单词 | justify |
释义 | justifies是justify的第三人称单数
过去式:justified 现在分词:justifying 第三人称单数:justifies 例句释义: 为…辩护,整,宣誓证明有财力作保,证明…有道理,辩解,证明…正确 1. What is going to be of use to us in dealing with it, is what justifies the fact that earlier I introduced Marx's formula. 处理这个问题有用的地方,在于可以证明为什麽我早先要介绍马克思的公式。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. But his travels have taught him to be cautious. . . and Alfred soon realizes his caution is justifies, even among his own kind. 但是他的旅行经验告诉他该凡事谨慎,而艾福瑞也很快地意识到,即使身处于自己的族人之间,还是小心谨慎为妙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Simply ensure that the most conservative ROI percentage you and your team calculates justifies the company's investment in the solution. 在你和你的小组计算公司在解决方案上的投资时,简单地保证你的最保守的ROI估计。 www.ibm.com 4. I'm not trying to say that that justifies any wrongdoing that she thinks I've done to her. 我不去证明那些她认为我对她做得事情的错误与否。 www.bing.com 5. What I showed you at the beginning, and then erased, basically justifies how to take the derivative of a reciprocal function. 最开始我讲过了,如何对倒数函数求导。 open.163.com 6. The first one describes the years of his governing and justifies his cruel methods. They say the tsar himself edited this book. 第一部,描述了他在执政时期,证明他的手段残忍,人们说,沙皇亲自编辑了此书。 www.bing.com 7. It justifies, because you know Anakin and Obi -Wan have it out, but Anakin is the chosen one-he is supposed to be the best. 这样做很正确,因为你知道阿纳金和奥比万要一决雌雄,但是阿纳金是原力之子——他被设定为最优秀的一个。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Shanghai justifies the word. I've only been at for two years and Shanghai's changed out of recognition. 我只不过离开了两年,上海就今非昔比了。 my.putclub.com 9. Intactivists counter that this hardly justifies what they call the amputation of a body part from infants who might never be at risk of HIV. 对此完整主义者提出异议,认为这几乎不能辩护为何要从男婴身上割舍一部分,要知道这些男婴也许永远不会面临感染HIV的风险。 www.ecocn.org 10. It justifies the maintenance, within analysis, of a conflict situation, necessary to the very existence of analysis. 在精神分析的内部,必然会维持某种冲突的情况,这对于精神分析的存在是不可或缺的。 springhero.wordpress.com 1. The uniquely pervasive nature of electronic media, it is said, justifies greater government interference in content. 因此,有观点认为,基于电子媒体独特的无所不在的特征,政府更加有必要干预内容。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. What justifies pure mathematics, with its ontology of abstract objects, is the indispensable part it plays as an adjunct of natural science. 纯数学,以及包含于其中的抽象对象的本体论,其正当性或证据在于,它们构成了自然科学的不可或缺的一个附件。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It justifies the actions in the name of self-defense, 'to prevent any future acts of international terrorism' against the U. S. 决议认为这一行动是正当的理由是它属于自我防卫,旨在防止今后有任何针对美国的国际恐怖主义行为。 c.wsj.com 4. Maybe all this research simply justifies the twentysomething tendency to hold a series of entry -level jobs and put off having children. 也许,这项调查从头至尾,完全证明了二十多岁青年的潮流--兼职多个的初级工作且推迟要孩子,是完全正确的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I, somehow in my mind, as convoluted as it sounds, acted out of a perverted sense that the end justifies the means. 这听起来很令人费解,但我认为,只要目的正当,可以不择手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. What justifies political obligation? What role do consent and the will of the majority play in Locke's account of political obligation? 什么是政治权力正当化的基础?多数人的同意与意志在洛克对于政治权力的说明中扮演了什么样的角色? cn1.myoops.org 7. Of course, like his predecessors, Obama justifies his resort to force by invoking America's special place in the world. 当然,与他的前任们一样,奥巴马利用强调美国在世界上特殊地位的手法来为他诉诸武力的行动做了辩护。 dongxi.net 8. But the fact that we know it for a memento mori justifies us in feeling a certain human pride. 但我们把它看作死亡象征的事实,证明了我们感觉到某种人类的骄傲。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But you have to ask yourself: what is the threshold number of properties that justifies using reflection to solve this problem? 但是您必须要问问自己:当属性数量达到多少时,您必须使用反射来解决此问题? www.ibm.com 10. After a user justifies the conversion from relays to programmable controllers, the next step is to Define the Control Application. 在一个用户为转换成可编程控制器继电器,下一步是定义控制技术的应用。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. You might even sell this design, and wait to see if the market justifies large-scale production. 