单词 | gls | ||||||
释义 | gls
例句释义: 神经节苷脂 1. The debate has only begun so, to get some perspective, I figured I'd take a look at how the GLs' duds have evolved over the years. . . 争论已经开始,为了找几个争论点,我觉得还是让我们来看看这些年绿灯们到底如何在自己的制服上缝缝补补的吧。 www.bing.com 2. Two hundred horsepower absolves a lot, however, and the Sonata GLS gets down the road with dispatch, if not wild abandon. 不过,200马力的引擎足以平息一些怨言,索纳塔GLS的速度即使称不上狂放,也是够迅猛的。 chinese.wsj.com 3. GLS- Amino Acid Derivatives Products for peptide and combinatorial chemistry . 吉尔生化产品氨基酸及其衍生物。 www.bing.com 4. They met in mud a long way from home, when like was a five-star general and Willie and Joe were Gls. 他们在远离故土的泥沼中相遇,当时艾克中五星上将,维利和乔则是将军。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Secondly, the paper was caused by high temperature, moisture content of bakeout of brittle, GLS, the hinge-easily damaged. 其次,纸张因为受到高温烘烤造成含水量下降、脆性增加、强度下降,折页时很容易破损。 www.bing.com 6. When the nerves are damaged, these GLS can nourish the nerves, join the process of nerve repair, and prevent nerve degeneration. 预防性给与神经节苷脂,对神经损伤后变性的预防作用在程度和时间上都是有限的。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 7. (E)Keep good relation with GLS Client and know their needs on logistic service. 与客户保持良好关系,并了解他们在物流服务方面的需求。 my.jobems.com 8. Sea trial items are excluded from this list, which is included in the sea trial procedure by GLS Design Department. 本报验项目清单不包括航海试验项目,航海试验项目见由设计部门编制的航海试验大纲。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Beloved Ones, we greet you today from the GLS Tulya. We are your starbrothers and sisters, from the Pleiadian homeworld. 亲爱的朋友们,我们站在图拉雅飞船上问候你们大家。我们是你们来自昴宿星的兄弟姐妹。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Food with radioactivity levels below these GLs is safe for people to eat. 人们食用低于该指导值的食品是安全的。 www.fao.org 1. Thank you, GLS Tulya and her crew. 谢谢你们,图拉雅飞船和她的全体船员们 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Third, GLS can take on, such as chemotherapy and surgery treatment of residual cancer cells can be effectively controlled and decline; 灵芝孢子粉还能对放、化疗及手术等治疗残余的癌细胞能有效地被控制并使之衰亡; auction1.paipai.com 3. Imi brown pearl gls IMI brown PL 棕色玻璃珠 blog.sina.com.cn |
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