单词 | hay |
释义 |
复数:hays 过去分词:hayed 现在分词:haying 例句释义: 草料,少量的钱,割晒,给…喂干草,使成割制干草的草地,制成干草,合益,海,海氏 1. Diana would constantly have to remind her to stand properly-and to stop scratching her eyes when the hay fever was bad. 黛安娜常常提醒她站立时姿势要端正,在枯草热病严重时,提醒她不要乱揉眼睛。 www.jukuu.com 2. Japanese often say "Hay" , saying only that he did understand what you say, does not mean he agrees with you. 日本人经常说的“哈伊”,只表示他听明白了你说的话,不表示他同意你的意见。 www.xiami360.com 3. my glance had fallen , but a few moments before , on the fragments of a broken sword , lying among the hay. 刚才我曾在干草堆里瞥见一把折成几段的剑。那是贵族的佩剑。 www.ichacha.net 4. When she was alive, she looked out from her front window on hay meadows and a field. 她那时从前窗看出去只有草地和一块田地。 www.elanso.com 5. Hope buoyed up his spirits, but fear made him nervous. He wanted to sleep but could not drop off as he lay sprawled out on some hay. 希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但睡不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。 www.jukuu.com 6. We were going at it so fast that the straps on my top slipped off and my nipples were being tickled by the hay. 我们的动作非常迅猛,我的肩带都滑了下来,乳头被那些干草挠着。 www.bing.com 7. More research is needed to see if fish oils protect against asthma and hay fever, the British Medical Journal reported. 还需要更多的研究以证明鱼油可以预防哮喘、花粉热,《英国医学期刊》上发表的报道说。 www.bing.com 8. cried Hindley, threatening him with an iron weight used for weighing potatoes and hay. 欣德利叫道,并用称土豆和干草的铁秤砣威胁他。 www.24en.com 9. And I was held by the neck by this person, and he had a thing that was about half the size of a hay hook that was made out of a thin wire. 这个人一只手掐着我的脖子,另一只手里拿着干草钩一半大小的用细铁丝做成的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him. 比德尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,将他的步枪和拐杖放在身边。 wiki.jukuu.com 1. When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat. 战争结束了,士兵却变了。他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the end, however, she was found hiding in her stall with her head buried among the hay in the manger. 最终却发现她在她的马厩里,头钻在槽里的干草中。 www.bing.com 3. He searched for his golden dream in the pitch dark of the night. It was just like looking for a needle in a bundle of hay. 他象大海捞针一样在茫茫黑夜里寻找金色的梦。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Fried or grilled food whether the food itself, as long as the hot and cold sex by Fried or barbecue, are easy to yeet hay food. 油炸或火烤的食物不管食物本身的冷热性,只要采用油炸或烧烤,都是易上火的食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches besides him. 他们将贝蒂的马和萨姆的骡子一起套上车,彼得尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,他将步枪和拐杖放在身边。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There are lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram. 赶马车的,您知道,多得数不清,草料还挺贵,坐车的又小器,老是打算去坐公共马车。 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 7. You can say that, there is still time, in the lightning storm I am ready to be burned to the hay to the point of the. 您可说对了,还有一次,在暴风雨中闪电把我准备要焚烧的干草给点着了。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. It was a rather complex situation. No wonder he looked like an donkey between two bundles of hay. 情况很复杂,难怪他为难得像夹在两堆干草中间的驴子,拿不定主意。 zhoumeibetty.blog.hexun.com 9. The study also found that the children of these women were more likely to have allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and current asthma symptoms. 研究还发现,这样的孩子也更可能得花粉热,并出现流行性哮喘的症状。 m.china.org.cn 10. there might be somebody who knew her, but it was like looking FOR a needle in a bundle of hay. 滨水区某处可能有人知道她,但找起来犹如大海捞针,实非易事。 dict.ebigear.com 1. This morning, moreover, he had gone out to see if the damage to the hay by the flood was considerable or not. 而且这天早晨,他还出门去了解过洪水冲走干草是不是带来了巨大的损失。 www.hjenglish.com 2. As I came into his stall, he was busy picking out soft hay with which to line the straw in his self-made bed. 当我进到他的猪栏时,他正忙着挑选软干草,摆放在他自制的稻草床。 www.bing.com 3. Trying to find a small boy in the large crowd was like looking for a needle in a bundle of hay. 要这一大堆人中找一个小男孩犹如海底捞针。 www.for68.com 4. if you desire an interview, i shall be most hay to call in person, on any day and at any time you may a point. 如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照中国用英文怎么写所指定的时日,前往拜访。 www.52vpn.com 5. Under the dried hay grass there was an old worn book of English poetry. He found it in the house one day while he was cleaning. 在干燥的饲草下面,有一本破旧的英文诗集,那是他有一天打扫房屋时在屋里发现的。 www.showxiu.com 6. We might as well make hay while the sun shines. Let us finish the task before the boss comes back from his business trip. 我们不妨利用大好时机。让我们在老板出差回来前,把任务完成了。 www.kekenet.com 7. When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。 www.kekenet.com 8. Even the ducks and hens toiled to and fro all day in the sun, carrying tiny wisps of hay in their beaks. 就连鸭子和鸡也整天在太阳下面忙碌的来回跑着,每次都用他们的嘴衔一点点牧草。 www.bing.com 9. How much hay do they eat? 它们吃多少干草? www.bing.com 10. How much hay do the elephants eat? 大象吃多少干草? blog.sina.com.cn 1. He made a lot of hay back after the Great War ended when he refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. 在第一次世界大战结束后当他拒绝在1919年的凡尔赛合约上签字时,他赢得了很多支持。 