单词 | Java EE | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | Java EE
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 容器,应用服务器的事务集成,企业应用程序 1. Introducing Ajax -- just like any other technology or pattern -- into a Java EE application has its advantages and disadvantages. 把Ajax——就像其他技术或模式一样——引入JavaEE应用程序,也有它的优势和不足。 www.ibm.com 2. The long-awaited next version of the Java EE 5 is knocking at the door (see Resources for links to the specification and preview release). 期待已久的下一版本JavaEE5即将发布(参见参考资料获得规范和预览版的链接)。 www.ibm.com 3. Apache have decided not to add support for the full Java EE 6 web profile to Tomcat, at least for the moment. Apache决定不在Tomcat中添加对JavaEE6WebProfile的完整支持,至少在眼下是这样的。 www.infoq.com 4. In previous Java EE platforms, such a descriptor would have been a part of an XML file that conforms to the EJB 2. 1 schema. 在以前的JavaEE平台中,必须在一个符合EJB2.1模式的XML文件中包含这样的描述符。 www.ibm.com 5. Not surprisingly, as the persistence unit is no longer defined by Java EE, no such name will be populated by the OSGi JPA runtime. 由于持久性单元不再由JavaEE定义,因此这样的名称不会由OSGiJPA运行时填充。 www.ibm.com 6. Introducing Ajax into a Java EE Web application has implications for separation of concerns (and therefore separation of developer roles). 把Ajax引入JavaEEWeb应用程序对于问题的隔离(以及开发人员角色的隔离)是有意义的。 www.ibm.com 7. Heroku's Java offering discards the full Java EE stack for a simple servlet-based approach, using Jetty as the embedded Servlet Container. Heroku的Java服务抛弃了完整的JavaEE软件栈,使用更简单的基于servlet的方式,以Jetty作为内置的Servlet容器。 www.infoq.com 8. Cameron Purdy talked about the new features coming up in Java EE platform which includes the support for cloud computing. CameronPurdy在演讲中提到了JavaEE平台即将到来的新特性,其中就包含了对云计算的支持。 www.infoq.com 9. Be very wary of going beyond the authentication mechanisms provided by the Java EE specification. 要注意不要脱离JavaEE规范提供的验证机制。 www.ibm.com 10. But some Java EE Web frameworks do not (yet) offer out-of-the-box support for the asynchronous communication model. 但是有些JavaEEWeb框架对异步通信模型提供直接可以使用的支持。 www.ibm.com 1. Be able to authorize access to domain objects of an application, not just Java EE artifacts. 能够授权访问应用程序的域对象,而不仅是JavaEE构件。 www.ibm.com 2. This purpose of this article is to help you understand how to convert your existing Java EE applications into OSGi-based applications. 本文旨在帮助您理解如何将您现有的JavaEE应用程序转换成基于OSGi的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. Flex and OpenLaszlo are similar declarative approaches to creating better-than-browser interfaces for Java EE applications. Flex和OpenLaszlo是极其相似的声明式方法,用来为JavaEE应用程序创建比浏览器更好的用户体验。 www.ibm.com 4. One recommendation is to adopt Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) as a suitable application technology for legacy transformation. 一个建议是采用JavaEnterpriseEdition(JavaEE)作为进行遗留系统转换的合适应用程序技术。 www.ibm.com 5. The client-side interceptors that some Java EE implementations support are instantiated and bound on the client end of an EJB. 一些JavaEE实现支持的客户端截取程序被实例化并绑定在EJB的客户端。 www.ibm.com 6. One of the most common errors we see with Java EE applications, whether running in development, test, or production, are memory leaks. 无论运行于开发、测试或生产环境中,我们发现JavaEE应用程序最常见的错误之一是内存泄漏。 www.ibm.com 7. One of the stated goals of Java EE 6 is to tackle these issues using three different techniques - profiles, pruning and extensibility. 鉴于此,JavaEE6的一个目标就是通过3种不同的技术来解决这些问题——配置(profile)修剪(pruning)及扩展(extensibility)。 www.infoq.com 8. While not a part of the Java EE standard, these frameworks are now a part of the Java EE community, and should be accepted as such. 尽管不是JavaEE标准中的一部分,但这些框架现在已成为JavaEE社区的一部分,并且理应如此。 