单词 | broadcaster |
释义 | broadcasters是broadcaster的复数
复数:broadcasters n. newscaster,anchor,announcer,journalist,presenter 例句释义: 广播电台,广播者,广播装置,广播协会,广播公司,广播电视公司,电视台 1. The broadcasters translate practical news and information into local languages and get it out to millions of farmers. 广播员将实用的新闻和信息翻译成当地语言,让它传遍千家万户。 www.fao.org 2. It moved to tvOne in February, the second time it has switched channels, after its previous broadcasters found it a bit too hot to handle. 二月份这个节目转到tvOne电视台播放,这已是第二次更换播放频道了,前一个电视台认为这个节目太火以至于难以掌控。 blog.ecocn.org 3. In a sign of how anachronistic our system is in a digital age, these broadcasters are legally forbidden from airing within the U. S. 法律禁止这些机构在美国国内播放,说明我们的体系在数字时代是多么的过时。 c.wsj.com 4. It helps, first, to be able to sell broadcasters and sponsors what they crave in a world of myriad channels: lots of dedicated viewers. 首先,他们能卖给赞助商们和转播公司大量的固定观众,这正是这帮家伙在众多频道中最翘首以盼的。 www.ecocn.org 5. From 1988 to 1997 she was one of the country's most popular broadcasters. 从1988年到1997年她是中国最著名的播音员之一。 www.bing.com 6. The pecking order of winners and losers among the broadcasters will take a while to fathom. 要想透彻了解这些转播商中的胜败得失,得花些时间。 www.bing.com 7. Having long trumpeted the cause of freedom, the big Western broadcasters must now learn to live with its consequences. 在鼓吹自由事业多年之后,这些大型的西方广播公司如今必须学会适应这样的结果(自由竞争)。 www.bing.com 8. At the recent Central Committee meeting, China's senior leaders appeared to indicate they wanted to keep an even closer eye on broadcasters. 在最近的中央委员会议上,中国的最高领导人明确指出他们应该用更加审视的眼睛看广播公司。 www.bing.com 9. The other bodies with which Setanta had deals are either seeking new broadcasters or expected to do so. 其他与塞坦塔合作过的组织不是正在寻求新的转播商,就是有可能这么做。 www.ecocn.org 10. Then there is the question of who will fund the production of mobile-TV content: broadcasters, operators or advertisers? 因此问题就是究竟是由谁来提供可以接收移动电视的终端产品:广播公司、运营商还是广告客户? www.ecocn.org 1. Meanwhile, people no longer have to wait for newspapers to be delivered in the morning, or for broadcasters to assemble their news shows. 现在,人们已经不需要再等待早晨送达的报纸,或者广播里的新闻汇总。 www.ecocn.org 2. It would solicit spectrum from broadcasters and then repackage it into larger lots to be sold in an auction. 从广播公司获得的频谱资源将被重新配备,划分成更大份额后投入市场进行竞卖。 www.bing.com 3. Why are these troublesome, populist broadcasters allowed to operate at all? 为什么这些麻烦的、民粹主义的电视台可以被允许运行? www.bing.com 4. China's international broadcasters have programming in more tongues than any other state-backed rival. 中国的国际广播的语种数量,比其他任何国家的国有广播电台都多。 www.ecocn.org 5. The adoption by some Salafist broadcasters of a strident, aggressive tone against Shia and Christian minorities has alarmed authorities. 一些人视少数萨拉非主义媒体对少数的什叶和基督教派强硬和侵略性的轮调为权威。 www.ecocn.org 6. Citing Norwegian broadcasters, he said that the man was stopped by Norwegian police. 驻挪威的记者说这名男子已经被挪威警察制止了。 www.bing.com 7. But Mediaset has responded with much greater alacrity than other broadcasters by rolling out a rival service. 但Mediaset大量推出具有竞争力的业务,轻松应对,灵活性远超其他广播商。 www.ecocn.org 8. The provisions of Article 14 do not contain any obligation or mandate for the broadcasters to use technological measures . 第14条的规定中并不载有关于广播组织必须使用技术措施的义务或任务。 www.bing.com 9. More than three hundred college radio and television stations belong to a group called Collegiate Broadcasters Incorporated. 超过三百家的大学广播电台和电视台都属于一个叫作“学院广播联盟”的组织。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Newspapers and broadcasters agreed not to glorify drug traffickers, publish cartel propaganda or endanger police and military operations. 报纸和广播同意不赞扬贩毒分子,不发表毒品卡特尔的宣传资料,以及危害警察和军队行动的资料。 www.voanews.cn 1. As a consequence, television broadcasters now need little more than half the spectrum they hogged before switching to digital transmission. 