单词 | human dignity | ||||||||||||||
释义 | human dignity
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 人的尊严,人性尊严,人格尊严 1. This lack contributes to two million child deaths a year, reduces school attendance, and is a fundamental deprivation of human dignity. 这两大因素致使全世界每年200万儿童丧命,降低了入学率,同时也成为剥夺人类尊严的根本因素。 web.worldbank.org 2. Nor can this line of thinking be said to be inconsistent with the human dignity of the child or to negate its right of existence. 这一思维路线也不能被认为是与婴儿的人之尊严相违背的,或者是取消了它的生存权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He said he committed what he described as an error against human dignity but denied having committed a crime. 他说,他承认他所描述的事情是错误的,践踏人类尊严的,而否认自己曾经犯罪。 club.topsage.com 4. and to see that the principles of justice and human dignity are upheld by all. 并确保各方都能秉持公正和人类尊严的原则。 www.okread.net 5. With masonry exploding around him, he made his unimaginably courageous stand for human dignity. 在周围飞沙走石的爆炸声中,他以难以想象的勇敢行为维护了人类的尊严。 www.scutde.net 6. As for the property of Human Dignity, it is not a sort of idiographic constitutional rights, and it is not a principle as the equality. 就其性质而言,它不是一项具体的基本权利,它与其他基本权利的关系也不完全类同于平等权与其他基本权利之间的关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At the national level, the socioeconomic conditions would be characterized by a degradation of the very essence of human dignity . 就一个国家来说,其社会--经济状况的恶化表现为人类尊严本质的堕落。 www.jukuu.com 8. The declaration states that any act of torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is an offence to human dignity. 宣言声明任何酷刑或其他残忍的,非人道的或侮辱人格的待遇或刑罚都是对人类尊严的一种侵犯。 9. In class management, we have to respect the student's personality, there cannot be degrading to human dignity in the discourse of students. 在班级管理中,我们一定要尊重学生的人格,不能有有辱学生人格尊严的话语。 guizhou.guopei.teacher.com.cn 10. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. 他们既不出售任何东西,也不需要从别人那儿得到任何东西,在追求独立自由的同时,他们并不牺牲为人的尊严。 www.24en.com 1. Best human life is human dignity, plus love, a heroine of the novel's ending is such a living arrangement. 人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱,小说的结局给女主人公安排的就是这样一种生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Human dignity insisted on the right to walk, a rhythm not extorted from the body by command or terror. 人类的尊严强烈要求步行的权利,一种身体不被命令或恐怖逼迫时产生的韵律。 www.bing.com 3. Portrait of the right to its citizens is directly related to human dignity and social assessment. 肖像权它直接关系到公民的人格尊严和社会评价。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. They demand to be treated with basic human dignity just as they are. 正如他们生之为人一样,他们渴望被待以基本的做人的尊严。 www.ecocn.org 5. Across the globe, there is an awakening of ethical issues, especially concerning environmental protection, human dignity, and human rights. 整个世界上,对伦理问题的认识正日益苏醒,尤其是涉及环境保护、人类尊严和人权的问题。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The chants for justice, liberty, and human dignity reveal the depth of Egyptians' discontent, and their aspiration for a democratic system. 要求公平、自由和尊严的呼声揭示出埃及人的不满到底有多深,以及他们多么渴望有一个民主体制。 sillion.blog.163.com 7. Hence, democratization must be accompanied by sustained efforts to further the cause of human dignity and freedom. 因此,搞民主化的同时必须不断努力推进促进人类尊严和自由的事业。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This could be due to a tradition of an American respect for human dignity, which I immediately imbibed. 这可能是由于美国有尊重人的尊严的传统,而我立即吸收了这种理念。 www.bing.com 9. Sacrifice dignity In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. 在追求独立自由的同时,他们并不牺牲为人的尊严。 www.xycai.com 10. To defend human dignity, to win the war, people must be for the glory and survival The war. 为了捍卫人类的尊严,为了赢得战争的胜利,人们必须为了荣耀和生存而战。 www.leewiart.com 1. I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity. 《拒绝仇恨》:一名加沙医生追求和平与人性尊严之路 www.ecocn.org 2. Finally, decent work provides social security and is carried out in conditions of freedom and human dignity. 最后一点,“可敬的工作”提供给人们社会安全感,工作是在一个自由和人人平等的环境中进行的。 www.bing.com 3. To worried about fame and authority, at the expense of human dignity and freedom, end of life to pay the price! 