单词 | broadly |
释义 |
adv. approximately,sketchily,generally,largely,roughly broadly 显示所有例句 例句释义: 大体上,基本上,不考虑细节地,咧开嘴的,宽广地,广泛地,概括地 1. Yet there is no escaping the fact that Da Vinci was able to achieve so much, so broadly, because so little was known. 然而,我们无法回避一点:达芬奇之所以能够取得如此之多、覆盖面如此之广的科学成就,是因为那时人们对科学知之甚少。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Of censorship broadly, Li says: "I'm an entrepreneur. I'm not a politician. I should not be in a position to make this kind of a call. " 对于审查制度,李彦宏表示:我是一个企业家,不是政治家,我不想处于一种被别人某个电话叫走的那种位置。 www.bing.com 3. The young woman in the drawing sat on her park bench and with twinkling eyes smiled broadly at me. 画中的年轻女子坐在公园长椅上,眼神清亮,笑容可掬地看着我。 www.for68.com 4. Broadly defined, any technology that facilitates linking of two or more humans to work together can be considered a collaborative tool. 从广义上讲,任何能够连接两个或两个以上的人使之一起工作的技术都可视为协作工具。 www.bing.com 5. Perhaps it was that he smiled slightly too broadly and gave people the unnerving impression that he was about to go for their neck. 也许是他笑的时候嘴巴张的稍微有些大,让人觉得好像他要一下扑上来咬住你的脖子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A ceramic is often broadly defined as any inorganic nonmetallic material. 陶瓷通常被概括地定义为无机的非金属材料。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The quality and character of the floating charge make it very useful and has been used broadly in international project financing. 浮动担保的性质和特征使其在国际项目融资中大行其道,在国际融资业务中被广泛应用。 www.fabiao.net 8. More broadly, some of the contradictions inherent in the economic (and market) rebound are coming to the surface. 概括地说,经济(市场)反弹中一些固有的矛盾正渐渐浮出水面。 www.ecocn.org 9. Broadly disclosing the algorithms Google uses would probably aid the bad guys more than those trying to stop them, they say. 他们表示,大范围披露谷歌使用的算法,对犯罪分子的帮助,可能会比对那些试图阻止犯罪的人更大。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Genevieve smiled broadly and quipped, 'He never found out. I made another cake and ate half of that too. ' 吉纳维芙开心地笑了起来,并说起了俏皮话,“他不会发现,我又做了另外一个蛋糕,并也吃了一半。” blog.163.com 1. All this suggests that innovation is, broadly, a more complex and expensive process than it used to be. 所有这一切都表明,广泛而言,创新过程已变得比以往更复杂、也更昂贵。 www.ftchinese.com 2. However, the capacity to translate such a broadly defined vision into products and processes is often a genuine competitive advantage. 不过,将这些定义宽泛的愿景转化为产品和行动的能力,往往就是一种真正的竞争优势。 www.ftchinese.com 3. More broadly, though, this release seems to me to mark another step down for the WikiLeaks concept. 更明了地说,在我看来,这次泄密标志着维基解密理念的又一次失足与沦丧。 www.ecocn.org 4. Stanford promises to publish soon, but in the meantime, he says, "I'm trying to get people to think more broadly. " 史丹福答应很快就会发表,但同时他是这样说的:“我想让人们思路更开阔些。” www.hjenglish.com 5. This has been better than expected and the outlook is still broadly reassuring despite the big fiscal retrenchment over the next four years. 应该说经济形势比预期的要好,而且尽管接下来四年里将出现大规模的财政紧缩,经济前景总体来说还是令人欣慰的。 www.ecocn.org 6. More broadly, there also is still the question of how well policy makers will pick the areas where it makes sense to innovate. 更广义来说,问题依然在于,决策者如何能够很好地选择有创新意义的领域。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Business relationship between the law constitute such a structure - can be broadly described as a U-shaped structure. 法律业务之间的关系构成这样一种结构——一种可以大致描述成U形的结构。 dict.kekenet.com 8. I can now appreciate how much courage it must have taken for those teachers to let me deviate so broadly from the lesson plan. 如今我能领悟到,作为老师,让我与教学计划偏离甚远,她们该需要多大的勇气啊。 www.bing.com 9. Broadly speaking, the force of criminal evidence is a state of rest, and also that of activity. 从广义上来说,刑事证据证明力是静态的,也是动态的。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. as andrew came in , her husband stood up , smiling broadly , his hands outstretched. 安德鲁进去时,她的丈夫站起身来,伸开双臂,欢快地笑着。 www.ichacha.net 1. WITHIN Europe, broadly, northerners and westerners are more likely to leave home when young than southerners and easterners. 在欧洲国家中,宽泛点说吧,年轻的时候北欧和西欧人要比南欧和东欧人更想离家。 www.ecocn.org 2. There was no immediate financial market reaction to his remarks, which had been broadly anticipated. 金融市场对此未有即刻反应,因市场此前普遍预期到了此番论调。 cn.reuters.com 3. Although, broadly said, tourism festivals belong to a part of festivals, but there are many differences between them in theory. 从广义上来说,旅游节庆虽然也属于节庆的一部分,但它们两者的理论内核还是有所差别的。 www.zidir.com 4. one person in two in what had been a broadly middle-class society found themselves below the poverty line. 以前一半的人跻身中产之列,却发现自己一夜间身处贫困线之下。 www.ecocn.org 5. 'It's a statute that's written so broadly and is so vague that it's hardly ever been used, ' he said. 他说,这部法律涉及的内容非常宽泛,规定也十分模糊,几乎已经不怎么用了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. There have been a number of movements in the constable's pay which have kept broadly in step with average industrial earnings. 与产业工人平均收入大体保持一致的警察工资有过多次变动。 dict.bioon.com 7. Broadly, I would argue that this interest would be best secured via development of a rules-governed, institutionally-based global system. 我认为,概括地说,发展一套有规则可依的基于制度的全球体系,最能保障这一利益。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Margin trading broadly exists all around the world, but it had not received legal status in China in a long time. 融资融券交易广泛地存在于世界范围内,但在我国很长一段时间内并未取得合法地位。 www.13191.com 9. The sound of a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smiling broadly. 不一会,从我车后传来了喇叭声,我抬头望去:驾车的小伙子正咧着嘴对我大笑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Although broadly flat on a year ago, gross revenues have fallen a third from the January peak to less than $900m in September. 9月份的总收入尽管与上年同期大体持平,但较1月份的峰值减少了三分之一,仅有不到9亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Element is a general term most broadly used , refers to any basic , necessary part of a whole, concrete or abstract . 