之后您尽可以出售此设计,并观望市场是否认同大规模生产。 www.ibm.com 2. None of this, it should not need saying, justifies anything that Serb forces did. 不消说,这些都无法为塞尔维亚军队的所作所为提供合理的解释。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It justifies at last that variant of an old theme that a little thought estranges from life whereas much thought reconciles to life. 它最终维护了一个古老主题变体的合理:只有少许思想远离了生活,而许多思想与生活达成了和解。 www.bing.com 4. It justifies its acceptance of junk-rated Greek debt by invoking the official but untenable view that the country is still solvent. 它为接受希腊高利率借贷的寻找理由时引用官方但却又站不足的观点:希腊仍有偿还能力。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Israeli government justifies the invasion as necessary to stop Hamas rocket attacks. 以色列政府声称,为阻止哈马斯的火箭弹袭击,入侵加沙是不可避免的。 www.bing.com 6. So what justifies a price tag that would probably be enough to buy you a nice island somewhere with a decent climate and clean air? 那么,开发商是依据什么定的价呢?要知道,这些钱可能足以买下一个气候宜人、空气洁净的小岛。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes. “广告唯有在为公众谋利之时才能证明其存在的价值——广告是一种影响力强大的工具,仅用于商业目的是远远不够的”。 jamieyzl.blog.163.com 8. Having self-regulatory function, the stock exchange performs public role, which justifies the governmental regulation on its operation. 证券交易所具有公共性,且承担自律监管职能,因此,需要政府的监管。 www.fbw.cn 9. The Law and the Gospel are necessarily dichotomous since the former only condemns and the later only justifies. 律法和福音的区分是必然和必需的,因为前者只带来定罪,后者只带来称义。 www.douban.com 10. The report justifies wider measures of well-being partly by noting that the public must have trust in official statistics. 报道通过强调公众一定深信官方数据,为更广阔的富有的指标辩护。 www.elanso.com 1. Now the company has to generate profits at a level that justifies its investments in new hotels. 但是现在,这家公司必须争取做到,获得的利润能够超过新酒店投资的水平。 www.bing.com 2. But that same sense of irony becomes dangerous when it justifies passivity. 但是,当这讽刺意味成为被动和消极的理由的时候,就变成一件危险的事了。 www.bing.com 3. The decision then is whether the intrinsic or sentimental value of the lost ring justifies the expense of further pursuit. 这要看丢失的戒指本身的固有价值和它包含情感价值是否超过再买一个的价值再作决定。 www.suiniyi.com 4. He did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. 好在今时显明他的义,使人知道他自己为义,也称信耶稣的人为义。 new.fuyinchina.com 5. Justifies text to the bottom of the rectangle. 将文本与矩形底部对。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Compensatory lengthening justifies the existence of skeletal tier in syllable structure. 补偿性加长的过程很好地说明了骨架音层存在的合理性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But we will also stress that nothing justifies a government's indifference to its own people. 但我们也要强调,一个政府没有任何理由可以对本国人民漠不关心。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears. . Judge just justifies the adjustment of justice. 公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护。 forum.china.com 9. Interestingly, people's responses tend to be conservative: they are less sure of their conclusion than the evidence justifies. 有趣的是,人们的反应偏向于保守:他们对自己得出的结论的确信程度没有这些证据实际的证明力度大。 www.bing.com 10. The difficulty in selling this item is getting across to the potential customer that the higher quality justifies the higher price. 推销这种货物的困难是难以使可能买的顾客了解优质优价的道理。 coffeejp.com 1. The experiment result justifies that the education resource recommender system and the improvement by clustering is feasible. 实验结果证明了本文提出的系统设计方案和聚类对传统的个性化信息服务技术改进的可行性。 2. In a movie, if a minor mismatch between an event and its sound causes a distraction, then dramatic license justifies eliminating it. 在电影,如果较小配错在事件和它的声音之间导致分心,剧烈的执照然后辩解消灭它。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Despite that, Alonso reckons McLaren's performance throughout the year justifies his move. 除此之外,阿隆索认为迈克拉伦今年一整年的表现是其离开的理由。 onnall.blogcn.com 4. The hill presents a magnificent view , which fully justifies its reputation as the " Pillar of the Southern Heaven" . 独秀峰端庄雄伟,峭拔峻秀,有“南天一柱”之誉。 www.bing.com 5. Secures job and justifies high salary - becomes authoritative center for solving business problems without much input from the team. 有稳定的工作和高薪,成为解决业务问题的权威,但却从未融入到团队当中。 