单词 | just watch |
释义 |
例句释义: 看着吧,看我的,看著吧 1. You just watch the way he rolls up his sleeves and you can see how much he cares about the way he looks, but not too much. 只要看看他卷起袖口的方式就知道他多么不在意自己的穿着,当然这一切也是有个度的。 shandong.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Just watch out, if your co-workers notice you getting good at it they're likely to start asking for to help with theirs! 等着瞧,如果你的同事注意到你的幻灯片开始变好,他们很可能会开始请你帮帮他们改进一下自己的片子! www.bing.com 3. A pair of Fendi sunglasses gives you instant star status! Just watch out for the paparazzi . 一副芬迪太阳眼镜,立即提升你的明星形态!你只需要留意狗仔队的追寻! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I picked up my granddaughter and said, "Well, Mark, you just watch. " I hugged her and walked all around the great room. 我接过孙女说:“好吧,马克,你就等着瞧吧。”我抱着她在宽敞的屋子里到处溜达。 www.bfs.com.cn 5. Again, just watch the video and decide for yourself whether to be skeptical or amazed at this point. 总之,究竟要赞赏还是质疑,请您亲眼看看这个视频,再行定夺。 www.bing.com 6. To get a better sense of what's happening in Ohio, don't just watch the state vote totals. Watch a few key counties. 为了更好的理解俄亥俄州将要发生的情况,我们不应只关注该州总的投票情况,还应关注几个重点郡。 www.putclub.com 7. well, you needn't worry, you can ask native people there to help you and you can just watch carefully and try to do what they do. 实际上并不用担心,你可以寻求当地人的帮助,只需要仔细观察他们,然后跟着他们做就行了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Just watch an episode of the British comedy series 'The Office' to get my drift. 看一集英国喜剧《办公室》(TheOffice),你就能明白我的意思了。 www.cn.wsj.com 9. We don't go out to the cinema very often, so I tend to just watch them on TV. The best one I've seen recently was The Hangover. 我一般不去电影院看电影,我一般只在家看电视。我最近觉得比较好的是宿醉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I just watch the dark with shaking hard. 昨天?今天?明天?后天也是……我只能在一直摇晃中凝视黑暗… pitaten.blog.edu.cn 1. I'm going to be the top of our class, just watch! ---We'll see about that! 我要成为班上的第一名,等着瞧吧!---我们就走着瞧! www.hxen.com 2. I just watch nothing in the dark. I just watch the end of dark world. 只有什么也看不见的黑暗……只有凝视着那无限黑暗世界的的尽头… www.blog.edu.cn 3. Just watch. Just by watching at my face right now u guys are going into some charity. 只要看着我的脸你们就要投身慈善事业了 wenku.baidu.com 4. A: So you are saying that I should eat, but I should just watch what I eat? 你是说我应该吃东西,但是应该小心选择食品? bbs.i21st.cn 5. Get a bunch of kids together for a robotics challenge and just watch the really cool things that happen. 当你找来一群孩子,让他们试着开发一项研究机器人技术,你会看到很酷的事情发生。 www.forbeschina.com 6. Don't be such a stick in the mud. Just watch it with me. 别像个倔驴一样,跟我看电影。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. While some prefer just to take a stroll along the cobbled pavements, others sit, meet friends and family and just watch the world go by. 一些人喜欢沿着铺满鹅卵石的街道散步,一些人坐在那里会见朋友,还有一些人喜欢坐在那里静静地欣赏眼前的人间美景。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Let's skip the beginning and just watch the end of this movie. 我们跳过开头,直接看这部电影的结局吧。 www.360abc.com 9. CHRIS: Just watch for mistakes. And promise you won't laugh at me. 克丽丝:只是看看有什么错误。而且你要答应不笑话我。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A tangy sweet fruit, great on a nice warm fall day. Just watch out for the seeds, they are rock hard. 好吃的甜美果实,在秋天凉爽的天气食用更加美味。不过要小心种子,它们可是很硬的。 babyish.wikia.com 1. Ifyou don't believe what I said, just watch it by yourself. and then you will know I am right. 如果你不相信我的话,就请亲自看看,到那时你就知道我说的没错。 www.enbaike.cn 2. They're still fun, loveable, and still do massive ammounts of damage to the Terran infantry - just watch out for tanks. 它们还是很好玩,很可爱(=0=),而且仍然能对人类步兵造成巨大伤害——小心坦克就好。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Just watch "wandering students" who left the group however your expressive reading meant they got involved again. 要关注“走神”的孩子,不过你富有表情的朗读又吸引了孩子。 