单词 | home page |
释义 |
复数:home pages n. Web site,site,Web page,location,URL 例句释义: 主页,首页,网站首页,官方主页,返回首页 1. You can track how much money you've raised on Endorse for a Cause's personal home page and earn badges for participation. 你可以在此网站的个人主页上查看你筹集的资金数量,还可以通过参与来获得纪念章。 kk.dongxi.net 2. It has a home page and a three-page wizard that you can use to enter the name and address of a person. 它有一个首页,还有一个三页的向导,可以用来输入一个人的姓名和住址。 www.ibm.com 3. You could easily change this to the home page URL, or any other that you want. 你可以轻松将其更改为主页URL或任何其他想要的URL。 www.ibm.com 4. On the home page of the Document Workspace site, in the Members list, click the name of the group to which you want to add a user. 在文档工作区网站的主页上,在“成员”列表中单击要向其添加用户的组名称。 office.microsoft.com 5. Mr. Irving, who joined Yahoo in April, oversees key properties like the company's home page, finance site and email service. 欧文先生与4月份加入雅虎,主管雅虎重要业务,如雅虎主页,财经网站和电子邮件服务。 www.bing.com 6. The Ping home page makes it easy to see recent activity and popular songs from the people you follow. 萍主页就可以很容易地看到最近的活动和流行歌曲的人你跟随。 wenwen.soso.com 7. allows you to consolidate your favourite internet features into a personalized home page for your phone. 让您将最喜欢的互联网特征合并到您个性化的手机主页中。 www.elanso.com 8. Ideally, I would like to be able to see all the scores for the movies on the home page. 理想情况下,我希望能够在主页上看到所有电影的评分情况。 www.ibm.com 9. To see a set of keyboard shortcuts for the home page, just hit the question mark key anytime. 要查看主页的快捷键设置,只需点击问号键便可。 c.wsj.com 10. Our home page, shown in Figure 2, used to be completely static. Now, a few elements are dynamic. 图2中所示的主页原来是完全静态的,现在,有一些元素变成了动态的。 www.ibm.com 1. As a short refresher, Google used to list the number of pages it had indexed on its home page. Google以前是在首页上列出他检索到了页面数量,过一段时间更新一次。 www.bing.com 2. What dog dog home page acquiesces now still is all search, result page increased webpage search apparently however. 现在狗狗首页默认的还是全部搜索,结果页却显然增加了网页搜索。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As you can see, even though the same home page is called, it appears significantly different from each link. 如您所见,虽然调用的是同一主页,但不同的链接得到的该主页看起来却截然不同。 www.ibm.com 4. It describes requirements for a simple wizard with a home page, main flow ( also called a "sunny day path" ), and an alternate flow. 它为一个带有主页、主操作流(也叫做“阳关大道”)和备选操作流的简单向导描述了需求。 www.ibm.com 5. What did the company want clients to do when they got to the home page? 在客户浏览主页时,公司希望客户做出什么行动呢? www.itxuexi.com 6. GO TO Google's home page and type the name of your favourite TV programme into the search bar, followed by the word "torrent" . 转到谷歌主页,在搜索栏里敲下你最喜欢的电视节目名,跟torrent一词。 club.topsage.com 7. He bought ads on Budget Travel, and he bought out Lonely Planet's home page for a week. 他从BudgetTravel购买了广告位,并且包下了LonelyPlanet一周的页面广告。 www.bing.com 8. Check it out by logging into OUTPERSONALS, then going to the Adult Location Directory section on your home page. 通过登录到outpersonals检查出来,然后去您的首页成人节目录。 wenwen.soso.com 9. An unauthenticated attempt to access the home page will redirect you to the log-in page, shown in Figure 12. 如果未通过身份验证,尝试访问主页时,将会被重定向到登录页面,如图12所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Typically, a closed community site or extranet site like this presents an unauthorized user with a login page instead of the home page. 通常,完整的社区站点或外部网站点会向未经过身份验证的用户显示一个登录页面,而不是主页。 www.ibm.com 1. If it does really well, it also makes it on to the digg. com home-page, the equivalent of a newspaper's front page. 如果故事实在不错,就会被放在相当于报纸头版的网站的首页。 www.ecocn.org 2. For god horse? Hundreds of thousands of the long tail word can't be in the home page and the perfect materialization in the chain. 为神马呢?成百上千的长尾词不可能在首页和外链中得到完美体现。 www.82g.com.cn 3. "Keep the Change" was featured on the home page and looked like a great place to start for our presentation design. 主页上的那句“不断改变”似乎表明了这能为我们设计幻灯片起个好头。 i.yoho.cn 4. The foregoing provides enough information to make a simple home page, but it is only a start. 前面者提供充足的数据制造一个简单的首页,但是它只是一个开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Finally, you get a look at rendering the Phonebook application's home page to be displayed as a PDF file. 最后,您将看到如何调整电话本应用程序的主页使其显示为PDF文件。 www.ibm.com 6. The initial job is for our home page only. If it works out, we would have the chosen candidate code the rest of the site. 最初的工作是为我们的主页只。如果它工作时,我们将有选择的候选人代码网站的其余部分。 www.bing.com 7. All that is shown on the front end home page, members profile, photo, videos, etc. 所有这一切都是在前端首页上显示,会员的个人资料,照片,录像等。 www.bing.com 8. This way, we control which content to present based on whether the page template was being used for the home page or not. 这样,就可以根据页面模板是否用于主页来控制显示哪些内容。 www.ibm.com 9. For that, you need to add a second function to the functions. php file and use it on your home page. 为此,需要再将一个函数添加到functions.php文件中,并在主页上使用它。 www.ibm.com 10. Home-Page optimization: The site is currently going through a redesign (aesthetically) and as such a new homepage is being drafted. 首页页面优化:该网站目前正经历一个重新设计(美观),因此一个新的主页正在草拟中。 www.bing.com 1. Once the customer has entered their details bring up a box to say thank you for joining then take them to the home page. 一旦客户将他们的详细资料已进入了一个框,说声谢谢,然后把它们加入到你的主页。 www.bing.com 2. The widget developer has almost full control of the content displayed in the body of a Home page widget. 