单词 | jaw |
释义 |
复数:jaws 现在分词:jawing 过去式:jawed 例句释义: 颌,爪,叉头,夹片,唠唠叨叨地训斥,唠唠叨叨地责备,〈俚〉向…唠叨,大白鲨,狭口 1. With its spiked shell, beak like jaws, and thick, scaled tail, this species is often referred to as the "dinosaur of the turtle world. " 它刺状的龟甲,鸟喙状的爪,和粗大有鳞的尾巴,使这个品种常被称作“龟中的恐龙”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. These are the kind of, you know, scenes that you remember and expect from "Jaws. " 他们有点,你知道,《大白鲨》的这些场景给你造成了一种期望。 www.ted.com 3. Rock was bent and buckled as if caught between the jaws of a vise, and forced up into great mountain chains along the join. 岩石就像被虎钳揪住一样被扭曲,沿着结合点拱起来形成了山脉。 www.yappr.cn 4. After the dog got the ball, I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious jaws, but I could not. 狗咬住球后,我试图将其从紧咬的狗嘴里取出,但是不行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Its legs are arranged in seven pairs, and its front two are able to manipulate and bring food to its four sets of jaws. 它有十四条腿,最前面的两条活动自如,可以用来将食物抓进它四瓣形的口中。 www.bing.com 6. The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws. 它直撞在鱼身上,闭上两颚,老人看见一块块白色的鱼肉从它嘴角漏出来。 sonic-xxx.blog.163.com 7. They are relatively large, growing up to 5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws. 它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。 www.bing.com 8. If he or she has strong jaws and chews on the ball it can pop into the back of her throat and cut off the air supply. 如果它有强壮的嘴(大嘴巴),在咬球的时候很可能球会突然的进到嗓子里并卡在那里造成窒息。 bbs.goumin.com 9. A woman's cowardice can be so absolute as to cast her into the jaws of her aversion. 女人的懦弱会不会如此强烈,以致把她投入她厌恶的人的血盆大口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As you walk in the wind's whistling claws , Listen past the howling of the wolf's jaws . My song Comes to you. 当你在呼啸刺骨的寒风中跋涉,请越过孤狼喉中的嚎叫倾。 www.bing.com 1. A variously shaped hand tool having a pair of pivoted jaws, used for holding, bending, or cutting. 钳子一种有各种形状的手工工具,它有一对置于枢轴上的鄂夹,用来折叠、弯曲或切割 www.jukuu.com 2. Suddenly the crocodile explodes out of the water and closes its jaws upon the nearest part of the water buffalo, usually one of its legs. 鳄鱼突然从水中冲出来,在水牛最接近水的部位收紧双颚,通常是某一条腿。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Again opening the jaws of her handbag, Grandma rummaged in the darkness of her purse and retrieved a pair of scissors. 她奶奶再次打开手提包,黑暗中翻找着,然后找到一把剪刀。 www.elanso.com 4. A schoolboy managed to free his head from the jaws of a polar bear that killed one of his friends in Norway last week. 一个学生试图把头从北极熊的嘴巴里摆脱出来,这只北极熊在上周咬死了他的一个朋友。 www.hbqnb.com 5. To disclose the name of his latest purchases would be like walking into the jaws of disdain. 要他宣布最近买了些什么画,等于把自己送进轻蔑的虎口。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Turtle decided to go first. He took Rat's tail in his jaws, and Rat began to climb. 乌龟决定第一个上去,他将老鼠的尾巴塞进嘴里,然后老鼠开始往上爬,蟾蜍在地上目不转睛地看着。 www.bing.com 7. I had to wrestle with it to keep its jaws away from me, and it would have clawed me to death if my wife had not arrived. 我不得不和它搏斗,不让它咬到我,要不是我妻子赶到我可能会被老虎抓死。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. When Mace went to parley with these dissidents, he found himself in the jaws of a trap -- the meeting was a set-up. 当温杜前去与这些退团者谈判时,他发现这次会议是一个精心策划的圈套。 www.bing.com 9. There was only the heavy sharp blue head and the big eyes and the clicking, thrusting all-swallowing jaws. 只有那沉重、尖锐的蓝色脑袋,两只大眼睛和那嘎吱作响、吞噬一切的突出的两颚。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The principal types of chuck jaws used for these purposes are called soft jaws and are generally made of cast aluminum. 用于这种目的的卡具虎钳口的主要类型被叫做软虎钳口,一般用生铝制成。 wenwen.soso.com 1. She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched. 她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关呻吟着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。 www.bing.com 2. His jaws closed on the hand, nor did they relax till his senses were choked out of him once more. 他用牙紧咬住那只手,直到他又一次失去知觉才松开。 zftrans.com 3. The animal found the grenade on the ground, picked it up in its jaws and trotted back to its owner. 动物发现手榴弹在地面上,拾起它的下颚和小跑回到它的主人。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws. 这是一条巨大的鲭鲨,生来就跟海里游速最快的鱼游得一样快。它周身的一切都很美,除了上下颚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. When Kelly said that she had been placed in a virtual lab, Ms. Sutter recalled her "jaws dropped. " 当凯利得知她被安排去了一个虚拟的图书馆,苏特女士回忆道,她的“下巴都要掉下来了”。 www.bing.com 6. He still hung to the fish with his jaws hooked and the old man stabbed him in his left eye. 它依旧紧锁着上下颚,咬住了鱼不放,老人一刀戳进它的左眼。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Sparse white stubble sprouted on the jaws of his long, dark face, and there was a fringe of grey hair around his shiny bald head. 长脸上带了一层暗黄色。嘴唇上有两撇花白的八字胡。头顶光秃,只有少许花白头发。 www.jukuu.com 8. To squeeze between the thumb and a finger, the jaws of a tool, or other edges. 在大拇指和一根手指、工具的夹片或其它刀口间相互挤压 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Given that I could have been caught by the beast or have dropped right into the jaws of the dragon, the honey tasted pretty sweet. 鉴于我可能已经被猛兽抓住,或者说直接掉进了恶龙的嘴里,蜂蜜尝起来就特别的甜。 www.bing.com 10. Once the koala is dinging to the dog's underside, the dog can't get at it with its jaws. 