最广义的通用词,指任何具体的或抽象的整体事件中的基本的,不可缺少的一部分。 www.bing.com 2. Wearing dark designer sunglasses and a white blouse, she also appeared unfazed, smiling broadly as she swept past a line of photographers. 深色时髦墨镜,穿着一条白色衬衫,她也看上去很淡定,笑着穿过一群摄影师。 dongxi.net 3. If I tag a photograph with my own tags, that means the photograph is more useful to me; but it is not necessarily more broadly useful. 如果我给一张照片标上我的标签,这说明该照片对我有用处,但它并没有为更多的人所用。 www.bing.com 4. "1911" tells its story like a great, bloody historical pageant, with a large cast of broadly drawn heroic characters (and a few villains). 《辛亥革命》再现了那场段腥风血雨的史实,展现了大量历史英雄人物(以及一些反面角色)。 www.bing.com 5. In the phase of our project presented here, we are trying to test the insights we gained from the qualitative work more broadly. 在出席的阶段我们的项目这里,我们设法测试我们从定性工作广泛地了解的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Prof Shenton believes these perceptions are broadly untrue, but nonetheless it is one that is often repeated in corporate circles. 申顿教授认为,这些看法基本上是错误的,但尽管如此,企业界经常反复提出这些看法。 www.biodic.cn 7. But the political and public-relations damage for Goldman -- and Wall Street more broadly -- might have been more extensive. 但此事可能在政治和公共关系方面会给高盛公司乃至于整个华尔街造成更为广泛的伤害。 chinese.wsj.com 8. "The resource sector broadly has been under a fair bit of pressure, but clearly these guys have struggled in a relative sense. " “资源行业总体而言承受了相当大的压力,但很明显Donaldson的境况相对更糟糕一些。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Porous silicon and its preparation technology have been used broadly in the fields of micro-sensors because of its special p. 多孔硅由于其独特的物理、化学和光学性能及技术优势,已经在微传感器领域得到广泛的应用。 www.dictall.com 10. Others are trying to spread technical and planning skills more broadly among their development staff and to tap game players for ideas. 其它公司则试图在其开发团队中进一步普及技术和规划技能,并从游戏玩家那里汲取创意。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But like the financial sector more broadly, so far regulations have also restrained the growth of wealth management. 然而,与更广泛的金融业相同,目前监管也限制了财富管理业务的发展。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Broadly stated, as individuals and organizations get more experienced at a task, they usually become more efficient at it. 通俗地说,个人和企业在某项任务上越有经验,通常效率越高。 www.ibm.com 3. If the court's decision had been broadly expected, this was a strikingly liberal argument. 如果当时法庭的决议被广泛接收,这将会是一场声势浩大的关于自由的辩论。 www.bing.com 4. Although anti-war groups might like to see him move faster, he is broadly sticking to his campaign promises. 尽管反战组织可能希望看到他能够更快地行动,但是奥巴马总统则广泛地坚持着自己的竞选承诺。 www.ecocn.org 5. The challenge is not to define social entrepreneurship so broadly that it becomes just another word used to disguise business as usual. 挑战并不是广泛定义社会企业家,以便它一如既往地成为掩盖商业本质的另一个词。 wiki.1kg.org 6. First, mutual benefit and win-win result. Thinking broadly, one should take account of the other's interests while pursuing its own. 一、互利共赢。从大处着眼,既要考虑自己利益,又要考虑对方利益。 www.jituo.net 7. Broadly defined, a computer failures could cause, the destruction of computer data procedures collectively referred to as computer viruses. 从广义上定义,凡能够引起计算机故障,破坏计算机数据的程序统称为计算机病毒。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Today it states, broadly, that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double roughly every two years. 如今流传较广的版本是,一个集成电路上的晶体管数量大概每两年增加一倍。 www.bing.com 9. Within the image retrieval based on the content, the color, being an important vision information of image, have been used broadly. 在基于内容的图象检索中,颜色作为图象的一种重要视觉信息,已得到广泛应用。 www.fabiao.net 10. American regulators had broadly accepted Basel 2 back in 2004, when they signed up to its framework. 美国银行管理者早在2004年就已经接受并支持巴塞尔协议,当时他们参加了签约构建协议框架。 www.ecocn.org 1. Its criminalisation of genocide ideology is so broadly drawn that it could be used to prosecute people for any number of utterances. 它将种族灭绝思想视为犯罪的定义如此宽泛以至于你能够用它来起诉人们的任何言论。 www.ecocn.org 2. Nevertheless, the price remains prohibitive, and implementing such a program more broadly requires organization. 尽管如此,费用依然过高,而且要广泛地履行这项计画需要组织运作。 www.bing.com 3. But Barney Frank, the leading Congressional Democrat, has said he hopes to apply the Treasury limits "more broadly" from next year. 但国会主要民主党成员巴尼?弗兰克(BarneyFrank)表示,他希望从明年开始,“更广泛地”应用财政部的限制性规定。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Analysts and diplomats broadly agree that the delay further unsettled markets and drove up the cost of the eventual rescue. 分析师与外交官们普遍同意,推迟让市场更加感到不安,推高了最终的援助成本。 nasi.ielts-base.com 5. Susan smiles broadly and puts her hands behind her head, flexing her powerful stomach muscles into a solid mass. 苏珊露骨的微笑着把手放在脑后,绷起了她有力的腹部肌肉。她的腹部肌肉鼓成了一个硬块。 www.xici.net 6. As the disease expands broadly into communities, the average age of the cases is appearing to increase slightly. 随着疾病广泛扩大到社区,病例的平均年龄似乎略有增加。 www.who.int 7. The Usd slipped broadly in Asian session, as the greenback was a bit oversold for the markets liking. 今日美元在亚洲市场大幅滑落,是因为市场对于美元的过度抛售。 big5.ce.cn 8. leaf blade resembling that of radical leaves but leaflets fewer higher up stem with base rounded to broadly cuneate. 叶片象胚根叶的那但是高的更少的小叶向上茎具基部圆形到宽楔形。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Such a group would command wide respect but would also be broadly representative of the world's economy. 此类小组将赢得广泛尊敬,同时也将大体上代表世界经济。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Dongshan island bay, beach broadly, more than ShaBai, known as the "Oriental Hawaii" , is no better leisure tourism resort. 东山岛湾多、滩阔、沙白,被誉为“东方的夏威夷”,是消夏休闲旅游胜地。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The securities laws broadly prohibit fraudulent activities of any kind in connection with the offer, purchase, or sale of securities. 