单词 | just-arrived | ||
释义 | just-arrived
例句释义: 初来乍到 1. I remember there was one morning when I just arrived at my office. A young couple came in. 那天早晨,我刚上班,一对年轻的夫妇走了进来。 www.ebigear.com 2. At the time Cooper had just arrived back in Iraq after two years and was not told in advance of the operation. 库珀是与此段时间的两年后才回到伊拉克的,并且在那次行动之前库珀并未被告知。 www.bing.com 3. Albus Dumbledore didn't seem to realise that he had just arrived in a street where everything from his name to his boots was unwelcome. 阿不思·邓布利多似乎并没有意识到从他的名字到他的靴子,在他来到的这条街上都不受欢迎。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Blacks began to grumble and feel threatened; they wondered if once again they were about to be passed over by those who'd just arrived. 黑人开始抱怨,并且感到受到威胁,他们想知道是否他们会又一次地被人所忽略,而且是被刚刚来美国的新移民。 blog.163.com 5. " Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. " I've just arrived by train, " she said. " I'm coming to see you. 正在这时,电话铃响了,是我姑母露西打来的,“我刚下火车,”她说,“我这就来看你。” www.hjenglish.com 6. Splashing water can be just arrived in the market, the auto-sweep in the Water "fire" , by whom I do not know from behind a splash of water. 可刚到泼水场,就中了自动扫水器的“扫射”,还不知被谁从身后泼了一身水。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. It would give me pleasure if he stayed because I've just arrived and I would like him to stay so I can play with him a while longer. 这(他留下来)能够让我更快乐,因为我才刚来到这里,我希望跟他合作的时间更久一些。 news.goalhi.com 8. The shoes, for the company's spring 2010 collection , had just arrived, and she had nowhere to put them. 这些来自周仰杰品牌2010年春季系列的鞋品刚刚运到,她找不到地方摆放这些鞋子。 www.qeto.com 9. He had just arrived when a 48-year-old man in the crowd starting lobbing eggs at him, police said. 据当地警方称,武尔夫到达不久,人群中一名48岁的男子就朝他身上投去数枚鸡蛋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. A little further away was a young woman who had just arrived on her horse, with her maid on foot. 不远处有一位骑马刚到的年轻姑娘,她的女仆步行跟着她。 okread.net 1. Mr Smith, accompanied by his wife and three children, has just arrived. 史密斯先生在他的夫人和三个孩子的陪同下刚到达。 www.101gk.com 2. " I've just arrived by train, " she said. "'I'm coming to see you. " 我坐的火车马上就到了,她说,我就要看到你了。 www.chuanxiedu.com 3. PENNY: He says he's just arrived in Scotland. He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel. You know ? He's a member of the Y. H. A. 彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。他说他住在一家青年招待所。你知道吗?他是“青招协”的一个成员。 www.ebigear.com 4. May now think of it, she had just arrived in time, did not realize who he was so good that he called and no one can not be moved to bar! 可能现在想起来,她因为刚到这里,没有认识的了,他对他那麽的好,叫谁也不可能不会感动吧! blog.sina.com.cn 5. I just arrived by train this morning, so don't get upset if I just zone out in the middle of the meeting. 我是今早坐火车刚到,所以如果会议中我走神的话,请不要不高兴。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One evening, I had just arrived at my home airport and was waiting outside in the twilight for my wife to pick me up. 有一天晚上,我刚从机场回到家,在暮光之中等着我老婆来开车接我。 wenwen.soso.com 7. I just arrived in London a few days ago. 几天前我刚刚到了伦敦。 mysearch.100e.com 8. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived. 自由女神像刚刚到达巴黎就被组装所以当它到达的时候不在纽约港。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Ms. Mendes and I had just arrived here in West Africa to collaborate on a PBS documentary on some inspiring women around the world. 