树熊一旦挂在野狗的下方,野狗的嘴就够不着它了。 www.bing.com 1. It kills small vertebrates, including venomous snakes, by crushing with its jaws and the weight of its coils, but is not a constrictor. 以小型脊椎动物(包括毒蛇)为食。取食方法为用上下颚咬死或将身体盘起来压死猎物,而不靠身体的缢缩。 www.tdict.com 2. Maybe carmakers should start making the tools necessary to break their cars open in an accident. The Jaguar Jaws of Life, anyone? 也许这些汽车生产商可以开始制造能打开车辆的专用工具,比如“美洲虎尖牙”如何? www.tgfcer.com 3. And I brake the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth. 我打破不义之人的牙床,从他牙齿中夺了所抢的。 www.ebigear.com 4. A little way off the crocodile lay blinking in the sun, with his sharp teeth and whity-yellow jaws wide open. 太阳下,一条有着锋利的牙齿和张着浅黄色大口的小鳄鱼在不远处趴着,对他们视而不见。 www.bing.com 5. She singled out the lion cub immediately and began to hiss aggressively at the lion cub with open jaws. 她挑出来的狮子幼崽立即开始嘘积极狮幼崽在开放颌骨。 tieba.baidu.com 6. But in all carnivores, the lower canines are in the front of jaws, and only if the mouth is wide open are the upper canines exposed. 但是,在所有食肉动物中,下犬牙位于颌的前面,只有当嘴张大时上犬牙才能暴露出来。 url.cn 7. Back on dry land he wrestles with the 60-stone (800lb) beast in her enclosure and bravely lets Agee clamp her huge jaws around his head. 上岸后,马克与这只重60吨(800磅)的野兽在围墙里玩摔跤游戏,还让亚基用巨颚夹住他的头。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 8. Hard. (faint smile) In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. (微弱的笑了一下)实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。 clubtime.cn 9. Authorities believe a great white lifted triathlete David Martin out of the water with his legs in its jaws yesterday. 官方表示在昨天一头大白鲨用它那锋利的下颚咬住了游人大卫。马丁的腿部并将他拖出水面。 bbs.putclub.com 10. The survivors said the fear inspired by sharks, most famously in the massively popular film "Jaws, " is hugely distorted. 幸存者们说,对鲨鱼的恐惧,特别是因为卖座电影“大白鲨”的宣传,被无限的扭曲夸大。 www.bing.com 1. An enormous great white shark had him in its jaws, its teeth dug into his back. 一个庞大的白鲨将他捕入口中,牙齿咬着他的背。 www.bing.com 2. In puberty, men's faces develop brow ridges and square jaws, but women's features remain less pronounced in those areas, she said. 她还说,在青春期,男性逐渐显现眉脊和方下巴,而女性这部分的特征则没那么明显。 www.bing.com 3. It manufactures the steel jaws attached to diesel excavators that are removing debris and looking for bodies up and down the coast. 它制造一种附在柴油挖掘机上的钢嘴,用来清除杂物和在海岸边找寻尸体。 www.bing.com 4. how cheerfully he seems to grin , how neatly spread his claws , and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws. 它笑得多么快乐,伸开爪子的姿势多么文雅,它在欢迎那些小鱼。 www.ichacha.net 5. He curved turn of jaws gentleness of looking at her, "woman, your hair look like the lair Ai. " 他弯起嘴角温柔的看着她,“女人,你的头发好像鸟巢诶。” lionwind990718.sclub.tw 6. You can hold on to my tail with your jaws, and I can pull you up the tree. 你们可以咬着我的尾巴,我把你们拉上去! www.bing.com 7. This incredible Lions on the Edge exhibit, which puts you just inches from a lion's jaws, is one of the biggest attractions at the zoo. 在这个前沿看台难以置信地看狮子,使游客处于离狮子的血盆大口仅几英寸的位置,是这个动物园里最吸引人的观赏点之一。 www.bing.com 8. The basking shark and whale shark are killed mainly for their fins and meat, and the great white shark for its jaws and teeth, he said. 他说,姥鲨与鲸鲨主要由于其鱼翅和肉而被捕杀,大白鲨是由于其鳄与牙而被捕杀。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. By now nearly everyone has seen or heard the story of a killer Great White Shark in Jaws, a hit novel turned into a blockbuster movie. 到先在几乎每个人都看过或听过《大白鲨》这部由畅销小说改编的卖座电影中那头吃人大白鲨的故事。 usuc.spaces.live.com 10. Then, on his back, with his tail lashing and his jaws clicking, the shark plowed over the water as a speedboat does. 它这时肚皮朝上,尾巴扑打着,两颚嘎吱作响,像一条快艇般划破水面。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But a new study finds that until great whites get at least three meters long, they're less [Jaws music] and more [gentle music]. 然而一项新的研究发现,在大白鲨成长到至少三米长之前,他们就不太[音乐:凶狠]而是更多[音乐:柔和]。 www.bing.com 2. If the reptile gets you into its mouth, don't waste time trying to pry its jaws open. 如果它(鳄鱼类)咬住你,别浪费时间去尝试撬开它的双颚。 www.bing.com 3. Jack grabs Nils but he is not strong enough to pull him out of the animal's huge jaws. 杰克抓住尼尔斯,但他没有足够力量将他从鳄鱼的巨颚拉出。 4. Most Koreans have prominent boney foreheads and short jaws-which do not make for a beautiful face. 大多数韩国人颧骨突出,下巴短,这样的脸型就不好看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And PancakeCroc was named for its wide, flat head, which it kept on the bottom, jaws open, waiting for an unsuspecting dinosaur to step in. 煎饼鳄的名字源于它宽扁的脑袋,它脑袋始终处于下方,嘴巴张开,时刻等待着没有设防的恐龙靠近。 www.bing.com 6. Used to lay out body plans, build beaks and alter fish jaws, BMP4 illustrates perfectly one of the major recurring themes of evo-demo. BMP4被用于规划身体的结构,生成喙和改变鱼的下颚,它对进化发育生物学的一个重大课题作出了很好的解释。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They had short necks and huge, crocodile-like heads that contained immensely powerful jaws and a set of huge, razor-sharp teeth. 它们脖子短小,拥有形似鳄鱼的巨大头部,头部长有非常强有力的爪子和一套锋利的大型牙齿。 www.bing.com 8. Rather than a flexible lower jaw joint, they had a hinge between the upper jaws and the rest of the skull. 他们没有可活动的下颌关节,而是有一条筋腱连接着上颚和头骨。 www.bing.com 9. Objective To evaluate the application effect of the ball attachment implant denture in the edentulous jaws. 目的:探讨球状附着式种植义齿在无牙颌中的应用效果。