurred. 冠冕堂皇的“合法兴奋品”以及与其具有相似作用的非法毒品,这二者的界限非常模糊。 www.ecocn.org 2. There were more than a few shameful and distressing moments, but let's not forget the highs. 还有不少羞耻和悲伤的时刻但是我们也不要忘记那些高潮段落。 www.bing.com 3. But when the scarcity came when the highs and lows and the droughts came, then people went into starvation. 但当食物不足时,收成不稳定和干旱来临时,人们就进入饥饿时期。 www.ted.com 4. But with oil prices at record highs, some SUV owners are thinking about downsizing to something a little smaller. 但随着油价创新高,有些SUV的车主正考虑把大车换成小一点的车。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Demand for the greenback also rose after reports showed rising German inflation and oil prices eased from recent record highs. 有数据显示德国通膨上升且油价从纪录高位回落,对美元的需求因而增加。 cn.reuters.com 6. But with unemployment rates in parts of the rich world at post-war highs, that may no longer hold true for many people. 但是随着部分发达国家失业率已达到战后最高点,这个基础对很多人来说可能就不那么可靠了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Intermittent showers pushed up water levels to record highs in two dams in Leizhou yesterday. 间歇性阵雨推高水位纪录高点在两个水坝雷州昨天。 z808.com 8. Yesterday the market traded between the previous days highs and lows creating an "insider day" . 昨日市场在以前交易高点和低点之间交易,形成一个‘局内日’。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. At the same time, oil and commodity prices have come off their highs as signs of a slowing global economy multiply. 与此同时,随着不断有迹象表明全球经济正逐渐放缓,石油和大宗商品价格也脱离了此前高点。 www.bing.com 10. Our approach to life isn't to grab as much fun and excitement as possible, seeking thrills and highs. 我们的生活态度不是去获得尽量多的乐趣和兴奋,寻求刺激和快感。 www.bing.com 1. Our approach to life isn't to grab as much fun and excitement as possible, seeking thrills and highs. 我们的生活态度不是去获得尽量多的乐趣和兴奋,寻求刺激和快感。 www.bing.com 2. And leverage climbed to stratospheric highs in the boom time, so bringing it down could be tougher than some investors think. 在市场繁荣时期,一些公司的财务杠杆攀升到令人吃惊的高位,因此,降低财务杠杆可能比一些投资者想象的更为艰难。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 3. Mom told me: "eat bitter gourd can rule 'three highs' it, namely: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar. " 妈妈告诉我:“吃苦瓜还能治‘三高’呢,即:高血压、高血脂、高血糖。” www.bing.com 4. It turned out that the data bunched noticeably around those 52-week highs, like a vine wrapped around a tree trunk. 他们发现,数据都明显位于52周高点附近,就像是一枝藤绕在一个树干上一样。 www.bing.com 5. This, they argue, emphasizes the important role of sleep and natural circadian rhythms on determining daily highs and lows -- not just work. 他们认为这个现象证明了睡眠和生理节奏对情绪同样有明显影响,工作并不是唯一因素。 www.bing.com 6. Gold may have hit new highs in nominal terms, but it hasn't come close to hitting its old highs in real terms. 按名义价格计算,黄金可能创下历史新高,但是按实际价格计算,它远未接近历史高点。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Oil producers are certain to come under increasing scrutiny, particularly if oil remains near recent record highs. 产油国肯定会受到越来越多的关注,尤其是在油价维持在最近创纪录高位的情况下。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Analysts are nearly unanimous in recommending the stock, even as it reaches new highs. 分析人士几乎一致推荐苹果的股票,即使它不断创下新高。 c.wsj.com 9. Monthly exports has set new highs, mainly due to export product structure improving, price increase and the Renminbi. 月度出口金额屡创新高,主要得益于出口产品结构改善、单价提高和人民币升值。 www.texclo.net 10. Credit spreads for high yield corporate bonds and emerging market bonds are at new highs of this cycle. 高收益公司债券和新兴市场债券的信贷利差创下这波周期的新高。 www.hsbcjt.cn 1. Credit spreads for high yield corporate bonds and emerging market bonds are at new highs of this cycle. 高收益公司债券和新兴市场债券的信贷利差创下这波周期的新高。 