证券法广泛地禁止与证券发行、购买或出售过程中有关的所有类别的欺骗活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The rules of English grammar and usage are broadly agreed upon, the prescriptivist-descriptivist arguments over a few usages aside. 除规定派和描述派争论的几个用法外,英语语法规则和用法普遍是一致的。 www.ecocn.org 3. India's economic history can be broadly divided into three eras, beginning with the pre-colonial period lasting up to the 17th century. 印度经济的发展历史大致可分为三个阶段:第一阶段从前殖民时期至17世纪; kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. Absorber is used broadly in public transport buildings, cinemas and theaters, as an important sort of sound absorption. 吸声体作为重要的吸声结构之一,在公共交通建筑、电影院、剧场等建筑中得到广泛的应用。 www.boshuo.net 5. It would be better if a new AK government were to take a more broadly inclusive approach. 要是新的正义发展党政府采取更广泛的包容性做法,那就好了。 www.ecocn.org 6. 'But we've got a chance of getting people to look at it more broadly now. In that way, I think the timing is great. 但他指出,应该藉此机会让人们有更广阔的视野来统瞰全局,因此他认为当前的时机是非常合适的。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 7. What you can do on your own website is only very broadly constrained by law and convention. 你能在网站上做的事情仅仅受到法律和法规相对比较宽松的制约。 www.bing.com 8. There are other signs that the recovery is still broadly on track, even if it has, as in 2004, hit a soft patch. 此外,其它的一些迹象表明经济复苏仍然在大范围内进行,即使如2004年那样有通货紧缩风险,经济也会平稳的过渡。 www.ecocn.org 9. Newly published research reveals how one broadly neutralizing HIV antibody actually uses part of the sugary cloak to help bind to the virus. 新近的研究显示了一个广泛中和的HIV抗体实际是怎样用部分多糖外壳去键合病毒的。 news.dxy.cn 10. Wealth needs to be interpreted broadly and reference is made to the growing literature that measures the asset base of a nation. 财富需要从广义上解释,并且参考了越来越多的有关衡量国家资产基础的文献。 sites.sdjzu.edu.cn 1. Broadly speaking, China is a net exporter of goods with a low technology content and a net importer of more sophisticated wares. 宽泛地说,中国是纯粹的低技术含量产品的出口商,是纯粹的更精密物件的进口商。 www.bing.com 2. Advertising agencies are said to be broadly supportive of the move as it could stop traditional "channel-hopping" . 据称,广告商普遍都很支持这一计划,因为这将防止传统的“频繁换台”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. And within this broadly flat picture for export turnover, there were some dramatic difference between the various parts of engineering. 在对于出口营业额非常宽泛的简单描述内部,工程的不同部分之间却存在着巨大的差别。 bbs.catti.china.com.cn 4. 'But the pattern of broadly stable growth over the past couple of quarters is the same, ' he said. 他又说,中国经济保持了过去几个季度以来的稳定增长态势。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Obama is still broadly popular, and the public is still broadly sympathetic to his administration's agenda. 奥巴马依旧是广受欢迎,政府的纲领依旧得到了民众的广泛赞同。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. That's doubtless why these traits, broadly defined, seem to show themselves in virtually all human cultures, modern or tribal. 那就是为什么这些特性(广义上)毫无疑问地在人类几乎各种文化中都有所体现,无论是现代社会还是原始部落。 www.bing.com 7. "Try as much as you please, but don't try on my niece, " smiled the old man, whose opposition to the idea was broadly humorous. “你尽管试吧,只是别拿我的外甥女儿作试验品呀,”老人说,他的反对是饶有风趣的。 8. This kind of exchanges is fundamental to building a broadly based, stable and continuing relationship between the United States and China. 这种交流是建立广泛、稳定、持续美中关系的关键。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Our dream is to be able to build business solutions using the broadly reusable, archetype-based building blocks from the first three layers. 我们的构想是能够使用前三个层中广泛重用的、基于原型的构造块构建业务解决方案。 www.ibm.com 10. It is sometimes understood broadly as the systematic study of the principles of good reasoning. 人们有时将它广义理解为对优秀推理原则所进行的系统性研究。 www.bing.com 1. Furthermore, within the sphere broadly defined as the "practice of law" the domain is exclusive and is not open to others. 另外,在被广泛地成为“法律执业”的范围之内,律师的业务范围是专有性的,不对其他人开放。 je005.blog.163.com 2. More broadly, one in three ranked the deficit as one of the top issues facing government, placing it behind only jobs and economic growth. 从更全面的角度说,有三分之一的受访者将赤字列为政府面临的首要问题之一,仅次于就业和经济增长。 www.bing.com 3. Data that passes through a message queuing infrastructure can be broadly separated into two categories: query and business-critical. 通过消息队列基础设施的数据可以大致分为两类:查询和业务关键型数据。 www.ibm.com 4. Well-being of the word should be interpreted broadly to make ease of mind and life situation. 幸福二字从广义上应理解为使人心情舒畅的境遇和生活。 www.showxiu.com 5. The ability for leaders broadly to be able to adjust to the environment that we are now competing in. 我最关心领导者们是否有能力广泛地适应当下的竞争环境。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Although this version was adapted to take account of the demise of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet collapse, it remains broadly in force. 尽管考虑到华约解散及苏联解体,这一版本的条约已进行了修改,但很大范围内仍然有效。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This time, credit had been offered even more cheaply and bad debts spread much more broadly across the world financial system. 而这一次,信贷成本更为低廉,坏账也更为广泛地分布在整个全球金融体系内。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The industry is broadly trying to increase interest in the movies. 电影业正想方设法增强观众对于电影的兴趣。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. While China's weight as an export destination has grown broadly across the region, its relative importance varies significantly. 在中国作为整个区域出口目的地地位不断加强的同时,区域内不同国家的重要性却区别很大。 wk.shangdu123.org 10. But he never makes professional predictions because it is better to be "broadly right rather than precisely wrong" . 然而,他从不做出专业的预测,因为“大致正确总比完全错误”要好。 www.ecocn.org 1. The consensus still remains broadly bullish, with analysts arguing that the market could turn in the next couple of months. 市场共识仍是总体看涨,分析师认为,市场在未来几个月就有可能转向。