单词 | glean |
释义 | gleaned是glean的过去式
第三人称单数:gleans 现在分词:gleaning 过去式:gleaned 例句释义: 拾,收拾庄稼,搜集,发现,由公众记录中点滴蒐集 1. You're working with him side-by-side and you haven't gleaned any personal information about him? 你和他并肩工作,难道就没有获悉一些私人信息? www.kekenet.com 2. They thought he might be trading illegally for their benefit on information gleaned by his marketmaking arm. 客户们以为他是通过从他的做市商公司获得内幕消息来违法交易从而获得利润的。 www.ecocn.org 3. The power of a volunteer to transform a visitor's experience was just one of the many lessons gleaned from a week. 一个志愿者足以改变一个游客的感受,这是我从一周的各种经历中领会到的许多东西之一。 4. The company applies the insights gleaned from space renters to its own next-generation furniture designs. 该公司收集了空间租用者的想法应用到其新一代产品的设计中。 www.bing.com 5. I met with my 55-year-old cousin, and he was generous enough to share with me a variety of perspectives gleaned from the web. 见到55岁的表亲后,他很慷慨的跟我分享了从网络上收集的繁多资料。 www.bing.com 6. There is, however, quite a bit of illustrative code from which the nuances of Blitz syntax can be gleaned. 然而,有不少说明性的代码,从中可以了解Blitz语法的细微差别。 www-128.ibm.com 7. We used the information gleaned through years of experience to create the concept of lightweight code review. 我们通过数十年的经验使用获得的信息,来创建轻量级代码评审的概念。 www.ibm.com 8. Just as stock options suggest concern, similar worries can be gleaned by looking at volatility curves in the currency options market. 正如股票期权透露了市场的关切,类似的忧虑也可通过外汇期权市场的波动率曲线窥得一斑。 cn.reuters.com 9. The realities that Dr Rosling is trying to highlight have been gleaned from decades of studying statistics. 罗斯林正试图强调的现实是自己从数十年的研究统计收集到的。 www.ecocn.org 10. It cannot be gleaned from empirical surveys or programmed into individuals through a combination of behavioral therapy and anti-depressants. 实验调查的数据得不出快乐。人们也无法将快乐和行为疗法和抗抑郁药结合起来对症下药。 www.bing.com 1. Most of these principles were gleaned from 30 years of making software driven user interfaces for business and industry. 大多数这些设计原则已经传承很久,并且主要是关于工商业软件驱动用户界面的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. One of the more interesting ideas I gleaned from Kelty's talk was the phrase "recursive publics" . 我收集到的Kelty’s的讲话中有一个非常有趣的词语就是“递归公众”。 www.bing.com 3. A seed investment, as you may have gleaned, is an injection of early stage capital. 所谓种子投资,正如你可能听到的那样,即注入早期资本。 www.fortunechina.com 4. The number of job servers is gleaned from the length of the . ec2-job file that contains the instance IDs of the dynamically run servers. 这个作业服务器数是从包含动态运行服务器实例ID的.ec2-job文件长度计算得来的。 www.ibm.com 5. What can be gleaned from the experiences of a movement that failed to reach its goal? 一场未能如期达到预期目标的运动,能给我们带来什么样的教益呢? www.who.int 6. I also wanted to learn about it because I recognized in it a compelling way to communicate insights gleaned from my own spiritual tradition. 我也想学这件事,因为我承认它收集到的有说服力的方式进行通信的见解从我自己的精神传统。 www.bing.com 7. Goldmans critics suggest its rude health may be the result of clever manipulation of information gleaned from clients. 高盛的批评者认为,高盛的暴发可能归因于它精明地操纵从客户那里收集来的信息。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Using information gleaned from program participants, GE designs its Chinese businesses around the country's goals. 通过从受训者那里收集到的信息,通用电气围绕着中国发展的目标制定了自己的在华业务。 dongxi.net 9. From what can be gleaned of their substance, talks between the two leaders on October 3rd only emphasised the distance still to travel. 从他们实质性的会谈结果来看,他们十月三日的会谈也只仅仅强调了还有很长的路要走。 club.topsage.com 10. Often more information can be gleaned by correlating events that have specific time-based relationships. 