小部件开发人员几乎能够完全控制在Homepage小部件的主体部分显示的内容。 www.ibm.com 3. In the next several months Yahoo will begin rolling out new versions of its most popular products, from Yahoo Mail to the Yahoo home page. 雅虎公司称,在接下来的几个月里,雅虎将更新其最受欢迎的产品,如雅虎邮箱,雅虎主页。 cn.reuters.com 4. d. Have our logo at the bottom in place of the other one. The logo will link back to the Home page. 四有我们在,在其他地方的底部标志之一。该徽标将链接回主页。 www.bing.com 5. Apple on Monday posted a notice on the home page of its iTunes Store that it would make 'an exciting announcement' Tuesday morning. 苹果周一在iTunesStore主页上发布公告说,它将在周二上午宣告一则“令人激动”的消息。 chinese.wsj.com 6. When I login I see this message No Club Selected : Select one of your club(s) below at the top of the My Home page. 当我登入我看到这个消息没有俱乐部选:选择一个您俱乐部(县)段上方的我的主页。 bbs.goalhi.com 7. The home page has to be very specific about our products and what can be bought online from our page. 在主页上有非常具体的了解我们的产品和什么可以买我们的网页在线。 www.bing.com 8. On June 28 Google said it had resubmitted its application after altering its Chinese search home page in response to government criticism. 月28日,谷歌称已递交许可证续期申请,之前谷歌已变更了其中国搜索主页以回应中国政府的指责。 www.voa365.com 9. Then it asserts that the page contains a form element with the name q -- the name of the query-entry text box on Google's home page. 然后它断定页面中包含一个名为q的表单元素——q是Google主页上查询输入文本框的名称。 www.ibm.com 10. all pages: change all prices font color from red to the brown color used for titles on the home page, category page, product pages. 所有网页:改变所有的价格从红色字体颜色为棕色的主页上的标题,分类页,产品页中使用。 www.bing.com 1. Type the name of the accommodation, restaurant or attraction in the search box at the top of the home page. 在首页顶部的搜索框内键入酒店、餐馆或景点的名称; www.bing.com 2. The most recent threads can be shown in the home page as an invitation to enter the forums. 大多数最近发布的帖子能够在主页上显示,作为论坛的一个邀请入口。 www.open24.cn 3. Home page is important, but it is just a display effect, cannot explain horse essential problem god. 首页固然重要,但它只是一个展示效果,不能说明神马实质问题。 www.82g.com.cn 4. If you have an account with online vendor Amazon. com, when you open up the site's home page a short bit of text at the top greets you. 如果你有一个亚马逊在线供应商账户,当你打开亚马逊主页,网页顶端有一个小小的文本问候你。 www.bing.com 5. It's easy to get started adding these subscriptions using the built-in home page in Office Outlook 2007 provided by Office Online. 使用OfficeOutlook2007中OfficeOnline提供的内置主页,可以很容易地着手添加这些订阅。 office.microsoft.com 6. The home page for this server is a list of modules, grouped by directory (and with attractive color blocks for browsers supporting that). 这个服务器的主页是一张模块列表,根据目录(并用浏览器支持的醒目色块)将它们分组。 www.ibm.com 7. When I first experimented with caching the home page, I could have decided to simply replace the links with JavaScript. 在我刚开始试着缓存这个主页时,我本可以简单地用JavaScript替换这些链接。 www.ibm.com 8. It starts with the home page, which is defined at the beginning of the body tag. 它从主页开始,主页在正文标记的开始处定义。 www.ibm.com 9. The home is an important forum, and are therefore the layout of the home page must be reasonable, not too fancy, people eyestrain . 而主页又是论坛的重要之处,因此主页的布局一定要合理,不能够太花哨,使人眼睛疲劳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Right from the beginning, visitors are exposed to MediaWiki, as it serves as the development platform for the home page. 由于MediaWiki担任主页的开发平台,从最开始,访问者就暴露于MediaWiki中。 www.ibm.com 1. Home Page: The home page is really a 'news' page that aggregates content like an RSS feedreader. 主页:主页真像一个像RSS订阅器那样聚合内容的“新闻”网页。 www.bing.com 2. With a personal home page to manage all of your community activities, there is no need to keep returning to the article pages. 随着个人网页的管理您所有的社会活动,因此没有必要继续返回文章页。 usa.315che.com 3. Just the design of the home page as well as other pages which would be used as a basis for developing a web site later. 只是在设计主页的,以及其他网页,而将是作为一个网站,后来发展的基础。 www.bing.com 4. An online reader can scroll through a Web site's home page offerings before deciding what specific item to read from start to finish. 网上读者可以滚屏查看网站主页的内容,然后再选择细读哪一篇消息。 www.america.gov 5. It's easy to go into the home page. 这样很容易的就会进入到首页。 www.82g.com.cn 6. The new Amazon home page, which currently appears to be available to a fraction of Web users, is less cluttered than the old one. 和旧版相比,新版亚马逊网站的主页看上去没有那么凌乱,按钮数量更少,空白空间更多,搜索框更大。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Or perhaps it should be provided on the home page in the form of a stock portlet. 或者在主页面上以股票Portlet的形式提供。 www.ibm.com 8. If you want to see the Web page when you click the folder, select the Show home page by default for this folder check box. 如果希望单击文件夹时看到网页,请选中“显示该文件夹的默认主页”复选框。 office.microsoft.com 9. One content site that I visit regularly uses the lightbox technique to provide an in-place synopsis of each article on the home page. 我经常访问的一个站点就是使用lightbox技术在主页上合适的区域显示了每一篇文章的概要。 www.ibm.com 10. On the home page of that site, look under Update Strategies section for the product version you are updating. 请在该网站主页的UpdateStrategies(更新策略)部分下查找要更新的产品版本。 www.microsoft.com 1. You can set the name, description, and whether a link to this survey appears on the Quick Launch bar on the home page. 您可以设置名称、说明和其他设置,如是否将指向此调查库的链接显示在主页中的“快速启动”栏上。 www.jukuu.com 2. From the domain name up to the home page, you can already grasp what services the website advertise. 从首页上的域名,你就已经能捕捉到网站所要宣传的服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. From some of the example links on the home page, you can see that building in this way enables very different ways of exploring metadata. 