单词 | hair-growth | ||||||||||||
释义 | hair-growth
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 毛发生长,头发的生长,长发 1. Next, with the body brush of your choice, brush in long strokes in the direction of the hair growth to further clean the coat. 接着,用你选择的刷子沿着毛发生长的方向长条形的刷洗马毛。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. How much does hair growth improve in cases when the hair cream works? 洗发精好使后,头发生长能有多快? www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. Excess of hair growth in certain parts of the body looks gross and can be an instant turn off. 身体特定部位有过多的毛发会让人感觉恶心并减少性趣。 www.bing.com 4. Except for a few approved drugs and laser treatments, there is nothing that's been demonstrated to increase hair growth. 除了已经被证实的几种药物和激光疗法之外,并不存在任何其他被证明可加快头发生长速度的物质。 www.elanso.com 5. While the rate at which hair grows differs by individual, the length of the hair growth cycle generally depends on the type of hair. 虽然速度头发生长的不同的个人,长度的头发生长周期一般取决于类型的头发。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Current treatments for baldness attempt to stimulate hair growth from existing follicles rather than generating new ones. 目前治疗秃顶的方法,是试图刺激已有毛囊的毛发生长,而非生成新的毛囊。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate a wide range of metabolic processes in the body including hair growth. 甲状腺所分泌的激素调节体内大量的代谢活动,也包括头发的生长。 www.hotdic.com 8. Since mini grafts are usually the treatment of choice for filling in thin spots, dense hair growth at the back of the head is required . 由于迷你移植治疗通常选择填写薄点头发生长茂密的后脑勺需要。 www.bing.com 9. Spring suits drink scented tea, jasmine tea of temperature can send out in the cold winter leisurely, promote human body hair growth. 春季适合喝花茶,花茶性温能散发冬季积郁在体内的寒气,促进人体阳气生发。 www.yipin120.com 10. Finish grooming the head by carefully brushing the horse's face, cheek, throat, and poll area in the direction of hair growth. 头部刷洗的最后一步是认真的根据毛发生长的方向刷洗马的脸部、颊部、喉部和头顶区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In a study of mice, Yale researchers find the signal for hair growth coming from stem cells in the skin's fatty layer. 在老鼠的研究中,耶鲁大学研究者发现在脂肪层中来自干细胞的头发生长讯号。 www.nciku.com.tw 2. Hair growth, skin lightening, and anti-dandruff products interact with your body's metabolism and are drugs, not cosmetics. 而那些可以使头发增长,皮肤提亮,去头屑的产品是与人体的新成代谢是有关系的,他们就是药物。 www.elanso.com 3. Before you surrender yourself to the seemingly merciful strokes of such hair growth inhibitors, know some hair-raising facts! 然后你交出自己看似慈悲笔划等毛发生长抑制剂,知道一些头发提高的事实! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Hair was cut as close to the skin as possible to obtain samples of the most recent hair growth. 头发是在靠近皮肤处被剪断的,以便获得最近生长的头发。 www.medicines-school.com 5. Features include enlarged ovaries studded with numerous cystic follicles that contain immature eggs; excess hair growth; and obesity. 主要特征为卵巢多囊性增大(许多囊状卵泡,其内含不成熟卵)、多毛和肥胖。 news.dxy.cn 6. Hair growth is controlled by hair follicles found just underneath the skin. These follicles are not in any way affected by shaving. 头发的生长只被皮肤下面的毛囊所控制。 www.bing.com 7. Objective To investigate the functions of dermal papillary cell(DP) in the regulation processes of hair growth and differentiation. 目的研究真皮乳头细胞(DP)在毛发的生长和细胞分化中的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Panax Ginseng - Helps to improve blood circulation, strengthen the cells absorptive capacity to promote hair growth. 