常常通过对具有特定基于时间的关系的事件进行相关,就能收集到更多的信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The first clue that your behavior in a situation is hostile can be gleaned from your answer to the question. 你的某一次行为是否怀有敌意,可以从对这个问题的回答中得到第一个线索。 www.jukuu.com 2. Further information can be gleaned through a follow-up survival analysis, which is analogous to analysis of variance. 进一步的信息可以通过收集的后续生存分析,这是类似于方差分析。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. A few facts can be gleaned from other writings and from coins and inscription . 我们可以从其他著作中,从钱币和铭文中,掇拾出少量事实来。 dict.kekenet.com 4. The parsed information can be gleaned for data relevant to your online marketing campaign. 所解析的信息可被收集用作这个在线营销活动的相关数据。 www.ibm.com 5. What can be gleaned from them that will help the ordinary Queensland woman to similarly strive for excellence? 是什麽可以帮助这些作相同努力的昆士兰妇女被挖掘? 6. The results were gleaned from responses by 44 major fund management companies in the United States, continental Europe, Britain and Japan. 该结果是基于对美国、欧洲大陆、英国和日本共44家主要基金管理公司的调查而得出。 cn.reuters.com 7. The contacts you make and information you gleaned you on a personal level whenever you change jobs, while improving your current status. 不管你什么时候为改善你现有状况而跳槽,你建立的联系和收集的信息都会有助于你提高自身水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The optimism gleaned from the liquidity announcements managed to gloss over an otherwise mediocre day on the economic data front. 从流动性公告中所收集到的乐观情绪在经济数据面前演变成一个平庸的交易日,期货开户流程。 www.zy313.com 9. Since time began, human have gleaned most of their vitamin D from the sun. 开始的时候,人们从阳光下获得了许多维生素D。 www.dltcedu.org 10. What new information have we gleaned about the comparatively dense gas-dust complexes of the interstellar medium over the past dozen years? 过去的十几年里,有关星际介质的较密气尘复合体我们探明了哪些新东西呢? 1. Tips might also be gleaned from the construction processes that insects employ. 人类还可以从昆虫筑巢的构建过程中受益良多。 www.bing.com 2. Unfortunately, relatively few details could be gleaned from the fairly sparse media coverage on the meetings. 不幸的是,鲜有媒体报道哪怕关于这次会议的一丁点细节。 www.bing.com 3. Now I retailed at her evening gatherings the astronomical tit-bits I had gleaned from Proctor. 现在我就在她在晚间集会上讲些从普罗克特书上捡拾得来的零碎的天文知识。 www.bing.com 4. So Ruth gleaned in the field until evening. Then she threshed the barley she had gathered, and it amounted to about an ephah. 这样,路得在田间拾取麦穗,直到晚上,将所拾取的打了,约有一伊法大麦。 www.ebigear.com 5. A lesson to be gleaned from all of this might exonerate a group that might need all of the credibility it can get these days: politicians. 来自这些想法的一个结论也许会为那些竭尽所能获得信誉的政客们开脱。 www.bing.com 6. Cost savings gleaned from more-efficient products and processes may yield just more commerce and, thus, more demand for oil. 更高效的产品和工艺带来的成本节约只可能带来商业活动的增加,进而需要更多的石油。 c.wsj.com 7. That the carry trade exists at all is gleaned only indirectly. 因为利差交易的存在就只能通过间接的方式来收集信息。 www.ecocn.org 8. Each person has a uniqueantibody bar code that can be gleaned from blood, saliva or other bodily fluids. 每个人都有一个独特的抗体代码,它可以从血液、唾液或其它体液中采集到。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Media firms can also tilt the balance by discovering more about their customers than can be gleaned through auctions. 媒体公司同样也可以发现客户更多的信息——而不只是通过拍卖进行收集,来使平衡发生倾斜。 www.ecocn.org 10. Most of their information was gleaned from chatting to neighbours or swapping stories while they worked. 她们的信息大多是从与邻居闲话家常,零零碎碎地搜集回来,或者工作时互相交换而来。 www.bing.com 1. The element contains the information gleaned from the SUBTITLE column of the current row. 元素包含由当前行的SUBTITLE列得到的信息。 www.ibm.com 2. Mr. Higg inbotham liked the word, which was a new one in his vocabulary, recently gleaned from a newspaper column . 