这样做的后果就是电视转播机构现在只需要转变成数字方式发射前使用的频谱的一半多一点。 www.ecocn.org 2. Newspapers and broadcasters agreed not to glorify drug traffickers, publish cartel propaganda or endanger police in military operations. 报纸和广播同意不美化毒枭,不发毒品布卡特尔的宣传资料,以及危害警察和军事行动的资料。 www.tingclass.com 3. Tudou is investing in the production of original content which it has started selling on to traditional broadcasters. 土豆网正投资于原创内容的制作,并已开始将这些内容出售给传统的广播公司。 www.ftchinese.com 4. She added the US was losing out in battles with other broadcasters backed by other governments. 她补充说,美国在与得到其它国家政府支持的广播机构的竞争中正逐渐失利。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Verbruggen said rights-holding broadcasters would receive live television feeds and would be free to use them as they wish. 韦尔布鲁根说,持有转播权的电视台将获得电视直播传送,并可以根据自己的需要随意使用。 kantianya.com 6. Al Jazeera shook up the region by providing an electronic soapbox for voices long marginalized by state-run broadcasters. 半岛为长期被国营媒体边缘化的意见提供了发言的平台,对该地区影响深远。 www.bing.com 7. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is C. exaggerated. 大多数广播公司认为电台电视台受到了不公平的责备,并指出媒体是夸大其词的(夸张的)。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Hosted the Public Broadcasters International Conference 2002, only the second time for the conference to be held in Asia. 主办「第十一届公营广播机构国际年会会议」,成为亚洲第二个获得主办权的机构。 www.rthk.org.hk 9. The harassment began two weeks ago and was largely targeted at foreign television broadcasters, CNN in particular. 这种骚扰开始于两周之前,并且主要针对外国电视广播员,以对CNN的骚扰为甚。 forum.nationonline.com 10. Stations like these including KTRU at Rice University in Houston are known as public broadcasters. 像休斯敦莱斯大学的KTRU这样的电台是大家熟知的公共电台。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Broadcasters said villagers on Alishan had crawled down the mountainside to an abandoned police station to request aid by radio. 电视主播说,阿里山上的村民攀爬下山来到一个废弃的警察局通过无线电请求援助。 www.bing.com 2. Today, in most markets, the two largest broadcasters control 74 percent of that market's revenues. 今天,在大多数市场,两最大的广播电台控制那个市场的收入的百分之74。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Commercial broadcasters slot in advertising, which more than makes up the difference. 而商业广播公司会设置广告时段,这样,情况就大不相同了。 www.ecocn.org 4. As broadcasters elsewhere have found, mobile viewers "snack" on 15 minutes or so of television programming at a time. 海外广播公司发现,手机用户每次观看电视节目的时间大概为15分钟左右。 www.ecocn.org 5. Agricultural machinery - Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors - Environmental protection - Part 1 : requirements. 农业机械.固体肥料撒播机和全幅撒肥机.环境保护.第1部分:要求 www.mapeng.net 6. Blizzard tried to negotiate with OGN and MBC, the two broadcasters of StarCraft in Korea, - negotiations went nowhere. 暴雪试图与OGN和MBC-两家韩国的星际争霸电视台-进行的谈判没有取得任何进展。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "All entertainment centers and broadcasters must refrain from displaying excessive happiness, " a government statement said. 一份政府声明称,“所有娱乐中心和广播公司都不能表现出过分的欢乐情绪。” cn.nytimes.com 8. However, provincial broadcasters have gained de facto control of rivals through content production and programming agreements. 不过,通过内容制作和编排协议,各省台已获得了对竞争对手内容的实际控制权。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Governments could help by, say, encouraging broadcasters whose audiences are dwindling to relinquish more of their bandwidth. 政府可以改善这种状况,比如说,鼓励听众减少的广播公司转让更多的带宽。 www.ecocn.org 10. China's culture minister has lashed out at the country's broadcasters and publishers, saying much of what they produce is vulgar and kitsch. 中*国*文化部*长严厉斥责媒体和出版商,认为他们的许多文艺创作都是低俗和媚俗的。 blog.163.com 1. Revenues, profits, margins and cash flow have collapsed incredibly quickly for almost all established publishers and broadcasters. 几乎所有老牌出版商和广播商都经历了收入、利润、利润率和现金流的急速下滑。