www.tianzhujiao.org 2. With the hay fever season once more upon us, it's time to meet the enemy. 花粉热季节再次光临,我们该会会敌人了。 www.bing.com 3. He raised quite large and salable crops of hay and oats, to say nothing of his own vegetables and fruit. 他自己用的蔬菜和水果固不待言,他还培植了许多可销售的大最干草和燕麦。 book.hackbase.com 4. " Someone replied: " From the beginning to find the centerline of hay stacks. 有人答:「从草堆中心线开始找。」 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Leave the shorter tail free and start twisting a wad of hay onto the long tail beginning as close to the wall as possible. 放开短的那端,开始把一叠干草捻在长端并且尽可能的靠近墙。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find the work had been done overnight. Hay had been custard cow sheds had been cleaned. 雇工们说,常常一早起来发现有人在夜里把活干了,干草已切好,牛棚也打扫干净了。 www.4apx.com 7. Then all the scythes began to work at once. They cut down the hay so fast that the rakes could not keep up with them. 这时,所有的镰刀立即开始割草。它们割的速度非常快,以致于那些耙无法赶得上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He became as hay as if his tender for building a ma ion had been accepted. 他欣喜若狂,好象他承办大厦筑的投标被接受了。 www.51fob.net 9. There was always a harvest supper for the farm workers after all the hay and wheat had been cut. 每当所有的干草和麦子全都收割完毕,农场主总会请在农场干活的人们吃一次丰收晚餐。 www.okread.net 10. In Holland the children fill their shoes with hay and a carrot for the horse of Sintirklass. 在荷兰,孩子们会在他们的鞋子理装满干草和给吗吃的萝卜。 putclub.com 1. Looking around, she found a ring of sun-warmed rocks where the coney-rabbits dried their hay. 她四下看了看,发现了一圈被太阳晒热的岩石,是蹄兔用来晾干草用的。 www.bing.com 2. Next morning, when he awoke, Pinocchio looked in the manger for more hay, but it was all gone. 第二天早晨他醒来,马上在槽里找干草,可是找不到,因为昨天夜里都吃光了。 www.iamlk.cn 3. shrubby or herbaceous plants widely used for forage, soil improvement, and especially hay in southern United States. 灌木或草本植物,广泛用于饲料,土壤改良,尤其在美国南部用作干草。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A clergyman , walking down a country lane, sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off. 一位牧师正走在一个乡间小路上,发现一个年轻的农民正在努力地把翻落在地上的干草装到车上去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A clergyman walking down a country lane and sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off. 一个牧师走在乡间小路上,看到一个年轻的农民努力的把砍伐后的干草装到车上去。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. A hart was being pursued by some dogs. It ran into an ox-stall, and hid itself in a truss of hay. Only the tips of its horns could be seen. 一头被一群猎狗追赶的雄鹿跑进了牛棚,把自己藏在一捆干草里面,只有它的鹿角尖还能隐约被看见。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. An unwanted advance from an evil spirit in the middle of the night is one thing. But a roll in the hay with the office bore? 深更半夜遭受妖怪的非礼诚然令人恐怖,但是和不喜欢的同事上床感觉就会比这好吗? chinese.wsj.com 8. You would not have noticed him as he strolled round the literary festival at Hay-on-Wye every year, or even in the Strand. 在每年的海伊文学节期间,他在海伊闲逛都没人认出他,甚至在伦敦中心的滨海街也是这样。 www.ecocn.org 9. Owing to a spark of a cigarette, the barn was reduced to ashes with its whole store of hay. 翻译一个未熄的烟头烧着了仓房,里面的干草全成了灰烬。 www.eol.cn 10. By flicking its antennae with a bristle of hay, Mr. Zhang sent his cricket into a jabbing, biting fury. 张健根颤动草叶,引逗着蟋蟀的触须,使它变得张牙舞爪,怒气冲冲。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She knew where Frank would be, up in the hay in the barn, safe from prying eyes. 她知道弗兰克为了避开窥视的眼睛,一定会坐在谷仓的干草堆上。 tr.bab.la 2. As long as the war lasted, he looked upon him as his fellow-helper in all emergencies, and fed him carefully with hay and corn. 战事持续的时候,他很重视他的马,当作一切危难中的救星,用稻草和谷物,小心地饲养它。 www.qeto.com 3. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies. 刚巧在收割完牧草之后,杰西和布鲁贝尔产下九条小狗崽。 www.bing.com 4. What's in a name? The name hay fever is misleading because symptoms don't just occur in autumn when hay is gathered and never include fever. 为何称为发粉热?这个名字让人容易误解,因为症状并非只是发生在干草聚集的秋季,并且并不会带有发烧的病症。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Walking through the wetlands used to be like slogging through a squishy field of wet hay. 行走在溼地上就像是对溼地上湿软的泥土重击一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a hay New Year. 请接受我们对你及怎样合成照片你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。 www.51yue.net 7. Qunxun alone in a pair of hay, trouser legs have been unknowingly by the wet dew. 我独自逡巡在干草丛中,不知不觉裤腿已被露水所打湿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. After he had gone eight miles, he came to the graveyard, which lay just at the edge of his own hay-land. 他走了之后,8英里,他来到墓地,刚刚在自己的干草边缘土地所在。 xixi.home.24en.com 9. Of course, late braking barge drivers often end up in the hay bails , hopefully without taking you with them. 当然,延迟刹车的车手通常都是去割草了,希望这不会发生在您的身上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Along with being delicious, nettle tea is said to help several ailments including eczema, asthma, hay fever and muscle aches and pains. 饮一杯美味的荨麻茶据说对多种疾病具有帮助作用。如:湿疹、哮喘、花粉病(枯草热)和肌肉酸疼。 www.bing.com 1. As the moon rose high over the stable, a Baby was born. The new mother sang a lullaby as she gently laid her Son on the hay in the feed box. 年轻的母亲一边轻轻地把这个婴孩放在食槽里的干草上,一边轻轻地给孩子哼唱着动人的摇篮曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. They will want to conserve some of it as hay or silage to use when the cattle are back in their barns. 