www.ibm.com 9. Yes, at the moment we are trying to find a reasonable way to get the Java EE Web Profile TCK. 是的,现在我们正试图寻找一种方式,让我们可以合理获得JavaEEWebProfileTCK。 www.infoq.com 10. Instead, leverage the Java EE authentication model and Java EE roles in conjunction with your specific extended rules. 相反地,应该将JavaEE验证及JavaEE角色与特定的扩展规则结合起来。 www.ibm.com 1. All OSGi services are automatically registered in JNDI and can be accessed in a manner familiar to Java EE components. 所有OSGi服务都自动在JNDI中注册,并可以以访问JavaEE组件的熟悉方式访问。 www.ibm.com 2. Create a new SCA JAR with a deployable composite that uses the Java EE archive as its component implementation using implementation. jee. 使用一个可部署复合体创建一个新SCAJAR,该复合体使用implementation.jee将JavaEE存档用作它的组件实现。 www.ibm.com 3. As different as Grails development is from other typical Java Web frameworks, you still end up with a Java EE-compliant WAR file. 尽管Grails开发与其他典型的JavaWeb框架看起来很不一样,但最终您仍然会得到一个与JavaEE兼容的WAR文件。 www.ibm.com 4. In this article, we will concentrate on this latest version, referred to officially as Java EE 5. 在本文中,我们将集中讨论最新版本,其官方名称为JavaEE5。 www.bing.com 5. The Java EE platform provides the essential system services through a container-based architecture. JavaEE平台通过一个基于“容器”(container)的结构提供必要的系统服务。 www.bing.com 6. With respect to this functionality, Little-G provides a complete Web container with all relevant and necessary Java EE features. 从这方面来说,Little-G提供了一个完整的Web容器,具备所有相关且必要的JavaEE特性。 www.ibm.com 7. In one sense, Acegi is an attempt to apply OS-like access control lists to the Java EE environment. 在某种意义上说,Acegi是将像操作系统一样的访问控制列表应用到JavaEE环境的一种尝试。 www.ibm.com 8. He has been a professional software developer for the past 10 years. His expertise covers Java SE, Java EE, Oracle and application tuning. 过去10年中他一直是专业软件开发者,他的专长包括JavaSE、JavaEE、Oracle和应用程序调优。 www.infoq.com 9. Java developers have been placing an increasing amount of emphasis on providing a unit-testing harness around Java SE and Java EE code. Java开发人员一直在不断地努力为JavaSE和JavaEE代码提供单元测试工具。 www.ibm.com 10. During the migration process we have encountered problems caused by differences in how the Java EE specification is interpreted by vendors. 在迁移过程中,我们会遇到由于供应商在解释JavaEE规范方面的差异而引起的问题。 www.ibm.com 1. Masoud: Security has not seen that much of change in Java EE compared to other services and components. Masoud:和JavaEE的其他服务、组件相比,安全并没有太多的变化。 www.infoq.com 2. If you want the Java EE modules to access SCA artifacts, only then would the implementation need to be changed. 如果您希望JavaEE模块访问SCA工件,只有那时才需要更改实现。 www.ibm.com 3. We've invested $12 million in technology that transforms Java EE into a multi-lingual platform. 我们投入了1200万美元用于把JavaEE转换到多语言平台。 www.infoq.com 4. A JAR file can contain common classes used by other modules and deployment descriptors for a Java EE application client. 一个JAR文件,包含其他模块和部署描述符用于JavaEE应用程序客户机的常用类。 www.ibm.com 5. we believe it is desirable to enable more of these technologies to cleanly layer on or plug in to Java EE application servers. 我们相信大家都很渴望将这些技术用于JavaEE应用服务器之上,或是以插件的形式使用。 www.infoq.com 6. Resources used by specific Java EE applications can impose restrictions on the scalability of those applications. 特定JavaEE应用程序使用的资源会对这些应用程序的可伸缩性施加限制。 www.ibm.com 7. Command-line scripts cannot, however, be used easily in all environments, and in particular do not integrate well with Java EE applications. 但是,命令行脚本不能方便地用在所有环境,特别是不能很好地与JavaEE应用程序集成。 www-128.ibm.com 8. A fully scriptable server and web console that can manage single-node, clustered or cloud Java EE applications of any size on any container. 完全脚本化的服务器和Web控制台,控制台可以管理任意规模的JavaEE应用,这些应用可以在单节点上,也可以在集群里或云中。 