我和曼迪斯女士来到西非是为了一起合作完成拍摄美国公共广播公司的纪录片,关于记录在全世界范围内一些鼓舞人心的女性事迹。 dongxi.net 10. "To someone just arrived from Haiti or Romania, Canada is a far more satisfying place to be a citizen than it was for me. " “与我不同,对一些来自海地或罗马尼亚的初来乍到者而言,加拿大远非一个令人满意的移民国家。” www.ftchinese.com 1. I've just arrived myself, so forgive me if I don't seem to know what's going on. 我自己也刚到家,所以,如果我看来不了解情况的话,那么请原谅。 www.teachcn.net 2. The iPhone had just arrived, and the first Android phone was a year off. Iphone已经上市了,android手机还在一年之后。 www.bing.com 3. I had just arrived at school. My teacher picked up the phone in our classroom, and I could tell something wasn't right. 刚到学校不久,老师就在教室里接到一个电话,我能感觉出有些不对劲儿。 www.bing.com 4. As a matter of fact, Halle Berry has just arrived. You see here there in the middle of the crowd there. 事实上,哈里。贝瑞刚刚到达了现场。在这里你可以看见在那队人的中间就是她了。 www.360abc.com 5. Nacho also wants to win the heart of a nun who has just arrived. 奈奇也想赢得一位到院不久的修女的芳心。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Around noon, Elvis arrived at the White House with Schilling and bodyguard Sonny West, who'd just arrived from Memphis. 中午时分,艾尔维斯带着先林和刚从孟菲斯赶来的保镖到达白宫。 www.bing.com 7. She had just arrived in Canton, where she stayed in a government guesthouse and awaited her encounter with Madame Mao. 她当时刚到广州,被安排住在政府招待所里,静候着她与毛夫人的再次见面。 dongxi.net 8. We have three guests who just arrived in one of your taxis. They may have left a bag in the taxi. 我们这儿有三位客人,刚才坐了你们的车,可能有一个包落在你们车上了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. However, as China only just arrived in 3 days time, Harvey is still unable to achieve their best. 不过,由于刚到中国才3天时间,因此哈维现在还无法达到自己的最佳状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A: I'm calling to tell you your remittance has just arrived, Mr Shaw. 肖先生,我打电话是想告诉您,您的汇款已经到了。 www.tingroom.com 1. chelsea are at the end of a season with 70 matches played, we just arrived in Seoul two days ago, nobody is sleeping, the players are tired. 切尔西在赛季结束进行了70场各式的比赛,我们两天前才来到这里,好象都没有人睡觉,所以球员有点疲劳。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. The concept of "technology" was not invented until 1829, and most of what we call technology just arrived on earth this century. “技术”这个概念直到1829年才被创造出来,我们声称的大多数技术这个世纪才刚刚问世。 dongxi.net 3. "The book I pre-ordered has just arrived! " Weibo user Liu Xiaoying wrote Monday afternoon in a message accompanying a picture of the book. 微博用户“刘小鹰”在周一下午发了这样一条微博:“预订的书刚到货,今晚又得熬夜了。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. Have just arrived back in Namibia after an absence of over a year & have already photographed my first desert chameleon while in the dunes. 阔别一年了,我刚回到了纳米比亚。而且刚才在沙丘上拍到了此番旅行的第一条沙漠变色龙。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Helen just arrived and said Mia was waiting for you. Helen刚刚到说Mia在等你。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. However I just arrived doorway stunned speechless, heard have two Sirs to say: "We of which does 120 dollars hand over a tax at? " 可是我刚刚到门口就愣住了,只听见有两位先生说:“咱们的120元在哪交税啊?” zhidao.baidu.com 7. To tell the truth, just arrived here, or is lost. 说实话,刚到这里的时候,还是很失落的。 fw.t135.com 8. "Shuji had just arrived and was standing therein his jacket asking questions, " he recalled. 他回忆当时的情况:「修二也才刚到,穿著皮夹克站在那里问问题。」 