他们要储藏很多干草和青贮饲料,以待耕牛返回谷仓。 newssgo.com 3. Most pollen that causes hay fever for us is from plants that use the wind to disseminate the pollen. 多数会导致我们患上花粉热的花粉来自那些用风来传播花粉的植物。 www.ted.com 4. Otte dropped the bottle, thrust his hands into the hay to grasp Claire. 奥托丢下酒瓶,把手伸进草里抓着克莱尔。 www.dictall.com 5. Due to their feeding behavior, giraffe often scatter hay or leaves for the hay on the ground, and provision should be made to minimize this. 因为他们的饮食习惯,长颈鹿经常会把干草或树叶子散落一地,所以应该有一些预防措施来减少这种情况。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be hay with it. 如果通过利用别人或是伤害别人而获得钱财,你不会因此高兴。 www.esiyuan.com 7. They were even more amazed when the Union officer with the missing leg rose from his hay-filled box. 当缺了一条腿的联邦政府军官从装着干草的木箱里站起来时,他们更是惊愕不已。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. These tablets are used to help relieve hay fever and symptoms due to allergies. 这种药用来缓解花粉热及其他因过敏引发的症状。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But inside there was only hay, and no sign of any Taliban. 但小屋里面只有一些干草,没有任何塔利班来过的迹象。 www.bing.com 10. There was a little hay left and a little corn. 只剩下一点儿干草和玉米了。 1. Transverse-direction hayrakes can gather the hay up in ranks, they may collect stems of corns in ranks. 横向搂草机是将割下的干草搂集成趟,还可把收割下的其它谷物茎穗收集成趟。 www.1jxw.com 2. Later he gathered the hay in huge bundles tied with a rope, and carried them on his back, one after another, to the barn . 过段时间,他就把干草大把大把收起来,拿绳子捆好,一捆接一捆地扛进谷仓。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. Later they were made of pieces of animal skin sewed together and stuffed with feathers or hay. 后来,人们将动物的皮缝合起来,里面塞进羽毛或干草做成球。 www.24en.com 4. Some retailers made hay out of the SARS crisis . They sold some common herbal medicine and vinegar in high prices . 有些零售商乘着SARS危机而大发其财。他们用高价卖出一些常见的草药以及醋。 www.bing.com 5. So spread the word of friendship do not hold back and make hay while it shines in ur life. . . 所以当友谊照耀着我们的生活时,传播这友好的信息,不要踌躇和困惑。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. hay and straw were stored in that portion of the place , fagots for firing , and a heap of apples in sand. 那是堆放麦秸和干草的地方,也放木柴,还存放着一堆埋在沙里的苹果。 www.ichacha.net 7. European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure. 欧洲草,多用作干草,在美国也作草坪和绿肥作物。 www.dictall.com 8. Hay's is not the first study to observe an association between negative behavior in children and mothers' antenatal depression. 关于母亲在怀孕期间的抑郁与孩子的负面行为有关联,海伊的报告不是这方面的首例研究。 www.bing.com 9. This cylinder was composed of a mixture of clay and sand , with the addition of a little hay and straw . 这个圆柱是用掺了干草和麦秸的粘土和细砂做成的。 www.bing.com 10. Although it's not necessary to feed pellets to your guinea pigs, it is certainly recommended that they be your primary feed, after hay. 虽然喂你的猪猪饲料不是必须的,但还是强烈建议把饲料作为喂食干草之后你的猪猪的主食。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. "People know a lot about pollen, what with so many hay feversufferers during the summer, " he said. 人们对花粉了解很多,知道夏天那么多花粉热患者遇到的是什么。 www.bing.com 2. Japan, Canada, Mauritius and several countries in Europe are disabled straw, hay and confetti as a packing backing. 日本、加拿大、毛里求斯及欧洲若干国家都禁用稻草、干草和报纸屑作为包装衬垫物。 www.bing.com 3. Hay, whose hair weighed several pounds, died at home Wednesday in the southern province of Kien Giang at the age of 79, Vietnam News said. 《越南新闻》报道称,陈文海的头发已达数磅之重,他于本周三在越南南部建江省的家中去世,享年79岁。 www.hxen.com 4. The Indian chief rose to his feet and left Hay Stockard's camp to return to his village. 印地安酋长站起来,离开黑·斯多卡德的帐篷,返回自己的村庄。 english.31931.cn 5. Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness. 荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由皮肤病症引起的瘙痒(包括湿疹);瘙痒病和血清病。 cn.bab.la 6. Part of the vision was to use special hay and pressed-earth bricks for construction. 这个构想的一部份是用特别的草料和压缩泥砖来做建材。 www.bing.com 7. Our poor grass and hay are a hundred times better than his rich porridge and sweet brown sugar. 我们吃的青草和干草虽然粗淡,但是要强过小猪吃的丰盛的甜红糖米粥。 george.shi.blog.163.com 8. When you "re sick, your parents tell you not to eat fried foods or baked goods due to meet hay. " 当你病了的时候,你父母要你不吃油炸食品和烤的东西,因为“会上火”。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With grassland damaged, many farmers in Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee have no hay to feed their cows. 随着草原的损坏,许多在密西西比州、乔治亚州和田纳西州的农民没有草来喂养他们的牛。 10. However if there is a history of eczema asthma or hay fever in the family your child is more likely to develop one of these conditions. 如果要说起湿疹的历史,就是一些存在哮喘或花粉症的家庭,您的孩子更有可能将比较容易得湿疹。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. soon , in the rich orange light of the flames , he could see a hay - rick burning fiercely. 不久,他看到熊熊的火光中,干草垛肆虐地燃烧阒。 www.ichacha.net 2. Beach goers sunbathe behind a wall of hay bales, used to absorb any oil that might come ashore, on Dauphin Island, Alabama. 沙滩泳客在草包组成的墙后享受着日光浴,用于吸附可能冲上岸的石油,多芬岛,阿拉巴马州。 thehlc.cn 3. dad , my eyes are killing me with hay fever. 爸爸,我患了花粉热,两眼简直痛得要命。 www.ichacha.net 4. Hay Stockard alone remained on his feet, knocking the attacking Indians aside. 