它的主页上提供了一些样例的链接,你会发现,用这种方式构建书目能够提供许多不同的方式来发掘元数据。 www.bing.com 4. Look for a list of third-party books written to support Office Publisher 2007 on the Office Publisher home page, when they become available. 可以在OfficePublisher主页上查找为支持OfficePublisher2007而编写的第三方书籍列表(如果提供)。 office.microsoft.com 5. The IO module specified can be used to rewrite any URL to reroute the Ajax requests through the build-in Home page AJAX proxy. 可以使用指定的IO模块重写任何URL,从而通过内置的HomepageAjax代理重新路由Ajax请求。 www.ibm.com 6. Other Notes: We try to make the entrance channel on the site home page shows, the same budget you get a more professional service. 其他备注:我们努力让入口在网站频道首页展示,同样的预算您获得的是更专业的服务。 www.douban.com 7. For detailed instructions about setting broadcast options for use with a provider, search the Microsoft PowerPoint Home page. 有关设置用于提供商的广播选项的详细说明,请搜索MicrosoftPowerPoint主页。 office.microsoft.com 8. Now the content you need most is front and center on the Home page, so you can go right to where you want to be. 现在,您最需要的内容位于主页上最突出的位置,因此您可以直接转到所需位置。 office.microsoft.com 9. During the year, the department started putting up the Chinese version of its home page to allow wider circulation. 年内,海事处已经着手为本页加入中文版,让资讯更广为流传,这项工作进展良好。 www.1stenglish.com 10. Section of home page will show new items so items need to be able to be identified as such. 的主页部分将介绍新的项目,项目需要能够被确认为。 www.bing.com 1. You can use a default page as the home page for your site, or you can write code in the page to redirect users to other pages. 您可以使用默认页作为站点的主页,或者在页中写入代码以将用户重定向到其他页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Many people will say that a home page is just a single page, so it is not important if it is easy to use. 很多人会说,一个首页就只是一个单个页面,所以它是否用起来简单并不重要。 www.bing.com 3. Example: home page redesign that launched in March. Wanted to simplify and streamline the way information traveled around the site. 例如:3月的主页改版发布,精简信息架构和提高页面信息的流动速度。 www.bing.com 4. Add "Featured Ad" Listing Slider to display Ads across the top of the listings on Home Page. 新增“特色广告”清单上的滑块,以显示对主页的列表顶部的广告。 www.bing.com 5. The w3. ibm. com Web site (hereafter referred to as w3) opens with a default Home page. comWeb站点(以下简称w3)通过默认主页开启。 www.ibm.com 6. Once the template has been built, clicking the Home button returns you to the deployment template editor home page. 构建好模板后,请单击Home按钮返回部署模板编辑器主页。 www.ibm.com 7. IBM Lotus Connections 2. 0 introduced the concept of widgets as a way to extend and customize the Home page feature of the product. IBMLotusConnections2.0引入了小部件的概念,这是一种扩展和定制该产品的Homepage特性的方法。 www.ibm.com 8. Before starting this procedure, you can copy the URL of the image that you want to use for the larger image on the home page. 在开始这个过程之前,可以复制想要在主页上用作大图像的图像的URL。 office.microsoft.com 9. Click on the I'm Feeling Lucky button on Google's home page to go directly to the first result for your query. 点击谷歌主页上的“手气不错”按钮以直接去查询第一个结果的网页。 www.bing.com 10. A page titled "Gift Essentials, " currently buried within the jewelry search link, should be highlighted on Blue Nile's home page. 目前,在珠宝搜索的链接下,“埋藏着”一个“选择礼品基本知识”页面,而它应当放在蓝色尼罗河主页的醒目位置上。 hi.baidu.com 1. Download the stress test shell script and a passel of other useful tests at the Linux Test Project home page. 在LinuxTestProject主页下载压力测试shell脚本以及其他一些实用的测试。 www.ibm.com 2. Therefore, you will not be able to assign master pages dynamically to the Home page and will instead work with other pages you have created. 因此,将无法动态地将母版页分配到主页,而是使用其他已创建的页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This page can be reached from the home page of the site by following HTML text links (not pull-downs, login screens, or pop-up windows). 可以通过网站首页的HTML文本链接(而不是下拉式菜单,登录窗口或者弹出式窗口)到达此页面 wenku.baidu.com 4. Open a new tab in your brower, visit the home page of the company in question and change your settings there. 在你的浏览器上打开一个新窗口,访问这个公司的主页并在那里更改你的设置。 www.bing.com 5. As I discuss in the introductory video on the home page of our website , the traditional law firm business model is broken . 我在博客首页的介绍视频里面讲过,传统律师事务所的经营模式以不复存在。 www.bing.com 6. On a story by story basis, you can subscribe and manage comment alerts that are delivered directly to your garage home page and via email. 上一个故事的故事的基础上,您可以订阅和管理评论警报是直接传送到您的车库的主页,并通过电子邮件。 usa.315che.com 7. Plan for your future using the tools in the Career Development section of your Student Home page. 计划为你的未来使用中的工具,职业发展的一节你的学生主页。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The last item is a WHMCS home page template coded in HTML and does not need to be integrated into it. 最后一个项目是WHMCS主页模板的HTML编码,并不需要把它整合。 www.bing.com 9. If you know someone already on Ping, you can search for them by name from the Ping home page. 如果你知道有人已经在萍,你可以寻找他们的名字从平的主页。 wenwen.soso.com 10. So suggest that we get out of the popup site of course is, your own home page. 所以建议大家弄个退出弹,弹出的站点当然是自己的主页了。 www.82g.com.cn 1. As a team grows, parts of the process may get documented on the team's project home page so that new team members can absorb them quickly. 随着团队的发展壮大,流程的部分内容可能在团队的项目主页上做了文档记录,以使新的团队成员能够迅速吸收这些内容。 www.ibm.com 2. You can start the meeting from your dashboard or from the Meetings home page shown in figure 2. 您可以从图2中显示的指示板或从Meetings首页启动会议。 