www.bing.com 9. I often go to middle school by bike. The taxi just arrived on time. The meeting will be held at the next month. 我上中学时经常骑自行车上学。那辆出租车正好准时到达。会议将在下个月举行。 www.abems.com 10. Erina (having just arrived): Our state of mind is quite complex because it's different from the last time. (刚到):我们的立场很困扰,因为这次和上次完全不同。 tieba.baidu.com 1. The earth has just arrived from the cold mountain to wake up, had been cut obsolete herb, have clothing drew buds. 大地刚从寒冷的高山之巅苏醒过来,被人们割过陈旧的草木,有着装的抽出了新芽。 www.268r.com 2. have trained five of the greatest warriors the world has ever known. But this master's biggest challenge has just arrived. 培养出当今最知名的五大武林高手,但宗师将面临最大的挑战。 www.sdwrp.com 3. We just arrived in the little town named Cody, a typical western town. Amazing cowboy shows attracts your eys! 我们今晚抵达的科迪小镇,是典型的西部牛仔小镇,精彩的牛仔表演,让你目不暇接! blog.sina.com.cn 4. Just arrived the projection field, let me be amazed! 刚到投影场,让我惊诧! blog.sina.com.cn 5. My new sofa has just arrived. . . *Hand wash only* reads one of the tags. 新买的沙发送来了,我看了看上面的各种标签,有一个写着“仅适手洗”。 bbs.in2english.com.cn 6. m sorry to interrupt, sir, but the director of Buzz Electronics has just arrived. He would like. 请原谅打扰你一下,先生。巴茨电子公司的总裁已经到了。他非常急切地要和你谈一谈。 www.godict.com 7. He says he he's just arrived in London. 他说他刚抵达伦敦。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Not the lawsuit, but, uh, who may be behind it. My uncle Jack just arrived in town. 不是,而是其中的幕后操纵者。我叔叔杰克刚过来。 www.bing.com 9. Very lucky, as can just arrived on the University Mission party branch secretary, and students exchanges also very harmonious. 很幸运的,刚到大学就可以担任团支书,和同学的交往也很融洽。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. We've just arrived and there happens to be a wedding. 刚刚到这里来就赶上了一场婚礼。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A shocking proportion of Florida fraud is conducted by Cuban exiles, just-arrived and penniless, who quickly amass vast fortunes. 令人震惊的是,佛罗里达州医疗诈骗案中的很大比例是由古巴流亡者实施,他们刚到美国时身无分文,但很快就聚敛了大笔钱财。 www.ecocn.org 2. They had just arrived home when it began to rain. 他们刚到家,天就开始下雨了 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The train has just arrived. Did you see Joan just now? 你刚才看到琼了吗? wenku.baidu.com 4. Yu just arrived in Beijing by bus in the early hours on Monday from eastern Shandong Province. 星期一凌晨于老师刚从山东省东部赶达北京。 www.elanso.com 5. Miss Lu Hello, I just arrived. I hope you don't tell of me here. 陆小姐你好,我刚来。希望你不要告诉国栋我来这边。 www.bing.com 6. At noon, Moldavian President Vladimir Voronin held a banquet to entertain Chairman Wu, who has just arrived here. 中午,摩尔多瓦总统沃罗宁设宴款待了刚刚抵达摩尔多瓦的吴邦国委员长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. We have just arrived in Port-au-Prince to search for the children of one of our staff and provide emergency aid with our 4x4 ambulance. 我们刚刚抵达太子港,正在帮一个当地同事寻找他的小孩,同时靠四驱救护车提供一些紧急救助。 www.bing.com 8. We have just arrived back in perth from Bali an hour ago and i had to write a review about this hotel. 我们刚刚从巴厘岛回到波斯一个小时,我不得不要写一篇关于这间酒店的评论。 www.taskcn.com 9. Above, a climber from one party has just started a pitch as a climber from another party has just arrived at the belay. . . 上面一个团队的攀爬者已开始攀登下一段,同时另一个团队的一名攀爬者刚到达保护站。 www.doyouhike.net 10. A shipment of reusable containers has just arrived from Taiwan. From today, they will replace the old disposable paper boxes. 刚从台湾空运来的环保碗,也将从今天起完全取代纸盒。 