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As the broadcasters become less dependent on advertising, sheer numbers will come to matter more than demography. 由于广播电视业对广告的依赖程度越来越低,关注观众的数量将变得比研究观众的人口学变化更有意义。 www.ecocn.org 3. Americans hear these words often. People say them in schools offices and factories. Broadcasters on radio and television use them. 在学校、办公室和工厂里人们说这句话,在广播与电视里,播音员同样也使用这句话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The proliferation and growing quality of citizen media has led some mainstream broadcasters to cut professional photojournalists. 公民媒体的扩散和质量的提高令主流的广播电视公司不断裁减专业的摄影记者。 www.bing.com 5. Agricultural machinery - Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors - Environmental protection - Part 2 : test methods. 农业机械.固体肥料撒播机和全幅撒肥机.环境保护.第2部分:试验方法 www.mapeng.net 6. Atlanta guard Jamal Crawford easily won the sixth man award, determined by 122 writers and broadcasters in the U. S. and Canada. 122名来自加拿大和美国的专栏作家和媒体最终决定,亚特兰大后卫克劳福德是今年的最佳第六人。 www.t1.hk 7. Public broadcasters are calling for all residents in the surrounding area to evacuate, saying the flames may be spreading inland. 公共广播报道,火势可能向内地蔓延,呼吁周边居民立即撤离。 www.bing.com 8. Legislators are likely to create a fund to compensate broadcasters who have to move channels. 立法者可能会设立基金,以补偿需要挪动频道的电视广播商。 www.bing.com 9. Broadcasters have been denied permits to record aerial views of the two sites for media coverage of the Games, which begin Aug. 转播商们已经被禁止为转播8月8日开幕的奥运会而航拍上述两个地点。 club.learning.sohu.com 10. Although it has not killed off any South Korean newspapers or broadcasters, it has forced all of them to adjust by becoming more like Ohmy. 虽然它并没有消灭任何一家韩国报纸或广播电台,但它迫使这些公司做出调整,结果是它们越来越像Ohmy。 www.ecocn.org 1. Broadcasters are thus caught between the state and the market, between conformity and populism. 广播公司就这样夹在政府与市场之间,既要符合标准,又要愉悦大众。 www.bing.com 2. If I'm fit I'll be there for every match I can, " the 27 year-old told Australian broadcasters SBS. " “如果身体合适,我会尽我所能出战每一场”,27岁的格雷拉告诉澳洲电台SBS。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Stations like these including KTRU at Rice University in Houstun are known as public broadcasters. 这些电台包括休斯敦莱斯大学的KTRU,它被认为是公共广播。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Games-time operations centre for Host Broadcaster and Rights Holding Broadcasters. The IBC houses office space and technical areas. 奥运会期间东道主转播机构和转播商工作的地方,分办公区和技术区。 www.tech-ex.com 5. Video on the internet: Why are public broadcasters experimenting with the "peer-to-peer" technology beloved of online pirates? 网络视频:正尝试“点对点”技术的公共广播机构何以备受网上盗版青睐? www.ecocn.org 6. The international broadcasters released a joint statement Friday accusing Iran of jamming their shared satellite. 这三家国际广播电视电台星期五发表联合声明,指责伊朗干扰它们共享的卫星信号。 bzong.com 7. The glorification of North Korea's nuclear bombs by domestic broadcasters is designed to rally ordinary people to a national cause. 朝鲜国内广播有意对其核试验进行赞颂,借此来召集普通民众加入国家事务。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Endemol's new mobile-TV division is talking to both operators and broadcasters about the commissioning of new shows, says Mr Bazalgette. Bazalgette先生说Endemol公司新成立的移动电视部正在与广播公司以及运营商沟通关于试运行一些新的电视节目的事项。 www.ecocn.org 9. The treaty should be confined to the protection of the rights of traditional broadcasters and cablecasters . 条约的范围将仅限于保护传统意义上的广播和有线广播组织。 www.bing.com 10. Public broadcasters levy a compulsory fee, but relatively few people pay cable or satellite broadcasters for extra channels. 虽然公共电视台征收强制费用,但是很少有人为通过有线电视或者卫星电视接收的额外频道而多付费用。 www.ecocn.org 1. The key of SFN implementation resides in resolving the transmission synchronization problem of different broadcasters. 而实现单频网的关键就是解决多个发射机发射同步的问题。 