为了牵挂名利和职权,不惜牺牲人的尊严和自由,到头来付出的是生命的代价! blog.wtojob.com 4. As the cornerstone of the tragic spirit, independent will manifests human dignity in serious conflict and confrontation. 独立意志是悲剧精神的基石,它在激烈的冲突和对立中凸显出人的尊严; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mencius encouraged the expression of compassion , humanity and human dignity to make for a truly " human " society . 孟子鼓励人们要有恻隐之心,并且提倡仁爱和人的尊严,以创造一个真正的“人”的社会。 www.bing.com 6. A person's wages are high, but there is no sense of security, lack of respect, lack of human dignity, there is no happiness. 一个人的工资高,但没有安全感,没有尊重,缺少人格尊严,没有幸福感。 www.1363.cn 7. But the little girl pure and innocent words but bump hurt people's hearts, let people before dying back the human dignity and power. 但小女孩纯真无邪的话语却撞痛了人们的心,让人们在死亡之前找回了人性的尊严和力量。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Anna tragic failure of the pursuit of love praise, the pursuit of human freedom, happiness and human dignity of the great moral. 并通过描写安娜追求爱情失败的悲剧赞美了人类追求自由,幸福和人性尊严的伟大品德。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. In seeking independence , they do not sacrifice their human dignity. 在追求独立自由的同时,他们并不兴盛为人的尊严。 eblog.cersp.com 10. Labor is both a basis of human dignity and the evolution of human civilization and a basis of the process of human sacralization . 劳动是人类文明进化和人的尊严的基础,也是人的“神圣化”过程的基础。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The name stands for Justice, Equality, Human dignity, and Tolerance. (基金会的名字JEHT代表着正义、平等、人类尊严和宽容)。 www.bing.com 2. Therefore, human dignity, equal treatment and protection of human rights constitute the rural social security and constitutionalism. 因此,人格尊严、平等对待、人权保障共同构成我国农村社会保障的宪政基础。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Xiaoying still is apathetic, goggle at eye is looking at mom and that man, decision with silent him delegate final human dignity. 小英仍是无动于衷,瞪着眼睛望着妈妈和那个男士,决定以沉默代表自己最后的人性尊严。 www.showxiu.com 4. The existence of moral laws and the pursuit of the related moral responsibility is the embodiment of human dignity. 道德法则的存在以及相应的道德责任的追究是人的尊严的体现。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. It discovered human dignity, within religion, and embodied it in huge, elongated, hieratic kings and prophets. 在宗教里,它发现了人的尊严,并且以创作形体上巨大拉长的神职领袖和先知的表现出来。 www.bing.com 6. The approach that was followed while distributing relief, human dignity was always put at the center. 在发放过程中,人的尊严始终被摆在最重要的位置。 www.greengrants.org.cn 7. Rather, The Edge of Life seeks to address a number of disputed contemporary questions touching upon human dignity. 甚至,生命的边缘一书还试图论述一些当代存在争议的问题,简单涉及人类的尊严。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mr Cameron is now rehearsing the language of human dignity and political pluralism. 现在,卡梅伦在排练人类尊严和政治多元化之类的语言。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. 人类对水是不可或缺的领导在人的尊严的生活。 translate.google.cn 10. Now, the celebrations that we've seen in the streets of Libya shows that the pursuit of human dignity is far stronger than any dictator. 现在,我们所看到的利比亚街头的庆祝场景表明,对人的尊严的追求远远超过任何独裁者的力量。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. In the last analysis, Capitalism destroys nature, human race and human dignity. 归根到底,资本主义破坏了自然,人类种族和人类尊严。 www.ltaaa.com 2. And in Europe we are strengthening enduring bonds that are rooted in shared commitments to freedom, democracy and human dignity. 在欧洲,我们加强紧密合作,因为我们有着共同的使命,向着自由、民主、人类尊严而奋斗。 www.ecocn.org 3. McCarey was concerned with the battles that had yet to be fought for human dignity, after World War II was won. 二战结束后,他同样十分关注那些仍为捍卫人格尊严而继续的斗争。 www.douban.com 4. Pope Benedict has said that the World's failure to assure everybody's right to food is a violation of human dignity. 罗马教皇本笃十六世说过,无法保障每个人享有食物的权力是对人类尊严的一种侵犯。 www.hjbbs.com 5. Karl Marx's achievement was to claim "human dignity" for the left. 卡尔-马克思(KarlMarx)的成就在于宣称左派代表了“人的尊严”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Professor Josephine Ho and her struggle most fully deserve the support and respect from all those who care about human dignity and grace. 