www.qdedu.net 4. The fact is China just keeps doing better and better and we would be wise to acknowledge how they are opening up and just watch ! 事实上中国现在正日新月异,而我们聪明的话就知道他们是如何搞改革开放的,等着瞧吧! xinu.jinbushe.org 5. Recycling volunteer, Lu Liutong: It's boring staying home and I just watch TV. But coming here time flies by quickly. 在家里无聊啦,只是看电视,但是来这里时间过比较快。 www.newdaai.tv 6. Saleswoman: Sure. Just watch out for the flash. 营业员说当然没问题,只要当心闪光灯Justwatchoutfortheflash。 big5.cri.cn 7. Huh! He's not so big. I can be as big as he is. Just watch! 他不是那么大。我能和他一样大。 www.ebigear.com 8. You will show respect to your loved ones and learn to handle conflicts better if you just watch what you are saying. 如果你注意自己所说的话,你将对自己所爱的人表现出尊重,并学会更好地处理矛盾。 www.bing.com 9. no it won't ! China is running out of water, NOW, inflation is out of control, and the world together can defeat China easily. Just watch ! 不,那不可能变成现实。中国现在正经历严重旱灾,通货膨胀失去控制。而且全世界携手可以轻而易举的打败中国。等着瞧吧。 www.tianya.cn 10. Maybe I'll just watch the news on television and go to bed early. 也许我只看一会电视新闻然后早点睡觉。 rrting.com 1. Call your life guard ! Look, whatever it is, we'll deal with it together. - We will. Now, let's just watch the movie. 叫你的救生员吧!不管怎样,我们都一起来解决。-是的,好,现在我们看电影吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Others just watch, read, or listen to the same story over and over and grow less likely every month to meet with anything new. 而有些人却只是一遍又一扁的观看、阅读或聆听同一个故事,几乎每个月也接触不到什么新的事物。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. There's still nothing much to do here, just watch TV or help with chores. 在这里仍然无事可做,除了看电视和帮忙做家务。 www.bing.com 4. Just watch your back, Commander. Things go bad on this mission, you're next on their chopping block. 少校,你也要小心点,如果这次任务出差错,下一个被他们推上断头台的就是你了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Aunt Tung: (shouts) You oldie ! Don't just watch there! Come to help! 童妈:(大吼)你这个老头!别光在那看!过来帮忙呀! www.showxiu.com 6. Just watch out for free trials that require a credit card. 注意需要信用卡的免费尝试。 www.bing.com 7. Then the next step is to drop all practice, and just watch what is happening. 下一步是放下所有的练习,只是观察会发生什么。 www2.tianyablog.com 8. Just watch out for ledges and other ninjas because they will knock you off and send you to your doom! 仅仅是要小心壁架和其他忍者,因为他们会击倒你,送你走上黄泉路! www.bing.com 9. In the same way, try sitting very quietly without fidgeting, without moving your hands or even your toes, and just watch your mind. 同样的,你也可以试试非常安静地坐着,没有烦躁不安,不要移动双脚,而只是觉察心念。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 10. We can't just watch it drift off course and say goodbye to all that work and money. 我们不能眼睁睁的看着它沉睡然后和所有的工作和花费说再见。 www.douban.com 1. The best way to waste your life is just by taking notes, the easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. 浪费生命的最佳方式——记录,逃避生活最轻松的方式——旁观。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Here is our very first patient, out of intensive care, and just watch that chair, all right. 这是我们的第一位病人,刚从重症监护室里出来,看看那张椅子,好吗。 www.ted.com 3. Driver: Just watch for the big arch and all the trees. Get off the bus when we get there. 司机:留心看一个大拱门和周围的绿树。车到后就下车。 lib.cqust.cn 4. Just watch as this fine Yorkshire Terrier art becomes the topic of conversation for everyone that sees them. 只要看着这个好约克夏艺术成为大家交谈的话题,看到他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I told myself I'd just watch until she was in the church, yet couldn't pull myself away. 我跟我自己说我看到她在教堂为止,但是我却不能放弃。 www.bing.com 6. So send this to all your friends and maybe those who aren't but just watch and see who sends it back. 告诉你所有的朋友,也可以告诉那些不是朋友的人,看看谁会给回音。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's actually fairly satisfying to just watch the effects as things bounce off immovable obstacles. 单单是看到炮弹在坚不可摧的障碍物前弹开就确实已经乐趣无穷了。 