www.fabiao.net 2. This was provided to broadcasters for "convenience and theatrical effects" , according to Wang Wei, Bocog's executive vice-president. 按照Bocog副执行官王炜的说法,这个事先制作的镜头以“方便和剧场效果”为理由,被提供给了广播商。 www.bing.com 3. Worldwide English broadcasters were on hand to describe the event as it happened. 国际英语广播员到现场直播了这一事件的始末。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Such broadcasters have given CCTV, the government's main TV broadcaster, increasing competition as well. 这类电视台也给中国政府的主要电视台中央电视台带来了越来越激烈的竞争。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Two German public broadcasters, ARD and ZDF, argue that users of 3G handsets should have to pay them a monthly licence fee. 德国两家公共广播公司ARD和ZDF提出3G手机的用户应每月向他们支付一笔许可费。 www.netlawcn.net 6. Radio or TV studio leased by broadcasters or an organisation on an exclusive basis. 转播者或转播机构独家租用的演播室。 www.tech-ex.com 7. Advertising, the lifeblood of many broadcasters, is difficult to do globally. 许多公共广播机构的命脉所在——广告,在全球范围内很难操作。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is an ambitious international undertaking backed by research institutes, companies and some broadcasters, including the BBC. 这是一项雄心勃勃的国际计划,支持者有研究机构、公司与包括BBC在内的一些公共广播机构。 www.ecocn.org 9. Television or radio signal produced at the venue by BOB staff and equipment and distributed to World Broadcasters. 由BOB工作人员在场馆内制作的广播电视信号,再由BOB向转播商传送。 www.tech-ex.com 10. As international broadcasters turn to popular music and soap operas to retain their audiences, such gripes will grow louder. 当国际媒体转而用流行音乐及肥皂剧试图留住观众时,这样的抱怨会越来越多。 www.bing.com 1. Programs like "China's Got Talent" are also helping state-owned broadcasters claw back viewers lost to the Internet. 中国达人秀这样的电视节目,也帮助了国有电视台挽回了一些被互联网抢走的观众。 www.bing.com 2. People say them in schools, offices and factories. Broadcasters on radio and television use them. 人们在学校、机关、工厂里说。广播电台和电视台使用这句话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Many Cambodian newspapers and private broadcasters depend on support from political parties. 许多柬埔寨报纸和私营广播依赖于各政党的支持。 www.bing.com 4. Voluntary subscription is also preferable to the compulsory, universal variety that pays for the BBC and other European public broadcasters. 同时,用户自愿订购远比BBC和欧洲其他公共广播电视台所采取的各种各样的强迫用户订购的方式明智的多。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. Special English broadcasters read at a slower pace, about two-thirds the speed of standard English. 特殊的英语广播阅读速度较慢的速度,大约有三分之二的标准英语。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The answer for the different international broadcasters will vary from country to country. 对于不同的国际广播机构的答案将因国而异。 www.ecocn.org 7. Party propaganda officials have typically served as editors of state newspapers or broadcasters. 中共宣传部门的官员常常会担任国有报纸或广播电台的总编。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence. 电视台受到警告,在描述暴力场面时要采取谨慎态度。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Generous state funding of elections funnels tens of millions of dollars to the two broadcasters. 每当各州选举而慷慨筹款之时,这两家公司都会被注入数百万的美元。 www.ecocn.org 10. News Corp is active on the fringes of CME's region, while CME already competes head-on with RTL and MTG, two European broadcasters. 新闻集团(NewsCorp)正活跃在CME所在地区的周边市场。同时,CME已在与两家欧洲电视广播公司——RTL与MTG正面交锋。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Broadcasters and video publishers refer to computers, televisions, and mobile phones as "the three screens" . 广播机构和视频出版商把电脑、电视、手机称作“三个屏幕”。 www.bing.com 2. The findings have implications for broadcasters, parents and health care providers, she added. 她说,这项研究对电视媒体、家长和卫生保健机构具有一定的警示作用。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. For starters, on dozens of occasions, authorities in Pyongyang have used their own media to attack foreign broadcasters. 首先,平壤当局有数十次利用自己的媒体来攻击外国广播电台。 