希金波坦先生喜欢“带邪”这个词,那是他词汇表上的一个新词,前不久才从报纸专栏上学来的。 www.showxiu.com 3. Every month Packaging Insights will present tips, ideas, and intelligence gleaned by our editors in the field. 包装透视免费英语杂志是由我们领域搜集的编辑建议,意见,以及情报,每月一刊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Most already have names and addresses, sometimes gleaned from identification on the bodies. 大多数尸体都有名字和地址,这些信息有时是从尸体上的身份证明文件上搜集到的。 c.wsj.com 5. As they read , they gleaned many new ideas about quality management . 在阅读时,他们搜集了很多品质管理的新观念。 www.bing.com 6. Chinese sailors were avid listeners, carrying home what they had gleaned from the transmissions from London. 中国的海员是热心的听众,他们把从伦敦听到的消息带回了国内。 www.bing.com 7. Another tip I gleaned from Jesse's Digital Web article is the source of the beautiful icons he uses on the site. 我从Jesse在《DigitalWeb》的文章中获悉的另一个小窍门就是他在网站上使用的漂亮的图标。 www.elanso.com 8. But their eventual fate makes no difference to the insights I gleaned through meeting them. 不过他们最终的命运对于我通过会见他们收获的见解并没有关系。 www.bing.com 9. The autopsy had taken about nine hours; analysis of the material gleaned will take years. 整个尸体剖检过程持续了大约9个小时,对收集到的材料进行分析则将需要数年时间。 www.bing.com 10. Anyway, here's the account Orange gives, ostensibly gleaned from the Zhoukou Evening Post. 无论如何,这里有张照片,橙子网站还真有这个报道,取材于周口晚报。 www.bing.com 1. One answer can be gleaned from previous forecasts. 答案可以从既往预测中收集。 www.elanso.com 2. This last post summarizes some themes and insights we gleaned from the conversation. 最后的帖子总结了一些我们从会谈中获悉的主题和见解。 www.bing.com 3. For instance, it doesn't use data gleaned from a person's Gmail account to target ads to that person elsewhere online. 举例来讲,谷歌不会用从一个人的Gmail帐户中获得的信息在其他在线业务中发布针对这个人的广告。 chinese.wsj.com 4. An example of principal stress rotation gleaned from a deepwater MEM and the consequences to borehole stability is summarized in this paper. 本文总结了从深水地质力学模型中搜集到的主应力轴旋转案例及其对井眼稳定性的影响。 bbs.e5zj.com 5. But dinosaur attraction wasn't just about the size and shape of the appendages, even though that's mostly what we've gleaned from fossils. 即使那些大部分是我们从已有化石中搜集而来的,但恐龙吸引异性的地方不仅仅在于那些附件的大小和形状。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. These were fed into the face-recognition software along with 250, 000 photos gleaned from publicly available profiles on Facebook. 他们将这些照片和25万张从脸谱网上公开的简介中收集到的照片一起上传到脸部识别软件中。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. But there's no underestimating the value of connections gleaned from a good contact. 不过别低估了好的人际关系的价值。 www.kekenet.com 8. The information was gleaned from an official database shared by more than 70 hospitals in Shenzhen, it reported. 据报道,这些信息是从由70多家医院共享的官方数据库收集到的。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Much of the information you have gleaned is of no practical use. 你收集到的大部分情报没有实用价值。 club.52en.com 10. The information has been gleaned from 498 pages taken from the FBI file on Gerard Damiano, the movie's director, who died in October. 信息搜集自联邦调查局存放的有关该片导演杰拉德·达米亚诺(GerardDamiano)的498页档案。他已于去年10月去世。 www.bing.com 1. To return to RHEL5, partition information can be gleaned using fdisk or parted (see Listing 5). 返回到RHEL5,分区信息可以使用fdisk或parted来进行收集(请参见清单5)。 www.ibm.com 2. While the emphasis is being placed on "routing" information and not "content" , a lot of content can be gleaned from these connections. 虽然重点将放在“路由”信息而不是内容,但是从这些链接信息中也可以分析出很多内容了。 www.bing.com 3. In return for my inventions I gleaned certain facts, which I squirreled away. 为了回馈我的故事,作为奖赏,我得知了一些很遥远模糊的事实。