单词 | half-finished |
释义 | 例句释义: 半成的,半成品的,半加工的,半完成的 1. For a few days I travelled in a lorry along one of the half-finished roads. 我坐在一辆卡车里沿着一条刚修完一半的道路一连走了几天。 www.24en.com 2. It was bought in 1998 from Ukraine, where it had been rusting half-finished since its first launch a decade earlier. 它是中国在1998年从乌克兰买回来的,自它十年前首航后,如今它已是锈迹斑斑的半成品。 club.topsage.com 3. Instead, it appeared to be an archaeological excavation: a $50 million renovation of the 1906 station was half-finished. 事实上车站像个考古挖掘现场,这座建于1906年的火车站正在进行耗资五千万美元的改建。 www.bing.com 4. We were just beginning to care about the customer when we left Gary with a half finished framework! 当我们留给Gary一个完成一半的框架时,我们刚要开始关注客户! www.ibm.com 5. I recently noticed a week - old, half-finished crossword puzzle on my mother's kitchen table. 最近我在我妈妈的灶台上发现了一本上周的还没完成的填字游戏,于是我随手添了几个答案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He was like a drunk with a half-finished bottle in his hand. 它就像手里拎着半瓶酒的酒鬼。 www.bing.com 7. It's very hard to push replacements into a half-finished project, and expect them to meet deadlines and goals. 很难推进一项尚未完工的项目交接工作而且期待他们如期实现目标。 www.bing.com 8. "Robert, " he said, "just start. Starting is half finished. " “罗伯特,”他说,“只要开始就好,开始就意味着完成了一半。” learning.sohu.com 9. The Jeep slides to a halt on the icy road as the driver speaks in rapid Russian, pointing excitedly at a row of half-finished houses. 吉普车滑了一段停在结冰的路面上,司机操着熟练的俄语,兴奋地指着修了一半的房子。 www.elanso.com 10. At the second desk was a half-finished set of Beethoven's symphonies that Czerny was arranging for piano duet for another publisher. 第二张桌子上是完成了一半的贝多芬交响曲,是车尔尼为另一个出版商改编的钢琴二重奏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. 'We don't want there to be half-finished buildings around the community, ' he says. 他说,“我们不希望这里变得到处都是烂尾楼。” www.enfamily.cn 2. But if that means depriving spectators of their half-finished Pepsi as they enter a stadium, the emotions may not be happy ones. 但是,如果观众入场前不得不扔掉他们刚喝了一半的百事可乐,恐怕这种情感交流就不算是什么愉快的经历了。 www.ecocn.org 3. It has been specialized in ferrous metal material, round steel, pipe, and loading, transporting the finished and half-finished products. 它广泛的用于黑色金属板料、圆钢、管料和成品,半成品模具的起吊及转运工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He watches his father then peers through the chain-link fence at the half-finished buildings surrounded by truck loads of cement and steel. 他看着他的父亲,然后通过同行的水泥和钢材的卡车包围的半成品建筑链链接围栏。 www.englishtang.com 5. The sense of something half-finished colours South Korea's diplomacy too. 韩国外交也给抹上这种未完成的感觉。 www.ecocn.org 6. A phalanx of half-finished office and apartment towers flanked by yellow cranes rises above the brown waters of the Jinjiang River. 密密麻麻的在建办公及公寓高楼耸立在黄色起重机的夹持下,下面是锦江河褐色的水面。 www.bing.com 7. The road from the airport is surrounded with half-finished buildings, a sign of the construction boom of recent years. 从机场到市区,沿途满是在建的高楼大厦,体现着近年来西安工程建设的繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Describe the experience of shaping and operation on chemical engineering ceramics and factors which cause defects in half-finished products. 介绍了化工陶瓷产品成型操作经验及此工艺中造成半成品缺陷的诸因素。 www.showxiu.com 9. Lalala, the half-finished scarf TRANSFORMS into a fantasy baby jacket! 当当当,半成品围巾变身为梦幻小外套登场! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. Long - term production sale pigskin level skin, two skins, end product as well as half-finished product. 