www.ibm.com 3. Support for the client can be acquired through mailing lists which can one can subscribe to via the SQuirrel Client home page. 对于该客户机的支持可通过邮件列表来获取,而每个人都可以通过SQuirrelClient主页订阅这些邮件列表。 www-128.ibm.com 4. You may also click on the "View All" next to Applications in the "My Career Tools" section of your Careers Home page. 你也可以点击你的职业主页“我的职业工具”区域的靠近申请的“浏览所有”键。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I believe the main task is to develop the home page & products, description page. For rest all pages the same theme would follow. 我相信,主要任务是开发和产品的主页,介绍页面。对于其余所有页面的相同主题将随之而来。 www.bing.com 6. You should now be able to return to your iGoogle home page and see the newly added gadget on your page. 现在返回到iGoogle主页,在页面上应该可以看到新添加的这个小工具了。 www.ibm.com 7. Place a button on the navigation bar of your home page that allows users to subscribe to this channel. 在主页的导航栏上放置一个按钮,可让用户订阅此频道。 www.jukuu.com 8. In the reference , we give the detail of the store and table frame of the system and the home page when run this web stage . 在附录中则给出本系统库表结构的详细说明和本网站运行时的主要页面。 wenwen.soso.com 9. In the Address box, type the address of the Web page you want to use as the folder home page, or click Browse to select from a list. 在“地址”框中键入要用作文件夹主页的网页的地址,或单击“浏览”从列表中选择。 office.microsoft.com 10. Because these elements can be inserted on-the-fly into any page, they help preserve the quick, step-by-step path from home page to purchase. 由于这些元素可以动态地插入任何页面,它们能够保持从主页到购买的快速、分步路径。 www.ibm.com 1. Website will be mostly static--home page, about us page, portfolio page, contact page with form, and perhaps 1 or two similar pages more. 网站将主要静态-首页关于我们页,组合页面,联系表单页面,也许1个或两个相似的网页。 www.bing.com 2. Go through your home page first and take out long, multiple thought paragraphs and edit them down to be precise. 那么,你是否也可以看看自己首页上的长篇大论呢?好好想想如何把这些文章改得精简得体以便于访问者阅读。 hi.baidu.com 3. Linda's mother can look at Linda's photos on Daniel's home page or Linda can show her mother her photos when she goes home. 林达的妈妈可以在丹尼尔的网页上看林达的照片,或者林达可以在她回家时把她的照片给妈妈看。 newstar2006.blog.hexun.com 4. The home page of your blog can display either full items or a lead paragraph with a Read More link. 您的blog的主页可以显示完整的条目或一个具有ReadMore链接的段落。 www.ibm.com 5. Also called a welcome page, a home page contains general introductory information, as well as hyperlinks to related resources. 同时也称为欢迎页的主页包含了入门信息,以及与有关资源连接的超级链路。 www2.ccw.com.cn 6. If the first 20 names are primary domain (site), then the home page link the word the competitive often low. 如果前20名都是主域名(站点首页)的连接,那么这个词往往竞争性不低。 www.82g.com.cn 7. You can find links to these pages on the home page of the jQTouch application, as shown in Listing 3. 您可以在jQTouch应用程序的主页上找到与这些页面的链接,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 8. This home page contains Java and random background midi music, please turn on your sound boxes or earphones to enjoy the music. 请用音箱或耳机欣赏本主页的音乐。 www.angelfire.com 9. If your feed is at a publicly accessible URI, you can paste it on the home page and click Check. 如果feed在一个公共可访问的URI上,那么可以将它粘贴到主页上,并单击Check。 www.ibm.com 10. We use our regular home page for our regular visitors , and link to a special made-for-newbies page, for the newbies . 我们使用常规的主页来服务老访客,并且在常规主页上连接到一个特别为新人制作的页面来服务新人。 www.elanso.com 1. It allows you to persist the preferences across user sessions on the Home page server. 它允许您在Homepage服务器的各个会话中保留首选项。 www.ibm.com 2. Then, when I change the user name and password to the correct values and click Login, I'm redirected to the home page shown in Figure 10. 然后修改用户名和密码并单击Login,就会重定向到主页,如图10所示。 www.ibm.com 3. You will find the newest "Quiz" button on the left of your home page after you log on. You can enter the quiz page by clicking this button. 登陆您的个人博客之后可以在首页的左边看到新增加的“问答”按钮。您可以从这里进入问答页面。 my.chinese.cn 4. I also appreciate the developer, Cosla, for adding an option to the home page that encourages you to rate the app 5 stars. 我也要感谢发明者Cosla,她在首页上加上了一个选项,这一选项鼓励你将这一应用程序评定为五星。 www.bing.com 5. " Hamachi is a zero-configuration virtual private networking application" , according to its home page. 根据Hamachi主页上的说法,“Hamachi是一个零配置的虚拟专有网络应用程序”。 www.ibm.com 6. Core product areas like the profile, search, the home page, and groups. 例如简介、搜索、主页以及群组等核心产品领域。 www.fortunechina.com 7. In this case, many webmaster choose custom error page to the greatest possible to guide the flow to match the page, or home page, or pages. 这种情况下,很多站长选择自定义404错误页面来尽最大可能来引导这些流量到对应得页面,或首页、或内页。 www.82g.com.cn 8. Within the site of the chain do, home page and the inside pages connected well site, link structure reasonable, clarity. 把站点内链做精,站点主页和内页做好连接,连接结构合理,清晰明了。 www.82g.com.cn 9. If you scroll down on the SWAT home page, you'll find links to Samba documentation. 如果您向下滚动SWAT主页,将会发现一些Samba文档链接。 www.ibm.com 10. Not too long ago, a client asked me to create a new design for his company's home page. 不久以前,一个客户请我帮他设计一套公司主页。 www.w3pop.com 1. Google is advertising for a new Doodler to create the special designs that celebrate historic figures and events on its home page. 谷歌目前正登广告招募一位新的涂鸦手为其创作设计主页上纪念历史人物和事件的特别图案。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The results, shown in Figure 5, indicate that the most popular page for our sample test plan is the home page. 结果如图5所示,其中表明,对于我们的示例测试计划,最受欢迎的页面是主页。 www.ibm.com 3. You can keep this in your journal, in a pocket notebook, on your personal home page, on your personal wiki, wherever. 