www.hsbcjt.cn 2. But in the meantime, what were your highs and lows of the decade? Let us know in the comments section below. 但同时请在以下评论区留下一笔,让我们了解你在这十年中的高峰和低谷。 www.bing.com 3. No, what I love about life is its highs, but that will involve lows. 不,我所喜欢的是生活光鲜亮丽的一面,但那免不了低潮彷徨。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Asian equities maintained their strong upward momentum yesterday with several markets in the region setting record highs. 亚洲股市昨日继续保持强劲上扬势头,该地区的一些股市均创下纪录高位。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Analysts believe that the PTA industry boom highs may have in the past, product prices, or entering a longer adjustment periods. 分析人士认为,PTA行业的景气高点可能已经过去,产品价格或步入一段较长的调整周期。 www.texclo.net 6. Gold moved higher but failed to confirm the breakout above the previous highs. 金价高位运行但是认为突破前期高点。 www.bing.com 7. The sudden up thrust of warm , moist air into the terrible cold of the frozen highs is what creates thunder. 瞬起的湿热空气迅速升至能使水气结冰的极冷高空,隆隆雷声随之而来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes-from extreme highs (e. g. , mania) to extreme lows (e. g. , depression). 双相情感障碍是以环性心境变化——从高峰(比如,躁狂)到低谷(比如,抑郁)为特色的。 www.bing.com 9. Though it has receded from its extreme highs of last fall, it's recently been trading in a band of 40-50. 虽然最近这个指数较去年秋季的极端高点有所下降,但最仍位于40-50区间。 www.bing.com 10. As kids progress through the teen years, you'll notice a slowing of the highs and lows of adolescence. 随着十几岁的孩子慢慢长大,你会发现,那些青春期的起起伏伏不再那么频繁出现了。 www.bing.com 1. As kids progress through the teen years, you'll notice a slowing of the highs and lows of adolescence. 随着十几岁的孩子慢慢长大,你会发现,那些青春期的起起伏伏不再那么频繁出现了。 www.bing.com 2. The stock markets, which many experts use to gauge global economies, have fluctuated wildly, plummeting from record highs. 许多专家用来衡量全球经济的股票市场剧烈波动,从历史最高点往下猛跌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Equities and other risky assets climbed to 2009 highs yesterday as the mood of optimism over the global economy showed few signs of abating. 全球股市及其它高风险资产价格昨日攀升至2009年高点。人们对于全球经济的乐观情绪,几乎没有显示出任何减弱的迹象。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "Asians have been non-stop buyers, and want to load up when gold is some 40 bucks off the all-time highs, " a Singapore-based trader said. 一新加坡交易员表示:“亚洲买家从未停止买入,在黄金低于纪录高位40美元左右的位置愿意增加黄金持有量。” cn.reuters.com 5. This feature takes system availability to highs that are truly unheard of, and to no one's surprise, it is available only with v Sphere. 这个特点,把系统的可用来新高,实在是前所未闻的,并没有人感到意外的是,只有vSphere是有效的。 www.qichebaba.com 6. The cost of insuring European banks against default hit record highs Monday. 防止欧洲银行出现违约的保险价格周一创纪录新高。 cn.wsj.com 7. Reflecting worries about a disorderly debt default, yields on Greek government bonds leaped to new highs, with two-year paper yielding 29%. 希腊政府债券收益率升至历史新高,两年期债券收益率达到29%,这反映了人们对无序债务违约的担忧。 c.wsj.com 8. This earnings season has seen a much-welcomed return to revenue growth, giving investors another reason to push stocks to two-year highs. 正在陆续公布的美国公司上一财季收益报告看,许多公司都恢复了收入增长,这一备受欢迎的好消息给了投资者将股价推至两年高点的另一个理由。 c.wsj.com 9. Yield spreads on Greek and Irish bonds reached record highs over German Bunds on concerns about public finances in those countries. 由于公共融资希腊和爱尔兰国债收益率超过德国国债创历史新高。 www.ecocn.org 10. Therefore, hind the quotation should continue highs, the downward adjustments not very large amplitude. 因此,后市行情应当继续高位运行,向下调整的幅度不会很大。 www.51wufengguan.cn 1. Britain's deficit in manufactured goods is hitting record highs. But so are the capital inflows. 