何春蕤教授和她的努力值得关心人类尊严和美德的人全力支持与尊敬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Human dignity and rights are the consecrated and inviolable gift of creator to mankind . 人类的尊严与权利是造物主所授予神圣不可侵犯的礼物。 www.showxiu.com 8. The main goal of humanities is to develop human nature and perfect human dignity. 人文学科的主要目标是发展人性完善人格。 www.dictall.com 9. "Innocent human dignity and less rhetoric, the public will be neat, every war must grams" (from "LUI Bo Han Chuan" ). 他“为人清白而有威严,少言辞,将众整齐,每战必克”(摘自《后汉书吕布传》)。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. For America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity. 美国永远站在自由和人类尊严一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Its first article declares that "human dignity shall be inviolable " . 它的第一条宣称“人类的尊严是不容亵渎的”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ours is the cause of human dignity: freedom guided by conscience, and guarded by peace. 我们的使命就是维护人的尊严,维护良知引导与和平守卫的自由。 www.hjenglish.com 3. It is a Godly prescription for self-reassurance and self-control, for maintenance of human dignity and freedom, for victory and peace. 斋戒是一项主命,报偿是获得内心安宁和自我克制,维护人类的尊严和自由,获得胜利与和平。 www.bing.com 4. The clone counteracts in the human dignity, will cause to create one new slavery the condition. 克隆人有悖于人类尊严,将导致重新创造出一种新的奴隶制的条件。 wenku.baidu.com 5. They must struggle against their circumstances to acquire the basics of survival and human dignity. 他们必须在这样的环境下进行斗争来获得基本的生存权和尊严。 www.bing.com 6. Lack of sanitation is a serious health risk and an affront to human dignity. 卫生条件的缺乏不仅是一种严重的卫生风险,也是一种对人类尊严的损害。 www.who.int 7. Defend and enhance human dignity through improving basic health conditions. 在维护人类健康行动中实现人类尊严。 www.aids-check.com 8. And if there is a fundamental violation of our human dignity that we would all say is horrific it's slavery. 如果有什么东西从根本上侵犯了人类的尊严,那真是十分可怕,而这东西,就是奴隶制。 www.ted.com 9. Please remember that the self-esteem and human dignity of Chinese girls are priceless. 请你记住,中国姑娘自尊和人格是无价的 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In such cases, the protected interest is not necessarily proprietary or commercial. It is human dignity. 在这些情况下,受保护的未必是所有权或商业性利益,而是人的尊严。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. He added that "his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. " 他还补充道“他的死应该受到所有信仰和平与人性尊严的人们的欢呼。” www.bing.com 2. Life, bodily or mental integrity, human dignity and liberty enjoy the most extensive protection. 生命、身体或精神上的完整性,人的尊严和人身自由享受最广泛的保护。 ielaw.com.cn 3. She saw that human dignity in fact resides in independence, individuality, self-determination. 她认为,人的尊严实际上植根于独立、个性和自主。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Therefore, human dignity has three connotations: universal legislation, human-orientedness and the self-disciple of human will. 所以,人的尊严有三个方面的内容:即普遍立法,人是目的和意志自律。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Employment must be central. It not only sustains demand, but supports human dignity. 我们必须将就业置于中心地位,因为它不仅维持着需求,也维持着人的尊严。 www.putclub.com 6. We give them the love of justice--the bulwark against violence and oppression, and the repository of human dignity. 我们要教给他们对正义的热爱---正义是暴利和压迫的防洪提,是人类尊严的源泉。 www.bing.com 7. But how does biotechnological progress imperil human dignity? 但是生物技术进步怎么能威胁人的尊严呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "[It] made Mr Li believe that money was somehow a . . . marker of human dignity, " it said. “(这)让李嘉诚相信,金钱多少可以塑造人的尊严,”文章称。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Olympic aims to enhance the harmonious of man and promotes a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. 奥林匹克的目的是强调人性的和谐发展和在尊重个人特性的情况下达到世界和平。 hi.baidu.com 10. We reassert the universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity. 我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。 www.hjenglish.com 1. These great masses will have turned their backs on the grave insult to human dignity. 这些伟大的民众将抛弃侮辱人性尊严的黑暗之举。 www.1stenglish.com 2. So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. 所以他的死,是会为那些信仰和平及人类尊严的人们所接受的。 