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is likely that the Russians also gleaned knowledge of stealth technology from the downed Nighthawk. 俄国似乎也从夜鹰身上获得了相关的隐形技术。 www.bing.com 5. He gleaned these facts from government white papers. 他从政府发行的白皮书中搜集了这些事实。 www.hotdic.com 6. It remains difficult to gather statistics even on modern porn usage in China though some idea can be gleaned from apocryphal sources. 虽然可以从坊间传闻中四处搜集信息,但是关于中国现代色情作品使用量的数据还是很难收集到的。 www.bing.com 7. Each is powered by wisdom gleaned from crowds online. 每个都是采用从在线群众中收集到的智慧来驱动的。 www.bing.com 8. In many of the examples I've used, wisdom is gleaned from user behavior. 在我经历的许多的例子中,智慧是用户行为赐予的。 www.bing.com 9. Whether that continues once China has gleaned all it can from RBS remains to be seen. 一旦中方从RBS得到了所能得到的一切以后,这种形势能否继续下去,还有待观察。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The lessons gleaned by the tanker community from the Gulf War will serve in the future. 加油机相关人员在海湾战争中获取到的经验将用于未来的实践。 jpkc2009.nudt.edu.cn 1. As you can see, there is also POWER specific information that is gleaned from the dmesg command. 可以看到,还存在从dmesg命令中收集到的特定于POWER的信息。 www.ibm.com 2. By executing the above code I have gleaned the port name and service name that I need to pass to Axis. 通过执行上面的代码,我收集到了需要传送给Axis的端口名称和服务名称。 www.ibm.com 3. What we do know about Gauss's work in non-Euchidean geometry is gleaned from his letters to friends. 我们所知道的高斯在非欧几里得几何上的工作是从他给朋友们的信中透露出来的。 4. That's why I am offering my five best lessons for managing your career, gleaned since I launched this column in July 1993. 所以现在我就要跟大家分享五点有关职业规划的经验之谈,从1993年7月开始攥写这个专栏以来,我搜集了大量这方面的好经验。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But they can, and do, use aggregate information, "market colour" gleaned from their interactions with investors, hedge funds and companies. 但他们可以而且一直在利用综合信息,即在与投资者、对冲基金和公司的往来中收集到的“市场颜色”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Chinese Internet companies have gleaned a lesson from this: entertainment trumps politics on the Web in China. 中国互联网公司从中汲取一个教训:中国的网络中,娱乐胜过政治。 dongxi.net 7. Turner thinks there is something to be gleaned from the termites' approach. 而特纳认为白蚁们筑巢方式大有可取之处。 www.bing.com 8. This means using the knowledge gleaned from data to optimise and automate all kinds of processes. 这意味着利用从数据中点滴收集到的知识,对各类进程加以最优化和自动化。 www.ecocn.org 9. There are some positive health effects to be gleaned from the data. 从这些数据也可以搜罗出一些有益健康的影响。 www.ecocn.org 10. Or is it gleaned from the apparent praise from the public? 还是朋友们表面的赞许?都不是! sm2000.org 1. Here are some tips gleaned from the longest living communities in the world. 以下是从世界上最长寿社区收集到的一些秘诀。 www.bing.com 2. Developing countries must also invest in translation services so that information can be gleaned more efficiently. 发展中国家也必须投资进行翻译服务,让信息能够有效地被获取。 www.scidev.net 3. De La Ratta's wealth has been gleaned from his ability to live on both sides of the law; 德-拉-拉塔的财富采自他靠法律的两面为生的能力; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. conversely , the information gleaned from the diagram is exactly that given in the more abstract definition of a particular g = ( v , e ) 反之,从一个图形中搜集到的信息,恰好就是一个特定的g(v,e)以较抽象的定义所给出的信息。 www.ichacha.net 5. Here are a few interesting principles that can be gleaned from this discussion 下面是从以上讨论中得出的一些有意义的原则 www-128.ibm.com 6. Save a few gleaned from the sepulchral gloom, 除了从阴森森的陵园捡得几块。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. they have gleaned various notions from films and books 他们从影片和书本?集了各种的观念。 www.ichacha.net |
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