www.infoq.com 9. Enum, Class, and Collections are additional built-in types we've added -- look for some of these in Java EE 6. 枚举、类和集合是我们所增加的额外的内建类型——我们期待在JavaEE6中也能具备这样的类型。 www.infoq.com 10. Iterative development enbales you to gradually master all the moving pieces of Java EE. 反复的开发工作将使您能够逐渐地掌握所有的JavaEE模块。 www.ibm.com 1. This dependency injection model also enables unit tests to be run outside either a Java EE or OSGi runtime. 此依赖性注入模型还支持在JavaEE或OSGi运行时以外的时间进行单元测试。 www.ibm.com 2. The Java EE web module, EmployeeListWeb, can be added to the OSGi application manifest as a dynamic web project. JavaEE网络模块,EmployeeListWeb,可以作为动态的网络项目添加至OSGi框架。 www.ibm.com 3. For best runtime performance, Java EE programmers code queries to be as selective as possible. 为了达到最佳运行时性能,JavaEE程序员将查询编写为尽可能是选择性的。 www.ibm.com 4. With the loss of momentum from JBoss, the Java EE application server market now looks set to be a two-horse race between IBM and Oracle. 在失去JBoss的锐气之后,JavaEE应用服务器市场已经基本上是IBM和Oracle两匹马在跑了。 www.infoq.com 5. Since database nodes can be added very dynamically, it is hard for Java EE applications in Tomcat to use the database connection pools. 由于数据库节点可以动态的增加,这对于在Tomcat中的JavaEE应用而言要使用数据库连接池就比较难了; blog.163.com 6. Plans are XML documents that describe additional Geronimo-specific properties; they replace Java EE deployment descriptors. 计划是描述其他Geronimo特有的属性的XML文档;部署计划将替代JavaEE部署描述符。 www.ibm.com 7. This technology's key goal was to lower the skill level for Java developers when developing user interfaces for their Java EE applications. 这种技术的关键目标是,降低为JavaEE应用程序开发用户界面时要求Java开发人员具备的技能水平。 www.ibm.com 8. Groups are not part of the Java EE specification, but are an important part of almost every actual Java EE implementation. 组不是JavaEE规范的一部分,然而,组几乎是所有实际JavaEE实现的重要组成部分。 www.ibm.com 9. A remote service interface to provide location independent synchronous Java EE client access to the service operations. 远程服务接口,用于提供同步JavaEE客户端访问服务操作的位置独立性。 www.ibm.com 10. There is no, as of this writing, any vendor framework to adequately extend Java EE in these areas. 截至撰写本文时,尚没有任何供应商框架能在这些领域充分扩展JavaEE。 www.ibm.com 1. It's aimed at making Java EE project development easier by providing infrastructure code required by most of the Java EE application. 目标是通过提供大多数JavaEE应用程序所需的基础结构代码使JavaEE项目开发变得更容易。 www.ibm.com 2. I will then show how the Java EE platform architecture addresses the difficulties in developing distributed applications. 之后我将展示JavaEE平台是如何解决分布式应用开发中的难点的。 www.bing.com 3. Also, Java EE application packaging requirements have been simplified. 新版本还简化了JavaEE应用打包的要求。 www.infoq.com 4. The MVC concept can be easily applied to form the basis for Java EE application architecture. MVC的概念可以很容易地被用来构建JavaEE应用架构的基础。 www.bing.com 5. Java EE programmatic authorization partly alleviates the problem by introducing an element of dynamic authorization in code. JavaEE编程式授权通过在代码中引入动态授权元素,从而在一定程度上缓解了此问题。 www.ibm.com 6. The OSGi support enables hybrid application development to leverage the benefits of OSGi modularity and Java EE programming model. OSGi支持可以实现混合应用开发以利用OSGi模块化和JavaEE编程模型所带来的好处。 www.infoq.com 7. As Java EE and . NET have both bloated in complexity, Spring provides a critical foundation for simplified enterprise development. 因为JavaEE和.NET在复杂性上都膨胀了,Spring为简化企业开发提供了关键基础。 www.infoq.com 8. There are a lot of frameworks and tools to help Java EE developers to scale their applications horizontally. 有很多的框架和工具可以帮助JavaEE开发人员来让应用支持水平扩展。 blog.163.com 9. Application management: Install and manage Java EE applications and business-level applications. 应用程序管理:安装和管理JavaEE应用程序以及业务级应用程序。 www.ibm.com 10. Even more observant readers will have noticed that JSR-303 is in public review, yet it is not listed as a Java EE 6 component JSR. 