斯多卡德依然站在那边,反击那些连续进攻的印地安人。 www.bjndr.com 5. If Rosicky went to throw hay down from the loft, one of the boys ran up the ladder and took the fork from him. 如果罗西基去扔干草从阁楼下来,一个男孩跑上了阶梯,并从他的叉子。 home.24en.com 6. Both sides were able to make plenty of hay out by dredging up paste-mails. 双方在听证中都翻出大量的电子邮件记录,为自己造势。 dream4ever.org 7. A diet of grass, hay, fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets will keep your bunny in shape. 日常饮食则以青草,干草,新鲜蔬菜,和少量饲料,就可以保证兔子的健康。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When you're sick, your parents tell you not to eat fried foods baked goods due to meet hay. 你生病时,你的父母会让你不要吃油炸的或烘烤的食物,因为它们会“上火”(见下) bbs.iyaya.com 9. Looking for a missing child in New York City. That's like looking for a needle in a hay stack. 在纽约市寻找一个失落的小孩,那简直是大海捞针大海捞针。大海捞针 wenku.baidu.com 10. One of these men sat in front of a tent, near a river. His name was Hay Stockard. 有一个叫黑·斯多卡德的白人坐在河边的帐篷前。 english.31931.cn 1. A rabbit fed too many pellets will often ignore his hay, to the detriment of his intestinal system! 如果喂太多兔粮,兔子就会忽视草,这会破坏它的消化系统。 www.mypethome.com 2. The bilingual packaging was crucial, according to Hay, because one of the products' target customers is the Hispanic market. 双语包装是至关重要的,根据干草,因为一个产品的目标客户是西班牙裔市场。 www.showxiu.com 3. She was feeding hay to a herd of deer that had gathered near their cabin. 她正在给在她们房子附近活动的鹿群喂干草。 www.bing.com 4. "If you only pay the legal rates you'll be one of the worst payers and will lose staff, " notes Mr Hay. 海表示:“如果你只支付法定工资,你将成为最糟糕的雇主之一,并导致员工流失。” www.ftchinese.com 5. So we talked about what happened to us in the last war, and about the hay and the barley, about BEEF and milk and cheese and tobacco. 所以我们谈起在上一场战争中的遭遇,谈起草料和大麦,谈起牛肉、牛奶、干酪和烟草。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Birch trees release their pollen between March and May, and hay fever sufferers are likely to experience the worst symptoms during April . 桦树在三月到五月之间释放花粉,因此花粉症患者在四月份可能出现最严重的症状。 blog.163.com 7. Elinor has not my feelings, and therefore she may overlook it and be hay with him. 埃莉诺没有我的感情,所以她可以不计较这一点,和他在一起可以得到幸福。 youchengchemical.com 8. The most common form, atopic eczema, is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies, like hay fever or asthma. 最常见的湿疹为特应性湿疹,与干草热与哮喘相似,见于过敏性体质人群。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested. " On his daughter, Princess Anne. 评价自己不婚的女儿安妮公主:“如果对方不放屁、不吃草,她是不会感兴趣的”。 www.ebigear.com 10. In fact, some of the larger ranches, not having any hay stores at all, are even worse off. 事实上,有些更大的农场主,根本没有任何的干草贮备,他们的情况更糟糕。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Run a small kangaroo from the ground near the green grass of the living grass and hay will be left to other animals. 袋鼠以矮小润绿离地面近的小草为生,将长草与干草留给其它动物。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If you go to a medical doctor for your hay fever, you are likely to be given antihistamines, decongestants or corticosteroids. 找医生帮忙,看完症后你可能获得一大堆抗组胺(抗过敏药)、收鼻水剂或各类激素类固醇等处方药物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. "He is lying, " said the girl angrily, lying on the hay. “他在说谎。”那个女孩躺在干草上,气愤地说。 bbs.edu.591up.com 4. One day, as Mollie strolled blithely into the yard, flirting her long tail and chewing at a stalk of hay, Clover took her aside. 有一天,当莫丽边晃悠着她的长尾巴边嚼着一根草根,乐悠悠的闲逛到院子里时,克拉弗把她拉到一旁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Pastoral areas in northern China, the main feed horses grass hay in winter, sometimes even branches and leaves, feeding is limited. 在我国北方牧区,冬天马匹主要采食草地枯草,有时甚至是树枝和落叶,补饲是有限的。 www.xiami360.com 6. Aroma of hay , peach and guava . Citrus fruit flavors with a crisp finish. Pair with fresh seafood. 干草,桃子及番石榴的香味。柑橘果的鲜味。最配海鲜类食物。 www.bing.com 7. Everyone knows someone with an allergy - and an incredible 40% of UK children have either asthma, eczema, hay fever or a food allergy. 每个人身边都曾有人过敏---而在英国有高达40%的儿童有哮喘,湿疹,花粉病或者是食物过敏。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Bettie watched him lower the rifle and brush the hay out of his hair. 贝蒂看着他放下枪,掸掉他头发上的干草。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. Farmers are making hay out of trash, a contribution to pollution prevention. 农民将垃圾废物利用,对控制污染是个很大的贡献。 wenku.baidu.com 10. The basic buckaroo skills include riding, using a rope correctly, baling hay during the summer, and mending fences. 基本的牛仔技巧包括骑马、正确使用绳索、在夏季时打捆干草及修补栅栏。 www.24en.com 1. Then he releases the vacuum, forcing the hay-flavoured apple juice back in. 接下来他打开真空装置,将混合了青草香味的苹果汁倒了出来。 www.bing.com 2. You will eat, bye and bye, In the glorious land above the sky! Work and pray, live on hay, You'll get PIE IN THE SKY when you die! 不久你将在天上的圣地就餐。劳动吧!祈祷吧!靠干草过活吧!死后你就会得到天国的馅饼! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Hay's group is now working on developing a similar system in disease-carrying mosquitos. Hay团队现在正努力在疾病携带的蚊子种群中研究一个类似的系统。 www.bing.com 4. Light Therapy Device is a revolutionary unique device for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis, including Hay Fever. 光治疗仪治疗过敏性鼻炎,包括花粉症是一种革命性的的唯一的设备。 