www.newdaai.tv 1. michael: hi billy. you look frazzled today. billy: my mail has just arrived. i cannot believe how many bills i have to pay each month. 迈克尔:嗨比利,你今天看起来很疲惫。比利:我刚收到邮件。我不敢相信每个月我要支付这么多帐单。 eng.chinaue.com 2. Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east. 老前辈用它来形容一个谁刚刚从返回东部大城市1到港的男子。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I just arrived here, and I've forgot my camera in the cabin. 我刚到,但我把照相机忘在飞机内。 www.kekenet.com 5. He may have hoped that news just arrived from Poland might oblige the Swedes to withdraw. 他可能还希望过从波兰来的消息能迫使瑞典人撤军。 www.bing.com 6. It was more difficult against Cesena, as there was a lot of pressure on us. Robinho and I have just arrived. 在切塞纳我们压力很大,因为所有人对我们期望很高,因为我和罗比尼奥都是刚刚加盟。 www.bing.com 7. Questions. Questions that need answering. - You've only just arrived. 我有一些疑问一定要得到解答-你才刚到 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But Russia's economic crisis looms for those who have only just arrived at coveted middle class status. 不过,俄罗斯的经济危机正逼近那些刚刚晋入梦寐以求的中产阶级的人。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Roy Burton : I just arrived home, just after midnight, and received your message. 我在午夜过后刚好回到家,并收到您的讯息。 su.xuan2008.blog.163.com 10. These flowers just arrived for you. 这些刚到的花是给你的。 spreadsheets.google.com 1. I had just arrived from Syria with my Italian wife Francesca and two friends. 我和意大利籍妻子弗朗西斯卡(Francesca)及两个朋友刚从叙利亚来到这里。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In early July, spring has only just arrived to the 4000m high grassy marshlands of the plateau. 海拔4000多米的青藏高原草甸上,七月初,春天才迟迟来临。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Today is Danny's birthday. His mother has planned a small party. Some of Danny's friends have just arrived to celebrate his birthday. 今天是丹尼的生日,他的母亲为他安排了一个小宴会。丹尼的一些朋友也来庆贺他的生日。 zhongpingrong3.blog.163.com 4. An intruder has just arrived and is planning an attack. 一名入侵者刚抵达现场,正计划着一项攻击行动。 www.jukuu.com 5. The train has just arrived. 火车刚刚到达。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We'll also hear from our correspondent who has just arrived in South Ossetia itself. 我们也将听到我们刚刚到达南奥塞梯的记者的报道。 word.hcbus.com 7. I saw the future when I was in London: The sexual revolution was going on and the miniskirt had just arrived. 在那里我看到了未来:性革命正在进行,迷你裙开始流行。 c.wsj.com 8. Guest: Good evening. My name is Jennifer Thomson. I've just arrived from Canada. 晚上好,我叫詹妮弗?汤姆森,刚从加拿大过来。 hi.baidu.com 9. A young Ecuadorian family had just arrived in New York. And they all had high fevers. and blisters on their hands and feet. 应该厄瓜多尔年轻家庭刚来到纽约,他们都在发高烧,手脚都起了水疱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Looks like a new message has just arrived. 好像刚刚有新邮件到达。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 1. Joe has just arrived at Mary's house. It's Valentines day, and he has gifts for Mary. 乔刚刚到玛丽家。这天是情人节,他准备了礼物送给玛丽。 luoxianjun1.blog.163.com 2. Yes, well. . . it's actually our honeymoon. We just arrived today. 对啊,嗯……实际上,是度蜜月。今天刚到。 learning.sohu.com 3. Servant : The master, Mr. Rochester. He just arrived. 主人,Rochester先生,他刚到。 www.kekenet.com 4. Good evening. My name is Jennifer Thomson. I've just arrived from Canada. 晚上好,我叫詹妮弗?汤姆森,刚从加拿大过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Grunt: No, Warchief. We were separated in the storm. We only just arrived. 