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. You think you can snatch some victory from the jaws of defeat? 你觉得你可以从失败中捞些好处么? tieba.baidu.com 1. Instead of riding back up to the boardroom, they descended two more floors into the jaws of the waiting press. 他们没有返回上面的会议室,而是下行两层,走入了媒体的“虎口”——他们正翘首以待。 www.ftchinese.com 2. teeth Hard outgrowths on the jaws, roof of the mouth or pharynx; used for biting and masticating food. 齿生长于颚,口或咽喉的顶部的骨质突起物;用以咀嚼食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He blistered the track and everyone would come out to watch each of his runs, with jaws dropped. 他起泡的跟踪和每个人都出来观看他的每一个运行时,与颌骨下降。 www.toptoys.cn 4. The kanga jaw uses a linear motor which adds an up and down motion to its rotating jaws. 下颚的坎加采用直线电机增加了一个向上和向下运动的旋转颌骨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It appears Tyler does transform, so let's hope none of our favorite vampires get caught in his jaws! 看来泰勒要改变了,希望没有我们喜欢的吸血鬼被他的狼牙咬到! www.bing.com 6. The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool. 钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间 dict.ebigear.com 7. Their teeth are bigger, perform better on spatial- ability test. squarer, more masculine jaws and but more likely to be short-sighted. 她们牙齿要大一点,空间能力更强,球技要好一点,下巴会更方更男性化一点,但可能会有一点点地近视。 www.club.tianyablog.com 8. He was sound asleep; snoring, in fact, and yet his jaws were working away mechanically. 这个胖子睡得很死,还在打鼾,不过他的颚仍在机械地上下活动。 www.bing.com 9. He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. 上帝也必引你出离患难,进入宽阔不狭窄之地;摆在你席上的必满有肥甘。 new.fuyinchina.com 10. The linear movement of the piston is transformed into angular movement of the jaws through a double toggle link mechanism more. . . 活塞的直线运动转化为对颌骨角运动通过一个双曲肘连杆机构更多… www.testmart.cn 1. A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws specialized to serve as fighting weapons. 性发育不完全的某种蚂蚁和白蚁,头很大且颚有力,作为打架的武器 zhidao.baidu.com 2. One day Callisto suddenly found herself changed into a bear, with monstrous jaws and bloodshot eyes . 一天凯里斯特忽然间发现自己变成了一只大熊,长着恶魔般的嘴巴和充血的眼睛。 www.yingyubo.com 3. His neck swelled with rage, bloody foam covered his jaws, and the breath of his nostrils poisoned the air around. 它气得脖子发胀,嘴角冒着血沫,鼻中喷出一股股的毒气。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The shark came in a rush and the old man hit him as he shut his jaws. 鲨鱼冲上前来,老人趁它合上两颚时给了它一下。 www.jukuu.com 5. The massive molars and powerful jaws of a wolf are used to crush the bones of its prey. 大量的后牙和强有力的嘴是狼用来咬碎他们猎物的骨头的工具。 www.bing.com 6. Their powerful jaws give Tasmanian Devils the strongest bite of any living mammal. 其强大的下巴给塔斯马尼亚魔鬼最强咬的任何活的动物。 www.en400.com:8080 7. A chuck wrench with three jaws is provided, which comprises a wrench body, a wrench handle and a spring connected with the wrench body. 一种三爪卡盘扳手,包括一扳手体和一扳手柄,其特征在于,还包括一弹簧,该弹簧套装在扳手体上。 ip.com 8. Their jaws and face form a sharp-toothed Beak, and their Body is encased in an armour of diamond-shaped , thick scales. 两颚与面部形成一个有尖牙的喙,鱼体覆以菱形光亮而厚的硬鳞。 www.showxiu.com 9. to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws. 用或仿佛用牙齿或下巴抓住,切断,或撕破。 www.hotdic.com 10. The landed welling ancestors of this modern king of the sea were hunters with legs and the jaws and teeth of killers. 现代海中之王的陆上祖先,是有腿、有颚、有利齿的猎手。 www.yxtvg.com 1. The old man reversed the oar and put the blade between the shark's jaws to open them. 老人把桨颠倒过来,把桨片插向鲨鱼的上下额之间,撬开它们。 www.bing.com 2. They were like monstrous fire flies that could thoroughly pulverize a man in their iron jaws! 真是大得怕人的火鲛,它们的铁牙床,可以把整个人咬成肉酱! novel.tingroom.com 3. With both variants of the device the take-up side is clamped in place like a workpiece between parallel jaws or centering jaws . 装置两端同时改变,拉紧端就像在平口虎钳或者中心虎钳中的工件一样被夹住。 www.bing.com 4. As he moved onward, Cadmus retreated before him, holding his spear opposite to the monster's opened jaws. 它朝卡德摩斯一点一点地逼过来,卡德摩斯边退边用长矛在那怪物的大嘴前挑逗。 tr.bab.la 5. Pound for pound, hyenas have the strongest jaws in the Mala Mala Game Reserve. Nothing is going to make this hyena let go. 一点点加力,土狼在马拉马拉狩猎动物保护区内有着最强壮的下颚。任何事情都不会让这只土狼松口。 www.bing.com 6. The long- eared animals are often gray with white noses, jaws and under sides. 这种长耳动物通常是灰色的,长着白色的鼻子嘴巴和腹部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. My father in-law, an old lawyer, often jaws at me that laws are like jam jammed in jar. 我岳父。一位老律师。常对我唠叨说。法律就象塞在罐子里的果酱。 tutorsky.net 8. These adorable dormice are actually increasingly rare in England, and these two were rescued from the jaws of a ferocious housecat. 这些可爱的睡鼠在英格兰变得愈发的稀少,这两只小家伙是从一只凶残的家猫口中救出的。 www.bing.com 9. The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth-hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic. 用猛犸骨头、下颚骨和头骨建造房屋,在旧石器时代的猛犸狩猎文化中很普遍。 www.bing.com 10. symphyseal fangs Large, pointed teeth located at or close to the anterior junction of the upper or the lower jaws. 合生的尖牙位于或接近于上、下颌前端接合处上的大且尖的齿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. symphyseal fangs Large, pointed teeth located at or close to the anterior junction of the upper or the lower jaws. 合生的尖牙位于或接近于上、下颌前端接合处上的大且尖的齿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。 