liuwei1981.javaeye.com 6. Good writing justifies itself: no general rule applies in every case, as thoughtful writing engenders its most appropriate form. 优秀的写作其本身就证明:没有适用于任何情况的普遍规则,有见地的写作自然形成它最合适的形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It justifies its limited bond-buying as necessary for smooth workings of its monetary policy. 这证实了其规模有限的债务购买只是为了其货币政策能顺利推行的说法。 chinese.wsj.com 8. This creates a frame of mind that justifies the old joke that banks will lend only to someone who doesn't need the money. 这就产生了这样一种心态,认为那个老笑话说的很对:银行只会借钱给那些不需要钱的人。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Acute heart failure is unusual in the pediatric population, but in many situations it justifies aggressive therapy. 急性心衰是不同寻常的儿科人口,但在许多情况下,有理由积极治疗。 www.syyxw.com 10. "The size of this case justifies the size of the fees, " says Mr. 这桩破产案的规模大小有理由解释相应费用的规模大小。 www.bing.com 1. The existence, or even the possibility, of natural justice justifies our human, all-too-human partisanship. 自然正义的存在,甚或可能性证明我们人性的、太人性的党派偏见是正当的。 book.douban.com 2. The question is whether whatever caused the panic justifies taking immediate action. 问题在于,不管引发恐慌的是什么事情,它是否值得让我们马上采取行动呢。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Matthew Murphy, creative director at London's B-Store, a mecca for new fashion talent, argues: "It justifies a higher price point. " 伦敦B-Store创意总监马修-墨菲(MatthewMurphy)辩称:“这是对价格更高的合理解释。”该公司是时装界新人向往的地方。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The rich should think deeply about rebuilding a social and political order that once again justifies great inequality. 富人应深刻考虑重建社会和政治秩序,再一次使不公平的扩大合理化。 www.ftchinese.com 5. There are many "improper dichotomy" instances, which justifies Mr. Jian Yi's philosophical principle " trichotomy " . 面对大量“不当二分法”的事例,本文支持坚毅先生“三分法”的哲学原理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For a bottle of precious ice wine, the price fully justifies its value. 即使是这样一瓶珍贵的冰酒,它的价格也绝对让消费者觉得物有所值。 napwine.com 7. An Iranian spokesman said today the US accusations are incorrect and aimed at creating a climate that justifies US military actions. 今天一位伊郎发言人说美方的指责是错误的,目的不过是证明美军的行动是正当的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. 惟有不作工的,只信称罪人为义的神,他的信就算为义。 gift001.com 9. it shall be refused if the patentee justifies his inaction by legitimate reasons. 如果专利权所有者对其贻误能提出正当的理由,则应拒绝颁发强制许可证。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Survival of the fittest" justifies "everyone for themselves" “最适者生存”证明“人人为自己”有理 www.bing.com 1. In fact, Toshiba justifies the low internal memory on its base model Thrive by noting that users can add memory via SD cards. 事实上,针对Thrive基础机型的存储容量较低这一情况,东芝强调用户可以通过SD卡来扩充存储空间。 www.12edu.cn 2. Crime and punishment are evil in essence, but the ground of criminal law legalizes and justifies them, and also limits the tension. 罪与罚本恶,刑法的根据使之合法化并成为刑法正当之善,但同时也注定其张力之限度。 www.dictall.com 3. That is to say Islam does not agree with Machiavelli's view that the end justifies the means. 这就是说伊斯兰不赞同马基雅弗利的“为了正当目的可以不择手段”的观点。 www.2muslim.com 4. The result of events fully justifies our views. 事情的结果完全证明我们的意见是正确的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Not every arbitrary combination of media justifies the usage of the term multimedia. 并不是任意的媒体组合都能满足术语“多媒体”的要求。 www3.gdin.edu.cn 6. The economic weakness that justifies action today also makes it unlikely that prices will suddenly surge. 经济疲软证明今天行动的正当性,也表明价格的突然飙升是不可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For Paul, God justifies by faith, he always has justified by faith, even all the way back to Abraham. 在保罗看来,上帝唯信称义,从来都是如此,可追溯到亚伯拉罕那时。 open.163.com 8. The argument of thesis justifies the possibility of thinking of freedom, so that Kant conceptualizes his idea of transcendental freedom. 正命题之论证证立自由于思想向度之可能性,康德进一步设想所问先验性的自由之概念。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Similarly, the other parameter that justifies investment in enterprise mashups is the need to reduce operational costs. 同样,为了降低运营成本,还有一个因素也需要考虑,那就是调整企业mashup中的投资。 www.ibm.com 10. Reading the details indicates this case is more outrageous than many, a fact that more than justifies the $100 million corporate fine. 