www.yqtechan.com 5. Large glass planes virtually disappear within the ribbon, allowing unimpeded picturesque views of 18th century hay meadows and giant oaks. 大玻璃窗几乎消失于螺旋带中,使得18世纪草场,巨大的橡树林这些生动的画面不受阻挡。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Forty-one per cent of business leaders surveyed by the Hay Group consultancy said they planned to recruit Chinese MBA graduates. 接受Hay集团所调查的商界领导者中,41%的人表示,他们计划招募中国MBA毕业生。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Some carry bundles of hay, some baskets, some sacks; some are going to the market, others coming from it. 人们有的扛着一捆捆的稻草,有的挎着篮子,有的背着包袱;有的人正赶往集市,有的则从集市归来。 www.bing.com 8. D, M&G: Ai---Hay---Yo! Ah, the radish is out! A big radish! A heavy radish! We'll eat it together. 狗,猴和羊:哎—嗨—呦!啊,萝卜拔出来了!一个大萝卜!一个重萝卜。我们大家一起吃! zhidao.baidu.com 9. For the waters of Nimrim shall be desolate: for the hay is withered away, the grass failed, there is no green thing. 因为宁林的水成为乾涸。青草枯乾,嫩草灭没,青绿之物,一无所有。 www.dictall.com 10. His collection includes the ball-like birch pollen - the main causeof hay fever in the spring. 他的收集包括球形桦树花粉——春天引发花粉热的主要原因。 www.bing.com 1. SHEP O'NEAL: Secretary Hay asked the nations involved to agree to equal trading rights for all countries in all parts of China. 海伊国务卿要求所涉及的国家都同意,在中国任何区域的任何国家有平等的贸易权。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She made sure that the boys fed and watered the chickens, kept the nest boxes filled with clean hay, and gathered the eggs daily. 她吩咐孩子们务必做到:鸡要有食吃,有水喝,窝里要填满干净的干草,鸡下的蛋要天天捡。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One day I was riding on a horse on a road and found in front of me a big pile of hay. 一天,我骑着一匹马走在一条马路上。我发现我前面有一堆干草。 www.jukuu.com 4. and there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the hourses and the sheep. 总是会有干草被投掷下来给这些牛啊、马啊、羊的。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. This holiday home was created by pouring concrete over bales of hay; the interior was then hollowed out by a cow named Paulina. 这个度假屋是在干草垛上浇筑混凝土建造,内部是由一头叫作宝琳娜的奶牛掏空而成。 www.bing.com 6. At the center of its frame is a brook. A hay wain advances through the water. 画面的前景是一条小溪,一辆拉着干草的大车正涉水行进。 magazine.99ys.com 7. going to rodeos , fixing fences, pulling calves, bailing hay, doctoring calves, cleaning my barn. 参加牛仔竞技,修理篱笆,给小牛接生,压捆干草,给小牛看病,清洁畜棚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you hay holidays and all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself able ed I know you. 我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快写一篇中秋节作文乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。 www.52vpn.com 9. The average farmer has a few huts at various altitudes, each surrounded by small hay fields. 在不同的海拔,普通的农主都有几个草棚,每一个都有几堆干草围绕。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Seeking my key in the courtyard is like looking for a needle in a bottle of hay. 在院子里找我的钥匙就好像是在大海捞针一样困难。 www.for68.com 1. This site also offers a variety of Christmas tree farms, hay rides, sleigh rides, holiday recipes, and various other winter fun. 网站也提供许多圣诞树农庄、大篷车、雪橇、节日食谱和其他各种各样的冬日趣物。 www.suiniyi.com 2. The barn full of hay went up in smoke. 装满干草的谷仓已被烧光。 www.bing.com 3. She was absent today because she's had a touch of hay fever. 她今天缺席,因为她有轻微的花粉热。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Even when the mountains were blockaded by the snow, we could still take a shelter in hay , biting your little ears. . . 即便大雪封山,还可以窝在暖暖的草堆里紧紧的抱着咬你的耳朵… dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These men have quarreled over the price of a load of hay. 这帮人为了一车干草的价钱争吵不休。 wenwen.soso.com 6. But buckaroos also bail hay, mend fences, and haul trucks out of desert mud holes. 除此之外,牛仔还要整理干草、修补篱笆及将卡车拖离沙漠中的泥洞。 www.24en.com 7. In a simple bamboo stick into cages, cage and a roll in the hay, that is the bird comfortable and warm nest. 放在一个简易的竹条编成的笼子里,笼内还有一卷干草,那是小鸟舒适又温暖的巢。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Aspergillus sp. , Penicillium sp. are common allergens (hay fever, asthma, pneumonitis, etc. ). 曲霉、青霉是常见的过敏原(花粉热、哮喘、肺炎等)。 bbs.wpc.cn 9. The snow was falling over the cornfield and the pasture and the hay-land, steadily, with very little wind- a nice dry snow. 雪是在下降的麦田和牧场和干草的土地,稳定,很少风,一个不错的干雪。 xixi.home.24en.com 10. the last load at night of hay being drawn down a lane as the twilight comes on. 黎明时分最后一趟满载夜草的车行进在小路上。 www.bing.com 1. A study says pregnant women who eat low-fat yogurt can increase the risk of their child developing asthma and hay fever, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,孕妇若饮用低脂酸奶会加大幼儿患哮喘和花粉热的风险。 m.china.org.cn 2. For the past five years, I've been taking my wife and kids to Southwestern Montana, where I worked as a teenager on the hay harvest. 过去的5年里,我和我的家人造访了蒙大纳州的西南部,在那里,每当干草收割时,我像个年轻人一样干活。 www.ted.com 3. If in its hay day the USSR could not compete with american carriers how well will the chinese do with a X-USSR carrier refitted. 如果是在苏联的全盛时期,他们也无法与美国航母相抗衡,中国对一艘未知的苏联航母又能改装得多好。 bbs.voc.com.cn 4. When I met you on the road to Hay last night, I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse! 昨天晚上我在去海依的路上碰到你时,我差点以为你对我的马念了咒! www.chinaedu.com 5. The next morning Hay Stockard watched with angry eyes as three men in a long canoe came to the river bank. 