大G:不是,酋长。我们被暴风雨隔开了。我们刚刚上岸。 www.wow8.org 6. Look what just arrived for you. 看,给你送什么东西来了! ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. He has just arrived and hasn't checked in to any hotel yet. 他刚到,还没有去哪家旅馆登记住宿。 www.wwenglish.com 8. I'm from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about Yichang City? 我来自英国。我刚到宜昌,是来观光的。你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?。 www.8875.org 9. He bore her directly into the house, whither Margret had just arrived. 他抱着她径直走进玛格丽特刚刚抵达的屋子。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Well, I just arrived last night, but it seems nice. 我昨天晚上才到的,不过感觉很好。 bbs.qingdaomedia.com 1. the flight just arrived. but the passenger are still on the US custom. 飞机刚到,但是乘客还在美国海关检查。 post.baidu.com 2. I just arrived here on flight 186. I can't find two pieces of my luggage. 我刚搭一八六航班到达这里,我找不到我的两件行李。 lvyou.host263.org 3. "This just arrived, " said Uncle Vernon. ‘这是刚收到的’,弗农姨父说。 www.haogongju.net 4. This just arrived, we just brought this up. . . just now. 家具刚到,我们搬上来…刚刚。 bulo.hjenglish.com 5. Servant : Yes, sir. The pastor has just arrived . 仆人:是的,先生,牧师刚刚来过。 www.liangyange.net 6. A telex message from Guangzhou has just arrived. 有一封从广州来的电传电报刚到。 www.bing.com 7. My return ticket is inside. I just arrived from Taiwan. 我的回程机票在里面。我刚从台湾到这里。 22eng.com 8. I've just arrived from an America greatly confused about gender and power and beauty, and her matter-of-factness intrigues me. 我刚刚来自对性别、权力和美貌非常迷惑的美国,她实事求是的态度引起了我的兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Grim news just arrived from north of the border that is telling us something gloomy about our economic health. 刚从加拿大传来的坏消息可以告诉我们一些有关美国经济健康度的黯淡前景。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Outside, Michael's just arrived with Sara. 在建筑外面,迈可和莎拉刚刚到达。 www.bing.com 1. A fax message from Guangzhou has just arrived. 有一封从广州来的传真刚到。 www.bing.com 2. Man: I'm a stranger in this country. I just arrived from China. 男士:我第一次来这个国家。我刚从中国来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I just arrived one hour ago, can I meet you this afternoon? 我才刚到一个小时,今天下午能见你吗?。 career-english.yjbys.com 4. I had just arrived when he left. 我刚到他就走了。 stu.bdchina.com 5. Life was now flourishing. In terms of the evolution of life on Earth, human beings have just arrived. 就地球上生命的进化而言,人类是姗姗来迟者。 www.tingclass.net 6. Excuse me, telegram has just arrived. 对不起,电报刚到。 www.59edu.com 7. m a stranger in this country. I just arrived from China. 我对这个国家很陌生,我刚从中国来。 www.ebigear.com 8. large shipment of grain has just arrived. 一大批粮食刚刚运到。 www.wwenglish.com 9. Guest: Hello. My name is Tang. I've just arrived from the UK. 你好,我叫唐,刚从英国到这里。 hi.baidu.com 10. Just arrived at the entrance, saw Lin Songling, Pan Xing and so on and group people thrashes in the entrance. 刚到门口,看到林松岭、潘兴等和一伙人在门口厮打起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I know this because I've just arrived in Yakutsk, a place where friendly locals warn you against wearing spectacles outdoors. 我知道这些事情是因为我刚到了雅库茨克,友善的当地人提醒我在户外不要戴眼镜。 www.bing.com 2. He's just arrived back from foreign parts. 他刚从外地回来。 baike.soso.com 3. e. g. A new consignment of goods has just arrived. 一批新货刚到。一批新货刚到。 wenku.baidu.com 4. 'No, I'm the new shepherd, just arrived. ' 不是,我是新来的牧羊人,刚到这里。 