chinese.wsj.com 4. India would emerge as the region's most lucrative pay-TV market after 2010 for cable and satellite broadcasters, the report said. 报告表示,对有线和卫星广播公司来说,2010年后印度可能成为该地区最赚钱的付费电视市场。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The North reserves the insult 'reptile' exclusively for foreign broadcasters. 朝鲜仍把具有侮辱性的“爬行动物”一词专门用在外国广播电台身上。 c.wsj.com 6. But the shift to rebroadcasting on local FM channels exposes foreign broadcasters (and the stations who carry them) to more subtle pressure. 但通过本地FM电台转播,也使得外国广播者(和当地转播的电台)面对着无形的压力。 www.ecocn.org 7. The idea is opposed by broadcasters and makers of wireless microphones, who fear the devices would cause interference. 它们的想法遭到广播商和无线话筒制造商的反对,这些人害怕会设备间会相互干扰。 www.suiniyi.com 8. The broadcasters fought the case tooth and nail to preserve their publication monopolies. 广播公司拼命反对以维护他们的出版垄断权。 www.elanso.com 9. Well of course Chinese broadcasters are going to play it, China's space program is based in part on stolen American technology. 中国广播电视公司当然打算播放这曲子,中国的他太空计划建立在一定程度上偷来的美国技术。 www.liangjianw.com 10. British and American broadcasters have lamented the slow death of comedy, especially the sitcom. 英美两国的电视人早就为喜剧特别是生活情景剧唱起了挽歌。 www.ecocn.org 1. Five of the largest broadcasters reach a potential audience of about 300 million people through English broadcast. 五个最大的广播电台通过英语播音发掘出了大约3亿的潜在听众。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. On February 17, 2009, television broadcasters will end "analog" broadcasts and begin sending television signals in a "digital" format. 2009年2月17日,电视广播将结束模拟时代而开始以数字格式传送电视信号。 www.elanso.com 3. The protests unnerved Olympic officials, sponsors and broadcasters who had invested hundreds of millions of dollars. 抗议行动让奥运会官员、赞助商和广播电视公司大为不安,他们为奥运会已投入了数亿美元资金。 www.neworiental.org 4. Instantly, everyone from broadcasters to people who don't know anything about hockey denounced Nabokov's play. 随即,所有人包括电视评论员和那些对冰球一无所知的人都纷纷指责纳伯可夫表现不佳。 www.bing.com 5. The BBC will on Monday make an unprecedented proposal to co-operate with commercial broadcasters. BBC将在下周一提出一个新奇的提案展开与商业广播电台的合作。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Broadcasters have complete control over the look of their channel page. 广播者可完全控制他们频道页面的外观。 www.infoq.com 7. Most exciting of all, viewers can become broadcasters using TVU networks' free Broadcast application. 最令人兴奋的是每个观看者都可以通过使用我们的免费广播软件成为自主的广播者。 www.kouyi.org 8. We've had some broadcasters and individuals [complaining] and it's something we are evaluating on an on-going basis. 我们收到广播员和个人的抱怨,我们正在进行评估。 www.bing.com 9. President Reagan had engaged in a lifeguard, broadcasters and film actor, and other work. 里根总统也曾从事过救生员、播音员和电影演员等多种工作。 anna4619.blog.163.com 10. The BBC's market-distorting power and generosity to top talent seem most egregious when the other broadcasters are weak. 当其他广播公司都陷入困境时,BBC能够扭曲市场的强大力量以及对上层人才的慷慨尤其让人觉得过分。 www.ecocn.org 1. Enemy: The BBC and all publicly funded broadcasters, whom Murdoch openly rails against. 敌人:英国广播公司和所有默多克公开反对的政府资助的广播公司 www.bing.com 2. JMX also supports notification using an event model with filters and broadcasters. JMX还支持使用带过滤器和广播器的事件模型的通知。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The rarity value of the Olympic Games to broadcasters has enhanced its actual value. 奥运会对转播商的珍贵价值已经强化了其实际价值。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The white-space airwaves could become available in February 2009, when TV broadcasters switch from analog to digital signals. Mr. 到2009年2月,随着电视广播由模拟式转变为数字式,空白的无线电波频段就会出现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Many viewers are angry with TV broadcasters for cashing in on sexy supermodels stripping off. 很多观众对电视台靠性感超级模特在电视上脱衣服来赚钱表示恼火。