第二天清晨,黑·斯多卡德愤怒地看着三个别坐着长长的独木舟来到河边。 www.bjndr.com 6. The couple quarreled over the price of a load of hay. 夫妻俩个因为一担干草的价格争吵。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Allergies have become increasingly widespread in developed countries with hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma on the rise. 过敏症在发达国家变得日益普遍,花粉热、湿疹、荨麻疹和哮喘越来越常见。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The smell of hay always reminds me of our old house in the country. 甘草的味道总是令我想起了我们在乡村的老房子。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Early clinical tests of CpG added to ragweed antigen have shown promise as a vaccine against hay fever. 将CpG加入猪草抗原的早期临床测试带来对抗花粉热的希望; edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. Starch : autoclaved corn ; protein : raw soybean. ; fiber : alkali-treated pongola grass hay. 淀粉:高压蒸煮玉米;蛋白质:生黄豆;纤维:碱化处理盘固乾草。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And sometimes Avery would find a little grass snake in the hay, and would add it to the other things in his pocket. 有时候艾弗里会在草里找到一条小草蛇,把它塞进衣袋,衣袋里杂七杂八的东西又多了一样。 www.hicoo.net 2. Plowing's all done. Now, to the polls! -Ooh! I almost forgot! That hay must be put in the hay loft! 耕作全做完了。现在,到投票站吧!-哦!我几乎忘了!那些干草必须放到干草堆上! www.bing.com 3. Forage and hay with high glyphosate levels fed to animals cause of course high glyphosate levels in their livers and kidneys. 高草甘膦残留量饲料与麦草喂食动物,当然导致牠们的肝脏与肾脏中的高草甘膦残留量。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She was coated with saw dust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals. 她被铺上锯末,肚子里装着饥饿农场动物们喜爱吃的干草。 bbs.hxen.com 5. LONDON (Reuters) - A probiotic drink a day may help keep hay fever away, British researchers said on Tuesday. 伦敦(路透社)--英国研究者星期二指出:每天喝一杯益生菌可以缓解枯草热。 news.dxy.cn 6. Endemic variety Cangzhou alfalfa was oppressed at hay yield, regeneration and orthotropism . 地方品种沧州苜蓿在草产量、再生性、直立性等方面均处于劣势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In Burkina Faso for instance, pastoralists have learnt to store hay for use when there is no other food for livestock. 例如,在布基纳法索,牧民已经学会储存干草,以便在没有其他饲料时喂给牲畜。 www.ftchinese.com 8. John, it's time for you to hit the hay. 约翰,该去睡觉了。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. It has a bitter taste and a hay-like fragrance. 尝起来有点苦,且散发着与甘草类似的芬芳。 www.bing.com 10. But on the other side of the harbour, Mr Hay recalls, the traders and manufacturers in Kowloon were ecstatic. 海回忆道,在海港另一边,九龙的贸易商和制造商却欣喜若狂。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We were taught the saying, Sin sucre, no hay pais, without sugar, there is no country. 我们听谚语说:“Sinsucre,nohaypais”(没有甘蔗,就没有国家),我们在古巴时正值甘蔗收获季节。 www.gjgy.org 2. Hay, when i talk to you today i can found something strange, its something happen to you . . . your heart have change. 嗨,当我今天和你说话的时候我发觉有点奇怪,肯定有什么事发生了…你变心了… www.tianya.cn 3. A new hay, triticale, a cross of wheat of rye which grows fast and needs less water, was also being introduced. 同时又引进一种新的饲草绿麦,是生长迅速而需水量低的裸麦。 www.oxfam.org.hk 4. Alfalfa and timothy hay are the main forages exported from Canada. 紫花苜蓿和梯牧草是加拿大出口的主要牧草。 ccag.com.cn 5. Works quickly and effectively to alleviate hay fever symptoms. No side effects, as is common with OTC antihistamines. 快速起效缓解花粉热的症状,无副作用,可以和抗组织胺药一起用。 test.freemerce.com 6. Thirty goats are happily munching away on their hay and staring at the blank concrete walls of their stable. 30只山羊凝视着羊圈无窗的混凝土墙,满意地嚼着干草。 www.bing.com 7. "We conducted the survey to introduce the achievements of top Chinese companies to the world, " said Chen Wei, general manager of Hay Group. 合益集团中国区总经理陈玮说:“我们开展这项调查的目的是让全世界了解中国的知名企业。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. This old hay barn in Berkshire, Vermont stands amidst the autumn colors made brilliant by the rising sun. 这是在伯克群一间古老的干草仓库,佛蒙特州站立在初升太阳所构成的秋天色彩里。 www.bing.com 9. tall grass with smooth bluish leaf sheaths grown for hay in the United States. 高草,叶鞘光滑带蓝色,在美国用作干草。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. People run away when they see you, they scream in your ears, faint, or come after you with a four-pronged hay fork. 人们见到你,撒腿就跑,吓得在你耳朵边尖叫,晕倒在地或者是拿着大耙子满世界追着你跑。 www.bing.com 1. The hay fever season normally begins in March or April when trees release the first pollen of the year. 花粉热季节一般开始于三、四月份,在树木释放当年第一批花粉的时候。 www.bing.com 2. The exact length of Tran Van Hay's unwashed hair was unclear but some estimates put it as long as 6. 8 metres. 陈文海的头发常年不洗,其头发的确切长度不得而知,但据估计有6.8米。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The colon was ablaze, like a bone-dry bale of hay soaked in gasoline and then set afire. 结肠在燃烧,就像是一捆极干燥的干草被浸到汽油里然后被点燃。 www.bing.com 4. Ai---Hay-Yo! We must work hard. We must pull it out. 我们必须使劲干。我们一定把它拔出来。 house.zhishi.sohu.com 5. A tarpaulin was spread over the hay - rick and firmly lashed down to prevent it blowing off in a high wind. 为防止大风把干草堆吹掉,在上面盖上了一块防水帆布并用绳子紧紧地扎牢。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The use of hay or straw as bedding during transport is not permitted; treated wood shavings , sterilized peat and soft board may be used. 