okread.net 5. Resembling a yak turn the mountain foot of the mountain just arrived, the car suddenly broke down. 翻过一座外形酷似牦牛的大山,刚到山脚下,车子忽然抛锚。 www.tradeask.com 6. I just arrived in New Delhi yesterday. 我昨天刚到新德里。 mysearch.100e.com 7. Yes, sir. The pastor has just arrived. 去过了,先生,牧师也快到了。 www.kekenet.com 8. Hoa has just arrived from Vietnam. 安和刚刚从越南来港。 www.ouyaren.cn 9. I will have just arrived at the London HQ of Deloitte for a state-of-the-art corporate bollocking. 那时,我应刚刚抵达德勤(Deloitte)的伦敦总部,去接受一家一流公司的臭骂。 www.ftchinese.com 10. No, I`m afraid not. I`ve just arrived in town today. 没有.我今天刚来市里。 www.bing.com 1. when I took two Chinese friends who had just arrived in England out to eat. 我带两个刚到英格兰的中国朋友出去吃饭的时候, www.hjenglish.com 2. I've just arrived and have been checked in. 我刚刚到达,并已住下。 www.bing.com 3. A fax has just arrived from HongKong. 一份从香港发出来的传真刚刚收到。 blog.veryeast.cn 4. No. I just arrived yesterday. 不,我昨天才到。 www.kekenet.com 5. In Logar province, 40km south of Kabul, Colonel David Haight has just arrived with about 3, 000 fresh American troops. 在喀布尔以南40公里处的Logar省,戴维?海特(DavidHaight)上校刚率领约3000名新派来的美国士兵抵达该地。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The plane has just arrived here. 飞机刚到这儿。 man.cooh.cn 7. It just arrived last Sunday. 这是上周日刚上市的。 www.kekenet.com 8. A telegram has just arrived. 对不起,刚收到一份电报。 www.sfhsz.com 9. Katie: No, I've just arrived too. I'm Katie. 不是。我也是刚刚抵达这里的。我叫凯蒂。 www.tingclass.com 10. He says he's just arrived in Scotland. 他说他刚到苏格兰。 www.kekenet.com 1. I just arrived. I want to go downtown. I want to see thesights. 我刚到。我要到市中心。我要看看值得看的东西。 wenku.baidu.com 2. This fax just arrived fiveminutes ago. 这份传真五分钟前刚刚到达。 www.teda.gov.cn 3. My brother has just arrived. but I didn't know he was coming to see me until yesterday after-noon. 我的兄弟刚刚到了。但是我不知道他昨天下午来见我的叔叔。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The plane is just arrived. There are 30 minutes left. I will tell you then. 飞机刚到达,还有30分钟,到时候会通知你。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I just arrived at the gate. 我刚到大门, mysearch.100e.com 6. He is just arrived from Beijing. 他刚从北京来。 www.coeffort.com 7. They had only just arrived. 他们刚刚才到。 www.powerdict.com 8. No, we haven't Look at the color. What fresh apples. They just arrived this morning. 没有。看看苹果的颜色,多新鲜啊。今天早上才到的货。 www.bing.com 9. Yes, he has. He has just arrived with Helen. 是的,他和海伦刚到。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I just arrived last week. 上星期刚来。 www.hxen.com 1. what? Didn't you say it just arrived last Sunday? 什么?你不是说这是上周日才上市的吗? www.hxen.com 2. As Jacky Chan just arrived yesterday from Toronto and rushed to the wedding party right away, he didn't even have time to buy gift. 而昨日才由加拿大多伦多赶返港出席婚礼的成龙,则表示太匆忙未有预备贺礼。 muipoa.bravepages.com 3. We have just arrived from Tokyo only . . . looking for a reserve car of your company. All of above, we cannot find it. 我们刚刚到达东京,想找在你们公司预订的一辆车。以上都找遍了但是找不到。 www.hxen.com 4. I just arrived by train. 我刚刚坐火车到。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Come on, it's because I just arrived and haven't acclimated yet. 哪儿能啊,我只是刚来有点儿水土不服罢了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I've just arrived here from Seoul. Can you put me up at your hotel tonight? 我刚刚从首尔来到这里,今天晚上你能给我找个房间吗? www.e-say.com.cn 7. A: We have just arrived from Tokyo and we're been looking for our reserved car of your company all over, but we cannot find it. 