www.zhaidou.com 3. You - No, you don't need a mask. There's a shark. I swear the God. He's big. He' looks like Jaws. Get out. 不行,你不需要潜水镜,有条鲨鱼,我向上帝发誓,看起来像个大白鲨,出来。 enfans.com 4. Creeping close before a final rush, he instantly kills the calf with one snap of his powerful jaws. 他无声无息的接近猎物并进行最后冲刺,用自己有力的爪子一拍,立刻杀死了小牛。 www.huaxia-ng.com 5. The muscles to open their jaws are very weak. Even a human could hold a crocodiles jaws closed so they won't attack. 这些肌肉的张开能力非常弱,甚至一个人就可以把鄂鱼的嘴巴合上,让它不能攻击。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Jaws was a hit of vast proportions, inspiring executives to go for the home run instead of the base hit . 大白鲨掀起了一个浪潮,激发制片商们追求类似于棒球的本垒打而不是安全打的经营方式。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Meanwhile the jackal king thrashed back and forth, trying madly to free himself from the might jaws of the human king. 而此时胡狼王来回不停地甩动,发疯一般想逃脱这个国王的大口。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But the gene that made way for a larger brain did so by diverting bone away from our jaws, which caused them to become thinner and smaller. 但是这个基因之所以能容纳更大的大脑,是通过把咽喉部的骨头转移实现的。这造成了颌骨变得越来越薄,越来越小。 www.bing.com 9. Ragworm jaws are made of a mixture of protein and zinc ions. 沙蚕的颌齿是由蛋白质跟锌离子结合而成。 www.ecocn.org 10. Even at less than 10mm, this "small" ground beetle larva is a huge and powerful predator to the tiny springtail in its jaws. 这种“小”步行虫的幼虫虽然体长不足10毫米,可对于被它擒在颚中的微小的弹尾虫来说,却是雄伟有力的掠食者。 dict.bioon.com 1. A turtle has no teeth , but its jaws are strong and sharp . 海龟没有牙齿,但是它的鄂是很坚固而且锋利。 www.tianhongsh.com 2. It often turns out to be the male fish with bigger fins and jaws. 那些有着巨大的鳍和颚的雄鲑鱼往往是获胜者。 www.ycwb.com 3. Center the crimping tool jaws exactly over the ring, and bring the tool handles together until totally closed to the stop indicator. 将压紧工具钳夹精确放置在环上面,然后将工具手柄握到一起直到止动指示器完全封闭为止。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Studying the various skulls and jaws has given scientists important information about the early species that lived here. 研究各种不同的头骨和下颚骨能给科学家们带来许多有关早期生物在此生存的重要信息。 www.elanso.com 5. One snap of her huge muscular jaws and she could break my arm, or my neck. 只要它强健的大嘴猛地咬我一口,就能咬断我的胳膊,或咬断我的脖子。 wiki.jukuu.com 6. And lett his be enough to know concerning the first valley and the souls locked in its jaws. 关于第一道山谷和它所吞噬的人,你知道了这些就够了。 www.hotdic.com 7. When the mayor mentioned signing the Kyoto treaty, Mann said, "Staff members' jaws kind of dropped as they realized he was dead serious. " 曼恩说,当市长提及签署京都条约时,“职员们意识到他是说真的,感到十分惊愕。” iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. It means a life snatched out of the jaws of the destroyer, as David snatched the lamb from the lion. 我们能从毁灭者的爪牙中间抢出我们自己的命来,好像大卫从狮子口中抢出羊羔来一般。 www.glorypress.com 9. abstract: Objective Explore use clips bow orthodontic traction treatment between technical joint jaws mandibular angle fracture effect. 目的探讨利用片段弓正畸技术联合颌间牵引治疗下颌角骨折的效果。 www.bing.com 10. A bite that would be lethal to a large marine mammal could damage the shark's jaws. 对于大型海洋哺乳动物的致命一咬将会伤害到鲨鱼的下巴。 www.bing.com 1. Like habilis, the face had massive jaws with huge molars, no chin, thick brow ridges, and a long low skull. 能人一样,面临了巨大的颌骨与巨大的臼齿,没有下巴,额头脊厚,以及长期低头骨。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It had a short beak with strong jaws. 它的短喙有着强壮的下巴。 www.17xie.com 3. First, they checked the strength and durability of the jaws by pressing them with a microscopic diamond probe. 一开始,他们通过采用显微钻石探头挤压颌齿的方法,检测其强度跟韧度。 www.ecocn.org 4. also, , , , I still have many things not to do, so I can't leave, so I again and again in the jaws of death and hospital between. 还要、、、、我还有好多好多的事还没做,所以我不能离开,所以我一次次地在鬼门关和医院之间徘徊。 www.bing.com 5. In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victim's jaws open with a crowbar. 事实上,我听说受害者会死命地咬着,要用铁尺才能撬开他的嘴巴。 k.pcbaby.com.cn 6. Objective: To investigate the influence of the different angles of the occlusal plane on the supporting tissues of the edentulous jaws. 目的:研究全口义齿不同倾斜角度的平面对无牙颌支持组织受力的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. People have suspected the ants used their jaws to jump for over a century, but could only prove it with today's modern video equipment. 人们猜想蚂蚁可以用它们的嘴巴跳已经有一个世纪多了,不过直到今天的现代摄影设备才证实了人们的猜想。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Conclusion Expectant treatment is an efficient therapeutic tool for radionecrosis of jaws. 结论保守方法治疗放射性颌骨坏死疗效较满意。 www.bing.com 9. Darwin also wondered at the origins of the wolves, which were unusually small, and had reddish fur and relatively short jaws. 这种狼身材小的不同寻常,皮毛淡红色,还有下巴也相对较短,达尔文对其起源也感到疑惑。 www.bing.com 10. Hyenas, with their strong jaws, are among the crater's most successful predators, even the cubes are born with pin-sharp teeth. 鬣狗的颚骨非常有力,是火山口最厉害的掠食者。刚出生的小鬣狗牙齿就十分尖锐。 2u4u.com.cn 1. Above, actors Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw act with the mechanical giant shark dubbed "Bruce" in a scene from Jaws. 上图是《大白鲨》中的一幕场景,演员理查德?德莱弗斯和罗伯特?肖与名为“布鲁斯”的巨型机器鲨共同出演。 dongxi.net 2. Its strong jaws, used to chop tough wood-moss chunks into pieces, can rend flesh and snap bones easily. 它那强壮的下颚能把大块坚硬的木苔藓咬成碎片,也能很轻易地撕裂肌肉、折断骨胳。 