敏感的读者还会注意到JSR-303曾在公共评估版中出现,但却也未列入JavaEE6组件JSR。 www.infoq.com 1. The EJB binding enables SCA to integrate with existing Java EE-based applications by exposing SCA services as stateless session beans. 通过EJB绑定,SCA能够将SCA服务作为无状态会话Bean公开,从而与现有基于JavaEE的应用程序集成。 www.ibm.com 2. This section presents a few examples of the simpler programming models in Java EE 5 that lead to increased developer productivity. 本节通过几个示例展示JavaEE5中的简化编程模型,说明这些模型如何提高开发人员的生产率。 www.ibm.com 3. The external SCA contribution using this Java EE archive as an SCA component implementation would look similar to Listing 3. 将这个JavaEE存档用作一个SCA组件实现的外部SCA贡献如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 4. On one hand, the static nature of Java EE roles is a good thing for maintainability. 另一方面,JavaEE角色的静态特性对于可维护性是一件好事。 www.ibm.com 5. Since the client will use the standard Java EE programming model, the client needs to know the home interface of the SCA service. 由于客户端将使用标准JavaEE编程模型,因此客户端需要知道SCA服务的主接口。 www.ibm.com 6. The Java EE specification does not cover all the aspects of application deployment and configuration. JavaEE规范并没有涵盖应用程序部署和配置的所有方面。 www.ibm.com 7. Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade. 考虑这样一个场景,即一个JavaEE应用程序需要访问一项特定交易的信用违约掉期数据。 www.ibm.com 8. Security constraints are mapped to the Java EE roles needed to satisfy authorization in the descriptor itself. 将安全约束映射到满足描述符本身中的授权所需的JavaEE角色。 www.ibm.com 9. Latency of operations affects Java EE applications more than operation throughput. 与操作吞吐量相比,操作延迟对JavaEE应用程序的影响更大。 www.ibm.com 10. I'll then combine MVC principles with the Java EE platform to derive multitier Java EE application architecture. 然后我会结合MVC准则与JavaEE平台,来讲解多层JavaEE应用结构。 www.bing.com 1. The flexibility gained through programmatic Java EE authorization is limited in scope and bought at a high price. 通过JavaEE编程式授权获得的灵活性有一定的范围限制并且成本特别高。 www.ibm.com 2. His areas of interest include Web services, SOA, Composition Technologies and Java EE. 他的兴趣领域包括Web服务、SOA、组合技术和JavaEE。 www.infoq.com 3. Another common requirement of XML-based Java EE applications involves updating persistent XML data. 基于XML的JavaEE应用程序的另一个常见需求涉及到更新永久XML数据。 www.ibm.com 4. There are now dozens of books and hundreds (perhaps more) of articles that provide insight into how Java EE applications should be written. 现在有十多本书籍和数以百计(可能更多)的文章,提供了关于应该如何编写JavaEE应用程序的见解。 www.ibm.com 5. EAz is an Enum-based authorization extension for Java EE authorization. EAz是JavaEE授权的基于Enum的授权扩展。 www.ibm.com 6. Now that you are familiar with cloud application characteristics, let's look at a Java EE container structure. 现在您已经熟悉了云应用程序的特征,现在让我们了解一下JavaEE的容器结构。 www.ibm.com 7. For additional information, you can follow the Adding Dojo widgets to existing Java EE Web pages link in the Resources section. 对于另外的信息,您可以按照参考资料部分中的向已存在的JavaEEWeb页面添加Dojo工具进行操作。 www.ibm.com 8. This allows the Java developers to plug in technologies and frameworks into Java EE 6 implementations in a standard way. 这能让Java开发人员以标准的方式往JavaEE6实现中插入其它技术和框架。 www.infoq.com 9. The usage action link is for showing how this security realm can be used in your Java EE application. usage操作链接用于显示在您的JavaEE应用程序中如何使用这个安全领域。 www.ibm.com 10. Part 3, "Load balancing and failover, " will demonstrate the essential parts that comprise Java EE clustering: load balancing and failover. 第3部分“负载均衡和故障转移”将演示构成JavaEE集群的关键部分:负载均衡和故障转移。 www.ibm.com 1. This information is forwarded so that the Web container can map that certificate to a Java EE identity. 通过转发这一信息,Web容器就可以把证书映射到一个JavaEE身份。 