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Looked at more broadly, Chinese IPOs have not been a total write-off for foreign banks. 不过,若将视野扩大,外资银行在中国IPO业务上的表现也并非一无是处。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Recently the imported and homemade autos have applied it broadly, meaning auto electronic control technology changed into a new era. 近年来。进口汽车以及国产轿车广泛采用CAN技术。标志着汽车电子控制技术进入了一个新的时代。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Changes to road management during the Games are likely to have "broadly neutral impact on air quality" , Transport for London said. “总体上来说”,奥运会期间道路管理的各种改革很可能“对空气质量会有中性影响”,伦敦交通局如此说道。 www.bing.com 5. Status Offline Virtualisation more broadly refers to any remapping of physical resources to logical ones anywhere on the stack. 广义上讲,虚拟化是指将物理资源重新映射至堆栈寄存器的逻辑资源。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Thus the interface between bioscience and chemistry and its relationship to biotechnology must be broadly interpreted. 因此,因此,应该从广义上来理解生物学和化学以及他们与生物技术之间的关系。以及他们与生物技术之间的关系。 wenku.baidu.com 7. More broadly, governments that have signed up to CITES need to do more to monitor and enforce its rules. 从大范围来讲,所有签约参加CITES的政府都要加大监管和条例实施的力度。 www.ecocn.org 8. It gets staff involved in good causes, hoping that this will motivate them more broadly at work. 他让员工参与到公益事业中,希望这样能广泛地激励员工工作。 www.ecocn.org 9. he hinted vaguely [broadly] that he might be late. 他隐约地[明白地]暗示他可能迟来。 www.ichacha.net 10. "We would be looking more broadly at different traits to put together a system of classification, " said Ms McCarthy. 麦卡锡小姐说,“我们将寻找更多的不同特征以将其整理成一个分类系统。” www.tianya.cn 1. While broadly popular with the U. S. public, Title IX has not been without controversy. 第九条立法虽然深受美国公众支持,但也引起了一些争议。 www.america.gov 2. But he is a broadly restraining influence on it and, with so much to do at home, he will hardly relish fights with Brussels. 但是,他在这方面一直起到广泛的抑制作用。由于国内事务很多要处理,他几乎不可能喜欢与布鲁塞尔(欧盟)争斗。 www.ecocn.org 3. It has since evolved into a broadly popular online destination used by both teenagers and adults of all ages. 从那时起,它便发展为一个广受青少年以及所有年龄段成人用户欢迎的在线网络终端。 www.putclub.com 4. CA: So let's talk a little more broadly about this. I mean, in general, what's your philosophy? CA:让我们谈得概括一些概括来讲,你的人生哲学是什么? www.ted.com 5. Voters in the West would be steadier if they believed Iraq to be heading, however fitfully, in broadly the right direction. 倘若能让西方选民相信,伊拉克的局势尽管多有反复,仍在沿大致正确的方向往前走,那么他们也许可以稳住。 www.ecocn.org 6. Against this backdrop, a more broadly distributed military presence across the region will provide vital advantages. 在这一背景下,在整个地区作出更广的军事部署将提供极为重要的有利条件。 www.putclub.com 7. After all, intelligence itself may be broadly defined as the ability to cope with new problems and effectively use the power of reason. 毕竟,广义的智能包括处理新问题及有效运用推理的能力。 sm2000.org 8. "Defamiliarization" is broadly used in literary works as a way of literary creation. 文学创作手法“陌生化”在文学作品中被广泛应用。 www.sinoss.net 9. The countermeasure to this problem is to strengthen the teaching of long-distance running skills and broadly spread the knowledge of it. 提出了解决对策:加强技术教学的同时注意长跑运动理论知识的渗入与普及。 lib.cqvip.com 10. The strains of accommodating one giant at a time have have been substantial but broadly manageable. 在一定时期适应一个巨人的张力很大,但基本上还是可以管理的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Bibliometrics is an important sub-discipline in information sciences, and is applying broadly in many discipline researches. 文献计量学是信息科学领域中的一个重要分支学科,目前在许多学科的研究中日益得到广泛的应用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. First accepts the outstanding person broadly, made to have the high professional standard property expert team. 首先广纳精英,打造出了一支具有高专业水准的置业专家团队。 www.19zhan.com 3. It also said the recovery since March was "broadly in line with the markets" . 淡马锡同时表示,3月份以来资产价值的回升“与市场形势基本一致”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Just as there's goodwill in balance sheets and just as brand has value, reputation, broadly defined, has enormous value for companies. 正如资产负债表中包含商誉、品牌有品牌的在价值一样,广义上的声誉对公司也有巨大的价值。 shangdao.blogchina.com 5. The son of a paratrooper in the Self-Defence Forces, Noda, a married father of two, holds broadly conservative political views. 野田佳彦是自卫队一名伞兵的儿子,已婚,是两个孩子的父亲。政治观点上,他持的保守立场。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Broadly speaking, the regular columns and coffers at the top ofthe interior deal with the long sound waves. 大概说来,比如那些规则排列的柱子和屋顶的花格镶板用来处理长波的声音。 www.360doc.com 7. Lushly funded final- salary schemes are now broadly closed to new members, in the private sector at least. 花哨的最终工资资金计划目前已经广泛对至少是在私营部门工作的新成员开放。 www.ecocn.org 8. The second rule is to develop at least some broadly applicable technologies for repair and remediation before they are needed. 第二项建议是至少在被需要以前发展一些可以广泛适用于维修和补救的技术。 yayan123.com 9. The White House used the occasion to argue that Mr. Obama is broadly reducing the American military presence abroad. 白宫利用这个时机重申,奥巴马先生极大的减少了美军在海外的驻军。 www.bing.com 10. Broadly speaking, of his own motion or under persuasion, he abandons his studies. 总而言之,出于他自己的动机再加上别人的劝说,他抛弃了他的研究。 www.bing.com 1. If you define the problem too broadly, your solutions may be out of scope and irrelevant to the business context. 而如果你把问题定义得太宽泛,你的方案又可能超出实际范围,和业务环境无关。 www.bing.com 2. But in 1982, I got called into a big case that made me start to see things more broadly. 但1982年,我受命参与了一桩大案,让我从此以更开阔的视野来看待事情。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But to do this, they needed a system that was easy to use and broadly deployed to their over 1500 branches. 但为此,他们需要一个易于使用并广泛部署于超过1500家支行范围的系统。 www.ibm.com 4. The economist's commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago. 经济学家的商品价格指数大致不变的是从去年同期。