www.bing.com 8. I didn't have much to do to keep my planet happy. Just watch it every now and then. 我不必为我的星球做什么,只要时不时地看看它就行了。 dongxi.net 9. Joyce: There are a lot of friendly people here. Just watch out for Steve. 乔伊丝:这里有很多人都很亲切。唯独要多注意史帝夫。 www.tsungwahlink.org 10. Or I'll sit and just watch them play, pretending they're superheros or princesses or playing house or shooting each other with stick guns. 或者,我就坐在那,看着他们嬉戏,他们假扮自己是超人、亦或是公主,要么过家家,要么用木棍做枪互相秒杀。 www.24en.com 1. I don't think I'd be very good, I'll just watch. 你会说“我认为自己做不好这些,我只是在看看而已。” 397565205.qzone.qq.com 2. It won't take long just watch and see how the fellas lay their money down. 它不会采取长期只是看,看的家伙是如何打下自己的钱。 tieba.baidu.com 3. You can ask the native people to help you or just watch careful and follow them. 你可以问当地人来帮助你还是只需要看仔细,效仿他们。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. If this actually happened during the games then I'd still just watch the football. 就算真如硬币中所描述的话,我还是照样去看足球赛。来源 www.bing.com 5. "Don't make a fool of yourself, " I thought. "Just watch. " “不要出丑”我思忖着“就看看吧。” www.bing.com 6. If you lose once at home in the playoffs, forget the playoffs and just watch the days go by. 如果你在淘汰赛中输掉了主场,那麽忘记淘汰赛吧,只要看着日子一天天过去就可以了。 bbs.argstorm.com 7. Just invoke the program and just watch the displayed list of files being recovered. 刚才引用的程序和公正的手表显示的文件列表中被追回。 xtdownload.com 8. Don't watch TV for four hours; pick just one show and Tivo it or watch it online, or just watch a DVD movie. 不要看电视超过4小时;只看一个节目或者在网上看,又或者可以看DVD。 www.bing.com 9. In CASO, we could get together and cook shui jiao for New Years or just watch Chinese movies on the weekends. 在CASO,大家过新年的时候会聚在一起煮水饺吃,或者在周末时一起看中文电影。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He asks what can Ichigo do but Ichigo hits back that should he just watch his town getting destroy. 有什么可以做的草莓,但草莓访问回来说,他应该只是看他的城市越来越摧毁。 tieba.baidu.com 1. i am sure to treasure this forever so whenever im feeling the blues i can just watch it repeatedly until i feel right as rain . 我肯定要珍惜这永远因此,一旦即时通讯的感觉蓝调,我可以只是看它多次,直到我觉得正确的雨水。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Chandler: Uh yes, but uh, I just watch it for the articles. 噢,是的,但我只是看看演员表而已。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's small village and everyone thinks you're a decent man. They won't just watch and do nothing. 这小村子里的每个人都认为你是个正派人。他们不会坐视不理的。 www.dezine.cn 4. In this way, just watch from the soles of the feet, legs too diffuse, step by step towards the abyss of the cold quiet! 就这样,从仅仅打湿脚底,漫过小腿,一步,一步走向寒冷寂静的深渊! zhidao.baidu.com 5. Korean dramas are still sensational. Just watch the mood has changed. 煽情的韩剧还在。只是观看的心情变了。 tieba.baidu.com 6. I'm not familiar, so just watch what you do and follow suit. 我不熟悉中国的风俗习惯,所以,我看你怎么做我就怎么做吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Well, ya'll just watch it and figure it out. 好吧,你仅仅要观察它和弄清楚。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Just listen; just watch, while holding non-judgemental compassion in your hearts. 当你需要要怜悯之心做判断时,你只需要听,只需要看。 www.bing.com 9. I beg you, just watch the concert with me! 就算我求你,你就陪我去看音乐会嘛! nboard.nciku.com 10. Don't just watch others eating, put yourself out there and give the chopsticks go. 不要只看着别人吃,自己也去拿双筷子试试看。 bbs.westlifecn.com 1. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. 我的几个大学同学很喜欢极限运动,但我们大部分人只是站在旁边观看。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. 当我成长之后,我越来越少在意人们说些什么,我只关注他们做些什么。 www.bing.com 3. Don't just watch others eating, put yourself out there and give the chopsticks a go. 不要只看着其他人吃,去那双筷子试着去尝试下。 www.bing.com 4. 'Everybody can use more waking hours, even if you just watch movies. ' 每个人都可以缩短睡眠时间,哪怕你只是用多出的时间看电影。 gb.cri.cn 5. Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedy sometimes? 