单词 | Javadoc | ||||||||||||||
释义 | Javadoc
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 做注释,文档,注释规范 1. In a nutshell, a doclet is a Java class to which Javadoc passes the result of parsing the Java class. 简而言之,doclet是一个Java类,Javadoc将解析Java类的结果传递给doclet。 www.ibm.com 2. For example, these libraries have been used to provide the rich Javadoc hover text, which allows links to be followed. 例如,这些类库已经被用来提供可以有后续链接的富Javadoc悬浮文本。 www.infoq.com 3. To understand the approach, I included a demo example that uses the Sun Javadoc and the JavaTOC doclet tool (using Command Prompt). 为了更好的理解这种方法,我通过一个演示系统举例如何使用SunJavadoc和JavaTOCdoclet工具(使用命令行提示)。 www.ibm.com 4. For years, the Java platform has provided Javadoc as a way of generating code documentation for all classes in a code base. 多年以来,Java平台都将Javadoc作为生成代码文档的方法,用于代码库中的所有类。 www.ibm.com 5. Only one project can be selected at once as only one project classpath can be used at a time when running the Javadoc tool. 一次只能够选择一个项目,这是因为在运行Javadoc工具时一次只能使用一个项目的类路径。 www.ibm.com 6. The Javadoc for the BlockingQueue interface demonstrates the basic usage of a blocking queue, as shown in Listing 2. BlockingQueue接口的Javadoc给出了阻塞队列的基本用法,如清单2所示。 www.ibm.com 7. This isn't rich enough to specify all the information that we desire, so EMF uses special JavaDoc tags. 这样得到的内容并不充足,无法定义我们想要的全部信息,所以EMF使用了特殊的JavaDoc标签。 www.ibm.com 8. As you can see from the snippet of javadoc in Figure 4, there are three possible ways to call activateMBean . 您可在图4中的javadoc的片断中看到,调用activateMBean的可能的方式有三种。 www.ibm.com 9. Doclets were originally introduced to let you change the format of Javadoc documentation. 最初引入Doclet是为了让您更改Javadoc文档的格式。 www.ibm.com 10. We were on a project where the client insisted on Javadoc comments for every public class and method. 我们曾经做一个项目:客户坚持要为每一个公用类和方法写注释。 www.bing.com 1. You can see that a Javadoc tag that matches the value of the keyword that you added is included in the Javadocs of the class. 您可以看到,类的Javadocs中包含了与您添加的关键字的值相匹配的Javadoc标签。 www.ibm.com 2. To integrate HC smoothly into Java classes, I turned to an old friend: Javadoc comments. 要将HC平滑地集成到Java类中,我求助于一个老朋友:Javadoc注释。 www.ibm.com 3. The Download section also lists the Java Docs of the classes for your reference. “下载”一节还列出了类的JavaDoc以供参考。 www.ibm.com 4. Formatting HTML is just one of the things you can do with XML output from the Javadoc tool. 格式化HTML仅仅是您可以对Javadoc工具的XML输出所做的事情之一。 www.ibm.com 5. The documentation for the programing interface is available in JavaDoc that describes the interfaces and classes that define the API. 在JavaDoc中提供了介绍编程接口的文档,该文档描述了定义API的接口和类。 www.ibm.com 6. XDoclet takes information from Javadoc tags, but it also merges information in specially named files inside a merge directory. XDoclet从Javadoc标记中提取信息,但它还将信息合并到merge目录内专门命名的文件中。 www.ibm.com 7. In Eclipse, on the left pane, select the source code plug-in for which Javadoc needs to be generated. 在Eclipse中,在左侧面板上选择用于生成Javadoc所需要的源代码插件程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Again, we won't go into details of this class, but you can find documentation for this in the CDT Javadoc. 同样,我们并不讨论该类的具体细节,但是您可以在CDTJavadoc中找到关于它的相关文件。 www.ibm.com 9. Unfortunately, Javadoc and XML have adopted the same vocabulary, so be careful not to confuse them. 不幸的是,Javadoc和XML采用相同的词汇,所以小心不要把它们混淆了。 www.ibm.com 10. The software checks all references to names in JavaDoc and various XML files to ensure that refactoring occurs without any broken links. 该软件检查对JavaDoc中名称的所有引用,以及各种XML文件,从而确保在没有任何断裂的链接的情况下进行重构。 www.ibm.com 1. The link to the DTD is found through the Javadoc page for the javax. swing. plaf. synth package. 通过javax.swing.plaf.synth包的Javadoc页,可以找到这个DTD的链接。 