www.ecocn.org 3. These are steps that the United States will take to improve prosperity, security, and human dignity in the Asia Pacific. 这些都是美国为进一步促进亚太地区的繁荣、安全和人类尊严将采取的步骤。 www.hxen.com 4. Article 30 The human dignity of Macao residents shall be inviolable. 第三十条澳门居民的人格尊严不受侵犯。 www.bing.com 5. He urged all members of society to ensure the right to food, the non-fulfillment of which is a violation of human dignity. 他敦促所有社会成员确保食物权,如果不能实现这一点便是对人类尊严的一种侵犯。 www.fao.org 6. Theologians contend that to clone a human would violate human dignity. 神学家们认为克隆人类将有损人类的尊严。 www.tingclass.net 7. Not surprised. Russia and China are oppresive regimes with total disregard for human dignity and rights. 我对此并不惊讶。俄罗斯和中国都是完全忽视人权的残酷的政权。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Human dignity" , she writes, "requires the love of ideals for their own sake, but nothing requires that the love will be requited. " “人的尊严,”她写道,“要求为理想而热爱理想,但是这种理想之爱并不一定需要回报。” www.ecocn.org 9. The Palestinian cause is the cause of human dignity. 巴勒斯坦的问题是人类尊严的问题。 www.bing.com 10. Only a truly free person has human dignity. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。 www.hxen.com 1. Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law. 这一制度的理论基础是人性尊严和正当法律程序。 lib.cqvip.com 2. And what we're facing in Africa is an unprecedented threat to human dignity and equality. 在非洲,人性的尊严,平等的理念,面对着前所未有的威胁。 www.ted.com 3. Not just the absence of pleasure: absence of human dignity. 不仅仅是快感的阙如:人类尊严的阙如。 www.bing.com 4. Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity. 自由是人类尊严不可辩驳的要求。 www.america.gov 5. Whatever happens, we must not lose our human dignity. 无论发生什么事情,我们都不能失去人的尊严。 www.ycxy.com 6. In 2008, the disaster and make us understand what call love, what is called human dignity, courage, what is condensed stand. 灾难和悲痛让我们读懂了什么叫人间大爱,什么叫尊严勇气,什么叫凝聚挺立。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Our commitment to human dignity includes support for development, which is why we will fight poverty and corruption. 我们对人类尊严的承诺包括支持发展,这就是我们要与贫困和腐败作斗争的原因。 www.china.org.cn 8. The sociologist holds that reproductive technologies such as cloning are prone to violate human dignity. 这位社会学家认为像克隆一类的生殖技术容易触犯人的尊严。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. The value of the nature of criminal justice lies in respect for human dignity and the attention to the human right. 刑事司法的价值本质在于对人格尊严的尊重,对人应有权利的关注。 10. Ourcommitment to human dignity includes support for development, which is why wewill fight poverty and corruption. 对人类尊严的承诺包括支持发展,这就是我们抵制贫穷和腐败的原因。 www.bing.com 1. But i have as sportsmen still my human dignity! 但是我保留了一名运动员做人的尊严! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ourcommitment to human dignity includes support for development, which is why wewill fight poverty and corruption. 对人类尊严的承诺包括支持发展,这就是我们抵制贫穷和腐败的原因。 www.bing.com 3. What does he say about human dignity? 他会怎样表达对于人类的尊重? en.yeeyan.com 4. Benevolent love the idea, to a certain extent, confirmed the human dignity and human values, which at that time is an improvement. 仁者爱人的主张,在一定程度上肯定了人的尊严和人的价值,这在当时是进步的。 www.cutpic.cn 5. i ' ll represent human dignity , and they ' ll give me hell. 我要显示出人类的尊严,他们就会叫我吃苦头。 www.ichacha.net 6. If we draw on that spirit anew, we can build a world of greater peace, prosperity, and human dignity. 如果我们带着这样的意志,重新启航,那么我们就可以建立一个更加和平、繁荣及人类更有尊严的世界。 www.bing.com 7. The legal principle analysis mainly involves the equal right to subsistence, the human dignity, and the equal right to development; 法理解析方面主要从平等生存权、人的尊严、平等发展权三个维度依次展开; www.fabiao.net 8. "righteousness" , which emphasizes the "self-fulfillment" of human dignity, is a necessary pass to build up the contemporary core values; “义”所强调的主体人格的“自我完成”是践行当代核心价值观的必要途径; www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. Probe into the Relationship Between the Human Cloning Technology and Human Dignity 克隆人技术与人的尊严探析 scholar.ilib.cn 10. where the human dignity or personal freedom of a consumer has been violated; or 侵害消费者人格尊严或者侵犯消费者人身自由的; www.putclub.com 1. Human Dignity: Re-positioning of the Enlightenment Movement--Chinese Cultural Changes in the Process of Globalization and Modernization 人的尊严:启蒙运动的重新定位--世界化现代化进程中的中国文化变迁 service.ilib.cn 2. For America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity. (Applause. ) 因为美国必须一如既往站在自由和人类尊严的一边。 