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Broad hobby, being a steady worker broadly, be rich in sense of responsibility , take the team cooperation seriously. 爱好广泛,工作踏实,富有责任心,重视团队合作。 big5.china.com 6. Marketing's role could well come to be seen more broadly in terms of connecting with stakeholders not only in terms of value, but values. 市场活动在联系相关利益者方面的作用应该进一步加强,不仅仅是价值层次,还有价值观。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. At last, the paper explained the reasons why VMI model hasn't been used broadly both in theoretical and practical ways. 最后,本文针对VMI应用不广泛的情况,从理论和现实两个角度进行了原因分析。 www.lw23.com 8. Imagery Training is one of the most broadly used psychological training methods in the practice of athletic sports. 表象训练是在体育运动实践中最为广泛运用的心理训练方法之一。 www.fabiao.net 9. The Economist's commodity price index is broadly unchanged from a year ago. 《经济学人》的商品价格指数较去年大体不变。 www.tianya.cn 10. "Investors appear to be viewing renminbi gains as broadly bearish for the dollar and bullish for risk, " said Steve Englander at Citigroup. 花旗集团(Citigroup)的史蒂文?英格兰德(StevenEnglander)表示:“投资者似乎把人民币走高视为对美元普遍看跌,对风险看涨。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Washington is trying to figure out what to do about China's deal making broadly. 华盛顿正试图弄明白跟中国做交易能做什么、能做多大。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. More broadly, Beijing risks damaging its credibility if it doesn't comply with a pricing mechanism it introduced just 15 months back. 而更宽泛地来讲,中国政府如果不执行仅仅15个月之前开始的成品油定价机制,则有信用受损的风险。 c.wsj.com 3. The Baculoviridae is a diverse family of viruses as the host of invertebrates . As a insecticide, it has a broadly applicational future. 杆状病毒是以无脊椎动物为专性寄主的多家族病毒,作为有效的生物杀虫剂,有着广泛的应用前景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The army's intervention has been broadly greeted with relief, particularly since its command declared it would not use force. 人们对于军方的介入普遍感到安心,尤其是因为军队指挥机构宣布它将不会动用武力。 www.ecocn.org 5. And while the mood in the US might have turned more cautious yesterday, the underlying view among analysts remained broadly upbeat. 虽然昨天美国市场的情绪可能已变得更加谨慎,但分析师对市场仍大致持乐观态度。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Smiling broadly, he said with a glow of admiration and respect as we parted ways, "You do know that Richard Dennis is trading again? " 在离别时,他笑着说话,谈到了对丹尼斯的钦佩和尊敬:“你知道丹尼斯又开始交易了吧?” www.irich.com.cn 7. Today, workers in factories are being replaced by robots and software, more broadly, is automating many jobs that people used to do. 而今天,工厂的工人被机器人、软件所替代,更广义地来讲,许多由人来承担的工作正在被自动化。 www.bing.com 8. For liberals, he remains an ogre, while the right credits him with a fall in crime that broadly continues to this day. 对于自由主义分子而言,他不啻于恶煞。而右派分子则对其赞誉有加,称其降低了犯罪率,福泽至今。 www.24en.com 9. At least one competitor discloses such trading tips much more broadly. 至少有一家竞争对手将这类交易信息透露给了广泛得多的客户。 www.bing.com 10. MPI is a library specification for message-passing, proposed as a standard by a broadly based committee of vendors, implementors, and users. MPI是一种消息传递库的规范,作为一个标准的供应商提出的,实现者和用户基础广泛的委员会。 www.affinic.com.cn 1. So far, wage increases have been broadly absorbed by productivity gains and margin erosion. 迄今为止,消化工资上涨的手段主要是提高生产率和牺牲利润率。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even so, Mr Steinitz's optimism seems broadly justified, as he prepares to present a budget for this year and next. 虽然如此,斯坦内茨的乐观似乎不仅仅是表现在口头上的,在他准备提交的今明两年的预算里也得到了印证。 ecocn.org 3. Developments in financial markets are broadly consistent with the overall picture of a gradual resumption of economic growth. 金融市场的发展与经济增长的逐步恢复基本上也是相互吻合的。 4. You can share sensitive business information more broadly and securely with your coworkers, customers, and business partners. 您可以更广泛、更安全地与同事、客户以及业务合作伙伴共享敏感的业务信息。 office.microsoft.com 5. Mr Sarkozy's mandate secures him electoral legitimacy and, at least in the short run, puts public opinion broadly on his side. 萨尔科齐先生的总统任期至少在短期内保证他的选举合法性,并且使得主要的公众舆论和他站在同一边。 club.topsage.com 6. Our activities are broadly split between the Americas, principally the United States, and Europe. 我们贸易的范围包括美洲,主要是美国和欧洲。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. At least since the 1980s, many states have tended to interpret the government's eminent domain power extremely broadly. 至少从二十世纪八十年代,许多洲倾向于极度宽泛地解释政府的征用权。 www.law-gun.com 8. As a great writer and translator, Lin Yutang as well as his works have been broadly studied at home in recent years. 作为一个作家和翻译家,林语堂本人及其作品近年来得到国内的广泛关注。 www.lw23.com 9. This explanation is broadly similar to the idea of a "global saving glut" which Ben Bernanke, the Fed's current chairman, has long espoused. 这一解释同现任美联储主席本-伯南克所坚持的“全球储蓄过剩”的观点极为类似。 www.ecocn.org 10. Very broadly speaking, the turf of high-level legal theory is disputed by at least four groups. 宽泛地讲,围绕高层次法律理论的地盘发生论争的至少有四个群体。 www.readfree.net 1. However, Galatasaray failed to stop Real's main attacking threats. There were, broadly, four problems. 不过,客队没有消除掉主队的进攻威胁。主要有四方面的问题。 www.bing.com 2. AS a quick and useful technique to detect hidden trouble in dike, Electrical Prospecting is broadly used in Hebei province. 电法探测是一种快捷、实用的堤坝隐患探测技术,近年来在河北省进行了大量应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Broadly speaking, every person can fully show himself and be able to realize freedom and happiness only in the game. 广而言之,每一个人也只有在游戏中,才能充分表现和展示自我,才能领悟自由和愉悦。 www.fabiao.net 4. More broadly, the combination of liberal democracy and a market economy also embodies a certain inbuilt tension. 更广义地看,自由民主与市场经济的结合蕴含着某种必然的对峙。 www.america.gov 5. As Web services are more broadly applied, HTTP level security will need to be replaced by the WS-Security related mechanisms. 随着Web服务被更广泛地应用,需要用与WS-Security相关的机制来代替HTTP级安全性。 