尽管英国制造业的赤字正达到新高,但是资本流入也将创造一个历史记录。 www.ecocn.org 2. NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street opened quietly Friday, a day after major stock indexes hit two-year highs. 美股周五开盘涨跌互现,三大股指前一交易日创下两年来新高。 www.bing.com 3. The amount of money parked at the European Central Bank (ECB) has risen to 15-month highs as banks hold back from lending to each other. 银行同业间不再发贷,以致ECB(欧洲中央银行)存款总额达到15个月内高位。 www.bing.com 4. Many markets are 20% or more below their highs, the informal definition of a bear market. 许多市场下跌20%或更多,这是个非正式定义的熊市。 www.ecocn.org 5. At 66she remains philosophical about her losses the dizzying highs and lows her journey has involved. 66岁的她却仍然对失去的东西以及在人生旅途中遭遇的眩目的高峰和低谷抱着达观态度。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. And yet it refuses to abandon record highs in the $1, 200-an-ounce range. 但是如今,金价却一直徘徊在每盎司1200美元上下的历史高点上。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But it would likely take frothy energy markets or a new credit binge to push stocks immediately back to their previous highs. 不过,可能只有在能源市场出现泡沫或是信贷重新膨胀的情况下才能推动股市重回以前的高点。 www.bing.com 8. In spite of its steady climb over the past couple of years, once you strip out inflation, it's still far below its historic highs. 尽管金价在过去几年中稳步攀升,但如果剔除通胀因素,金价目前仍远低于历史高点。 www.ftchinese.com 9. China soy oil prices hit record highs this week as crushers were running at low capacity amid weak soy meal demand, traders said this week. 据交易商本周透露,由于豆粕需求疲软,中国压榨企业的开工率很低,从而导致本周豆油价格达到纪录最高点。 www.asaimchina.org 10. Yen retains strength despite periodic bouts of weakness, illustrated in its recurring pattern of lower highs since April 6th. 尽管又到了走弱的周期(见美日4小时图),但日元仍保持强势。 money.163.com 1. It was a blip. The stock then quickly rebounded and hit new highs. 这是一个稍纵即逝的事件,该股价格随后迅速反弹,并屡创历史新高。 c.wsj.com 2. The oil market caught hit new contract highs on technical adjustments along with tight U. S. supplies and expectations of increased demand. 由于技术性调整、美国供货紧张以及需求有望增长,豆油市场创下了合约价新高。 www.asaimchina.org 3. His popularity has grown with his football club's success and the rising price of copper, which hit record highs earlier this year. 他的受欢迎程度随着他的球队的连连获胜、随着铜价的节节高涨与日俱增,铜价在今年年已初创下纪录高点。 www.ecocn.org 4. Experts say the trend is set to accelerate this year, as the yen continues to hover near 15-year highs against the dollar. 专家们说,由于日圆兑美元汇率继续徘徊在近15年高点的水平,这一趋势今年将呈加快发展之势。 cn.wsj.com 5. A retreat from Shanghai's highs would probably inhibit the animal spirits behind the rally in global equities. 上海股市回落可能会抑制推动全球股市上涨的动物精神。 www.bing.com 6. A rally based on improving economic reports and the extension of tax cuts for another two years have pushed stock indexes to two-year highs. 经济报告显示美国经济增长势头有所改善,延期两年的减税方案获得通过,此前推动几大股指创下两年新高。 www.bing.com 7. With margins at record highs and no one yet forcing them to raise capital ratios, they are raking it in. 鉴于利润率处于创纪录高位,而迄今还没有人迫使它们提高资本充足率,它们正大赚特赚。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Stocks already have come far, with the Dow Jones industrials on Tuesday hitting fresh 2009 highs. 美国股市已经取得了可观涨幅,道琼斯指数在周二创下了2009年新高。 c.wsj.com 9. Though consumer inflation has retreated somewhat, it is still within striking distance of 12-year highs. 尽管居民消费价格指数(CPI)已经有所下降,但仍距离12年高位不远。 cn.reuters.com 10. They blame the loss on global warming, which has driven temperatures in the Arctic to record highs and summer ice extent to recent lows. 他们将这一现状归咎于全球气候变暖,这令北极圈的气温达到了历史新高,而夏天冰盖的范围则跌到了历史新低。 www.bing.com 1. Third is the price of gasoline, which has fallen dramatically since hitting historic highs last summer. 