www.ibm.com 2. A new POJO-based programming model is introduced, which applies equally well to both the Java EE and Java SE environments. 引入了一个新的基于POJO的编程模型,它同样适用于JavaEE和JavaSE环境。 www.ibm.com 3. Using resource references is a standard way to obtain centrally managed and administered Java objects in both Java EE and OSGi environments. 使用资源引用是获取JavaEE和OSGi环境下集中管理和执行的Java对象的一个标准方式。 www.ibm.com 4. Theoretically, there is no problem in using Java EE for fine grained permissions. 从理论上讲,将JavaEE用于细粒度的权限不存在任何问题。 www.ibm.com 5. In contrast, Java EE application servers cannot load-balance requests to stateful beans. 相反地,JavaEE应用服务器不能对有状态Bean的请求进行平衡加载。 www.ibm.com 6. Hopefully, this information is providing you with the foundation you need to truly secure your Java EE environment. 希望这些信息能够向您提供切实保护JavaEE环境所需的基础知识。 www.ibm.com 7. JavaServer Faces 2. 0 is the first major update of the Java EE standard specification since it was first released back in 2004. 自从JavaServerFaces于2004年首次发布后,JSF2.0就成为JavaEE标准规范的首个主要更新。 www.infoq.com 8. It is a lightweight Java application server aimed at implementing the Java EE Web Profile Specification. 它是一种旨在实现JavaEEWebProfile规范的轻量级Java应用程序服务器。 www.infoq.com 9. The EJB service binding exists primarily to expose the SCA component to pure Java EE clients or callers. EJB服务绑定主要用于将SCA组件向纯JavaEE客户端或调用方公开。 www.ibm.com 10. As a result, developers almost always map Java EE roles to bundles of related permissions at a coarser granularity. 因此,开发人员几乎总是使用较粗的粒度将JavaEE角色映射到一组绑定的相关权限。 www.ibm.com 1. A proprietary service layer that facilitates easy component injection across all libraries enabling the Java EE 6 Web Profile. proprietary服务层,这使得我们可以通过各种库来注入易于使用的组件,从而使用JavaEE6WebProfile。 www.infoq.com 2. As a result, developers almost always map Java EE roles to bundles of related permissions at a coarser granularity. 因此,开发人员几乎总是使用较粗的粒度将JavaEE角色映射到一组绑定的相关权限。 www.ibm.com 3. Transform incrementally with target platform components: Build scaffolding using architecture based on Java EE. 渐进地转换到目标平台组件:使用基于JavaEE的体系结构来构建过渡环境。 www.ibm.com 4. Understanding Java EE 5 concepts and database concepts will help you with the context of the tutorial. 了解JavaEE5概念和数据库概念将会帮助您明确本教程的上下文。 www.ibm.com 5. These extensions would need to be resolved to their Java EE specifications. 这些扩展需要被解析为它们的JavaEE规范。 www.ibm.com 6. You can view the latest Java EE certification results by visiting the Java EE Compatibility page. 你可以访问JavaEE兼容性页面查看最新的JavaEE的认证结果。 www.infoq.com 7. In a Web 2. 0 context, mash-up applications frequently use services and feeds exposed through an SOA's service APIs (see Java EE meets SOA). 在Web2.0环境中,聚合应用程序经常使用通过SOA服务API公开的服务和提要(参见JavaEE迎合SOA)。 www.ibm.com 8. There is also work being done for the Java caching to be a standard and caching will be a feature in Java EE 7. Java缓存机制即将成为标准,同时会是JavaEE7中的一个重要特性。 www.infoq.com 9. In this case, carry out large-scale conversion of all applications to Java EE components using automated tools. 在此情况下,将使用自动化的工具执行所有应用程序到JavaEE组件的大规模转换。 www.ibm.com 10. In Java EE 6, JAXB offers improved performance through marshalling optimizations enabled by default. 在JavaEE6中,JAXB通过默认启用的编组优化来改进性能。 www.ibm.com 1. Rewrite: Rewrite applications using Java EE approach. 重新编写:使用JavaEE方法重新编写应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. The application's front end is a Web module using familiar Java EE servlet components. 应用程序的前端是一个使用我们熟悉的JavaEEservelet组件的Web模块。 www.ibm.com 3. He pointed out that there are a number of new specifications in Java EE 5. 他指出JavaEE5中有很多新规范。 www.ibm.com 4. Java EE applications that make use of asynchronous messaging standards and concepts reside on the Application layer. 