www-128.ibm.com 6. More broadly, the arrival over the past two decades of thousands of new Chinese immigrants is generating debate over the influx's effect. 更为宏观地说,过去两年来中国新移民的急剧膨胀是否给苏里南造成影响。这样的辩论已经越来越流行了。 www.bing.com 7. But broadly based land taxes are not the only alternative to commodity taxes. 但是,有广泛根据的土地税并非是商品税的唯一代替手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Labor analgesia is a real humanistic care to every lying-in woman, but it has not been practised broadly in China. 实施无痛分娩是对每位产妇最贴切的人文关怀,每位产妇都有享受这种关怀的权利,而在我国分娩镇痛仍未普遍采用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Speakers have been chosen to broadly reflect lessons learned from a variety of model organisms, experimental approaches and organ systems. 选择扬声器已广泛地反映从各种模式生物,实验方法和器官系统的经验教训。 www.med365.com.cn 10. It has several sections, broadly speaking: setup, main handler, comment and photo handlers, general utilities, and SimpleDB utilities. 它有多个部分,可大致分为:设置、主处理程序、评论和照片处理程序、通用实用工具和SimpleDB实用工具。 www.ibm.com 1. The utility model can be broadly used in the technical fields of biochemistry, cytology and clinical medicine. 广泛地应用于生物化学、细胞学和临床医学领域。 ip.com 2. The constitution was not a set of fundamental and broadly unalterable rules but simply "what happened" . 那时,宪法并不是基本的、泛泛而谈一成不变的一套规定,而是单纯地描述“发生的事”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The number of dependent children will remain low because China's one-child policy of the late 1970s is still broadly in place. 中国自二十世纪七十年代末开始,开始推行计划生育的政策。这一政策使得有待抚养的儿童数量保持在低水平。 www.ecocn.org 4. "But isn't it amazing, how innovative wecan be? " he said, smiling broadly. "And all in these old walls. " 他咧嘴笑了笑表示:“看看在种种约束条件下,我们的做法可以如此的新颖,这难道不令人惊叹吗?” www.bing.com 5. The typical advice offered for those with huge property wealth and little cash might be broadly similar. 对于那些拥有大量地产财富,而现金又很少的人来说,给他们提供的典型建议或许大体上很相似。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Most other sectors were also broadly lower, though airline stocks moved higher following traffic data and a bullish broker note. 其他板块普遍走低,业务数据发布和经纪人交易单据利好推动航空个股上扬。 www.bing.com 7. I think the UK can continue to grow its stores at least for three years broadly at the pace we have seen for the past five years. 我相信在英国,至少未来三年里,我们会继续以过去5年的速度建连锁商店。 www.bing.com 8. The deep sea centipede diving device can be broadly applied to various fields like navigation, bridges and platforms at sea. 深海蜈蚣潜水器可广泛应用在航海、桥梁、海上平台等多种领域。 ip.com 9. When travelling in a counter-clockwise path from the main entrance, the layout is broadly chronological, with galleries arranged by region. 从正门入口逆时针顺序参观,展览是按照时间来布局的,展厅是地域来布置的。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. As an important plastic working technique, sheet metal pressing is broadly applied in industry field especially in automobile manufacturing. 板料冲压成形作为一种重要的塑性加工工艺,广泛应用于各种工业领域,在汽车制造业中显得尤为重要。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. More broadly, the chances of a manufacturing turnround are high: big falls in demand generate inventory build-ups and collapses in output. 更广泛地说,制造业开始好转的可能性很高:需求大幅下降导致库存增加,产出骤降。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The best of it is worth preserving and sharing more broadly. 最好的值得保存和更广泛地分享。 dongxi.net 3. As an interactive system which connects telephone and computer together, the Interactive Voice Response(IVR) system is broadly applied. 自动语音应答系统是集电话与计算机于一体的交互式系统,得到广泛的应用。 www.fabiao.net 4. The method is supposed to be broadly used in teaching and research relating to linguistics. 特别是在语言文字教学和研究领域应用非常广泛。 menksoft.com 5. The ultimate in GCP non-compliance is fraud, which may be broadly defined as a deliberate act of altering, omitting or manufacturing data. 最严重违反GCP的现象是弄虚作假,其广义上包括故意的更改、删除或编造数据等行为。 www.hicoo.net 6. PCBs are broadly used in electrical equipment as dielectric fluid and caused widespread contamination of their storage sites. 多氯联苯在电器设备里广泛用作电介质液,在存放地造成大量污染。 web.worldbank.org 7. This class can be broadly categorized as applications that run in a stateless cluster in front of a database. 这一类别可以粗略地归类为运行在数据库前端的无状态集群中的应用程序。 www-128.ibm.com 8. They have been broadly established and applied consistently since 1949 when the relevant law came into operation . 这些原则及标准早在1949年有关法例生效时已大致确立,并一直沿用至今。 www.bing.com 9. US re-engagement, in strategic as well as economic terms, is to be broadly welcomed. 美国在战略和经济层面重新参与亚洲事务,将受到普遍的欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The Roots Of Chemistry Chemistry can be broadly defines as the science of molecules and their transformations. 化学可以广泛地定义为科学的分子和他们的转换。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Channel estimation methods can be broadly divided as the data symbol auxiliary and blind channel estimation. 信道估计方法大致可分为数据符号辅助的信道估计和盲信道估计。 www.fabiao.net 2. At a gathering to lay the cornerstone for the new development, Abdul Fattah smiled broadly as Nubian children sang of the beauty of Aswan. 当人们聚集在一起为新的发展而铺设基石,努比亚儿童歌颂阿斯旺的美丽的时,卜杜勒法塔赫先生开心的笑了。 www.dltcedu.org 3. Indeed, business models (or more broadly speaking, "business methods" ) have fallen increasingly within the realm of patent law. 事实上,商业模式(或者更通俗的说“经营方式”)在专利法律的保护下,变得越来越没落。 www.bing.com 4. The toughest such laws tend to be in cities, where liberals far outnumber hunters and gun curbs are broadly popular. 这一类法律最严格的多在各市。这些地方,自由主义者远远超过了持枪者,枪支禁令得到了广泛支持。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. A senior White House official said Mr. Obama would 'look broadly' at candidates for the commerce job. 白宫的一位资深官员说奥巴马将“广泛找寻”商务部长一职的候选人。 c.wsj.com 6. Clear lines of sight were achieved, just as ways that broadly get along without turns and crossings. 视线的明确划分,实现同样的方式没有得到广泛的曲折和口岸沿线。 www.mt-bbs.com 7. He was grinning broadly, but his smile collapsed suddenly and his eyes closed in pain. 