三是汽油价格已急剧下降,创下历史最高水平去年夏天。 usa.315che.com 2. Junior highs and high schools sponsor their own sports programs and field teams of football, basketball, soccer and tennis players. 很多初中和高中都举办他们自己的体育项目并组织橄榄球、篮球、足球和网球队。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. In contrast, the Euro witnessed a sharp reversal after making new highs for the year after ECB Pres. 欧元则与此相反,在创下年内新高后急转直下。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Notice that shares hit several new highs plus several new lows in the last few months. 注意一下,股价曾在过去几个月触及几个新高和新低。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With the aspect of prediction of highs and lows, both smooth support vector regression and back propagation network are above 75% accuracy. 于预测涨跌幅方向方面,平滑支撑向量迴归模型与倒传递类神经网路之预测结果皆高达75%以上,其作为投资人一参考依据。 6. Worried investors shifted funds into traditional safe havens gold and the Swiss franc, which both rose to record highs in dollar terms. 心存担忧的投资者将资金转投传统避险资产黄金和瑞郎,促其双双触及纪录高位。 cn.reuters.com 7. By this October, those 52-week-highs will have flipped to far lower levels, resetting the anchor points for both buyers and sellers. 到今年10月之前,52周高点将会跌得更低,这将为买家和卖家重新设定参照点。 www.bing.com 8. Google is still at the top of its game, with a stock that it reaching all time highs every day on Wall Street. Google仍然是搜索领域的王者,它的股价每天都在刷新华尔街记录。 www.bing.com 9. Strong gains for energy stocks helped push Asian equity markets higher yesterday as oil prices touched record highs. 昨日由于油价触及创纪录高点,能源股强劲上涨,推动亚洲股市走高。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But the yen remains at 15-year highs and investors are concerned over the impact that could have on exporters. 但日元汇率依然保持在15年来的高点。投资者担心此举对出口的影响。 career.51youcai.com 1. The discrepancy here is exiting at highs, lows or closes during each time frame. However, it does not matter, all gained pips. 这个差异产生于在每个时间框架的高点、低点或收盘。然而,多少没有关系,毕竟都是盈利的。 www.360doc.com 2. That number remains near record highs , indicating that the harsh economic environment is making it tough to find new jobs. 这个数字仍然接近纪录高点,这表明严峻的经济环境使我们很难找到新工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Russian indices have tumbled this month from their previous highs for the year, as have stockmarkets in many emerging economies. 由于股市中有许多新兴经济体,俄罗斯指数本月从先前年内高位一路下跌。 www.bing.com 4. LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar's slide to record lows pushed oil to new highs on Wednesday, but this symmetry could soon be broken. 路透伦敦2月27日电---周三美元汇价再创历史新低,推动油价创出新高,但这种相对关系,可能不久会被打破。 cn.reuters.com 5. Just the hint of action was enough to drive the yen off its highs. 仅凭行动的暗示就足以让日元离开现在的高度。 www.bing.com 6. Copper prices hit record highs last week, becoming the first industrial commodity to break above levels set in 2008. 上周铜价达到历史新高,成为第一种价格超过2008年水平的工业商品。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Now we're encompassing every facet of our lives, including the ups and downs, highs and lows. 现在我们在拥抱生活中的方方面面,包括人生的起伏和高潮于底谷。 www.bing.com 8. Sometimes the best natural highs come from facing a crowd, a challenge that can be terrifying for some. 有时候最好的自然亢奋来自面对一群人、一项在一些人看来是令人恐惧的挑战。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. US and European equities retreated from recent two-year highs, although Asian stocks put in mixed performances. 美国和欧洲股市从近期触及的两年高点回落,亚洲股市的表现则喜忧参半。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Crude oil prices were in free-fall at the time after hitting record highs above $147 a barrel three months earlier in July 2008. 