运输时不得使用干草或稻草做垫料,可使用经过处理的木屑、泥炭、软板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. One patient, when asked to define hay, responded, "I've forgotten" ; and when asked to define poster, said, "no idea. " 有这么一个病人,当让他给干草下定义时,他回答,“我忘了。”当请他给海报下定义时,他说,“不知道。” www.bing.com 8. An enveloping, warm, almost sensual scent that releases mysterious wafts of tobacco, hay and smoked wood. 乾燥的木质香气迎面而来,温暖、包容著一种诱惑的感觉,带有一点点烟草般凛冽的神秘味道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The foodstuffs are for human consumption, and the compressed hay is used for animal feed. 粮食用于人类消费,压缩干草用于动物饲养。 www.ibm.com 10. By June we had already baled one cutting of hay and gotten it safely into the barn. 到六月份我们已经砍了第一批干草并打成捆,安全运进谷仓了。 www.kekenet.com 1. Ample, complex, elegant and persistent aromas with hints of vanilla, chocolate, anise and fresh hay. 香气复杂持久,馥郁而优雅,略带新鲜的青草味道。 www.pkwine.com.cn 2. continuous , ongoing efforts are necessary for the eradication of hay fever. 这些持续不断的努力都是消除花粉症的需要。 www.ichacha.net 3. HAY FEVER? EAT YOGURT! Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. Also - eat honey from your area (local region) daily. 花粉症?喝酸奶!在花粉传播旺盛的季节前多喝些酸奶。还有每天吃些(本地产的)蜂蜜。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. CF, ADF and NDF increased as the decrease of hay moisture and tedding moisture content. 在苜蓿干燥过程中,其纤维含量不断升高,且大体上随翻晒时含水量的下降而逐步升高。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Dominic Monaghan suffered from hay fever while filming the scene in the cornfield. 在拍摄玉米田的场景时,多米尼克·莫纳汉得了花粉症。 www.bing.com 6. Hay cowsheds Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. 他把干草已切好了,牛棚也打扫干净了。 www.kuenglish.info 7. Then he climbed into the loft of the bam and hid the tin beneath a pile of sweet? smelling hay. 然后,他爬上谷仓的阁楼,把钱罐藏在一堆散发出甜香味的干草下面。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Then he climbed into the loft of the barn and hid the tin beneath a pile of sweet smelling hay. 然后,他爬上谷仓的阁楼,把铁罐藏在一堆散发香味的干草下面。 www.bing.com 9. The preliminary list of candidates include : Xilingol Hay Station Ranch . 初期候选名单上包括:锡林郭勒草料站牧场。 www.bing.com 10. Is there a hole on Dao head? I estimate that it's the hay cutter modified by peasant. Regretted. 刀头上是个洞吗,估计曾被农民改做铡刀,可恨。 hfsword.com 1. Dahl, a former advertising executive, sold his rocks for $3. 95 on a bed of hay. Each sale earned him a profit of roughly $3. 达尔原来是一位广告业务员,主要销售的是稻草床上用的石头,每个售价是3.95美元,利润大概是3美元。 www.bing.com 2. The following code example returns all Client Access server mailbox details for the user Jeff Hay in the Contoso domain. 下列代码示例将返回Contoso域中的用户JeffHay的所有客户端访问服务器邮箱的详细信息。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Did you see those guys who are in suits? They are pretty cool, hay! Yeah. They are cool, they are the security guards. 看到那些西装革履的男人了吗?他们很酷哈。当然了,他们是保安啊。 cache.tianya.cn 4. In the countryside sheep and cattle drowned, hay rotted in the fields and roads and railway lines were washed away. 在乡村,溺死的绵羊和牛在田野里腐烂,道路和铁轨被冲乱。 www.bing.com 5. Fanny: I'll make a sketch of those farmers there stacking hay. 范妮:我要把那几个在堆干草的农夫素描下来。 bbs.e10000.cn 6. Mike: Oh, well, we had, let's see; hay, stucco patties , and for dessert we split a Chia pet. 迈克:哦,对了,我们吃了,一块小酥饼,一块小蛋糕,还是一人一半的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Hay Stockard reached for his gun, and then changed his mind. 黑·斯多卡德回身去拿枪,然后他又变化了主意。 www.bjndr.com 8. They begin life by drinking milk and then move on to solids, like hay, pellets, and vegetables. 牠们出生先喝奶,然后进而吃固体食物,像是乾草、颗粒状饲料和蔬菜。 udn.com 9. Feeding short alfalfa hay tended to increase the disappearance rate and effective disappearance of concentrate DM in rumen (P10). 饲喂过短的苜蓿干草,趋向于提高精料干物质在瘤胃内的降解速率和有效降解率(P0.10)。 10. Beside the obvious differences (horns, a taste for hay), there is a major psychological contrast: Goats are masters of single-minded focus. 除了明显区别(犄角、对干草的口味)之外,有一个主要的心理对比:山羊们是一心一意专心的大师。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Third, the Department of hay bales line is red, lit the fire is red, you can ward off evil. 其三,捆系干草的线是红色的,点燃后的火也是红的,可以辟邪。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Using hay to camouflage in a concrete jungle is not smart. 在钢骨水泥森林里利用稻草来掩饰自己是很蠢的一件事。 lookingat.passingsights.com 3. The experience of Mr Hay and countless other businessmen like him captures the region's rise in microcosm. 海和其他不计其数的商人的经历,是该地区崛起的一个缩影。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Similar sleds were traditionally used to move wood and hay down the mountain. 类似的雪橇过去常常被用来从山上运输木材和干草。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The farmer makes hay while the sun shines, and stores it in the huts. 当太阳出来,农场主就会制作干草,并放到草棚中保存起来。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. How could she? Wouldn't I beat her hollow and stuff her with hay? Once we've repaid the debt, I'll go back. 她怎么能行?那我还不得把她打得落花流水,让她吃不了兜着走?一旦我们还完了债务,我就回去。 www.bing.com 7. After a roll in the hay, women usually want intimacy, according to a study published this year in The Journal of Sex Research. 根据发表在今年的《性研究杂志》上的研究称,在做爱之后,女性通常需要亲密接触。 