www.starwarschina.com 3. This condition allowed a neophyte senator from Illinois to seize his party's nomination from the jaws of the formidable Clinton machine. 正因为如此,这个伊利诺洲的资浅参议员才能从实力雄厚的克林顿领导集团中虎口余生,获得民主党总统候选人提名。 www.bing.com 4. The devils, known for powerful jaws, fierce screeches and voracious consumption of prey, are the world's largest marsupial carnivores. 袋獾以强壮的下巴、激烈的尖叫声和贪婪的猎食而闻名,是世界上最大的食肉有袋动物。 luckysevengogo.ning.com 5. The main feature showed a life coach photographed with a pencil clamped between his jaws demonstrating how to improve our smiles. 上面一篇重头特稿展示了一位生活教练用上下颚夹紧铅笔,演示如何改进笑容的照片。 www.ftchinese.com 6. any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beak like jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw. 几种完全生活在海洋中的鲸,嘴象鸟嘴,上鳄牙齿退化。 www.hotdic.com 7. The White House insists that a proposed commission to restrain health inflation will have powerful jaws, and perhaps it will. 白宫坚称,拟议的抑制医疗通胀的委员会将强健有力,或许它能够做到。 www.ecocn.org 8. Steiner had strong reservations about attacking directly into the jaws of the Soviet defences . 施泰纳尔对从正面攻击苏军的防线持有很强烈的保留态度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Squeeze the trigger the jaws are secure around the object and lift as required. 挤压触发颌骨周围的物体和电梯安全的要求。 bbs.canjiren.net 10. Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment on eosinophilic granuloma of the jaws bone. 目的总结颌骨嗜酸细胞肉芽肿的临床诊断和治疗经验。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. That suggestion, however, fell apart when it became clear that the jaws of worms from clean water, too, were stuffed with zinc. 然而,当弄清楚在洁净水域的沙蚕,其颌齿也饱含锌的时候,该设想就行不通了。 www.ecocn.org 2. The jaws are strong with a full complement of evenly set and properly intermeshing teeth. 结实而丰满,牙齿位置匀称且相互啮合的很好。 dogsky.com 3. Most often a NDE is brief, as the person is being snatched back from the jaws of death, so only this initial impression is recalled. 大多数濒死体验很简短,因为当事人被从鬼门关抢救回去,所以只回想起了最初的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Objective: To diagnose and treat the central hemangioma of the jaws (CHJ)and to investigate the emergency measures of hemostasis . 目的:探讨颌骨中央性血管瘤的诊断和治疗方法及急症止血措施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Jaws that can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as a Bengal tiger named Sita totes a cub to a new den. 孟加拉虎Sita含着幼虎走向洞穴。她那足可以碾碎脊骨的大嘴此时却是最为温柔的交通工具。 bbs.shuxiangyuan.org 6. Primitive ray-finned freshwater fishes of North and Central America and Cuba. Characterized by elongated jaws and heavy ganoid scales. 雀鳝原始的条鳍淡水鱼,分布在中美洲与北美洲及古巴。特徵为瘦长的颚与重的硬鳞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As evolution made its selections, our diets changed, our jaws grew appropriately smaller, and our third molars became unnecessary. 由于进化中的不断选择,我们的饮食发生了变化,我们的下巴也相应变小,而第三臼齿也就没用了。 www.bing.com 8. The male shows elongated rays in its anal fin and yellow pearl organs on the jaws and opercula during breeding season. 雄鱼的臀鳍鳍条特长,交配季节两颌和鳃盖会长出黄色的珠星。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Objective: To investigate the veracity of Gothic arch transferring centric relation position of edentulous jaws. 目的:探讨哥特氏弓测定无牙颌正中颌位的准确性。 en.zidian8.com 10. Fibrous dysplasia of the jaws affects the maxilla more frequently than the mandible and affects females more frequently than males. 发生在上颚骨比下颚骨多,而女性的好发比例也比男性高。 www.teps.com.cn 1. "Know, elder brother. " True snow Jue Jue jaws, a little daughter-in-law's shape that suffered indignities. “知道了,哥。”真雪撅了撅嘴,一副受了气的小媳妇模样。 www.fenyouwang.com 2. some have little heads and long jaws, as is the case, without exception, among animals of the mane-and-tail species. 一些动物脑袋小并且有长吻,就如同长毛尾种的动物一样,没有例外。 blog.zikao365.com 3. In this paper, the anatomical structures of rat jaws are studied using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with high spatial resolution. 在本文件中,解剖结构的影响进行了研究颌骨使用磁共振成像(MRI)与高空间分辨率。 www.syyxw.com 4. The mammoth jaws used at the base were interlocked -- a clever technique found at most of the mammoth hunter sites. 在棚屋底部,猛犸下颚骨交叉连结——这一巧妙设计在多数猛犸狩猎遗址都能看到。 www.bing.com 5. Packing what may be the world's biggest bite, a recently revealed "sea monster" would have given Jaws a run for its money. 一条远古“海怪”近日在公众面前显露真颜,只要一亮出巨齿,哪怕是食人鲨在它那也许是世界第一大的巨鄂面前也只能逃之夭夭。 www.bing.com 6. Inside the closed double lip of his jaws all of his eight rows of teeth were slanted inwards. 在这紧闭着的双唇里面,八排牙齿全都朝里倾斜着。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Sees 14 elder brother the affirmative ape is in virtuous imperial concubine's brisket and say the joke of contiguous small eunuch in jaws. 只见十四阿哥正猴在德妃怀里,嘴里说着身边小太监的笑话。 www.swty.net 8. Wrenches (spanners) must not be used if its jaws are sprung, worn or cracked. They may slip off a bolt or nut when you least expect it. 如果扳手(扳钳)的钳夹出现变形、磨损或裂纹,则不宜再使用。它们可能会在您始料未及之时导致螺栓或螺帽滑脱。 www.vpsafety.com 9. The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws, enabling it to crack large bones. 发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The dental history primarily encompasses the sphere of previous diseases of the teeth, mouth, and jaws. 牙科病史基本上记录了先前患过病的牙齿,口唇,和颌骨。 web.degree-distance.net 1. Special emphasis is placed on sound running gear, strong neck and jaws, courage and agility, combined with proper condition. 