利用异步消息标准和概念的JavaEE应用程序驻留在应用程序层。 www.ibm.com 5. The rich set of choices provided by the Java EE platform is daunting at first. 首先JavaEE平台自身所提供的丰富选择就足可以令人生畏。 www.bing.com 6. These are used in conjunction with the interaction policies on the bindings to authenticate and authorize access to the Java EE components. 这些授权和策略结合绑定上的交互策略来授权对JavaEE的访问并进行身份验证。 www.ibm.com 7. The ZK CDI extension integrates the ZK programming model with CDI, allowing seamless development of Java EE 6 enterprise applications. ZKCDI集成了ZK编程模型和CDI,允许JavaEE6企业应用程序的无缝开发。 www.ibm.com 8. Use of Ajax also has the potential to impact performance of a Java EE Web-based application. 使用Ajax还有可能影响基于JavaEEWeb的应用程序的性能。 www.ibm.com 9. Well, we view Seam as the "missing framework" that should have been included in Java EE 5. 0. 好吧,我们就将seam看作是本应该被包括在JavaEE5.0中的一个“遗漏的框架”吧。 www.infoq.com 10. Server platforms, such as WebSphere, can provide all the qualities of service that the Java EE specification demands. 服务器平台(比如WebSphere)可以提供JavaEE规范要求的各种服务质量。 www.ibm.com 1. To use the MQ messaging provider with a Java EE application, you must define one or more administered objects. 要结合使用MQ消息传递程序和JavaEE应用程序,必须定义一个或多个受管理对象。 www.ibm.com 2. The three main goals for the Java EE 6 platform are flexible technology stack, enhanced extensibility, and ease of development. JavaEE6平台的三个主要目标是灵活的技术堆栈、增强的可扩展性、易于开发。 www.infoq.com 3. Learn how two-phase commit transactions work in Java EE and rely on them rather than developing your own transaction management. 学习一下JavaEE中的两阶段提交事务,并且使用这种方式,而不是开发您自己的事务管理。 www.ibm.com 4. This feature is implemented in the RideStatistics class, which demonstrates Java EE 5 annotations in their simplest form. 这个特性是在RideStatistics类中实现的,它演示了最简单的JavaEE5注解形式。 www.ibm.com 5. This full version is targeted at Java EE 6, Spring and other enterprise environments. It will work with existing enterprise environments. 完整版本是针对JavaEE6、Spring和其他企业环境的,在现有的企业环境里都能工作。 www.infoq.com 6. JCache is targeted for Java EE but this does not preclude its use with Java SE. JCache是针对JavaEE的,但并不妨碍JavaSE使用它。 www.infoq.com 7. The Java EE server configuration implements Java EE management objects, such as a server domain and server object. JavaEE服务器配置实现JavaEE管理对象,比如服务器域和服务器对象。 www.ibm.com 8. In Java EE where deployment units are mostly autonomous archives, this is not as difficult a problem to solve. 在J2EE中,由于部署单元几乎都是自治的,所以这并不是一个什么难解的问题。 www.infoq.com 9. One is the Standard deployment descriptors file in the Java EE 1. 4 specification, another is the Geronimo specific deployment plan. 一个是JavaEE1.4规范中的标准部署描述符文件,另一个是特定于Geronimo的部署计划。 www.ibm.com 10. The developed application is run on one of the Java EE containers. 已开发的应用程序运行在其中一个JavaEE容器上。 www.ibm.com 1. SCA also offers key features that Java EE and other technologies does not have - assembly and policy. SCA还带来了J2EE和其他技术不具备的关键特性——装配和策略。 www.infoq.com 2. The use of authorization is supported in both SCA-enhanced and non-enhanced Java EE archives. 经过和没有经过SCA增强的JavaEE存档都支持使用授权。 www.ibm.com 3. The early draft review of Java EE 6 suggested two pruning candidates. 对JavaEE6早期草案的审阅提出了两个修剪项。 www.infoq.com 4. One of the new features introduced in Java EE 5 was Java API for XML-based Web services (JAX-WS) 2. 0. JavaAPIforXML-basedWebservices(JAX-WS)2.0也是JavaEE5中引入的新特性之一。 www.ibm.com 5. In open source, the community agrees it will do this one thing, and let's say this one thing is [Java EE] 5 compliance. 在开放源码中,只要代码实现一点社区就会同意通过这段代码,让我们来说,这一点就是兼容[JavaEE]5。 www.ibm.com 6. To begin, SCA's relationship with Java EE is multifaceted. 首先,SCA与JavaEE的关系是多方面的。 www.infoq.com 7. OEM has also changed its Management Pack Plus for SOA and Java EE. OEM同时对SOA和JavaEE的管理加强包进行了修改。 