www.ibm.com 2. Refer to the JavaDoc for the detailed explanation of the search pattern syntax. 请参考Javadoc以获取关于搜索模式语法的详细说明。 www.ibm.com 3. It also includes the source of the code, the complete JavaDoc documentation, and three sample applications. 它还包括源代码、完整的JavaDoc文档和三个样本应用。 www.ibm.com 4. In the Generate Javadoc window select the packages that you want to export to the JAR file. 在GenerateJavadoc窗口中选择您希望导出到JAR文件中的包。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, the Javadoc specification allows you to specify annotations in the comments associated with a program element. 例如,Javadoc规范使您可以在与程序元素相关联的备注中指定注释。 www.ibm.com 6. See the Javadoc for ResourceBundle for a complete description of the bundle loading process. (要了解资源包加载流程的完整描述,请参见ResourceBundle的Javadoc)。 www.ibm.com 7. The Sun tutorial "How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool" describes the rules and philosophy of Javadoc. Sun指南:“如何为Javadoc工具撰写Doc注释”描述了Javadoc的规则和哲学体系。 www.ibm.com 8. A class-level Javadoc comment explaining, at a high level, what code the annotation handler generates. 类级别Javadoc注释解释了在一定高度注释处理程序生成了什么代码。 www.ibm.com 9. You should be able to find the javadoc file for the ICustomCode2 and the ITestExecutionServices interfaces in the Help file. 您能够找到javadoc文件中的ICustomCode2以及Help文件中的ITestExecutionServices接口。 www.ibm.com 10. Is a contract enforcement tool that combines AspectJ and Javadoc-style annotations. 是一个合同增强工具,它结合了AspectJ和Javadoc类型的注释。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The Javadoc parser reads the files, compiles information about the classes, methods, and packages, and passes it to the Doclet. Javadoc解析器读取文件,编译有关类、方法和包的信息,然后将信息传递给Doclet。 www.ibm.com 2. Javadoc loads its information from class files (not source files), using a virtual machine. Javadoc使用虚拟机从其类文件(而非源文件)中加载信息。 www.ibm.com 3. This zip file includes the source, Javadoc, a prebuilt JAR file, and all required support libraries. 这个zip文件包括源、Javadoc、一个预先构建的JAR文件和所有必需的支持库。 www.ibm.com 4. Figure 3 shows the JavaDoc for the Element interface, generated directly from the code documentation above. 图3所示的是Element接口的JavaDoc,它是从上述代码文档直接生成的。 www.ibm.com 5. The generation of the Javadoc is accomplished by creating an ANT script in your plug-in called build. xml. Javadoc的生成通过在您的插件程序中创建一个被称作build.xml的ANT脚本来完成。 www.ibm.com 6. An important tool provided with AspectJ is ajdoc, which generates Javadoc-style documentation for AspectJ programs. 随AspectJ提供的一个重要工具是ajdoc,它可以为AspectJ程序生成Javadoc风格的文档。 www.ibm.com 7. It includes API-level documentation (equivalent to Javadoc), along with some tutorials and books. 它包含API级文档(与Javadoc等同)以及一些教程和书籍。 www.ibm.com 8. For this simple example, you will just add a new Javadoc tag to the class definition's Javadoc comments. 对于此简单的实例,您仅仅将向类定义的Javadoc注释中添加新的Javadoc标签。 www.ibm.com 9. Refer to the Java SIAPI Javadoc documentation to get more information about the methods and properties provided by the SearchResponse class. 可以通过JavaSIAPIJavadoc文档了解关于SearchResponse类提供的方法和属性的更多信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Figure 23 shows the Javadoc for the selected element, and the diagram indicating the contained elements in the package. 图23显示的是所选元素的Javadoc,而图中展现的是包里面所包含的元素。 www.ibm.com 1. If you click the hyperlinks, the Javadoc for the clicked-on element appears. 如果您单击超级链接,则会显示相关元素的Javadoc。 www.ibm.com 2. The Javadoc preview and Javadoc view display the elements as hyperlinks. Javadoc预览和Javadoc视图将元素显示为超级链接。 www.ibm.com 3. Special Javadoc comments indicate which method to invoke when the parser matches an XPath. 专门的Javadoc注释表明在解析器匹配XPath时要调用的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. It shows how JavaTOC doclet generates the XML TOC navigation and the improved search capability for the Javadoc API reference documentation. 