你可以保持你的日记本,在记事本上,在您的个人主页,在你的个人维基,只要。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. LikeGoogle's stripped-down home page, the company itself had a bare-bonesaesthetic. 像谷歌光秃秃的首页一样,它的本身也具有简约的魅力。 www.suiniyi.com 5. So far, the example gives us a useful way of creating a computer-readable home page. 至此,示例向我们提供了一种创建计算机可读的主页的有用方法。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Initially, that link pointed to a user-specific profile, but that would break our home page caching. 起初,该链接指向用户特定的配置文件,但这样可能会妨碍我们的主页缓存。 www.ibm.com 7. As you can see, the anchors provide complete links that pass a parameter value to the home page. 正如您所见,作者们提供了完整链接,可将参数值传递给主页。 www.ibm.com 8. Our w3 Home page can have up to ten portlets, resulting in up to ten session contexts per page. 我们的w3主页可以有十个portlet,这就导致每页有十个会话上下文。 www.ibm.com 9. The home page contains a Members portlet that identifies members of the team (as defined by the Team Space creator or moderator). 主页包含Membersportlet,其标识团队的成员(由TeamSpace创建者或管理员定义)。 www.ibm.com 10. Alternatively, view My developerWorks activity through widgets on your home page. 或者,通过主页上的小部件查看MydeveloperWorks活动。 www.ibm.com 1. Instructions for downloading Eclipse can be found by following the Download link on the Eclipse home page. 可从Eclipse主页中的下载链接找到Eclipse下载说明。 www.ibm.com 2. Home page is Ajax based so some times it does not load properly showing latest projects, so remove AJAX or correct it someway. 主页是基于Ajax所以有些时候它不会加载正确显示最新的项目,所以删除AJAX或更正好歹。 www.bing.com 3. That's what viewers expect on each site, and you can already give them an idea on what your website is with your home page. 这就是游览者在每个网站上所期望的,是你已经在首页上所表达的主题。 www.bing.com 4. Each user can customize home page content and layout, thereby leveraging automated data collection with extensive filtered reporting. 每一个用户都可以编辑主页页面内容和布局,因此公布了自动更新的数据。 www.ibm.com 5. You can also post notes on your group's home page, but no guarantee that group members will log in and see them. 您也可以将备忘粘贴到团队的主页上,但是这样不能保证团队的所有成员都会登陆并且能看到。 www.elanso.com 6. The home page displays lists of the five most popular Twitter users under specific tags and includes a link to more information about them. Wefollow的主页按照特定的标签,分别罗列出了各个标签下最受欢迎的5个twitter用户以及他们twitter的链接地址。 www.bing.com 7. That leads to a whole lot of really, really crappy content being highlighted right on the massive AOL home page. 这将会导致在AOL主页上高亮显示许多非常非常垃圾的内容。 dongxi.net 8. In this case, if there is nothing underneath "My Portal" besides our test hierarchy, the first page is the home page. 在本例中,如果除了我们的测试层次结构外,“MyPortal”下面没有任何其他内容,则第一个页面就是主页。 www.ibm.com 9. The Office Marketplace home page lists categories of products and services. “Office市场”主页中列出了产品和服务的类别。 office.microsoft.com 10. To open a Project Home Page for a particular project, click Open and select the project from the list (see Figure 5 and Figure 6). 如果您要为特定的项目打开一个ProjectHomePage,那么点击Open并从列表中选择该项目(图5和图6)。 www.ibm.com 1. You can then consider the old home page also to be an identifying property. 这样也可以把旧主页看作是一种标识属性。 www.ibm.com 2. There are manyreasons why a visitor may take one look at your home page and decide to leave. Errant advertising is a leading cause. 一个访客在看到你的首页第一眼后就决定离开的原因有很多。误导人的广告是一个首要原因。 www.bing.com 3. The News Feed is a stream of information that users see onFacebook's home page; the information is currently filtered by the socialnetwork. 新闻源是用户在脸谱主页上看到的信息流——目前这些信息是被社交网络所屏蔽的。 m.yeeyan.org 4. Sign up for the free Small Business Computing newsletter on the home page. 在主页注册一个免费的商业电脑事实分析。 www.bing.com 5. In my case, I don't believe a media can be effectively managed solely by making decisions for the main editorial or the home page. 在我看来,我不相信一个记者编辑只能决定主要社论和主页内容的媒体能够良好地运作。 www.bing.com 6. the article update of the time want to join baidu keyword and anchor connection it would increase baidu keyword and weight of the home page. 文章更新的时候要加入百度关键词和锚连接,这样会提高百度关键词和首页的权重。 www.82g.com.cn 7. The first page or home page of your site features the most recent posts on your site. 你的站点的首页或者主页拥有你的站点上最新的文章。 www.zzbaike.com 8. Global admin will create groups, and associated storefront with store name, social networking, home page description, banner image. 全球管理员将创建组,并与店名,社交网络,主页介绍,横幅形象店面。 www.bing.com 9. Google has finally added a link to its privacy policy on its home page. 2Google终于在主页上加了个隐私政策的链接了。 www.bing.com 10. When it's ready for public viewing I'll link to it from the project home page, so check there for more information on Zope integration. 当它可以供大家查看时,我会把它链接到本工程的主页,这样您就可以访问,获取更多关于Zope集成的信息。 www.ibm.com 1. Content breadcrumb navigation does not appear when you are on the home page of a site. 内容Breadcrumb导航不会显示在网站的主页上。 office.microsoft.com 2. In the Quick Launch bar on the Home page of your practice site, in the Lists section, click Incentives. 在练习网站主页的“快速启动”栏中,单击“列表”部分中的“激励”。 office.microsoft.com 3. A full listing of all of these and other pattern asset related articles can be found on my home page. 在我的主页上可以找到所有这些模式资产文章和其他相关模式资产文章的完整列表。 www.ibm.com 4. From the home page, you can either start a new search for a product or you can browse the giant list of manufacturers. 从网页上,您就可以开始启动了一个新的搜索某种产品,或者您也可以浏览大名单的厂商。 my.icxo.com 5. You'll find links to the package home page, as well as to in-development builds, in the Resources of this article. 