供应猪皮长期生产销售猪皮头层皮,二层皮,成品以及半成品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Likewise, blocks of half-built luxury flats stand half-finished along the waterfront. 同样,一片片盖到一半的豪华公寓矗立在水边。 www.ecocn.org 2. The deal, with a total value of around RMB100m, involves acquiring the Dalla Pieta brand, design drawings and 13 half-finished yachts. 根据协议内容,此次他买下的主要包括DALLAPIETA品牌、设计图纸及13艘游艇的半成品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Production of goods ready for consumption requires the use of capital goods, that is, of tools and of half-finished material. 消费品的生产需要利用资本品,也就是各种生产工具和半成品。 www.bing.com 4. "I must have read three hundred thousand words by you, " Terry told me when the collection was half finished. “我读你写的文字肯定超过了30万”特里在这本集子完成一半的时候对我这样说。 always.blog.35.cn 5. The result: hundreds of half-finished grey concrete hulks that added hugely to the banking system's bad-loan burden. 结果是:留下成千上百个半拉子灰色的钢筋水泥壳,而这沉重地加大了银行体系不良贷款的负担。 6. Is produces the vinylon carrier coal and other high-level other deactivated charcoal products half-finished products. 是生产维尼纶载体炭及其它高级别用途活性炭产品的半成品。 www.86pla.com 7. The project's art director gave me a half-finished (or perhaps half-started) design for the home page. 项目的艺术总监给了我一份半成品的主页设计。 www.bing.com 8. Ready-mixed Concrete is a kind of half-finished product, its quality control involves the production enterprise and use enterprise. 预拌混凝土是一种半成品,其质量管理涉及到生产企业和施工承包商两个责任主体。 www.fabiao.net 9. Consistency guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state. 一致性保证了数据库事务永远不会处于半完成状态。 www.bugsboard.net 10. RAILWAY MATERIAL IN GENERAL. HALF-FINISHED ADJUSTING BOLTS. 铁路材料梗概.半成品调整螺栓 www.mapeng.net 1. Few vainglorious governors will now want to cut off credit to a half-finished project. 没有几个虚荣心强的省长现在愿意对建设到一半的项目切断信贷。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Big office buildings and apartment complexes sit half-finished. 大的办公楼和公寓群都成了烂尾楼。 bbs.m4.cn 3. The bad weather left the project half finished. 糟糕的天气使工程只完成了一半。 www.5ykj.com 4. USE: The machine is used for the extrusion of half-finished rubber products such as tire tread, inner tube, rim band and rubber tube. 本机用于挤制胎面,内胎,垫带,胶管等橡胶半成品。 www.dlyida.com 5. At the end of 5 days, you determine that the task is half finished, and you mark the task in Project as 50 percent complete. 在5个工作日后,您确定任务已经完成了一半,并在Project中将任务标记为50%完成。 office.microsoft.com 6. They left, with the work half finished. 他们离开了,留下一半工作没做。 www.haszedu.com 7. The bad weather left he project half finished. 坏天气使工程只完成了一半。 fzmlyw.blog.163.com 8. On May 23, people spoke in whispers and left sentences half finished. 5月23日,人们在悄声说话,一半左句子完成。 www.englishtang.com 9. A half-finished book is after all a half-finished love offair. 只看半部书就像刚谈了一半的恋爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. okay, but don't include the half-finished ones---they don't count; we can't sell those. 好吧,但这些半成品不包括在内---它们不算数,我们没法卖那些。 www.bing.com 1. One morning he came home when the lessons were only half finished. 有一天,在课程只上到一半的时候,他又回来了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Most important, the reforms that began in 1991 are half-finished. 最重要的是,始于1991年改革目前还只完成了一半。 www.bing.com 3. The half-finished revolution 未完成的革命 www.bing.com 4. A half finished book is a half finished love affair 一本读了一半的书就像是一段走到半路的恋情 zhidao.baidu.com |
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