www.hjenglish.com 3. On Fichte's Concept of Moral Religion and Human Dignity 费希特的道德宗教观与人性尊严 service.ilib.cn 4. The Characteristics of Human Dignity and Its Interrelation with Social Progress 人格尊严的特征及其与社会进步的关系 www.ilib.cn 5. The Relation between Senior Middle School Students'Self- control Ability in Mathematics Course and Five Human Dignity Factors 高中生数学学科自我监控能力和五大人格因素的相关研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Cruel, Inhuman and Human Dignity Insulting Treatment or Punishment: Clear Distinction of Several Concepts 残忍、不人道和有辱人格的待遇或处罚:几组概念的辨明 www.ilib.cn 7. Strengthening the Education in Honesty and Credibility and Promoting the Human Dignity of theUniversity Students 加强诚信教育提升大学生的社会人格 ilib.cn 8. To humiliate the human dignity of a prisoner; 侮辱罪犯的人格; cq.netsh.com 9. The Human Dignity in Business and Its legal Protection 商事人格权及其法律保护 service.ilib.cn 10. Human Dignity of Labourers and Relief- providing of the Constitution 劳动者的人格尊严权及其宪法救济 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Legal Protection of the Human Dignity Rights of Public Figures 浅议公众人物人格权的法律保障 www.ilib.cn 2. A judge should respect the human dignity of the parties and other participants, and should: 第三十二条法官应当尊重当事人和其他诉讼参与人的人格尊严,并做到: www.bing.com 3. Study for the Definition and Compensation of Infringement Act on Human Dignity 人格侵权行为认定及赔偿探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. A Tentative Discussion of Union Leaders'Human Dignity Force in Colleges and Universities 试析高校工会干部的人格力量 www.ilib.cn 5. favorable for citizen's human dignity and making people avoid spiritual suffering ; 有利于维护公民的人格尊严,使其免受精神痛苦; www.fabiao.net 6. Creative Education and the Establishment of Contemporary Ideal Human Dignity 创新教育与当代理想人格的构建 www.ilib.cn 7. A School or a Teacher's Violation of Students' Right of Human Dignity and its Legal Responsibility 学校、教师侵犯学生的人格权及其法律责任 www.ilib.cn 8. Water: Moral Symbol of the Confucianists'Ideal Human Dignity in the pre-Qin Days 水:先秦儒家理想人格的道德象征 ilib.cn 9. On Beauty of Human Nature and of Human Dignity in Law 法的人性美、人格美初论 www.ilib.cn 10. On the Principle of Law of Guarantee Human Dignity 论人性尊严保障原则 service.ilib.cn 1. human dignity, national customs and habits are respected; 人格尊严、民族风俗习惯得到尊重; www.qiyeku.com 2. On the Ethic Value and Constitutional Significance of Human Dignity 论人性尊严的伦理价值及其宪法意义 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Respect for Human Dignity: An Important Principle in Media Ethics 尊重人格尊严:新闻职业操守的重要规范 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Brief Discussion on the Right of General Human Dignity 简论一般人格权 www.ilib.cn 5. About Human Clone Technology and Human Dignity 克隆人技术与人类尊严 www.ilib.cn 6. Human Dignity and State Compensation 国家赔偿与人格尊严 service.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Human Dignity by Jurisprudence 关于人格尊严的法理学分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Spirit of Xiang Chu Culture and Cultivation of Human Dignity 湘楚文化精神与道德人格培养 service.ilib.cn 9. thirdly, it is the basic way to make middle school students competent personnel with perfect human dignity; 其次,开展中学生诚信教育是时代与现实的要求,是培养合格人才的需要; www.fabiao.net 10. Human Dignity in Confucianism: Toward a Balanced View of Rights and Duty 儒学中的人格尊严观念:权利与责任的平衡 www.baike.com 1. Rule of Public Law and Protection of Human Dignity 公法之治与人格尊严之保障 www.ilib.cn 2. Human dignity is the patron saint of fortune 人格是命运的保护神 www.ilib.cn 3. The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity 出版了《象人:对人类尊严的研究》 zh.wikipedia.org 4. On Ji- Kang's View on the Realm of Human Dignity 嵇康的人格境界观研究 beta.ilib.cn 5. On the Social Ethics and Human Dignity Expressed in China's Ancient Aesthetics 论中国古代美学中的社会美与人格美 www.ilib.cn |
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