生晒参–活血,加强细胞的吸收能力,促进生发。 bbs.haotoufa.com 9. Oil cools the head and promotes luxurious hair growth, whereas internal body heat does the opposite. 油能使头凉爽,并促进大量头发生长,而体内的热量却相反。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. When you're pregnant, your hair stays in a high state of hair growth, with only minimal hair loss. 当你怀孕后,你的头发会保持高增长的状态,只有很少的头发会脱落。 www.ebigear.com 1. These products are all-natural and have been scientifically proven to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth in both men and women. 这个产品都是百分百全天然的,并被证明对男女脱发患者都能达到减少脱发和促进头发再生的作用。 www.bing.com 2. Furthermore, the hair growth stimulant uses vegetable ingredients only, thus causing no side effect in humans. 而且该毛发促进剂仅使用植物成分,对人体无毒副作用。 ip.com 3. Moreover, the hair growth stimulant is softly applicable to the scalp, thus offering convenience in use. 此外,该毛发生长促进剂能够轻松应用于头皮,因此使用方便。 ip.com 4. One time, when I looked down to my arms during this episode, these looked like male arms including male hair growth. 有一次我低下头看到我的手臂就像一个男人的手臂一样,上面还长满了男人的汗毛。 www.bing.com 5. aroma rises , a strong hair growth of resin. 升起一股芳香,树脂发出生发剂般的浓郁气味。 www.ichacha.net 6. In the future, scientists could use drugs to "turn on" genes, which could trigger hair growth. 未来科学家有望利用药物“启动”这些促进毛发生长的基因。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 7. Scalp blood circulation improved, otherwise conducive to hair growth, hair loss and white. 头皮血循环改进了,另有利于头发的生长发育,防备头发脱落和变白。 www.ufxy.cn 8. Help hair growth: eat more cabbage, eggs, beans; eat sweets (especially fructose). 帮助头发生长:多食用包心菜、蛋、豆类;少吃甜食(尤其是果糖)。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Hirsutism, or excess hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes. 多毛,如面部、胸部、胃部、手指、脚趾毛发多。 www.haodf.com 10. We describe a 32-year-old woman who presented with excessive facial hair growth of sudden onset that disturbed her psychologically. 我们描述一个32岁的女子谁提出过分的面部毛发生长的突发性是她心理上的不安。 www.syyxw.com 1. "Injecting laminin-511 into the skin might, under some circumstances, promote hair growth, " he says. “注射层粘连蛋白-511到皮肤里在某些环境下可能促进毛发的生长。”他说。 news.dxy.cn 2. The hair growth, anti-off, black hair, anti hair acidification effect is very significant, can improve the ability of anti-aging hair. 其生发、防脱、乌发、抗毛发酸化的效果更是极为显著,可提高头发的抗老化能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Radix Ginseng - Helps to activated cells and extend cell life to speed up hair growth process. 野人参-能活化细胞,延长细胞寿命及加速头发生长。 bbs.haotoufa.com 4. These two cell groups must "talk" to each other through biochemical signals to ensure that hair growth and cycling occurs. 这两个细胞团必须“交谈”对方通过生化信号,以确保头发生长和自行车发生。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you wear pony tails, do a lot of heat styling, or otherwise physically damage your hair, it will negatively affect hair growth. 马尾辫,经常性的热定型,或者相反的,自然损伤,这些都会影响其生长。 www.elanso.com 6. food and hair growth closely related to balanced nutrition, natural hair healthy and beautiful! 食品和头发的生长密切相关,平衡的营养,头发自然健康美丽! www.qiyeku.com 7. Biotin is a dietary supplement that can help promote hair growth (as well as nail growth). 素是一种膳食补充能协助促进头发的生长(以及钉生长期)。 www.0717zx.com 8. In addition, a compound in apples can assist with aging issues by helping prevent wrinkles and promoting hair growth. 另外,苹果中一种复合物有助防止皱纹形成及促进毛发生长,能帮人抗老。 hi.baidu.com 9. Viviscal is a 100% natural dietary supplement that has been clinically proven to nourish thinning hair and promotes existing hair growth. 