他咧嘴一笑,但随即笑容就消逝了,痛苦地闭上眼睛。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Despite all this, opinion polls suggest that Egyptians remain broadly hopeful of the future. 尽管如此,民意测试显示人们对埃及的未来总体上还是很有信心的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Broadly speaking, devices for storing electricity come in two varieties: batteries and capacitors. 从广义上讲,存储电能的设备分为电池和电容器两大类。 www.ecocn.org 10. They smiled broadly as they approached, and a deep, primeval process kicked in. 他们满面笑容地走近,随之而来的就是深层而又原始的过程。 www.bing.com 1. On the flip side, OPEC is likely to broadly maintain supply curbs over the coming months and this could provide some price support. 另一方面,欧佩克很可能在今后几个月继续广泛进行石油限产来支撑油价。 www.hsbcjt.cn 2. Petiole 4-6 mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, apex obtuse to subrounded and with a retuse tip. 叶柄4-6毫米;叶片椭圆形到长圆形椭圆形,基部楔形到宽楔形,先端钝到近圆形并且具一端部。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. As an efficient technology of irrigation, dripping irrigation is applied in farmland, orchard and greenhouse broadly. 作为一种高效的节水灌溉技术,滴灌被广泛应用于大田、果园和温室。 www.magsci.net 4. Deloitte, a consulting firm, paints a broadly positive picture of European football in a report this week (see article). 德勤咨询公司本周的报告大体上也对欧洲足球持乐观的态度(见文章)。 www.ecocn.org 5. The total number of personnel is big and the employees are broadly distributed. 大气科学队伍总量大,人员分布广,但高层次人才明显不足。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 6. The 1935 National Labour Relations Act has never been construed so broadly. 《1935全国劳工关系法案》从来没有被这样宽泛地解释。 www.bing.com 7. Broadly speaking, the jadeite jade is the name of reaching to gem grade jadeitite which have lots of colours and have high commercial value. 从广义上讲,翡翠是指具有商业价值,达到宝石级硬玉岩的商业名称,是各种颜色宝石级硬玉岩的总称。 www.fabiao.net 8. bracts broadly ovate or triangular, ca. 1 mm, abaxially semiappressed hairy, or at least with a hairy median band. 苞片宽卵形的或三角形的,长约1毫米,背面半开展有毛的,或至少具一有毛中间带。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Constructed broadly in scale, decorated splendidly, those guild halls form a unique folk construction expression. 这些会馆大都建筑规模宏大、装饰富丽,成为一种独特的民间建筑景观。 www.fabiao.net 10. Wernerfelt broadly defines a resource as 'anything which could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm' (1984, p. 172). 沃纳菲尔特把资源宽泛地界定为“任何可以被认为是特定企业优势和劣势的东西”(1984,第172页)。 www.bing.com 1. The low carbon economy development must be government-led, and broadly participated by the citizens. 发展低碳经济必须以政府为主导,公民广泛参与,全体国民都走低碳发展之路。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. This Power of Attorney shall be construed broadly as a General Power of Attorney. 本授权书应被解释为一般授权委托书。 blog.163.com 3. This research program has served to promote the assessment of English learning and set it on a more broadly-based scientific footing. 这项研究活动大力推动了英语学习评价的全面化和科学化。 www.cctv.com 4. The Basel III agreement was broadly well received across Asia, as it emerged that the new rules were not as onerous as some had feared. 由于新规则的要求不像人们担心的那样繁冗,《巴塞尔协议III》在亚洲地区的反响普遍较好。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Steiner tree problem is a classical problem in combinatorial optimization, it has been broadly used and deeply developed in many fields. Steiner树问题是组合优化中的一个经典问题,它在很多领域得到了广泛应用和深入发展。 www.13191.com 6. The legal application of the transportation enterprises' traffic accidents has aroused broadly social controversy. 交通运输企业的交通运输事故法律适用问题引起了社会广泛争议。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Then, we implement the law by communicating it broadly to the public and translating it to clear and enforceable rules. 然后,我们执行它广泛传达给公众和翻译它明确和可执行的规则的法律。 www.bing.com 8. While you can define content more broadly, for the sake of this discussion, content is just the text within your page's structure. 虽然可以更宽泛地定义内容,但这里为了方便讨论,内容就指页面结构内的文本。 www.ibm.com 9. I believe Dr. Kao's observation can be applied more broadly to all human knowledge, innovation and discovery. 我认为,高教授的成就可以被更广泛地应用于人类所有知识、创新与发现。 www.hjenglish.com 10. We look for some simple, rapid and broadly acceptable criteria that will help us get this pain out of the way. 我们会找几条能被广泛接受,又操作简便的规则,好让自己摆脱这痛苦。 dongxi.net 1. Financials ended broadly higher, suggesting recent credit fears had failed to damp investor confidence. 金融类股普遍收涨,显示近来的信贷恐慌未能打压投资者信心。 www.ftchinese.com 2. AWS and Azure are in theory on opposite sides of this divide; in practice they provide the developer with broadly similar capabilities. 理论上AWS和Azure应该分别处在该分界线的两端,但是在实际中,他们却为开发者提供了类似的能力。 www.infoq.com 3. Factors affecting the quality of university journals can be broadly grouped into external factors and internal factors. 影响学报质量的因素是多方面的,可以大致归纳为外在因素和内在因素。 www.sinoss.net 4. It has also enabled these funds to invest in a broadly diversified portfolio of emerging markets. 它也使这些基金能够对新兴市场更多不同的有价证券进行投资。 5. The most product cost is decided in the design stage. So that the concept of cost design and target costing is applied broadly. 而在产品设计阶段决定了大部分的产品成本,因此成本设计与成本企划的概念也被广为运用。 6. another aspect is going to draw foreign excellent culture component broadly. 另一方面要广泛借鉴外国文化的优秀成分。 www.dictall.com 7. More broadly, Dr Lange wants the value of the environment to be integrated into national and local accounting. 更广泛的,拉格博士希望将环境价值纳入国家和地方核算。 www.bing.com 8. Industry analysts are broadly supportive of the initiative, saying that the timing for Web-enabled television is finally right. 业内分析人士普遍对这个首开先河的做法赞同有加。他们说:网络电视的时代终于要来了。 www.bing.com 9. States across the country gradually adopted Mann's ideas, thus raising the quality of broadly available public education. 美国各州逐渐接受曼恩的思想,提高了普及的公共教育的质量。 www.america.gov 10. So, in less than 15 years, the political elites in the power centres of the world had come to broadly similar conclusions. 