www.bing.com 8. The EJB specification is core to the Java EE platform. EJB规范是JavaEE平台的核心。 www.ibm.com 9. The web. xml file is required by all Java EE web applications. xml文档是所有javaEEweb应用必需的。 www.infoq.com 10. However there is still room for improvement in the Java EE 6 Platform. 然而,JavaEE6平台仍有可以提升的空间。 www.bing.com 1. When developing SOA or COA Java EE applications, it is best to consider services as operations on the business process model. 在开发SOA或COAJavaEE应用程式时,最好将服务视为业务流程模型上的操作。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The larger problem is that Java EE programmatic authorization doesn't offer benefits commensurate with the complexity it introduces. 更大的问题是JavaEE编程式授权不提供与其带来的复杂性相应的好处。 www.ibm.com 3. EJB 3. 1 specification will be released as part of Java EE 6 (scheduled to be out early next year). EJB3.1规范将作为JavaEE6(预计将在明年初发布)的一部分发布。 www.infoq.com 4. The problem is that a Java EE role or an ad-hoc programmatic test on a code block is not well suited for fine-grained permission control. 问题是JavaEE角色或对代码块的特别编程测试并不适合细粒度的权限控制。 www.ibm.com 5. Annotations in Java EE 5 also eliminate a lot of configuration code that prior Java EE versions require. JavaEE5中的注解还可以消除以前的JavaEE版本所需的大量配置代码。 www.ibm.com 6. With application architecture in place, I will focus on Java EE application design based on object-oriented principles. 在了解了应用系统架构之后,我将把注意力集中到基于面向对象原则的JavaEE应用开发上。 www.bing.com 7. Most Java EE 5. 0 web applications will have both EJB3 modules for business logic and JSF modules for the web front end. 大多数的Web应用都将包含有业务逻辑的EJB3组件和Web应用前端显示的JSF组件。 www.infoq.com 8. But the principles Java EE was designed on don't support the Web 2. 0 generation of applications efficiently. 但是,JavaEE的设计原理并不能够有效地支持Web2.0应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with basic Java EE deployment concepts, such as deployment descriptors and WAR archives. 本教程假设您理解关系型数据库的常规操作并且熟悉基本的JavaEE概念,例如部署描述符和WAR归档。 www.ibm.com 10. An average of 6 minutes 10. 5 minutes redeploying the application [Source: The Java EE Container Redeploy & Restart Report]. 平均10.5分钟的时间来重部署应用[来源:JavaEE容器重部署和重启动的报告] www.bing.com 1. Your EAR file should display an error because there are no Java EE modules. 您的EAR文件应显示一个错误,这是因为没有JavaEE模块。 www.ibm.com 2. But if there is true market demand, or the Java EE 6 profiles go forward, we'll probably create and support a Web Platform bundle, too. 然而如果市场真的需要,或是JavaEE6Profile发展的更好,我们还是有可能创建并支持WebPlatformbundle的。 www.infoq.com 3. Web 2. 0 applications have many unique requirements that make Java EE a difficult choice for their implementation. Web2.0应用程序具有很多独特需求,因此,不适合将JavaEE用于Web2.0实现。 www.ibm.com 4. Personally I have mixed feelings over the proposal of profiles in Java EE 6. 我个人对JavaEE6中预定义包方案的感受比较复杂。 www.infoq.com 5. JSF 2. 0 also adds Java EE 5 style annotation-driven configuration to improve developer productivity. JSF2.0还添加了JavaEE5风格注释驱动型配置,以提高开发人员生产力。 www.ibm.com 6. Java EE 6 will need to consider additional Web services support. JavaEE6需要考虑增加对Web服务的支持。 www.ibm.com 7. Instead, to simplify the process, we import an existing Java EE sample project that is later migrated. 为了简化开发过程,我们导入一个现有的J2EE示例项目并对它进行迁移。 www.ibm.com 8. In the enterprise, platforms (such as Java EE-based servers) follow a server-centric mind set. 在企业中,平台(比如基于JavaEE的服务器)遵循以服务器为中心的原则。 www.ibm.com 9. The hope is that Java EE 5. 1 will address the tier-integration issue to give us a comprehensive and standard dependency injection approach. 我们希望JavaEE5.1将解决层集成的问题,为我们提供一个全面而标准的依赖性注入方法。 www.ibm.com 10. Flows B1-B4 show how it is reused by a remote rich client Java EE application. 