我们刚从东京来的,我们一直在寻找与贵公司预约好的轿车,但我们找不到。 www.rrting.com 8. I just arrived in Fonyuan city and I need to find a room for tonight. 我刚刚到达丰原市,需要找个房间过夜。 host.webtree.net.tw 9. Yeah, we just arrived here 2 days ago. 是的,我们两天前刚到。 mysearch.100e.com 10. I recently had lunch with a young American chap, who just arrived in Hong Kong to take up his first international assignment. 最近,我和一位美国小伙儿吃了顿午饭。他刚到香港不久,是第一次赴海外工作。 app.fortunechina.com 1. Many nights, the smell of spicy chicken or ropa vieja woke me and I knew that my father had just arrived. 有很多夜晚,我在辣子鸡或大杂烩的香味里醒来,明白我爸一定是刚回家。 www.bing.com 2. "This looks like what people would first do in a situation of displacement. So it looks like people have just arrived here, " Lauten says. 这看起来象是无家可归的人首先要作的事,好像这些人刚刚搬到这里。 www.bing.com 3. But to tell the Dongnanxibei difficult for people who have just arrived in Beijing a little more difficult. 但对于分不清东南西北就困难了,对于刚来北京的人也有点难度。 m.baidu.com 4. I am just arrived from England. 我刚从英国来。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Gina shook her head , I am forming , I have just arrived from forming to attend a school for over seas students in London. 吉娜摇了摇头,我很困惑,我刚出席一所学校的在伦敦留学的学生聚会。 www.6m.com 6. Krantz finally frees himself from the handcuffs, only to be arrested by a team of cops who have just arrived. “将军”总算挣脱了手铐,结果被一队刚刚抵达的警察逮捕了。 www.bing.com 7. Do you have to take off already? You just arrived an hour ago! 你已经要走了吗?你一个小时前才到耶! 8. It is my great pleasure this evening to welcome Mr. Smith, who has just arrived from Chicago and will be spending several weeks in Shanghai. 今晚我很荣幸来欢迎史密斯先生,他刚从芝加哥来,将在上海停留几个礼拜。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. They've just arrived in China. 他们刚到中国。 myspaces.cn 10. It is my great pleasure to welcome this evening Mr. Allen, who has just arrived from America and will be spending several weeks in Taiwan. 今晚,我很荣幸欢迎刚从美国回来的艾伦先生,他将在台湾待几个星期。 www.360abc.com 1. Good afternoon, i'm Jack Wilson. My wife and i have just arrived. We'd like to have a room at your hotel for tonight. 下午好,我是杰克威尔逊。我和我的妻子刚刚抵达我们需要今晚在旅店住一晚。 www.xdf.cn 2. Two slim volumes containing the latest words on human motivation have just arrived in the post. 邮件中来了两本薄薄的书,都是关于激励人的最新说法。 www.ftchinese.com 3. PENNY: " I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel. " 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。” www.ebigear.com 4. He has been living in London since September. I have just arrived. 自去年9月份以来,他一直住在伦敦,而我刚到。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Scotland I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a youth Hostel. 我刚到苏格兰,现在住在一家青年招待所。 infos.edulife.com.cn 6. 'i have just arrived in scotland and i'm staying at a youth hostel. 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家小伙子招待所。” 9feij.com 7. They have just arrived to negotiate a formal agreement with us on the boundary question. 他们刚来和我们就边境问题商议正式协议。 www.dictall.com 8. A young Air Force Lieutenant had just arrived at the Base in Japan. 一个年轻的空军上尉到了日本的基地。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. "Just then the telephone was ringing. It was my aunt Lucy. " I have just arrived by train. 正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Tom and Tina have just arrived at the beach at Tamshui. 