可以在本文的参考资料部分找到该程序包的主页以及正在开发版本的链接。 www.ibm.com 6. The Site Users Web Part automatically appears on the home page of a Document Workspace site. “网站用户Web部件”会自动出现在文档工作区网站的主页中。 office.microsoft.com 7. Tip If possible, use the Outlook View Control on an Outlook folder home page instead of in a Web browser. 提示:如果可能,请在Outlook文件夹主页上使用Outlook视图控件,而不要在Web浏览器中使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Now, I need to make a few modifications to the home page to use the data stored in config. php. 现在,为了使用存储在config.php内的数据,我需要对主页做一些修改。 www.ibm.com 9. Many experts suggest putting a picture of yourself on your home page to add warmth and create a feeling of trust. 许多设计专家建议,在主页中增加自己的照片,增加网站的温馨感、信赖感。 www.w3pop.com 10. Visual XForms Designer: Check out the home page, with links to installation instructions, prerequisites, and the forum. VisualXFormsDesigner:查看该主页,上有到安装指导、先决条件和论坛的链接。 www.ibm.com 1. I'm much more likely to share a single story with friends rather than a news site's home page, so the glowing button seems pointless. 多数情况下,我会与好友分享某篇文章,而很少分享一个新网站的主页,所以按键闪烁似乎没什么意义。 cn.wsj.com 2. Be sure to download the latest and greatest code from the FUSE project home page (see Resources for a link). 一定要从FUSE项目主页下载最新代码(见参考资料中的链接)。 www.ibm.com 3. Link pages must be attached to home page of the site. No orphaned link pages permitted. 链接的网页,必须重视家庭的网页。没有孤立的链接页面允许的。 www.bing.com 4. Also, our internal tests showed that the home page now only takes a few seconds to load. 此外,我们的内部测试表明现在仅需几秒钟就能加载主页。 www.ibm.com 5. Next, you create a simple home page for your application. 接下来,为应用程序创建一个简单的主页。 www.ibm.com 6. The tabs on the top link bar automatically both list the home page and link to it. 顶部链接栏上的选项卡会自动列出主页及主页的链接。 office.microsoft.com 7. A Flash intro is incorporated into the home page and plays in the banner area, avoiding the typical, splash screen, "skip intro" scenario. 首页里包含着一个Flash介绍,并在广告条区域播放,避免了典型的花屏,“跳过”介绍顺序。 forum.chinavisual.com 8. Episteme Links Philosophy Resources on the Internet Erowid Library Subject Index - Philosophy Ethics Updates Home Page. 对哲学研究有用的网上电子资源的简单目录。 www.lib.pku.edu.cn 9. But this introduces confusion between descriptions of the actual home page itself and descriptions of the person. 但这样做混淆了真正的主页自身和这个人的描述。 www.ibm.com 10. Control can be used as a standalone control on a main or home page, or you can use it on a dedicated login page. 控件可用作主页上的独立控件,或者您还可以在专门的登录页上使用它。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. We're looking at getting the home page up ASAP (logo, coming soon etc. . . ) and then the timeframe for the rest is 4 weeks. 我们期待尽快在获得注册主页(徽标,即将推出等等。),然后为休息时间为4周。 www.bing.com 2. Without additional context or background information, users have also been confused by the daily home page images. 如果没有额外的背景知识,“必应”主页上的图片会令用户感到迷惑。 www.bing.com 3. It will have a home page that displays some promotional copy and a form that posts to a database table. 该站点将有一个主页,显示一些宣传文本和一个表单,该表单将发布到数据库表中。 www.ibm.com 4. Does Amazon. com provide one big select field on the home page that displays all of the books it has in stock? 在其主页上提供了显示所有库存图书的选择字段了吗? www.ibm.com 5. Microsoft once tried to move in IE7 " home page " , " refresh " and " stop " pushbutton , but suffered the user resents however. 微软曾经试着在IE7中移动“首页”、“刷新”和“停止”按钮,但却遭到了用户不满。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Up to 10: 30, the home page of Baidu still cannot be visited. 截至10点30分,百度的首页仍然无法访问。 pjprimer.com 7. the home page Can pass any a web page can return to a higher level column page and return to the home page "; " 能通过任何一个网页可以返回上一级栏目页面并逐级返回主页; www.82g.com.cn 8. Keep in mind of course, that these Wordle word cloud images are based on a single day snapshot of the home page, not the entire site. 需要注意的是,这些Wordle文字云是基于主页一天的快照创建的,而不是整个网站。 www.bing.com 9. Casey says Lufthansa is working on additional ways to integrate Affinity Shopper into its websites beyond the home page link. Casey表示,除了网站首页的链接以外,汉莎航空正努力通过其它方式把AffinityShopper融合到其网站的其它地方。 www.bing.com 10. As with the about. html, users can probably get to this information after sufficiently many clicks away from your existing home page. 借助about.html,用户可以通过在现有主页上的多次单击获得此信息。 www.ibm.com 1. Next, you add the code shown in Listing 17 to the home page to display all those followed users. 接下来,将清单17中的代码添加到主页中,用于显示所有那些被追随的用户。 www.ibm.com 2. The tenor of the company's response enraged many netizens in China, and hackers blackened the home page of the company's Web site. 该公司的回应大大激怒了中国的许多网民,甚至有黑客抹黑了该公司网站的首页。 cn.nytimes.com 3. The first page that the buyer sees when logging onto your site is called the "Home Page" or index page. 第一页,买方时看见测井在你的网站是所谓的“主页”或索引页。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. More information about Dungeons & Dragons can be found at the official D&D Home Page. 关于龙与地下城的更多资讯,你可以在其官方网站D&DHomePage中找到。 post.baidu.com 5. This led the city, which lies between San Diego and Los Angeles, to warn people through its website home page to avoid the area. 这导致位于圣地牙哥和洛杉矶之间的城市,在自己的官网上警告民众避免经过此区域。 times.hinet.net 6. To provide the ability to send requests to other domains, the Home page comes with an Ajax proxy. 为了提供将请求发送到其他域的能力,Homepage附带了一个Ajax代理。 www.ibm.com 7. The steps are the same as for the widget you created with Lotus Widget Factory earlier for Home page. 