流程B1-B4显示了它如何被远程富客户端JavaEE应用程序重用。 www.ibm.com 1. Part 2 introduced the MockPrincipal as a way of encapsulating the non-Java EE registry concepts of users and groups (for example, actors). 第2部分引入了MockPrincipal,将其作为一种可封装用户和组(例如,参与者)的非JavaEE注册中心概念的方法。 www.ibm.com 2. The Servlet 2. 5 specification required by Java EE 5 is a maintenance release that includes minor improvements over the 2. 4 release. JavaEE5所需的Servlet2.5规范是一个维护版本,它对2.4版做了一些次要的改进。 www.ibm.com 3. For more InfoQ coverage on Java EE 6 release and the new features, check out this link. 要想了解InfoQ对JavaEE6发布和新特性的更多报道,请移步至此。 www.infoq.com 4. So the basic difference is that unlike Spring tc Server, Siwpas is based on the Java EE standards instead of a custom framework. 所以,和SpringtcServer相比,最基本的区别就在于Siwpas是基于JavaEE标准而不是自定义框架的。 www.infoq.com 5. Note that in Java EE 5 you can only inject the persistence context into managed objects such as EJBs, not POJOs. 请注意,在JavaEE5中,您只能将持久上下文注入诸如EJB等托管对象,而不能注入POJO。 www.ibm.com 6. The ability to use Java EE elements, such as application servers, is helpful but not necessary. 能够使用JavaEE元素(如应用服务器)对阅读本教程有所帮助,但并非必须的。 www.ibm.com 7. Java EE 6 is a lot simpler to use than the previous versions. 与之前的版本相比,JavaEE6更容易使用。 www.infoq.com 8. It is a fully certified server for Java EE 5. 它是JavaEE5的完全认证服务器。 www.ibm.com 9. InfoQ: How do the new security features in Java EE 6 compare with other security frameworks like Spring Security version 3? InfoQ:和Spring安全3等其他安全框架相比,JavaEE6里的安全新特性怎么样? www.infoq.com 10. The easiest way to satisfy this is to use the Eclipse Java EE. 满足这项要求的最简单方法是使用EclipseJavaEE。 www.ibm.com 1. For example, CDI makes it easier to build a Java EE web application that accesses a database with persistence provided by JPA. 比如,借助于CDI,我们构建的JavaWeb应用能够轻松实现对数据库的访问(由JPA提供持久化支持)。 www.infoq.com 2. EJB 3. 0 and JPA will undoubtedly be major selling points for Java EE 5. EJB3.0和JPA毫无疑问将是JavaEE5的主要卖点。 www.ibm.com 3. A Java EE 1. 4 based Web service has been provided. 已提供基于Web服务的JavaEE1. www.ibm.com 4. In order to modify this WSDL, open the Java EE perspective and the WSDL representing the binding for the particular service. 为了修改WSDL,打开JavaEE透视图和表示特定服务绑定的WDSL。 www.ibm.com 5. In fact it was the reason that the Apache Software Foundation voted "No" for the Java EE 6 Spec 然而事实上,最重要的原因还是Apache软件基金会对JavaEE6规范投了“否决票”。 www.infoq.com 6. The application is designed as a multitier Java EE application with three major logical tiers 本应用程序被设计为具有三个主要逻辑层的多层JavaEE应用程序 www.ibm.com 7. Many implicit and explicit assumptions about scalability in the Java EE architecture are reflected in the benchmarks 很多有关JavaEE架构可伸缩性的明显和暗含的设想都反映在基准测试中 www.ibm.com 8. An embedded mode allowing startup outside of a Java EE container 支持在JavaEE容器外启动的嵌入式模式。 www.infoq.com 9. They are themselves client applications that employ the services of MDM Server Java EE components. These include 它们本身是运用MDMServerJavaEE组件服务的客户机应用程序。 www.ibm.com 10. Implementing loosely coupled SOA applications using Java EE 使用JavaEE实作松散耦合的SOA应用程式 www.ichacha.net 1. Java EE web module (dynamic web project) with converted JPA OSGi bundle JavaEE网络模块(动态网络项目)与转化的JPAOSGi绑定包 www.ibm.com 2. Sample Java EE code for the update scenario 更新场景的样例JavaEE代码 www.ibm.com 3. Other additions: The expert group proposed to include the following new JSRs in Java EE 6 其他增加内容:专家组提议在JavaEE6中包括下列新的JSR www.ibm.com 4. Continue to use Java EE patterns in Seam 继续在Seam中使用JavaEE模式 www.infoq.com 5. In addition, there is new support for Java EE 6 security standards, specifically 另外,对JavaEE6安全标准提供了新的支持,具体包括 www.ibm.com |
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