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Last month, the regime likened defector broadcasters to 'human trash. ' 上个月,政府把创建广播电台的逃离者比作“人类垃圾”。 chinese.wsj.com 7. People respond to pretty faces. And broadcasters, it seems, are no exception. 公众往往对俊俏的人倍加关注,播音员也不例外。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. Opposition broadcasters have often been blocked. 反对党的广播频道经常遭干扰封杀。 www.ecocn.org 9. The game could be the first played in a new 5. 15pm slot, to please broadcasters, the Football Association has confirmed. 为了迎合转播机构,足协确认了一项前所未有的安排:比赛将在下午5:15进行。 www.bing.com 10. The young and middle-aged face many more temptations, from both pay-TV channels and other free-to-air broadcasters. 年轻人和中年受众群选择则更加广泛,从免费到付费都会收看。 www.bing.com 1. To maintain a conversational tone, broadcasters don't need to use complete names and titles in news stories. 为保持口语风格,播音员不必在新闻中用人物的全名或完整头衔。 www.america.gov 2. Yet the Olympics are an unusual sporting franchise for broadcasters. 不过,奥运会是转播商们一次非同寻常的赛事盛宴。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This standard is not commonly used by broadcasters. 这是个不常用的广播标准。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Even public service broadcasters such as the BBC have abandoned robust inquiry for the quest for what executives call "impact" . 即使是英国广播公司(BBC)等公共广播企业,也抛弃了坚实的探究,转而追求高管们所谓的“冲击力”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The people involved in the media include news reporters, photographers, publishers, and broadcasters. 新闻人员是从事媒体事业的人,包括新闻记者,摄影记者,报刊发行人及广播员。 www.en84.com 6. Employees of all five broadcasters have been affected, he added. 他说,这五家广播机构的雇员都遇到过这些问题。 www.america.gov 7. "Most broadcasters are very dubious about the feed, " she adds. 她补充道:“大多数转播商对转播问题都非常怀疑。” www.ftchinese.com 8. My hope is that the public broadcasters in particular will make sure that the best talent comes to it. 我的希望就是,公共电视传媒尤其要确保它将吸引一流人才。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We need 2 full-time bilingual radio programmers & several part-time bilingual radio broadcasters. 我们需要两位专职双语广播主持人和若干兼职双语播音员。 www.01job.cn 10. If different broadcasters use the same relay station, they are all counted separately. 如果不同的电台使用相同的中继站,他们被分开计分。 bcl.myetoys.com 1. Even when they put their content on the web, though, publishers and broadcasters face the problem of getting it found. 即便他们将内容放上网络,出版商跟广播公司仍然面临搜寻的问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. Special English broadcasters speak at two-thirds of normal speed. “特别英语”节目广播员的语速是正常语速的三分之二。 www.ftchinese.com 3. While newspapers such as Mr Petkoff's are highly critical, private sector broadcasters have been largely cowed into submission. 尽管包括佩特科夫的《TalCual》在内的许多报纸多有批评之辞,但私营广播公司大多在恐吓之下选择了屈服。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Still, many of their adult advisers want the young broadcasters to act professional. 然而,很多他们的指导老师还是希望年轻的播音员能表现得成熟点 www.hjenglish.com 5. This allows broadcasters to reach very large numbers of viewers at low cost. 这使得广播者以最低的成本来达到最大数量的观众。 bbs.kekenet.com 6. The Supreme Court ruled that the government could threaten broadcasters with fines over even a single swear-word on live television. 最高法院立法规定政府能因直播电视出现甚至单个下流词语而向广播电台要求罚款。 www.ecocn.org 7. Chinese broadcasters are quickly learning how to produce slick-looking television. 中国的广播机构正迅速学习如何制作炫目好看的电视节目。 www.24en.com 8. The Western broadcasters contend they have simply moved with the times. 但西方广播界争辨说他们只是“与时俱进”而已。 www.bing.com 9. The big question is whether the broadcasters and mobile operators can agree how to divide the spoils, assuming there are any. 假设存在这么一个利益的话,那最大的问题就是广播公司和移动运营商是否能够就如何分配利益达成一致。 www.ecocn.org 10. The recurring-subscription adjunct offered by Apple's iPhone OS 3. 0 is proving highly attractive to publishers and broadcasters. 