www.bing.com 8. In the fall, the cows come down from the alps and spend the winter munching the hay the farmer spent the summer cutting. 到了秋田,但牛从alps下来后,就会在冬天津津有味地吃着农场主在夏天割的草。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. often filling them with hay for the camels, in hopes that the Three Kings would be generous. 鞋子里面填满给骆驼吃的干草,为的是三个国王会慷慨一点。 www.jukuu.com 10. One of the most simple: a hay Mid-Autumn Festival! 一句最朴实的写一篇中秋节的作文话:中秋快乐! www.52vpn.com 1. Hay is of less value than wood. Stubble is useless and worthless. 用草和禾楷建成的建筑物,更是轻易倒塌,全无价值。 blog.163.com 2. Rabbits will need hay and fresh pellets which may not be as readily available. 但是家兔需要干草和新鲜的颗粒状饲料,这些可能不容易获得。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. t : yes , i ' ll be hay to cash these for you . would you please countersign them here. 出纳员:好的,我很乐意为你兑换。请您将支票复签一下。 www.ichacha.net 4. The other way is to mound up straw or hay throughout the grape plants. 另一种方法是将注册稻草或整个葡萄植株干草丘。 corrugatedroofing.info 5. While other UK banks bemoan their exposure to Europe and North America, StanChart is making hay in Asia. 当英国其它银行为身陷欧洲和北美而哀叹时,渣打正在亚洲大赚其钱。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We have an unchanging gospel which is not today green grass and tomorrow dry hay but always the abiding truth of the immutable Jehovah. 我们所传的,就是不改变的福音,花草会凋落枯萎,但这福音真理,却和主耶和华一样,永存不朽。 cllc-agape.spaces.live.com 7. This study characterized the storage of Machilus konishii Hay. Seeds at various temperatures under dry and wet conditions. 本文旨在利用不同温度下进行乾湿藏试验以研究小西氏楠种子的储藏特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Moreover, it is an excellent hay, which can be cut twice. 不管怎样,这总是一种可以收割两次的草料。 www.ebigear.com 9. A horse was tied to a rope five feet long, and wanted to eat the hay nine feet away. Could he manage that? 一头马被一根五英尺长的绳子拴着,想吃九英尺开外的干草,它够得着吗?。 www.bing.com 10. Study hard before the final examination is to make hay while the sun shines. 到了期末考试才勤奋学习,是未雨绸缪。 goi-net.com 1. Driving through the countryside of France in the summer, I look at the cows, I look at the hay, I look at the nice fields. 夏季里,驱车穿过法国的乡村,我看到了牛群、干草和美丽的田野,我感到和它们的联系是如此紧密。 www.bailinsi.net 2. Lew Hay is chairman and CEO of NextEra Energy, which operates the nation's third-largest nuclear fleet. 卢·海耶是美国次世代能源公司的董事会主席和首席执行官。该公司在美国拥有第三大的核电集团 www.bing.com 3. The Hay Guide Chart-Profile Method is the most widely used scheme, but there are many other schemes developed by other consultancies. Hay(咨询公司)使用的图标剖析法被广泛的运用,但是也有其他顾问公司在开发很多的方案。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Continue adding small amounts of hay every inch or so, twisting and gently pulling to fashion a hay rope. 持续在每一英寸加上少量的干草,不停的搓然后轻轻地拉使干草绳成型。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The road to Heart Mountain, Wyoming, is lined with golden fields of hay in late summer. 心山,怀俄明州,路两旁是金色的田野,在夏末的干草。 www.maynet.cn 6. Moving his cattle from farm to farm costs money and time. But he says if he can avoid feeding them hay, he can still make a profit. 将牛在农场之间运输需要耗费时间和金钱。但他表示,如果能够避免用干草喂它们,他仍然可以从中获利。 www.tingroom.com 7. "Crocodile tears, " sniffs Hay Badra, a prominent protester. “鳄鱼的眼泪”,著名异议人士海·巴德拉对此嗤之以鼻。 www.ecocn.org 8. Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, itching, runny or stuffy nose and red, watery eyes. 花粉症的症状包括打喷嚏,发痒,流鼻涕或鼻塞,红,水汪汪的大眼睛。 www.yqtechan.com 9. Of those, 35 million suffer nasal allergies, known broadly as hay fever, said Mike Tringale, the association's vice president. 其中,35,000,000人忍受鼻敏感,像广为人知的花粉热,协会副主席麦克.特邻加来说道。 www.bing.com 10. He put his finger on the trigger and pretended to shoot a soldier on top of the hay bale. 他用手指扣动扳机,装着向麦垛上方的一个士兵开枪。 www.bing.com 1. The ox ate tremendous amounts of hay and potato peels and could haul a whole forest of logs. 但它的力气也极大,一次就能拉走一座森林的木材。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Much of the land is under meadow, which is cut for hay in early June. 相当大量的土地用作草地,在六月初收割干草。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Business magnates the likes of Rockefeller, Hanna and Hay built their fortunes here, and the city prospered along with them. 诸如洛克菲勒、汉纳和海氏等商业巨头纷纷在此开创了辉煌的事业,也因此带动了该城市的发展。 www.ritzcarlton.com 4. They took advantage of the fine weather to make hay . 他们利用好天气晒干草。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Spring was in its heyday, with hay fever soon to follow. 春天也是月色的全盛时期,随后花粉热接踵而至。 www.zftrans.com 6. That expression comes from the days when people slept on beds filled with dried grass or hay. 过去人们躺在干草铺的,这个俗语就来自那个时代。 www.unsv.com 7. nursery, secured the baby's rusks, and returned to the hay-field. 托儿所,拿了了婴儿的面包干,并返回到干草场。 www.tiyuyundong5.com 8. The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby these types of, " he says in dismay. " 他沮丧地说:“快活的市长概略躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。” www.naihun.com 9. You know how many bails of hay your car can hold. 你知道如何干草许多捞出你的车可以容纳。 www.ccebook.net 10. James has done many things in the past, but he's hay now in his job as a teacher. 詹姆斯以前做仁爱英语现在完成时过很多工作,但他对现在当教英语现在完成时例句师感到最开心。 www.52vpn.com |
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