对于先前使用LotusWidgetFactory为Homepage创建的小部件,步骤是一样的。 www.ibm.com 8. It includes a home page, a News site, a Site Directory, and a Search Center with Tabs. 该网站包含一个主页、一个新闻网站、一个网站目录及一个带选项卡的搜索中心。 office.microsoft.com 9. The investigative article was the site's most popular, drawing nearly a third of page views, while the home page drew another third. 这篇调查报道是站内最受欢迎的文章,吸引了将近三分之一的页面浏览量,而主页的浏览量也占到三分之一。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Once at the second step, they'd have to return to the home page, log in again, then re-enter their arrival and departure data. 一旦进入了第二个步骤,他们必须返回首页,重新登录,然后再次输入到达航班和离开航班的数据。 www.bing.com 1. The home page at NYTimes. com and all section fronts will remain free to browse for all users at all times. 在《纽约时报》网站首页和所有文章的前部分,所有用户在任何时间都可以继续免费浏览。 www.bing.com 2. This website cannot find home page on Baidu, I think the anchorage link that also stands with this concerns key, look even if be in cogged . 该网站在百度上找不到首页,我想也和该站的锚链接有关键,一看就是在作弊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. On the home page of the site collection, click Site Actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings. 在网站集的主页上,单击“网站操作”,指向“网站设置”,然后单击“修改所有网站设置”。 office.microsoft.com 4. You can customize your site by changing the images that appear on the home page of your site. 您可以通过更改显示在网站主页上的图像对网站进行自定义。 office.microsoft.com 5. By tapping on the show link to the right of each entry, we launch the home page of each server. 通过轻击每个条目右侧的show链接,就可以启动每个服务器的主页。 www.ibm.com 6. Having brought a customer to the home page, we want to ensure that they stay a while to browse the site. 将客户领入网站,我们需要让他们在这里停留,并浏览网页。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. The NCAR Graphics home page provides a stable UNIX package for drawing contours, maps, surfaces, weather maps, x-y plots, and many others. NCARGraphics主页提供了一个稳定的UNIX包用来绘制轮廓图、地图、表面图、气象图、x-y图以及很多其他图形。 www.ibm.com 8. International Association for Mathematical and Computer Modelling Home Page. 国际数学和计算机建模协会, www.baike.com 9. By providing this value to the incoming home page, I ensure that the home page brings back the correct CSS file on the fly. 通过将此值提供给未来主页,我就确保了该主页能够动态带回正确的CSS文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Little professionalism on your home page keeps your visitor few more seconds. 业余的首页设计,会减少访问者的停留时间。 www.itxuexi.com 1. There should be an area where clients can sign up on the home page (for news letter or equivalent). 应该有一个区域,客户可以在主页上签署新闻信或同等学历)(最多。 www.bing.com 2. Hit the home page: There is always a landing page for each user that comes to the site. 访问主页:始终会有针对访问站点的每个用户的登录页。 www.ibm.com 3. In this walkthrough, you will add a link on the home page that takes users to a login page, and then you will create the login page. 在本演练中,将在主页上添加一个链接以使用户进入登录页,然后创建该登录页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. I was wondering so i again opened my home page (Google) and again my CPU usage went up to 100%. 我还是有点疑惑,于是再次打开浏览器主页(Google),然后发觉CPU占用率又飙升到100%。 www.bing.com 5. Check the fish project home page for availability for your system. 请访问fish项目的主页,了解是否有针对您的系统的二进制版本。 www.ibm.com 6. In the controller, the index method merely reflects the show action with no page identifier, thus rendering the home page. 在该控制器中,index方法仅仅反映没有页面标示符的show操作,从而呈现主页面。 www.ibm.com 7. The home page should showcase artwork and have space for an "offer" which will be changed regularly by the shop owner. 在主页上展示作品,并应为“要约”,这将有所改变,店主经常空间。 www.bing.com 8. Can be used to eliminate the Internet, run the program traces can also be used to restore your Favorites, home page, registry and so on. 可用来消除上网、运行程序的痕迹,也可用来还原收藏夹、主页、注册表等。 www.jisuxz.com 9. If the Tasks list does not appear on the home page, click View All Site Content, and then click Tasks. 如果主页上未显示“任务”,请单击“查看所有网站内容”,然后单击“任务”。 office.microsoft.com 10. The worm also resets your browser's home page to one of four porn sites. 这蠕虫还会把你的浏览器的主页设置成四个色情网站的一个。 wiki.jukuu.com 1. It's linked off the home page, and off the 'event page' for every earthquake we've recorded. 它的链接在主页,在“Eventpage”页面(这个页面用于展示记录到的地震)上也可以找到。 www.bing.com 2. For more information about WebSphere's transaction and persistence features, visit the WebSphere home page. 关于WebSphere的事务处理和持久性特点的更多信息,请访问WebSphere主页。 www.ibm.com 3. Links must be placed on proper PR6 and above web pages, either on home page or internal pages. Page must be linked with Home page. 链接必须放在适当的PR6以上无论是在网页的首页或内页。页必须与首页。 www.bing.com 4. The home page on the desktop, shown in figure 16, has a different layout than on the device. 如图16所示,桌面上的主页提供了不同于设备的页面布局。 www.ibm.com 5. If your blog is integrated into your main website, make sure it is easy to navigate back and forth between the blog and your home page. 如果你的博客与你的主站点是统一的,应保证它很容易反向导航并且在博客和主页前面 www.bing.com 6. Amazon associates could place banner or text links on their site for individual books, or link directly to the Amazon home page. 亚马逊同伙可能发生的横幅或文字链接在其网站上个别书籍,或直接链接到亚马逊主页。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The text you add here is not important; you can type any text that will help you recognize this page as the home page. 在这里添加的文本并不重要,可以键入任何有助于将此页识别为主页的文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. We are looking for an experienced web designer with very high ratings to mockup a design for our new website home page. 