苹果的iPhone3.0操作系统提供的定期收费服务正在向出版商和传媒界证明它的高度魅力。 www.bing.com 1. Research is predicting that by the end of 2010, more than 50 broadcasters and pay-TV providers will offer 3D services in the home. 据研究预测,到2010年底,将会有超过50家广播公司和付费电视频道提供3D视频入户服务。 www.bing.com 2. It now has 20 television broadcasters and 80 licensed radio stations playing everything from rap to Christian sermons. 如今,它拥有20家电视台和80个有执照的广播电台,内容繁多,从基督教布道到饶舌音乐,应有尽有。 www.ecocn.org 3. The three banks were operating normally on Friday, but many of the broadcasters' computers remained down. 受影响的三家银行在上周五恢复了正常营业,不过,电视台的许多计算机依然处于关闭状态。 cn.nytimes.com 4. "I would like to deny that we are doing the bidding of certain broadcasters, " Verbruggen said. 维尔布鲁根解释说:“国际奥会做上述决定并非只是考虑某几家转播商的利益。” big5.chinabroadcast.cn 5. There were 129 writers and broadcasters who voted for the MVP award last season. 上个赛季,一共有129名评论员和广播员参加了MVP投票。 hi.baidu.com 6. They tune in to broadcasters who present a political viewpoint similar to their own. 他们收听或收看与自己的政治观点相似的广播或电视节目。 www.america.gov 7. The players are selected by 127 sportswriters and broadcasters. 最佳阵容是由127名体育记者和评论员选出来的。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. Brooks earned 403 of a possible 615 points, including 62 first- place votes, from a panel of 123 sports writers and broadcasters. 在有123位评委参加的评选中,小布获得了其中62评委的首选票,在615分中获得了403分。 www.newmediachina.net 9. Throw in advertising-funded broadcasters, and the market will be worth $23bn in five years. 加上以广告为收入来源的电视广播公司,5年内这个市场的规模将达230亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Even public broadcasters are getting in on the act. 甚至公共广播公司也纷纷效仿。 www.ecocn.org 1. But in China, a handful of state-controlled broadcasters and publishers have thrived, benefiting from China's soaring economy. 在中国,,“一小撮”的国有媒体受益于中国经济的快速增长,生意兴隆。 www.bing.com 2. On Sunday, cable networks took home 17 awards, while the four broadcasters that pay for the rights won a combined nine. 周日,有线电视台赢得了17个奖项,而获得转播权的四大电视台共获得九项。 chinese.wsj.com 3. South Korean broadcasters have threatened to stop paying for reception on the Seoul subway, which was wired for mobile broadcasts in 2005. 韩国的电视公司已经威胁要停止支付首尔地铁的广播接收的费用,在05年的时候接收装置被安装,用来传输移动广播。 www.ecocn.org 4. Existing broadcasters have the advantage that they can use traditional TV to promote mobile content. 现有的广播公司可以通过传统的电视媒体来推销他们的移动内容,这是他们的优势。 www.ecocn.org 5. This is true. Advertisers and TV broadcasters are hooked on music, and that brings money to record labels. 广告和电视通告与音乐挂钩,这能为唱片公司带来收益。 www.kekenet.com 6. But there are gaps emerging for non-state broadcasters to operate. 但非国营广播机构的运作出现了差距。 www.bing.com 7. Broadcasters, moviestudios, people who make video or audio aregetting in on the act. 广播公司、电影制片厂,以及所有制作视频、录制音频的都要插上一脚。 www.bing.com 8. The National Association of Broadcasters remained fairly tightlipped over the decision, however. 然而,全美广播电视协会(NAB)对此决定仍十分不买账。 www.bing.com 9. As a medium, we, the ARD (Association of German Public Service Broadcasters ), convey the entire spectrum of opinions in Germany. 身为媒体,德国公共广播联盟转达整个德国的意见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Foreign broadcasters not only struck a nerve, but also forced the regime to discuss developments it would prefer to ignore. 外国广播电台不仅给了朝鲜政府以精神上的打击,还迫使政府讨论它宁愿忽视的改革进展情况。 chinese.wsj.com 1. We believe the BBC and other long established broadcasters have an important role to play in this changing media landscape. 我们相信,在不断变化的媒体世界里,BBC和其他历史悠久的广播公司都将发挥重要作用。 www.putclub.com 2. Last year, Google helped defeat broadcasters in a fight over whether unlicensed wireless gadgets can soon begin using vacant TV airwaves. 去年,在未授权无线产品是否能很快开始使用空闲电视广播波段一事上,谷歌帮助击败了广播公司。 www.bing.com 3. The international broadcasters should remember that one aim is to make themselves redundant. 