我们能不能偶尔看看一些好的老的浪漫的喜剧片啊? bbs.putclub.com 6. We, instead, just watch the end of the movie. 我们却看到了录像的结尾。 www.ted.com 7. If you don't believe me, just watch how Congress and Barney Frank run the banks. 如果你不相信我,那就看一看国会和邦尼·弗兰克是怎么管理银行的。 www.bing.com 8. "I can go to the store and be back in five minutes, " bragged Tom. "Just watch my dust. " 汤姆夸口说:“我能在五分钟内到那家商店并赶回来。等着瞧我有多快吧。” zhidao.baidu.com 9. You shouldn't stand back and just watch such injustice taking place. 你不应该袖手旁观看着这种不公平的事情发生。 test.2u4u.com.cn 10. If you want to do more than just watch, you can collect bugs. 除了观察,如果你还想做点什么的话,那就收集昆虫吧。 www.jukuu.com 1. Gupta, will you relax? Just watch the door. 你不能放松一点吗?只要看好你的门。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I don't know much about boxing, I just watch it for fun. 对拳击我是外行,我只是看看热闹。 www.bing.com 3. In the past, we often just watch the Spring Festival party broadcasted on China Central Television Station (CCTV). 在过去,我们往往只收看春节晚会播出中国中央电视台(中央电视台)。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. ask yourself whence it comes , or just watch it quietly. 试反躬自问它从何而来,或如是静观。 www.ichacha.net 5. Stop talking nonsense. Just watch over your man. 别再胡说八道只管看好你们的人。 jinchangge.blog.163.com 6. Don't you just watch it for the fights? 你不是为了身体对抗才看的吗? piece0.blogbus.com 7. Just watch for the big arch and all the trees. Get off bus when we get there. 留神看,前面会有一座大型拱门,周围还有不少树木。车到了那里时你就下去。 www.yyxlt.com 8. Fearful. Just watch the news. 只要看看新闻,全是这些。 www.elanso.com 9. You can also enjoy all your favorite audio CDs and just watch the DMP play every disc with style. 你也能欣赏你所有最爱的CD,同时看着播放器上以独特的方式播放每张CD。 www.elanso.com 10. Can I log in and just watch? 我能够登录进来而且只是随便看看吗?。 www.zzbaike.com 1. You can add friends or just watch other user's playlist. 你可以把别人加为好友或者只是看看他们的列表。 www.elanso.com 2. Please drop your books and just watch the movie. 请大家不要看课本,只看电影。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I don't care! I'm going to beat him. Just watch. 我不管!我会击败他,等着瞧吧! www.tingclass.net 4. Or, maybe, you just watch Ghost Hunters. 或者,你刚刚看了《捉鬼敢死队》。 www.bing.com 5. Just watch you guys day after day, wondering how you are doing. 只是日复一日地看着你们,思考你们怎么去作战。 www.kekenet.com 6. I've almost got it! Charles, you just watch the baby. 我就快好了!查尔斯,你看着孩子就行了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You wanna talk about being outcoached, just watch this game. 你想谈论没有执教能力,就看看这场比赛吧。 bbs.hoopchina.com 8. I'm pretty sure they are. Just watch them when they come back in. You'll see! 我非常确信他们喜欢对方。当他们回来,就观察他们。你看了就知道! www.360abc.com 9. He just watch sports on television. 他仅仅在电视上看体育运动。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Just watch. He'll have egg on his face. 等着瞧,他会出丑的。 www.kekenet.com 1. Now we just watch the dominoes begin to fall. 就等着看多米诺骨牌倒下了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Just watch it, and it will come and it will go. . . Like a snowflake on a red-hot stove. 只是观察它,它会来也会走……好将一点红炉雪。 p0w3.spaces.live.com 3. Just watch the sugar content. 只是要警惕糖的含量。 www.bing.com 4. Just watch what happens when I press the button. 注意看我在按动电钮时会发生什么事情 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Stand and hold the mic and just watch them? 握着麦克风站在一旁看吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Why don't you stop talking and just watch? 你为什么不闭上嘴只是看? www.1stenglish.com 7. After that just watch the replay and it will keep it centered on the hero. 之后观看录像,它就会保持以英雄为中心。 bbs.lehu.shu.edu.cn 8. It is very rare that a song can get an audience to shut up and just watch and listen at a live show. 一首歌可以让一位听众闭上嘴,乖乖观看和聆听现场演出是一件颇为罕见的事情。 www.bing.com 9. That's not my best angle. Just watch. 这不是我最好的角度专心看 www.kekenet.com 10. Parrot B: Easy! Just watch! 简单!