我们正在寻找一位经验丰富,具有很高的收视率到实体模型的网页设计师为我们的新网站的主页设计。 www.bing.com 9. This activity requires the execution of several database lookups and therefore significantly delays the loading of the user's home page. 此活动需要执行一些数据库查询操作,因此会造成加载用户主页出现显著延时。 www.ibm.com 10. JSON. org: Visit this home page that also serves as tutorial and specification for this very simple data format. org:访问该主页,它也提供了这种极其简单的数据格式的教程和规范。 www.ibm.com 1. Xing presents users with multiple actions right on their home page, including signing up, taking a tour, or exploring content. Xing在首页的右侧展示了很多可以操作的动作,包括注册,takingatour和查看网站内容。 www.bing.com 2. What are the criteria of a user-friendly home page? 什么是使用友好的首页的标准呢? www.bing.com 3. So I started experimenting with other ways of laying out the home page using shapes, colours and textures. 所以我开始用各种形状、颜色和纹理来以不同方式实验主页的设计。 www.bing.com 4. The user expects to see the new stock in the MarketReport portlet on the Home page. 用户希望在主页的MarketReportportlet中看见新的stock。 www.ibm.com 5. The Ruby home page provides outstanding resources to get you started with the Ruby programming language. Ruby主页提供了优秀的Ruby编程语言入门资料。 www.ibm.com 6. I would require that a link be made back to my home page and also one picture ad be placed anywhere on your site. 我想需要一个链接是回到我的主页,也是一个图片广告放在任何地方在您的网站上。 wenwen.soso.com 7. From the home page of a program, the button causes the program to terminate. 从一个程序的主页,这个按钮将终止程序。 www.cnblogs.com 8. Make internal connections, to ensure that each article must have a corresponding key chain back to the home page. Ensure that no dead links. 做好内部连接,保证每篇文章都要一个相应得关键字链回首页。保证没有死链。 www.82g.com.cn 9. MSNBC will be live streaming the event on its home page and politics section, and visitors can embed the video into their own sites. MSNBC将在主页和政治栏目对活动进行直播,访问者能将视频嵌入个人网站。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Do not spoil them through your home page. Tease. 不要用你的首页来宠溺他们,记住。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The less kilobytes your page uses, the better - especially for the home page. 你的页面占的KB越小越好--特别是首页。 www.cnblogs.com 2. Both products allow the team leader to establish a home page that contains corporate information and links to other sites. 这两个产品允许团队头头建立包含公司信息与其他站点链接的主页。 www.ayste.com 3. To back up your home page or home page set before resetting Internet Explorer defaults, see Back up your home page or home page tabs. 若要在重置InternetExplorer默认设置前备份主页或主页设置,请参阅备份主页或主页选项卡。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 4. Although all shoppers are welcome, this Amazon, he explains, is for business customers and isn't well marked on the home page. 虽说所有顾客都欢迎,但这个亚马逊,他解释道,是面向商业客户的,在主页上并未显著标明。 www.logclub.com 5. If you're even thinking about email, then do something creative like designing a personalized "home page" love letter. 假如你想通过电子邮件,就必须采取一些创造性的工作,例如设计一封个性十足的“主页”情书。 blog.163.com 6. At the same time home page shows photos can be by the user in the server in the background on the basis of the need for replacement. 同时主页所显示的照片可由用户在服务器后台中根据需要进行替换。 www.22826.com 7. That's why all the pages of your site shouldn't be more than five clicks away from your home page. 那就是为什么你网站的所有页面离你的主页不应超过5次点击。 www.domain.cn 8. An alternative approach to generating a home page is to import an HTML home page from your local system. 生成主页的另一种方法是从您的本地系统导入一个HTML主页。 www.ibm.com 9. Since most of the page isn't cached, when a user returns to our home page after visiting it once, the HTML reloads. 由于大部分页面没有被缓存,因此用户再次返回到主页时,必须重新加载HTML。 www.ibm.com 10. Team members log in to the project, navigate from the home page to the review documents and artifacts, and add comments. 团队成员会登录到项目中,从主页中导航以评审文件和工件,并添加评论。 www.ibm.com 1. The clear and unification, station the column Through a web page can enter any any a level 1 columns home page. 主栏目清晰并且全站统一;通过任何一个网页可以进入任何一个一级栏目首页。 www.82g.com.cn 2. Name | blog article place, so modify title of the inside pages after home page, all title also change. 文章名|博客名,所以修改首页标题后,内页的所有标题也随之更改了。 www.82g.com.cn 3. The Approved List should be read in conjunction with the 'Disclaimer' at EMSD Home-page. 认可清单应与本署主页的「免责声明」一并参阅。 www.xxdoc.com 4. About: The About tab displays the ScribeFire home page, which lists news and version update information about ScribeFire. 这个选项卡会显示ScribeFire的主页,列出了ScribeFire的新闻和更新历史。 www.bing.com 5. Navigate to Howard Lewis Ship's home page (that's Tapestry's creator, by the way), and you'll see several files available for download. 请导航到HowardLewisShip的主页(顺便说一下,这是Tapestry的创建者),在上面会看到有几个文件可以下载。 www.ibm.com 6. Facebook does an excellent job of quickly informing new visitors of their purpose right on their home page. Facebook在这个方面做的非常好,新的用户在首页上就能快速了解到网站是做什么的。 www.bing.com 7. Provide links on the home page to customer service, privacy, and company background information. 提供链接的主页上向客户服务,隐私权和公司的背景资料。 www.paidai.com 8. More information on the FHS can be found at the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard home page. 在文件系统层级标准(FilesystemHierarchyStandard)主页上可以找到关于FHS的更多资料。 www.ibm.com 9. Take a look at the home page for screenshots. 有关屏幕快照,请查看它的主页。 www.ibm.com 10. Links on this "home" page point to other PHP pages that encapsulate features. 主页上的链接指向其他PHP页面,那些页面分别提供不同的特性。 www.ibm.com |
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