因此,在不到15年的时间内,处于世界权力核心的政界精英们得出了大体相似的结论。 www.ftchinese.com 1. More broadly, we support the comprehensive steps taken today to strengthen the flexibility of the European Financial Stability Facility. 在更大范围内,我们支持如今正在实施的逐步加强欧洲金融市场稳定基金灵活性的全方位的举措。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. grinning broadly to reveal a set of gleaming white teeth that may have benefited from some cosmetic dentistry. 露出了一口闪亮的白牙——这可能得益于牙科美容手术。 www.juyy.net 3. Depending on the currently executing user's rights, this broadly applicable data can also be modified and saved back to the data store. 这种通用数据还可以进行修改并保存回数据存储区,具体取决于当前执行用户的权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In Europe, the number of British and Dutch companies has fallen and the amount of German and Swiss companies has been broadly stable. 在欧洲,英国、荷兰公司的数目有所下降,而德国、瑞士公司的数目基本稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 5. More broadly, what is an appropriate philosophy for a European party of the left in the post-socialist era? 更广泛地来看,在后社会主义时代,什么样的政治哲学适合欧洲左翼政党? www.ftchinese.com 6. Broadly, emerging economies are also seeing a freer flow of capital, thanks to globalisation as much as to the removal of restrictions. 多亏全球一体化去掉了很多限制,新兴经济体看到了更自由的资本流通。 www.ecocn.org 7. BANGKOK (AP) -- More evidence the U. S. economy has hit a soft patch sent Asian shares broadly lower Thursday. 曼谷(美联社)--更多的证据显示撞上柔性搭板的美国经济导致周四亚洲股市大跌。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is, instead, it is likely to deal broadly with undervalued currencies and set out a series of escalating steps for the US to take. 相反,它可能会针对所有被低估的货币,制定一系列供美国采纳的逐步升级的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Second, do not mistake the order, including the applicant's name, sex, date of birth, etc. , broadly consistent with the Chinese resume. 千万别搞错顺序包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简历大体一致。 www.ezhaorc.com 10. Broadly speaking, his government has stuck to the responsible macroeconomic policies that have kept inflation low. 一般说来,鲁拉政府坚持负责任的宏观经济政策,将通货膨胀率压低。 www.ecocn.org 1. More broadly, if Google's revenue is viewed as part of the global advertising market, it still holds a very small share. 从更广泛的范围来讲,如果将谷歌的收入看作是全球广告市场的一部分,那么其所占份额还是相当有限的。 chinese.wsj.com 2. But officials are also being careful not to sharply reverse course, and are still maintaining a broadly expansionary policy. 但中国官员也保持着谨慎态度,不愿骤然改变政策,仍维持着普遍扩张的货币政策。 www.bing.com 3. Most people would think if one has broadly neutralizing antibodies after HIV infection there should be a benefit. 大多数人会认为如果一个人在感染了HIV病毒后携有泛中和抗体是一件好事。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Members of a group should be made aware of each other's expertise, so they know (broadly speaking) what everyone else knows. 群体成员应当明了各自的专业所长,于是,(大体上说)他们会明白什么是其他人已经知道的。 www.bing.com 5. Share spreadsheets broadly while better protecting proprietary information and maintaining version control. 广泛共享电子表格,同时更好地保护专有信息并维护版本控制。 office.microsoft.com 6. The ~ movement has broadly diversified the assets of many large corporations through mergers and acquisitions. 大企业联合运动通过合并与买进使许多大公司的资产大为多样化。 www.camriver.com 7. Nor does economic progress broadly defined correspond to human progress any more precisely than does scientific progress. 广义的经济进步也不比科学进步更加精确地与人类进步相符。 www.ecocn.org 8. U. S. stocks, meanwhile, fell broadly, in part due to concerns about Europe's debt problems, which may have helped demand for Treasury debt. 美国股市全面走低,部分是因担忧欧洲债务问题.债务问题可能刺激了对美国公债的需求。 cn.reuters.com 9. These responses can be broadly categorised into aggressive, passive, and passive-aggressive. 这些反应可以粗略地分为好斗的,消极被动的,消极好斗的。 www.elanso.com 10. Broadly speaking, investors in developed economies hold highly diversified portfolios, with significant portions in equities. 概括的说,发达经济体的投资者拥有高度多元化的投资组合,其中股票的比重相当大。 www.bing.com 1. FOMC participants indicated that these developments had been broadly consistent with their expectations . FOMC认为这些发展与他们的预期高度一致。 www.bing.com 2. Stigmas capitate. Achenes exceeding persistent perianth, brown, shiny, broadly ellipsoid, trigonous. 柱头头状瘦果超过宿存花被,棕色,发亮,宽椭圆形,三棱。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Discussion and debate are the currencies of our profession, and more broadly, of the democratic society we serve. 讨论和辩争在我们这个职业中流行,而且更广泛地说来,这也是我们为之服务的民主社会的风尚。 www.bing.com 4. The West should be grateful for that. And it should also celebrate bamboo capitalism more broadly. 西方国家应感到庆幸,也应有更多国家该认识到竹节型资本主义所带来的好处。 www.bing.com 5. Many reasons for skin redness can be broadly divided into two types, first born, and the other is induced by the environment. 肌肤发红的原因很多,主要分为两种类型,一是天生的,二是环境诱发的。 www.dltcedu.org 6. Broadly, Yen and USD continue to rise as investor pull funds out of from emerging markets and riskier assets. 总体而言,由于投资者纷纷将资金从新兴市场和高风险资产中撤出,日元和美元都在继续上扬。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The gaunt 67-year-old smiled broadly as he posed for a photograph next to Clinton. 这位脸色憔悴的67岁领导人站在克林顿旁边照相时开怀大笑。 www.bing.com 8. As a new kind of data analysis and predict technique, data mining technology has attracted broadly attention in the recent years. 作为一种有效的数据分析及预测工具,数据挖掘在近年来得到了广泛的关注。 www.fabiao.net 9. Stipules green, ovate to broadly ovate, margin incised serrate, teeth with a capitate apical gland. 绿色的托叶,卵形到宽卵形,边锐裂状锯齿,有一个头状的顶端腺的牙齿。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. The administration has supported change broadly, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did in a prescient speech in Qatar in January. 如1月国务卿希拉里于卡塔尔的一次先验性演说中所言,美政府向来全面支持改革。 m.yeeyan.org |
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