看我的! www.kekenet.com 1. If you don't know how to use the fork and knife, or the spoon, just watch the others and follow them. 如果你不知道如何使用刀叉勺子,只需看着别人怎么做,跟着做就好。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Steve was a big hit at last year's conference. If you want to understand why, just watch the video from last year. 史蒂夫在近年来的会议上是个热门人物,如果你想知道为什么,去看看去年的录像资料就知道了。 www.elanso.com 3. Can we not talk to each other tonight? I'd rather just watch TV. 我们今天晚上能不能不要聊天、只看电视啊? tr.hjenglish.com 4. It won't take long just watch and see. 它不会需要很长时间只是看,看。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He'd prefer to just watch TV instead of going out. 他更喜欢呆在家里看电视,而不是出去。 www.bing.com 6. Why don't we just watch a game on TV? 为什么不干脆看电视转播球赛? www.ebigear.com 7. A: So now you just watch them. 那麼你现在只看篮球和排球了。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 8. So I just watch them have sex. 所以我只好看他们做爱 www.bing.com 9. I dare say you will feel bored about the movie if you just watch 5 minutes. 我敢说你只要看5分钟就会发现那部电影乏味的很。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Just watch if you want to find out. 如果你想知道后续如何那就看这部影片吧。 www.bing.com 1. so, what did you just watch? 你刚看了什么? www.hxen.com 2. If you just watch me, you're going to learn nothing. 光看我做你们什么都学不到 dongxi.net 3. Okay. Just watch how I am doing. 行。你先看我做。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Well, my children play. I just watch! What sports are you interested in? 我的孩子们打,我只是看。你喜欢什么运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Always, I want to protect someone, that is you, but so far, I can just watch you afar off. 至今想保护一个人,至今却只能远远地看着你 www.elanso.com 6. I want to experience city life firsthand. I don't want to just watch it on TV. 我想亲身体验一下城市生活,不愿只是从电视上看。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. So you can just watch me here, Tony, and play along if you like, ok. 你可以看着我,然后跟着我一起做,好吗。 www.s1979.com 8. What is your role now ? Just watch? Cry? 现在你的角色是干什么的?只是看吗?哭吗? blog.163.com 9. You can just watch some TV in TV room if you like. 如果想看电视的话,你可以去电视机房看。 bbs.bugutang.com 10. Just watch! How about this? Is this big enough, now? 这个怎么样?现在足够大了吗? www.ebigear.com 1. "I like to try things, not just watch and look, " said a recent museum-goer. “我喜欢试东西,不仅仅是注视和观看,”一个近期离开的纪念馆参观者说道。 www.blog.edu.cn 2. "From me? " Kathleen asked. "But this is easy! Just watch. " Kathleen put on the gas, and the scooter jumped forward. 凯萨琳问,「但是这很简单啊!看我的。」凯萨琳一催油门,机车就往前跳了出去。 www.taipeitimes.com 3. In Japan, people like to just watch the show. 不过在日本,歌迷比较喜欢只是看表演。 hi.baidu.com 4. Do I have to actually open the sites, or just watch them appear? 我需不需要打开所有的网页,还是只需要看它们出现? www.cash163.net 5. Are you going to play or will you just watch? 你是参加比赛还是观看比赛? zhidao.baidu.com 6. To do, but I think I'll be too tired. Maybe I'll just watch the news on, 但是我想这样我就太累了。我会看看电视新闻, edu.sina.com.cn 7. Mobile ads - the market is growing at a rapid pace (just watch AdMob's ad views ticker box daily) 移动广告——市场增长很快(关注一下AdMob每天的广告浏览量)。 www.bing.com 8. I will show you how love is meant to be Just watch and learn and listen to me 想要告诉你爱的真谛凝视、了解和倾听就已足够 wenwen.soso.com 9. But just watch you walked nonchalance 漠然走过却留心看你 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When gun shots just watch us, run quickly 当枪指着我们的时候,赶紧跑 wenwen.soso.com 1. Some holy fool, just watch, not like you or me 有些虔诚的傻子只会在看,不像你和我 zhidao.baidu.com 2. just watch my wife and kids please lord 只要能看着我的妻儿,上帝啊 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Just watch her dance in the mirror 我只是看着她在镜前 zhidao.baidu.com 4. And when you talk I just watch your mouth 当你说话时我正注视你的嘴 av.ewen.cc 5. Good luck comes I just watch it run and it sure does run out fast 好运的确来过,但我却眼睁睁看着它溜走,溜得还特别快 dongxi.net |
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