特别需要强调的是正确的奔跑结构、强健的颈部和颌部,勇敢而敏捷,并将上述特点以恰当的方式组合起来。 www.3316.cn 2. Thanks to the use of the latest CNC technology, the exact movement and positioning of the tools (mandrel and hammer jaws) even under load. 由于最近CNC技术的使用,即使在负载情况下也精确移动和确定工具位置(心轴和锤头)。 wenku.baidu.com 3. When you look at a movie like "Jaws, " the scene that you're, that you expect -- we have the screen? 当你看电影《大白鲨》的时候,你期待的场景--我们看屏幕? www.ted.com 4. The striking head of a snake-tree snaps its jaws shut inches from him. 蛇树的活动头差几英寸就咬住他了。 www.bing.com 5. A family of alpacas have been brought in to patrol a farm to protect newborn lambs from the jaws of hungry foxes. 一个农场引进了一群羊驼,来保护新生小羊羔不被饥饿的狐狸叼走。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. The jaws of most lathe chucks can be reversed to switch form external to internal chucking. 大多数机床卡盘的啮合机件(是虎钳口吗)能够反转,从外卡具转换成内卡具。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Bite--jaws level and strong with well-developed teeth, especially the canines or holders. Scissors bite preferred. 颌部平而结实,牙齿非常发达,尤其是犬齿,剪状咬和为首选。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Results: The deviation and stress distribution of the edentulous jaws and the base plates were obtained. 结果:得出了七种模型的基托及无牙颌骨的位移及应力分布值。 www.chemyq.com 9. Turned a head apt see eye Tang Wan Lou, the corner of jaws smiling of side mind came behind afresh. 转头看了眼唐晚楼,嘴角边的笑意又回来了。 nanhai.hinews.cn 10. Nearly 20 years ago I had the dubious honor of viewing Jaws 3-D, one of the sequels to the infamous shark-attack movie. 大约是20年前,也不知道算不算幸运,我去看了「立体大白鲨」。这是恶名昭彰的大白鲨系列电影中的一部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As they dive toward him, we see the distensible jaws unfold, revealing glassy dagger-like teeth several inches long. 当它们俯冲下来时,我们能看到它们显露出来的膨胀的下巴和几英寸长的光滑透明的匕首般的牙齿。 www.bing.com 2. Jaws utilize a rack & pinion for synchronization which are in'dependent from force rods and support rods. more. . . 大白鲨利用机架及同步而在`棒的力量和支持棒依赖的齿轮。更多… www.testmart.cn 3. The elongated upper and lower jaws give the animals their name of bottlenose ? their face shows a characteristic "smile" . 它们的上下颔较长,因此得名宽吻海豚。它们的脸像是挂着一种典型的“微笑”。 www.elanso.com 4. Their wolf forms are always graceful, with fur of silver or white, long jaws and full tail brushes. 他们的狼形态总是很优美的,有着一身银色或者白色的皮毛、长长的吻和丰满的尾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These questions are so trivial that it actually makes our nonexistent jaws drop. 这些问题都如此微不足道,实际上它使得我们根本不存在的下巴都掉下来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Animals with robust jaws, like gorillas and orang-utans, have long been known to be adapted to eating foods that require a lot of chewing. 而有强壮颌骨的动物,如大猩猩和猩猩,则适应吃那些需要很多咀嚼的食物。 www.ecocn.org 7. The ancestors of today's largest whales were gruesome carnivores that sucked giant fish and squid into tooth-filled jaws. 当今最大的鲸的祖先是可怕的食肉动物,吸进填补牙齿,颌骨巨鱼和鱿鱼。 www.kle100.cn 8. The projecting nose , jaws, or anterior facial part of an animal's head . 口鼻部,口吻动物头部突出的鼻、颚或脸前部。 www.bing.com 9. Another, the brightness is handsome, don't exceedingly is surging in jaws, fall into conversation with pure that. 另一个,阳光帅气,嘴里滔滔不绝,和那沈清攀谈。 cnxp.tk 10. He can, to see the last of a friend, venture into the very jaws of the marriage ceremony itself. 他能,只要见一位朋友的最后一面,冒险进入结婚典礼。 www.leehom-cn.com 1. Say beautifully on the jaws, rich brocade in the idea yet by secretly wry laugh, be dishonored to acknowledge that ego just also ate savor. 嘴上说的漂亮,锦绣心里却在暗暗苦笑,没脸承认自己刚才也吃味了。 www.wjtts.net 2. Chucks in which all the jaws move together are self centering and are used primarily for round work . 夹头,所有颌骨一起移动是自我为中心,主要负责全面工作中使用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Method The local medicated perfusion is used as a supplementary treatment to osteomyelitis of the jaws on the basis of normal therapy. 方法在颌骨骨髓炎常规治疗的基础上辅以局部药物灌流。 www.chemyq.com 4. Voice Synthesizer software JAWS - mature screen- reading software developed in the USA . 语音模拟软件JAWS由美国研制的一套完善的屏幕阅读软件。 www.bing.com 5. A mouse looks out from the jaws of a huge voracious African bullfrog. 一只老鼠从一只贪婪的非洲大牛蛙的巨口里向外张望。 www.bing.com 6. Crocodiles have strong muscles for closing their jaws and holding them shut, but weak muscles for opening them. 巨鳄拥有强劲的咬合肌肉,但是用于张开嘴的肌肉却十分软弱无力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The most obvious differences are the larger jaws and deeper brows of more masculine men. 结果,最明显的差别在于,阳刚男性面容颌骨较大,眉毛更深。 www.bing.com 8. Objective To discuss the methods for the diagnosis and treatment of the cementifying fibroma of the jaws. 目的:探讨下颌骨牙骨质化纤维瘤的及时诊断和合理的治疗方法。 www.chemyq.com 9. Outfitted with piston-driven jaws and steam-shovel arms, his machines exude biological vibes . 他设计的机器人装备着活塞驱动的下颚和蒸气铲车那样的胳膊,浑身洋溢着活力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Fit the rig tongs with the correct jaws for the drill pipe tool joint or the drill collar. Re-install the safety lock springs. 给大钳装上与钻杆接头或钻铤相匹配的钳头,再装上安全锁簧。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He clubbed at heads and heard the jaws chop and the shaking of the skiff as they took hold below. 