汤姆和堤娜刚到淡水的海滩。 edu.163.com 1. This is so cool. -War ships have just arrived over India, England, and Germany. 这真是酷极了。-战舰刚刚到达过印度,英格兰,德国。 www.yappr.cn 2. Michael Paterson. We're just arrived from Hong Kong. My office has made a reservation. 我叫米高柏德臣,我们刚从香港来,我的公司已经订了房间。 3. The 3 guards, who have just arrived here, are retired special troops from India. 据了解,这3名印度保安是已退役的印度特种兵,刚到重庆不久。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Hello, I am Gao Jun, and I just arrived from Beijing. I want to improve my English, and I hope to learn a lot this year. 你好。我是高军,我刚刚从北京过来。我想提高我的英文,我喜欢这一年可以学到很多东西。 www.hxen.com 5. They have just arrived at the airport. 他们刚刚到了机场。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Guest: No I don't, I have just arrived on business and need a room for the night. 客人:没有。我只是出差刚到这里,我今晚需要一个房间。 www.webi.com.cn 7. They have just arrived in Shanghai. 他们刚刚到上海。 www.1steng.com 8. They have just arrived from Tokyo. 他们刚从东京来。 www.360abc.com 9. They have just arrived at their new flat. 他们刚刚到达他们的公寓。 www.bing.com 10. You have just arrived in Valencia, what are your impressions? 您刚刚到达巴伦西亚,您的感觉如何? www.china-team.org 1. I had only just arrived in Japan and I didn't have any friends. So I was happy to meet her after class. 我刚到日本,没什么朋友,所以很高兴课后去见她。 www.bing.com 2. Woman: I just arrived in Taiwan last Saturday. This is my first time to ride the bus here. I'm not sure how to do it. 妇女:上个星期六我刚到台湾,这是我首次乘坐公交车,我不晓得该怎么办。 www.360abc.net 3. You have just arrived in Winnipeg . No one has told you how cold it can be. 你刚抵达温尼辟,你不知道当地可以冷得那麽厉害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. No. Two visitors have just arrived and I want to give them something nice to eat. 不是。我家刚来了两位客人,我想煮些好吃的招待他们。 wenku.baidu.com 5. A telex has just arrived from Hong Kong. 刚收到一份香港打来的电传。 www.hotdic.com 6. I am a Canadian. My name is Smith, I have just arrived from Guangzhou. Has the Travel Service reserved a room for me? 我是加拿大人,叫史密斯,刚刚从广州来。旅行社是否替我预订了房间? dict.bioon.com 7. No room? I have just arrived from Beijing. What shall I do tonight? 没有房间了吗?我刚从北京过来!那我今晚该怎么办呢? www.rongyuan.cn 8. He says he he's just arrived in London has 他说他已经到了伦敦。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I have just arrived at Milan and I want to improve as much as possible . 我正确的到达米兰,提高越多越好。 www.r9sky.com 10. oh, my dear boy, this is your beautiful aunt lucy. I am now at the train station. I have just arrived here. 噢,孩子,我是你的美丽的露西阿姨。我现在火车站,我刚到这里的。 www.aiyouzou.com 1. I do not know the day that year, you just arrived 我不知那一年的那一天你才到来 wenwen.soso.com 2. They have just arrived here. They can't know many people. 他们刚到这里,不可能认识很多人。 www.jxenglish.com 3. I recently had a meeting in Hong Kong with a friend who had just arrived that same morning from Beijing. 最近我和朋友在香港碰了个头,那天早晨他刚从北京过来。 app.fortunechina.com 4. the party ` s just arrived . - the party has - l ` m here 派队才开始-派队…我来了 www.ichacha.net 5. the dancing-master who had just arrived; 还有刚刚到达的跳舞先生。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. when I just arrived at the north 刚到北方的时候 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Jay, where are you? I just arrived. Jay, 你到哪儿了啊?我已经到了。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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