2008年七月份,原油价格触及每桶147美元上方这一纪录高点,三个月后油价直线下跌。 www.examw.com 1. Don't pioneer highs or lows. Let the market tell you an increottomd or low has long changebellyle. 不要在高处或低处打冲锋。让市场通告你什么是新高或新低。 www.304d.net 2. Since early February yields on Portuguese ten-year government bonds have been hitting euro-era highs above 7%. 自二月初以来,葡萄牙10年期国库券的利率一直在打破欧元时代的新高——利率超过7%。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Don't pioneer highs or lows. Let the market tell you a high or low has been made. 不要在高处或低处打冲锋。让市场告诉你什麽是新高或新低。 big5.china.com 4. Gratitude is a balanced response to a life filled with highs and lows. 感恩是调节了生活之欢喜与失意,心理平衡的反应。 www.bing.com 5. As stocks raced to new highs this year, many investors felt their prices were justified by robust corporate earnings. 作为股竞相创历史新高,今年,许多投资者都感到他们的价格合理的,稳健的公司盈利。 www.sjgcz.cn 6. Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower highs in the Stochastic Oscillator . 短贸易对经典熊市差异:高级高价格及低高的随机振荡器。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. With metals prices at historic highs, BHP has no need to prompt the market to buy its product. 随着金属价格达到历史高点,必和必拓没有必要来推动市场购买它的产品。 cn.reuters.com 8. Public support for the EU has already dropped to well below 50%, down from highs of 80% or more two years ago. 民众对于欧盟的支持率已经从两年前的惊人的80%(或者更多)锐减到不足50%。 www.ecocn.org 9. PLUS: -C- Accuphase T-109V - Very natural sound, good bass. Pinpoint imaging. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound, smooth extended highs. 1加,金嗓子T-109V非常自然的声音,低音很劲,精确的成像,逼真的三维声场,高频延伸非常润滑。 www.sinogct.com.cn 10. The decline in defaults from record highs last month reflected a contraction earlier this year of late payments. 上月信用卡违约率从纪录高位回落反映了今年稍早逾期还款现象减少的后续效应。 cn.reuters.com 1. Of course, that makes the Aussie dollar more appealing, although it has tumbled from the highs set in 2008. 当然,这让澳元拥有了更强的吸引力,尽管它已经较2008年的高点大幅下跌。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Wheat prices are up by more than a third this year and, with world stocks at a 30-year low, are forecast to reach new highs in 2007-08. 小麦价格今年上涨三成多,这也预示了世界股价在达30年最低点后,将在2007-08年量创新高。 www.ecocn.org 3. Some strategists, including Mr. Clemons, are even calling for fresh record highs on the major U. S. stock indexes. 包括克莱蒙斯在内的一些策略师甚至预计美国几大股指将创出新的纪录高点。 c.wsj.com 4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average took 24 years to regain its pre-crash highs following the Great Depression. 大萧条之后,道琼斯工业平均指数花了24年时间才重返崩盘前高点。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The yen's surge to record highs against the dollar has eroded profit margins on exports from Japan. 日圆兑美元汇率升至纪录高位侵蚀了日本出口商品的利润率。 chinese.wsj.com 6. That appetite caught global miners by surprise and was a big factor in sending iron ore to historic highs in 2010. 这种需求出乎全球矿商的意料之外,也是推动铁矿石价格在2010年创出历史高点的主要因素。 www.ftchinese.com 7. As Greek bonds yield jumped to new record highs, the selling spilled into Portugese, Italian and Spanish bonds. 随着希腊国债收益率跃升到新的高点,抛压也波及了葡萄牙、意大利和西班牙债券。 c.wsj.com 8. NEW YORK (Reuters) - With U. S. stocks pressing up against 17-month highs, the inevitable question arises: "Does this rally have legs? " 路透纽约3月18日电---美国股市正在测试17个月高点,但大家也不禁想问:“这回涨势站得住脚吗?” cn.reuters.com 9. you're losing' all your highs and lows , ain't it funny how the feeling' goes away? 你正在失去你所有的高潮和低谷,这种感觉就这样离去难道不可笑麽? blog.sina.com.cn 10. The sharp rise in risk aversion saw the Vix, the Wall Street "fear gauge" and best guide to market volatility, jump to 13-month highs. 