他朝它们的头打去,听到上下颚啪地咬住的声音,还有它们在船底下咬住了鱼使船摇晃的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A grasping tool having a pair of jaws and handles pivotedtogether to work in opposition. 镊子,钳子一种抓握工具,有一对虎钳牙及交叉的柄,放在轴上一起反方向工作。 www.godict.com 3. The edges of their jaws are sharp, hard ridges, similar to a bird's beak. 它们的双颚的边沿是锋利坚硬的肉脊,类似鸟儿的嘴。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Inside this skull, embedded in the jaws, were rounded teeth specialized for crushing the shellfish it ate. 楯齿魟拥有平坦的甲壳,圆形的牙齿专门用来压碎贝壳类动物。 instapedia.com 5. Jaws are strong with well developed white teeth meeting in a scissors bite. 结实而非常发达的白牙齿,剪状咬和。 bbs.zaqi.net 6. The upper and lower jaws possess straight tooth rows and the jaw arches are almost rectangular in shape. 上、下颌具有直的齿列,而颌弓几乎呈直角形。 7. This words, small portly listened to the movement above the jaws in the meantime with Chen Gua . 这一句话,小胖和沈括同时听了嘴上的动作。 www.fenyouwang.com 8. When Gallagher held it closer, the dog moved suddenly, clamping his powerful jaws on the heavy wire mesh. 加拉赫将毛巾放得更近一些时,他猛地窜上来,用有力的嘴咬住笨重的铁丝网。 www.zftrans.com 9. Robust, thick jaws are excellent at crushing snails, while longer jaws work well for sucking up algae. 粗壮、厚实的下颚适合于挤压蜗牛,而长形下颚最适合吸食藻类。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Finally the parent bird gives up its pretence and leaps into the air just in time to escape the fox's jaws. 在狐狸的爪子就要抓到母鸟时,它终于放弃伪装,腾空而起。 book.douban.com 1. Their hairless faces have protruding lower jaws filled with pointed teeth. 他们脸上无毛,突出的下巴上利齿密布。 starwarsfans.cn 2. Manipulator with jaws tooling and manual rotation of particular pallets. 装备卡爪机械手臂,可以手动旋转特殊栈板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As tall as a man, this great wolf has long tusked jaws that look like they could snap an iron bar. 有一个人那么高,这种巨大的狼长有长颌骨使得它们看起来能够咬碎铁棒。它用火红的眼睛凝视着。 www.blizzcn.com 4. a wrench with a V-shaped jaw and serrations on one side (resembles the open jaws of an alligator). 一边有v型锯口和锯齿状隆起的扳手(和鳄鱼的口相似)。 www.hotdic.com 5. Different versions of JAWS will read different content for the UI elements. 不同版本的JAWS对UI元素会读出不同的内容。 www.ibm.com 6. The anemone, an inhabitant of deep-sea reefs, closes its jaws to trap its prey and to protect itself when threatened. 这种海葵生活在深海礁石上,通过合拢口部捕捉猎物或者受到威胁时保护自己。 www.bing.com 7. He had huge molars and jaws and a large sagittal crest. 他有巨大的臼齿和下颌和一个大型矢状嵴。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Hominids feature prominent jaws and most species have large brains relative to those of apes. Hominids以突出的下颌为特色并且多数种类有大脑子相对那些猿。 shaikhsiddiqui.com 9. Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients on chronic bisphosphonate therapy has been reported in small series since 2003. 颌骨骨坏死患者的双膦酸盐治疗慢性报告了自2003年以来,小批量生产。 www.syyxw.com 10. Like so many cadres before him, Mr Xu disappeared into the jaws of the Chinese Communist party's disciplinary inspection commission. 与之前的许多干部一样,许宗衡消失也是在接受中央纪律检查委员会的调查。 www.ftchinese.com 1. large aggressive freshwater turtle with powerful jaws. 下鄂有力、好斗的大型淡水龟。 www.hotdic.com 2. The panda also uses its powerful jaws and strong teeth to crush the tough, fibrous bamboo into bits. 熊猫也使用它的有力的颚和强壮的牙齿咬碎坚韧的细茎竹子。 www.jukuu.com 3. Consider big jaws, a masculine feature that universally makes women swoon. 比如说宽阔的下巴——这一男性特征,通常都能让女人们心醉神迷。 www.bing.com 4. The sections (15, 16) may be joined to other elements of the device by connections having jaws allowing slippage. 可以通过具有实现滑动的夹板的连接将段(15、16)结合到装置的其它元件。 ip.com 5. Jaws may be adapted to fit workpiece shapes that are not round. 虎钳口能够调整来适应非圆形工件的形状。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Some ants have extra jaws , they act as guards and soldiers. Other ants keep the tunnels and rooms clean. 有一些蚂蚁具有额外的钳牙,它们起护卫和兵蚁的作用。其它的蚂蚁清扫通道和蚁巢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Jaws and Teeth--Strong, well-set teeth, snugly overlapping with scissors bite. 颚部和牙齿结实、整齐的牙齿,剪状咬和。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Disenfranchised and driven from their former homes, the Paladins still work selflessly to protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. 虽然被从前的家园剥夺了权力,但是圣骑士们仍无私地拯救陷入危险的人类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Human molars and jaws responded to the invention of cooking by getting smaller. 人类的牙齿及下颚由于烹饪的发明而变得越来越小。 www.bing.com 10. Jaws: Aluminum bronze alloy and T-Slot style to prevent jaw breakage and offers superior load bearing capabilities. 大白鲨:铝青铜合金T型槽的风格,以防止颌骨断裂,并提供卓越的承载能力。 www.testmart.cn 1. When running JAWS to listen to content, the two modes have different results. 当运行JAWS听取内容时,这两种模式的效果截然不同。 www.ibm.com 2. The new species also has smaller teeth and jaws than H. habilis, which may indicate a different diet and lifestyle, Curnoe said. 这种新物种也有相比类人更小的牙齿和下颌骨,这显示出了一种不同的饮食和生活方式,Curnoe说。 ngmchina.com.cn 3. a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony. 没有翅膀不能生育的蚂蚁或白蚁,头大、嘴有力,适于保护群落。 www.hotdic.com 4. "The African ones have jaws like knives; they'll eat babies. " The listener squirms. 非洲蚂蚁的嘴锋利的像刀子一样,他们可以吃掉一些动物的幼虫。 www.bing.com 5. The PG6J80 series 6 finger gripper design utilizes a dual acting piston to open and close gripper jaws. 该PG6J80系列6手指手爪的设计采用了双动活塞来打开和关闭爪下巴。 