该产品是一个100%的天然营养补充品,已经经过临床试验,能够滋养稀疏头发和促进现有头发的生长。 www.wujinggou.com 10. It could also potentially block hair growth by injecting antibodies against laminin-511. 它也能通过注射层粘连蛋白-511的抗体潜在的停止毛发生长。 news.dxy.cn 1. Normal hair growth equates to about a half inch per month. 正常毛发生长约等于半英寸元。 actuafreearticles.com 2. Objective To observe the effect of Shengfaling tincture in promoting blood circulation and hair growth in rats. 目的探讨生发灵酊剂对大鼠的活血化瘀及促毛发生长作用。 www.dictall.com 3. I've used this product off and on for about 2 years. When I use it consistently, I can visually see more hair growth. 两年里,我断断续续地使用这个产品。当我持续使用它的时候,我能看到发量有显著的增多。 auction1.paipai.com 4. Polaris 8 is the World's most effective professional hair loss prevention and hair growth treatment. “北极星8”是世界上最有效的专业脱发预防和头发再生疗法。 hair.51889988.com 5. It moisturizes your skin and delays hair growth. 滋润肌肤,延缓毛发生长。 item.eachnet.com 6. In addition, lean over while washing your hair to allow blood to flow to your head and _(3)_ hair growth. 除此之外,弯着身子洗头可以使血液流到头部,因而刺激头发生长。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. WOW! ! 3 day shipping. Execellent product, it actually stimulates hair growth. 我噻,三天就到了,很好的产品,的确刺激长头发。 bbs.haotoufa.com 8. Testosterone is a hormone that promotes the development of male reproductive tissue and helps muscle, bone and hair growth. 睾丸激素是一种促进组织再生和肌肉、骨骼、毛发生长的激素。 www.bing.com 9. Medicine in health care, with vinegar, there is hair growth, beauty. 在医疗方面用醋入药,有生发、美容。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A hair growth stimulant is provided. 本发明提供了一种毛发生长促进剂。 ip.com 1. Certain medical issues can also impair hair growth. 一些疾病也可能影响头发的生长。 www.bing.com 2. However, this is temporary, and hair growth resumes when the drugs are stopped or decreased in dosage. 不过这种原因导致的脱发是暂时性的,当停药或减少用药量时头发会恢复生长。 www.yiai.net.cn 3. STEAK Fantastic for iron, which is vital for hair growth! 富含铁元素,保证你拥有一头亮丽的秀发哦! spaces.msn.com 4. He says proper shampooing not only improves the look of hair but also helps slow hair loss and promote healthier hair growth. 他说正确的洗头方法不仅可以改善头发的外观,而且能帮助减缓脱发、促进头发健康生长。 news.dxy.cn 5. They can also clog your pores and lessen hair growth. 您也可以孔阻塞,淡化毛发生长。 www.sanmenren.cn 6. Hypotrichosis is the term dermatologists use to describe a condition of no hair growth. Hypotrichosis 是皮肤科医生使用的术语来描述一个生长状况没有头发。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Experimental study on the role of Shengfaling tincture in promoting blood circulation and hair growth in rats 生发灵酊活血化瘀及促毛发生长作用的实验研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Experimental study on postpone the murine hair growth 延缓毛发生长的动物实验 www.ilib.cn 9. Hair Growth Accelerating Effects of Zhituoshengfa Tincture in Guinea Pig 止脱生发酊生发作用的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Effects of Tianqi trichogen on the hair growth of animals 田七增发素对动物皮肤毛发生长的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Effect of latanoprost on rats hair growth 拉坦前列素对大鼠毛发生长影响的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The changes of hair growth with aging 不同年龄成人头发的变化 www.ilib.cn 3. Hume has asked the tone of an example: a hair growth was observed after a person can not learn about the growth of knowledge; 休谟有反问的语气举例说:观察了一根头发的生长后无法学到关于一个人的生长知识; jztu.5d6d.com |
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