国际广播机构应该记住这个目的是为了使自己变成多余。 www.ecocn.org 4. Not so, says Dennis Wharton at the National Association of Broadcasters. "We're concerned about interference. " 美国广播电视协会(NAB)的丹尼斯说,并非如此:“我们担心信号干扰的情况。” www.bing.com 5. The union is a nonprofit organization of broadcasters in 58 countries that facilitates the exchange of news and entertainment programs. 该联盟是一个在58个国家拥有转播权的非盈利性机构,专门从事新闻与娱乐报道节目的交流。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Broadcasters , film and recording companies , on the other hand, generally preferred to clear rights themselves . 而另一方面,广播组织、电影和录音公司一般愿意自己进行权利清算。 www.bing.com 7. Who are some of the funding entities and broadcasters that attend IFFCON? 谁是IFFCON一些资金实体和广播机构参加? group.mtime.com 8. Historically, newspapers and broadcasters could make operating margins of more than 20 per cent, most of which was free cash flow. 历史上,报纸和广播的营运利润率可以超过20%,其中大部分是自由现金流。 www.bing.com 9. Sarft , for example , is pushing sweeping reforms of state- owned broadcasters . 例如,国家广电总局正在对国有广播电视公司进行全面改革。 www.bing.com 10. Broadcasters in Japan made a collective effort to make a live color TV broadcast of the Tokyo Olympic Games. 日本各电视台协同努力,对东京奥运会进行了彩色电视现场直播。 www.2r2y.com 1. Following last year's Confederations Cup, there were complaints from coaches, players and broadcasters about the noise. 在去年联合会杯之后,来自教练,球员和播音员关于噪音的抱怨从未休止过。 www.bing.com 2. TEN years ago this week a black box was demonstrated at a broadcasters' convention in Las Vegas. 本周十年前,在LasVegas的广播公司展览,一个小黑箱子被表演了。 www.ecocn.org 3. Agricultural machinery - Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors - Environmental protection - Requirements 农用机械.固体肥料撒播机和全幅宽撒布器.环境保护.要求 www.mapeng.net 4. VERY FOUR YEARS, THE Summer Olympic Games opening ceremony provides a select list of broadcasters with the television equivalent of a 每隔四年,夏季奥运会的开幕式都会提供一份精心挑选的转播商名单,就好像广播电视界的金牌争夺战。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Agricultural machinery - Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors - Environmental protection - Test methods 农用机械.固体肥料撒播机和全幅宽撒布器.环保.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 6. one of the first foreign broadcasters granted landing rights in Guangdong 其中一个最早获得广东省落地权的外国电视台 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that (the influence of the media was been enlarged) (这一媒体的影响力被夸大了)。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Public and Independent broadcasters contract out programme production 公众电视广播台和独立电视广播台分别承包节目制作 genders.zsu.edu.cn 9. Agricultural machinery - Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors; Environmental potection - Part 1: Requirements 农业机械固体肥料撒播器和全宽分配器环境保护第1部分:要求 www.mapeng.net 10. broadcasters will not go digital without listeners 而没有听众的话,广播电台就数字化不了 www.ecocn.org 1. China pushes state-controlled broadcasters to develop abroad 中国鼓励国有广电机构海外发展 finance.sina.com.cn 2. broadcasters of national radio and television 国家广播和电视播放 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized 多数电视台认为电视受到了不公正的批评, cet.hjenglish.com 4. Use of television disk recording in broadcasters operations 在广播者操作中电视磁盘记录的使用 bz.qs100.com 5. One World Group of Broadcasters; 一个世界广播员组织; www.sinobay.com 6. NARTB(National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters) 全国广播工作者协会(美国) www.catvshow.com 7. Training Programme for Broadcasters and Journalists from Developing Countries; 发展中国家广播和报刊记者训练方案; www.fane.cn 8. World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters 世界社区无线电广播电台协会 www.english3.net 9. NAB national association of broadcasters 国家广播工作者协会 www.hxen.com 10. The US National Association of Broadcasters 美国国家广播协会 www.cdbu.org |
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