www.testmart.cn 6. The snake's jaws aren't designed for biting off flesh, they must open wide and swallow prey whole. 蛇类下巴的设计令它们无法嘶咬鲜肉,因此它们必需吞食整只猎物。 2u4u.com.cn 7. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him. 这使狮子醒了,它张开大爪张大了下巴准备吞下老鼠。 www.en400.com:8080 8. pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws. 有一个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。 www.dictall.com 9. Last year rangers found a 13-foot (4 metre) python with a half-eaten six-foot alligator in its jaws. 去年护林员发现一只13英尺(4米)长的大蟒吞食一只还剩一半的6英尺长的短吻鳄。 www.ecocn.org 10. To branchial arch musculature of face, jaws, palate larynx and pharynx. 支配由鳃弓演化而来的骨骼肌,如面肌、咀嚼肌、咽喉肌等 wenku.baidu.com 1. He has found inspiration in the jaws of angler fish, the limbs of green tree frogs, and the inflating wattles of male frigate birds. 他曾经从生气的鱼的颌骨,绿树蛙的四肢,以及军舰鸟的展开的肉垂中寻找到灵感。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The two men physically resemble each other, with long faces, strong jaws, and spiky haircuts. 这两个男人连身体特征都相似,都是长脸、下巴强壮,直立的刺猬头。 www.bing.com 3. Javert catches the cat, plies open her jaws , and shoves a spoonful of mustard inside. 沙威抓了一只猫,使劲张开它的嘴,把一勺芥末挤进猫嘴里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The first visit from a detective came when Kashin couldn't talk yet -- his shattered jaws were still sewn shut. 第一位侦探来访时卡申还不能说话——他遭粉碎性骨折的上下颚手术后还没有拆线。 dongxi.net 5. Very long fair slowly open a jaws to say: "Two for the sake of a matron whom I want to love yet tin no love. " 良久才缓缓地张开嘴说:“二是为了一个我想爱却不能爱的女人,Monclear。” cnxp.tk 6. and emerge with rocks so big they sometimes got stuck in his jaws. 有时他的下颌会卡在一些浮出水面的岩石里。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. Shaving is the order of: start with sideburns, cheeks and neck up, followed by Jaws, the ideal angle is around 26 degrees. 剃须的顺序是:先从鬓边、两颊和颈部刮起,其次是下颚,理想角度是26度左右。 www.10degre.com 8. Can the torn and bloody victim "love" the blood-splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb? 鲜血横流的受害者能否“爱”那将他撕碎的血口? tieba.baidu.com 9. Application of a Cyst Plug in Marsupialized Cysts of Jaws. 囊肿塞在颌骨囊肿治疗中的应用。 service.ilib.cn 10. The WBG series utilizes independent pistons to power the jaws open and closed. 在世界银行集团活塞系列采用独立供电的颌骨开启和关闭。 www.testmart.cn 1. zygomatic arch and stop well developed with strong broad upper and lower jaws. 颧骨圆拱而止部清晰,上下颚非常有力。 www.3316.cn 2. predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth. 有屏障样腭和坚固牙齿的热带食肉性鱼。 www.hotdic.com 3. a clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws. 带有弹簧关闭金属口的夹子。 www.hotdic.com 4. It's structure is jaws mode with the property of little dimension, low-weight. 该电机为爪极式结构,体积小、重量轻。 www.baisi.net 5. Any of various hand or power tools with fixed or adjustable jaws for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes. 扳手一种有固定或可调整的钳口的手用或机械工具,用来咬合、转动或扭转如镙钉、镙铨或管子的物体 dict.netat.net 6. The ants construct the turrets by stacking sand grains and little balls of clay that they mould with their [jaws]. 蚂蚁用爪子将沙粒和粘土团起的球堆在一起,以此建造洞穴。 www.bing.com 7. Yet because our teeth are roughly the same size as they have long been, our shrinking jaws don't leave enough room for them in our mouths. 然而,我们的牙齿大小从古至今没什么变化,所以变小的嘴巴没有足够的空间容纳它们。 www.langfly.com 8. The doctor snatched the patient from the jaws of death. 大夫把病人从死亡边缘抢救过来。 www.fane.cn 9. This larger head with powerful jaws is a feature of all species prior to Homo sapiens sapiens . 头部,这更是一个强大的颚物种之前的所有特征智人智人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Small treasure, I am also touched. I listen a thus positive evaluation to me in the your jaws for the first time. 小宝,我太感动了。我第一次在你嘴里听到对我如此正面的评价。 bbs.qudong.com 1. Jaws: Hardened alloy steel with lubrication, keyway slot for tooling location, 32 degree jaw motion Each jaw travels 1 degree beyond center. 大白鲨:硬化合金钢与润滑,键槽插槽工具的位置,32度下颌运动每超出1颚旅游中心的程度。 www.testmart.cn 2. Jaws and teeth strong with regular scissors bite, set square to the jaw. 腭部和牙齿由于剪状咬合显得强有力,并保持了腭部的方型。 www.aopinwu.com 3. Those gruesome jaws clamped over your feet, dragging you toward a pond. 那些可怕的爪子夹在你的双脚,把你拖进了一个池塘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Lips cover the jaws completely but are neither loose nor pendulous. 完全覆盖下颌,但既不松弛,也不下垂。 bbs.zaqi.net 5. The jaws should be slightly and homogeneously convergent. 颌部应该稍微收敛和均匀。 www.5bn.org 6. It took the rescue crew over half an hour to extract me from the wreckage using the "jaws of life. " 所有营救人员花了半个多小时,才把我从“鬼门关”给拉了回来。 www.richdaddy.net 7. fishes with long toothed jaws; abundant in coastal waters. 细长的欧洲水面生食肉鱼,颚部长并有牙齿;沿海水域颇多。 dict.kekenet.com 8. When the officer finally shot and killed the wild cat, its jaws remained closed on the dog's face. 甚至当警官最终将美洲豹射杀时,它的下颚依然紧贴安琪拉的面部。 www.hjenglish.com 9. At the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, model Isabeli Fontana rocked a sports-themed number that had jaws dropped. 在2011年维多利亚的秘密时装秀上,名模伊莎贝莉?芳塔娜(IsabeliFontana)摇身一变成为运动女将,让人大跌眼镜。 dongxi.net 10. They certainly make the monster shark from "Jaws" and the dinosaurs from "Jurassic Park" look life like. 他们做的《大白鲸》里的大鲨鱼和《侏罗纪公园》里的恐龙像真的一样。 qzone.qq.com |
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