细节表明,这件案子比很多案子在情节上要恶劣得多,仅凭这一点,1亿美金的罚款算是便宜的了。 www.bing.com 1. Experience hitherto fully justifies that scepticism. 迄今的经验充分证明这种怀疑是合理的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Oil's fall below the level that justifies new developments has prompted firms to defer projects and cut spending. 油价跌破上述水准,已促使石油企业将项目延后,并削减支出。 cn.reuters.com 3. The French government justifies its expulsion of the Roma on grounds of security. 法国政府以治安作为遣返吉普赛人行动的正当理由。 www.voanews.com.cn 4. Like Americans, Britons tend to believe that even a single infidelity justifies ending a marriage. 和美国人一样,英国人也往往认为,即使是一次不忠行为,也足以有理由结束一场婚姻。 www.ftchinese.com 5. All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that. 所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点……。 www.huajiemba.com 6. scarcely justifies your assuming that you are exceptional in the same manner. 不能证明在同一方式下你也是例外的假定。 www.hxen.com 7. His poor standard of play fully justifies his exclusion from the team for the match next Sunday. 他那拙劣的表现足以证明不让他参加下星期的比赛是正确的。 www.jszzb.com 8. Mostly, though, Hodge justifies this claim by offering a different ideal of liberalism. 不过总体来说,通过提出一个完全不同的自由主义的观念,霍奇还是证实了自己的说法。 www.bing.com 9. The case study justifies this operating rule for multipurpose water supply. 实例研究检验了提出的供水调度规则的合理性。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It also tacitly justifies the loss of freedom at home as a price worth paying to defeat imaginary external enemies. 它还暗中辩护道,国内自由的丧失是为了击败假想的外部敌人,这是值得付出的代价。 www.ecocn.org 1. Distribute Justifies all text evenly against both sides of the field or text box. “分散”所有文本均匀分散在字段或文本框两端之间。 office.microsoft.com 2. a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion. 以逻辑证明某前提或结论的事实。 www.hotdic.com 3. When the end justifies the means it's easier to make it through the rough spots. 当最后证明方法是公正的,就很容易通过大致的点来制定。 www.elanso.com 4. The EU justifies itself as the organisation that gives Europeans a voice on the world stage. 欧盟证明了自己无愧为一个让欧洲人在世界舞台上发挥影响力的组织。 www.ecocn.org 5. Despite the evidence, White doesn't think her study alone justifies a recommendation that women start taking fish oil capsules. 尽管有这个证据,但怀特并不认为仅仅靠她的研究,就足以建议女性开始服用鱼油胶囊。 www.voanews.cn 6. Flis defensive reaction is to make her feel wrong. He invalidates her and justifies himself. 他防卫性的反应使她觉得她错了,他也不认同她,并认为自己是对的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The best quality of the goods justifies its high cost. 货物品质优良说明它价格高得有理。 www.24en.com 8. It justifies the tag by referring to the Valley processes and business models it is bringing to telecoms. 它自己对这种称号的解释是,把硅谷的流程和商业模式引入电信业。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She merely thinks to herself: I've been paid $20 to lie, that's a small fortune for a student like me, and more than justifies my fibbing. 她只为自己考虑。我被付了20美元来撒谎,对于像我这样的学生来说,这是一笔小财富,大大能为撒个小谎言找理由。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The army's internal service law, which justifies coups, will be amended. Mandatory army service will be cut from 15 months to six. 为政变辩护的军队内部服役法将会修改,强制服役将从15个月削减到6个月。 www.ecocn.org 1. The army's internal service law, which justifies coups, will be amended. Mandatory army service will be cut from 15 months to six. 为政变辩护的军队内部服役法将会修改,强制服役将从15个月削减到6个月。 www.ecocn.org 2. And it justifies the afterwards defense in a certain extent. 这在一定程度上赋予事后防卫行为以正当性。 www.dictall.com 3. This danger justifies efforts to slow lay-offs or encourage hiring. 这一危险可通过降低辞退速度或鼓励雇佣调整。 www.bing.com 4. According to the London store selling the world's most expensive ham, the taste more than justifies the price tag. 据出售这种世界最贵火腿的伦敦商场所说,这种火腿的风味绝对可以证明这个价格是合理的。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. The course of the events fully justifies our views. 事情的发展完全证明我们的意见是正确的。 blog.163.com 6. Tell us what complaint you have to make against us which justifies you in attempting to destroy us and the State? 告诉我们你有什么样的抱怨可以为你尝试着破坏我们和这个国家的行为做辩护? bbs.zxrs.net 7. But don't bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. 但是不要麻烦地去寻找这种悲观看法的证据。 