它显示了JavaTOCdoclet是如何为JavadocAPI参考文档生成XMLTOC导航和改进的搜索能力。 www.ibm.com 5. Note that once again because my project doesn't follow Raven's assumed model, I have to modify the build_path property of the javadoc task. 请再次注意,由于我的项目没有遵循Raven假定的模型,因此必须修改javadoc任务的build_path属性。 www.ibm.com 6. Make sure that the tag is present as Javadoc comments in the source files. 确保标注在源文件中表现为Javadoc注释。 www.ibm.com 7. Run JavaDoc from Command Prompt (buildJavaDoc. bat) to create HTML file for API Documentation. 从命令提示行(buildJavaDoc.bat)中运行JavaDoc,为API文档创建HTML文件。 www.ibm.com 8. Finally, add the new tag to the list of tags for the class Javadocs. 最后,为类Javadoc向标签列表中添加新的标签。 www.ibm.com 9. The names of the different SIAPI factory implementations are detailed in the SIAPI Javadoc (see Resources). 在SIAPIJavadoc(请参见参考资料)中详细介绍了不同SIAPI工厂实现的名称。 www.ibm.com 10. See the Resources section to download the sample portlets and to get additional information about SIAPI, including the Javadoc. 要下载这些示例Portlet并获取有关SIAPI的附加信息,包括Javadoc,请参见参考资料部分。 www.ibm.com 1. Doclets let you plug any code into the Javadoc parser. Doclet让您将任何代码插入Javadoc解析器。 www.ibm.com 2. With XDoclet-like tools, you can consume annotations specified as Javadoc tags to produce artifacts such as XML documents or Java code. 使用类似XDoclet的工具,可以消费在Javadoc标签中指定的注释,从而生成像XML文档或者Java代码这样的人工内容。 www.ibm.com 3. [@gwt. eventArgs was previously used as] javadoc-based metadata for RPC. [@gwt.eventArgs以前用作]针对RPC的基于javadoc的元数据。 www.infoq.com 4. From the Javadoc object, get the list of tags that make up this Javadoc. 在Javadocobject中,获得组成Javadoc的标签列表。 www.ibm.com 5. Establish and use a fixed ordering for Javadoc tags. 对于Javadoc标记应该建立并使用一种固定的顺序。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You can get the full Javadoc as a downloadable ZIP file. 您可以通过可下载的ZIP文件获得完整的Javadoc。 www.ibm.com 7. This article will help you understand how to write a JMX client for administration configuration purposes from the JMX Javadoc. 这篇文章将帮助您了解如何根据JMXJavadoc编写用于管理配置目的的JMX客户机。 www.ibm.com 8. They moved away from the actual use of Javadoc, producing their own variant called Xjavadoc. 他们从Javadoc的实际使用抽身而出,生产出他们自己的变种,叫做Xjavadoc。 www.ibm.com 9. The javadocs of iText are a good source of information on how to use those classes. iText的javadoc是介绍如何使用这些类的很好的资料。 www.ibm.com 10. Doclet is a mechanism introduced in JDK 1. 2 to extend Javadoc. doclet是JDK1.2引入的一种机制,它扩展了Javadoc。 www.ibm.com 1. asDox is a tool that parses not only JavaDoc tags, but also packages, classes, variables and methods. 而asDox不仅能够解析JavaDoc标签,还能够解析包、类、变量和方法等等。 www.infoq.com 2. Now, just comment out the javadoc task, like this 现在,注释掉javadoc任务,如下所示 www.ibm.com 3. Regular, non-javadoc comments through the code base explaining what a block of code generates, as in Listing 7 通常,基本代码中非javadoc注释解释了代码块生成的内容,如清单7所示 www.ibm.com 4. The Javadoc view and hovers now support the {@inheritDoc} tag and add links to overridden methods Javadoc视图及hovers现在都支持{@inheritDoc}标签并给覆盖方法增加链接 www.infoq.com 5. Missing Javadoc comment for method 缺少方法的注释 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Here is the description of the code samples from the Javadoc 这里是对来自Javadoc代码范例的描述 www.ibm.com 7. The following table lists the Javadoc comments included in the three Template classes below 接下来的表格列出了包含在三个Template类中的Javadoc注释 www.ibm.com 8. The following steps show how to generate Javadoc in an Eclipse development environment using the Standard Javadoc Doclet 下列步骤展示了如何在一个Eclipse开发环境中使用标准的JavadocDoclet生成Javadoc www.ibm.com 9. The Ant script in Listing 2 uses the SchemaSpy tool to create a file formatted for Javadoc 清单2中的Ant脚本使用SchemaSpy工具来创建Javadoc格式的文件 www.ibm.com |
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