避险情绪大幅上升,推动Vix指数上涨至13个月高点。Vix指数是华尔街的“恐惧指标”,也是反映市场波动的最佳指引。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Benchmark indices in Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia and India also set new highs. 澳大利亚、韩国、新加坡、印尼和印度的基准股指均创历史新高。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But gold is soaring again, hitting record highs even as the credit markets improve. 但此后金价仍在飙升,即使是在信贷市场状况出现改善时也屡创历史新高。 www.bing.com 3. The Australian dollar , Korean won, and Chinese stocks in general are all well below recent highs . 澳大利亚元、韩圆和中国整体股市都远远低于近期高点。 www.bing.com 4. Because of this season is not busy steel market, and sustaining wearying of iron ore supply excess, keep inventory highs. 由于今年旺季不旺钢材市场持续低迷,以及铁矿石供应过剩,使库存处于高位。 51wufengguan.cn 5. The central bank previously instituted a slew of rate and RRR hikes as inflation repeatedly hit three-year highs. 之前,通胀水平屡创三年新高,故央行多次加息并提高银行储备金率。 www.bing.com 6. The dynamic highs and resounding lows are sure to fill the room, urging you and your friends to get grooving to the beat. 动态高点和响亮的低点务必填写房间,敦促您和您的朋友得到开槽的节拍。 www.geilitao.com 7. Stock markets in the region have spent much of the summer hitting fresh highs. 在今夏的大部分时间里,该地区的股票市场一直在忙于创新高。 www.noforget.com 8. On Thursday, the yen fell back from Asian highs, reflecting some improvement in sentiment, while the euro strengthened against the dollar. 纽约汇市周四,日圆自亚洲交易时段高点回落,反映了市场人气有所改善,但欧元兑美元仍然走强。 www.bing.com 9. But the increase will not be as marked as for other base metals like copper, which is hitting record highs on supply worries. 不过铅的涨势将不及铜等其他基本金属,供应疑虑已将铜推到纪录高位。 cn.reuters.com 10. Investors have also piled into India's stock market, whose benchmark index had reached record highs beforethe global economic downturn. 投资者还蜂拥进入印度的股市。在全球经济放缓之前,印度股市的基准指数曾攀至历史最高点。 www.ftchinese.com 1. While India new year cotton planted area and production are also expected to hit record highs. 同时印度新年度棉花种植面积及产量预期也将创下历史新高。 www.texclo.net 2. Talk to your child in a sing-songs voice, using lots of highs and lows. 用唱歌的声调和宝宝说话,用很多高音 低音。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Both the US and Europe, the largest ETF markets, hit record highs at the end of July, with assets of $582bn and $183bn respectively. 今年7月底,美国和欧洲这两个全球最大的ETF市场均创下新高,资产分别达到5820亿美元和1830亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The country's newly minted wealthy class bought vast quantities of top-end wine from Bordeaux, pushing prices to new highs. 中国的新富阶层买下了大量的波尔多顶尖名酒,致使它们的价格屡创新高。 c.wsj.com 5. In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs. 实际上,在我国的大多数地方,像印第安纳,油价已经到达了历史最高位。 www.bing.com 6. We're not talking about emotional highs, or that someone has an optimistic [attitude]. We are talking about a mind-set. 我们说的并不是情绪上的起伏,或者某个人拥有乐观的态度,而是一种思维模式。 www.fortunechina.com 7. It's the latest in a recent series of record highs for the precious metal. 这是黄金最近一系列连创新高的最新高位。 www.bing.com 8. Yen crosses eventually made fresh highs later in the day, bucking the usual risk off tone seen on Fridays in Asia. 日元交叉盘之后最终创下新高,与周五通常所见的风险规避基调不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The hype over sovereign wealth funds continues to rise as the oil price hits new highs. 随着油价创下新高,围绕“主权财富基金”(SWF)的炒作也持续升温。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Prices had tripled through February of this year, and they hovered near those highs until the recent rout. 到今年2月,铜价已经是原来的三倍,并且直到最近大跌前,铜价一直徘徊在接近高位水平。 chinese.wsj.com |
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