blog.163.com 8. Adheres to all operating budgets and justifies where there is variance. 严格遵循营运预算,当出现不一致的情况进行调节。 job.veryeast.cn 9. The just judge just justifies the adjustment of justice. 公正的法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。 dict.bioon.com 10. Computers: It's rare to find a used desktop or notebook PC with a price that justifies the risk. 电脑:难得找到一个用过的台式机或笔记本个人电脑具有能规避风险的合理价格。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Computers: It's rare to find a used desktop or notebook PC with a price that justifies the risk. 电脑:难得找到一个用过的台式机或笔记本个人电脑具有能规避风险的合理价格。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Note that sometimes the amount of ASCII data, such as HTML tags, justifies the increase in size for the CJK range. 请注意,有时ASCII数据(如HTML标记)的数量正是CJK范围增大的数量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This in no way justifies the violence but does go some way to explain the fragility of the country. 虽说暴力事件的罪行不容开脱,但某种程度南非的脆弱的确可以解释。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. But Mr Mallyon says: "Once you have the resource, it justifies the spending on infrastructure going forward. " 但马龙表示:“一旦你拥有了资源,就表明未来的基础设施开支拥有了充足的理由。” www.ftchinese.com 5. With lower level, speed, and AC, you might wonder how it justifies those extra 18 points. 由于更低的水准,速度和AC,你可能想知道它怎样证明那些额外的18个点是正确的。 6. Superior growth justifies these price tags so long as China's economy stays on course. 只要中国经济保持目前的发展势头,优异增长就能为这样的价格提供理由。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who justifies. 谁能控告神所拣选的人?有神称我们为义了。 edu.china.com 8. That is the only thing that justifies marriage. 这是为证明婚姻的唯一的事情。 cid-a6660149dcefb0d9.spaces.live.com 9. The course of events justifies our views. 事情的发展证明我们的意见是正确的。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 10. It has been said that the end justifies the means. 据说目的正确即手段正当。 aaenglish.blogchina.com 1. What is the basis that justifies public health in the first place? 首先证明公共卫生是正确的的基础是什麽? www.tzhealth.com 2. Now if only we could find a study that justifies taking the day off altogether. 但愿我们还能找到一份研究报告,证明大家多休息一天是合情合理的,那该多好! www.bing.com 3. the end justifies any means. 结果将证明任何手段的正当性。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "I actually think that justifies having a loyalty program alone, " he says. “我真的认为这里应拥有一个忠诚的计划,”他说。 biyelunwen.yjbys.com 5. and the end justifies the means. 为了目的,可以不择手段。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. Do you think that the end justifies the means? 你认为结果证明了这个方法是正确的吗? www.bing.com 7. I'm not of the school of thought that says the end justifies the means. 我并不是在用学校的那套思维方式说的,目的可以让实现的手段正当合法。 www.tianyayidu.com 8. Seldom: Any formulation is valid in the series, because we can always find a rule that justifies it. 任何公式都在该序列中成立,因为我们总能找到一条证明它的规则。 www.citychinese.com 9. That is what justifies government action, not only for short-term expediency but also in the long run. 这也是评估政府行动是否正确的依据,不仅仅是图短期之利,还要放眼长远。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And what justifies the leap in version numbers from "10. 5" to "10. 6" ? 什么原因引起版本号从“10.5”到“10.6”的飞跃呢? www.bing.com 1. And what justifies the leap in version numbers from "10. 5" to "10. 6" ? 什么原因引起版本号从“10.5”到“10.6”的飞跃呢? www.bing.com 2. Is this lack of fluency that justifies reassigning a teacher, or requiring them to take fluency classes? 这难道是不流利、给教师重新安排工作或要求他们参加语言培训班的理由? www.ecocn.org 3. Justifies abuse by telling you that you're not "really" homosexual, bisexual or transgender 通过告诉你你不是“真正的”同性恋者、双性恋者或变性人来对虐待作出解释 www.bing.com 4. Proposes and justifies projects to improve processes and quality, increase productivity and capacity; 建议并论证项目,以改善流程与质量改善,增加生产效率与产能… www.jobui.com 5. Custom may lead a man into many errors, but it justifies none. [Fielding] 习俗能让人犯许多错误,却不会为任何人辩护。[英·菲尔丁]。 zt.26495.com 6. "To the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited to him as righteousness. " (Romans 4: 5) 惟有不作工的,只信称罪人为义的神,他的信就算为义。(罗马书4:5) vbicurriculum.blogbus.com 7. Something, such as a fact or circumstance, that justifies: 正当的理由,借口可为…辩护的东西,如事实或环境: bbs.gter.net |
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