单词 | gleeful |
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例句释义: 欢喜的,高兴的,幸灾乐祸的,极高兴的,愉快的,兴奋的 1. daughter trying to cure me by showing me Glee. . guess thats the only way innocence knows to cure all maladies. be gleeful. 女儿想让我舒服些,想着办法逗我开心…我想,这是天真无邪的孩子能想出来的唯一治愈疾病的办法。愉快开心。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Being an ex-victim of this particular human, I had to admit that I was gleeful at her receiving a dosage of her own medicine. 身为这个人的前“受害者”,我必须承认自己为她自食其果而暗暗自喜。 lookingat.passingsights.com 3. Many thought I would be gleeful about Wang Cheng's misfortune. Nothing could be further from the truth. 很多人认为王成的不幸遭遇会证我幸灾乐祸。这根本就是胡说人道。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Gerrard, who trudged from the field to gleeful blue derision that day, later said he was "hurt" . 那天在太妃球迷嘲讽中被换下的杰拉德之后表示他很‘受伤’。 www.jczqw.com 5. And now we have gleeful e-elitism as well, the notion that the conventional product, printed and bound, is a hopeless dinosaur. 现在我们又得面对自鸣得意的的电子精英主义,认为传统形式的印刷装订书籍就像没指望的恐龙。 www.bing.com 6. A pair of playful cubs climbing up a tree. (2) A gleeful thief stealing honey from a beehive. 一对调皮的小熊往树上爬。扬扬得意小偷从蜂窝中偷走蜂蜜。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's funny how none of this information made it into those gleeful reports. 那些幸灾乐祸的报道中没有一个提到这些信息,这可真有意思。 www.bing.com 8. Tom Daschle was the head of the Senate Democrats until his South Dakota seat was taken by gleeful Republicans in 2004. 汤姆?达施勒在他南达科塔州参议员职位被共和党人2004愉快接替时,一直是民主党在参议院的领袖。 www.ecocn.org 9. And Inhofe, that gleeful anarchist, says he is going to Copenhagen to try to sabotage the affair. 可笑的无政府主义者英霍夫说他将会去哥本哈根破坏这次会议。 www.bing.com 10. Its former boss, Ken Lewis, took a certain gleeful pleasure in expressing his lack of interest in banking abroad. 在表示对国际市场缺乏兴趣之时,其前老板肯?刘易斯毫不掩饰他的愉悦。 www.ecocn.org 1. All of a sudden, Alice had a gleeful look in her eye. 忽然,爱丽丝眼中闪现出兴奋的眼神。 www.4apx.com 2. His critics poked such loud and gleeful fun at this image, however, that he eventually omitted it from later editions of his book. 如此想象,甚是有趣。但是最后,他还是在后来的版本里删除了这段。 www.bing.com 3. The gleeful separatists are meanwhile plotting protests against the occupation of vast tracts of Kashmir by the army. 同时,幸灾乐祸的分离主义者也在密谋策划行动抗议军队占据克什米尔的广大区域。 www.ecocn.org 4. She was guilty yet gleeful when she told us that she'd allowed bacon back into her life. 当她告诉我们她要让培根重返自己的生活时,虽然还是有一点负罪感,但绝对是愉快的。 bbs.icxo.com 5. there was a gleeful smile on the babys broad face and open , toothless mouth. 孩子咧着嘴,没有长牙的宽脸上浮起愉快的微笑。 www.ichacha.net 6. "The Castle in the Forest" is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this satanic conceit. 《林中城堡》是一本令人愉悦的观点大杂烩,以这种邪恶怪诞的想法拼凑在一起。 www.ecocn.org 7. Three Asian actresses transcend professional rivalry in one gleeful act of solidarity. 三名亚洲女演员通过对一个小品的相同表演表现出超专业水准的竞争场面。 www.zjol.com.cn 8. Online traffic spikes as Web users hunt for the images with gleeful schadenfreude. 当网友们愉快并幸灾乐祸地搜索图片时,网络交通堵塞。 dongxi.net 9. This time the gleeful Democrats led the applause. 这次是民主党人的掌声占了上风。 www.bing.com 10. One of my favorite pics from childhood is me playing Uno with my mom. I have a gleeful smile on my face. 在我最喜欢的儿时照片中就有一张是我和我妈妈玩“联合国”的画面,我当时愉快地微笑着。 www.elanso.com 1. Yet the media show pictures of gleeful farmers buying televisions and fridges . 但是,媒体却登出了笑逐颜开的农民们购买电视机和电冰箱的照片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. forward to exchange gleeful looks; a few thumped the table with their fists. The giant. 很多人倾斜向前表现出愉快的样子;甚至有些人用拳头敲打桌子。。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He was well stirred up now; cheerful, even gleeful . 这时他激动起来,神采奕奕,兴高采烈。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Girls of all ages, rosy from the air, and bubbling over with that gleeful excitement that comes from running to school, hurried, skipped. 一群不同年龄的女孩子匆匆忙忙连蹦带跳地一溜小跑去上学,一张张被寒风吹得红红的脸,却抑制不住她们兴高采烈的激情。 5. There was an eruption of jeering laughter from around the table. Many leaned forward to exchange gleeful looks; 桌子周围爆发出了一阵嘲笑声,很多人相互交换了愉快的眼神,还有几个人用拳头捶打着桌子。 www.voice-english.com 6. If you receive a gift, don't rip off the paper with a gleeful smile; 如果你接受他们的礼物,不要傻笑着马上撕开礼物的包装; haohaohb.blog.edu.cn 7. For their part, Democrats, gleeful that their president enjoys a double-digit poll lead over Mr Romney on foreign policy 而对于民主党人来说,他们偷乐自家总统在外交政策方面的支持率以两位数的优势领先罗姆尼 www.ecocn.org |
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